
MaazliamT: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell liamT thanks sylpheed works fine here" 18 hours, 24 minutes and 42 seconds ago05:19
nuvolario/ aloha05:32
Kilosmorning all06:04
mazalMorning everyone06:16
Kiloshi mazal 06:16
Kiloshi liamT 06:16
mazalGaanit oom ?06:16
Kiloshi there Squirm 06:16
Kilosgoed danke en jy?06:16
mazalGoed dankie , raasie baie nie06:17
Kiloswatse pos klient gebruik jy?06:17
Kilosty i like that mail client06:22
Kiloshi Xethron 06:28
mazalKilos, I use thunderbird06:37
Kilosso did i but didnt like it06:38
mazalIt does everything I need so am happy with it06:39
SquirmI used claws for quite a while06:39
Squirmbut then I was running my pc as light as possible06:39
Squirmgot over that though and install Mint06:39
Kilossylpheed much faster than thunderbird06:40
KilosliamT, told us yesterday06:40
Squirmclaws is also quick06:40
Kilosquick is good on old pcs06:46
not_foundalo all06:54
Kilosmorning not_found 06:54
Kiloslost again?06:54
inetprogood mornings07:12
Kiloshi superfly inetpro 10:29
Symmetriadammit, I hate poker sometimes10:30
Kiloswhen you lose?10:31
Symmetriahahaha when I get a bad beat10:33
Symmetria;p got beaten holding 4 jacks 10:34
Symmetriaby some moron who through all in on a j/j/7 flop and then got runner runner queens while holding pocket queens10:34
superflyhi Kilos10:35
magespawnGood day15:39
ThatGraemeGuyOh hi17:24
superflyohi ThatGraemeGuy17:59
magespawnAnd we are back.18:18
magespawnMaaz seen Kilos19:08
Maazmagespawn: Kilos was last seen 8 hours, 33 minutes and 50 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-10-03 12:34:15 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2013-10-03 14:06:03 SAST19:08
superflyhiya Maaz19:08
superflyi mean, magespawn19:08
magespawnhey superfly 19:08
magespawni really missing using quassel19:15
charl_hi magespawn 19:35
charl_how's it going19:35
magespawnhi charl_ 19:52
magespawngood and you?19:52
magespawngood night all20:13

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