
loacompdoc, he have empty /etc/resolv.conf00:00
Magyarokand said try sudo apt-get update, so I did. Now it wont update either00:00
k1l_!webmin | Magyarok00:00
ubottuMagyarok: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.00:00
k1l_so the mistake was to install webmin in the first place00:01
Magyarokwell I did not know this, im new here.00:01
MagyarokI dont know how to fix it.00:01
TauNeutrinoanother question00:02
TauNeutrinois it possible to bundle two umts usb sticks??00:02
Magyarokcompdoc, can you help me?00:02
bekksTauNeutrino: yes, but as already been clued in #ubuntu-de - the answers stay the same.00:03
compdocMagyarok, I dont use webmin, but ppl on the mailing list seem to think webmin is ok. You might try asking there. we might be able to help with dns, if thats the only issue00:03
MagyarokI think thats the only issue00:04
cross20indo here00:04
bekksMagyarok: then which kind of dns issue do you have?00:05
compdocMagyarok, can you pastebin  /etc/resolv.conf     but change personal info, if any?00:05
colton__anyone recommend hacking book using linux?00:05
colton__anyone recommend hacking book using linux?00:05
k1l_colton__: no hacking and illegal stuff in here00:06
e10byagruecolton__: what do you mean by "hacking"?00:06
TauNeutrino:) aha00:06
TauNeutrinoand what answer? yes00:06
Magyarokcompdoc, pastebin.com/EwhheGKV00:07
Magyarokbekks, I dont know00:07
bekksMagyarok: without a detailed error description, it is impossible to help you...00:07
MagyarokI just installed ubuntu server about 15 minutes ago, I dont know how to find out00:08
* ThalinVien is back from [] - 383544h:8m:33s away00:08
bekksMagyarok: Then whats happening? How do you know you have a DNS issue?00:08
Magyarokapparently my resolv.conf is empty?00:08
Magyarokalso I cant update00:08
colton__Does anyone know where is network interface files for ubuntu? Ive used centos and fedora so far so I cannot located /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ in ubuntu00:09
bekks!details | Magyarok00:09
ubottuMagyarok: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:09
bekkscolton__: what are you going to do?00:09
k1l_!interfaces | colton__00:09
k1l_!network | colton__00:09
ubottucolton__: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:09
Magyarokbekks:Ubuntu server 12.04.3 ...... sudo apt-get update wont work00:10
k1l_hmm, that triggers are not what i wanted. /etc/network/interfaces is it in ubuntu colton__00:10
colton__thank you!00:10
bekksMagyarok: why not? whats happening when doing what? full output in a pastebin please.00:10
Magyarokbekks:  also, my /ect/resolv.conf is empty00:12
bekksMagyarok: Then whats your Ubuntu version?00:12
Magyarokbekks: also when I ping, unknown host comes up00:14
bekksMagyarok: then whats the output of: sudo ifconfig -a; sudo netstat -rn; cat /etc/resolv.conf;00:14
bekksMagyarok: Put it into a pastebin, again00:14
loabekks, you have super power teaching people make good question.00:17
bekksMagyarok: Is this a vm?00:19
MagyarokBy vm meaning virtual machine?00:19
=== mrrcp is now known as whois
bekksMagyarok: yes.00:20
bekksMagyarok: How did you setup the IP?00:20
MagyarokThen no its a physical desktop.00:20
MagyarokIoa helped me with that00:21
loashow him your /etc/network/interfaces00:21
=== whois is now known as mrrcp
bekksloa: good point00:21
bekksMagyarok: Whats your /etc/network/interfaces then?00:22
=== ThalinVien is now known as Guest49264
Magyaroknow i cant connect to it with SSH00:22
bekksMagyarok: So what did you do meanwhile?00:23
loaMagyarok, start your eth000:23
loasudo if-up eth000:23
loathen try ssh again00:23
bekksMagyarok: "nothing" will not cause your ssh to be not working.00:23
Magyarokwell I did nothing....00:24
=== Guest49264 is now known as ThalinVien
loaMagyarok, you don't restart machine?00:24
k1l_Magyarok: you installed noobish software that is known for causing alot of problems00:24
DarkAceLaptopalot is not a word00:24
loai forgot add auto eth0 in his config00:24
loaso maybe it is problem00:24
bekksloa: yes it is.00:24
loaafter restart eth0 don't start00:24
MagyarokIt said sudo if-up eth0 command not found00:25
TJ-Magyarok: "ifup"00:25
Magyarokit says eth0 is already configured00:26
Magyarokk1l_:could you help me fix it please?00:28
XerofyteHello All. Can Anyone please let me know how to Install plasma wallpaper addon in KDE 4.11. I Installed it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS00:29
TylertwoXerofyte: What have you tried already?00:32
Magyarokbekks:you still here?00:32
XerofyteTylertwo: i tried  sudo apt-get install plasma-wallpaper-addon00:33
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
TylertwoXerofyte: And you're saying that worked, but it isn't displaying with KDE?00:34
Dr_Willis_!info plasma-wallpaper-addon00:34
ubottuPackage plasma-wallpaper-addon does not exist in raring00:34
Dr_Willis_plasma-wallpapers-addons - additional wallpaper plugins for Plasma00:34
loaMagyarok, echo "nameserver" | sudo tee > /etc/resolv.conf00:34
loaMagyarok, you can use sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf00:35
loabut it is very ditry solution00:35
loaVERY VERY00:35
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution00:35
MagyarokI would rather fix it00:35
XerofyteTylertwo: I guess its not. I want to have the Live Wallpapers. I googled for it and I found someone said to get plasma wallpaper addon00:35
TJ-Magyarok: I never saw your original problem description, so in the dark here00:36
XerofyteDr_Willis: yes as the name ADDON means additional plugins00:36
TylertwoXerofyte: So what happend when you did "apt-get install..."? Any error messages?00:37
MagyarokTJ-:I am having all kinds of problems with dns, my resolv.conf is empty, and my /etc/network/interfaces is messed up00:37
XerofyteTylertwo: Yes brother.. "Unable to locate package plasma-wallpaper-addon"00:38
MagyarokTJ-:Can I PM you about it?00:38
TJ-Magyarok: Best to keep it in channel, so others can participate.00:39
MagyarokThey did, but they left me hanging00:39
XerofyteTylertwo: Let me be more specific, I want to have the DreamDesktop Live wallpapers00:40
MagyarokIve been trying to fix this for the past hour00:40
TylertwoXerofyte: Maybe it's called "plasma-wallpapers-addons"? Did you make a typo?00:41
loaI think if you read this carefully you will not have questions at all.00:41
loaand maybe man network00:41
XerofyteTylertwo: Yes i did.. Same error message as above.00:41
loaand maybe do clean installation of ubuntu, becouse maybe webmin messed all your system.00:42
TylertwoXerofyte: What about if you type "apt-cache show plasma-wallpapers-addons"00:43
TJ-Magyarok: /etc/resolv.conf should be created by resolvconf automatically based on scripts in /etc/resolvconf/update{-libc,}.d/  . If you're using NetworkManager it'll expect to use dnsmasq to provide DNS service, via or
XerofyteTylertwo: Lemme Try this00:43
TJ-oh, he's gone!00:44
XerofyteTylertwo: I got a Bunch of Lines.. Should I Pastebin it..?00:45
TylertwoXerofyte: No, was just wondering if it would list info about the package or if it would say it could not locate the package.00:46
XerofyteTylertwo: I guess it actually located it and Its kdeplasma-addons. Am i Right?00:46
TylertwoXerofyte: Sounds like it.00:47
XerofyteTylertwo: Let me try it and get back.00:48
niceman20Hi all00:48
TylertwoXerofyte: ok00:49
XerofyteTylertwo: The Installation is on the go. Just wanted to Know one thing. How to Delete or remove all those unnecessary packages/PPAs/Repos which are already installed and are consuming disk space.00:51
bekksXerofyte: Install the minimal iso - and just install what you want. By default, there are no PPA used.00:51
Xerofytebekks: Ok. Suppose when we do "sudo apt-get install XYZ" it just installs what we want. No setup files are stored in the Disk. Right.?00:52
bekksXerofyte: there is nothing like "setup files". Packages (.deb) are stored on disk as needed, since they are "extracted" for installing a specific package. you can use apt-get to remove them after installing a package.00:53
Xerofytebekks: thanks for the info Bro.00:54
hoodigoodiI'm trying to set up dual boot on laptop with ubuntu cd on pc with win7. Was going fine, from cd, following instructions as per here www.tinyurl.com/cglyb3e. Created the free space but then decided i got the size wrong. I could not resize from the cd so went back and expanded the drive in windows to get back to scratch but now when from the cd I try to create free space again, it tells me 'an error occurred while writing the the chan00:56
ldurosI'm trying to run: echo "150" > /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness from my .profile at startup00:56
ldurosobviously this isn't working as is, and when in the terminal i have to first run "sudo -i"00:56
ldurosto get su privileges before I can run it. Even running it as sudo [echo command] won't work00:56
pfifo!es | pfifo00:57
ubottupfifo, please see my private message00:57
MixXlduruos maybe try doing a chmod on the file first00:59
Xerofyte!sudo | Xerofyte00:59
ubottuXerofyte, please see my private message00:59
loalduros, using sudo you you can do this echo "150" | tee > /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness01:00
pfifolduros: you need to use tee 'echo "150" | sudo tee /path/to/whatever' but you may need to add the NOPASSWD option to your sudoers01:00
loapfifo, lol01:00
bekkslduros: dont listen to him, it wont work.01:00
ldurosto him, or to them?01:01
bekkslduros: putting tee into sudoers will allow ALL users to to randomly put stuff into files.01:01
ldurosso is there a way to do this?01:01
loabekks, who said add tee to sudoers :)01:01
bekkslduros: use /etc/rc.local to issue your command: echo "this" > /this/file01:02
loajust make script for that and add to sudoers.01:02
pfifoloa: I said add NOPASSWD for your user not to tee for all users01:02
bekksthe user may edit random stuff in that script and will be allowed to execute it as root.01:02
darkpassengerHow can i load a kernel image manually from grub command line ? whsts the command01:03
bekkspfifo: NOPASSWD for tee is a huge security risk.01:03
pfifobekks: no your misunderstanding, thats not what im saying01:03
bwayneNOPASSWD for a single user for a single command is FINE.01:03
sh4kaunt0ldcan some one help me??01:04
bekkspfifo: you did. since "tee" is the command requiring sudo privileges.01:04
bekksbwayne: NOT for a script. The user may issue harmfull commands and they will be executed using sudo.01:04
pfifobekks im not saying to add nopasswd to ALL users, ONLY to the one user01:04
bekkspfifo: Even ONE user may compromise the system.01:04
loabwayne, maybe for very special bash script it is, but not for tee.01:04
Psil0Cybinhey guys anyone know what i can do i am using the ath9k driver for wifi, and the new kernal causes a lazy driver....i get packet loss, and my wifi drops my connection while on other network it works fine, and on other machines it works flawlessly.01:04
Psil0Cybinthis never used to happen01:04
Psil0Cybinjust recently, i dont knwo what i do i tried everything that was suggested on the forums01:05
pfifobekks: im pretty sure he can already compromise his system if thats what he wanted :)01:05
sh4kaunt0ld am trying to install Afla wifi adapter on a Debian based Distro but cant get it working ,plz help?+01:05
Psil0Cybinit looks like alot of people are having the same issues as me....but i dont know what the fix is, because i tried everything on the forums and still01:05
Psil0Cybinwhen i idle my wifi drops my conncetion01:05
Psil0Cybinor when im downloading big files01:05
bekkspfifo: that may apply - but it does not justify to knowingly ignore basic security guidelines.01:06
loaPsil0Cybin, maybe it is some kind of powersave?01:06
Psil0Cybini turned off the power save, and still nothing01:06
bwaynebekks: yeah. the USER can issue harmful commands at any time. duh01:06
Psil0Cybini followed the guide to do it01:06
Psil0Cybinbecause some people said that was the problem01:06
Psil0Cybinbut it did not work :( loa01:06
Psil0Cybini have to consatntly run01:07
darkpassengeris there a way to load a particular kernel with grub what is the command ?01:07
Psil0Cybinsudo service network-manager restart01:07
bekksbwayne: then why dont you work as root all the time? thats what you are saying basically.01:07
Psil0Cybinto get it connected again and working01:07
pfifobekks, ok point taken. I can understand your point of view01:07
qinPsil0Cybin: set txpower?01:07
bwaynebekks: that's idiotic. you're idiotic.01:08
loadarkpassenger, recovery mode in grub menu?01:08
bekksbwayne: Dont get personal. Watch your language. Ignore set.01:08
Psil0Cybinqin: i did options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 within the wifi config file that was suggested on forum and also sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off01:09
bekkspfifo: I already offered a secure alternative onto the solution of his distinct problem as well.01:09
Psil0Cybinit says Power Management: off01:09
Psil0Cybinwhen i run iwconfig wlan0 qin01:09
bekks!enter | Psil0Cybin01:10
ubottuPsil0Cybin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:10
pfifobekks: rc.local is a great place for running things a root, Im assuming here that he needed this in his profile for whatever reason01:11
bekkspfifo: yeah, thats the way to go for his problem.01:11
qinPsil0Cybin: did you try to keep connection alive with: while [ 1]; do ping -c 3; sleep 360; done; ??01:12
bekkspfifo: setting the power management whatever of his display doesnt require user privs, but root ones.01:12
Psil0Cybinyes if im on the comptuer or downloading a torrent, the connection is kept alive01:12
Psil0Cybinbut the second i stop pinging, i get disconnected after a few seconds or minutes01:12
qinPsil0Cybin: ping something01:12
bekkspfifo: that will cause it to be in effect for all users staring at the display.01:12
hoodigoodiHas anyone come across this?  'an error occurred while writing the the change to the storage devices. the operation has been aborted' any ideas? I'm trying to set up dual boot on laptop with ubuntu cd on pc with win7. Was going fine, from cd, following instructions as per here www.tinyurl.com/cglyb3e. Created the free space but then decided i got the size wrong. I could not resize from the cd so went back and expanded the drive in wi01:12
Psil0Cybinqin: yes but i dont always want to be pinging and wasting packets if i can find a way to fix this issue...from what i am reading online it is the kernal version that is causing this rpboelm, like alot of people are having this problem but no ones advice, or own solution01:13
Psil0Cybinhelps me01:13
Psil0Cybini also am worried about building the driver from source because i want it to be updated..through the repositories, instead of keeping an eye on it.01:13
qinPsil0Cybin: ping router?01:14
Psil0Cybini guess but you think thats my only solution?01:14
pfifoPsil0Cybin: you can always buy another wifi card with better linux support01:14
Psil0Cybinqin: do you think this will get fixed, or should i build from source? or use a older kernal version?01:15
vastkahunaHow do I check if my wi-fi network is set to public or home?01:15
Psil0Cybinpfifo: yea i could i just wanted to use the one in my laptop and save some money01:16
loaPsil0Cybin, i will use older and stable for your case kernel.01:16
darkpassengerloa, yeah01:18
Psil0Cybinokay i guess01:19
Psil0Cybinthis just stinks01:19
Psil0Cybinit used tow ork two weeks ago01:19
pfifoPsil0Cybin: you should still have the kernel you were using from before, unless you did a fresh install01:20
loaquestion in time, how i can delete old kernels if current is ok?01:21
Psil0Cybinyea i do01:21
loawhat is ubuntu way?01:21
Psil0Cybinbut is it safe to use older kernals?01:21
pfifoloa: dpkg -P <package name> (something like linux-image-3.2.1337.666)01:22
loaPsil0Cybin, you can check security advisories for you old kernel and decide is it safe for you or not.01:22
pfifoPsil0Cybin: I generally use what works, but they did update the kernel for a reason01:22
qinloa: sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get autoremove01:23
loaqin, two times? or you misstyped?01:23
pfifoloa: autoremove doesnt remove old kernels01:25
=== matrixfo1 is now known as matrixfox
loapfifo, it is hard remove by hands.01:26
loai made dpkg -l | grep kernel and see many different crap01:26
loafor example old nvidia modules01:26
loafor older kernels01:26
pfifoloa: dpkg -l | grep linux-image01:27
qinloa: yeah, autoclean is second, mostly for debs removal01:27
pfifoloa: really theres no reason to remove the old kernels, maybe for freeing up disk space01:28
qinpfifo: there is not much reason to keep them either01:29
tylertwopfifo: They take up a lot of space, and there's a lot of them. I approve of removing them.01:29
Psil0Cybinpfifo and qin so do you guys think i should just stick to the old kernals? or what should i do, what would you guys do? would you install the driver from source? or.....i just hate that it worked two weeks ago and now is having problems, it was so stable before :( i didnt think this could happen again, such a stinker.01:29
qinloa: It was approved, remove them! ;)01:30
loaqin, if i do autoremove i will see what it want remove?01:30
loait will ask me for Y?)01:30
qinloa: yes, just read before pressing "Y"01:30
pfifoPsil0Cybin: I would #1 file a bug on launchpad.net and #2 revert back to a working setup01:30
loaalways was scary all autoremove options01:31
qinloa: autoremove is very safe in apt, in most cases...01:31
loaqin, i checked what it want remove.01:31
loathere no kernels packages.01:31
loajust different crap what i installed long time ago.01:32
pfifoloa: autoremove doesnt remove old kernels01:32
loapfifo, it was checked.01:32
pfifowhat was checked?01:34
qinloa: pfifo is right, autoremove was wrong01:34
loapfifo, autoremove and you are right.01:34
tylertwoloa: You can remove at least part of the kernels manually in /lib/modules/. Just be careful not to delete your current kernel.01:35
pfifoloa: you have to purge it yourself with 'dpkg -P linux-image-' or 'apt-get purge linux-image'01:35
loai think it is really save all as it is.01:36
loareally better.01:36
HungaryIs their a alternative program to webmin?01:41
pfifoHungary: google lead me to this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210342101:45
tylertwopfifo: Good call on the apt-get command for removing old kernels. I'm using that now to get rid of some of mine now.01:45
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:47
wylde!info zentyal01:47
ubottuPackage zentyal does not exist in raring01:47
Psil0Cybinpfifo: now that i have reverted back to a working setup, and filed a report with launch, what do i do now just wait?01:48
Psil0Cybinfor a fix, or should i do something proactive?01:48
pfifoPsil0Cybin: keep an eye on your bug report and see what happens01:49
energizer1I need help getting pipelight working. Anyone?01:49
pfifoPsil0Cybin: it will probabally get merged or marked as a duplicate, I should have told you to search for and subscribe to an existing bug, and to click 'this affects me' on it01:50
Psil0Cybinpfifo: thats what i ended up doing01:51
Psil0Cybinadded also affects me here01:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 945379 in Linux "168c:002b Wireless connection randomly drops -- ath9k" [High,Confirmed]01:51
* pfifo subscribes01:51
darkpassenger2hwo can i change the kernel loaded at boot time ? where is ths file in 13.04 ? I have to edit a file , right ?01:53
hoodigoodinew to this, went to close page and a box comes up saying i have unread messages but where are they?01:54
loadarkpassenger, /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:54
pfifodarkpassenger2: you have to create an entry for it in /etc/grub.d/40_custom and then run 'update-grub' to have it automatically selected, edit /etc/defaults/grub and change the default option01:55
pfifoloa: no, thats not supported01:55
kthxdrivebydarkpassenger2: If you want to load an older kernel just once, you can hold down shift or ctrl (I forget which) while grub starts.02:01
tylertwodarkpassenger2: I think it's shift02:01
darkpassenger2pfifo: do I have to edit etc/grub.d/40_custom first ,02:03
hoodigoodiwhere are my unread messages it says I have when i go to close? newbie02:04
tylertwohoodigoodi: What page did you try to close?02:06
tylertwohoodigoodi: I'm not familiar with pidgin.. prolly it's fine to close it. Maybe someone /msged you and it's open on another tab or something?02:08
hoodigoodican't see any tabs....? what do you use?02:09
tylertwohoodigoodi: irssi, for irc02:09
talkyattorney"Monitor of built-in analog stereo" Seems to record way out of sync, as in, I can change the tempoby 10% and the pitch will be right, but the audio seems to be faster than it should. any ideas?02:10
hoodigoodiirssi..is that good?02:11
sec_anyone try install linux dualboot with windows 8.1 preinstalled?02:11
tylertwohoodigoodi: It's ok. I'm pretty new to it.02:12
zykotick9hoodigoodi: xchat is a popular gui client02:13
hoodigoodisec_: Interesting  question ..i asked this before, the link might be useful? Has anyone come across this?  'an error occurred while writing the the change to the storage devices. the operation has been aborted' any ideas? I'm trying to set up dual boot on laptop with ubuntu cd on pc with win7. Was going fine, from cd, following instructions as per here www.tinyurl.com/cglyb3e. Created the free space but then decided i got the size wr02:13
hoodigoodiok, seems i didn't get that right? how do i direct a message at someone in particular?02:14
sec_hoodigoodi: ok thanks.02:16
=== Dr_Willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
hoodigoodisec_: i'm having that partition error issue..just make sure you don't change your mind about the partition size to reserve for windows...get it right the first time at it should work fine.02:20
hoodigoodianyone use pidgin?02:21
Dr_Willislots of people do ;)02:22
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: so when I go to close it it says I have unread messages but...where are they?02:23
Dr_Willisno idea. - i dont  use it.  ;P02:27
Dr_Willisor if i do its just for irc. I never get msgs in any of the other services from anyone.. No friends. ;P02:27
hoodigoodiwhat do you use?02:28
Dr_WillisI basically waste all day on IRC. using weechat.02:28
Dr_WillisSometimes i get a facebook message. but thats only notifieing me by my android phone.02:28
Dr_WillisNot like i ever get imporntant facebook messages.02:29
hoodigoodidamn dude..what's an important message?02:29
wilee-nileeNever used pidgin but I see an option to mark messages as read and if not a popup happens02:29
wilee-nileeI see pidgin info here. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=unread+messages+pidgin&btnG=&gbv=1&sei=BNZMUvT0IqjGiwLnhIC4Dw02:30
Dr_Willishoodigoodi:  anything more imporntant then 'bubba has watered your crops... bob has posted another useless link.... phil pokes you..'02:31
Dr_Willisanything imporntant - peole would just text my phone. ;)02:31
hoodigoodihaha..damn dude02:32
Dr_Willisplus theres the fact when i do use ubuntu and login to all these online accounts.. well.. i never really see it do anything. ;) guess im supposed to get fb messages, and gmail notifications, and stuff. but i dont see any messages02:33
Dr_Willisso the whole 'social' part of Ubuntu - seems sort of just empty to me.02:34
varunendraDr_Willis, thankfully ;)02:34
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: when i laugh i sound like a squeeze box because i've got the flu ....haha02:35
Dr_Willissame with the 'webapps' stuff - was a big thing in the blogs  when it came out.. dont actually see it do much02:35
harushimois there a way to create usb flash drive? so I can install ubuntu on my desktop02:36
Dr_Willisharushimo:  doxens  of tools and ways to make a bootable flash from the iso files.02:36
harushimoI have the iso. I'm using OSX right now but this is for my desktop02:37
Dr_Willisharushimo:  pendrivelinux has tools for most os's out there. that have lots of features. theres the offical ubuntu disk creator tool. You could use 'dd'02:37
Dr_Willisid see wht the pendrivelinux site has for guides/tools for osx02:37
hoodigoodiA squeeze box with a hole in it02:38
hoodigoodiHas anyone come across this?  'an error occurred while writing the the change to the storage devices. the operation has been aborted'  I'm trying to set up dual boot on laptop with ubuntu cd on pc with win7. Was going fine, from cd, following instructions as per here www.tinyurl.com/cglyb3e. Created the free space but then decided i got the size wrong. I could not resize from the cd so went back and expanded the drive in windows to g02:40
wolfheartHi , can someone please tell me software for Ubuntu 13.04 for a Wisair Ltd. Olidata Wireless Multimedia Adapter please ?02:40
Dr_Willishoodigoodi:  that error was from windows resizeing the partitions?02:41
Dr_Williswolfheart:  wht does that device even do?02:41
wolfheartDr_Willis :- it allows you to stream movies etc to your tv via wireless02:42
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: no..from the cd, trying to create available space for installation02:42
Dr_Williswolfheart:  does it use Upnp or DLNA? or some other special service on the pc?02:42
kingnick42Hey guys - I've filed a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1234488 relating to a very unreliable wifi connection when wireless N is enabled. If anyone else has this problem feel free to confirm the bug report :)02:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234488 in Ubuntu "Unreliable wifi with N mode enabled" [Undecided,New]02:42
Dr_Willishoodigoodi:  so the cd wont resize the windows partion? were you using gparted or the installer to resize?02:43
wolfheartDr_Willis :- no idea sorry02:43
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: installer02:43
rslarsonGood evening all!02:45
rslarsonany one familiar with vsFTPd?02:45
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: it worked the first time but then after reclaiming the space in windows, that error occurred trying to recreate it from the cd02:46
rslarsonI am trying to create a secure FTP site, and when I go to connect in filezilla it gives me this error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.02:47
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: silly of me but then i'm just a broken squeeze box right now02:47
rslarsonWhen I go into the logs, I see this message whenever I try to connect: "SSL version: TLSv1/SSLv3, SSL cipher: AES256-GCM-SHA384, not reused, no cert"02:47
rslarsonI've done my googling already and all solutions do not fix this issue02:48
rslarsonwhere should I go from here?02:48
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rslarsonI am using ubuntu server 12.0402:51
hoodigoodiDr_Willis: gparted seemed a little ambitious at first but you think i could fix this error with it? There are already four primary partitions too02:53
rslarsonok I figured out that it will not allow the connections if chroot_local_users=true03:02
rslarsonI want to limit users to their home directory when they connect via ftp03:03
rslarsonis there a way around this?03:03
Dr_Willishoodigoodi:  4 primary is thelimit for non-gpt disks.03:06
Dr_Willisrslarson:  might be some settings with whatever ftp server you are using. in this day and age. its better to use ssh/sftp/scp and forget about ftp.03:07
=== Guest26308 is now known as bigtip
unicorn-lightnincan anyone recommend a good text-to-speech engine for Firefox? I can't seem to find any for Firefox, only Chrome.. Is there another Ubuntu app I should use? OR?03:14
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unicorn-lightninor? *03:14
=== julian__ is now known as julianwa
KxTwowow dead room tonight03:23
lotuspsychjeKxTwo: with 1600 users im sure its not dead :p03:24
KxTwoha, perhaps quiet was the better choice03:24
lotuspsychjeKxTwo: wake the dead with a nice question :p03:24
=== aftermath is now known as BOOMISay
KxTwoHey you know what, its a stretch but  I am using ubuntu server and its quiet in here now anyway so I will ask a question!03:24
minihi everyone03:25
=== mini is now known as Guest95740
KxTwoI am running dokuwiki on my ubuntu server, everything runs fine but I am trying to use a statistics plugin that is giving me all srots of errors.  Perhaps its not the plugin but something with the server.  Here is an example of errors, I got these two when I updated the spelling on one of my pages: DB Error: could not set UTF-8 (Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'stats')03:25
KxTwoDB Error: INSERT DELAYED INTO stats_edits SET dt = NOW(), page = 'start', type = 'E', ip = '', user = 'karl', session = 'uektmrm2c7frc22kuoo581hnb1', uid = '1380517486352-4740'03:25
Guest95740what do i need to do to identify my name i use here?03:26
jrib!register | Guest9574003:26
ubottuGuest95740: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:26
KxTwo./msg nickserf identify "password"03:26
lotuspsychje!info dokuwiki03:26
ubottudokuwiki (source: dokuwiki): standards compliant simple to use wiki. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20120125b-2 (raring), package size 1700 kB, installed size 7335 kB03:26
KxTwolotuspsychje, if I had to guess it has nothing to do with dokuwiki and the plugin itself as those are pretty straight forward.  HOwever, I obviously cannot be sure.  I have the questioned posted in the #dokuwiki channel but that IS a dead channel with very little action the last 5 days.03:27
Guest95740is 13.10 good now?03:28
lotuspsychje!saucy | Guest9574003:28
ubottuGuest95740: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.03:28
sumpygumpKxTwo: It looks like the problem is the user that is connecting to the db. It says access denied for ''@localhost03:28
KxTwosumpygump, can you offer any advice on what I need to do to fix it?03:29
sumpygumpWhen you set up docuwiki, did you ever edit a config file or somewhere enter the credentials to access the database?03:29
sumpygumpSorry, I don't know much about docuwiki03:30
KxTwosumpygump, I ran the install script and then set permissions03:30
Dr_Willisperhaps the service needs configured to allow access from localhost, and the ip of the server03:30
KxTwoits ben a long time since I set it up03:30
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KxTwook I literally just started reading about sql last ni ght and this, at least in part, has something to do with sql03:32
KxTwook at this poitn I think it has nothing to do with ubuntu server, sorry I brought it up, I was hoping.03:33
lotuspsychjeKxTwo: https://forum.dokuwiki.org/post/3812803:34
KxTwolotuspsychje, I think I found it03:34
KxTwoI didnt RTFM, there are instructions saying you must create a msql database.  Obviously if there isnt one there theres no ay to access it03:35
lotuspsychjeKxTwo: tutorial about your script: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:statistics03:36
KxTwothats what I was talking about03:36
KxTwoevery other plugin just worked so I assumed and didn't read.  Could have fixed this days ago, so stupid.03:37
jj1234anyone know why dpkg-architecture -aarmhf would return: sh: 1: arm-linux-gnueabihf-: not found ???03:37
lotuspsychjeKxTwo: no sweat, we are all here to learn new stuff03:38
KxTwolotuspsychje, might I recommend you play with your own dokuwiki.  In my opinion EVERYONE should have one.03:38
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KxTwocrap this isnt working03:45
Dr_Willis!find arm-linux-gnueabihf03:46
ubottuFound: binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf, cpp-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf, cpp-arm-linux-gnueabihf, g++-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf, g++-4.7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf, g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf, gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf, gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base, gcc-4.7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf, gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=arm-linux-gnueabihf&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all03:46
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
tootheso, using wpa_supplicant/wpa_passphrase gets me online, but I would like to have my server automatically connect to the wifi when I boot it up. How do I do that?03:46
toothei have settings in /etc/network/interfaces03:47
jj1234Dr_Willis, I have all those packages installed03:48
jj1234dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libelf-dev libnewt-dev binutils-dev libdw-dev libgtk2.0-dev | gtk2-devel03:49
jj1234I can't get rid of that, though I have all the packages on the left installed03:49
somsiptoothe: in /etc/network/interfaces, change (something like) manula wlan0 to auto wlan003:49
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Dr_Willisfile not found...03:56
KxTwook off topic again, but why are there channels that I can't send to?  I joined mysql and sql but neither allow me to send03:57
wilee-nileeKxTwo, You registered with freenode?03:57
Dr_Willisregiestered nick name needed to send to many  channels as an anti-spam procedure03:58
KxTwoyes and I am identified03:58
=== BOOMISay is now known as aftermath1
KxTwolet me double check maybe I forgot today03:58
Dr_Willislook for messages in the chat client windows as to why03:58
KxTwothere were none there Dr_Willis, it was just me being stupid, I thought I had identified today.  I usually join #c++ right away but since I didnt I must have forgotten03:59
wilee-nileeKxTwo, Your IRC client probably has a auto login.04:01
unicorn-lightninwhat is the chat for saucy salamander?04:04
zykotick9unicorn-lightnin: #ubuntu+104:04
XabsterHi, I have some mouse issues: it appears as if my mouse randomly releases the button while I'm dragging windows and/or doing double clicks sometimes. It works when connected to a Windows PC with the logitech drivers that comes with it. Do you have any idea on how to solve this? I know logitech isn't linux friendly04:06
Dr_Willisive rarely had any issues with logitech mice on linux. they are about all i use. :) unless i find razor on sale. ;)04:07
Dr_WillisXabster:  you might want to check the forums and askubuntu.com also to see if anyone else has reported a similer issue. It could be some quirk spefifi  to  your mouse or version of the kernel, or X.04:08
dragonflyXabster, is there a model name or model number on your mouse?04:08
XabsterOkay, but listen to this symptom too:04:08
cyntehlWhat a nify little place04:08
XabsterWhen I right click the desktop a context menu opens. If I quickly left click outside of it it does not close... if I wait ~800 ms and then click, then it closes04:09
Dr_Willistheres also those 'acessability' options that sometimes gets turned on and cause issues when people dont relize they are on.04:09
Xabstermaybe it's less than 800, but there's a delay in which i can't just click outside of the context menu to close it04:09
Xabsterall universal access things are off04:10
reisioXabster: laptop?04:10
sharkzhow about trying another mouses?04:10
Xabsterhigh end pc04:10
reisioyes, try another mouse04:10
sharkzsymptom still exists?04:11
NastyNazI log in to root using ssh keys but I think there's also a password set. is there any way to disable the password?04:11
Xabsteri'll try04:11
reisioNastyNaz: you can just disable ssh'ing in as root04:11
NastyNazI want to SSH as root though04:11
reisiooh, opposite of what you want :)04:11
reisioNastyNaz: that's silly, but04:11
NastyNazi dont want to have to type passwords04:11
NastyNazbasically just all ssh keys so no one can try bruteforcing04:11
grimetonNastyNaz: use the r* tools04:11
reisioNastyNaz: by default Ubuntu has no known root password, so you'd have to set one04:11
NastyNazI set one ages ago04:12
reisiothat's it04:12
NastyNazhow to I change it?04:12
grimetonNastyNaz: sudo su -04:12
Dr_Willisssh configs by default may also block logging in diretly as root04:12
reisiosame way you set it last time04:12
Dr_Willisdont use sudo su.,  use 'sudo -i' to get a root shell04:12
NastyNazsudo passwd - that the prompt for the root password?04:13
NastyNazim logged in as root now04:13
Dr_Willispasswd command will set the paswprd then04:13
NastyNazok cheers04:13
NastyNazill just set it to something stupidly long04:13
reisiosmartly long you mean :)04:13
Dr_Willisi dont think you need to set a root password to use ssh keys.04:13
Xabsteri misunderstood his question perhaps, but he's asking how he can log in via SSH to a root account without supplying a password, right?04:14
reisioyou did say you didn't want to type passwords04:14
NastyNazI *already* connect through ssh and a 3000 bit key. problem is the root account also has a normal password which I want to change (to stop me getting bruteforced)04:14
reisioyup, passwd04:15
NastyNazso the only vulnerability is if they can get the actual ssh key04:15
reisioyou can also re-scramble it04:15
Dr_Willisyou can disable the root password i belive and only ssh in via key04:15
reisiowith um... I forget the command04:15
reisioprobably a param for passwd04:15
NastyNazDr_Willis: I was looking for an option like that. do you know how?04:15
Dr_WillisNastyNaz:  nope. but i bet askubuntu.com does :) some option for passwd i think.04:16
NastyNazit says 'sudo passwd -dl root' will disable the account but I don't know what 'disable' means. I dont want to try for fear of not being able to log in04:16
reisioit'd be pretty silly if it could do that04:17
NastyNazI just set it to 256 char string04:18
Dr_Willisthats  why you have users with sudo rights04:19
Dr_Willisssh has an option i thought where it can only use keys. not passwords04:20
WugNastyNaz: "Disabled" means the account can't be logged into from a login prompt04:20
NastyNazWug: but keys still work right?04:20
Wugubuntu defaults root to disabled04:20
Wugssh keys?04:20
Wugno, the account is unlogin-able04:20
NastyNazok that's not what I want04:20
Wuguse sudo to access root powers04:20
Wugit's what it's there for04:20
NastyNazthen I need to remember a huge password04:21
dragonflyNastyNaz, it is an option in ssh config where you set that login must be by key and not password04:21
Wugyou can configure sudo not to require a password04:21
NastyNazif I log in as root using a ssh key I dont need to remember anything and it's secure04:21
Wugyou can also set it to force you to use a specific program04:21
dragonflyNastyNaz, you can set your root password back to what it was before you forget it :)04:21
NastyNazdragonfly: thanks04:21
Wugthe general practice is to make another account (or just use your own), set it up not to need a password when sudoing your one specific thing, and then have it do that04:22
=== Guest26308 is now known as bigtip
Wugusing another account is good because you can safely disable all other sudo access, and let it do just its one specific thing without worrying about it doing anything else04:22
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NastyNazit will mess a lot of scripts up if I use a different account. the chance that someone can execute malicious code is low so I just do everything as root04:23
NastyNazbigger problem is someone cracking the password04:23
Wugthe little voice in my head is shouting "run away and dont look back"04:24
dragonflyNastyNaz, it's the authentication methods section....i'm looking for you04:25
Wugyou shouldn't write programs that will break if you run them as different users anyway04:25
grimetonNastyNaz: disable password auth in the sshd_config and use keys04:25
NastyNazdragonfly: got it04:25
NastyNazdragonfly: need to add 'PasswordAuthentication no' to sshd_config04:25
NastyNazdragonfly: thanks04:25
NastyNazlocate sshd_config04:26
dragonflyexcellent, I knew there was a way to do it, but it's been awhile since I've needed to modify any of my configs....04:26
=== Wug is now known as Wug[Hyperspace]
Paulus68_1which application is better to work with the IPOD amarok or gtkpod?04:37
Dr_Willistry them both - see what one you like better. ;)04:38
reisioPaulus68_1: they probably use the same library backend04:39
reisioso will only differ subtley04:39
noahHey I'm running an Asus Zenbook Prime UX51VZ. When I plug an HDMI cord to my TV, nothing is happening. On my old laptop, it would automatically switch over. Here it does nothing. Anyone have any idea why?04:40
noahUbuntu 13.04, btw04:40
The_Ace:noah have you tried google?04:41
reisionoah: lspci | grep -i vga04:41
noahThe_Ace: Yes, a lot of it. Found nothing. Everything online says hdmi should work for this model04:41
noah00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)04:42
noah01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 650M / GTX 660M LE] (rev ff)04:42
reisionoah: okay, you've got two cards :)04:42
noahI've got the nvidia drivers and bumblebee installed04:42
reisionoah: probably you're not using the nvidia one ATM, so it isn't working04:42
noahreisio: is there a command to make it work?04:42
vitehelp with this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/123328404:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 1233284 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.8.0-31-generic 3.8.0-31.46 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [Undecided,New]04:42
noahreisio: I had to download bumblebee to turn nvidia off so that it wouldn't burn 14W constantly04:43
viteit does not allow me to upgrade04:43
vitewhat should I do?04:43
xirreHow does System Monitor get the CPU and RAM of processes and how can I do the same?04:43
reisionoah: you'd probably need to switch to nvidia for hdmi04:43
noahreisio: how do I switch between controllers? And once I do, will it just work?04:44
reisioxirre: it probably gets it from /proc/, you should probably use top, or htop, or ps04:44
reisionoah: I believe that is what bumblebee does, as you've already done, only you want the reverse04:44
reisionoah: it'll either just work or it won't :)04:44
noahreisio: bumblebee doesn't really have a GUI. It just turns the card back on when it thinks you need it04:45
xirrereisio: That probably doesn't show like like much of a sure answer. I can't find anywhere that does it it like it does it.04:45
The_Acenoah: kill the process04:45
xirretop won't output the exact same way.04:45
reisioxirre: which way do you want?04:45
reisionoah: I'd probably do it manually, but if it's meant to do it automatically, you might look for a bumblebee bug report for hdmi connection04:46
xirreif I do top ... > cpuandram.txt It formats it weird.04:46
xirreMy biggest problem is how to get a readable format for a program to read it.04:46
noahreisio: could it be that I have both nvidia and bumblebee, and I only need one?04:47
reisionoah: not really04:47
reisionoah: you have an intel device and a nvidia device04:47
reisionoah: bumblebee is for switching between the two04:47
noahreisio: http://askubuntu.com/questions/136171/how-do-i-get-hdmi-out-working-with-bumblebee04:47
noahreisio: this is saying to purge both, then install bumblebee again?04:47
reisionoah: maybe that'll work then :)04:48
noahreisio: ah crap. This is a known issue. Looks like I have to set up a second session and have that running on the tv04:49
noahreisio: Thanks for the help. This looks like it's going to be painful, so I'll save it for tomorrow haha04:50
reisionoah: that nvidia optimus stuff has come a long way, too, make sure you aren't working with outdated info :)04:51
noahreisio: was written a year ago04:52
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
* reisio shrugs04:52
AndChat|402864Will btc deop04:53
AndChat|402864I cant use android ui screen keyboards04:54
AndChat|402864Nvm was going to ask if people here thought btc were going to drop further04:55
Dr_WillisNo idea what btc even is ;)  #ubuntu-offtopic for chit-chatting.04:56
AndChat|402864It is very hard to use onboard keyboards on phones04:56
Dr_WillisI often use a small bluetooth keyboard with my phone for irc04:56
jmgkDr_Willis,  rather use a computer :)04:57
Dr_Willisi got a large bt keyboard for my tablet - basically is a computer then. ;)04:57
Dr_Willisor you can setup wher the tablet is a big keyboard i can use to type on my phone.04:57
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:59
everestt(Ubuntu 13.01) $users command outputs my username *3 times*. Why is that?05:00
everesttI am not remotely logged in. I haven't logged in text mode (ALT+CTRL+F1/F2/..)05:01
Dr_Willisshows exactly 3 times here. and im definatly logged in more05:02
Dr_Willisok no it changed05:03
everesttDr_Willis, I am on my personal laptop and have logged into my account... shouldn't $users list my username just once?05:04
Dr_Williseverestt:  open 4 terminal windows.. it will show more  of you05:10
Dr_Willissame as the 'who' command does05:11
beavisneed helo pls05:12
Dr_Willisgive the channel details.05:12
=== beavis is now known as Guest32110
reisioGuest32110: hi05:13
NicolasNarvaezwow Dr_willis, i didnt kow that one05:14
everesttDr_Willis, ah! so that's what it is. Thanks! (Gnome Terminal > Edit > Profile preferences > 'Title and command' Tab > Uncheck 'Update login records when command is launched' ...that changes the behavior)05:14
Guest32110anyone know about foremost??05:15
jmgkhey all05:15
reisioGuest32110: what about it05:15
reisioheya jm05:15
Guest32110all my pics are thumbnails how do i fix that?05:15
reisioGuest32110: find the ones that aren't thumbnails05:20
reisioawe he lefted05:20
reisiobeavis_: what's up? :)05:24
beavis_can u help?05:24
reisiobeavis_: with what?05:25
reisiobeavis_: what about it?05:25
beavis_all my pics come out as thumbnails??05:26
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/en/man1/foremost.1.html   beavis_ have a read05:27
beavis_so the headers and footers?05:29
prefixhow can I determine where a program is invoked from on ubuntu?05:30
reisioprefix: where?05:31
prefixnevermind. I got it05:31
prefixwhereis worked like a charm05:31
beavis_im lost05:31
Dr_Willisbeavis_:  perhaps clariufy the question in a nice complete and verbose sentance.05:36
Dr_Willissentence :)05:36
Dr_Willisprefix:  theres also the 'which' command.  ie:    which mount05:37
beavis_what do you mean? im new to this05:37
MonkeyDustand 'locate'05:37
Dr_Willisbeavis_:  state the question in a clear concise way. Im not sure wnyone in here has a clue what your problem is.05:38
beavis_when i recover with foremost. all my images are really small?05:38
Dr_Willis!info foremost05:39
ubottuforemost (source: foremost): forensic program to recover lost files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.7-4 (raring), package size 44 kB, installed size 127 kB05:39
Dr_Willisperhaps its recoverying  the thumbnail images. and not the images05:39
beavis_yea what do i do than?05:39
Dr_Willisrecover all the files. and see what ones are the fullsized images?05:40
Dr_Willisi imagine they will be the bigger filesized files05:40
beavis_sorry im lost i just stared useing this and im not trying to sound dumb05:41
Dr_Willisive never used foremost. so no idea on the detauils of using the tool. If it rcovers the files to some directory. look in the directory for the bigger files. they should be the fullsized images. IF it did manage to recover them05:42
Dr_Willishttp://www.howtoforge.com/recover-deleted-files-with-foremost   seems a ok guide from whhat i just read.05:44
vj_ccie_sechow can i install gns 3??05:48
vj_ccie_secany1 der?05:50
Dr_Williscommon way would be to use the default repos, ppa's  or source05:50
Dr_Willisthats how you install most stuff05:50
qinvj_ccie_sec: http://askubuntu.com/questions/256123/how-do-i-install-the-new-gns3-release05:50
Dr_Willisi got no idea what gns even is. l)05:51
vj_ccie_seci hav installed GNS05:52
vj_ccie_secbut it needs some supportive applications to run05:53
vj_ccie_secit properly05:53
vj_ccie_secone is Dynamips , which i have installed and got it working05:54
vj_ccie_secbut i am getting some problem in qemu i.e; second supportive application to run05:54
vj_ccie_seci got it complied but it is outdated05:55
vj_ccie_secso to update that gns people provides some patch files05:55
andreiiarOk. Whenever I start vi it doesen't work like I am used to on centos. I mean it doesen't show the mode you are in the the arrow keys behave erratic.05:56
vj_ccie_sechere is d linhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/gns-3/files/Qemu/Patches/qemu-0.14.1-patches.tgz/download05:57
vj_ccie_sechere is the link for getting patches!05:57
vj_ccie_sec<Dr_Willis> u there??05:57
Dr_Willisandreiiar:  install the vim (or vim-full package)05:57
alkisgOn a windows 8, 64 bit, UEFI laptop, if I disable secure boot, can I install ubuntu 32 bit on it? Or do I *really* have to install 64 bit?05:58
Dr_Willisvim tiny or light or somthing is the default vim  andreiiar05:58
kubanchellow! Any idea how come if i connect via putty to ip address x.x.x.x:22 and if i change port to random number i can still connect to ubuntulog server?05:58
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reisiohi karab06:09
cfhowlettkarab44, greetings06:09
cfhowlettalkisg, 64 bit is optimized for your system.  32 bit is not.  your choice.06:11
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rescepthas anyone succesfully installed google drive sync in ubuntu server? I just did it on my desktop, but I would like to have my gdrive to be synced also in my virtual server.06:13
reisioI've used grive before06:13
cfhowlettrescept, haven't done it myself, but it should be a pretty straightforward procedure.06:14
reisiocfhowlett: more like 64-bit is optimized for systems with processors no more than 10 years old, and 32-bit no more than 28 years old :p06:15
wheatthindepends on how it handles two-step verification06:15
wheatthinand large files06:15
reisio18 more years of legacy support you don't need06:16
alkisgcfhowlett: I have a specific reason to need 32 bit, but from what I read in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI, I *can't* use 32 bit. But I'm not sure that I understood correctly...06:16
reisioI'm pretty sure you can, it's just not a common use case, with UEFI06:16
alkisgreisio: so UEFI  would allow me to boot from the ubuntu-32bit.iso?06:16
wheatthinalkisg, I hope you know UEFI isn't something you can get or download and install... it's something your motherboard either supports or doesn't06:18
alkisgwheatthin: my motherboard supports both UEFI and CSM (legacy bios) mode, but if I select UEFI, it doesn't allow me to boot ubuntu from cd/usb, and if I select CSM, then the preinstalled windows won't boot06:20
alkisgI've got secureboot disabled of course06:21
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wheatthinI see.. so UEFI is a must to have a successful dualboot (for windows sake lol). umm  http://askubuntu.com/questions/193144/dual-boot-uefi-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-04-both-64-bits-w7-entry-doesnt-appea06:23
alkisgThat's what I thought too, but that new guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI got me confused... with the trial and error paragraph06:24
reisiouefi is a must if you have a system that uses it :p06:24
reisioalthough technically you could replace it, with great effort :p06:24
row248Where i can find restart/shutdown logs? (I had fail option)06:25
alkisgSo, ubuntu 64 bit can be booted from UEFI, but ubuntu 32 bit cannot be booted, right?06:25
reisioit's probably closer to 32-bit being less common and therefore more problematic, but not impossible06:26
andreiiarGuise. My vim is working in compatible mode and I don't like that06:26
unicorn-lightninSo.. I was trying to install MS Office 2010 using PlayOnLinux, and the installer fails right at the end of the installation. The icons for the application  don't appear on the PlayOnLinux list, but suprisingly all of the applications appear in Unity and work great.. but I am not quite sure how I can associate files with them since the applications don't appear in POL.06:27
reisioandreiiar: what've you got in ~/.vimrc?06:27
reisiounicorn-lightnin: LibreOffice06:27
unicorn-lightninnot helpful.06:27
andreiiarThere was no vimrc and I made one to add set nocompatible but t only starts in no compatiblilty mode if i start it with no files argument06:28
unicorn-lightninI like LibreOffice, but it displays documents differently and when my documents go back to my job, they look poor and I would get fired. I have no choice.06:28
reisioandreiiar: with what?06:28
andreiiarWith no argument^06:28
unicorn-lightninand besides, this is not a MS Office question, it's a POL/Ubuntu file association question06:28
Dr_Willisunicorn-lightnin:  perhaps check askubuntu.com   - there maybe some info onsetting it up06:29
alkisgreisio: OK I found the relevant bug report, it states there that's it's plain impossible: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/102555506:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1025555 in Ubuntu CD Images "Ubuntu i386 images are not compatible with 32-bit UEFI computers" [Undecided,Won't fix]06:29
Dr_Willisim suprised the apps work at all06:29
reisiounicorn-lightnin: hang on, I've got the wine info somewhere06:30
unicorn-lightninhow do I associate file types with a an application that seems to only appear in the Unity search.06:30
Dr_Willisi do know that somehow winrar and wine decided to become the default application for ISO files on one of my systems. so its definatly doable06:31
unicorn-lightninin the past, I was able to do it by associating the application with PlayOnLinux which then forwarded the file to the correct application.. but here that won't work because POL seems to think the application is not installed.. even though it is installed perfectly in Unity.06:32
reisiounicorn-lightnin: http://dpaste.com/1404352/plain/06:33
reisiounicorn-lightnin: put that into a chmod +x'd file, and tell your file manager to open the file type/s with it06:33
reisioand... change it to point to the right .exe's, obviously06:33
wheatthinlike duuuh :P06:34
Dr_Willisnothing should be taken for granted in this channel. ;)06:34
wheatthinehehe just trying to lighten the situation :)06:34
jvm_hi. i wanted to use ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase to store the mount passphrase just to make sure; but i get an "stat: No such file or directory" error. how to get the mount passphrase for my user?06:35
unicorn-lightninreisio.. just one problem.. let's try this..06:36
pleanbeanHey. I'm having some issues with grub not installing properly on my pc with ubuntu 13.04.06:36
loki__hello anyone here pay STO??06:36
unicorn-lightninwoops, meant to take the "one problem" part out of that last sentence06:36
loki__I am having a problem with play on linux06:37
reisiounicorn-lightnin: :p06:38
reisioloki__: sto?06:38
loki__Star Trek online06:38
unicorn-lightninhmmm, actually I'm not sure how to change this from WINE to PlayOnLinux..06:39
loki__you know how to configure wine??06:40
wheatthinaren't they the same just about?06:40
loki__some what06:40
wheatthinwine and play on linux.06:40
loki__i am having problems with both06:40
wheatthinumm ok.. so instead of just trying to avoid the issue, what is the issue?06:41
reisiounicorn-lightnin: both wine06:41
reisiounicorn-lightnin: you just need the prefix and the .exe path06:42
pleanbeanIs anyone around to help me out?06:42
reisiounicorn-lightnin: find ~/.??* -iname '*office*.exe' would probably find it06:42
reisiopleanbean: :)06:42
wheatthinpleanbean, I've still never seen your problem06:42
loki__so i followed the directions on downloading and installing ARC but i am unable to have it install startrek online06:42
wheatthinsame issue?06:42
pleanbeanYeah. Still having issues with grub not installing correctly or something.06:43
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wheatthinpleanbean, you dualbooting on the same hard disk?06:43
loki__its like ARC is only partially working properly06:44
Guest35469I am having trouble customizing Ubuntu. I can never install themes or anything. Any help?06:44
pleanbeanNo, I'm installing it on its own disk.06:45
aeon-ltdGuest35469: what guide are you following?06:45
unicorn-lightninso replace the "c:\bla\bla" with /home/unicorn-lightning/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2010/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/WINWORD.EXE ?06:45
wheatthinpleanbean, and you've already changed the boot order in bios? and made sure when installing grub, that the linux drive was the primary bootable drive?06:45
Guest35469aeon0ltd: i sent you a message06:46
reisiounicorn-lightnin: right, and the prefix bit earlier with /home/unicorn-lightning/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2010, probably06:46
pleanbeanYep- its booting to the disk fine but I'm only getting a black screen with a blinking cursor. Yep made sure of that too.06:46
unicorn-lightninwhat do you mean by "prefix bit earlier"06:47
reisiounicorn-lightnin: then just make sure it's chmod +x'd and associate it from your file manager like it's any other app06:47
CalinouGuest35469: why not say it in channel?06:47
reisiounicorn-lightnin: there's wine "C:\blah blah06:47
aeon-ltdGuest35469: so you're on no.7?06:47
reisiounicorn-lightnin: but before that there's a WINEPREFIX string06:47
Guest35469Yes I am on no. 706:47
wheatthinpleanbean, can I see a pastebin of your 'sudo fdisk -l" output?06:47
pleanbeanLet me boot into LiveOS....06:48
aeon-ltdGuest35469: what happens when you try to add the ppa?06:48
pleanbeando you want to read the chat transcripts from last night?06:48
reisiounicorn-lightnin: probably this: App='eval WINEPREFIX=/home/unicorn-lightning/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2010 WINEARCH=win32 wine "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office/Office14/WINWORD.EXE" "'$Filename'"'06:48
pleanbeanok haha06:48
Guest35469Can I post pictures on here? I took a screenshot of what happens06:48
pleanbeani dunno we tried a lot of stuff06:48
aeon-ltdGuest35469: ok06:48
loki__reinstalling ARC06:49
ubottuGuest35469,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:49
wilee-nileepleanbean, You run the bootrepair lately and saved the bootinfo summary?06:49
pleanbeanNot recently, no. I'll do it now06:49
wilee-nileepleanbean, didn't you get it fixed with another user last night?06:50
energizerAnybody have idea when 13.10 release is?06:50
Guest35469It says E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock- open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the admin directory, is another process using it?06:50
reisioenergizer: 10 means october06:50
unicorn-lightninBAM, it worked06:50
aeon-ltdGuest35469: well are you using apt in another terminal?06:51
unicorn-lightninBut, what do I place in the "Filename="z:"${1//\//\\}"06:51
Guest35469I am not. How do I make it to where it shows your name in red so you can see my messages better/06:51
pleanbeanwilee-nilee nope we were up late trying to but didn't find a fix yet.06:51
reisiounicorn-lightnin: just leave that bit06:52
reisiounicorn-lightnin: if it works it works06:52
wilee-nileepleanbean, This is a uefi setup correct?06:52
aeon-ltdGuest35469: are you installing something with synpatics or anything else; no idea you'll need to ask specifics for your irc client06:52
energizerreisio: ya that06:52
Guest35469I am not. Let me try it right now since I know I'm not using anything.06:52
wilee-nileepleanbean, Make a thread at the ubuntu forums uefi is not really a channel strength, post the bootinfo there and have uefi in the header.06:53
unicorn-lightninIt currently complains: "Word cannot open the document: Z:\home\unicorn-lightning\apps"06:53
reisiounicorn-lightnin: it just means take the first argument (the file to open) and replace /'s in its path to \'s, Windows style06:53
Guest35469It says "imported: 1 (RSA: 1)06:53
reisiounicorn-lightnin: for what actual file?06:53
wilee-nileepleanbean, YOur welcome to keep trying here, but be specific that this is a uefi at the least.06:54
unicorn-lightninwell.. I think I'm an idiot. I executed the shortcut from the terminal, so that' why06:54
wheatthinunicorn-lightnin, we are all new at one point in time or another. just learn from it06:55
aeon-ltdGuest35469: well if it returned something then try the next command06:55
unicorn-lightninBut when I right-click the .docx file I have and choose "Open With" I can't seem to find a way to associate it with that link we created06:55
unicorn-lightninthanks wheatthin :)06:55
reisiounicorn-lightnin: did you run chmod +x fileWithMagicCodeInIt ?06:55
Guest35469Alright now it's doing something it's never done before. I'll let you know. sorry i'm a noob at this stuff.06:55
reisiounicorn-lightnin: and you can't choose that file from open with?06:56
Guest35469So does anybody know if the beta for 13.10 is worth to download?06:56
wilee-nileeGuest35469, You can tab compete nicks that shows the message to the user in red.06:56
wheatthinGuest35469, and you can always lookup what the changes are.06:57
wilee-nilee13.10 is a development its up to you 2 weeks till release.06:57
unicorn-lightninIt doesn't appear in the list. Am I doing the right thing? I go to Right click -> Open with -> Other Applications -> Show Other Applications -> Not in this list06:57
wheatthinYou might have to find it in /usr/local/bin or something of the sort06:58
reisiounicorn-lightnin: there should be a way to specify the path manually06:58
pleanbeanwilee-nilee: Sorry yeah its EFI. wheatthin: paste.ubuntu.com/618700206:58
unicorn-lightninwheatthin, the problem is that it doesn't seem to have any option to specify a path manually06:58
reisiounicorn-lightnin: what about right-click, properties?06:58
unicorn-lightninlet's see...06:58
Guest35469aeon-ltd,  do i have to be root to install certain stuff?06:59
unicorn-lightninerrr... nope?06:59
wilee-nileepleanbean, So you removed the windows?06:59
reisiounicorn-lightnin: this is... nautilus?07:00
wheatthinpleanbean, ok.. so on the /dev/sdb1 why's it empty?07:00
aeon-ltdGuest35469: yes07:00
unicorn-lightninwant a screenshot?07:00
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Guest35469Alright. Just wondering.07:00
Guest35469I think I'm root. Idk how to tell07:00
pleanbeanwilee-nilee Yep, I just have a wiped 1tb hd. wheatthin, not sure, thats the USB LiveOS is on07:00
reisiounicorn-lightnin: yeesh, seems they've quite complicated it07:01
reisiounicorn-lightnin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/67382/add-custom-command-in-the-open-with-dialog07:01
reisiothere's no doubt some cute command you can run, but I don't know it07:01
aeon-ltdGuest35469: don't change to root, just use sudo, it's only 4 commands in the link you gave me07:01
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reisiosomething to do with xdg-settings, maybe07:01
wheatthinpleanbean, hmm so your disk is /dev/sda?07:01
wilee-nileepleanbean, You probably have to clean the mbr, than set the bios for msdos and make a msdos partition table and install again, you are missing the efi stuff that might have made it work.07:01
reisiounicorn-lightnin: once you have one you can probably easily duplicate it by copying a file in ~/.gnome or ~/.config somewhere07:02
unicorn-lightninUbuntu Tweak isn't compatible with Saucy..07:02
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pleanbeanwheatthin, yep.07:02
wheatthinif so, you gotta change it from GPT to the regular partitioning scheme07:02
wheatthinin order for fdisk to work right07:02
pleanbeanwilee-nilee What do you think could have caused that?07:02
reisiounicorn-lightnin: can you hit CTRL+L?07:03
wilee-nileepleanbean, you wiped windows, and its boot partition.07:03
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pleanbeanI've been having another issue with my bios reporting CPU Temperature Overflow Errors07:03
unicorn-lightninNo reisio07:03
unicorn-lightnindoesn't do anything07:03
wheatthinpleanbean, then you gotta write it and make it bootable.07:04
MikeandrdAlright so far so good. On step 7, the install cursers, i have no idea if that link is part of the command or not07:04
wheatthinpleanbean, that's another issue.. possibly thermal paste replacement needed07:04
MikeandrdNvm it is lol07:04
pleanbeanwheat thin, I replaced it a couple days ago07:04
reisiounicorn-lightnin: mmm, this looks a little simpler than the last one :p http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/ubuntu-fix-add-program-to-list-of-applications-in-open-with-when-right-clicking-files-in-nautilus/07:05
reisioshould work once you can get it to use it, though :)07:05
wheatthinthen the heatsync isn't seated right07:05
pleanbeanwilee-nilee, where should I go from here?07:05
wheatthinpleanbean, make sure fans are all plugged in n stuff07:06
wheatthinpleanbean, if you're sure /dev/sda is your drive07:06
pleanbeanI'm sure07:06
wheatthinyou must create a new partition table07:06
MikeandrdThanks so much for the help guys. It worked07:06
wheatthinnot GPT..07:06
pleanbeanI can figure out the cpu issue later07:06
wilee-nileepleanbean, I would run the bootinfo summary only and start a thread at the ubuntu forums, there is a mod there who focuses on uefi, I would get their help, if no one here is definitive.07:07
pleanbeanOk…heres the boot info summary07:07
dog__fooddisable uefi07:08
pleanbeandog__food is that to me?07:08
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wilee-nileepleanbean, be aware that people will just answer you with no real knowledge here.07:09
cfhowlettwilee-nilee, I resemble that comment!07:10
wilee-nileeexcept for you07:10
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wilee-nileepleanbean, Here is a thread by that mod. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729507:11
dog__foodI had to disable secure  boot before  I w as  able to boot ubuntu07:12
dog__foodthere was some problem with video driver07:12
unicorn-lightninwe are in business!07:13
unicorn-lightninthank you Reisio! :D07:13
reisiounicorn-lightnin: you did all that gui nonsense? :p07:13
unicorn-lightninLOL, nah, I just edited the .desktop file and added %f to it. I don't even have to make links for each file type now07:14
dog__foodI had several partitions and windows 8 installed  and I just wiped them all.. will it be hard to reinstall windows 8?07:16
reisiodog__food: not if you have the media, nope07:16
wheatthinok so according to this dock,  with a UEFI system, all drives must have an efi partition which the drive must first be partitioned with GPT on all drives you want bootable. Then run the boot-repair and it should fix things07:17
wheatthinthis eliminates the 4 primary partitioning deal that MBR is restricted to07:18
pleanbeanI'm reading through this right now, its a little over my head.07:18
reisiowheatthin: the 4 primary partition deal that hasn't mattered for years, yup :p07:19
wheatthinreisio, i'm still on an ancient computer... sue me :P07:19
wheatthinbeen disabled for 6 years.. kinda out of the loop in ways07:20
reisiowheatthin: primary partitions matter to software, not hardware, and software is as modern as you want it to be07:20
reisiojust saying :)07:20
wheatthinwell this got rid of the extended partitions that just made illformed slices07:21
ripthejackerI need to add an alias for a sudo program.Where do I add it?07:21
wheatthinripthejacker, .profile07:21
ripthejackerfor sudo?07:22
wheatthinripthejacker, or .bashrc07:22
Dr_Willisfor sudo makes no sence07:22
Dr_Willisyour user has alias;s07:22
Dr_Willissudo aliasname  woukd run the users alias07:22
ripthejackerI mean a program that I run using sudo07:22
unicorn-lightninsigh, it doesn't work, actually Reisio.. It opens the application, but when the application opens it doesn't show the document I opened, but instead a blank document.07:22
Dr_Willissudo dosent read root's .profile befor hand07:22
joe2112hi there07:23
cfhowlettjoe2112, greetings07:23
wheatthinlike 'alias nmap="sudo nmap07:23
unicorn-lightninI think I'll just wait until I can install Ubuntu Tweak in a couple of weeks.07:23
reisiowheatthin: ill formed?07:23
joe2112im new to ubuntu can fomeone help me format a usb in a special way?07:23
wheatthinreisio, I didn't want to say backasswards07:23
ripthejackerDr_Willis: so the sudo programs are kept in the same location as normal programs?07:23
reisiounicorn-lightnin: so... that's using the script I pasted for you, or not?07:23
cfhowlettjoe2112, special?  why not standard?07:23
reisiowheatthin: yeah it's strange and old, but doesn't actually cause any problems07:23
unicorn-lightninnah, it's not using the script. it's using the .desktop trick in the second link you provided07:24
unicorn-lightninMicrosoft Word appears in the Nautilus Other Programs list, but if I select it, it doesn't open the document07:24
joe2112cf I am trying to make the proper partitions for astrix on my ddwrt router07:24
reisiounicorn-lightnin: pointing to the script I gave, or something else?07:25
Abbas-my ubuntu 13 is acting weird appearance wise in vbox. how do i fix the visual issues? http://i.imgur.com/KD0ldk7.jpg07:25
joe2112on a usb storage drive so it can run on the usb part of my router07:25
unicorn-lightninI can just deal with this for a couple of weeks unti Ubuntu Tweak is available for saucy07:25
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unicorn-lightninno, to the .desktop file, which already pointed at the application07:25
reisiookay, well07:25
cfhowlettjoe2112,so ... not an ubuntu question then.  suggest you ask at ddwrt support07:25
reisioI can only vouch for the script I gave07:26
reisiowhich works :p07:26
unicorn-lightninI guess I could try to make new .desktop files that point to the script...07:26
wheatthinAbbas-, I dunno about fixing it, but it seems to be the window manager07:26
pleanbeanDr_Willis, can you help me since we left off last night?07:26
joe2112this is the room xchat dumped me into07:26
joe2112im new to irc as well07:27
cfhowlettjoe2112, see support options at www.dd-wrt.com07:27
Abbas-can i disable unity?07:28
Abbas-i only need this to run air crack07:28
ubottuAbbas-,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:28
ripthejackerDr_Willis: I put the alias in the .bashrc file but it's not working for sudo07:29
wheatthinAbbas-, of course you can.. gnome-shell (gnome3) is great IMHO07:29
cfhowlettAbbas-, logout.  click the gear.  choose a different desktop environment.  login.07:29
ripthejackerwheatthin: the alias in .bashrc is not working for sudo07:29
wheatthinAbbas-, light desktop manager works too07:29
wheatthindid you include sudo within the quote?07:30
wheatthinripthejacker, and is it a gtk app?07:30
ripthejackerthe alias is available without sudo07:31
ripthejackernot a gtk app07:31
wheatthinripthejacker, but does it require access to eth0?07:31
wheatthinor wlan0?07:31
ripthejackerit requires access to /var/log07:31
tengopreguntashi everyone, i am writing a bash script. i was wondering,, i have a function, where i want to pass an error message. how do it it from my bash script to the STDERR of terminal where it is being executed?07:32
wheatthinare you just cat'ing it or something?07:32
ripthejackerwheatthin: If I run it without sudo the alias works but fails because of no permission, but with sudo it doesn't recognize the alias07:34
wheatthinripthejacker, it should as long as the right shell is being accessed07:34
ripthejackerfrom the same shell07:35
ripthejackerIt says command not found07:37
wheatthinripthejacker, does this command start with a prompt?07:38
ripthejackerwith a prompt?07:39
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wheatthinwith the >07:39
wheatthinhping3 was an example07:39
Calinouto complete the name just use :07:40
Calinouit's more standard :P07:40
ripthejackerit doesn't07:40
Abbas-is there a command i need to run in shell07:40
Abbas-to disable unity ?07:40
Abbas-i want a simpler verison of ui . so it doenst run so slow in virtual box07:40
Abbas-i only need to run and install air crack ng07:40
Dr_WillisAbbas-:  install a differnt desktop or window manager and select it at the login screen07:40
wheatthinAbbas-, I think it's sudo update-rc.d unity disable07:40
Calinouuse a difference DE07:40
cfhowlettAbbas-, log out.  change the desktop environment - no unity.  login.  done.07:40
Dr_WillisAbbas-:  i use lubuntu on virtualbox07:40
wheatthinI'm not in the environment to test07:40
Abbas-how do i change desktop environ  ? cfhowlett07:41
Abbas-i see login scren07:41
Abbas-with acount/guest07:41
vj_ccie_secDr_Willis please help me resolve my problem07:41
sledHi people, can anyone help me one moment? I already googled but couldnt find anything exhaustive07:41
Dr_WillisAbbas-:  Install a diffent desktpp or window manager. then the gear/ubuntu round icon has a menui07:41
cfhowlettAbbas-, logout.  click on the gear and choose07:41
Dr_Willisvj_ccie_sec:  and whats the issue?07:41
wheatthinAbbas-, sudo service lightdm stop  sudo service gdm start07:41
Dr_WillisAbbas-:  for example 'sudo apt-get install jwm' to install jwm. select jwm at the login screen07:42
Abbas-i only see this cfhowlett ? http://i.imgur.com/FcTP0Kz.jpg07:42
Abbas-let me try that wheatthin07:42
wheatthinif gdm isn't install, install it07:42
wheatthinsudo apt-get install gdm07:42
Abbas-is it big?07:42
sledI am adding the foreign architecture armhf with ho "foreign-architecture armhf" >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch ... apt-get update complains precise/main and others armhf Packages are not found07:42
Abbas-i only have mobile data07:42
Abbas-is it like <50mb?07:42
Dr_Willis!info jwm07:42
kongthapanyone here please help me this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/352409/please-help-to-fix-error-while-mounting-static07:42
ubottujwm (source: jwm): very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0+svn579-2 (raring), package size 110 kB, installed size 290 kB07:42
Dr_Willisjwm is about the tiniest window manager in the repos07:42
ripthejackerwheatthin: should I add it in the /etc/profile too?07:43
Abbas-so its gdm ;p not gwm07:43
Abbas-i try07:43
Dr_Williskongthap:  you may want to sumarize the question here for people who cant read the urls07:43
Dr_WillisAbbas-:  gdm is an alternative to lightdm. gdm is NOT installed by default07:44
Abbas-i installed gdm07:44
Abbas-now how do i switch?07:44
Calinouwhy do you want to change DMs?07:44
wheatthinAbbas-, sudo service lightdm stop && sudo service gdm start07:44
Dr_Williswhen you installed gdm it should habve asked what desktop login manager to use by default07:44
kongthapDr_Willis, I have a problem with static mounting07:45
wheatthinso he has easy access to gnome-shell07:45
Abbas-i chose gdm Dr_Willis07:45
Dr_Williskongthap:  and a bit more details to the channel will help..07:45
wheatthinAbbas-, to make it permanent, sudo update-rc.d lightdm disable && sudo update-rc.d gdm enable07:45
Abbas-i get this error >  http://i.imgur.com/qx3C61j.jpg07:45
Dr_Williswheatthin:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm   lets you select gdm. No need to mess with update-rc.d07:46
wheatthinDr_Willis, noted :)07:46
Dr_Willisapt asked when he installed gdm. if he selected  gdm , then gdm is now th edefault07:46
kongthapDr_Willis, firstly i wanna ask first about xchat, when I want to reply some one I must type someone_name: or someone_name,07:46
xmetali changed the DM (i think by accident) on Mint and it wasn't pretty07:46
xmetalchanged it back and it was fine07:47
Dr_Willis!tab | kongthap07:47
ubottukongthap: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:47
* Dr_Willis uses ko<tab>07:47
kongthapI now know about the <tab> to autocomplete07:47
kongthapbut I don't know what i use to follow someone_name after using the <tab> it's must be ":" or ","07:48
olebnewbie question: Is it any list of channel commands like !tab ?07:48
Dr_Willis!alis | oleb07:49
ubottuoleb: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:49
kongthapDr_Willis, this is a trial from me, is it working??? Can you get the red text like I did from you?07:49
Dr_Williskongthap:  I just use -->    ko<tab> and it fills in kongthap:07:49
ripthejackerWhere do I place aliases for running a program in sudo?07:50
olebDr_Willis: Thanks!07:50
Dr_Williskongthap:  the users irc Client handles the job of putting their own nicks in bold or whatever07:50
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  you did log out after altering the users ~/.profile ?07:50
kongthapif I used dr_ <tab> i get "Dr_Willis," instead of "Dr_Willis:" it's really true07:51
ripthejackeri added in the /etc/bash.bashrc07:51
ripthejackerDr_Willis: Do I need to logout?07:51
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  so you need to log out/back in. or 'source /the/file'07:51
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  its not going to automatically reread/add the changes to an existing shell07:52
ripthejackerDr_Willis: I added in the user .bashrc file07:52
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  so do a 'source .bashrc'07:52
ripthejackerand I opened a new shell07:52
Dr_Willis.bashrc has several alias's allready in it i notice.07:52
ripthejackerDr_Willis: the command is running without sudo , but with sudo I get command not found.07:53
Dr_Willissudo -s will use the alias's it seems. but 'sudo' by itself dosent07:53
Dr_Willisim used to using sudo -s07:53
Dr_Willistested with 'sudo ll'07:54
kongthapI have an error with static mouting07:54
Dr_Willisand sudo -s, then ll07:54
kongthapthis is my setting at /etc/fstab: UUID=66940c06-8730-4468-8f02-011d5cf42646 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       107:54
ripthejackerDr_Willis: not working for me07:54
ripthejackersays ll command not found07:54
ripthejacker/bin/bash: ll: command not found07:55
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  as i said. it seems sudo dosent follow alias;s but sudo -s does07:55
ripthejackerYes I did sudo -s07:55
ripthejackersudo -s ll07:55
sledI am adding the foreign architecture armhf with echo "foreign-architecture armhf" >> /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch ... apt-get update complains precise/main and others armhf Packages are not found07:55
kongthapi'm sure UUID is right, I got error at the startup screen, i must press "s" to continue but I still can boot and login07:55
ronindoes anyone know why I can't access 'test' directory, my username is ronin: http://codepad.org/90Rf3ViM07:55
Dr_Willisalias sudo='sudo '07:57
otakkongthap: probably you must add ,auto next to errors=remount-ro07:57
Dr_Willisthen 'sudo ll' works ;)07:57
wheatthinput it in .bashrc  not .profile07:57
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wheatthinin   ~/.bashrc07:57
kongthapotak: "UUID=66940c06-8730-4468-8f02-011d5cf42646 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro-auto 0       1"???07:58
ripthejackerDr_Willis: yes I read that but I thought it was just a workaround and there must be some official way to do it.07:58
Dr_Willisso to get a sudo working with alias's you have to have the sudo alias also07:58
wheatthinand then it'll work07:58
ripthejackerDr_Willis: guess it's the only way07:58
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  its not a work around.. its how bash works07:58
ripthejackerwheatthin: yes I put it in bashrc, seems like sudo can't run aliases normally07:58
wheatthinripthejacker, yes it can07:58
ripthejackerIt doesn't work for me. Even sudo ll doesn't work07:59
wheatthinripthejacker, did you renew the terminal afterwards?07:59
wheatthinand it's .bashrc and not bashrc08:00
wheatthinand it's in your user home directory08:00
ripthejackeryes I know, The alias is working fine without sudo08:00
ripthejackerIf I did in a wrong file , it wouldn't work right08:00
otakI meant auto,errors=remount-ro   but I think auto is default so that might not be your problem08:01
wheatthinripthejacker,  take it out of .profile and try again if you hadn't already08:01
wheatthinI was getting the same error with the command not found until I put it in the ~/.bashrc08:01
kongthapotak: would you mind look at my question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/352409/please-help-to-fix-error-while-mounting-static08:01
wheatthinnow it works just fine08:02
ripthejackerDr_Willis: it's working. alias sudo did the trick. Thanks08:02
wheatthin***slaps forehead***08:02
ripthejackerwheatthin: The error is not because I put in the wrong file08:03
ripthejackerwheatthin: It's because alias don't work with sudo08:03
wheatthinyes it does~!08:03
wheatthinI'm using it right this second08:03
ripthejackerjust add : alias sudo='sudo ' in the .bashrc08:03
ripthejackerand it will work08:04
ripthejackermaybe you had already added that08:04
wheatthinno.. I showed you my whole alias file08:04
wheatthinwheatthin@wheatthin:~$ cat ~/.bashrc08:04
wheatthinand it came back alias hping="sudo hping3"08:05
wheatthingotta use the double quotes08:05
ripthejackerthen you may have set the alias in some other file. Or your shell may be magic :P08:06
wheatthinripthejacker, I just did it for your example08:06
wheatthinUse double quotes and it'll work08:06
wheatthin" " not ' '08:06
ripthejackerwheatthin: no even with double quotes it's not working08:07
wheatthinit will once you close the terminal and open another one08:08
ripthejackerbut it's ok Dr_Willis suggested a method and it works08:08
kongthapi cannot start "deluge 1.3.6-0ubuntu2", it was ok before how to fix this?  "ubuntu 13.04"08:08
ripthejackerwheatthin: I was doing that all the time, I know you have to open new shell08:08
wheatthinall I know is I didn't add hping3 to anything until you had this problem..  lol and it's working perfectly fine for me.. might wanna check your /etc/sudoers file08:09
ItsMeLennyhow do i run java7 while java6 is also installed08:09
ripthejackerwheatthin: run sudo ll08:09
ripthejackerwhat do you get?08:09
wheatthinyou don't type sudo 1108:10
wheatthinyou just type  1108:10
Calinouit's ll not 1108:10
wheatthinand sudo executes08:10
ripthejackerwheatthin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22037/aliases-not-available-when-using-sudo08:11
ripthejackerI'm not the only one with the issue08:11
wheatthinYou're not getting how alias and sudo works08:12
wheatthinalias 11="sudo hping3"...  I type    11 in the new terminal, and it runs sudo hping308:12
Wildbill7459@find netflix08:13
DJones!netflix | Wildbill745908:13
ubottuWildbill7459: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop08:13
otakkongthap: sorry I can't see anything wrong, it looks just like mine, ask again in a minute or two08:13
ripthejackerwheatthin: :|08:13
wheatthinripthejacker, just do it :)08:13
ripthejackerI don't want to run sudo in an alias.08:13
ripthejackerI want to run alias as sudo08:14
wheatthinYou gotta in order to have sudo work with it08:14
kongthapotak: thanks for you help, can you guide me how to check the log file?08:14
wheatthinso you want to add on options to sudo and then just type sudo as a shortcut?08:14
kongthapotak: so I can provide more information to ask later08:15
ripthejackerwheatthin: your solution won't work if I don't want to run the program as sudo08:15
wheatthinthe program sudo runs via alias to run that and the intended program you want to give permissions to08:15
wheatthinif you want to use sudo -v -AknS08:16
wheatthinthen it'll be     alias sudo="sudo -v AknS'08:16
wheatthinthen you'll be able to use it as  sudo hping3   or whatever program you want to run08:17
habananyJoin\ #ruby08:17
ripthejacker"/j #ruby"08:17
auronandacehabanany: /join #ruby08:17
wheatthinand it'll carry out    sudo -v AknS hping308:17
w0rpHow much space would people allocate for an Ubuntu install nowadays? 64GB?08:18
wheatthinw0rp, minimum 8gb for a smooth full install08:18
auronandacew0rp: depends what you'll do with it, i can get by with 10gb08:18
ripthejackerwheatthin: yeah that's one solution to the sudo problem08:18
w0rpI'll try 32GB, I think.08:18
cfhowlettw0rp, system runs around 10 gigs.08:19
w0rpI'm trying to account for most of the system + MySQL data + dev tools + images and other binary files.08:20
wheatthinripthejacker, but if you want to run a specific program like nmap with sudo privs as an alias,       alias nmap="sudo nmap"08:20
wheatthinyou can also tack on the options with the -08:20
wheatthinor you can type    nmap -vvvv  domain.com or wahtever and it'll run with sudo privs08:21
ripthejackerwheatthin: I didn't think of it that way.08:21
cfhowlettW0rp are you installing a server?08:22
w0rpIt's a small dev machine running a local copy of a webserver.08:22
ripthejackerwheatthin: but you could do it.08:22
reisio32 should be plenty08:22
reisioI wish 32gb ssds were easier to get hold of08:22
cfhowlettw0rp, might want to stop in at #ubuntu-server08:22
w0rpCool, I'll do that.08:22
reisiowho needs 128gb of ss :p08:22
reisioI'd rather have the cash08:23
wheatthincreate a ramdrive :P08:23
Abbas-wheatthin i kepe getting this error?08:23
reisiowould take a lot more to fit all my data on it, so may as well be just the OS08:23
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ripthejackerwheatthin: alternatively you can do the way Dr_Willis suggested , that way you don't have to add the word sudo in your alias08:23
Norpan_Hi! I just found an old CD with ubuntu 10.04 LTS , is it okey to install this one and then update it to 13.04?08:23
wheatthinAbbas-, it's gdm sir08:23
Norpan_I have no other media at this point to install it08:23
Dr_WillisNorpan_:  that will take a lot of time.08:23
Dr_WillisNorpan_:  no flah drives?08:24
reisiocould work, though, sure08:24
Norpan_Dr_Willis: it will? how come? no, i have one but its apprently lost...08:24
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Dr_WillisNorpan_:  it basically has to download and install EVERY package to upgrade to the newer releases.. so each release  you upgrade to will be like 700+mb of downloads08:24
otakkongthap: you can try sudo mount -t ext4 LABEL="storage1" /mnt/storage108:24
Abbas-wheatthin i tried that too earlier. it keep getting fork-failed error. http://i.imgur.com/igXCDIW.jpg08:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:25
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wheatthinsudo dpkg --reconfigure gdm08:25
Dr_WillisNorpan_:  if 10.04 used grub2 - you could install it then set up grub2 to boot the iso files for newer releases :)  and install from them VERY quickly. but thats a bit awkward.08:25
Norpan_Dr_Willis: holy cow..how many releases are there? i have 100mbit fiber and downloads often is 11MB/s should it still take really long time?08:25
Dr_WillisNorpan_:  the version # is the year/month of release. You upgrade from LTS to LTS. OR from each release to the next release.08:26
wheatthinNorpan_, You're best likely to answer that with a bittorrent session lol08:26
Abbas-wheatthin , what next now? :) http://i.imgur.com/HFuh4mv.jpg08:26
reisiotechnically you could do that with grub legacy as well, it's just more involved08:27
kongthapotak: the command "sudo mount" will auto re-mount everytime at startup????08:27
Norpan_wheatthin: yeah ok, i just figured if it was ONLY download that takes long or generally the installingthing that takes really long time..08:27
wheatthinNorpan_, depends on the repository server you use really.. if you use a close one, I get 2.0+MB/sec08:27
wheatthinon my 28mbps connection08:27
Norpan_Dr_Willis: i have a 20gb partition , perhaps i could make that as a bootable device08:27
wheatthinand it only takes me about 5 minutes or so08:28
wheatthinto download08:28
cfhowlettwheatthin, took me 5 years on ubuntu to learn that I could and should localize my server.08:28
Norpan_wheatthin: ok, crap hrhr, takes less time to travel to the nearest village and buy a USB key08:28
wheatthinlol well that's on my slow 28mbps connection :)08:29
Norpan_I must start in my 10.04 LTS CD for my internet to wok, in windows 8 it just says unadentified network.. crappy os08:29
wheatthinwas getting up to 3.4MB/sec but 2.0+ average08:29
otakkongthap: that will tell you if the partition can be mounted now, so we think if the problem is with the partition or the boot sequence08:29
Norpan_wheatthin: what connection do you have08:29
wheatthinjust a 28mbps cable connection08:29
kongthapotak: thanks i will try, but for now still wonder i just have only the root partition and swap to mount but why still get error all the time at startup...08:31
wheatthinAbbas-, sorry  dpkg-reconfigure gdm08:31
wheatthinI keep thinking reconfigure was a tac option08:32
Norpan_wheatthin: 28mbps?08:33
otakkongthap: look at your /etc/fstab closely, look at this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/295516/an-error-occurred-while-mounting-static08:33
Abbas-i gett his wheatthin > http://i.imgur.com/HFuh4mv.jpg08:34
Norpan_wheatthin: i have 10008:34
wheatthinAbbas-, sorry  dpkg-reconfigure gdm08:34
wheatthinsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm08:35
Abbas-wheatthin > output > http://i.imgur.com/nhdCPfq.jpg08:35
kongthapnautilus will display all available partitions on my disk (but not yet mounting them), if I clicked any partitions to mount i can access them at /media/user_name/partition_label_name/ so what the different compare to static mounting partition to mnt/whatever_name/?08:36
wheatthinNorpan_, I'm jealous :) one day I tell ya.. one day I'll have a server worthy of a connection :)08:36
kongthapotak: I will take a look, thanks :)08:36
otakkongthap: I'm pretty sure that's it08:36
wheatthinAbbas-, ok, so it said it's not installed, like I said before, gotta install it08:36
wheatthinsudo apt-get install gdm08:36
Abbas-yeah i tried that08:36
Abbas-i keep getting this error08:36
Abbas-lemme try again08:36
kongthapotak: thanks you've been very helpful :)08:36
reisiokongthap: just that, /media/ is for dynamic08:37
reisiohramrach: hi08:37
hramrachmy lightdm does not start: http://paste.debian.net/49323/08:37
hramrachwhen I run Xorg -retro I get the X pattern on screen08:37
kongthapreisio: if I statically mounted the partition it won't show in /media/ anymore right?08:37
xwalkI'm having a problem on Ubuntu 12.04.3 with my Asus G75VW's external sub-woofer not being recognized by the alsa-mixer. I've tried the suggested work arounds at http://askubuntu.com/questions/136968/how-to-make-the-internal-subwoofer-work-on-an-asus-g73jw and the links contained within and have not seen any results indicating the speaker has become active. Other links I have cover identical work-arounds that have not yielded any resul08:37
reisiokongthap: hopefully not08:38
hramrachany idea what is missing for lightdm to start a X server08:38
Abbas-i ran it wheatthin it shows this error  > http://i.imgur.com/Em6t6HR.jpg08:38
kongthapreisio: thanks :)08:38
reisiokongthap: you can manually mount something practically anywhere, but /mnt/ is the traditional place08:38
reisiojust as /media/ is now used mostly for dynamic mounts08:38
kongthapreisio: please also help me with this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/352409/please-help-to-fix-error-while-mounting-static08:38
wheatthinAbbas-,  you can try sudo apt-get remove metacity and try it again08:39
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
reisiokongthap: so it gives you an error that doesn't stop you from booting?08:40
wheatthinAbbas-, if that doesn't work   sudo apt-get clean all08:41
otakreisio: look at the start of /etc/fstab in kongthap's post, needs a # right?08:41
Abbas-ok ty wheatthin i m trying clena all08:41
reisiohe said he "changed it back", it could be anything now08:41
Norpan_wheatthin: good luck :)08:42
kongthapreisio: yes, I still and always get that error screen i must press "s" to continue i don't know what is the problem so far, but after login I can use the system just like normal08:42
reisiootak: yeah :)08:42
wheatthinNorpan_, thanks :).. Doing all this for others.. I'm personally on a hackintosh lol08:42
reisiokongthap: otak's saying maybe you uncommented the first line08:42
reisioof /etc/fstab08:43
kongthapreisio: "uncomment" means get rid of that line???08:44
kongthapotak: "uncomment" means get rid of that line???08:44
wheatthinkongthap, no..08:44
wheatthinit means get rid of the #08:44
wheatthinat the beginning08:44
reisiothat is, put it back08:44
Norpan_wheatthin: i have always been intrested in trying hackintosh..but it seems far to complicated and doesn't work so good even after all the trouble.. you must have exact right hardware.?08:45
SmellyCatI can't seem to log in as my user from the greeter. It seems the xsession stops and I'm back at the greeter. I have created an other user and that user can log in from the greeter. Where do I start to find the problem?08:46
wheatthinNorpan_, Ehh.. I'm stuck on snow leopard because of older system, but yeah it's running great...08:46
ActionParsnipSmellyCat: boot to root recovery console and chown your user's entire home directory to your user08:46
wheatthinneed a UEFI system for troubless installs over 10.7.x08:47
reisiokongthap: get it? :)08:47
Norpan_wheatthin: that is awesome, but you have the "right" hardware? Im trying to find a up-to-date guide to install on i7 with amd radeon 7950 and pa55-ud4 gigabyte motherboard..im lost before i begin haha08:47
SmellyCatActionParsnip: Any dirs/files in particular? I don't want to overwrite permissions onm just all files08:47
kongthapotak: i think i must accidently deleted # because poor  using vim.08:48
wheatthinNorpan_, I'd use a newer nvidia actually, but other than that, you shouldn't have a problem08:48
reisiokongthap: mmmhmmm08:48
SmellyCatActionParsnip: I have chmod 664 .Xauthority already btw. didn't help08:48
kongthapreisio: i think i must accidently deleted # because poor  using vim, i got it now, thanks really shame on me :)08:48
reisionext time make a copy of the file, then you can easily fully revert it08:48
reisiokongthap: your storage mount working now, too?08:48
otakkongthap:  vim is like a magic wand ;P08:49
Norpan_wheatthin: i saved a few months to afford this card, im not changing hah :)08:49
SmellyCatActionParsnip: And does it have to be recovery console? CRTL-ALT-F1 ok too, right?08:49
kongthapreisio: from now on i would try to static mount the other partition including ntfs...08:50
Norpan_wheatthin: possibly i made a misstake because linux doesn't run well under AMD ive heard08:50
DzAirmaXhey guyz !!08:50
kongthapotak: still remember the first time using vim, don't even know how to quit so click the close button of the terminal :P08:50
wheatthinNorpan_, no no.. nvidia video card :)08:50
wheatthini7 is perfect for it08:50
DzAirmaXI have one little question for you08:50
DzAirmaXI noticed that the motd is not applyed on the first login on the machine : always on the second login time, is that normal ?08:51
quietonewhat to use to burn an audio cd? Brasero has failed twice for me08:51
reisioNorpan_: runs fine08:52
reisioquietone: I'd use a command, myself08:52
kongthapreisio: this time i still backup /etc/fstab for sure, the first time editing this file, i cannot boot the system at all so lucky for poor ubuntu skill like me :P08:52
reisioquietone: ...if it were 10 years ago and I still burnt CDs08:52
kongthapreisio: this time *i will08:52
reisiokongthap: :)08:52
DJonesquietone: I use either K3b or Gnomebaker08:52
kongthapreisio, otak you guys rock!08:53
DzAirmaXso nobody had encouter this problem before ?08:54
otakkongthap: you're welcome, have fun!08:54
reisioDzAirmaX: a box without a DE?08:54
DzAirmaXreisio : its a 13.10 server without DE08:55
reisiothat's odd08:55
reisiomight ask #ubuntu-server08:55
DzAirmaXyeah so when I ssh the machine after a fresh reboot, not motd08:56
wheatthinmight have to do with landscape08:56
DzAirmaXwheatthin : landscape ?08:57
wheatthinDzAirmaX, yeah landscape client gets buggy some time on server08:58
wheatthinit shows the motd with the uptime and other stuff08:58
DzAirmaXwheatthin : is there a log for this landscape ?08:58
DzAirmaXwheatthin : ok thans for your help09:02
DzAirmaXwheatthin : my server config is weird because I dont even have the /etc/motd but I have a motd opening up after the second login :)09:02
wheatthinscroll down to the middle of that link09:03
wheatthinit's cause default is dynamically linking via motd scripts09:04
kongthapwhat is the easiest way to scan disk/partition for error?09:04
wheatthinkong fsck09:04
Dr_WillisNorpan_:  10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04.. !fsck09:07
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:07
SmellyCatI can't log in from the lightdm greeter as a certain user. chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME did not solve the problem. Any idea?09:08
wheatthinSmellyCat, did you change users's home?09:08
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  remove your .Xauthority file, for a start. (or rename it)09:08
DzAirmaXwheatthin : motd present on my config lol09:09
Dr_Willisthen if it still fails. move/rename the .config dir and other setting files to see if any are causing the issue09:09
DzAirmaXwheatthin : the /etc/motd09:09
SmellyCatDr_Willis: Thanks, that did the trick!09:09
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  and i have NO idea why it breaks that way09:10
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  but its like a daily question/fix in here09:10
lirarkatthow do you change your name in irssi?09:10
Dr_Willislirarkatt:  /nick Bill_Gates09:11
SmellyCatDr_Willis: I really wonder that myself. I recall vaguely having this problem before. I'm glad I know my way around the shell... This is a really horrible problem for the regular user...09:11
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  i think it has somthing to do with using sudo to run gui apps. instead of gksudo. but  cant really prove that09:11
wheatthinDr_Willis, i'm thinking it's running startx or xsession using sudo09:12
Dr_Williswheatthin:  it happens way to often to people that would never do that. :)09:12
wheatthinit does tho09:12
wheatthinprobably an rc error09:13
SmellyCatDr_Willis: I'm pretty sure I didn't do that yesterday. Not directly anyway. I did notice .Xauthority had 600 perms. After chmod 664 that file and trying a login, it was back to 600 perms.09:13
wheatthinSmellyCat, you gotta change the permissions for the whole user folder and all the visible and invisible files09:14
Dr_WillisIm not even really sure what .Xauthority does.. other then some sort of security09:14
kongthapubottu: "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" <- i just type all of this at once right?09:14
ubottukongthap: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:14
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SmellyCatDr_Willis: I think with MIR it'll be gone anyway :)09:14
wheatthinxauthority is initialized when creating an xsession09:14
Dr_Williskongthap:  yes.. or use a live cd or rcovery mode and  fsck by hand09:15
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  mir is aparently getting pushed back  (or xmir) from wht i just saw on webupd809:15
wheatthinto check for proper tty perms for x to start09:15
ko0o0kyhello guys09:15
ko0o0kyhow can I setup vidalia09:16
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ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl09:16
SmellyCatDr_Willis: Well, X will be replaced sooner or later. Thanks for the help and bb.09:16
wheatthinko0o0ky, I wouldn't.. just install tor-socks and privoxy09:16
Dr_WillisSmellyCat:  they have been trying to replace it for years. ;)09:16
gordonjcpSmellyCat: it's not really a big deal since most people won't be renaming users ;-)09:16
reisiogiven that most(?) of the X guys are working on wayland now, I'm guessing sooner09:16
kongthapDr_Willis: yesterday the power was off, so i didn't shutdown, i have to fsck manually or it was done already at the previous booting???09:16
Dr_Williskongthap:  its supposed to do it automatically if the filesystem was not unmounted cleanly09:17
Dr_Williskongthap:  a fsck may happen so fast at boot time you dont even notice it09:17
reisiokongthap: those lines in /etc/fstab end in 0 0?09:17
kongthapreisio: "UUID=66940c06-8730-4468-8f02-011d5cf42646 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1"09:18
reisiois it / you were worried about?09:18
ko0o0kyis that what you can do for me?09:18
reisioko0o0ky: what's the problem?09:19
kongthapreisio: it was "0 1" so i think i need " 0 0", how to do think?09:19
kongthapreisio: ***it was "0 1" so i think i need " 0 1", how to do think?09:19
Dr_Williskongthap:  i think they use 0 1    for a reason. :)09:19
SmellyCatgordonjcp: ?? I didn't rename a user... anyway...09:20
ko0o0kyvidalia was unble to start tor09:20
wheatthinko0o0ky, don't use vidalia09:20
kongthapreisio: i just add a line: "UUID=9b7ac413-1ddf-4c2e-a74d-75651d6bd37c /mnt/storage1   ext4    defaults          0       2", how do you think?09:20
ko0o0kywhat shuld I use09:21
wheatthinko0o0ky, use tor-socks and privoxy.. it's headless but it does the same job09:21
gordonjcpSmellyCat: did you run something GUI as root?09:21
reisiokongthap: should be fine, yup09:21
kongthapDr_Willis: i think so, and i just add a line: "UUID=9b7ac413-1ddf-4c2e-a74d-75651d6bd37c /mnt/storage1   ext4    defaults          0       2", how do you think?09:21
Dr_Willisis 0 2 even a valid option?09:21
Dr_Williskongthap:  my / entry has '0 1'09:21
reisio2 means lower priority than 109:21
quietoneDJones, thank you better. Just doesn't work in the stereo09:21
reisio1 being a better idea for /09:21
kongthapreisio: i agree09:21
ko0o0kythank you09:21
SmellyCatgordonjcp: I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. (I'm moving to nick Mouzz btw)09:21
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ko0o0kydid firefox brw need to setup09:22
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Dr_Willisyou have to configure firefox to use tor - i belive.09:22
Dr_Willisor use the socks/proxy at least09:22
wheatthinyou can setup firefox, or via proxy extension for firefox09:22
wheatthinif you're using privoxy too, you gotta configure privoxy/config to use socks5
wheatthinforward settings09:23
quietonehow do I get the song title to be 'burned' on an audio cd?09:25
wheatthinko0o0ky, listen-address  (or use whatever your ip is)09:25
wheatthinko0o0ky, forward-socks5   /      .09:26
wheatthinuncheck that last one09:26
reisioquietone: you'd probably need a cue file09:26
wheatthinsave the file and sudo service privoxy restart09:26
quietonereisio, I burned that with Brasero and it doesn't play in stereo09:27
Dr_Willisquietone:  for me - if i use k3b, and the mp3 file has the right tags  it does it ive noticed.09:27
wheatthinko0o0ky, then you can configure firefox to use your internal IP and port 811809:27
reisioquietone: what makes you think it's a stereo file?09:27
quietonereisio, I don't know what a stereo file is. I mean when I put the CD I burned into the stereo it doesn't play09:28
Dr_Willisquietone:  how old is the   cd player? it could be it cant read cd+r or -r or whatver09:28
reisiooh "the stereo"09:29
quietoneDr_Willis, oh. about 17 yrs09:29
Dr_Willisreisio:  :) kids these days.,09:29
reisioquietone: unfortunately that could be caused by a great many things09:29
reisioDr_Willis: heh09:29
reisio"the hifi"09:29
wheatthinage is one09:29
Dr_Willisquietone:  then its VERY likely it cant read cd+-r/rw09:29
wheatthinquietone, it must be cd-r only then09:30
Dr_Willisi was thinking cd+r was more compatible with old cd players. but its been years since i last had to worry about it09:30
reisiobasically, in the time you've spent on this, you probably could've gone and bought a cheap computer to use as a media pc, replacing your CD player09:30
quietoneDr_Willis, then what are the music CDs we buy, they aren't CD+r09:30
reisios/CD/usb or network/09:30
wheatthinthey are mp3's now,09:30
Dr_Willisquietone:  No idea. they could be Stamped Cd's for all i know.09:30
quietonereisio, I am unemployed09:31
wheatthin:) so doesn't matter.. +r was data..  -r was media09:31
Dr_Willisbackin the old days - we used to argue over what was better.. +r or -r... and make tools out of rocks..09:31
* Dr_Willis rocks back and forth in his rocking chair and smokes his pipe..09:32
wheatthinthat's how we made coasters :D09:32
kdelwatI remember going through stacks of CD's looking for a blank one09:32
wheatthinI do that with dvd's09:32
Dr_Willisback when you had to recompile your kernel just to support a cd burner! Now those where the good linux days!09:32
reisioyou talking about DVD-R vs DVD+R?09:32
reisiodoesn't matter, it's all a waste of time09:33
llutzthere are dvd-+r but not cd+r09:33
reisioquietone: if you spend all your time authoring CDs, you're going to remain unemployed09:33
reisionot an efficient use of time09:33
Dr_WillisMy Car 'stero' can rip music cds  to its internal hard drive. :)09:33
wheatthinmight as well be clone drives huh?09:33
reisioin-car hifi09:33
quietonereisio, thats a bit unkind09:34
reisionah, it'll help you stop wasting your time09:34
wheatthinI'm unemployed too.. but disabled09:35
reisiothere is no earning tier for which it is not a waste of time to burn a CD09:35
kongthapi successfully mount the other partitions :)09:36
kongthapafter static mounting, i don't see the other partitions from the "device pane" of nautilus, i must access the partition via /mnt/ is this the way it is?09:38
reisiokongthap: you can make a "bookmark"09:38
reisioor favorite or whatever your file manager calls them09:38
ActionParsnipkongthap: are theyt internel partitions or USB/SD cad based?09:39
wheatthinkongthap, it'll mount in /media .. could mount in /media/<username/<mntname>09:39
kongthapActionParsnip: it's a partition on the same disk as root partition09:40
kongthapreisio: i saw the bookmark dialog on nautilus but i think i cannot add new one, i only saw "delete" and "sort" buttons09:41
wheatthinkongthap, drag and drop the folder to the left side09:41
wheatthinof nautilis09:41
Dr_Willisdrag/drop a folder to the left side panel where the nautilus bookmarks are ;)09:41
Dr_Willistheres also a keyboard shortcut i think09:41
kongthapwheatthin: i see, thanks :)09:41
wheatthinDr_Willis, beat ya :D09:41
Dr_Willisno you dident. ;P09:41
Dr_Willisi saw my text first09:41
wheatthinuhuh~! :D09:41
reisiokongthap: you can09:42
Dr_Willisthat feature will most likely get removed from the next nautilus anyway. its to complex for users to handle09:42
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kongthapreisio: i can drag but i cannot drop09:43
kongthapwheatthin: i can drag but i cannot drop09:44
wheatthinkongthap, drag, and drop it in the lower left09:44
kongthapwheatthin: dragging "storage1" folder right???09:44
wheatthinkongthap, honestly, I dunno which folder you want shortcutted to the side09:45
kongthapwheatthin: i mounted my partition to /mnt/storage1/09:46
wheatthinit's separated by devices and then system shortcuts09:46
kongthapwheatthin: so i must drag "storage1" folder from nautilus right?09:46
hacyardhello everyone, how should I configure clawsmail? which settings will be better? SSL? STARTTLS?09:46
wheatthinso yeah change your directory in nautilus to /mnt  drag storage1 and drop it in the lower left hand side09:46
wheatthinkongthap, it's separated by devices and then shortcuts to user folders on the filesystem09:47
gregoryfentonHi all. Any idea why I am getting 404 errors when I am trying to do apt-get update? Specifically the Packages file is 404ing although Packages.bz2 and Packages.gz are at the same location,  for example W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:48
quiet1Dr_Willis, reisio, DJones thanks for your help09:48
wheatthingregoryfenton, try sudo apt-get clean all09:48
wheatthinand try again09:48
gregoryfentonstill 404ing wheatthin09:48
wheatthincan you ping google.com?09:49
hacyardor which one would you recommend to use? clawsmail or thunderbird?09:49
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gregoryfenton"64 bytes from fa-in-f138.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=50 time=14.8 ms"09:49
wheatthinhacyard, neither.. gmail interface is plenty.. saves room on physical drive too09:49
kongthapwheatthin: i'm looking for a way to get directly to /mnt/storage1/ , it's a bit quicker to got mnt -> storage1, if can be possible09:50
wheatthingregoryfenton, try a new repository09:50
maintehello everyone, which email client would you recommend? thunderbird or clawsmail?09:50
vusiemainte: thunderbird09:51
ikoniamainte: try them, see what you like09:51
wheatthinkongthap, that's what's it's doing sir when you drag and drop it to the side.. nautilus is opened and wham you click on the shorcut09:51
gregoryfentonI have tried gb, fr, de and none, all give the same result09:51
wheatthinif you want it on the desktop.. you can right click and create a link09:51
wheatthinright click on the desktop09:52
kongthapwheatthin: i honestly can drag but cannot drop the "folder", so is result i cannot create shortcut :(09:52
maintevusie, I tried them both, and both were ok. but I'd like to use functions like encryption and signing messages. in that respect, I'd like to know which one would have more secure options09:52
ActionParsnipkongthap: ln -s /mnt/storage1 ~/Desktop/Storage09:52
CeninantI like thunderbird...09:52
ActionParsnipkongthap: nice and easy09:52
kongthapActionParsnip: that's symlink right?09:53
vusiemainte: oops i dont go that deep i just use in a standard way.09:53
ActionParsnipkongthap: exactly, when you click on the link you will see the data. You can also save data into the link and it will save in /mnt/storage as well09:53
ActionParsnipkongthap: lots of flexibility09:53
wheatthinsame thing as a shortcut no? :P09:54
gregoryfentonwheatthin I have tried gb, fr, de and none, all give the same result09:54
kongthapit's done thanks ActionParsnip and wheatthin  :)09:54
maintecould anyone maybe give me some hints on configuring clawsmail? I did that a long time ago that I dont remember, and now I can't make it work.09:55
wheatthingregoryfenton, is this particular package  from the ubuntu repository?09:55
mainteshould I use SSL or STARTTLS, for example?09:55
fishcookeri've cronjob like this 55      5       3       10      *       /etc/init.d/clearlog09:56
fishcookerit should execute  at 5:55 3 Oct.. why the cron dont do that job?09:56
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.09:56
kongthaphow different between symbolic and hard links??? :P09:56
wheatthinyou can use many symlinks09:56
reisiomost mere mortals don't need hard links09:56
gregoryfentonwheatthin this is when I do apt-get update, and I was trying to install jed09:56
ActionParsnipkongthap: hard links must be on the same disk09:57
ActionParsnipkongthap: if you make a hard link to a file then delete the original, the data will still stand09:57
Monotoko2if I run rsync on a folder that's been partially copied with cp, will it just skip everything that's already been copied and do the rest?09:57
wheatthingregoryfenton, I think it's safe-update now09:58
kongthapActionParsnip: so hard link creates another copy?09:58
wheatthinI don't know what jed is09:58
reisioMonotoko2: should, yeah09:58
Monotoko2reisio: brilliant, thanks09:59
ActionParsnipkongthap: essentially yes09:59
gregoryfentonwheatthin the problem is that the file Packages is not present, although if I open the location in a browser I can see Packages.bz2 and Packages.gz. I am on 13.0409:59
ActionParsnipkongthap: as long as there is a hard link to the data, it will stand, if all links go the data is 'gine', symlinks excluded10:00
kongthapActionParsnip: if i created a hard link to a folder which contains a tons of files, those files get dupplicated copy for each?10:00
ActionParsnipkongthap: in effect, but the data is only on the drive once10:01
wheatthingregoryfenton, I'm aware you're on 13.04.. 404 is the package isn't present.. and again, is this from the main repo? or is it an alternative package?10:01
kongthapActionParsnip: you wroted, ... if all links (hard links) go (means delete)10:02
kongthapActionParsnip: ???10:02
ActionParsnipkongthap: make a folder and make some files in it, make a hard link to it and then delete the first folder, then open the hard link you made10:02
ActionParsnipkongthap: yes if there are hard links o some data then the data is still accessible by the OS in the usual way10:02
kongthapActionParsnip: ok so the data in the hard link still remains until i delete the hard link itself...10:03
wheatthingregoryfenton, if it's not maintained by ubuntu, then you'll have to file an 404 error to the maintainer10:04
ActionParsnipkongthap: yes, once the last link goes, its gone. technically the folders you make are the same10:05
wheatthinubottu doesn't know what jed is, so I dunno10:05
ubottuwheatthin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
ActionParsnipkongthap: try with some dummy data, its fun10:05
kongthapActionParsnip: sure i will10:06
biunxhello, could anyone help me with configuring clawsmail, please? I can't make it work10:07
kongthapi just timed my booting time, it takes 1:15 mins, i think it's too long time10:07
tarelerulzAny one know how to turn off  bad word block in chrome ?10:07
wheatthintarelerulz, can loog in chrome://flags10:08
kongthapi'm using amd a6 (64 bits) 8 gb of ram why booting time too long?10:08
wheatthinwhat's your timeout?10:08
wheatthinon grub10:09
reisiokongthap: 64-bit doesn't mean ultra fast necessarily10:10
DeepBluehow 2 no a cpu is 32 or 64-bit?10:10
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reisioDeepBlue: grep ' lm' /proc/cpuinfo is usually definitive10:10
ActionParsnipDeepBlue: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:10
gregoryfentonwheatthin sorry for the delay, here is the complete output from apt-get update: http://pastebin.com/pKusRCuK10:10
kongthapreisio: i realized that, just giving info about my system it's still quite modern :)10:11
reisiokongthap: :)10:11
ActionParsnipkongthap: you can run:   dmesg | less      look for large gaps in the left colomn (which is in seconds)10:11
kongthapreisio: do you think it's too long time to boot???10:11
reisiokongthap: I think boot time is a measure of something that needn't be measured10:12
DeepBluereisio ,ActionParsnip : here  ,  http://dpaste.com/1404504/10:13
kongthapActionParsnip: [    0.000000] initial memory mapped: [mem 0x00000000-0x1fffffff] i just have to look through these lines right? i must focus inside [xxxx] right?10:13
wheatthingregoryfenton, I'm not sure but I think there's a spelling error in your sources.lst10:13
llutzDeepBlue: if reisios command gives some output at all, its 64bit cpu10:14
ActionParsnipkongthap: that is at 0 seconds, so not useful10:14
ActionParsnipkongthap: scroll down and read the seconds, when you get a large gap, that is the issue10:14
wheatthinActionParsnip, what do you say about gregoryfenton's problem? http://pastebin.com/pKusRCuK10:14
biunxall right, just managed to make it work. I think it was the username which had to be full email address10:14
kongthapActionParsnip: i meant i don't know what to look for at the first :P10:15
wheatthinip is up and working, but I'm thinking the url is using a space instead of a slash10:15
kongthapActionParsnip: [    0.002764] Inode-cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes) just look for line link this right?10:15
ActionParsnipkongthap: the leftmost number is the time in seconds10:15
gregoryfentonwheatthin this is new install, apart from trying different servers I haven't touched sources.lst. I will upload it momentarilt.10:15
DeepBluellutz:  check this, http://dpaste.com/1404504/10:15
ActionParsnipkongthap: dont worry about the actual text, just lok at the leftmost value10:15
llutzDeepBlue:why should i? if reisios command gives some output at all, its 64bit cpu10:16
reisioDeepBlue: grep produces output when it finds the string it's searching for10:16
reisioDeepBlue: you've searched for ' lm' and gotten output, so it found it10:16
reisioDeepBlue: this means you have a 64-bit proc10:16
kongthapActionParsnip: OK just what inside [***] ???10:16
llutzDeepBlue: 32bit cpu do not have "lm" flags10:16
kongthapActionParsnip: one more thing this file has no timestamp how do i know where is the end of the most recently booting log???10:17
DeepBlueok, thanx  llutz,reisio10:17
ActionParsnipkongthap: the file is made from the nanosecond the kernel started, to right now10:17
ActionParsnipkongthap: and yes, what is inside the brackets10:17
alexwCan anyone help http://paste.laravel.com/WaO ?10:18
ActionParsnipalexw: who is the owner of /srv/www/app/staging/releases/20131003201246/phpunit.xml ?10:19
alexw-rwxr-sr-x 1 rocketeer www-data10:19
wheatthingreg source.lst is wrong10:20
kongthapActionParsnip: this take 11 secs: [   11.140461] EXT4-fs (sda5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)10:20
tilerenderinghi anybody running vnc server under ubuntu 12.04 here ?10:21
ActionParsnipkongthap: then run an fsck on sda5 in livecd10:21
tilerenderingI can connect to the vnc server, but it doesnt show me any applications or menu10:21
tilerenderingjust an empty screen10:21
tilerendering(ubuntu 12.04 lts)10:21
tilerenderingand yes, I installed gnome-core10:21
ActionParsniptilerendering: what is the purpose of the VNC session?10:22
wheatthingregoryfenton, If you look at your pastebin and then look at the link10:22
tilerenderingmaybe I should include some special entries in the startup apps ?10:22
kongthapActionParsnip: i think i misunderstood, actually [timeing] is the sum timing from the previous line, is that right?10:22
ActionParsniptilerendering: there may be a sleeker solution than VNC10:22
ActionParsnipkongthap: yes, its the time the event happened, in seconds, since the kernel started10:22
gregoryfentonwheatthin http://pastebin.com/8ictdMHM10:23
tilerenderingActionParsnip: long-term: run a vmware vm in it (windows7). but now, for short-term: i d just like a graphical environment in wich i can start a terminal, and launch a file manager and basically have basic ubuntu admin tasks/apps at my disposal10:23
Jack_Giantbig question: http://pastebin.com/VkEvYaaR10:23
tilerenderingI d like to use vnc because it has been recommended to me by vmware10:23
tilerenderingso - what do I do in order to see some regular apps/menus in my vnc session ?10:23
kongthapActionParsnip: actually i can deal with 1:15 of booting, but i just feel disappoint that win7 boots faster on this hardware :(10:24
ActionParsnipkongthap: ho many times do you boot?10:24
kongthapActionParsnip: *i can accept10:24
reisiowhat makes you think it boots faster?10:24
ActionParsniptilerendering: so you want to manage a vmware server? Is that it?10:24
tilerenderingActionParsnip: yes, but I want to use a ubuntu gui prior to that10:25
tilerenderingso can you give me help with my problem ?10:25
tilerenderingor do you want to recommend me something I dont want ;)10:25
k1lkongthap: be aware, that windows does some kind of hibernation and not a real shutdown10:25
ActionParsniptilerendering: why not install the VIC on a system and connect to the remote system to manage it?? Why are you using VNC when there is a much sleeker (and more secure) method?10:25
kongthapActionParsnip: in usual situation it always takes about this long... but i never time it on purpose until today10:25
ActionParsniptilerendering: are you crazy?10:26
ActionParsnipkongthap: i'd run an fsck overnight on the sda5 partition10:26
sorin2189Hello everyone! I tried installing 13.04 yesterday and I've run into a huge problem:  Right after install, I enabled fglrx restricted driver from the 'Restricted Drivers' tab in 'Software and Updates'.  It asked me to reboot for the new driver to be loaded, and i did so. Problem is my system did not boot again.  I said ok, i'll try the fglrx-updates driver, so i reinstalled ubuntu 13.04 and tried with that one. Needless to say, i 10:27
kongthapActionParsnip: i saw i youtube clip, a guy boots his notebook (not so new model) with ubuntu, it's super fast so I'm just jealous him10:27
sorin2189Anyone has any idea what the hell is happening ?10:27
reisiosorin2189: msg cut off10:27
kongthapi will try to manually run fsck10:27
reisiosorin2189: reinstalling over a driver change is kind of a waste of time :)10:27
ActionParsnipscyrmion: which ATI GPU do you use?10:27
wheatthingregoryfenton, sorry man.. I don't think that section is supported10:28
sorin2189reisio: i know it's a waste of time, but i always think fresh install is better10:28
gregoryfentonwheatthin thanks, I will figure this out. Much appreciated :)10:28
wheatthinit says in that paste that although it may contain some newer versions with different features, it's not maintained too well10:28
sorin2189anyway, this doesn't solve my problem. I'm really disappointed that a simple driver install screws up the system10:28
reisiosorin2189: it isn't :)10:28
wheatthingregoryfenton, why did you enable that section anyways?10:29
sorin2189fresh install being better or not is not really the problem at hand10:29
reisiofresh installs are "good" in Windows land, because there's no way of telling what goes on when Windows installs, it's all closed10:29
reisioGNU/Linux distros are entirely open, so you don't have that problem10:29
reisiojust saying10:29
sorin2189ok, got it. how about some thoughts about my real problem? :(10:29
reisiosorin2189: what's the problem now?10:30
sorin2189can't boot ubuntu 13.04 with fglrx drivers enabled10:30
gregoryfentonwheatthin I haven't enabled anything, this is a VM that was created yesterday and worked fine then. Today 404 galore.10:30
reisiosorin2189: can you boot in the 'safe mode'?10:30
sorin2189nope. X refuses to start up10:30
sorin2189actually not X. it doesn't even boot to shell with networking10:31
sorin2189kernel fails to load (maybe can't load fglrx properly?)10:31
wheatthingregoryfenton, it's cause the links changed10:31
kongthapActionParsnip: when is the best time and how often to run fsck???10:31
reisiommm, doesn't really follow10:31
reisiomore likely the graphics system is failing alone10:31
ActionParsnipkongthap: just when you get issues10:31
ActionParsnipkongthap: best time was for minimal impact, so schedule a maintenence window10:32
kongthapActionParsnip: when using fsck it scans the entire disk or i have to specify the partition?10:32
reisiothe entire file system10:32
reisiofile system, fs10:32
ActionParsnipkongthap: you specify the partition to check10:32
wheatthingregoryfenton, go to the site.. it's a link that's linked to itself10:33
reisiowhere filesystem is one of what /sbin/blkid spits out10:33
kongthapreisio: entire file system means not entire partition right?10:33
ihresorin2189: CTRL+ALT+F1, login, sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE10:33
wheatthinrepo is sync'd wrong10:33
sorin2189ihre: i'm not even able to go to tty110:33
reisiokongthap: it can mean an entire partition, insofar as a file system can take up an entire partition :)10:33
llutzpoor little cat10:33
kongthapActionParsnip: what did you meant by schedule it, what app can i use to schedule the task???10:33
ActionParsnipkongthap: no, schedule as in, with the users of the system10:34
kongthapreisio: i got it :)10:34
ActionParsnipkongthap: if its your own PC then run it overnight10:34
wheatthinis this a looping link? http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10:34
kongthapActionParsnip: to use fsck i must boot the system with live cd right?10:35
k1lwheatthin: that is a german repo server, what is wrong with it?10:36
ActionParsnipkongthap: it just means the partition will not be mounted or in use10:36
babinlonstonAny One Know About Leave Tracking Open Source Software ? If there is 20 Employees , and if some one took leave we need to entire the entry and at last of month i need to track his records10:36
reisiobabinlonston: that's quite hard to parse10:36
ihresorin2189: bummer, i'd fetch a live cd/usb if I were you. Mount your root partition on /mnt and chroot into it. Then check your logs10:36
babinlonstonreisio: why ?10:37
kongthapi've installed python3, if i wanted to update the latest version i just repeat "apt-get install python3" right?10:37
reisiobabinlonston: good question10:37
sorin2189ihre: thank you ... how's this possible though? I just fresh installed, enabled fglrx and that's it. broken10:37
k1lkongthap: no10:38
ActionParsnipkongthap: yesm that will update that package from the available sources10:38
sorin2189i've read that ubuntu is being adopted in france for police ... how do they cope with this kind of "stability" lol10:38
ActionParsnipscyrmion: which ATI gpu do you use?10:38
kongthapk1l: what is your suggestion? :)10:38
ActionParsnipscyrmion: I did ask earlier10:38
Na3iLhey all ^10:38
k1lkongthap: it will install the latest version in the ubuntu repos. not the latest version that is out there.10:39
k1lkongthap: and you should run updates systemwide not only for one package for systemwide security updates10:39
k1l!update | kongthap10:39
ubottukongthap: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:39
reisiosorin2189: they have someone other than you install it for them :)10:39
reisioNa3iL: hi10:40
Na3iLhey reisio :)10:40
reisiothey probably also use particular hardware10:40
k1lkongthap: gnah, sorry, wrong factoid. use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to update (or the GUI updater)10:40
sorin2189reisio: it's not rocket science to click next next next until installer finishes. neither to go to software and updates -> restricted drivers -> click fglrx -> enable -> reboot10:40
ActionParsnipscyrmion: we cant help if you dont give basic details10:40
kongthapk1l: what command is for system wide update??? for now i only wait for the auto update because i don't know what else to do10:40
wheatthink1l, well I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with gregoryfenton's 404 problem when installing a package10:40
sorin2189reisio: how can one screw up at the above install process10:40
wheatthinI'm thinking it's this source.lst but I'm uncertain  http://pastebin.com/8ictdMHM10:41
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ActionParsnipscyrmion: which ATI gpu do you use?10:41
reisiosorin2189: did you get those EE's?10:41
k1lsorin2189: do you have a real support issue or are you just here for flaming? please keep this channel clear for support issues10:41
gregoryfenton\o s10:41
ActionParsnipscyrmion: or does the system have a make/model?10:41
gregoryfenton:is still here10:41
tilerenderingcan anyone tell me how to make appear some basic ubuntu gui in my vnc server instance ? or what this depends on ? where to look ?10:41
otaksorin2189: contact your hardware provider this is a help channel10:41
reisiotilerendering: what appears now?10:42
ActionParsniptilerendering: press CTRL+ALT+T and run:   gnome-panel10:42
ActionParsniptilerendering: I would still stand by that you are oing this THE worst way concievable10:42
tilerenderingreisio: nothing. just an empty GUi. no menu, no "applications" item, nothing.10:42
sorin2189well i'm trying to get help. apparently nobody knows why a simple driver activation fails.10:42
tilerenderingjust an empty 1024x768 screen10:43
reisiotilerendering: and if you right-click?10:43
tilerenderingreisio: nothing happens10:43
tilerenderingit´s a 12.04 lts server ubuntu10:43
reisiotilerendering: doesn't sound quite properly configured :p10:43
tilerenderingI already installed gnome-core10:43
tilerenderingdo I need something else ? or maybe edit some config files ?10:43
k1lgregoryfenton: can you show a "sudo apt-get update" in a pastebin?10:43
ActionParsniptilerendering: can you launch a terminal?10:43
wheatthinreisio, sounds like unity needs resetting :)10:43
tilerenderingActionParsnip: nope. I cant do anything10:43
tilerenderingexcept move the mouse cursor ;)10:44
vik_join #sympy10:44
ActionParsniptilerendering: so CTRL+ALT+T doesnt launch a terminal?10:44
k1lgregoryfenton: this is a vm? does it connect to other stuff, like "ping heise.de"?10:44
reisiodoes the default Ubuntu VNC server disable graphics accel automatically now? or is that still required?10:44
Dr_Willistilerendering:  so you have only installed 'gnome-core' ?10:44
tilerenderingreisio: no idea about that10:44
wheatthinit's still required last time I checked10:44
ActionParsnipreisio: I believe so10:44
tilerenderingDr_Willis: yes10:44
Dr_Willistilerendering:  im not sure that would install  all the stuff needed for the gnome-desktop.  theres minimal window managers like 'jwm' you may want to install as a fall back window manager untill youi get the desktop working right10:45
tilerenderingDr_Willis: hm10:45
tilerenderingDr_Willis: any idea on how to do that ?10:46
gregoryfentonk1l, it is a VM, 64 bytes from redirector.heise.de ( icmp_req=1 ttl=249 time=9.27 ms. apt-get upd10:46
tilerenderingI m not a Ubuntu pro, I just want to get a basic GUI environment working with some minimal administrative features10:46
Dr_Willistilerendering:  its easier to make a server out of a desktop install, then a desktop out of a server install. ;) but  what desktop do you want? 'sudo apt-get install jwm' will install a very tiny window manager10:46
tilerenderingand a web brwoser would be fine too ;)10:46
tilerenderingDr_Willis: sure, but this is not an option now10:46
gregoryfentonsorry, apt-get update @ http://pastebin.com/pKusRCuK10:46
Dr_Willistilerendering:  jwm is about as basic as it gets10:46
Jack_Gianthttp://pastebin.com/VkEvYaaR  I really need help10:46
tilerenderingDr_Willis: yeah but I need some howto - or else I ll run into more problems10:47
freshfishhi all!10:47
tilerenderingwhat´s the default window manager installed with 12.04 LTS ?10:47
Dr_Willistilerendering:  a how to for what? 'sudo apt-get install jwm'  then se3lect jwm as the windiow mangfer at the login screen10:47
freshfishgot a weird one.10:47
Dr_Willistilerendering:  that would be Unity - its the default10:47
wolfheart_Hi , when i try and use my stk1160 video capture device with guvcview i get this error :- " http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187636/ " anyone know how to solve this please ?10:47
auronandacetilerendering: compiz10:47
k1lgregoryfenton: can you show your actual " cat /etc/apt/sources.list" ?10:47
freshfishaudio based.10:48
Dr_Willistilerendering:  'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' would pull in all the needed packages.   Unity is a plugin for compiz10:48
ActionParsniptilerendering: again, does CTRL+ALT+T give a terminal?10:48
ActionParsniptilerendering: compiz is defalt installed10:48
tilerenderingActionParsnip: nope10:48
ActionParsniptilerendering: try changing your user session to lxde and use that10:49
tilerenderingI just get an empty display not reacting to anything10:49
sam113101unity is still a plugin for compiz as of 13.04, right?10:49
k1lwheatthin: no de.… server in there. so there might be some changes10:49
tilerenderingActionParsnip: how do I do that10:49
Dr_Willissam113101:  yes10:49
ActionParsniptilerendering: why do you not use the VIC and connect using that to the VMWare service?10:49
sam113101what about 13.10?10:49
Dr_Willissam113101:  yes10:49
ActionParsniptilerendering: whynot do it the proper way10:49
sam113101will 13.10 be using mir?10:49
tilerenderingActionParsnip: because the vmware people told me to use vnc. I try to stay on trails on which I can progress rather than run into new problems10:49
Dr_Willissam113101:  according to webupd8 blog site i saw today. its not going to be the default.10:49
freshfish13.04, vid card with hmdi vid/audio, mobo with spdif.  I use the spidf for my audio out....a few updates ago (3 months?)  my audio would make this "zrrpp" sound and no output.10:49
freshfishI installed pulse audio control...10:50
wheatthink1l, he changed it multiple times from de to fr and german10:50
k1lsam113101: no. there is no unity for mir (for the desktop) so far. target is something after 14.0410:50
sam113101will it still be a compiz plugin though? lol10:51
freshfishfoudn out I had to change the output from 5.1 digital w/o analod input to off, then back to the same setting and it would zrrp again and PCM fires up on the receiver.10:51
username1234In LxTask process memory usage is shown in 2 columns. RSS and VM-Size. The numbers in these columns are different and I can't find any explanation as to what RSS and VM-Size actually mean in this context.10:51
Dr_Willissam113101:  theres a move to using qt, but who can tell.10:51
k1lsam113101: unity gets rewritten for mit without compiz10:51
freshfishbut this is for vids, music players,10:51
kostkonsam113101, 13.10 has unity 7 so yes, unity 8 is the qt based one10:51
wheatthink1l, and now it's not working when it was just a couple days ago10:51
freshfishevery audio.10:51
k1lwheatthin: i think mybe the / at the end is a problem.   or the traffic through the vm host10:52
office_Hi All  i am new to ubuntu how is everyone10:52
ActionParsniptilerendering: why? There is zero security in VNC. Makes no sense at all10:52
sam113101if unity 8 will be using qt, does it mean we'll also see more qt apps on ubuntu? (it's mainly gtk now)10:52
ActionParsnipsam113101: how is it mainly gtk?10:53
ActionParsnipsam113101: all the apps in kubuntu use qt, insted of gtk10:53
wheatthintilerendering, if using vnc restrict it to local lan only, and ssh tunnel to it10:53
ActionParsnipsam113101: where did you hear that it's "mainly gtk"?10:53
sam113101talking about ubuntu, not kubuntu10:53
ActionParsniptilerendering: http://askubuntu.com/questions/160160/unity-launcher-doesnt-appear-in-vnc-session10:54
gregoryfentonk1l, http://pastebin.com/Vz52e9Di is my /etc/apt/sources.lst and http://pastebin.com/R0zhxm43 is the output from apt-get update. I have just created and uploaded them.10:54
username1234In LxTask process memory usage is shown in 2 columns. RSS and VM-Size. The numbers in these columns are different and I can't find any explanation as to what RSS and VM-Size actually mean in this context. What do RSS and VM-Size mean in the context of running process lists?10:54
wolfheart_Hi , when i try and use my stk1160 video capture device with guvcview i get this error :- " http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187636/ " anyone know how to solve this please ?10:56
wheatthinwolfheart_, try using a lower resolution for cam settings10:57
wheatthinwolfheart_, or try using 24bpp10:59
diverdudeHow do i install QT on ubuntu?11:00
wheatthindiverdude, sudo apt-cache search QT11:00
wheatthinyou'll then search for the package you want11:00
diverdudewheatthin, that gives me all sorts of irrellevant stuff11:01
tilerenderinggot it working11:02
tilerenderingthanks everyone11:02
wolfheart_wheatthin :- ok thank you brb11:02
valeriaciao dodi11:02
k1lgregoryfenton: put this in your sources.list. its a clean repo list wiht the original ubuntu servers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187682/11:02
gregoryfentonwill do k1l11:02
wheatthindiverdude, no, it gives you a list of QT.. dev, look for qt toolkit or something11:03
GalvatronSince yesterday I have a problem with my Ubuntu 12.04.3( the 13.04 HWE stack) occasionally freezing and the screen going blank soon after the OS fully loads. My GPU is a 7300GT + ForceWare 304.88. Here is my kern.log after the last crash: http://pastebin.com/e0LSV1hM11:03
wheatthinGalvatron, what graphics drivers are you using?11:04
diverdudewheatthin, is it sudo apt-get install qt--sdk ?11:04
wheatthinGalvatron, you might also wanna disable your screensaver11:04
diverdudeqt-sdk ?11:04
Galvatronwheatthin: The 304.88 legacy blob11:04
GalvatronI don't use a screensaver11:05
wheatthinGalvatron, is that from the ubuntu repo?11:05
gregoryfentonk1l, even with that file, still 404s11:06
GalvatronI have "proposed" and "backports" disabled11:06
wolfheart_wheatthin , i have tried a lower resolution of 176 x 144 and now i get this error :- " http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187687/ "11:06
k1lgregoryfenton: than there is a problem with your VM host11:06
alexwhow would I allow a user in (sudoers) to run "service php5-fpm reload"11:07
k1lGalvatron: forceware is not a ubuntu package, is it?11:07
alexwis it /usr/sbin/service?11:07
gregoryfentonI just can't understand why the Packages files are not showing in the repositories11:07
wheatthinwhy so low tho? I'm sure there's a 320 or something like that wolfheart_ .. but I was meaning bpp ..11:07
Galvatronk1l I mean the NV propriettar driver. "ForceWare" is what Nvidia calls it.;)11:08
stingsay`ubuntu server 12.04.3 .i have php scrip . am want to run it every 5 munite as root/sudo . can you guide me how it work ?11:08
wheatthintry using 24bpp it's the equivalent to 32bit11:08
k1lGalvatron: are you sure the 7300 is still supported with the 304 driver? nvidia drops old cards from time to time11:09
GalvatronThe 304.xx line is the last one supporting GF6 and 711:10
wolfheart_wheatthin oh ok , do you know how i can set bpp for guvcview in a terminal please ?11:10
gregoryfentonstingray: sudo crontab -e  in that file at the bottom add */5 * * * * /path/to/php -f /path/to/script.php   and add a blank line at the bottom of the file11:10
wheatthinwolfheart_, not right off hand..   man guvcview11:11
wheatthinor whatever it is11:11
stingsay`ubuntu server 12.04.3 .i have php scrip . am want to run it every 5 munite as root/sudo . can you guide me how it work ?11:11
username1234In LxTask process memory usage is shown in 2 columns. RSS and VM-Size. The numbers in these columns are different and I can't find any explanation as to what RSS and VM-Size actually mean in this context. What do RSS and VM-Size mean in the context of running process lists?11:11
wheatthinstingsay`, you can use crontab11:12
gregoryfentonstingsay`,  sudo crontab -e  in that file at the bottom add */5 * * * * /path/to/php -f /path/to/script.php   and add a blank line at the bottom of the file11:12
gregoryfentonsorry for previous misspelling of name11:13
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:13
dontkillthebunniHello everyone!11:16
gregoryfentonFixed it. Gotta look into why it is happening, but changing every occurrence of http:// to ftp:// in sources.lst fixed the issue. #mightystrange.11:21
vusiehi guys can anyone help me configure the terminal plugin in gedit so that it uses a black font rather than white cos m on a white bg and cant see a thing11:21
SupaSolHi here11:23
wolfheart_wheatthin :- even with bpp set as 16 i get this error " http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187741/ "11:24
wheatthinit was already using 16bpp11:24
vijayaconfigure: error: scrnsaver.h is missing.  Please install package libxss-dev or equivalent11:26
vijayaI am facing this problem11:26
vijayawhat shall Id o11:26
vijayaI am configuring ostbox-0.3.7 for arm, at that time I was getting this error... how can I resolve this error11:27
bazhangvijaya, install that package yet?11:27
Dr_Willisinstall the package it says?11:27
_graham_Install libxss-dev?11:27
Dr_Willis!info ostbox11:27
ubottuPackage ostbox does not exist in raring11:27
bazhang!info libxss-dev11:27
ubottulibxss-dev (source: libxss): X11 Screen Saver extension library (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.2-1 (raring), package size 12 kB, installed size 85 kB11:27
Dr_Willis!find ostbox11:27
bazhangvijaya, ^11:27
ubottuFile ostbox found in postfixadmin, wordpress11:27
vusieguys help me11:28
vijayaI installed that eventhough it is showing like that11:28
Dr_Willisvusie:  it may be it uses the default gnome-terminal settings/sessions11:28
Dr_Willis!find scrnsaver.h11:29
ubottuFile scrnsaver.h found in libxss-dev11:29
vijayawhat is meant by that11:29
vijayaFile means11:30
Dr_Willissounds like the code  you are compiling has some issues.. its not finding  the includes on your syste,11:30
Dr_Willisid have to suggest checking out the ostbox homepage, forums, or channel11:30
wolfheart_wheatthin :- never mind got it working in vlc :o)11:31
vijayaIt is opensource nly I solved some issues regarding that code..11:31
Dr_Willisopensourced apps can have forums, and homepages, and irc channels...11:31
vijayaI didn't get rly from that forum, so I finally approched here11:31
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Jack_GiantIs there anyone that can help me with this: http://pastebin.com/VkEvYaaR11:35
gordonjcpJack_Giant: what's the problem?11:37
Jack_Giantsetting up the server with the software11:37
Jack_GiantI have 5 different tuts and non of them work11:37
gordonjcpJack_Giant: setting up what server with what software?11:37
CatKillerJack_Giant: Sounds like you're asking somebody to basically setup a server for you?11:39
CatKillerwith services etc11:39
CatKillerI didn't see any question in there11:39
gordonjcpJack_Giant: what are you trying to set up11:39
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joachimhsI have a couple of servers that I want to install Ubuntu and virtualization on. I also want to manage each of the physical machines through MAAS. What is the preferred virtualization method for Ubuntu? I won't require different OSes for the VMs11:40
Jack_Giant-   /usr/bin/mkpasswd doesn't work11:41
Jack_Giantany ideas?11:42
bekksJack_Giant: Use "passwd".11:42
CatKillerJack_Giant: "doesn't work" is not really much to work with11:42
gordonjcpJack_Giant: why are you trying to use "mkpasswd" and what exactly are you trying to do?11:42
CatKillerJack_Giant: Imagine you call the garage: "My car doesn't work, any idea?"11:42
lili19cant set keyboard, first row of letters is azertyuiop but comes out as azerty456-11:43
CatKillerlili19: You probably have the "fn" key locked11:43
Jack_Giantfollow this tut: http://www.codeography.com/2012/09/23/howto-irc-server.html   (I'm sorry, I'm very tired at the moment be at it for 5 hours11:43
CatKilleror the "num lck" enabled11:43
joachimhsIs KVM the preferred way… Or is Docker a viable option?11:43
bekksJack_Giant: For doing what?11:43
CatKillerlili19: On some laptopts, there are blue digits on part of the keyboard to use it as a numerical pad11:43
bekksJack_Giant: wrong tab, sorry.11:44
Jack_Giantset up a IRC with SSL11:44
bekksjoachimhs: for doing what?11:44
gordonjcplili19: using a laptop? Using numlock?11:44
ikoniaJack_Giant: do you really feel random guides off the internet is wise ?11:44
ikoniasorry, pastefail11:44
joachimhsbekks: I want to set up a few physical machines with MAAS. On each physical machine, I want to set up VMs11:44
lili19yes i see11:44
lili19how to unlock11:45
Jack_GiantWhat is wise then?11:45
bekksjoachimhs: Then use a virtualization solution like vbox, kvm, xen. In that order.11:45
CatKillerlili19: Try pressing the "num lk" key11:45
ikoniaJack_Giant: reading about the specific IRC daemon you plan to use, and using it's documentation to set it up correctly11:45
joachimhsbekks: Is vbox a viable option for production use?11:45
bekksjoachimhs: Sure.11:46
lili19no it doesnt unlok11:46
rubleHow can I save the program flow of a command in terminal?11:46
lili19but if i keep fn pressed it works11:47
joachimhsbekks: Hm.. I thought vbox was optimized for running VMs on a desktop… :)11:47
gillzona have a folder with som files and i want to set up a local CSV how do i start? anybody know a good guide ?11:47
lili19i just have to keep it pressed  annoying though11:47
CatKillerlili19: So the unlock key isn't mapped it seems11:47
Danielc1234Hi all, I have a user named guest on our server. Is there a way to restrict them to a certain folder and yet let them be able to read/write the files?11:48
bekksgillzon: It is calles cvs, not csv. and you'd better use subversion nowadays.11:48
CatKillerlili19: Did you locate the numlock key ?11:48
CatKillerlili19: What does it say on it?11:48
ikoniaDanielc1234: chroot ?11:48
CatKiller(with the description of the colors)11:48
lili19oh wait i did a stupid mistake. i pressed numlock without pressing fn. now i did the two and it works. thank you11:49
CatKillerthat's what I was going to suggest ;)11:49
lili19thanks a lot11:49
gordonjcpJack_Giant: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/irc-server.html11:49
gordonjcpJack_Giant: there's the official guide, follow that11:49
bezabanDanielc1234: what are you trying to accomplish? A user can per default only write to /tmp and their home directory11:50
gillzonbekks: thx i will take a look at it11:50
bezabanthere are ways of further restricting a user, like within a chroot jail or virtual machine, but it all depends on what you are trying to do.11:50
joachimhsbekks: Thanks!11:51
rubleWhen I try to run this command "bin/crawl urls/seed.txt TestCrawl http://localhost:8983/solr/ 2" in shell, it works. But when I put that same command in a shell script and then run that script, I get this error: http://pastebin.com/hGs38k3211:51
Jack_GiantHow would you open file system explorer as sudo11:51
bezabanany user with local access is a much bigger security risk than remote only, so for a 'public service' I would recommend facilitating that with a service11:51
jribruble: on ubuntu?11:51
bekksJack_Giant: You dont. Thats a very bad habbit.11:51
Danielc1234bezaban I am obviuosly not the IT guy for our server, but we have someone that is going to be doing some custom work on one of the sites on the server. I am just trying to give that user access to our server, but restrict him to a certain folder and have the ability to read/write the files within that folder.11:52
rublejrib: using cygwin11:52
CatKillerruble: Sounds like this is not a Ubuntu question. Crawl is not part of the distrib11:52
jribruble: ok but this channel is for ubuntu support11:52
daniellinuxhello how to merge all unallocated spaces?11:52
bekksdaniellinux: There is no need to do so using a sane filesystem like ext4.11:52
rublewhich channel do I go to? I thought it might be a shell problem11:52
CatKillerDanielc1234: If you're worried he could hack in your server and want full isolation, try linux containers (LXC)11:53
bekksruble: ##cygwin11:53
bezabanDanielc1234: you can just add him as a normal user and add access to the files he is allowed to work on.  Any normal user is restricted to breaking stuff per default11:53
rubleok, thanks11:53
daniellinuxbekks, i have some unallocated spaces11:53
bekksdaniellinux: On your harddrive, and your partitions do not consume all available space?11:53
daniellinuxbekks, yes11:54
bezabanDanielc1234: this can be accomplished by making him the owner of the files or adding a group, changing the group ownership of the files and adding said account to the group11:54
daniellinuxbekks, unallocated spaces are shown soffwrantly11:54
bekksdaniellinux: Then you have take a full backup of your system and use gparted to resize your partitions.11:54
daniellinuxbekks, *differantly11:54
daniellinuxbekks, oh ok11:55
bezabanalthough this sounds a lot like something the it guy would want to be informed about11:55
daniellinuxbekks, any other way?'11:55
bekksdaniellinux: No.11:55
vijayaI am configuring ostbox-0.3.7 for arm , it is showing error like this12:00
vijayaconfigure: error: scrnsaver.h is missing.  Please install package libxss-dev or equivalent12:00
vijayahow can I resolve this error12:00
CatKillervijaya: "sudo apt-get install <missing package>"12:02
vijayaI did eve it is showing lik that12:02
buggerhi all - i'm having severe problems with openjdk-7, any java compilation fails with this error: bad class file: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class) class file has wrong version 51.0, should be 49.012:04
buggeri'm runnign ubuntu 13.0412:04
buggeri've uninstalled all the openjdk and icedtea packages and reinstalled them12:04
buggerstill having the same issue12:04
buggerany ideas what to try?12:04
CatKillerbugger: SO answer12:05
andreiiarGuise. I wanted a portable linux and chose lubuntu for a 16 gig drive. Someone said it's better to use full install it. I installed it at work and it was fine. Then I went to other job and ran it from laptop. FINE!!! This morning when I ran again from work pc my monitor said resoluition it was out of his range. That was before grub menu too. No grub menu. What is ther to do.12:06
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buggerCatKiller, thanks i've been trying that one before and still no luck so far, but i just noticed one thing in there that might be the culprit12:07
bekksandreiiar: do you use portablelinux or ubuntu?12:08
CatKillerandreiiar: Using the laptop's integrated monitor, change the resolution to something your work monitor is compatible with?12:08
daniellinuxcan i delete my swap partition for some time? will it harm my computer?12:08
andreiiarI did full install. I don;t have my laptop with me but I have a linux box here.12:08
bekksdaniellinux: yes. no.12:08
CatKillerit will most likely crash12:09
bekksCatKiller: thats wrong.12:09
CatKillerdaniellinux: Why do you want to do that?12:09
bezabanyou will be fine without swap12:09
daniellinuxcardiel, crash what?12:09
bekksremoving swap will not harm or crash a system.12:09
bekksdaniellinux: Dont listen to him.12:09
daniellinuxbekks, ok12:09
CatKillerbekks: It will crash once he runs out of memory and OOM killer is called12:09
bekksCatKiller: No. The OOM killer does not care  about swap at all.12:10
bekksCatKiller: The OOM kills applications, not the abscence of swap.12:10
daniellinuxi just want to merge 2 unallocated spaces, the swap partition is inside 2 of those.12:10
CatKillerA user asks you if he can remove his swap partition. This means he doesn't know what swap do, and saying "go ahead" is simply bad practice12:10
bekksCatKiller: And talking about OOM dont know what it ot, is bad practice too.12:10
daniellinuxCatKiller, actually i will make swap again12:10
CatKillerbekks: It will crash once he runs out of memory and OOM killer is called and starts killing vital processes12:10
bezabanCatKiller: re-read the original question12:11
bekksCatKiller: The abscence of swap is irrelevant for the OOM to start killing process.12:11
ArielX_if I want to upload pics here , how?12:11
CatKillerbekks: The absence of memory is12:11
andreiiarOmg can you stop helping the others and focus on me please?12:11
bezabanit is not intended to be permanent, and I've run systems without swap partitions without issues12:11
vijaya*** Unable to find SDL_ttf library12:11
vijayaolve this error12:11
bekksCatKiller: correct. which is not swap. Memory is memory, swap is swap.12:12
CatKillerandreiiar: Did you try what I suggested?12:12
wylde!paste | ArielX_12:12
ubottuArielX_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:12
CatKillerbekks: Don't worry12:12
andreiiarcatkiller: I don;t have my laptop with me/12:12
kees_Hello this is Kees12:13
vijayaCatKiller: I did what u said again it is showing some other error12:13
stevecamhas anyone had any success with electricsheep in raring?12:13
CatKillerandreiiar: It's not going to be easy then. Ubuntu will configure a resolution. If that's incompatible you won't be able to see much. Can you SSH to it maybe?12:13
ActionParsnipstevecam: Im sure many have12:13
CatKillervijaya: What error is it showing?12:13
stevecamim trying to run it, nothing is coming up12:13
daniellinuxso it means i can remove swap for sometime?12:13
andreiiarcatkiller: i think i can. what then?12:14
vijayaconfigure: error: *** Unable to find SDL_ttf library12:14
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stevecamummmm.... nevermind12:14
CatKillerdaniellinux: You shouldn't if you don't know why you shouldn't. But it won't make your machine explode12:14
Neptuhave a question I have a very anoying problem with the grouping of windows with alt-tab, if I have 5 terminas I have to wait until ungroups and then select the one I want so is kinda slow... there is any way to see all terminasl an one list and select it directly with alt-tab??12:14
ActionParsnipstevecam: http://askubuntu.com/questions/287507/electricsheep-not-working-in-raring-13-0412:14
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daniellinuxCatKiller, ok12:14
ActionParsnipNeptu: if you use terminal a lot, use guake and you can show/hide it with a shortcut key (F12 by default) and you can name tabs as youu wish12:15
ActionParsnipNeptu: doesnt get mixed in with the ALT-TAB mess then12:15
mtnnni can not open12:15
NeptuActionParsnip, thanks for the tip12:15
mtnnndialog box how can i open12:15
vijayaCatkiller: I have installed all the packages including SDL12:15
ActionParsnipstevecam: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/how-to-get-electric-sheep-to-work-with.html12:15
ActionParsnipNeptu: yakuake is a KDE equiv12:15
mtnnnfor invidual  dialol box ?12:15
rkziiNeptu: If you use gnome as desktop environment, there's an extension that will return the normal alt+tab behaviour12:15
ActionParsnipNeptu: tilda is a light version (good for lxde/xfce)12:15
CatKillerandreiiar: You could try that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142822/how-can-i-change-the-default-screen-resolution/142831#14283112:15
NeptuActionParsnip, no problem never used it even heard of it so i think i go for it12:16
rkziiNeptu: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/15/alternatetab/12:17
ActionParsnipNeptu: it hides and shws like the terminal in doom2 / halflife etc12:17
CatKillervijaya: Compiling stuff from source usually is not that simple. Once you fix this message you will get another error, and another, and another until all dependencies are met12:17
CatKillervijaya: In that case, try googling "ubuntu install <dependency>"12:17
ActionParsnipNeptu: you can run long commands then hide it, keep checking on it by re-showing it12:17
ActionParsnipNeptu: imho it should be default12:17
CatKillervijaya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23227712:18
vijayaok...  CatKiller12:18
CatKillervijaya: A good practice is also to add "lib" before the library name and use "tab completion" with apt-get install12:18
CatKillervijaya: "apt get install lib<first few characters of library name>"12:19
CatKillerand tab12:19
ActionParsnipCatKiller: yes, the package names can be tab completed12:19
CatKilleror sometimes it will be "python-<lib name"12:19
CatKillervijaya: There is no easy solution. Or actually there is: "apt", but for direct from source there isn't12:19
sledcan anyone tell me why the package cuda-cross-armhf is not installable using APT? I get dependecies problems, it complains that it is not installable12:19
NeptuActionParsnip, hej how I do to only see guake in one workspace only... I have it everywhere12:21
ActionParsnipNeptu: not sure there, I only use 1 workspace12:21
BluesKajHI all12:21
NeptuActionParsnip, looking at preferences but i do not find it12:21
MaddockHello everyone, I got a question concerning server ip/vpn. How can 1 ip with different ports be in 2 different countries? e.g.: http://www.gametracker.com/search/?query=
ikoniaMaddock: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ?12:23
ikoniaMaddock: what ?12:23
CatKillerMaddock: That has no relation with Ubuntu. Anyways it's not, the server redirects it and does load balancing12:23
matthias_archhi, is somebody familiar with BitMessage?12:31
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tilerenderingcan I disconnect from a vncserver session without the desktop being reset i.e. without logging out ?12:32
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bekkstilerendering: Just close the vncviewer window.12:32
k1l!anyone | matthias_arch12:32
ubottumatthias_arch: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:32
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:33
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bezabandoes sldapd store it's databases in /opt/ldap by default in ubuntu?12:33
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matthias_archI've started my own Project for my RaspberryPI.  I got a BitMessageDaemon running on my PI and now I'm  Developing a graphical user interface to controll the  daemon and send messages. if you don't know visit:  bitmessage.org and  https://github.com/Mattze96/BitMessageClient. I've made  a couple of videos from a pre-stage of my programm12:35
axthebbezaban: no12:36
ikoniamatthias_arch: how does this relate to ubuntu ?12:36
bezabanaxtheb: as was my suspicion. upside is apparmor scripts are correct, downside is it breaks upgrades on some of these systems :(12:36
axthebbezaban: /var/lib/ldap12:38
RoryUbuntu 12.04, Mate 1.6.0 -  Is Mate supported in this channel? I'd like to know how to set the "primary" monitor in a dual-display setup, that is, the monitor the panels display on. I used to be able to "hack" it by disabling and then renabling the second monitor, but doing this now just puts the panels back on the second screen again12:39
ikoniaRory: isn't mate in the multiverse repo ?12:40
k1lRory: for mate support please see the mint support channels. mate is not in the repos12:40
ikoniak1l: is it not in multiverse now ?12:40
k1likonia: cinnamon is in the repos since 13.04, iirc12:40
Ben64yeah i get those two confused all the time12:40
ikoniaI thought mate had also slipped in - despite how bad it's concept is12:41
Roryikonia: Mate is my waifu, I'm trying to make my desktop look and feel like 8.0412:41
Ben64mate is the gnome 2 zombie, cinnamon is gnome 3, mate isn't and hopefully never will be in repo12:41
ikoniaBen64: I thought it had slipped in too, I'm pleased to see I'm wrong12:41
Ben64Rory: use gnome-fallback or something12:41
ikoniaRory: your waifu ?12:42
k1lRory: take a look at xubuntu or lubuntu if you want gnome2 style12:42
RoryBen64: Nono, there is a way, I used to be able to do it. I just wondered if anyone in here knew off the top of their head12:42
RoryI specifically want Mate. It's OK I'll find it eventually, I only googled for a couple of minutes before asking12:42
Ben64well mate definitely isn't supported here and isn't good anyway. you should use something better12:42
k1lRory: best way is to ask the mint guys, since they use and build that desktop software12:42
Roryk1l: spochat?12:42
Rory!mint | rory12:43
ubottuRory, please see my private message12:43
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:43
ActionParsnipRory: Cinammon is in the repos of 12.10 and up (if memory serves)12:43
RoryActionParsnip: I know, I use Cinnamon full-time at work, it suits me there.12:44
k1lActionParsnip: nope. since raring12:44
lenzHey there! I'm on a fresh install of 13.1012:44
Ben64i use gnome-fallback. looks and feels just like 10.04 did, but is better12:44
ActionParsnipk1l: bah, close12:44
lenzHow can I remove the amazon scope?12:44
ActionParsniplenz: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Saucy support, til release day12:44
k1llenz: best is to ask in the #ubuntu+1 for not released versions12:45
lenzOkay, thank you12:45
lenzThat channel seems to be empty though... :/12:45
lenzouh, nevermind12:46
ActionParsniplenz: its still only supported there12:46
Rorylenz: Channel #ubuntu+1: 166 nicks (1 op, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 165 normals)12:46
ActionParsniplenz: if you cant resolve simple things like that without having to ask, you probably shouldnt be using pre-releases12:48
lenzActionParsnip, I was just irritated because "sag remove unity-lens-shopping" didn't resolve12:50
lenzthe amazon lense is not a separate package anymore12:50
ActionParsniplenz: maybe its a bug. Saucy is not ready and not stable....12:50
ikoniasag ?12:50
ActionParsnipikonia: sudo apt-get12:51
daniellinuxhow to make a extended partition12:51
bekks!fdisk | daniellinux12:51
ActionParsnipdaniellinux: use gparted12:51
Picilenz: Please keep Saucy issues in #ubuntu+1, thats where they belong.12:51
k1llenz: this is not the saucy channel. stop that drama!12:51
ActionParsnipikonia: some people make aliases for it ;)12:51
ikoniak1l: my fault I was curious to what sag was12:52
daniellinuxwhat i mean is Gparted is not showing any option to make a extended partition only primary partition.12:52
ActionParsnipdaniellinux: how many primary partitions do you have12:53
daniellinux1 primary partition and 1 extended partition12:53
daniellinuxActionParsnip, ^12:54
RoryOh I worked out how to move the panels to another monitor! If you right-click on the panel and go properties, then untick "expand", you can see a grab-handle, which you can use to drag and drop the panel to another monitor, and then turn "expand" on again =)12:56
daniellinuxany help?12:56
Rorydaniellinux: What happens if you try to make an extended partition, is the option just greyed out?12:56
daniellinuxRory, yes that is grey/ not clickable12:57
Rorydaniellinux: How many partitions do you have, currently? Could you please post the ouput from the command: "sudo fdisk -l" onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and let me know the URL?12:57
daniellinuxRory, i have 1 primary partition EXT4, 1 extended partition with 2 partition in them12:58
ActionParsnipdaniellinux: you can only have 1 extended partition13:01
daniellinuxActionParsnip, oh ok13:01
ActionParsnipdaniellinux: you can mak lots of logical partitions in the extended13:01
daniellinuxActionParsnip, any way to move unallocated space in extended partition?13:02
ActionParsnipdaniellinux: you could resize the extended partition13:02
daniellinuxActionParsnip, Ok13:03
scotty^So what's new?13:07
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ddsscwhen I run something that has a lot of output, how do I specify it to break into pages so I can browse it , like more/less....13:13
daftykinswhat is it?13:13
ddsscbecause if I just run I won't be able to see evertything in the terminal13:13
bezabanddssc: pipe it to more or less with |13:13
bezabanie. command | less13:13
ddsscbezaban: cheers13:14
Piciddssc: fyi: press q to quit less.13:14
bezabanddssc: and that's just the beginning of incredibly useful things you can use redirection of output for :)13:14
ddsscbezaban: yea I know I can pipe it into whatever, just didnt know the exact name heh... like less is actually called 'less', unlike say.. move which is called 'mv' ... but fuck conventions amirite13:15
Rory!cli | ddssc13:15
ubottuddssc: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro13:15
daftykinsddssc: family friendly language in here please good sir13:16
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ddsscI learned not to use man, too much info and not specific enough. googling it is usually 10x faster than man. and asking on irc is 10x faster than googling13:18
Roryddssc: Google first at least once before asking, surely?13:18
ddsscmmmh... if I must13:18
Roryddssc: All anyone in here does it Google for you :P13:18
PiciRory: some of us actually know this stuff.13:19
CatKillerWhy use google when you have real human slaves! That's efficiency! :p13:19
RoryPici: True, true, and oftentimes I know enough to know what to Google, whereas the person asking the question doesn't13:19
CatKillerI have to agree though, you should at least google stuff if you can13:19
CatKillerThis channel is for desperate people who have no idea how to fix things13:20
CatKillerNot a human googling service ;)13:20
vic__hi everybody!13:20
Roryvic__: Hello13:20
ddsscCatKiller: yes, but for example someone who's not familiar with expression pipe and terminal, ie. 99% of normal users, will not google 'linux pipe into less' but they'll google 'thingie to make text not dissapear in the command thingie'13:20
vic__can someone please explain me why I can't install crossbuild-essential-armhf on a fresh ubuntu 13.04? It tells that its not installable13:20
CatKillerddssc: Then you couldn't google it13:21
vic__crossbuild-essential-armhf : Depends: libc6-dev:armhf but it is not installable13:21
vic__I have really searched for that, but I can't get rid of it13:21
CatKillerddssc: You said you could have gotten the answer by googling, and that it was already 10 times faster than man, but IRC is yet faster so you chose IRC13:21
ddsscCatKiller: googling requires certain amount of knowledge. and I didn't even try googling this particular one.13:21
Roryvic__: What is the output of "sudo apt-get install libc6-dev:armhf"13:22
vic__Rory: no installation candidate13:22
Rory!arm | vic__13:23
ubottuvic__: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.13:23
Roryvic__: Looks like maybe an ARM-specific issue?13:23
vic__Rory: I am on x86_6413:23
vic__and I need to install that cross compiler13:23
RoryRight, I get you. One minute13:23
Roryvic__: sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf13:24
CatKillerddssc: That's my point ;)13:24
vic__Rory: I tried that before, but let's do it again, hold on13:24
Roryvic__: then "sudo apt-get update"13:25
CatKillerddssc: You said you could have gotten the exact reply googling. In which case asking here is not the best solution. If you lacked knowledge to google then you couldn't google, in which case asking here is fine13:25
vic__Rory: I performed update, but it is not finding repos.... dpkg --add-architecture armhf13:26
CatKillerddssc: But you can't say: "Ahhh minions, give me the answer, I can get the answer in 10 seconds on google but you'll be faster" just to hide the fact that you actually didn't know what to google for :p13:26
digitalfizI have a docking station with my second monitor and everytime I dock I have to open catalyst and reset it up. Is there a way to automate this?13:26
vic__Rory: I performed update, but it is not finding repos.... W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring-proposed/universe/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:26
CatKillerddssc: Not important anyways13:26
digitalfizIt defaults to mirrored display so I'm thinking there should be away to change that default13:26
vic__Rory: I don't get why the repo for armhf shouldnt exist...13:27
ddsscCatKiller: nah I'm pretty sure I could've googled this one, it would just be 1 or 2 queries to get it. but yea, slaves work better.13:27
mfilipehow can I configure the Facebook chat to work on Empathy? it always ask me about authorization13:28
mfilipeor is there any IM client which works well integrate with Ubuntu?13:30
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lenzmany people like pidgin13:31
mfilipelenz: is it very well integrate with Ubuntu? it uses the Online Accounts, for example?13:31
lenzmfilipe, I cannot say for sure, but I'd think so13:32
daniellinuxwhat is "free space following" in gparted partition resize?13:34
k1l_daniellinux: how much free space will be there behind the partition13:34
daniellinuxk1l_, ok13:35
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sharpy35hey guys, i have a question, i installed ubuntu today and using it with a dual display, but i have those starter bar on both of them , how can i prevent that?13:39
Rorysharpy35: If you go to display settings there's an option for which display to show the Unity launcher on13:40
k1l_sharpy35: install "unity-tweak-tool" and change the behaviour13:40
RoryOh am I wrong?13:40
sharpy35ah thanks :) found it13:40
Rorysharpy35: unity-tweak-tool is a nifty bit of kit to keep around anyway13:40
sharpy35and another question: when i am watching a video on one display and try to chat whilst on the other, the video is getting minified13:41
sharpy35 can i prevent that in any way?13:41
Rorysharpy35: What video player? Or do you mean Youtube?13:41
sharpy35like kinox.to and some stuff like that13:41
k1l_flash fullscreen?13:41
Rorysharpy35: Also can you just clarify what Ubuntu version you installed?13:41
sharpy35the neweset 13.0413:42
sharpy3532 bit verison13:42
k1l_that is not gonna work :/13:42
sharpy35kll_: why not?13:42
Omen_20Hi. Could anyone fill be in on the importance of Upstart Sessions in 13.10? I've tried reading into it but I'm not seeing any info on tangible improvements for the user. Will it be faster, or use less resources?13:42
Rorysharpy35: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/ubuntu-multi-monitor-tweaks-full-screen.html13:42
Rorysharpy35: There are Firefox and Chrome extensions you can install apparently =)13:43
Rorysharpy35: Fullscreen flash on Linux is a hilarious historical bugbear though13:43
roflin_ik wil echt heel snel typen13:43
k1l_flash is a bugbear13:43
Pici!de | roflin_13:43
ubotturoflin_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:43
sharpy35thanks for the artikel , i guess it will help me out :)13:43
roflin_Pici: sorry wrong channel and its dutch :>13:43
Piciroflin_: whoops.  Was going by your hostname.13:44
sharpy35i know, but those websites use it to display their videos :)13:44
RoryPici: To be fair I thought it was German too13:44
Rory!dutch | roflin_13:44
ubotturoflin_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:44
roflin_Pici: yeah fair enough (its a virtual server in germany it's very cheap but also off-topic) :>13:44
roflin_mmm freshly made koffie13:44
* Rory spells it koffie now forever13:44
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roflin_yeah I'm still half asleep (its koffie in dutch) but coffee in english ofc...13:45
{-r-}When I try creating a truecrypt volume it pops up with an error13:46
sharpy35kill_: i am installing it now the way its mentioned in the article :)13:47
sharpy35thanks for that :)13:47
hilmysomebody can help me?13:50
stevecamwhat success has anybody had with electricsheep?13:51
hilmyi've a prob with openvpn-as13:51
hilmyi got this message "iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT)"13:51
hilmycan you help to solved it?13:51
Xerofyte!cmake | Xerofyte13:55
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twobitspriteI'm running Ubuntu precise with cinnamon... When I plug in a second monitor to my laptop, it doesn't automatically extend my desktop, but as soon as I open the "displays" configuration it does (without me actually clicking anything in the configuration window)...14:04
twobitspriteany idea what I might need to do for it to automatically do it without having to open the displays configuration?14:04
daftykinstwobitsprite: is it a laptop?14:05
twobitspritedaftykins: yes14:06
daftykinstwobitsprite: can you use the function key display output toggle instead?14:06
twobitspritedaftykins: doesn't seem to do anything14:06
daftykinsoh, that's not great14:06
twobitspritegood ole14:09
twobitspriteer, good ole' lenovo14:09
loahello i have, nvidia 560 gtx, and i want buy second monitor, i want for can be run game on one monitor, on other i want watch film14:09
loatoday it is possible?14:09
loaor browse internet14:09
cfhowlettvusie, greetings14:14
vusiehow yous guys14:14
vusieneed help with equalizing vlc in n curses mode(terminal)...hope its not off topic14:15
fourqI think encrypting my Ubuntu 13.04 machine has made it sluggish.14:15
daniellinuxcan i make swap in extended partition?14:15
daftykinsdaniellinux: yes14:15
k1l_daniellinux: yes14:15
daniellinuxok thanks daftykins k1l_14:16
fourqalso when encrypted, reboot hangs on 2 diff machine14:16
daftykinsfourq: yeah, encryption will do that14:16
fourqwell, the instlal is still fresh enough that I can re-install without it. I can work around that part14:17
fourqwith other tools14:17
Blacklite_ubuntu is babby's first shit distro. debian sucks14:19
tilerenderinghow can I start a desktop application in ubuntu in superuser mode ? (without being logged in as superuser)14:19
vusietilerendering: sudo14:20
Rory!sudo | tilerendering14:20
ubottutilerendering: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:20
vusiesudo "name_of_application"14:20
cfhowlett!language|Blacklite_,   vent elsewhere please.  This is a support channel.14:22
ubottuBlacklite_,   vent elsewhere please.  This is a support channel.: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:22
tilerenderingI know "sudo"14:23
tilerenderingbut how do I - using the desktop gui - and not being logged in in there as a superuser - tell the GUI/window manager that I want to start a certain app in the menu in superuser mode14:23
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:24
kongthapTitanium: you must type "gksu your_program"14:24
Rorytilerendering: ^14:24
kongthapTitanium: sorry wrong name :P14:25
tilerenderingwell then I have to know the path to the program ;)14:25
tilerenderingwhich - from the gnome app menu - i cant seem to figure out14:25
tilerenderingrightclick wont help14:25
Rorytilerendering: What is the program?14:26
SuperLagIf you've removed a previous kernel package after an update, how can you reinstall an older kernel?14:27
RorySuperLag: apt-cache search linux-image14:29
RorySuperLag: install the version you want14:29
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daniellinuxwhat to put in "free space following" while resizing a extended partition?14:31
sircutzHi, have to get the wireless card dell 1395 mini with broadcom chip going. Id everything and have a tar gz file downloaded . How to sudo and install from the drive? Anybody?14:32
sircutzI just installed raring ringtail gnome desktop ubuntu14:32
sircutzon the laptop.14:32
SuperLagyeah.... only the current one is showing up in the list14:32
cfhowlettsircutz, easier to plug in a hardwire network connection and run the additional driver utility14:32
sircutzI have the network up with wire. How do i? I am doing updates and all but even though I enabled hardware no wireless?14:33
cfhowlettsircutz, look under settings > additional drivers14:34
sircutzsystem settings - not there. different place? Thanks.14:34
MrQuistdaniellinux, 2mb14:34
cfhowlettsircutz, I'm on Xubuntu so my arrangement might differ ...14:34
SteveBellhi all. trying to use the LibreOffice pre-release ppa, but when pasting deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/libreoffice-prereleases/ubuntu raring main  in to the terminal I jsut get "command not found"14:34
RorySteveBell: Are you following a guide?14:35
Rory!ppa | SteveBell please read this first you are doing it wrong14:35
ubottuSteveBell please read this first you are doing it wrong: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:35
SteveBellRory: y https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-prereleases14:35
RoryOh that didn't have the information I was hoping for14:35
sircutzYea. this one is new. the gnome was out before , i did not like new ubuntu desktop.14:35
RorySteveBell: Do you see the section on that page that says "ADDING THIS PPA TO YOUR SYSTEM"?14:35
sircutzCan you tell how to get the package from the hdd installl cfhowlett?14:36
RorySteveBell: Read it and do what it says14:36
RorySteveBell: https://launchpad.net/+help-soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html14:36
SteveBellreading now. ok thanks Rory14:36
fourqso is it complete or what? lol http://i.imgur.com/MGLmu0U.png14:37
cfhowlettsircutz, see the wiki    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:37
Roryfourq: Wait for it to say it's finished14:37
MrQuistdaniellinux ?14:37
MrQuistdaniellinux answer me14:37
RoryMrQuist: She quit14:37
sircutzGreat link , I am going there. thanks.14:37
MrQuisti read daniellle as well14:37
MrQuistbut its Daniel Linux14:37
RoryDoesn't change the fact he quit14:38
MrQuisttrue i just noticed14:38
SteveBellany reason I have to shift + ctrl + v to paste in the terminal instead of the cmd + v?14:38
fourqRory: I think it's done ;) http://i.imgur.com/cCdvPj0.png14:38
Roryfourq: What does show details say?14:38
fourqRory: a lot, but not copy & pastable14:40
mreggHi all -- anybody familiar with freenx?14:40
cfhowlettmregg, only to say it's not supported here ... sorry14:41
fourqRory: attempting to boot from it anyway14:41
fourqseems to be working14:41
daniellinuxok i am really confused now, i am unable to resize a extended partition, it is always showing me error. what to do?14:43
daniellinuxany help?14:44
bekksdaniellinux: You should tell us the error. We cant guess it.14:44
daniellinuxbekks, Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition.14:45
bekksdaniellinux: Then something you want to do is wrong.14:46
daniellinuxbekks, do i need to paste the output?14:46
bekksdaniellinux: Yes.14:46
Nosophorusis there a way to associate nautilus to a specific thumbnailer?14:46
HungaryHow do I save and exit a GNU nano file on ubuntu server?14:47
Snake2kHey guys, my ubuntu 12.04 doesn't shut down, like... It gets stuck at the splash screen and doesn't shut down :( I tried one solution "acpi=force" but that worked once, not anymore :(14:47
ubottuHungary,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:47
bwayneHungary: exit nano with <ctrl>x.  It'll ask you if you want to save.14:48
auronandaceHungary: ctrl X (it says it at the bottom of the screen (^X))14:48
daniellinuxbekks, http://pastebin.com/kFG5fBY314:48
Picicfhowlett: ubuntu-server questions are allowed here.  nano isn't exactly a server-class editor.14:48
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cfhowlettPici, OK14:49
Nosophorusdudes. . .14:49
Nosophorusis there a way to associate nautilus to a specific thumbnailer?14:49
bekksdaniellinux: Your constraints are wrong then. You cant grow your partitition the way you want.14:50
bekksdaniellinux: Pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please.14:50
HungaryHow do I save and exit from VI?14:51
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code14:51
bwayneHungary: type ':x'14:51
HungaryIf I just set up a static IP for my server, how do I connect to it using SSH?14:53
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+ - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/14:53
HungaryMeaning, which IP do I connect to? gateway, network, address , mask14:53
Nosophorusis there a way to associate nautilus to a specific thumbnailer?14:53
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:54
bwayneHungary: the IP address14:54
ActionParsnipHungary: install openssh-server14:54
FinkelsteinJulian Assange14:54
daniellinuxbekks, http://pastebin.com/4NnZbir914:55
HungaryActionParsnip:I already installed it when I installed the server14:55
hillary_Am un able to project documents using lcd projector though it is showing the desktop icon14:56
hillary_ubuntu 12.0414:56
HungaryIs their any other command I have to do to activate SSH?14:56
ActionParsnipHungary: ok, then run:   ssh username@server.ip.address.here14:56
cfhowletthillary_, you have to select the projector ... usually the F1 key on a laptop and you'll see the menu14:56
ActionParsnipHungary: eg:    ssh user@
narcosHi all. Any tips on getting GPS coords from the CLI with a USB device?14:57
Finkelsteinhow dra you14:57
Finkelsteinhow dare you14:57
Finkelsteinban me?14:57
eliangHey, i use 2 layouts and swap between them, the problem is that very often it just swaps itself, is there any shortcut for that behavior that I'm not aware of ?14:57
ubottuFinkelstein,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!14:57
hillary_cfholett: ok let me try14:57
bekksdaniellinux: Can you pastebin a screenshot of gparted before doing any changes, then do the changes, and screenshot again, prior clicking ok?14:57
eliangs/layout/keyboard layouts14:57
narcosI'm using gpsmon, but don't seem to be getting a fix.14:57
daniellinuxbekks, ok14:58
FloodBot1Finkelstein: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:58
Finkelsteinjewish banking mafia14:58
Finkelsteinkille dour world14:58
Snake2kHey guys, my thunar-shares-plugin only works for root, how do I allow it for any other user?14:58
HungaryDo I have to run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to start up SSH?14:58
bekksHungary: No.14:59
Rory!xubuntu | Snake2k Thunar is a Xubuntu specific technology14:59
ubottuSnake2k Thunar is a Xubuntu specific technology: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:59
RorySnake2k: However, this might be of interest http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/thunar-plugins/thunar-shares-plugin14:59
eliangRepost: i use 2 keybord layouts and swap between them, the problem is that very often it just swaps itself, is there any shortcut for that behavior that I'm not aware of ?14:59
Rory!patience | eliang it seems nobody in here right now knows15:00
ubottueliang it seems nobody in here right now knows: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:00
Snake2kRory: Thank you very much :)15:00
MangaKaDenzayo dawgs15:01
MangaKaDenzais there any way I can change the system font from ubuntu to Segoe UI ?15:01
Roryeliang: What Ubuntu version are you using?15:02
RoryMangaKaDenza: What Ubuntu version are you using?15:02
daniellinuxbekks, do i need to put anything in "free space following" ?15:02
MangaKaDenzaRawrin ringtail15:02
bekksdaniellinux: If you want free space after your partition, yes.15:03
daniellinuxbekks, yes i want that.15:03
bekksdaniellinux: Then fill something in there...15:03
daniellinuxbekks, but what to put? it always becames 015:03
RoryMangaKaDenza: Take a look at Unity Tweak Tool https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/unity-tweak-tool/15:04
bekksdaniellinux: fill in the amount of space you want to keep after that partition.15:04
daniellinuxbekks, ok15:04
narcosHmm, I'm getting this error:  # gpsctl -f -n /dev/ttyUSB0     gpsctl:SHOUT: vendor/product match with 091e:0003 not found, gpsctl:ERROR: packet recognition timed out.15:07
narcosIt's a BlueNext BN903S GPS USB adapter15:08
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Rorynarcos: Can you run the command "sudo dmesg" and paste the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com then let me know the URL?15:09
Nosophorusis there a way to associate nautilus to a specific thumbnailer?15:09
daniellinuxbekks, when i change "new size" the "free space preceding" changes according to that, but the "free space following" remains 0 while I want free space15:10
narcosRory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188475/15:10
HungaryCould someone please help me getting SSH to work, I cant seem to get connected to it.15:11
Rorynarcos: Could you please do the same for "lsusb -v" ?15:11
RoryHungary: What happens when you try? Where are you trying to ssh to?15:11
bekksdaniellinux: then your selection does not allow free space afer your partition.15:11
daniellinuxbekks, ok so that meaning I can't resize it?15:12
HungaryRory:The SSH client says it cannont connect, to my server thats in the room next door.15:12
daniellinuxbekks, *means15:12
RoryHungary: Can you ping the server (ping ip.of.the.server)15:12
narcosRory: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188496/15:12
narcosRory: (thanks for the help btw)15:12
bekksdaniellinux: That means: your selection is wrong. It does not allow what you are trying to do. Did you paste the screenshots already?15:13
HungaryRory:Ping the server from the server?15:13
Rorynarcos: Is the GPS reciever plugged in right now?15:13
RoryHungary: No, ping the server from the computer you're trying to connect from15:13
narcosRory: Yes15:13
narcos"Bus 002 Device 012: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x UART Bridge / myAVR mySmartUSB light"15:13
Rorynarcos: Can you run "lsusb -v > output.txt" and then open output.txt in a text edit, and copy and paste it all to http://paste.ubuntu.com15:14
Rorynarcos: I don't think that looks like a GPS reciever although I may e wrong15:14
narcosRory: Was "http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188496/" not the right output from lsusb -v ?15:15
HungaryRory:I cant try it, the computer im on now doesnt have cmd..its a chromebook15:15
Reacto_Suddenly cd does the same as ls, what to do?15:16
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Slagwaghard to get an IRC client to behave properly15:16
narcosRory: It's odd that lsusb lists the usb id as "10c4:ea60", but the gpsctl -f /dev/ttyUSB0 gives "vendor/product match with 091e:0003 not found" ?15:16
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Slagwaganyone use anything other then Konversation? I'm always in a ton of channels and trying to find one where the channel names on the tabs are easier to see15:16
ReactoLike the exact same thing, like I aliased cd to ls15:17
bekksSlagwag: I am using irssi.15:17
RoryReacto: if you type \cd does it perform as expected?15:17
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Reactowhat does that mean?15:18
RoryReacto: Then you have aliased it. Does it still happen if you restart your terminal session?15:18
Reactoyes, I've restarted ubuntu too15:18
Rory\command means "do the original, not the alias"15:18
RoryReacto: Look in your .bashrc file15:18
Hungarybekks:Could you help me with getting SSH to work on my ubuntu server ?15:18
Slagwagbekks: ill checkout their layouts15:18
RoryHungary: What ssh client are you using?15:18
bekksHungary: Did you already install openssh-server?15:18
Reactowtf, they're aliased15:19
Reactobut I didn't alias them15:19
RoryReacto: Maybe your computer is haunted15:19
Reactomaybe someone did it to fuck with me15:19
RoryHungary: Do you know that there's actually an ssh server on the machine you're trying to connect to?15:19
bekksHungary: Did you start it?15:19
RoryHungary: If you run "ssh localhost" on the server does it work?15:19
Hungarybekks:I did not. How do I ?15:19
HungaryRory:it says it cant be established15:20
airtonix:< my btrfs root filesystem won't mount. how do I start fixing this?15:20
HungaryRory:then proceeds to ask if I want to continue15:20
Roryairtonix: Do you get an error? And what Ubuntu version?15:20
bekksHungary: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart15:20
RoryHungary: sudo service ssh restart15:21
Rorybekks: Does the openssh-server package not start the service after installation? I was under the impression it was common for Debian-based distributions to start services automatically after installation. RH based systems not so15:21
airtonixRory: 13.04. at first I was dropped to initramfs shell15:21
bekksRory: It does. Maybe he stopped it.15:22
airtonixRory: now I can't get to the shell after a reboot15:22
Roryairtonix: Can you boot from recovery mode?15:22
Roryairtonix: Oh, has it ever worked?15:22
airtonixRory: the machine is using refind and therefore is a uEFI bootable system15:22
airtonixRory: yes Machine froze about 10 minutes ago while playing minecraft.15:22
ashabadi#join #ubuntu-bd15:23
Roryairtonix: uh-oh. I'd recommend booting from a live CD and running "fsck /dev/NameOfYourPartition"15:23
daniellinuxbekks, I solved it, at last, actually i was a bit confused then, nevermind, thanks.15:24
bekksdaniellinux: :)15:26
HungaryRory: It still cannot connect15:27
RoryHungary: What is the output (on the server) of the command: sudo service ssh status15:27
mreggOn 12.04, I have no cropping options in Background settings. The listbox is totally gone. How do I get it back?15:28
HungaryRory:ssh start/running, process 135215:28
RoryHungary: can you do "ssh localhost" on the server?15:29
baphomet1Is anyone around that can help me get connected to an OpenSwan L2TP tunnel using my ubuntu client?  I have tried and tried and tried and I am unable to get it to connect.15:29
HungaryRory:It says the authenticity cant be establish, and it asks me if I want to continue15:30
RoryHungary: OK, so you say yes15:30
RoryHungary: That means at least SSH is working, the problem must be between the client and the server15:30
RoryHungary: You really need to ping it somehow to find out if that's the problem, or a firewall15:31
RoryAny recommendations for a CLI audio player that supports gapless playback (ie not nVLC) - and I want a standlone solution (ie not MPD)15:31
HungaryRory:I was able to ping it, it says the host is unreachable15:32
RoryHungary: Then you weren't able to ping it. Are they on the same network?15:32
HungaryRory Yes15:32
RoryHungary: How did you ping it?15:32
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HungaryRory:using cmd on a different computer15:33
RoryHungary: You're on a Chromebook right? You can hit Ctrl+Alt+T to get a terminal15:33
bekksHungary: ping is irrelevant for ssh to be working.15:33
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Rorybekks: Not at all, if the computers can't even talk to each other they can't ssh either15:33
ActionParsnipRory: mplayer15:34
RoryActionParsnip: good call15:34
ActionParsnipRory: mplayer is always a good call B)15:34
bekksRory: Thats nonsense, honestly. You can even disable ICMP echo, so ping will not work at all without breaking any other service.15:34
Rorybekks: Someone who can't get SSH working is not going to have disabled ICMP echo15:34
daftykinsthey might depending on the firewall config15:35
HungaryRory: I just tried again, the reply is destination host unreachable15:35
RoryHungary: If you press ctrl+alt+t on the chromebook do you get a terminal?15:35
bekksRory: SSH is working: 1003 173015 < Hungary> Rory:It says the authenticity cant be establish, and it asks me if I want to continue15:35
furu708can someone tell me if this removed mit init.d folder, notice the free space bevor initscript ?  sudo mv init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/ initscript15:35
Rorybekks: That was "ssh localhost" on the server15:35
Roryfuru708: No, it will have moved "init.ubuntu" into the folder "/etc/init.d"15:36
bekksHungary: Which IPs do server and client have?15:36
furu708strange.. i cant find mit init.d folder oO15:36
Hungarybekks: I'm not sure what you mean by this15:37
baphomet1Is anyone around that can help me get connected to an OpenSwan L2TP tunnel using my ubuntu client?  I have tried and tried and tried and I am unable to get it to connect.15:37
Roryfuru708: Oh hang on...15:37
Roryfuru708: Yes "mv a b c" moves a and b to c15:37
bekksHungary: You client (chromebook) and your ssh server need to have ip adresses.15:37
tilerenderingman I hate putty for windows. I hate windows.15:38
tilerenderingis there no ssh shell command for windows available ?15:38
Hungarybekks: are you asking me for the ips?15:38
bekksHungary: Thats what I did, yes.15:38
Rorytilerendering: Putty and its derivatives are by far and away the best SSH client for Windows IMO15:38
ActionParsniptilerendering: I believe powershell does it but I may be wrong15:38
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daftykinstilerendering: nothing wrong with putty. also, kitty.15:39
Rorytilerendering: KiTTY is a fork of Putty with other bits added, take a look15:39
furu708Oh THANKS.. there is my init.d .. i was about to reinstall the system ^^15:39
Hungarybekks: for the server, I dont know the IP of my chrombook15:39
bekksHungary: Then find it out :)15:39
tilerenderingwhat works super-fine with a simple ssh line in unix based systems doesnt work with putty on windows15:39
RoryHungary: If you run "ping" from the chromebook's terminal (ctrl+alt+t) what do you see?15:39
auronandacetilerendering: you could try ssh through cygwin on windows15:39
bekkstilerendering: putty works fine with unix based servers.15:39
Rorytilerendering: What are you trying to do. I know Putty. PM me15:39
HungaryRory: Unreachable.15:40
Hungary#ubuntu:bekks I dont know how to15:40
baphomet1Is anyone around that can help me get connected to an OpenSwan L2TP tunnel using my ubuntu client?  I have tried and tried and tried and I am unable to get it to connect.15:40
Rory!patience | baphomet115:41
ubottubaphomet1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:41
bekksHungary: Whats the entire output of "ping"?15:41
RoryHungary: run "ifconfig" from the terminal on the Chromebook15:41
bekksHungary: Put it in a pastebin please.15:41
ArielX_bz@Benzino-Alone:~$ msfconsole15:42
ArielX_Could not find rake-10.0.3 in any of the sources15:42
ArielX_Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.15:42
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baphomet1Rory, and if I don't repeat the question, people who enter the room will never see it, no?15:42
bekksbaphomet1: correct. but dont repeat it every 30s seconds.15:43
baphomet1bekks, given the speed that things move in here, what is an acceptable interval?15:43
ObrienDave5 to 15 minutes15:43
baphomet1ObrienDave, cool.15:44
tilerenderingso I get there is no shell based ssh for windows15:44
HungaryRory:ifconfig is unknown command15:44
paulus68tilerendering: putty will do just fine15:44
bekksHungary: Then pastebin the output of ping please.15:44
tilerenderingit doesnt...15:44
paulus68tilerendering: you can use putty to open a shell to your server or other linux machine15:45
ActionParsniptilerendering: windows doesnt do a lot of good stuff without extra software15:45
bekksHungary: You ip is
tilerenderingpaulus: see.. .I have NO control on what putty tells me. I configure a tunnel and it just doesnt work15:46
tilerenderingat least in unix I see the output in a shell15:46
tilerenderingI see immediately whether the tunnel is setup or not15:46
bekkstilerendering: Then you are doing it wrong. I am using putty tunnels almost every day without problems.15:46
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ActionParsniptilerendering: set an app to use the tunnel and see if it works15:46
tilerenderingaction: ...15:46
Hungarybekks:How do I continue to fix the problem?15:46
bekkstilerendering: And without trying to use a tunnel you do not see wether it is working or not - in unix.15:46
paulus68tilerendering: what type of tunnel are your trying to setup a vpn for your browser or something else?15:47
loabekks, i am watching you, and understand that you are icredibly patiant person, you are kind of paid support here or what?15:47
bekksloa: No, I am not paid.15:47
paulus68loa: we all try to be patient and help where we can15:47
loayou all are very cool.15:48
ObrienDavethe hardest part is being patient ;))15:48
daftykinsit'd be alright in here without the questions.15:48
bekksdaftykins: :D15:48
ObrienDavethe questions aren't so bad... It's the people who refuse to listen to good advice that irritate the crap out of most of us LOL15:49
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daftykinsyou missed the joke :( but it's ok15:50
Hungarybekks:How do I continue to resolve the problem?15:50
ObrienDavei got the joke. it's my dry sense of humor ;)15:50
paulus68tilerendering: try this one http://www.ideaexcursion.com/2008/12/29/socks-proxy-with-putty-and-ssh/15:50
bekksHungary: pastebin "ifconfig -a" from both the client and the server.15:51
daftykinsi wouldn't be surprised if a chromebook had ICMP echo disabled15:52
Rorybekks: I don't think the chromebook ships with ifconfig15:52
loaIs it hard to setup few monitors under ubuntu now? I want run different video output on one and work on other15:56
loaor play game and see output of different text information on other15:56
bekksloa: Worked out of the box here.15:56
Roryloa: What Ubuntu version?15:56
loabekks, so just buy another monitor and all will be ok?15:57
tirengarfiowhat is the best twitter client for console?15:57
labsinloa, Just type `monitors` in the dash15:57
loavideocard is nvidia 560 gtx15:57
bekksloa: For me, it worked. It may not work for you.15:57
allballsGood day. Quick question about a HD swap. I've taken an SSD with 13.04 installed and running quite well from an older box and put it into a newer i5. When the new machine boots, I see bios, then a blinking white cursor.15:57
loabekks, it will be possible use few mouse and get different focuses in every workspace?15:57
allballsThis SSD was the primary drive on the older box, and works quite well. I'm curious as to why new box won't boot from it. BIOS sees it, and know to boot from it.15:58
daftykinsallballs: how many disks were in the older system? just the SSD or more?15:58
Calinouloa: 13.10 isn't released yet by the way, so it can be less stable15:58
MACscri have a package that failed to install and now im just trying to remove it (I installed it through apt as well), but its erroring out. Any suggestions? http://pastie.org/pastes/8375147/text15:58
Picitirengarfio: I've used ttytter and earthquake.gem, the latter is nice, but it tends to segfault every few hours.  Its not in the repos, you can find it on github though.15:58
bekksloa: Thats sounds like... nonsense :)15:58
allballsdaftykins: two disks. the SSD, and a 240BG sata for storage15:58
allballsi have not moved the 240GB15:58
ObrienDaveallballs... was the original OS Win8?15:58
loaCalinou, yes i done mistake, and do upgrade, i have many bugs sometimes.15:58
Picibekks, loa: xorg does support multiple mice.  I 'm not sure how it behaves though.15:58
daftykinsallballs: i wonder if GRUB was on the storage drive instead. check the BIOS on the new system for the HDD priority, check it's looking at the SSD as the first device15:58
allballsdaftykins: that's what I'm starting to think, too.15:59
daftykinsallballs: i guess the test would be to fire up the old PC and see it get to grub (holding down left shift) but then panic15:59
loaPici, it support different mouses, you can get few mouse pointers, but i don't nothing about focus.15:59
loadon't know *15:59
Piciloa: agreed.15:59
allballsdaftykins: The new box has a 1TB drive, also with ubuntu on it, which I'm booted to right now. Can I just install grub to /dev/sdb1  and be done with it?16:00
bekksallballs: It wont boot with grub on sdb1. It has to be on sdb in most of the cases.16:00
daftykinsallballs: my recommendation would be to disconnect any other drives, then install GRUB to the SSD whilst only it's attached16:01
ObrienDavewhat about using boot repair?16:01
allballsdaftykins: I need an alternative to that. I have no other bootable media.16:01
allballsno usb sticks, no cd-roms16:01
daftykinsouch, are you in some third world country?16:01
daftykinslawl IRC as root.16:02
venehello, my question concerns enigmail on ubuntu. is it ok to ask here? (not asking to ask, asking to avoid irrelevance :))16:05
baphomet1Is anyone around that can help me get connected to an OpenSwan L2TP tunnel using my ubuntu client?  I have tried and tried and tried and I am unable to get it to connect.16:05
k1l_vene: depends on how enigmail-technical the qeustion ist :) but enigmail is in the repos so try to ask16:06
venethank you k1l_ !  do I need to get some certificate from somewhere to be able to sign and encrypt emails? if yes, how can I do it?16:08
=== BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen
allballsok. cool. I ran update-grub, it found my SSD, and I've booted to it. Nice and fast.16:09
allballsAll my goodies are still there. But, can I simply do grub-install /dev/sdb , yank out the other disk, and expect a boot?16:10
daftykinsallballs: probably16:11
allballsdaftykins: Then, to guarantee the existing /dev/sda never again boots, is there a grub-remove equivalent?16:11
RoryYes vene you need a PGP key, start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto16:12
Roryvene: However, I was under the impression Enigmail handles key-generation and stuff for you through its GUI if you need to16:13
daftykinsallballs: just use gparted to disable the boot flag and that'd be enough16:14
allballsdaftykins: yeah, that would be the easiest. thanks.16:14
=== Reedy_ is now known as Reedy
eliangRory: 12.0416:15
k1l_vene: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto16:16
allballsPerfect. daftykins, thanks for the advice. Nice and simple-like.16:16
allballsappears as if that 2nd disk in the old box, which at one time was the primary disk, did indeed have grub on it, and the SSD did not.16:17
allballsCore2 => i5 == happier developer.16:17
daftykinsallballs: np :)16:18
veneRory, yes, enigmail GUI seems to contain the defined operations on the page in your link..16:18
veneI'll have to tinker with it, apparently16:19
cpinedHello, how do I prevent applications from auto starting?  I have 3 applications that always start up when I boot up the PC....I don't see them listed under "Session and Startup"16:20
kostkoncpined, which ones?16:20
bekkscpined: which applications are that?16:20
cpinedbekks: Mousepad, Chrome, Eclipse16:21
cpinedand a terminal, which I don't mind.16:21
ObrienDavevene... under OpenPGP, find Key Management. You can generate your key pair there16:22
=== jasonp_ is now known as jasonp
AndChat419124anyone here??16:25
kostkoncpined, weird because the ability to save your session has been removed in gnome3. what ubuntu version16:25
k1l_!ask | AndChat41912416:25
ubottuAndChat419124: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:25
cpinedKubuntu, 13.04 I think...the latest16:25
kostkoncpined, oh, kde.16:26
AndChat419124my Ubuntu works slowly16:26
daftykinsAndChat419124: what computer and which version?16:27
AndChat419124Acer  4752G  Ubuntu 13.0416:27
Lars_GTrying to upgrade a 10.04 to 12.04, I'm running an apt-get upgrade prior to using the ugrade helper... and it's stuck with egrep using 100% cpu. Any idea what part of the process this is and if I can kill this egrep "safely" ?16:28
kostkoncpined, disable the Restore manually saved session option? http://linux.about.com/od/kubuntu_doc/a/kubudg35t02.htm16:29
Lars_GHmm this is the tree apt-get───dpkg───frontend───preinst───egrep16:29
Lars_GI guess it's a preinst script stuck.16:29
cpinedkostkon, I have disabled it when I power off.16:30
maltee_hHallo! :)16:30
kostkoncpined, try this, enable it again, close all running apps, then logout, then login back and then disable it again16:31
Lars_GIf I kill this egrep and thus make the preinst script fail, can I rerun it somehow latter on?16:31
=== kling is now known as Guest69443
=== Guest69443 is now known as furoido
heartbearHeell0! When I updated to the newest ubuntu release I had a feeling there might be some issues, so I waited pretty long to update. Since last September at least. So now that I have the new version I can not dl any new programs, because my 'package catalog needs to be repaired'.16:32
Roryheartbear: is this Ubuntu 13.04?16:33
heartbearanyone have any ideas, or had this prb b416:33
heartbearlet me confirm16:33
Roryheartbear: (cat /etc/issue)16:33
kostkonheartbear, pastebin any error messages16:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:33
Roryheartbear: wget rory.sh/fixpackages; sh fixpackages16:33
heartbearRory, 12.04 it looks like16:34
Roryheartbear: My script is a nuclear approach, and does a lot of unnecessary cleaning and stuff, but it will fix your problem16:35
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
heartbearRory, http://pastebin.com/HVJceNKz16:38
heartbearThis was package operation failed16:39
Roryheartbear: Did you upgrade from an older version?16:39
heartbearyes i did16:39
daftykinscan you not take the time to read the original question =|16:39
winnt1214 currently running Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) and am trying to program ACPI events. What I noticed is that there is no file such as "lid.sh" in the "/etc/acpi" folder. So now the question is: how to get my laptop to do something on a lid close but NOT suspend?16:39
Roryheartbear: What is the output of: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:40
heartbearooh saucy16:40
cpinedkoston, thanks I will try it.16:40
Rory!gksu > tilerendering16:42
ubottutilerendering, please see my private message16:42
heartbearthe first cmd: http://pastebin.com/g6WUmXG016:44
XabsterWhen I click to add Software Sources in the repository management in the software center, I first get a check mark and then i changes to a "-" -- is it working or not?16:45
heartbearRory, ^ the second command E: Invalid operation dist-update16:45
heartbearor wait16:45
Roryheartbear: err dist-upgrade sorry16:46
kostkonXabster, probably not. what are you adding, what's the line16:46
Xabsteradding? what line?16:46
Xabsterit's a check box16:46
Xabsterit changes state to -16:47
paulus68_1!13.10| winnt121416:47
ubottuwinnt1214: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.16:47
kostkonXabster, what are you doing exactly then16:47
heartbearokaay, http://pastebin.com/FyXkYAEC16:47
Xabsterkostkon: I'm clicking the box16:47
Xabsterthat's it16:47
kostkonXabster, oh the entry is already there and you are trying to enable it?16:47
kostkonXabster, which one16:48
kostkonXabster, which repo16:48
Xabstera checkbox normally has 2 states... this checkbox gets a checkmark and ½ sec later gets turned into a -16:48
kostkonXabster, post a screenshot if you want16:48
holmserI just spun up VM with 12.04 server and joined it to my AD domain to play with, but I can't seem to allow any domain users to sudo16:49
holmseranyone ever run into this before?16:49
XabsterI'll change the question, because it seems to work - I'm getting errors once in a while about stuff that crashes....16:49
Vivekanandahey everyone. what is the default way to switch between windows in unity 3D. Alt tab  used to work fine but I guess was changed but to what ?16:49
Xabsteri'm installing some GFX drivers now, and I got another popup about something that crashed...?16:49
kostkonXabster, how often16:50
Xabsterdon't know, only been using ubuntu for 2 days now16:51
Xabsteri just thought it was so stable16:51
kostkonXabster, generally it is16:51
Xabsterit asks if i want to send an error report16:51
Xabsterill screenshot it next time16:51
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest76630
XabsterCan anyone tell me if the errors from this is something i need to care about? http://pastebin.com/LsnNuHkg16:54
=== mathisen is now known as Mathisen
k1l_janeks991 dont you think one client is enough?16:55
daftykinsXabster: try some games and see (:16:56
Xabsterdaftykins: i have issues with performance, I'm taking to slowly to see if I'm messing anything up16:59
heartbearami missing something super noobish, sorry16:59
Xabsteri get about 50% performance compared to drivers on windows16:59
Xabsterit's really sluggish16:59
BluesKajXandreasX, have you done any updates/upgrades since installing ubuntu?17:02
BluesKajoops wrong b=nick17:03
columbMy panel is missing time indicator after I accidentally uninstalled ubuntu-desktop package (and installed it again). Any ideas? http://i.imgur.com/N7JKy3q.png17:04
kostkoncolumb, sudo apt-get install indicator-datetime ?17:07
Star-Flowerwhen is the release date for 13.1017:08
columbkostkon, seems like it's fixed the issue. How do I restart unity without system restart/closing my browser?17:08
compdoc13 1017:08
daftykinsStar-Flower: when it's done. #ubuntu+1 for more info17:09
kostkoncolumb, in tty, for example by pressing ctrl+alt+f4, give unity --replace or setsid for 13.04 and then ctrl+alt+f7 to go back17:09
kostkoncolumb, sorry i meant to say setsid unity17:10
Star-Flowerdaftykins, I shouldnt have to join another channel to get a release date thats silly.. Its posted on the webpage as oct 17th, now that i found it17:10
k1l_!saucy | Star-Flower17:10
ubottuStar-Flower: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.17:10
kostkonStar-Flower, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:11
daftykinsStar-Flower: oh so you DID look for it in the proper place. good good17:11
Star-Flowerdaftykins, figured a channel about ubuntu would know. silly me17:12
daftykinsah well17:12
daftykinsall's well that ends well17:12
=== harshadura__ is now known as harshadura
webereincHello! I'm running a live CD and the machine has a RocketRaid 222x controller configured with 4 80GB drives in a RAID 5 array (3 in array, 1 as spare) but the disks are uninitialized.  The Live CD boots, but Gparted does not see the devices for me to partition them and initialize them... any thoughts?17:13
compdocwebereinc, sounds like no drivers for the card17:13
daftykinswebereinc: wow, dealing with some antiques there!17:13
daftykinswhat compdoc said.17:13
compdocwebereinc, have you formatted the drives17:14
webereinccompdoc: the RocketRaid bios doesn't have a 'format' option... it looks like it expects the OS to handle that...17:14
compdocwebereinc, I mean you dont have data on the drives?17:14
webereincdaftykins: Yep - trying to rebuild this server17:14
webereinccompdoc: drives are empty17:15
daftykinsthe controller should've initialised the disks17:15
webereinccompdoc:  you said, 'no drivers for the card...' but if the bios of the card already has it set up as a raid array, shouldn't it pass that out to the rest of the world as a 160GB 'single' drive?17:16
daftykinswebereinc: the OS needs a driver for the controller.17:16
daftykinswebereinc: it's how they work.17:16
webereincdaftykins: I thought that the bios on the card would make it 'appear' as a single SATA drive...17:17
daftykinswell, it will once a driver is loaded :)17:17
daftykinsuntil such time, Linux will often see either nothing, or each individual disk17:17
webereincOK - since this old hardware probably has no contemporary driver to run in current kernels, is the software-base RAID (fakeraid) any better than it used to be?17:18
veneObrienDave, thank you! just using thunderbird wizard for openpgp, now the passphrase isnt accepted though I use only allowed chard17:18
veneYou are using special characters in your passphrase. Unfortunately, this can cause troubles for other applications. Please choose a passphrase consisting of any of these characters:17:19
venea-z A-Z 0-9 /.;:-,!?(){}[]%*17:19
veneI ask myself why in encryption some characters are not allowed17:19
daftykinswebereinc: well, did you look up a driver first? :)17:19
veneok, I had an extra-alphabetical letter17:20
venenow it worked17:20
webereincdaftykins: Yes, and when I tried to follow their last (latest) installation guide, I got as far as trying to load the driver from a diskette only to be told that it would only work on 2.6 kernel not 3.8.........17:20
venestill curious why usable chars are limited in a passphrase for pgp17:20
daftykinswebereinc: you probably just need to load a module if there's some legacy support17:21
daftykinswebereinc: find out the actual controller chip on the card then look up driver support for that perhaps17:21
webereincdaftykins: which is real easy to do.... if you've already got the system running.....17:21
daftykinsno, it's real easy to do in livecd too17:22
daftykinsif i'm understanding your odd comment correctly17:22
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
webereincdaftykins:  sorry for newbie questions, but I'm not sure I understand how to force a hardware module into the boot sequence so that the live CD will have the driver to find the disks *while* I'm booting from the live cd....17:23
daftykinswebereinc: loading a module after boot is as simple as "modprobe <modulename>" if there is an appropriate one17:24
webereincdaftykins: I remember that now... thanks... next question:  Where would I look for this hypothetical module?  from RocketRaid? from Ubuntu?17:25
ObrienDavevene... because other encryption software might not support special characters17:25
kostkon!find RocketRaid17:26
daftykinswebereinc: see the bit where i refer to finding out the controller chip then looking it up?17:26
ubottuPackage/file RocketRaid does not exist in raring17:26
daftykinsso research basically17:26
webereincdaftykins: OK - any idea what I will expect to find as far as controller chip info?  Lots of times it seems there are numerous chips with numerous numbers, etc... I don't want to waste time looking for the wrong thing17:27
daftykinsat this stage i sense you are after having your hand held as opposed to putting some effort in17:28
daftykinsso i'm at my limit i'm afraid17:28
daftykinsgoogle is your friend17:28
skeuomorfguys, I have an ext4 partition with an encrypted home, I accidentally deleted a folder from the home directory and I am trying to recover it using testdisk, so here's what I did, I commented out the cryptswap line in the /etc/crypttab file and in the /etc/fstab file and restarted, opened testdisk as root again, open the home folder, I see a couple of ecryptfs files and none of my home directories17:29
skeuomorfI have no idea what else to do17:30
Roryskeuomorf: Can't be done. Impossible17:30
Roryskeuomorf: That's the entire point of encryption17:30
webereincdaftykins: no problem... not looking for hand-holding... just looking for anyone with previous experience...17:30
skeuomorfRory, I have the passphrase and all17:30
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
ObrienDave*bites tongue, nibbles fingers*17:31
skeuomorfRory, I am already accessing the home directory17:31
Douughi all, wonder if you can help me, i am trying to protect my exchange server by placing it behind my apache2 web server, i have googled till i dropped dead and I cant find a way for the RPC/HTP for Outlook Anywhere to access via the apache proxy to the Exchange 2010 server17:31
ObrienDaveskeuomorf... yes, but you are NOT accessing the encrypted files17:32
webereincNew question:  Trying to boot from live CDs (trying Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Fedora, and Bodhi linux)  the first 3 end up with the video just flashing (blinking) and unusable... only the Bodhi would fully boot into the live CD... using that now... How can I check what my  video info/configuration is right now so I can try to duplicate it in the other live CD boots?17:32
skeuomorfObrienDave, I am accessing the encrypted files17:32
skeuomorfObrienDave, the whole home directory is encrypted17:32
skeuomorfObrienDave, I have access to my home directory17:33
skeuomorfObrienDave, I can't access it through testdisk though, no idea how17:33
sharpy35hey guys, i have a problem with my internet connection on ubuntu 13.04 32 Bit. From My isp i had become a username but without a passwort.. with windows this access works fine, but ubuntu seems to have problems with it, it sometimes cuts my connection and now i am not being to able to go online. on windows it works fine as you can see17:36
CatKillerskeuomorf: testdisk works with filesystems, not mountpoints17:37
orangerobothi how am I supposed to add a new name server to resolve ips? if I go to resolv.conf, there's a warning saying "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND - YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN"17:37
CatKillerskeuomorf: You'd have to get a layer ontop of your filesystem that, instead of mounting it, decrypts "on the fly" so that testdisk can read it17:37
daedelothmy root partition is full, 10gb of logs17:37
daedelothhow do I fix that?17:38
skeuomorfCatKiller, and how do I do that?17:38
CatKillerdaedeloth: Delete files? :) Maybe some of these logs are old and you can get rid of them17:38
delinquentmesay I've got an install operation like $ passenger-install-nginx-module in which I get a prompt asking me for input17:38
BluesKajsharpy35, daedeloth , run auto remove and autoclean17:38
CatKillerskeuomorf: That's the million dollar question ;)17:38
daedelothwhere is that?17:38
delinquentmecan this be automated to a single line for something like an install script?17:38
skeuomorfCatKiller, darn!17:38
BluesKajoops sharpy35 , is your connection wifi or ethernet17:39
CatKillerskeuomorf: Maybe it's not really done anywhere.17:39
sharpy35it is dsl connection17:39
sharpy35not ethernet17:39
CatKillerskeuomorf: Another way would be to decrypt the entire filesystem to a new file17:39
skeuomorfCatKiller, can't I just remove the encryption?17:39
sharpy35but yeah ethernet :)17:39
CatKillerand then that file, being decrypted17:39
skeuomorfCatKiller, That's what I set out to do by removing the lines from /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab but it didn't work, what am I missing?17:40
sharpy35BluesKaj: do you know how i can fix this?17:40
BluesKajdaedeloth, sudo apt-get autoremove;sudo apt-get autoclean17:40
CatKillerskeuomorf: Even then, actually sorry, that would probably only work if your partition was encrypted as opposed to the filesystem17:40
BluesKajdaedeloth, ion the terminal/console17:40
daedeloththat only removes old packages17:40
CatKillerskeuomorf: What you are trying to do is fairly hard17:40
daedelothit seems to be the /var/log folder that is rather huge17:40
skeuomorfCatKiller, I think the filesystem is not encrypted, I think it's just the Home directory, or am I misunderstanding?17:40
CatKillerskeuomorf: At the same time how important was this file? Even recovering files on a non encrypted ext filesystem is really hard17:40
BluesKajok daedeloth have it your way17:41
CatKillerskeuomorf: The home directory must be in a filesystem, so the filesystem has to be encrypted.17:41
skeuomorfCatKiller, Fairly important, I've done it before using testdisk, was not encrypted however17:41
skeuomorfCatKiller, hmmm17:41
XabsterHi, I just tested with a different mouse but I still have this issue: When I right click on my desktop it opens a small menu, and when I click outside of that menu it's supposed to close immediately. If I click too fast outside (not that fast really) it doesn't close. I have to wait and then click outside. There's a delay before I can make it disappear by clicking on the desktop when the menu is opened and it's driving me crazy - an17:42
CatKillerskeuomorf: It all depends what happens when a file gets deleted on this encrypted filesystem.17:42
CatKillerskeuomorf: I don't really know17:42
skeuomorfCatKiller, I understand that this is a fairly complex situation, thanks a lot for your help17:43
ObrienDaveskeuomorf... an encrypted home directory (and everything under that) is really placed into a really BIG encrypted file. it's not like each file and directory is encrypted individually17:44
skeuomorfCatKiller, Here's something that I don't understand though, from what I understood that a cryptswap1 partition is made and that is used to encrypt my home directory, I *supposedly* removed that encryption when I commented out the lines in crypttab and fstab, so why is it still encrypted?17:45
skeuomorfObrienDave, hmmm17:45
CatKillerskeuomorf: Not the slightlest idea sorry I've never tried before17:45
skeuomorfCatKiller, No problem, thank you17:45
skeuomorfmaybe ObrienDave can answer17:45
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
paulus68_1skeuomorf: just a noob opinion here but the fstab is just pointing out where it can find the encrypted drive and to mount it when needed, as such I can hardly see that removing these lines will decrypt your encrypted drive17:47
ObrienDaveskeuomorf... when you commented out crypttab, you only removed the ability to decrypt the file. you did NOT remove the encryption from the file17:47
govinda88anybody has idea of amd drivers?17:47
skeuomorfObrienDave, so, I should uncomment it, then17:47
ObrienDaveyes, and fstab also, then you would have access to your ENCRYPTED home directories17:48
skeuomorfObrienDave, But I have access to them now, with the lines commented out17:48
ObrienDavesorry, you still don't understand. your home directories and everything you had under there, are still in the encrypted file. "I see a couple of ecryptfs files and none of my home directories17:51
mikemonkhello guys!...17:51
skeuomorfObrienDave, That's inside testdisk only17:52
mikemonkis there a security risk having a dual boot setup, with an encrypted disk?17:52
skeuomorfObrienDave, Inside the /home/user directory is a .ecryptfs file, .Private file, README.txt file, Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop file, .face, .cache files, that's from within testdisk17:54
skeuomorfObrienDave, if I navigate to /home/user directory without testdisk, I can see my files and folders normally17:54
ObrienDaveok, my bad. haven't used testdisk in a while. apologies17:57
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
skeuomorfObrienDave, No worries, thanks a lot for your help17:57
CatKillerskeuomorf: That's because testdisk doesn't go through the Fuse encryptfs overlay17:57
CatKillerit goes: your home directory > some encrypted files > FUSE > files17:58
skeuomorfCatKiller, That's a shame :/17:58
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
CatKillerskeuomorf: What did you pass testdisk, the partition?17:58
skeuomorfshould've read about forensics for a while17:58
mallu_Hi.. I'm looking for a script that I can use for silently install ldap client17:59
skeuomorfCatKiller, I sudo testdisk, choose partition, navigate for deleted files17:59
skeuomorfCatKiller, Here's something interested however17:59
CatKillerskeuomorf: The partition contains an ext3 or 4 filesystem17:59
CatKillerwith a file that contains your encrypted filesystem,17:59
CatKillereven if you could decrypt the file in question17:59
CatKilleryou'd get a encFs or whatever filesystem17:59
CatKillerwhich testdisk probably cannot understand17:59
CatKillertestdisk has capabilities to "read" a filesystem,18:00
CatKillerthat's how it can access filesystem that are not "mount"ed18:00
skeuomorfCatKiller, I selected the "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" file to be able to copy it using testdisk, it showed me my normal home directory when I was choosing a destination directory, i.e. it read it normally18:00
skeuomorfCatKiller, hmmm18:00
CatKillerso testdisk can see the encrypted files?18:01
CatKillerwhile they're encrypted?18:01
skeuomorfyep, but in the case listed above, no idea why18:01
skeuomorfif I am choosing a destination directory, not when I am trying to select a file to recover18:02
maujhsnNickServ- LISTCHANS18:02
daftykinsmaujhsn: do those things in your status window please18:04
maujhsnOOps sorry guys!18:04
nyitnyithello is it possible to download only files i choose in deluge? i'm trying to download a couple of ebooks but end up downloading all files18:05
maujhsndaftykins Hate airing my dirty laundry!18:06
daftykinsmaujhsn: ^_^18:06
wheatthinnyitnyit, I'm sure there's a download w/ priority section in deluge,18:06
MonkeyDustnyitnyit  yes, click on the torrent, tehen below, click on the tab 'files', there's you can select18:06
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nyitnyitwheatthin and MonkeyDust: yeah, i already did that. i marked files i didn't want do not download but deluge kept downloading it. i'm on xubuntu 13.0418:08
maujhsnAny good ubuntu URL tutorials on How to clone ubuntu 11.10 liveUSB?18:08
wheatthinmaujhsn, if you want to clone an ubuntu drive, just use dd18:09
DJonesmaujhsn: 11.10 hasn't been supproted since May 201318:09
MonkeyDust!clone | maujhsn mind: 11.10 is !eal18:09
ubottumaujhsn mind: 11.10 is !eal: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate18:09
MonkeyDustmaujhsn  !eol, even18:09
nyitnyitgtg bye all18:10
maujhsnubottu I know your just a bot but Thanks!18:11
ubottumaujhsn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:11
maujhsnubottu Okay your not intelligent  but not stupis either!18:13
ubottumaujhsn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
HungaryCould someone help me troubleshoot my SSH? I have it installed, and running, but I cannot connect.18:14
daftykinsHungary: where are you connecting to and from?18:14
HungaryMy ubuntu server desktop in living room, to my laptop in the bedroom.18:15
daftykinsso both on the same network, possibly wired and wireless?18:15
daftykinsyou've installed openssh-server on the one you want to connect *to* ?18:15
Kajoverhi.. my prof was working on my pc in order to get eclipse running.. and i can now see the "bin" folder in my home folder (Downloads, Desktop, Documents etc). How can I hide it again?18:17
daftykinsHungary: so what happens when you run "ssh <IP address>" ?18:17
bekksKajover: By removing it - which will make eclipse to be not working.18:17
daftykinsKajover: there normally isn't a bin inside ~/ so i suspect your prof did something screwy. what's inside it? some eclipse binaries?18:17
HungaryIt says no response18:18
daftykinsHungary: you're 100% that the IP address is the correct one that that computer is using right now?18:18
Kajoverah ok. i thought it was just hidden before. (codesourcery, lpctools, openocd)18:19
Kajoverand eclipse18:19
daftykinsHungary: what OS on each?18:19
high_fiverI have 3 swap partitions (sdb7, 8 & 9). sdb9 is active at the moment and in the fstab. I'm guessing the other two are from the two previous installations but (all handled by ubuntu.. erase this version and install over). Has anyone else experienced this, new swap partitions being left in place upon new installs18:20
daftykinshigh_fiver: yes, it's an option during installation. you may have clicked next without reading it18:20
Hungarydaftykins: 12.04 server, and ChromeOS18:20
Kajoverwhere are usually apps installed in ubuntu?18:20
high_fiverdaftykins: thanks dude18:20
CatKillerskeuomorf: So I installed eCryptfs to try here with a Private directory18:21
daftykinsHungary: ah you're the one from before then. have you been linked to the ubuntu firewall config and tried resetting it to make sure it's not interfering?18:21
Hungarydaftykins:not yet18:21
CatKillerskeuomorf: This encrypts individual files onto your filesystem, then simply does an overlay mount of the encrypted files as a "on the fly" decrypt18:22
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo18:22
daftykinsHungary: ^18:22
CatKillerskeuomorf: So when the encrypted directory isn't mounted you have a directory full of encrypted files with obfuscated filenames18:22
Hungarydaftykins: The command comes up as an error18:22
daftykinsHungary: which?18:23
skeuomorfCatKiller, why isn't testdisk reading it, then? while it's mounted18:23
CatKillerskeuomorf: Presumably, when you delete a file, you delete the encrypted file18:23
ObrienDave!ufw | Hungary18:23
ubottuHungary: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo18:23
daftykinsHungary: you're going to need to give more information about what you did and what went wrong18:23
CatKillerskeuomorf: So testdisk should, maybe, be able to recover that encrypted file18:24
CatKillerskeuomorf: But you won't be able to know which it is18:24
daftykinsObrienDave: ok, before you start needlessly spamming people with bot output, scroll up and see that i DID THAT ALREADY18:24
daftykinsObrienDave: it is obnoxious and rude.18:24
skeuomorfCatKiller, hmm, so I have to recover all, decrypt and determine what I want, correct?18:24
CatKillerskeuomorf: Unless you figure out what encrypted files you have now and what you had before18:24
CatKillerskeuomorf: What I don't get is that testdisk can't do that18:24
skeuomorfCatKiller, The thing is I don't know how to recover anything when all I see is the files that I listed earlier18:24
CatKillerskeuomorf: It can't recover ext3-4 deleted files18:25
CatKillerskeuomorf: For instance, try to create a file, delete it18:25
CatKillerskeuomorf: And recover it18:25
skeuomorfCatKiller, hmmm18:25
CatKillerskeuomorf: If you can do that there might be a chance18:25
CatKillerskeuomorf: But it's *extremely* hard18:25
CatKillerskeuomorf: testdisk recovers *partitions* and *filesystems* or it can copy a file from those somewhere18:25
CatKillerbut if you delete the file...18:26
CatKillerdo a run18:26
CatKillerif you can do that with a normal, non encrypted file18:26
CatKillerthen you apply the same method with the encrypted ones18:26
CatKillerthere should be a "Private" directory or something18:26
CatKillerwhich contains all your encrypted files18:26
skeuomorfhmmm, will try now, thanks a lot CatKiller18:26
CatKillerof this type: ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWZk4L2PIKZ7F-Tr.0IqU5EQbrM3qXsi0Yo3bHfadYynczx-IBIdJki6K18:26
CatKillerlook in ~/.Private18:26
CatKillerdo you have a ~/.Private directory?18:27
CatKillerIf so, that's where your file probably used to be18:27
CatKillerIf it was deleted from there, it's just like a "normal" file that was deleted18:27
skeuomorfCatKiller, don't have that directory18:27
CatKillerexcept its contents are encrypted18:27
CatKillerfor your home directory it must be somewhere else18:27
skeuomorfexcept in testdisk, I have a file .Private18:28
CatKillertry to search for files that contain "ECRYPTFS"18:28
skeuomorfsomething is wrong18:28
skeuomorfI created a file in the root folder18:28
skeuomorfcan't find it using testdisk18:28
CatKillerthat's because your home directory's encrypte filesystem is mounted18:28
skeuomorfbefore deletion18:28
CatKilleryou need to call "flush"18:28
CatKillerand reopen testdisk18:28
CatKilleror "fsync"18:28
CatKillerit went straight to RAM18:28
CatKillersorry "sync" on Ubuntu18:29
CatKillerskeuomorf: Have to go anyways, but good luck! :)18:29
MangaKaDenzayo dawgs18:29
skeuomorfCatKiller, worked, thanks, have fun :)18:30
CatKillerskeuomorf: :)18:30
skinuxis it possible to use package manager (cli) to install software onto USB?18:51
rypervencheskinux: What do you mean by "install software onto USB"?18:52
MonkeyDustskinux  you can download without installing, cp to USB, then install    <-- makes sense?19:03
abradleyI have an ip issue: I just installed ubuntu 12 server. /etc/network/interfaces: iface eth0 static19:05
abradleydns-search lan19:05
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Myrttipastebin is good19:06
abradleyI cannot ping it from (my local machine)19:06
Myrttifor big pastes19:06
abradleyI can't ping out from the server either, to www.google.com for example19:06
abradleyserver cannot hit other local ip's19:06
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daftykinsabradley: i'm not 100% sure on that "dns-nameservers" choice19:07
daftykinsabradley: does it fail trying "nslookup google.com" ?19:07
high_fivercan I remove the following from fstab if my new swap file is working - /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 019:07
high_fiver*partition rather19:07
abradleydaftykins, nslookup google.com returns about 10 ip addresses19:08
daftykinshigh_fiver: comment it out, test, then you'll know19:08
daftykinsabradley: ok so it's resolving domains ok. but definitely failing with "ping google.com" ?19:08
high_fiverdaftykins: ok, I presumed it was a swap file created when the OS couldn't mount a swap partition19:08
abradleydaftykins, yes19:09
daftykinsabradley: what's the message?19:09
abradleyokay, commenting out dns-nameservers fixed it19:09
abradleythis is strange19:11
daftykinsabradley: oh come to think of it, you set .20 as your DNS server, that was wrong19:12
abradleymy ip:, ubuntu ip:
abradleyI cannot ping it. It can ping me.19:12
daftykinsabradley: no that's pretty expected, probably the ubuntu firewall on19:12
abradleyoh ok19:13
skinuxWeird. Moving deb file to USB it says there wasn't enough space, but looking on USB I see deb file is there.19:13
Ponch0Hey guys what is the command line so I can move 1 folder into another?19:13
daftykinsPonch0: mv /path/of/folder /new/path/19:14
gamblerrurok guys19:14
Ponch0thank you daftykins19:14
gamblerrurso im on hexchat19:14
_DeLa_hi there!19:14
gamblerrurso i want a custom gtk theme19:14
gamblerrurbut then i want it only for hexchat19:14
KajoverIs there a way to disable the indicator-appmenu just for one app only... Eclipse Kepler doesnt open the dialogs and removing the indicator-appmenu makes it work19:14
_DeLa_question: in the .conf - file of my wireless driver, how do I mark a line as a comment? By starting the line with an #?19:15
quickdry21Is there any reason to allow a program to daemonize itself in conjunction with upstart? Or is it better to use a --no-deamon option.19:15
gamblerruroh and kvm disabled by bios19:16
gamblerrurwtf is that19:16
gamblerruryeah start the line with a #19:17
gamblerrur_dela_ yes19:17
gamblerrurso, kvm... why is it disabled by bios?19:17
gamblerrurit didnt happen when i had win7 dual boot19:17
gamblerruroh and when i installed on dvd19:18
gamblerrurok nevermind...19:18
bekks!cz | passat7419:20
ubottupassat74: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.19:20
gamblerruri need to make a desktop file for hexchat19:27
drachensunI think some of you might find this interesting, a multi-booting GNU/Linux/Android tablet, 9.7" HD LCD, crowdfunding now at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pengpod-1040-quad-core-linux-android-dual-booting-tablets/x/1642121 all source and image building tools are being open sourced.19:33
drachensunthere is a linaro image running lxde built on ubuntu for arm for it19:34
ejvthey would find it more interesting in #ubuntu-offtopic19:34
drachensunand ubuntu touch as well, but that is pretty rough on there19:34
drachensunejv: ah ok19:34
ceraphinhi all19:34
ceraphinis there anyone available I need some help on trying to get ubunut on my macbook air19:35
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages19:36
ceraphinI already looked there19:37
ceraphinmy problen is that when I launch the installm it froze right after the second page19:38
high_fiverare you duel booting19:42
gamblerrurok so i need to gtk theme my hexchat19:42
gamblerrurtheres customizeable parts like font colors and the background19:43
high_fiverceraphin: are you duel booting OS X and Ubuntu?19:43
gamblerrurbut the little parts with tabs and stuff are white19:43
gamblerrurill screenie19:43
gcdsHello, how properly make a folder where git (also git user) would create it repositories?19:48
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ceraphinhigh_fiver yes19:49
gamblerrurthats the screenie. how do i gtk that?19:49
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gamblerrurif you scroll down tis the part at the bottom19:49
bar338I'm in the process of setting up a new ubuntu VPS.  Why is it when I add a php extension it is added to /usr/bin/php5 but not /usr/local/bin/php?19:50
high_fiverceraphin: you've shrink the OS X partition in OS X correct. I'd try creating another live USB using unetbootin19:51
high_fiverceraphin: took me 2 attempts to install 12.0419:51
high_fiverceraphin: I found 13.04 crash all the time so rolled back to 12.0419:52
bekksgcds: "mkdir myfolder"19:53
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gcdsbekks: really funny :D19:59
bekksgcds: It was a valid answer to your question. mkdir creates a folder :)19:59
gcdsso how git (git user) would create folder in it if i run the mkdir with root?20:00
gcdsit's for git server not client :)20:00
romainl_good evening #vim20:00
mrrcpHello, I cannot locate the exquilla addon in thunderbird20:02
mrrcpwas it removed?20:02
Myrttiromainl_: this is #ubuntu...20:02
olof_hello, it seems like ive got a virus?!20:02
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MattTheRatgcds: man chown ?20:02
Myrttiolof_: oh?20:02
romainl_Myrtti, and I'm dumb20:03
olof_yes, ive got something like this: http://malwaretips.com/blogs/monstermarketplace-virus/20:03
romainl_Myrtti, thanks20:03
olof_its all over my chrome browser...20:03
olof_it links keywords to monster market place20:03
gcdsMattTheRat: thanks, what if I also want the user www-data accessing that folder should i create a group of git and www-data?20:03
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olof_I have it only in chrome, not firefox20:04
MattTheRatgcds: seems like a good idea.  Just make sure you have the proper security on a web accessible scm20:04
mrrcpexquilla doesnt work on 24.020:04
gcdsMattTheRat: it would be not the apache dir list Rails app would try to access20:05
bekksmrrcp: Whats "24.0"?20:05
mrrcphey whats the best email client to use with MS Exchange20:05
bekks!best | mrrcp20:05
ubottumrrcp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:05
MattTheRatgcds: just playing the part of that nagging voice in your head. :D20:06
bezabanmrrcp: there are some plugins for various clients that give ok calendar services etc, but none that I have been 100% happy with20:07
mrrcpwhat about davmail20:07
bezabanmrrcp: havent tried davmail, as it's not just an email client20:08
ObrienDaveolof_... there are tips for removing that problem on the page you posted20:08
bezabanmrrcp: but expecting it to be better since it requires a separate server .)20:09
gcdsMattTheRat: thanks for help :)20:09
olof_ObrienDave, for windows?20:09
ObrienDaveolof_... for chrome20:09
bezabanmrrcp: you can search and install the various thunderbird extentions from within thunderbird20:09
gilbert32for you guys20:11
OerHeksgilbert32, please do not spam, thanks.20:12
gilbert32ok :p20:12
LMJThis link says the webcam works fine but it's not even detected on my system, what could I do ? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbookPrime#Webcam)20:12
fidelhi - just updated my 12.04 desktop to 12.10 - and realizing some issues. i am using gnome-shell - but it seems to fall back to gnome-classic and dispolaying a hint regarding compiz. i checked in compizconfig-settings-manager if compoisite is enabled - it is. but still i am stuck with gnome-classic or fallback i assume20:13
fidelhw: nv-gfx20:13
gilbert32i got a question, since i'm gonna install fglrx on a 13.04 and probably xorg will screw up. how can i force xorg to recreate config files?20:13
zykotick9fidel: fyi, gnome3 doesn't use compiz...20:14
fidelzykotick9: well i get the compiz hint because of my usage of docky20:14
riddickpacific rim20:14
fideland anyway - still wondering why i am stuck to gnome-classic/fallback. i assume its again a grafic-driver issue after the update.  but i am unsure how to troubleshoot20:15
wilee-nileeSo I have a smart HD TV and a hdmi cable, what is the converter needed to plug straight into the computer via usb. The tv is wireless it arrives today is this a option as well?20:15
zykotick9fidel: if i where you, i'd try reinstalling my graphics drivers...20:15
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fidelzykotick9: the nouveau ones or the propriatary one from NV?20:15
Lunar_Landerhello, just installed the gnome package from the software-center, was that a big mistake?20:15
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, what was your goal and what package did you install?20:16
Lunar_Landera friend of mine installed gnome on her 13.04 installation and then I also wanted to have gnome on my 12.04, thus I went to software center and installed gnome and gnome-tweak-took20:16
zykotick9fidel: which did you use before?20:17
BluesKajwilee-nilee, usb to to tv by wifi ?20:17
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, gnome-shell was the package20:17
module000Lunar_Lander: that's the correct way - you're fine20:17
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, Yeah, I,m just not familiar with my options as far as two way, media and sound.20:18
Lunar_Landerwe were just wondering why on her install, on login it says "Gnome Fallback" and at my place it says "Gnome Classic"20:18
Rileyhey guys im running arch right now and its kind gotten away from me because all the crap i have installed so i was wondering if it be alright if i went ahead and grabed the 13.10 beta and just do a dist upgrade when the final release is out20:18
Rileyor should i wait two weeks20:18
module000Lunar_Lander: her 3d card isnt' supported or isn't being used, so it's asking her to use fallback. you should have some options to choose from also, unity/gnome-shell/etc20:18
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, the gnome-shell is the gnome 3 desktop I use it myself, it also installs a fallback that is similar to gnome220:19
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daftykinsRiley: future release info is in #ubuntu+120:19
daftykinsRiley: ultimately, there's always risk20:19
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, ah thanks20:19
Lunar_Landerthanks wilee-nilee and module00020:20
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, I have onboard wifi so the usb question is related to that's the only ports on the laptop, and the cable from the tv will be a hdmi.20:20
Rileywhat i am trying to ask is if doing a normal dist upgrade will be fine when the finall release is out or will i need to redownload the iso and reinstall20:20
zykotick9!final | Riley20:20
ubottuRiley: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Saucy and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 13.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.20:20
trismRiley: yes normal upgrades will take you to final once it is released20:20
Rileyokay thx trism20:21
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, check out the gnome extensions site as well, there are a lot of cool tweak there.20:21
jokooni've change my mouse sensitivity to its minimum with lubuntu and it's still too fast20:21
jokoonwhat can I do20:21
Lunar_Landerthat was the other thing, we were looking at the tweak-tool, shell extensions and mine had none20:21
Rileyi just really miss unity for some odd reason lmao20:21
VozivAnyone care to look at this and see if there's anything you would add when hardening a server? https://gist.github.com/lrobert/681618120:22
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, extensions.gnome.org ?20:23
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bekksVoziv: Use RBAC, use roles, etc. - set kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf, configure the OOM, uninstall unneeded software, etc. etc. etc.20:24
Ahmuckhi.  after an update, i've lost hardware support for my laptop.  any ideas20:24
fidelhi - i recently updated to 12.10 (from 12.04). When i select gnome in the login-manager (tried both: lightdm & gdm) it seems to end up in some kind of fallback or classic mode and displays a notification that docky needs compositing. Am i assuming right that this might be a graphic-driver issue=20:24
Vozivbekks: Noted :)20:24
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, Yeah thats it, it will sense your install and install from there what is available that you choose, some wont run due to the version of the desktop that is installed. The desktop is in development so there are versions in ppa's as well.20:25
fidelif so - i tried installing the latest nouveau driver for my nv cards - but that doesnt seem to solve the topic20:25
Lunar_Landerah ok thanks20:25
zykotick9fidel: IF you've perviously installed nvidia propritary, then nouveau is blacklisted (unless you removed that blacklist)20:25
Lunar_Landermodule000, on the fallback, she says she got the following options "Gnome, Gnome Fallback and Gnome Fallback (no effects)"20:25
OerHeksAhmuck, not really, we need more details20:25
Lunar_Landerand you say Fallback is for when there is no 3D acceleration?20:26
fidelzykotick9: where is that blacklist maintained? any idea?20:26
wilee-nileefidel, gnome is the gnome 3 desktop is that what you want, or the fallback, or unity, not sure on the drivers other than a upgarde needs them reloaded at times.20:26
Ahmuckafter an update, lubuntu, kernel update?  i lost wireless, usb, and abilty to adjust screen size, core devices20:26
=== Wanaoishi is now known as ceraphin_
listrPretty much need to know more shell to use Openbox. Can't remember command to run a program?20:27
fidelwilee-nilee: i do want gnome - but i end up in some kind of fallbakcmode or similar. i just see that my upper panel has the dfouble-size and in addition i do have a panel at the bottom what normal gnome shouldnt display at all as far as i know20:27
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, fallback is less graphics and a pseudo gnome 2 it's different than the gnome 3 shell20:27
zykotick9fidel: sorry, off of the top of my head, i don't know/remember.20:28
Lunar_Landerah thanks20:28
fidelk - np20:28
fidelanyway - thanks for the keyword - lets see what i can find20:28
wilee-nileefidel, sounds like the fallback, you probably need to reload the graphic drivers for the gnome-shell, the drivers do not follow a distro upgrade.20:28
fidelthis repeating gfx-issue is somehow annoying after each upgrade20:28
mrrcphey how can i get a window to stay on top20:28
qin!info 0ad20:29
ubottu0ad (source: 0ad): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.13-1 (raring), package size 2310 kB, installed size 8292 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386)20:29
fidelwilee-nilee: i already reinstalled nouveau20:29
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, big help, thanks!20:29
fidelwithout effect as far as i can tell20:29
wilee-nileefidel, I have never had to load graphic drivers so I can only mention the need for a reload is probably needed.20:29
wilee-nileeLunar_Lander, no problem, enjoy.20:29
fidelnice theoretical help ....and you must have much more luck with your gfx-selection then ;)20:30
wilee-nileefidel, I have an older laptop it just works.20:30
fidelzykotick9: seems like i found some blacklisting files in /etc/modprobe.d20:31
fideli am just pretty unsure how to handle them20:31
pack^I hope mir doesn't cause even more issues with the display.20:31
jayarcan i mount a network drive? i can access it, but can't "map" it...20:31
bekksjayar: How do you try to "map" it?20:31
Vozivbekks: What would RBAC be for? Giving others access?20:32
jayari havn't.20:32
bekksVoziv: No, role based access control.20:32
jayarthats what i'm asking. can i? and how do i? i have to get it via "browse network" in the file manager...20:32
VozivWould you happen to know what I could google to learn some more?20:32
bekksjayar: Yes you can.20:32
bekks!mount | jayar20:32
ubottujayar: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount20:32
bekksVoziv: "linux rbac"20:33
jayarits not a windows share20:33
zykotick9fidel: is there some nvidia*.conf file in there?20:33
fidelzykotick9: nouveau was really blacklisted - in my case via: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-installer-disable.nouveau.conf20:33
jayarits another ubuntu machine20:33
bekksjayar: you can still mount it then.20:33
fideli commented everything in that file out - lets try a reboot now ;)20:33
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, one more stupid thing: when I click on my name on the top left, a menu opens which has "lock screen" "logout" "hibernate"20:33
Lunar_LanderI miss "Shutdown"?!20:34
jayaryea i just figured it'd be easier... i dont need to use smb20:34
Lunar_Landeror is that behind hibernate?20:34
fidelLunar_Lander: there are gnome-shell extensions to add this options20:34
fidelLunar_Lander: the gnome devs seems to prever to keep the menu simple20:34
tomek550hi, what's the right way to change grub settings for specific entry?20:34
fidelpressing a midifier key should show that option as well - without need to install plugins20:34
fidelLunar_Lander: i think it was ALT-key - but i am unsure - and dont have a working gnome-shell right now20:35
laozifriends need a small help with partiton.. ubuntu auto configured /usr to 2.8G and now its showing disk full cant install anything. to how much should i repartion it20:35
Lunar_Landerah thanks20:36
DentychHello there. Anyone know of a REALLY good guide for IPTABLES out there?20:36
ikonialaozi: ubuntus default partition layout dos not put /usr on a seperate partition20:36
Lunar_Landerfidel, I just got the AXE menu20:36
Lunar_Landerthat's cool20:36
DentychI know how to set up rules, but it's fucking stuff up, so I need to understand how network infrastructure works. So a tutorial concerning that part of iptables would be good :P20:36
ikoniaDentych: tone down the language please.20:36
Dentychikonia: My apologies20:37
ikoniano problem20:37
jayarnone of those links helped, the first one just tells you how to mount, i can do that... but i dont know the path to the share (other than smb:// and it doesnt explain mounting network paths) the 2nd link is for windows shares...20:37
BluesKajwilee-nilee, hdmi cable is what i use from this pc to our plasma tv , I've heard of smart tvs with video and audio via wifi , but never seen one set up in that mode20:37
laozi@ikonia i installed without doing it manually. ubuntu did the partion20:38
ikonialaozi: I'd question that as it doesn't put /usr on a seperate parttion20:38
ikonialaozi: my advice is to remove /usr as a seperate partition, and just run it from your root file system20:39
fidelLunar_Lander: axe menu?20:39
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, do you have a usb to hdmi device/box?20:39
Lunar_Landerfidel, yeah a gnome extension20:40
laoziikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189686/ this is what it did20:40
Lunar_Landerit's called Axe menu20:40
wilee-nileethe hdmi cable is that tiny plug is all tyoe A BluesKaj20:40
Lunar_Landerand it is some sort of big start menu20:40
=== matanya_ is now known as matanya
psfHi all20:40
ikonialaozi: my advice is still the same20:40
BluesKajwilee-nilee, no , it's DVI on the pc to hdmi on the tv20:41
fidelzykotick9: no effect - still ending up in that fallback mode20:41
laozican u tell me what to do.. if i have to change them can i do with gpart in live cd or need to install it again?20:41
laoziikonia: can u tell me what to do.. if i have to change them can i do with gpart in live cd or need to install it again?20:41
ikonialaozi: you can do it many ways, is this a new system or an old one ?20:42
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, cool I was not sure what port to plug into is all, thanks, I have a DMI port.20:42
BluesKajwilee-nilee, believe it or not DVI can digtal audio as well20:42
jhutchinsDentych: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/20:43
laoziikonia: new i mean a year old. i installed from a live usb.20:43
jhutchinslaozi: I agree, until you know where you'll be using up space, one partition + swap makes more sense.20:43
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, Cool, thanks, I have a nice audio system set up with the computer I was mainly wanting to use it with the tv and the movies I have already on the tv, just basic computer to tv stuff.20:44
jhutchinslaozi: The default partitioning scheme is archaic and obsolete and should be changed.20:44
ikonialaozi: so you have 2 options. 1.) use something like gparted to resize your partitions 2.) unmount /usr, copy the data to /usr on the root file system, and then delete the partition and reclaim the space20:44
Lunar_Landerwilee-nilee, fidel just found the correct extension for the shutdown key20:44
BluesKajwilee-nilee, yes understood ..I use the coax/spdif audio out to an audio receiver as well, this pc is our HTPC so to speak , and I use the tv as a pc monitor20:46
laozijuhitchins: yup my wrong should have done it manually20:46
laozi@ikonia i cant do it on gparted they all are locked for changing/editing20:47
ikonialaozi: you would need to boot from live media to resize them20:47
=== sash__ is now known as Guest23058
Guest23058Hey, I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on my Mid-2012 MBP. Everything works fine, but when I close the lid, it won't go to suspend mode20:48
laoziikonia: ok i will do it.. but what size should i give?? any ideal size?20:48
Guest23058Even though the settings say it should20:48
ikoniaisbric_: as I said,  I would not have /usr on a seperate partition20:48
wilee-nileeBluesKaj, Thanks for the help, I have had old analog tv's up to this point so I'm not familiar with the options and what I need to use them.20:49
laoziikonia: i have 50gb space..  how should i partition them? root temp usr var home etc20:50
listrWhat is the shell command to run an application?20:53
Rrrrrto run what application ?20:54
=== jack is now known as Guest82612
laozii cant access files in network like i used to enter \\server name in addressbar of xubuntu to access it but cant do so in gnome 3 any help??20:54
Lunar_Landerone final stupid question21:05
Lunar_Landerwhy is there no .themes folder in my install?21:05
bekksLunar_Lander: Just create one.21:05
Lunar_Landerok, thanks21:07
wotan147anyone: is there a channel dedicated to configuration of printers (canon) with ubuntu ?21:09
Ari-Yangwotan147, not sure... #hardware maybe? :s21:09
OerHekswotan147, check open printing database and there is the ##cups channel21:12
Tango172testing... :)21:13
anonymouse_hello fellow peoples21:13
anonymouse_hows everyone doing after gov shutdown21:16
fidelanonymouse_: this is a support channel - consider using the offtopic channel for general chat21:16
daftykinsfunnily enough freenode != america21:17
daftykinsthere are other places in the world, than america21:17
=== prime is now known as Guest54424
uenostationLike New Zealand21:21
uenostationand Belgium21:21
uenostationAnd don't forget Iceland21:21
delinquentmecan someone give me the DEFAULT ubuntu output for "which python"21:23
fideldelinquentme: /usr/bin/python21:24
skinuxWhy do I have to click OS in Nautilus everytime I restart?21:38
skinuxIf Ubuntu can see Windows, why does it not mount automatically?21:38
fidelfstab defines what is automaticly mounted21:38
tootheI just installed Ubuntu on a server. I have my wifi settings in /etc/network/interfaces, with the ssid and password. However, I noticed that I do not get an IP address when I boot up.21:38
tootheWhat might be causing that?21:39
fidelskinux: in other words: not everyone wants it automounted ;)21:39
skinuxWhat is the mount point for configuring automount?21:40
skinuxOr...remind me where to look for that.21:40
k1l_skinux: just create a folder in /mnt/21:40
k1l_and then mount into that folder21:40
skinuxI'll need something to mount the directory to.21:41
k1l_!fstab | skinux21:41
ubottuskinux: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:41
toothebetter quetsion -- what command or script uses /etc/network/interfaces?21:41
delinquentmefidel can I get a stat /usr/bin/python21:43
fideldelinquentme: what?21:44
delinquentme$ stat /usr/bin/python21:45
tootheI noticed that 'ifup wlan0' does not bring my wifi card up, despite me having my wifi password setup. What would cause that?21:45
delinquentmeIE where does that symbolic link point21:45
bekkstoothe: ifup wlan0 turns on the interface, nothing more.21:45
OerHeksdelinquentme, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6189977/21:45
delinquentmefidel, it should be something like this File: `/usr/bin/python' -> `python2.6'21:45
toothebekks: man(5) of interfaces says it uses /etc/network/interfaces. And that file contains my wifi password.21:46
delinquentmeOerHeks, $ which python2.721:46
delinquentmeerm OerHeks $ which ipython21:46
OerHekssame, /usr/bin/python21:47
tootheyah, I don't get this...21:48
delinquentmeOerHeks, both which python and which ipython are the same "File" ??21:49
OerHeksdelinquentme, which ipython returns nothing, which python returns  which ipython returns /usr/bin/python like fidel21:50
OerHeksdelinquentme, did you mess up your python install?21:51
delinquentmeOerHeks, yeahhh21:51
bekksdelinquentme: What did you do?21:51
delinquentmebekks, when I run ipython I get issues with pkg_resources missing21:52
HackerII 21:52
delinquentme 21:52
bekksdelinquentme: Thats not what I asked :)21:53
delinquentmebekks, IDK21:55
delinquentmebekks, maybe something w virtualenv ... also installing python 2.7.5 when its no officially supported on 12.0421:56
delinquentmeerm! 10.0421:56
bekksdelinquentme: So you are basically runnin an unsupported environment, dont you? :)21:56
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
delinquentmebekks, that would be 10.0421:58
bekksdelinquentme: Why dont you run a supported version on your 10.04 then?21:59
delinquentmeim trying to get it back to 2.6.521:59
delinquentmehowever i've got this issue21:59
delinquentmealso I'm hesitant to remove and reinstall 2.6.521:59
delinquentmebekks, this is probably a smart hesitation right?22:00
bekksdelinquentme: No. Its just quite impossible to support an unsupported configuration.22:00
delinquentmebekks, to reiterate. I'm trying to get back to a "supported configuration "22:01
delinquentmeIE i've uninstalled 2.722:01
delinquentmeand trying to fix 2.6.522:01
delinquentmeso I'm asking if removing / reinstalling 2.6.5 would fix22:01
Dr_Williswe really cant tell one way or anotehr if thats a guarenteed fix.22:02
Rorydelinquentme: You're welcome to try but know that 10.04 is end-of-life on the desktop22:07
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:07
Rorydelinquentme: It should fix it, yes.22:08
loawhat is ubuntu way to load modules?22:11
loafor example i want add modprobe v4l2loopback devices 422:11
daftykinsloa: listing them in /etc/modules i think22:14
loadaftykins, for what then need folder /etc/modprobe.d22:15
daftykinsloa: sorry i don't understand you22:16
delinquentmeok so it looks like I've installed python 2.7 via tarbal ... and its not found in dpkg ... but i can run python2.722:16
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist22:16
delinquentme( even if it crashes bc missing packages )22:16
Dr_Willisdelinquentme:  source install is not seen by the apt system22:17
tbicHow do i get a list of package I have installed after the setup (apt-mark seems to list all packages installed)22:20
fideltbic: dpkg -l22:23
k1l_dpkg --get-selections | awk '!/deinstall|purge|hold/ {print $1}' > packages.list22:23
tbicthat still list a lot of things like xserver-*22:24
k1l_yes, i hope you got a x-server installed :)22:24
skinuxHmm. I hate how Ubuntu opens apps docked to lower-right screen corner.22:25
tbicI was looking for a list of things I install not packages that where installed for me.22:26
delinquentmeis there an easy wall to remove all traces of python2.7 if I installed via tarball?22:26
bekksdelinquentme: No, you have to remove all traces manually.22:27
pfifohello world22:29
lonewulf85My computer does not dim when I tell it to. Ubuntu 12.04 Kernel 3.5.0-41-generic, Acer AO722 netbook22:31
mikeandrdHow do I add custom system sounds to Ubuntu 13.04?22:34
draco88can anybody help me?22:35
dragonflydraco88: depends what you need help with22:36
draco88I have around 1k folders, in every  folder there is 1 file22:36
draco88I want to copy every one of this file in to one folder22:36
dragonflythat's strange....don't think i've ever seen or heard of something like that before22:36
mikeandrdNobody knows how to install custom system sounds?22:36
lonewulf85Please help not being able to dim is draining my battery22:37
draco88anyone know how to do this?22:37
dragonflyall of these foldtes are in a directory by themselves?22:38
draco88it look like that: foldername1/file.jpg22:39
draco88and so on22:39
draco88every jpg file have different name22:40
pfifodraco88: find -type f /path/to stuff | sed 's/.*/mv "&" .22:40
pfifodraco88: find -type f /path/to stuff | sed 's/.*/mv "&" ./' > output.sh22:42
loai want add module to autoload, command line it looks so modprobe v4l2loopback devices=4. So i created file under /etc/modprobe.d/ and add there string v4l2loopback devices=422:42
loait will be enought or i need add module to /etc/modules ?22:42
SusningHi. I'm considering changing to latest stable Ubuntu. My question is if hibernation and suspend work seamless or if it's (still) trouble with those functions? I suppose this might affect different computers in different ways but my overall experience before have been that this has not been working on any of my machines. Freeze when starting up from hibernation have been standard. Since I have not been Ubuntu for quite a long time I thought22:45
SusningI should put out the question and see if it is overall fixed?22:45
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xanguaSusning: suspend works fine, hibernation on the other side...22:47
pfifoSusning: ubuntu has disabled hibernation altogether, its too buggy. suspend however is work9ng great22:47
SusningOk. I actually don't want to use Hibernation at all. How can I 100% turn that function off?22:47
mikeandrdWhy do I always get "You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder"? I'm the only user on ubuntu and the main user22:47
Susningthen you answered my questions :D22:47
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
loaif there way to switch off automated lighting on my source?22:54
loaif it must by some kind of option for v4l2src22:54
loai think it must be *22:54
loaoh wrong channle22:54
FluxDHi all somehow I cant now login using the login screen. It circles back to login screen again please help22:56
mikeandrd92How do I add custom system sounds?23:09
Dr_WillisI got no idea mikeandrd92  :) but id check askubuntu.com to see  if others have asked that.23:10
honestlyHello! I'm currently setting up a ubuntu 12.10 machine that I intend to image to provision lots of other machines. Is there a guide towards ssh host keys etc. that should be deleted before imaging so that the clones are "fresh"?23:10
Dr_Williswhy are you using 12.10 and not 12.04  or the latest releases?23:11
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10 - Support in #ubuntu23:11
Dr_Willisfactoid is outdated. ;)23:11
honestlygood question.23:11
Dr_WillisNormally people go with the LTS or the latest release.23:11
Dr_Willisnot in between23:12
Dr_Willistheres some dpkg command/other commands  i recall to force ssh to regenerate its keys. I had to use it on my raspberry pi in the past.23:12
honestlymmm, dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server apparently23:13
honestlyanything else that needs to be done?23:14
honestlycan you point me to the release lifetime matrix?23:14
Dr_Willisno idea what else might be an issue.23:14
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases23:14
Dr_Willis12.04 was a lts 'exception' it has a longer support life then any earlier releases23:15
honestlynext lts will be 14.04?23:15
honestlyguess I should downgrade.23:15
Dr_Willis13.10 due out soon. ;)23:16
draco88and it doesn't work23:16
Dr_Willis13.10 is working fine for me on my 3 test machines23:17
Dr_Willisone of the least problematic betas ive tested23:17
kruxyeh works fine here also23:17
Dr_Willisbut i imagine theres not a lot of fancy new features that will tempt people away from their working setups.23:18
Dr_Willisone thing about using xubuntu, or lubuntu, you just dont notice much changes between the new releases. ;)  except for perhaps a few little touches here and there.23:21
HungaryHey does anyone know how to fix a missing driver error while installing ubuntu server?23:23
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Dr_Williswhat driver?23:24
HungaryEthernet card23:25
Dr_Willisyou mean a wired network card?  theres only a few of those ive seen that are dont allready have drivers built into the default kernel.23:25
Dr_Williswhats the chipset?23:25
Dr_Williscould be the driver just dosent exist, or is not in whatever kerne you are using. but a newer kernel may have it23:26
HungaryIm trying to install 12.04 server23:27
Dr_Willis12.04 not one of the 12.04.4 newer point releases?23:27
Dr_Willisor was it 12.04.323:28
Hungarythe desktop is a HP Pavilion Slim23:28
Hungary12.04.3 is the one I downloaded and burned on a CD23:28
Dr_Willisok  that must be the newest 12.04.x then ;)23:28
Dr_Willislspci can determine your pcs chipsets and what the network card is exactly23:28
Dr_Willisor should give some clues23:29
Dr_Willisi have an older HP 'slim' pc i picked up on clearance about 2 yrs ago. ;)  its amazing how well.. underpowered it is compared to my even older fullsized desktop23:30
Dr_Willis'lspci' is a command for the shell23:30
Dr_Willisif you dont understand the shell, then you may want to be doing a desktop install.23:30
* toothe wonders if I can run the installer off a flash drive.23:33
Dr_Willisyou can make a bootable usb flash drive toothe23:33
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate23:34
ImmatixWhy is it that Ubuntu still doesn't have a system-wide equalizer23:42
daftykinsImmatix: they're waiting for you to make it i guess23:42
ImmatixSurely it has been requested before? I know there was a pulseaudio thing to accomplish it but it never worked right23:43
ImmatixI also thought that Pulseaudio had support for it built in but it's not included in the Ubuntu build23:45
Dr_WillisImmatix:  ive seen pulse audio equalizers in some ppa/repos befor23:45
Dr_Willisbut ive never reallyneeded it or used it.23:46
kostkonImmatix: true23:46
rekwhat's the suspend command?23:46
jmgkhi Dr_Willis23:47
rekwhat's the suspend command?23:48
rekoh sorry23:48
Dr_Willishttp://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html   2013 - newest post i see with mention of a system wide equalizer for pulse23:49
Dr_WillisIn Ubuntu 13.04, Pulseaudio is finally build with equalizer support but the actual equalizer is missing from the package for some reason, even though it's available in the source.23:50
Tylertworek: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1792/how-can-i-suspend-hibernate-from-command-line23:51
pfifoDr_Willis: you can still put you speakers in a bucket to get a nice bass boost23:52
Dr_Willisonly time i use a equalizer (on my android phone even) is when im playing back some video captures i made. theres a real real highpitched whine  that i filter out. ;)23:54
Dr_Willisi rarely want a bass boost.23:54
Dr_Willisi rarely even have sound on my pc's ;)23:55
jmgkDr_Willis,  how often do you use IRC on your phone ?23:55
Dr_Willisjmgk:  every day at work. Unless i get a day off. ;P23:56
jmgkyeah but...23:56
jmgkI mean I'm thinking23:56
jmgkthere's an app that is on Android and the seme app is on the computer23:56
jmgkso do you think its a good idea to have both?23:56
Dr_Williseven right now - im hot-spotted to my phone23:56
jmgkI mean I wouldn't use IRC much but I already bought it23:56
jmgkwhat do yo usgugest ?23:56
jmgkwhat do you suggest?23:56
jmgkit is nice to have both23:56
Dr_WillisYou bought an irc client?  what client.23:57
Dr_WillisI use andchat on the phone, therees a weechat-gui for android that connects to your current weechat session23:57
Dr_Willisnever heard of  colloquy23:57
jmgkah I see23:57
jmgkwell its nice23:57
jmgkWhat do you suggest I do?23:57
pfifoI could never get andchat to work... but it might be cause freenode dosent like cingular23:58
Dr_Willisthats an apple irc client from what i just googled.23:58
Dr_Willispfifo:  i had to setup sasl identification for at&t here.23:58
Dr_Willisfreenode seems to block a lot of the ip range for cell networks23:58
jmgkwell I mean23:58
pfifoDr_Willis: yeah I had todo that for xchat on the hotspot23:58
jmgkDr_Willis, its a good idea to have both ?23:58
Dr_Willistook me a while to figure that out.23:58
jmgkShould I get both?23:59
jmgkI mean as I said . I bought it23:59
jmgkas I had some extra cash before23:59
jmgkIT Does have a built in bouncer23:59
FloodBot1jmgk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
Dr_Willisjmgk:  both what?  Im not sure what  you are meaning exactly23:59
pfifoDr_Willis: i said heck with it all and bought a VPS, now I irssi and screen23:59
jmgkThere's an app for it on the desktop23:59
Dr_Willispfifo:  yep was doing that with znc on my homepc. or the ditigal ocean  vps  i had.23:59
jmgkdarn it. well anyways there is a mobile app with the desktop app23:59

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