
ochosiit also affects e.g. gmusicbrowser.pl00:00
ochosigerman translation is also borked00:02
ochosithen some names of translators00:02
ochosior plugin-authors (albuminfo.pm)00:02
bluesabreyeah, sounds like a bad debdiff00:03
bluesabreochosi, can you grab the gmusicbrowser tarball from the website and see if everything is good in there?00:06
bluesabregotta run, try to be back in a bit00:06
ochosiwhat website?00:06
ochosiah yeah, that seems fine00:17
ochosii have the git-repo cloned locally00:17
ochosino encoding issues there, as far as i can see00:17
ochosie.g. de.po is fine00:19
ochosiand the other stuff seems fine too00:19
bluesabrethen I have no idea how to fix it00:22
bluesabreochosi: can you expand on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/123444800:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234448 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "Encoding error in songtree.layout" [Undecided,New]00:22
bluesabreI'm not sure how to fix the problem, it will probably require a direct upload instead of a debdiff00:23
bluesabreso micahg or mr_pouit00:23
ochosiwhat do you mean with "expand on this bug"?00:23
bluesabreI'm not sure what all is affected00:23
ochosiit's really not easy to say00:24
bluesabrethe encoding issues don't show as "ï¿" in any of my browsers00:24
bluesabreone se00:24
blueswordlikeitehey ochosi, please type that character again00:26
blueswordlikeitethere is an encoding issue in my terminal window00:26
blueswordlikeiteyup, looks different :D00:27
ochosiso maybe that encoding issue of your terminal didn't play out nicely when creating the debdiff..?00:27
bluesabregood lord00:27
ochosiyou mean good grief, right?00:27
bluesabreyes, that00:27
bluesabreso as the number of instances approaches infinity...00:28
bluesabreI don't even know where to start with that00:32
bluesabremicahg, mr_pouit, if you can take a look00:32
Noskcajbluesabre, If it's not actual uploading, i could take a look00:33
bluesabreit will eventually turn into uploading, but if you don't mind having a look at it, I'd greatly appreciate it00:34
bluesabreyeah, not sure if its a terminal issue or my locale, but I can't seem to produce a diff with anything working correctly00:36
Noskcajlooking at the bug, i'm no help at all00:39
Unit193bluesabre: `locale`?00:41
bluesabreUnit193: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6186221/00:42
Unit193In screen or no?00:43
bluesabre^ screen00:44
Unit193See the first two are different?  That char works fine in screen for me though.00:44
brainwashwoot, they still did not sync screen 4.1.0 from wheezy :/00:47
brainwashand now it's too late I guess00:48
brainwashbut we need to include pm-utils by default before it's too late00:49
brainwashthere is a final dead line, right?00:51
ochosiyeah, i guess so00:51
ochosibut you'd need to talk to e.g. micahg about that00:52
ochosianyway, bedtime00:52
ochosinight everyone!00:52
brainwashgood night00:52
brainwashmicahg: can you have a look at bug 1232027 please? hopefully I don't make a big fuss about it (already emphasized this issue several times in this channel)00:56
ubottubug 1232027 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "pm-utils not installed by default in 13.10" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123202700:56
brainwashI'm just a bit concerned =S00:57
Unit193brainwash: There's a bug on that, they decided not to.  screen | 4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704-9 | <redacted> Packages  works for me though. :D00:58
brainwashworks great for me too00:59
Unit193I have it installed on everything except my precise server, there's something I kind of like better in 4.0 that made me keep it.01:00
brainwash4.1.0 comes with some nice additions 01:01
Unit193I'll take a look to see what's all there, but I'm aware of some of it.  Shift+pgup/pgdown/up/down I still miss, but each screen window having it's own scrollback is nice too.  Recent commit should help/fix extra utf-8 actually show correctly, but Debian doesn't have it (yet.)01:04
brainwashuse copy mode to navigate the scrollback buffer01:06
Unit193I know, the other method is just nicer, unless you want per window, which at times I do. :P01:06
brainwashor tell your terminal emulator to do it via shift+..01:06
Unit193Doesn't seem to work in 4.1, oddly enough.01:06
brainwashah, that reminds me of the xfce4-terminal segfault I wanted to debug :/01:08
brainwashwhen opening the Set Encoding submenu01:08
bluesabreI really don't think automatic updates are working on 13.1001:19
bluesabrepreviously just doing sudo apt-get update you'd get the update notification01:19
Unit193bluesabre: Generally for me, it pulled up when apt-get was asking me to confirm updates, which would just annoy me. "Hey heyhey!!1!  Updates are ready for your computer!"  when actually looking at them was just annoying. :P01:25
bluesabreI know, but now that does not happen01:25
bluesabrewhich makes me think it is not running/working01:25
bluesabregotta go, bbl01:26
micahgbrainwash: that's weird that we're the only image except for ubuntu-gnome to not install it01:42
micahghttp://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.gnome.general/61230 if anyone has good python foo skills and would like to help develop blueman, assistance is probably welcome01:52
kristalAny eta on this bug? The 3 FMs I use are all affected. :-/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/123197803:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1231978 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Critical,Confirmed]03:26
Noskcajkristal, not really, but people are working on it03:27
kristalNoskcaj: I think this is the first time in 2 years the trash bin has been broken. :)03:28
Unit193kristal: gvfs issues, gnome broke something it seems.03:29
NoskcajDid we end up finding what commit caused this?03:32
kristalWell of the ten-ish reports the earliest is 2013-9-27, wouldn't take long to stumble upon a bug like that.03:37
Unit193I don't really use saucy yet, just when testing some things.  I don't actually use the trash on my systems much anyway. :P03:38
kristalhow long did it take for the current versino to get into the main repo?03:38
kristalbug is probably only a week old03:38
Noskcajkristal, it's part of the .1 release of gvfs, someone was looking for what actual commit caused it03:46
NoskcajUnit193, I've been on saucy since the installer un-broke at the end of may03:46
Unit193Good for you?03:46
kristalI'm lazy and would just roll back by 1/2, then if you overshoot forward 1/4, then... etc etc classic pathfinding.03:46
kristalI installed before the installer unbroke because I used net install lol03:47
Noskcajnetboot FTW03:48
NoskcajUnit193, i just wanted an excuse to beat you at something, anything03:48
Unit193Noskcaj: Isn't hard. :P03:48
kristalI wish all ubuntu spins had naked installs for smaller isos, simply the official distro missing the default software.03:48
kristalxubuntu with no pidgin and gnumeric and... 03:49
Unit193kristal: I'm working on that, install from mini.iso and install xubuntu-core --no-install-recommends.03:49
Noskcajkristal, that's sort of what ubuntu did with ubuntu DVD a while back, but there wasn't enough market to bother03:50
kristalUnit193: Nice, Xubuntu-Core will lignted thing up a lot.03:50
Unit193Again, not on the official iso or anything, but nevertheless.03:51
kristalI think it'd be a nice little feature to have official, faster DL, faster install, faster update after installing...03:51
kristalMain Xubuntu wouldn't have to be as concerned with space if there was a niec core version.03:52
kristalCore could simply auto start software centre and recommend things.03:53
Unit193(USC isn't in core.)03:53
kristalHmm, probally for the better03:53
kristalBut core with a minimal "here's a list of things you may want" at first start would be interesting.03:54
kristalWindows was going to get that believe it or not... 03:54
kristalOn a fresh install you were going to get: pick your X Y Z03:54
kristalBut they struck no deals for a variety so it ended up being "do you want to install this monster bundle of ms software" ala windows live/msn/crappyeditor03:56
Unit193Anywho, #xubuntu-offtopic 03:56
Noskcajwhich seed lists all programs on the iso? I need to find what differences in packages are between  xubuntu and lubuntu07:10
Noskcajfor bug 120668407:10
ubottubug 1206684 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Rendering errors at lubuntu language select screen (Install and OEM-setup)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120668407:10
NoskcajOn the old pidgin twitter issue, it might be worth looking at https://code.google.com/p/prpltwtr/issues/detail?id=8807:44
NoskcajSomeone is willing to pay $100 if it gets fixed (this is a different, but similar app)07:45
astraljavaIs anyone still having trouble with persistant configuration of preferred applications? Seems that after Chrome was installed, preferred browser setup won08:45
astraljavat last.08:45
astraljavaOh, oops. Keep forgetting the location of ' in this keyboard.08:46
Unit193Might want to check ~/.local/share/ some file under that was a problem for me at one point.09:00
Unit193But, thought chrome tended to "take over"09:01
bluesabremicahg, glad to see you there briefly09:48
bluesabrecould you take a moment soon to take care of some bugfix uploads?09:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,In progress]09:50
bluesabreand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/123444809:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234448 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "Encoding errors in gmusicbrowser_1.1.10-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New]09:51
bluesabrethere may be others as well, I'm sure somebody will post them after me09:52
* bluesabre will work on his developer application today09:55
ochosibluesabre: that sounds like a sustainable thing to do!09:58
brainwashsome news regarding the trash issue https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70874409:58
ubottuGnome bug 708744 in client module "GDaemonFileEnumerator registers itself on *all* dbus connections" [Normal,Reopened]09:58
brainwash(last comment)09:59
brainwashcan anyone provide a backtrace of this hang?10:01
brainwashor anything of value10:01
brainwashochosi: help! :)10:04
ochosibrainwash: sorry, lunchtime, bbiab10:14
astraljavaUnit193: Ok, thanks, I11:42
astraljavaI'll check it out. (grr)11:42
brainwashochosi: gvfs 1.18.2 "Fix a client side regression in 1.18.1 ..."12:12
brainwashafter pinging the developer on gnome's irc server and informing him about it we now got a fix :)12:14
ochosiuu nice12:22
ochosigood work brainwash 12:22
ochosibrainwash: you're the thug we send to knock on dev's irc channels in case nasty bugs turn up12:24
brainwashwe still to test this fix =S12:25
elfyochosi: I can agree with that :)12:27
brainwashDoes linking the upstream report to the launchpad one also add all the comments?12:27
ochosino, don't think it does12:27
ochosielfy: time to invent a new sub-team of xubuntu-team: xubuntu-thugs (with brainwash, who has a befitting nickname already, as thug overlord)12:28
brainwashpinging devs, that's my job :)12:29
elfyochosi: nice to see things like that said - especially in a logged channel :p12:29
ochosii don't mind if others shiver at the thought of us sending "our guys" to their "doorsteps" (when the topic is bugs-bugs-bugs)12:30
elfyI'll add it to my list of T cycle things and make sure there's a Thuggery task : INPROGRESS line on a blueprint somewhere12:31
brainwashcan anyone clean up bug 1231978? should the upstream gvfs be added to list affected packages/projects with a link to the bugzilla report?12:34
ubottubug 1231978 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123197812:34
brainwashand the title should be changes too, I guess12:34
brainwashto be more general12:35
brainwashor whatever? :D12:35
ochosihmm, i'm not a member of the bugsquad, so i can't do all those changes12:36
ochosiadditionally i'm a bit short on time and need to fix support for gtk3 indicators in our themes...12:36
brainwashmainly the dropdown menus?12:37
brainwashcan an indicator cause that much trouble theme-wise?12:38
ochosiyeah, background-color of the indicator-buttons and the menus12:38
brainwashlast minute changes =S12:38
ochosii'm already a bit used to it12:39
brainwashelfy: do you know when and why comments from external bug reports get added to the launchpad comment section?12:40
elfyI'm afraid I don't12:40
brainwashI would like to link the bugzilla one... but I don't want all the comments to appear in launchpad12:40
brainwashochosi: I'm currently trying to figure out, what exactly happens when xfce4-appfinder daemonizes. the finder initiates the dbus connection and so on, but the dbus interface does not point to the right PID. so we have to wait 5sec (dbus timeout) before the finder appears.13:02
ochosii see13:02
ochosii'm wondering whether it's connected to all kb shortcuts having a delay when starting the session13:03
ochosilotsa dbusy stuff going awry13:03
brainwashorg.xfce.SettingsDaemon isn't point to a valid PID either13:03
brainwashso maybe13:03
ochosiare you using the upstart-session again?13:04
ochosii.e. have you tested the fix13:04
brainwashuhm, let me test it, didn't actually notice that the update manager pulled the new upstart package13:05
brainwashwell, I installed every single DE on my test machine and all the top 100 applications... easy to lose track of the update process :)13:06
brainwashbtrfs already triggered a kernel panic while balancing /13:07
brainwashnot enough space available13:07
brainwashyep, fast logout despite the upstart user session13:09
ochosibrainwash: good to hear! (have 160mb of updates pending and very slow connection)13:30
brainwashochosi: some more dbus information, I can't change the wallpaper or change the theme during the session13:32
brainwashsomething isn't working right13:32
ochosithat's odd13:32
ochosii don't have any problems doing any of that13:32
ochosiyou can look in the session-settings what's part of the running session, possibly clear it13:33
ochosipossibly also check the autostart-stuff13:33
brainwashI'll investigate that, quite possible that it started to act strange after filling my disk with all these DEs and apps13:36
brainwashsame for the appfinder13:36
brainwashmaybe I should ping nick13:44
brainwashabout the appfinder13:44
ochosiyou can give it a shot, yeah13:47
ochosiat least you have quite a good track-record ;)13:48
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ochosibrainwash: can confirm the logout issue being resolved14:26
ochosijust switched back to an upstart-session14:27
elfythat's odd 14:27
elfywonder if I've had the update then - logout is still long here14:27
elfymust have had it - no updates available14:29
brainwashelfy: ^14:40
elfyaah 14:40
elfyconfirm that then :)14:44
bluesabreochosi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/123444817:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234448 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "Encoding errors in gmusicbrowser_1.1.10-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New]17:01
bluesabreplease add more details for quentin17:01
ochosibluesabre: he already replied, and i really don't think that's a problem with gmb but with the original debdiff as upstream doesn't have that problem at all17:30
brainwashochosi: when placing the cursor over the trash icon on the desktop, a tooltip with an upscaled image of the icon appears.. worth reporting it?20:11
brainwashthe home and filesystem icon look nice20:12
Unit193brainwash: Talk of update manager in -release.20:29
Unit193Also, a reminder that Final Freeze is the 10th.20:30
knomefinal freeze? who cares.20:31
knomejust kidding, thanks for the heads up. i need to get my act together in other areas to be able to do some stuff before that20:31
Unit193knome: You do, indicators, gmusicbrowser, and the rest. :P20:31
knomefreezes are made to be melted20:32
brainwashUnit193: yea, I followed that discussion over there :)20:32
Unit193Welp, then ignore me. :)20:32
brainwashbut the indicator will be still missing20:33
Unit193There's still hope for that.20:36
ochosibrainwash: that's a feature, supposed to help when looking at images on the desktop (i think)21:10
brainwashyea, but we need a proper sized trash bin icon21:11
brainwashnot the small one upscaled :)21:11
ochosilemme check that then21:11
brainwashI noticed that thanks to the recent trash freeze issue21:12
ochosiwhat icon theme are you using?21:12
ochosihere it just uses a 48px trash icon21:13
ochosifilesystem icon is larger21:13
ochosieverything it its appropriate size, nothing scaled at all21:13
brainwashlive mode21:13
brainwashso default everything21:13
brainwashmmh, ok, the trash icon appears to be a bit blurry21:13
ochosiok, will check later21:13
brainwashochosi: it's the trash icon after all, why would anyone even care about it? :D21:17
ochosibrainwash: hehe21:50
ochosiproblem is, i'm using xfdesktop4.1121:50
ochosiso i can't directly reproduce the issue21:50
ochosibut but but, if you want, i can try to submit a patch21:51
ochosiand you can try later21:51
brainwashochosi: (greybird) gtk2 apps won't show steppers on their scrollbars, but firefox and libreoffice do it due to "GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1" or?22:21
ochosithing is, the no-steppers mode works with *most* websites22:22
ochosiif we wouldn't ship firefox by default, i'd flip the switch22:23
brainwashwhat about numix?22:23
ochosiit's not the default theme22:23
ochosidefault theme should be more robust22:24
ochosi(at least imo)22:24
brainwashbetween, I ignored the new theme configurator tool until now... so I opened it randomly and messed around with different colors for like 20 minutes, had much fun trying different color combinations :)22:26
brainwashok, I'll make a local change then22:26
brainwashdon't like these steppers22:26
ochosiyeah, gtk-theme-config is fun22:28
ochosiwell if you can assure me there are no more pages that dont work with FF when we disable the steppers, i'll gladly disable them22:29
brainwashit's like the hidden gem22:29
ochosiit's not like i'm a huge fan22:29
brainwashany example website?22:29
brainwashwhich is still broken22:29
ochosigoogle-reader used to be22:30
ochosiso gü22:30
ochosig+ might be too22:30
ochosihaven't tested it in a while22:30
brainwashwhat about libreoffice?22:30
ochosithe fact that you can never test all websites and such a prominent website exposing a bug made me leave it on22:30
ochosiwell it's not that easy just disabling the steppers for LO22:30
ochosiat least i never felt like spending the time22:30
brainwashnot an easy task to find a website where the steppers are broken/glitched22:33
ali1234what are steppers?22:35
brainwashthe arrows on scrollbars22:36
ali1234hmm... and what is the problem with no-steppers on firefox?22:37
ali1234orion doesn't appear to have any steppers, i didn't notice any problems22:37
brainwashneither does numix22:37
brainwashmaybe it's all fixed now, no website will glitch when the steppers are missing22:38
ali1234but what would the glitch look like, if it happened?22:40
ali1234maybe i just didn't notice it?22:40
ochosie.g. the scrollbars would be twice the size22:46
brainwashwould it be even possible to upload such a change? cloak it as "bug fix"?22:52
ali1234the audio track selection in parole doesn't work23:05
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