
Sir_LetoI'm about to try dual booting with this mysterious uefi laptop.03:51
Sir_Letowish me luck03:51
Poisoned_Dragongood luck03:52
Unit193Alrighty, good luck.  Got the 64bit ISO?03:52
Sir_Letoyes, of course.03:52
Sir_LetoMy windows 8 install doesnt boot instantly now that I've disabled a bunch of stuff to make dual booting work.03:55
Sir_LetoI wonder if it'll annoy me03:55
Viva_CaligulaMy take on booting is, I don't care if it takes 5 minutes so long as it's stable when running and rarely needs restarts03:58
j_hi; i'm having issues with sound on my thinkpad x230: the builtin sound plays, but the usb-connected DAC does not04:15
j_when i click on the sound/volume indicator applet, then settings, no audio settings appear04:16
j_a command like "sudo aplay -l" *does* list my usb-connected DAC04:16
kristalj_: Hmm... could try alsamixer04:16
Unit193j_: What version?04:16
j_re. alsamixer: it appears there too... i can mute the builtin, and set volume at like 50% on the usb04:16
j_yet when i go to play .. no sound out of speakers04:17
j_currently the latest04:17
kristalj_: in alsamixer you can select sound card04:17
j_(ubuntu version = 13.04)04:17
j_kristal, when i run alsamixer, i can use f6 to select the usb dac04:18
j_but even if i mute the builtin, no sound comes out of usb..04:18
j_do i need to e.g. do something as root, or start some service or something?04:18
Unit193j_: Menu > Multimedia > PulseAudio Volume Control.04:19
j_weirdly when i right-click on the taskbar volume applet, that was not appearing04:19
j_(where it used to)04:19
j_gimme a sec here to fiddle04:19
j_heheh man04:20
j_turning builtin off from there was successful04:20
j_i just didn't know how to get to that menu, except through the little taskbar applet thingy04:20
j_and i feel midly embarrassed i didn't think of that04:21
j_thanks again04:21
kristalAnd here I was thinking pulse was broken for you. :P04:24
j_the audio service certainly isn't .. i hear music04:24
j_but the indicator applet is... being weird04:25
j_it isn't responding to scroll up/down events04:25
j_and still when i right click and then choose "Sound Preferences", the pulseaudio control panel doesn't show04:25
j_instead it's some generic "System Settings" window, with only 3 options: Language Support, Printers, and Software & Updates04:26
j_which is... not right04:26
j_any thoughts on that?04:27
j_this is the first time i've plugged in the usb audio, and it wasn't plugged in when i installed (if that has anything to do with it)04:27
kristalsounds like your indicators is buggy04:28
j_oh, i forgot to mention this is xubuntu, so it's xfce04:28
kristalwell you are on the xubuntu channel :P04:29
j_ah, at least i chose that right04:29
j_haha - had a few drinks earlier ;)04:29
j_curiously the physical volume buttons on my laptop *do* work04:29
j_hm; anyone else have any ideas how to fully reset/reinitialize the sound applet/indicator thingy?  (so that it resumes responding to scroll up/down mouse events to increase/decrease volume and so that right-clicking and choosing Sount Settings actually brings up the pulseaudio control panel)04:34
j_i've tried killing both xfce4-volumed and gnome-sound-applet, to no avail04:34
j__(<- the user formerly known as "j_): a reboot has not restored sane volume indicator app behavior04:39
j__i'm annoyed how this "just worked" in xubuntu 10, 11, and 1204:40
j__i shall attempt to see if installing "indicator-sound-gtk2" and editing "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service" to point to it fixes anything as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1208204 suggests04:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged]04:49
j_alas no04:51
j_infinite tears and sadness for xfce audio applets everywhere04:51
j_and poor tired users04:51
j_thanks tho, MISTER CHANNEL04:52
kristalOh god why does thunar take so long to start in 13.10... didn't have this problem until today05:03
Jzarectahi I am running xubuntu on a small USB drive05:37
JzarectaI want to 'abstract' my home, and my wifi connections, how can I do this?05:37
Jzarectabasically I dont want to put my wifi keys everytime I load (sorry I meant running on a CD not USB)05:38
Viva_CaligulaRunning on a live cd, nothing is persistant05:39
Viva_Caligulathere may be a way to set it up as the cd is being made though05:39
Jzarectaviva right, but I want to have all these credentials on my phone, so when I connect my phone, and run a script it will 'configure' my wifi connection, etc...05:40
Jzarectamy phone will hold all these credentials of course.05:40
JzarectaI just dont want to a) remember password, b) execute the commands everytime I boot, etc.05:41
xyzoneonly live usb can have persistence05:41
Jzarectaxyzone, well I want to use my phone for storage of all that05:41
JzarectaI would probably need to create a user since mine is not xubuntu :)05:42
xyzonethere is no default tool. you'll have to do a custom hack yourself05:42
Jzarectaso the script will generate my home, setup my wifi, mount my folders, etc.05:42
Jzarectaxyzone, that's why I am here, I would think this would be something people do usually.05:42
Jzarectawhere can I load my wifi profiile?05:43
Jzarectaother question on xfce, is there a way to configure the behavior so that double click on the window is the same as 'shade'05:49
Jzarectaah got it, it was on the advanced preferences.. at the very end.05:58
Unit193Jzarecta: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ files, and they have to be owned by root and 600.05:59
JzarectaUnit193, ah thanks.05:59
Unit193And no, I wouldn't call this so standard, but nearly sounds like something I've done before. >_>06:01
JzarectaUnit193, really? I would think people would like to 'save' their wifi credentials somewhere else.06:02
Jzarectawould be pretty embarassing getting locked out of your own wifi spots. :(06:02
Unit193Yeah, but that's different than saving the config file.06:03
Unit193And the scripts to setup home, networking, etc thing.06:03
JzarectaUnit193, right, I want to have my ~ on my phone, since is the only stable thing I can count on following with me and wont die tomorrow like a USB, etc.06:04
JzarectaJzarecta, alternatively I wonder if I can just use my phone as a LiveUSB without disrupting the info I got there06:06
JzarectaI dont really know how to go about isolinux and everything there.06:07
xyzonetry installing live usb into your phone06:11
Jzarectaxyzone, ok will look how to do this, I already found a few links.06:12
xyzoneuse unetbootin06:12
JzarectaI tried that for my USBs but my laptop didnt pick it up, I have to go old school and burn it on a CD, and it did work.06:13
Jzarecta(yes I did changed the BIOS settings)06:13
JzarectaI dont want unetbootin to errase my data on my phone, how can I do to prevent that?06:14
xyzoneload it to the sd card06:14
Jzarectashould I partition my phone's SD card first? and just mount the partition?06:14
=== Jzarecta is now known as JZA
cfhowlettxubuntu180, greetings07:42
xubuntu180I have a problem with GoldenDict07:42
xubuntu180I have 13.04 xubuntu and GoldenDict does'not work07:43
cfhowlett"doesn't work"????07:46
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:46
Guest10047hi I want to launch an event using the Orange calendar08:26
=== Guest10047 is now known as JZA
=== JZA is now known as JZAbut
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto08:27
JZAbutI can't seem to launch the sound player08:27
=== JZAbut is now known as JZA
JZAcfhowlett: I want to know how can I launch the mp3 file from the command line if there is any.. I know that the default media player08:28
JZAbut it has no default media player08:28
cfhowlettJZA, sure.  what's the player?08:28
JZAcfhowlett: well Parole08:28
JZAcfhowlett: and gmusicbrowser08:29
JZAI think gmusicbrowser uses gstreamer as the backend, not sure if I can use it from commandline08:29
cfhowlettJZA, parole?  what the hey?  gmusicbrowser?  launch from the command line gmusicbrowser help    or -help   should display the options08:29
JZAParole Media Player, is the deefault in the xubuntu livecd08:30
antithesisI accidentally did sudo apt-get install xfce4 on Xubuntu and now my configuration has changed. For example, transparency doesn't work anymore (did compositing break?) and alt-dragging things has no more effect. How can I undo this?08:30
antithesisI'd like to just sudo apt-get remove xfce4 but then I'll lose the whole desktop environment08:30
cfhowlettJZA, I'm on ubuntustudio, i.e. xubuntu plus multimedia.  never heard of it ...08:31
cfhowlettantithesis, quick and easy:  go into /home   select and delete all .hidden files and folders      to clear all program settings08:32
antithesisCan't I uninstall just the packages that are inside xfce4, but not in xubuntu-desktop?08:39
well_laid_lawntry   sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop antithesis08:42
antithesisOkay I dun goof'd. I renamed my ~/.config/xfce4 to xfce4.bak and reinstalled xubuntu-desktop, but now my old configuration is completely lost and renaming the folder back doesn't change anything either09:05
antithesisplus, alt+dragging still doesn't move windows09:06
antithesisIs there any other configuration files xfce uses? I don't want to reconfigure it from scratch09:06
linuxlite1969cant set keyboard, first row of letters is azertyuiop but comes out as azerty456-11:38
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olbihello, what do you need?12:02
elfythey left olbi :)12:02
olbiI saw it too late :P12:05
=== MTwister is now known as ManiacTwister
Myr4ikПривет! Есть кто-нибудь, кто говорит по русски?16:31
ObrienDaveru! | Myr4ik16:31
Myr4ikЭто значит да?16:31
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:32
Myr4ikОк, попробуем напролом) В *nix системах я новичок, так что могу сильно тупить... Как включить vsync в xubuntu 13.04? Ставил драйвер NVIDIA с сайта, но vsync так и не заработал. Видеокарта - 8600GT16:34
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:34
ObrienDavedang i keep forgetting ! first16:35
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
xubuntu954Hello volounteers. A friend of mine has installed Xubuntu on my laptop to which I am completly new to. My wireless is not working due to it being permanently disabled (the wireless light will not turn from amber to blue). It is an hp dv7 1000ea and I have had this problem in the past. Is it something to do with the drivers, do they need updating and how would I do that on this OS?19:04
xubuntu954Also the keypad doesn't work either19:04
ObrienDavexubuntu954... i have had the wireless problem from a new kernel. has it worked under Xubuntu before?19:06
xubuntu954sorry not the keypad. the track pad. And no, I have had only versions of Windows before19:07
ObrienDaveThey updated the kernel within the past week or so19:07
xubuntu954the Kernel?19:07
ObrienDavedid the wireless work under win?19:08
willemHi all19:09
willemI have a question19:09
willemI am installing xubuntu on my wife her laptop19:09
ObrienDavexubuntu954... do you see an icon for networking on the taskbar?19:10
willemBut it is a Samsung 5 series and it has issues with hibernate19:10
willemI found several solutions19:10
willembut which is recommandable?19:10
ObrienDavexubuntu954... right click the icon, is "enable wi-fi" checked?19:11
willemPlease help me out19:11
knome!patience | willem19:12
ubottuwillem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:12
ObrienDavewillem... one thing at a time please. what kind of hibernate issues19:12
xubuntu954theres no 'enable wi-fi' when i right click the icon19:12
ObrienDavexubuntu954... ok, right click and select edit connections19:12
willemI activated hibernate i powermanagement19:13
ObrienDavexubuntu954... select add19:13
willemWhen I close the lid, and open again, the screen stays black but the fan works19:14
ObrienDavexubuntu954... select wi-fi19:14
willemso I can not come back19:14
ObrienDavexubuntu954... another window will appear. you will have to add SSID and password info19:15
xubuntu954sorry yes, there is enable netowrk and that is checked, however when I am not connected via cable it is unchecked. Okay, add19:15
ObrienDavexubuntu954... does the wired connection work?19:16
xubuntu954yes I am on it now. What I think is that the wirless switch on the computer (which is touch control) has locked itself to 'OFF'19:16
ObrienDavexubuntu954... ok, that could be a BIOS setting or you might have to enable it in windows before it will 'stay on' under Xubuntu. try both19:18
xubuntu954Okay, are you assuming the laptop is partitioned?19:19
ObrienDaveno, usually the touch switch is controlled by BIOS. mine has a physical slide switch. yours is simply a toggle on a chip somewhere19:21
xubuntu954how do I access the BIOS settings on Xubuntu19:22
ObrienDavewillem, have you tried moving mouse, hitting space bar, etc., coming out of hibernate?19:22
ObrienDavexubuntu954... umm, do you know how to get to the bios settings for your computer?19:23
willemYes everything, powerbutton19:23
willemit is a know issue19:23
xubuntu954Okay, I'll try that. Thank you  ObrienDave19:25
ObrienDavewillem... go to settings manager, power manager, extended, uncheck  "lock screen" at the bottom19:26
willemthank you but that is not what I mean, this is about screenprotection19:27
willemexampel: http://thecodecentral.com/2011/01/18/fix-ubuntu-10-10-suspendhibernate-not-working-bug19:27
willemit is a bug with several (not official) solutions.19:28
ObrienDavei guess i should have asked, what version of Xubuntu do you use?19:29
willemI use 13.0419:31
ObrienDaveok, let me try to hibernate. BRB19:32
willemit is laptop specific, my acer works fine, but the samsung just freezes19:35
ObrienDavemine seems to work ok. when you come from hibernate, do you have any USB drives connected?19:37
willemit is laptop dependant19:39
ObrienDavewhat model laptop?19:39
ObrienDavewillem... have you read this? http://www.pauljoyceuk.com/codex/2012/howto-make-ubuntu-12-04-hibernate-successfully/19:44
willembut i am in doubt if this one is better: http://thecodecentral.com/2011/01/18/fix-ubuntu-10-10-suspendhibernate-not-working-bug19:44
ObrienDavei'm thinking the fix for that is too old for 13.0419:46
ObrienDaveback in a few19:49
willemhow can i move a program to the dock?19:54
ObrienDavenot sure if you can add just any program to the taskbar19:55
willemno the dock at the bottom19:56
Poisoned_Dragonis it a real dock, or the lower panel?19:56
willemlower panel19:57
Poisoned_Dragonthe lower panel, you right click, mouse over to panel, then click add new items19:57
Poisoned_Dragonthen you add a laucher19:57
ObrienDavei don't use the lower panel. can't help you there19:57
Poisoned_Dragonright click the launcher to config for the app you want to launch19:57
Poisoned_Dragonyou can also right click the launcher to move it19:58
Poisoned_DragonI love xfce19:58
ObrienDaveme too19:58
willemme too20:00
willembut i hope to get the hibernate issue solved20:01
ObrienDavewell, I just added a launcher to the top panel in the same way ;))20:02
ObrienDavelearn something new everyday :))20:03
Poisoned_DragonObrienDave, you can also move panel objects from one panel to another20:15
Poisoned_Dragonjust by right clicking20:16
Poisoned_Dragonno need to delete and recreate20:16
ObrienDavedidn't know that. I hate more than 1 panel. that's the first thing i get rid of. traditional menu kinda guy ;)20:16
Poisoned_DragonI think the only object that can't be right-clicked to move is the indicator plugin.20:17
Poisoned_Dragonhaving 2 can be convenient. But, to each his/her own.20:17
ObrienDaveif you mean the running app panel, yes, it can be moved by right click between icons ;)20:18
Poisoned_Dragonno, the one that shows your mixer and network20:19
ObrienDaveyep, that's the one20:19
ObrienDavetry really close to the bottom :)20:20
Poisoned_Dragonnvm, I got it. :)20:20
Poisoned_Dragonno, I'm right it's the indicator plugin.20:22
Poisoned_Dragonthat's just the speaker20:22
Poisoned_Dragonbut, you're right about the notification area20:22
ObrienDaveok, we're both correct :)20:24
Poisoned_Dragonstill, it can be handled in panel preferences20:24
ObrienDavecool, good to know. thanks20:27
=== mfabel is now known as mfabel_
=== mfabel_ is now known as mfabel
michaelwang32is xbuntu good for a p4 with 1.75gb23:41
michaelwang32is xbuntu good for a p4 with 1.75gb23:45

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