
gary_posterhey huwshimi.  only here for a sec01:06
gary_posterdid what Jeff say make sense?  You can get everything working now, I think.  just give us ids to fill01:06
gary_posteryou saw those markups Jeff gave you?01:06
gary_posterI mean mockups01:06
gary_posterok huwshimi, I hope it does. :-) We are really behind on the bundles and it would be really wonderful to have the pages hooked up and ready for content01:08
gary_posterso if you can do it today, that would be really appreciated.  if you make progress and can hand it over to someone for tomorrow that would be fine too01:09
gary_posterand of course if you are in the middle of something then tie that up first.01:09
gary_posterI'm disappearing again.  Thanks and sorry I messed you huwshimi 01:10
gary_posterheh missed01:10
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
huwshimigary_poster|away: Oh, sorry Gary01:11
huwshimiGuess I'm a couple of minutes too late01:12
benjigood morning frankban 09:08
frankbanhi benji 09:08
* benji need coffee.10:07
benji[that typo is evidence of said need]10:07
frankbanluca__: is there a way to use the style framework offline? i.e. everything works well when you load the css from http://assets.ubuntu.com/sites/guidelines/css/latest/ubuntu-styles.css. but if you download it to serve it locally it is unable to find absolute resources, e.g. /sites/ubuntu/latest/u/img/logos/logo-ubuntu-grey.png10:18
luca__frankban: Heya, I'm not sure, I'll get Ant to get in touch.10:19
rick_h_oops, team changes yesterday gets me juju core code review messages. boom goes the email11:48
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
benjigary_poster: I hope you're feeling better.12:06
gary_posterbenji, yeah, thanks, much better.  slept mostly through the night.  My best guess is that the dizziness was largely caused by me taking aleve as a painkiller.  When you haven't taken it before or for a long time it can cause dizziness the first few times12:08
gary_poster(I read)12:08
benjiwierd, I hadn't heard that12:08
rick_h_that the naproxin stuff right? /me isn't up on drugs, let's the wife do that12:09
gary_posterrick_h_, yeah12:09
rick_h_ah yea, I've got some prescription strength levels of that for my headaches. It can mess you up a little bit. 12:10
* benji makes another cup of coffee and considers spiking it with naproxin.12:13
rick_h_benji: got a sec to chat this morning?12:34
frankbanand local provider is working again! (juju-core trunk + raring)12:41
rick_h_frankban: woot12:41
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
benjirick_h_: sorry, I was AFK when you messaged and just noticed; sure; benjiyork.com/chat again?12:44
rick_h_frankban: looking at the deployer docs and such I don't see that it supports specifying a charm version?12:44
rick_h_benji: yea, appreciate it12:44
rick_h_hmm, hoped it might work in FF nightly12:45
rick_h_but stuck on init12:45
frankbanrick_h_: I am not a deployer format expert, but can't you do that e.g. with charm: "cs:precise/wordpress-15"?12:46
gary_posterfrankban, lp:~juju-gui/juju-gui/redirect-server is freakin' awesome so far...still looking. :-)12:51
frankbangary_poster: thanks! I also updated the html/css bits to make it less ugly12:52
rick_h_benji: frankban thanks for the hints. It looks like I need to dupe http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-deployers/juju-deployer/trunk/view/head:/deployer/charm.py#L43 to figure out what charm is referenced13:06
gary_posterhey frankban.  when you have a chance, please take a look at https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1Dk2hqIyxficLVU5oMwylFEkDTlcvSHzVLtiaMZIpYlc/edit?disco=AAAAAGu4cFw#heading=h.147n2zr (this is company internal until release).  I'm going to offer that we can try to make the behind-a-firewall story much better by including tarball and dependencies for default install, if it means we can get it done in ti13:13
gary_posterme to change the paper.  would like to talk to you about it later today13:13
frankbangary_poster: ack will look13:14
gary_posterfrankban, hey.  I have trivials (http://paste.ubuntu.com/6192310/) plus would like to talk through what would be necessary for blocking.py to give gradual status messages13:54
gary_posterfrankban, lemme know when you are available and let's have a quick call13:54
frankbangary_poster: now is ok, or if you want I'd have a quick look to the doc you linked and then ping you13:57
abentleybenji: due to what appears to be a massive bug in the Jenkins charm, charmworld landings are temporarily disabled, because THE JOB HAS BEEN DELETED.  I'll be working on fixing this.14:04
benjiabentley: yow14:04
rick_h_abentley: benji can we have branches that don't end in trunk as the branch_spec in charms in charmworld?14:07
rick_h_abentley: doh on the deletion14:08
benjirick_h_: nope, they are skipped at injest time14:08
rick_h_benji: yay! /me auto adds + '/trunk' to the branches14:08
abentleyrick_h_: No, we can't.  We used to accept "trunk1" in some places, but that's been removed now.14:08
gary_posterfrankban, sorry had to step away.  yeah, take a look at the doc then let's talk14:09
rick_h_note to self, do not [d for do in db.charms.find()] or else your terminal will hate you14:11
benjirick_h_: do we have to do that?  I'm afraid that violating the DRY priciple that way will hurt us later.14:11
rick_h_benji: I'm trying to find some way. the branch urls are just lp:charms/precice/mysql. All the branch info is ~charmers/precise/mysql/trunk14:11
rick_h_benji: there's a 'short_url' which seems like it might work, but it changes if the owner is part of the path based on promulgated or not14:12
benjirick_h_: I thought we were going to require cs: URLs for now14:12
rick_h_benji: no, based on that deployer code I linked above, it parses out both options14:12
frankbangary_poster: I think I got the point (dependencies from juju-gui ppa and GUI release tarball from launchpad). ready when you want14:12
gary_posterfrankban, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/09f0eba2a4a142cec1a74248752179060763c265?hl=en14:13
rick_h_benji: it actually does even more. If the charm is just mysql and there's a series in the bundle then it builds the charm as promulgated version of precise/mysql and latest rev14:13
rick_h_benji: http://paste.mitechie.com/show/1028/ is not complete but what I'm looking at atm 14:14
benjirick_h_: right, I know the deployer can do more, but we can suport a subset of the charm identifiers allowed to start with (as we support a subset of other deployer features already)14:14
rick_h_benji: I geuss it seems we'd have bad visuals if we don't support what's out there currently? I didn't realize it was a real option. 14:15
benjieverything is an option14:16
* benji is hit over the head with the zen master's walking stick. The zen master says, "I'm glad to know that was an option."14:17
benjirick_h_: there is definately a tension between supporting everything the deployer does and wrapping ourselves around an axle just to support every nook and cranny14:18
benjiMy point is that if we get something working, expanding that is better than taking forever to get everything working (and not allowing ourselves the option of leaving unimportant bits out).14:19
hatchso.....has anyone else started to get a TON of emails?14:19
rick_h_benji: understand, but I'm looking at "make these deployer files 'work' and they're doing this stuff 14:20
benjirick_h_: where did you get the deployer files?14:20
rick_h_benji: so yes, the cs: from this morning helps, and I'm about got it working. 14:20
rick_h_will try to cut bait and finish up what I do have that should work. 14:21
rick_h_benji: the ones in charmworld now. They're in the production manage.jujucharms.com. Those api calls are what I am working with. 14:21
rick_h_that's why I was using bac's one. It's passed proof/lint/anything else charmworld should reject, except I'm finding it's not the whole story14:21
rick_h_so learning as I go this morning14:22
benjirick_h_: ok, just note that the three bundles I am aware of were just made up on the spot, so its not like they are real bundles people are using14:22
rick_h_benji: right, but they should follow charmworld expected rules of bundles. They're what are getting sent to the Gui to develop the bundle front end. 14:22
rick_h_benji: it's what we're desiging everythign in the gui around 14:23
abentleybenji, rick_h_: landings should be working again.  The issue was caused by an incompatible plugin.14:23
rick_h_abentley: awesome, thanks!14:23
benjirick_h_: I just don't want you to be trapped.  We don't do any validity checking of bundles and the few we have were made up, so the fact that a bundle is in the DB means nothing.  It may be that we should be adding gates instead of supporting the garbage we've let in thus far.14:24
benjiabentley: good to hear14:24
benji(the working part, not the incompatability part)14:25
rick_h_benji: understood. That's what I'm learning. It's why I went to the deployer source code to see what is going on and worked from that.14:25
* abentley did not think that was a potential side effect of jenkins plugins. He was wrong.14:26
gary_posterhatch, with great power comes great quantity of emails :-P14:35
hatchrick_h_: I thought you would be interested to know that I have fixed the colours on my laptop console by removing zsh14:36
hatchsomething between the skins and zsh caused it to go wako14:36
MakyoWhile I'm glad our product seems a little unbelievable, I got a comment on the openstack deployment vid to prove that it can be done and I wasn't just messing around in a sandbox. Do we have anything for that, or should I, like, try to do it in LXCs?14:41
hatchMakyo: is this a youtube comment?14:41
MakyoOf course :P14:42
hatchok then there is only one reply "go %#$@!% yourself"14:42
hatchthats how they talk14:42
hatchit's not vulgur there14:42
hatchcultural differences and all that14:42
MakyoIt was polite enough! "It would be great if you also could post the post openstack running and configurations.... just a proof that it works."14:43
MakyoIf I can do it in in LXCs, I can try, but if we already have docs on this, that'd be great.14:43
MakyoNot sure who to ping?  jcastro? evilnickveitch?14:44
hatchohh haha14:44
gary_posterMakyo, did you get luca__'s ok on the upgrade charm UX?14:45
luca__gary_poster: yes, a small text amend but it looks good14:46
Makyogary_poster, UX is fine, I have some quick style changes to make.14:46
gary_posterand hgi :-P14:46
gary_posterluca__, Makyo awesome! thanks!  will be great to get out next week14:46
gary_posterMakyo, added card :-)14:47
Makyogary_poster, oh, cool, thanks.14:48
jcastrothe one on the homepage is real14:48
MakyoShould be quick.14:48
jcastroit won't work on LXC though14:48
Makyojcastro, alright.  Yeah, that video is the one with the comment.14:49
hatchjujugui call in 1014:50
gary_posterfoiled again!14:50
MakyoI've got a bunch of Dell d600s downstairs.  Maybe I could set those up as a cloud.  40gb drives, 1g ram, 700mhz processors, no batteries...14:50
gary_poster:-) thanks14:50
* hatch hands Makyo http://www.bestcars2014.info/images/car-battery-2.jpg14:51
abentleybenji, rick_h_, jcsackett: I've restored "make sysdeps" testing via LXC for landings.  Let me know if you have any issues.  (And if it doesn't land or reject it within 10 minutes of clicking "Approve", that's an issue.)14:52
rick_h_benji: can you jump on stand up a sec early so I can ask a bundle model ? please?14:52
rick_h_abentley: rgr, thanks for the heads up14:52
benjirick_h_: sure14:52
Makyohatch, I'd like to see the adaptor for a laptop to a car batter :P14:52
jcastroMakyo: you could link to the bundle14:54
jcastroMakyo: jamespage can tell you which one to exactly link to. 14:54
jcastrobut for the next video we should do some post-install stuff to prove it's running14:55
jcastrolike quickly deploying something on top and showing it working, etc.14:55
Makyojcastro, yeah, I agree.  We need to do more, now that the inspector's up, as well.  I'll do a quick one this weekend for a simple wordpress install or something.14:57
hatchI wana do one too.....uhhhhh14:57
gary_posterjujugui for weekly call, I'm hoping to go through discussion quickly, and then move to bundle coordination discussion14:58
gary_posterhatch, you can make one too :-)14:58
gary_posterjujugui call in 2, btw14:58
MakyoGo ahead :P  I just use audacity for audio, recordmydesktop for video, and kdenlive for mixing.14:58
hatchlol, maybe I'll do it in OSX?14:59
* hatch ducks14:59
MakyoI may do audio on the MBA in the future.14:59
hatchmight be able to use ScreenFlow in OSX to record the vm in fullscreen15:02
evilnickveitchhatch, Makyo, if you are recording videos, remember people need to be able to make out what's going on at the size they play them back!15:05
Makyoevilnickveitch, hehe, alright, will do better about that :)15:06
hatchevilnickveitch: do you know of a quality screen recorder for Ubuntu?15:06
rick_h_gtkrecordmydesktop is the thnig I've used15:06
hatchso that's a no....:P15:06
Makyohatch, it's really easy.  You select the window you want to record, and hit record :P15:07
hatchhaha yeah but then there is all the audio, webcam, audio, editing, etc15:07
evilnickveitchhatch, sadly recordmydesktop is the most reliable for ubuntu15:07
MakyoIt'll do audio.  Why do you need webcam?15:07
MakyoI only do editing in kdenlive because I used an external mic.15:08
evilnickveitchIt does audio (but make sure you test it!)15:08
MakyoBecause it's nicer :P15:08
hatchyeah I think I'll buy ScreenFlow in OSX and see if it'll capture the VM nicely15:08
* Makyo shrug15:09
hatchhttp://www.webupd8.org/2013/06/simplescreenrecorder-powerful-screen.html looks like it has some nice features15:22
hatchgary_poster: with your branch did you get 36 errors from d3?16:12
gary_posterrelation errors?  if os, yes16:12
hatchok yes they look like it - it also only displays a single charm (mysql)16:13
rick_h_benji: did we still need to chat then on whatever we started with? 16:50
benjirick_h_: I don't remember what we were talking about16:50
* benji prepares to be informed.16:51
rick_h_how to add my bits to the bundle model in a way that doesn't suck16:51
rick_h_and if they need to be added at all I guess16:51
rick_h_I'm tempted for a first pass to just build my dict manually before calling json_response vs handing json_response the Bundle object and work around it all atm16:53
rick_h_and then see where we end up when ingest needs to get updated for some of this stuff16:53
benjirick_h_: ok, hangout?16:58
rick_h_benji: sure16:59
benjirick_h_: darn, I clicked "ignore"16:59
benjirick_h_: what is the URL?16:59
bcsallergary_poster, hatch: what was the resolution on the fakebackend in vis talk? sorry I had to duck out for that other call17:06
hatchstill ongoing17:06
gary_posterhey marcoceppi, would like to talk about bundle proof with you (bug 1222833).  I need a break/lunch, but you available sometime in the afternoon to talk?17:19
_mup_Bug #1222833: charm tools should proof bundles as well <Juju Charm Tools:Triaged by marcoceppi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1222833>17:19
marcoceppigary_poster: yeah17:29
marcoceppigary_poster: I'm available in the next 30 mins17:35
marcoceppigary_poster: just ping me when you're back17:38
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
benjinothin like a little lunch-time pressure-washing to clear your head17:56
* rick_h_ is jealou, I want to get a pressure washer17:58
rick_h_jealous that is17:58
rick_h_I was looking at them and low pressure wands for helping to wash the camper17:59
benjirick_h_: I borrowed this one from my parents; I bet they would let you borrow it18:05
rick_h_lol, sure thing. I'll send UPS down in a minute to get it18:05
rick_h_benji: nice one? /me was debating how big/etc to go. They're kind of $$ tools18:06
benjirick_h_: middle of the road: decent briggs and stratton engine, pretty high pressure, three swappable nozzles, and a cleaning solution vacuume thingie for oil stain cleaner18:07
rick_h_benji: any good names for "find me a charm by using these bits to figure out which one I really want"? 18:40
benjicandiates: find_charm, search_for_charm, find_matching_charm, resolve_charm18:41
rick_h_benji: resolve, I like that. resolve_charm_from_bundle_info18:41
benjisounds good18:42
gary_postermarcoceppi, sorry was lunch plus walk :-) lemme know when/if you are available18:44
marcoceppigary_poster: I'm avail now18:44
gary_postermaking hangout...18:44
gary_postermarcoceppi, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/4113610a552d0e523218cf29ecd65bfb2e92d888?hl=en18:45
hatchMakyo: do you need a review?19:13
Makyohatch, yeah, sorry, eating.  If you could, that'd be great19:13
hatchwill do19:13
rick_h_benji: nothing bad about me manually keeping store_revision and revision in sync? building factory test data?19:30
rick_h_benji: there is 'one true' revision these days now that we support revisions? The store one?19:30
rick_h_bah, so I shouldn't be searching on the revision field, the store_data.revision field19:32
benjirick_h_: there are three revisions, the bzr revision from the branch, the charm revision from the file on disk, and the charm store revision (an auto-incrementing number)19:32
rick_h_benji: right, so the /precise/mysql-13 is the store_revision value right?19:32
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
hatchcheck this out https://www.flowdock.com/ it allows you to chat down the right side (with IRC integration) and your 'activities' happen on the left - things like commits, reviews etc20:40
* Makyo dogwalk21:15
gary_posterhey hatch, what's the url for seeing the existing working-ish bundle again?21:58
hatchgary_poster: /bundle/~benji/wiki/wiki/:flags:/charmworldv3/ sorry I didn't see the ping22:22
gary_posterthanks hatch np.  have a great weekend23:29

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