
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
thumperkenn: hey00:08
thumperkenn: ec2 isn't good at giving lxc containers their own ip address00:08
thumperit is potentially a good idea when we can get ec2 to play nice with the lxc containers00:08
thumperbut this isn't there yet00:08
kennthumper: well, theoretically I don't need the LXC containers to have a public IP, as everything currently runs through an nginx proxy anyway.00:10
kennthumper: but, if EC2 instances are not capable of running several LXCs anyway, then I guess I'll have to figure something else out00:11
thumperkenn: they can... if the nginx proxy is on the same machine as the lxc containers, it may work00:31
thumperkenn: it is all about the networking00:31
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kennthumper: I'd like to play around with it, how do I add an LXC to an EC2 instance, or even a local LXC?01:48
thumperkenn: juju will not allow it (or it shouldn't or won't once we hook everything up)01:48
thumperyou can try: juju add-machine lxc:101:49
kennthumper: ah ok, so currently this is not implemented?01:49
thumperI think that tries to create an lxc container on machine 101:49
kennok, let me try that :)01:49
thumperkenn: it is implemented but specifically disallowed on ec2 because it doesn't talk right01:49
thumperfailing that,01:49
thumperyou end up using the lxc commands directly01:49
thumpersudo lxc-create -n some-name -t ubuntu-cloud01:50
kennhaha no I will not be doing the latter :)01:50
kennthumper: adding the LXC to a running machine seemed to work. It added something anyway. Though if it doesn't work on EC2 then I think I'll solve the problem in a different way01:54
thumperyou can the go: juju deploy ubuntu --to 1/lxc/001:54
thumperand then : juju ssh ubuntu/001:54
thumperif that is the first one01:54
kennI was just about to google that01:54
kennhang on, I have to deploy ubuntu?01:55
thumpernot exactly01:55
thumperbut kinda01:55
thumperdue to the way that addressing isn't properly hooked up yet01:55
kennok, so sub-lxcs are kind of sort of experimental then?01:55
thumperit is the only way to get the ip address shown in juju status01:56
thumperkenn: they work on maas, but not on other providers yet01:56
thumperas we need to hook up the networking01:56
kennright, gotcha01:56
kennthanks for the help though01:56
kennthumper: as a side note, while I have the attention of a juju developer: I absolutely love the design you guys have come up with. In my previous job I did Chef on RightScale and that was such a nightmare compared to this01:58
kennso, good job!01:58
thumperI've only been on it since the start of the year01:58
thumperso can't take the real credit01:59
thumperbut I do like it too01:59
thumperI'll pass it on01:59
thumperglad you're enjoying it01:59
kennplease do01:59
kennI'm having trouble working with my local environment. Starting a new machine doesn't create a log for that machine, and deploying services shows up in watch, but stays pending04:31
kennI've tried destroying and bootstrapping my environment several times, including system restart. I've also manually killed a few LXC containers left over with lxc-destroy04:32
kennduring environment bootstrap I get the following error in the log:04:32
kenn2013-10-04 04:29:58 ERROR juju apiclient.go:111 state/api: websocket.Dial wss://localhost:17070/: dial tcp connection refused04:32
kennany ideas?04:32
kennjuju version: 1.14.1-quantal-amd6404:32
davecheneykenn: that means bootstrapping didn't work04:36
davecheneykenn: do you have the right version of mongodb installed ?04:36
kenndb version v2.2.4, pdfile version 4.504:37
kennaccording to APT, that's the right version04:38
davecheneyok, that is ood04:39
davecheneythat is the usual stumbling block04:39
davecheneykenn: can your latop talk to the internet without a proxy ?04:39
kennyes, I don't have a proxy04:40
kennI tried reinstalling juju and mongo via apt and also cleared all mongo's data. Still no luck, same error04:47
davecheneykenn: we don't use the mongodb that the ackage provides04:49
davecheneywe start our own04:49
davecheneycan you please try (not sure if this will give results)04:49
davecheneyjuju bootstrap --debug04:49
kenntwo logs here: http://pastebin.com/ShCQVYYC (terminal output) and http://pastebin.com/QMfC16PU (machine-0.log)04:54
kenndavecheney: ^^04:54
davecheneykenn: that looks fine04:55
davecheneywhat is the issue you see04:55
kennmachine-0.log: 2013-10-04 04:52:00 ERROR juju apiclient.go:111 state/api: websocket.Dial wss://localhost:17070/: dial tcp connection refused04:56
davecheneyyeah, that happens04:56
davecheneyit's just part of the startup dance04:56
kennok, when I to add-machine a machine is created, but no log file is created. When I then add a service (like mysql) to that machine, the service appears in juju stat as pending, no log file is created, and that's how it stays04:59
kennok, it finally created the log file which states the install hook has been queued. No change for a few minutes though05:07
davecheneythe logs should all be in ~/.juju/local/something something/log05:11
davecheneyalongside wher eyou found machine-005:11
davecheneyif they are not05:11
davecheneymachine-0.log will have the details on what happened05:11
kennthey aren't there, let me check machine-005:12
kennno errors in machine-0.log as far as I can tell05:13
davecheneycan you make machine-0.log available05:18
davecheneykenn, did you use sudo to bootstrap ?05:18
kenndavecheney: the machine-0.log is the one I posted here  http://pastebin.com/QMfC16PU, and yes I used sudo for the bootstrap05:20
kennlet me post one after starting machines and stuff05:21
kenndavecheney: this is machine-0.log after trying to deploy mysql and starting a second machine: http://pastebin.com/4Pf1DgdP05:22
kennI should note that I downgraded juju to see if that would fix it05:22
davecheneykenn: ok, it looks lke juju asked lxc to start two machines05:26
davecheneybut they never started05:27
davecheneyanything in dmesg05:27
davecheneyor /var/log/syslog05:27
davecheneybtw, which OS are you using ?05:27
davecheneylocal providers is only known to work on raring or later05:28
davecheneyalso, what is your net connection doing ?05:28
davecheneythere could be a large lxc related download going on05:28
kennI'm on ubuntu quantal. What am I looking for in dmesg and syslog? I'll check my connection05:29
davecheneylxc is doing a version of debootstrap for every machine you start05:30
davecheneyso that could explain a delay05:30
davecheneyor it could just be broken05:30
kennhmm, I do appear to downloading quite a lot of stuff from zaurac.canonical.com05:32
kennok you know what, I've probably just been incredibly impatient05:33
davecheneynp, that has as solution05:33
davecheneyand isn't typically a bug :)05:33
davecheneyi *think* once lxc has done it's dance the fist time05:33
davecheneyit will cache the results05:34
kennthe mysql server has installed and started, and it would appear my local charm is now installing05:34
davecheneyso this is a one time cost05:34
kennok, sorry about the fuss man, it's just usually so damn instant!05:34
kennI will be more patient next time :)05:35
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kennIs there a place where I can find a list of all the juju api commands? Like open-port and config-get. I can't find it in the docs.06:46
kennSecondary question, what the best way to get the IP of the box my service is being deployed to? Internal IP is fine.06:50
davecheneykenn: second answer first07:01
davecheneyunit-get private-address07:01
davecheneyunit-get public-address07:01
davecheneykenn: first answer07:02
davecheneygrep for "Hook commands for working with relations"07:02
kenndavecheney: awesome, thanks, for both. Is there a more complete list somewhere? I'm ok with digging around source code if need be07:14
gnuoymorning I seem to have a wedged maas environment. If I try and do destroy-environment I get "error: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 409 CONFLICT" and if I try and bootstrap I get "error: environment is already bootstrapped"08:23
gnuoyany ideas ?08:23
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AskUbuntuhow to reproduce an existing environment in juju? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35352408:58
gnuoyOk, I had a node that was stuck in the commissioning state which I think juju may have believed was the bootstrap node. Now, thats cleared I was able to destroy-environment09:21
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marcoceppignuoy: interesting, I wonder if you run those commands with -v or --debug (or both) if you'd get the actual error from MAAS other than just 409 (which maas uses quite a bit)10:14
gnuoymarcoceppi, I got no additional info I don't think. Let me see if I have it in my history10:15
gnuoyno, can't find it I'm afraid10:20
stub$ sudo juju bootstrap10:51
stuberror: net: no such interface10:51
stubI've busted something yesterday and no idea what.10:52
marcoceppistub: I think it's the interface for local provider10:55
stubYeah, I have 'lxc.network.link = lxcbr0' in lxc/default.conf, but that interface no longer exists :-/10:56
marcoceppistub: Try re-installing lxc11:11
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marcoceppihazmat: adam_g: is there any way to tell deployer that a service should be exposed? or does that need to happen outside of deployer?11:48
oatmananyone know what I get "error: cannot create log collection" when I run `sudo juju bootstrap` ?11:56
oatmanit seems to have stopped working since I rebooted11:56
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melmothhola !12:38
melmothWhatever the service i deploy (provider openstack, grizzly), the service end up with https://pastebin.canonical.com/98533/12:38
melmothtwisted internal error.12:38
melmoththis is with juju py (there s currently a problem with juju-core on openstrack provider)12:39
melmothany idea what i could do about this ?12:39
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marcoceppimelmoth: not really sure what's going on in the log, it's hard to say12:47
melmothbut it does look like a twisted error... so i guess it s something specific to pyjuju.12:47
melmothand it seems to occur even before the install hook is fired.12:47
marcoceppimelmoth: well it's actually getting a 500 error to whatever it seems to be trying to do12:47
marcoceppitwisted is just the API that juju < 1.0 uses for communication with various API endpoints in the providers12:48
marcoceppiit's an async framework12:48
marcoceppioatman: you still having bootstrap problems?12:48
oatmanmarcoceppi, yes I am, I've restarted a few times to no avail12:49
oatmanwtf it's now working12:49
oatmandoes destory environment sometimes not destroy it right?12:49
marcoceppioatman: so with the local provider, it attempts to put logs in ~/.juju/local/log (or if you've named the environment something other than local, replace "local" with that name)12:50
marcoceppioatman: what version of juju are you on? 1.14.1?12:50
marcoceppidestroy-environment should work as expected12:51
oatmanI suspect I'll have it again, I'll be sure to come here when I do12:51
oatmanI'll try and isolate it first12:51
marcoceppioatman: when runing bootstrap and getting those errors, run bootstrap with -v and --debug flags to give us a little more insight12:52
oatmanwill do12:52
marcoceppimight also help you pinpoint what's going on12:52
oatmanhere's my script that I'm running to rebuild my env:12:53
oatmansudo juju destroy-environment -y &&12:53
oatmansudo juju bootstrap -v --debug12:53
oatmanjuju deploy mysql &&12:53
oatmanjuju expose mysql &&12:53
marcoceppiyeah, that looks fine12:53
oatmanI'll keep on going12:54
oatmanI'm very impressed with juju otherwise, honest!12:54
marcoceppiyou might want to sleep a few seconds between destroy and bootstrap, just for good measure12:54
oatmanah, ok12:54
marcoceppiotherwise that should work12:54
oatmanI'll add that just to be safe12:54
marcoceppion "other" providers, that's not a problem, but local it might be trying to bootstrap too soon after a destroy12:54
oatmanI see12:56
oatmanthat makes sense12:56
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kentbso if we are discouraging the use of "deploy --to X" in favor of containerization, how soon will the containerization support be available?  I certainly like the idea rather than using "--to"13:19
* kentb errand then dell lab13:37
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Makyojamespage, I received a question about deploying openstack, is there a bundle I can point them to?15:01
jcastromarcoceppi: 20 minute warning!16:34
marcoceppijcastro: ack!16:34
jamespageMakyo, not yet16:40
marcoceppijcastro: you going to fire it up?16:41
Makyojamespage, alright, thanks.16:43
jamespageMakyo, I will get to it honest - we have a juju-deployer configuration we are using for testing charm work but it points to all our inflight branches16:44
jcastromarcoceppi: yeah in ~6 minutes16:44
marcoceppijcastro: ack16:44
Makyojamespage, no problem, sounds good.  Just had someone asking if I could prove that the openstack deployment from the vid worked, figured that'd be easiest.16:48
jcastromarcoceppi: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/67513881e518abb07e2d4cc3d79041dac96648b9?authuser=0&hl=en16:53
jcastro. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets16:57
jcastroOk we're having a charm school on Amulet starting nowish!16:59
jcastrohttp://ubuntuonair.com if you wanna follow along.16:59
FilipeCifaliOh nice17:16
FilipeCifalimy client is trolling me17:17
marcoceppijcastro: 1.0.1 uploaded to ppa17:46
marcoceppijamespage: got a second? I'm trying to patch a huge glaring flaw in the charm-tools package, I can get the source from the ppa, but I noticed in Saucy you made a few fixes. If I bzr branch lp:ubuntu/saucy/charm-tools I get 0.3 source. What should I do to get 1.0.0 so I can patch the packaging?17:47
jamespagemarcoceppi, pull-lp-source charm-tools17:50
marcoceppijamespage: i'm on raring, anything else to get the saucy version?17:50
jamespagemarcoceppi, no17:50
marcoceppijamespage: awesome, thanks. On a slightly related note, I need to submit a new version of the packaging for charm-tools in saucy17:51
jcastromarcoceppi: don't forget to respond to the list wrt. the autogenerating interface docs stuff17:53
marcoceppijcastro: ack17:53
jamespagemarcoceppi, whats the bug?17:55
jamespageif you want to fix it in saucy please raise a task for ubuntu as well17:55
marcoceppijamespage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-tools/+bug/123144117:56
_mup_Bug #1231441: python-markdown missing in the deb packacge's dependencies <Juju Charm Tools:In Progress by marcoceppi> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1231441>17:56
marcoceppijamespage: so I fixed it in the source, added a new incremental update, and built the source (and just built the package and installed in a clean lxc container), I'm about to push to the PPA17:56
* marcoceppi needs to read on raising task for ubuntu17:56
jamespagemarcoceppi, I've been trying to push to the distro first - could you push it to a personal PPA17:57
jamespagethen I can pull from there and update the distro + backport17:57
marcoceppijamespage: can do17:57
jamespagemarcoceppi, I raised the task for Ubuntu - remember to reference it in the changelog17:57
marcoceppijamespage: reference the bug?17:58
jamespage(LP: #1231441) - that was the bug will be closed once it gets accepted into distro17:58
_mup_Bug #1231441: python-markdown missing in the deb packacge's dependencies <Juju Charm Tools:In Progress by marcoceppi> <charm-tools (Ubuntu):New> <charm-tools (Ubuntu Saucy):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1231441>17:58
jamespagefwiw I'd probably have just fixed that in packaging now that we are so close to releae17:59
marcoceppijamespage: when I set the release to saucy in the changelog, and go to build source it says release not found?18:00
marcoceppiE: charm-tools changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file saucy18:00
marcoceppisafe to ignore?18:00
marcoceppijamespage: uploaded to ppa:juju/stable18:03
jamespagemarcoceppi, urgh - how are you managing to put the same version in for all releases18:04
jamespagethats generally a bad idea18:04
marcoceppijamespage: uhh, I don't know18:04
marcoceppirather, I'm really not sure what I just broke18:04
marcoceppiSadly, I've just been following the internet as best I can18:06
jamespagemarcoceppi, best to ask18:06
jamespagemarcoceppi, the problem is that the version you just uploaded to PPA is exactly the same version I have to upload to saucy18:07
jamespagenote the use of ~ version on the other packages in the PPA18:07
marcoceppijamespage: oh, I didn't realize that would cause an issue18:07
marcoceppijamespage: is there a guide that describes how to best manage packages in ppas?18:08
jamespagemarcoceppi, not really18:09
jamespagemarcoceppi, I normally prepare my distro upload then use backportpackage to prepare uploads for PPA18:09
jamespagethat way the distro is always the preference over PPA18:09
jamespagemarcoceppi, I uploaded that to saucy18:10
marcoceppijamespage: okay, I think I grasp that. So it'd be do everything I've done up to this point, then run backportpackage to create a backport for each release and put those in ppa?18:10
marcoceppijamespage: thanks, hope that didn't create too much of a kerfuffle18:10
marcoceppijamespage: I'll prepare my releases for tools using that method going forward!18:10
jamespagemarcoceppi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6193324/18:11
jamespagethats what I run once I've uploaded a juju-core stable release to distro18:11
marcoceppijamespage: awesome, thank you sir!18:11
jamespagethe script can either pull a package18:11
jamespageor use the dsc locally18:11
marcoceppijamespage: if I do that right now for charm-tools am I going to hurt anything?18:12
marcoceppijamespage: I've been using the copy package link to create releases in other versions of ubuntu for the ppa, to answer your "how are  you managing" question18:13
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rektideis there any media outpost that links stuff such as people's juju blog posts and projects? looking for a kind of street view, hack-a-day coverage of the wider world?18:43
marcoceppirektide: we have this: https://juju.ubuntu.com/community/blog/ which agregates a few juju charmers blogs18:45
rektidei'm familiar with the planet schema. it's great hearing from direct authors, for sure.18:49
rektidei like being able to venture out to the slightly further removed too, which is harder18:50
rektidethat's a more critical evaluation than i'm comfortable making, please lend me your support in venturing there18:51
rektide(i'm remarkably happy with that phrasing asking forebearance. so much better than an apology.)18:52
marcoceppirektide: Outside of that, I suppose Google would be best, Google for juju and ubuntu and see what people are doing. If you're intersted in see changes to charms being made we have http://manage.jujucharms.com/recently-changed19:22
rektidehaven't been attending my blogroll as much these past couple weeks- i'd missed the GUI inspector. super awesome! http://www.jorgecastro.org/2013/09/19/here-comes-the-juju-gui-inspector/19:34
marcoceppirektide: yeah, the GUI is really turning in to this awesome piece of Juju UX19:52
marcoceppiI mean, it was already pretty awesome, they set the bar pretty high IMO19:52
Nik_Hi. I'm not able to get anyone on #maas channel to hep with the issue I'm having. Is anyone experienced with maas available?20:03
marcoceppiNik_: we an certainly try to help you. Are you using juju with maas?20:03
Nik_yes. though it's a maas tags related issue20:04
Nik_I'm trying to tag nodes that have 4 or more disks20:04
Nik_the rule is20:04
Nik_"definition": "count(//node[starts-with(@id,\"disk\") and @class=\"disk\"]) >= 4",20:04
Nik_so some machines get tagged20:05
Nik_but some don't20:05
Nik_and I verify againt lshw output on one of the machines that don't get tagged20:05
Nik_xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v 'count(//node[starts-with(@id,"disk") and @class="disk"]) >= 4' /tmp/lshw.xml20:05
Nik_that outputs "true"20:05
Nik_so all seems in order, but I'm not sure what approach to take to debug it20:05
marcoceppioh boy, this is way above my head sadly20:06
Nik_well thanks for trying. maybe someone comes around and has an answer :)20:06
marcoceppiNik_: you can try asking on http://askubuntu.com with the MAAS tag, it'll at least show up in the MAAS channel and the question will persist20:08
Nik_thanks maroceppi. I'll try that if I don't get anything20:09
marcoceppiNik_: cheers and good luck!20:10
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