
kanliot if i logout of my xwindows session with lubuntu (lightdm) how are the applications killed?  -9 or what?05:58
Unit193Should be a sigterm, then if no response sigkill.05:58
kanliotif i have time i will check it for real05:59
Unit193I might be remembering poweroff after all.06:02
kanliotwell its a silly question.  but i like silly questions with definite answers :)06:07
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kanliotturns out it's just a socket that get closed when you quit an x session09:20
kanliotalso, other bugs09:20
buleeeni installed lubuntu for someone (an ex-windows user) who is unhappy with the fact i left him without a guide on how to use it. i need to email him something of the kind in pdf form. anything that already exists?11:13
hateballbuleeen: Is there something in particular he needs to do? Also there is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides11:21
buleeenso i see there is an "ubuntu manual" ( http://ubuntu-manual.org/ )  ... where is the equivalent for lubuntu?11:30
buleeenhateball: nothing in particular, just general manual11:30
buleeenhttp://lubuntu-manual.org/     does not exist    :(11:33
buleeenso no general user manual for LUBUNTU in pdf i can download somewhere?11:44
buleeensomeone here?11:44
buleeen1700 people in #ubuntu  VS. 54 people in #lubuntu  .... are we (lubuntu community) facing risk of extinction?11:50
buleeenhope not...11:51
chispassssi have problmes with brocken software ....   help me please ....15:50
genii!details | chispassss15:54
ubottuchispassss: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:54
chispassssok ....  but sorry for mi bad english im from bolivia ...............           well i install saga gis and qgis .....   but when start  qgis  say error pyton      ........... and i tray to dowload pluguin and say .......  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  No se pudo cargar el complemento processing debido a un error al llamar a su mĂ©todo classFactory()15:58
chispassssi try to uninstall   and reinstall but icant do that  ...  i tray to fix that with synapptics   in edit  .... but no worck16:01
geniichispassss: qgis is in the Ubuntu repositories, but not Saga GIS. Did you install qgis from Synaptics?16:05
geniiAlso, a description of how you installed Saga GIS might be helpful, although it is not supported by us since it came from elsewhere16:06
chispassssyes ...  i add the repositori ubuntugis ... becouse the ubuntu repositoris have a old version16:06
chispassssand i install saga gis onli with the ubuntu repositori16:07
chispassssif you want i can send you a screnshot  with mi problem...   but wath secrnshot?16:08
geniichispassss: I think they may be better able to help you in #ubuntu-es, since all your error messages are in Spanish16:15
chispassssok thnxs!!16:17
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Frank81ui ui19:32
Frank81here it goes round and round19:33
Frank81but i have a nice question19:33
Frank81Why do we have a lubuntu support channel since it is only ubuntu + lxde shouldn't we merge to lxde channel?19:33
Frank81here often ubuntu related questions get asked isn't that useless?19:34
melodieis phillw around? :)19:37
melodieanyone aware of the last test round for the next lubuntu version?19:38
melodie"all teams need to have their19:39
melodiebatteries re-charged for the final push in one week as the 14.04 release is19:39
melodienow just a fortnight away."19:39
melodieI was amazed reading this on the qa-lubuntu ml as I thought the actual tests were being run for the next 2013 autumn version19:40
melodieUnit193 is that so?19:46
melodiedo you think he meant 2013.10 release?19:46
Unit193Of course, 13.10 is what's coming out, 14.04 hasn't started.19:48
melodiethanks Unit193, I was a bit in a wonder19:53
melodiedid you see this post from phillw on the ml?19:53
Unit193I'm no on the QA list, only skimmed one called "Re: Confused?"19:54
phillwmelodie: I'm about :)19:57
melodiehi phillw ! \o/19:58
melodiephillw what do I need to test?19:58
melodiezsync <my_iso> and go?19:58
phillwmelodie: every thing you can :D19:58
melodieburn to cd, install to hard drive and boot?19:58
melodieI'll try to19:59
phillwmelodie: try it in live mode 1st, ensure all your hardware is supported before you instal!19:59
phillwthe 14.04 was a typo, it is 13.10 :D20:00
phillwmelodie: I'm also  prepping up stuff for our LTS and get the numbers mixed up some times :P20:00
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