
xnoxcjwatson: i have plenty of u1 page fixes in ubiquity committed. I was thinking to upload. Are there ubiquity translation updates that needs to be done? Also will the hw-detect upload be accepted? (would make sense to get that embedded/included in the ubiquity)13:05
cjwatsonI can't accept the hw-detect upload since I have changes in it13:20
cjwatsonI can do a ubiquity translation update pass13:20
xnoxcool, thanks.13:21
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stgraberaccepted (hw-detect)14:06
cjwatson<joeyh> debconf-updatepo... also known as "I'm feeling unproductive today.14:07
cjwatson        Please give me a huge diff to check in"14:07
cjwatsonxnox: done14:07
cjwatsonactually maybe I should do the imported GTK translations too14:08
cjwatsonHmm.  I should, but they've changed how time-format default handling works, so I'm going to defer that until I have time to work it out.14:12
cjwatsonxnox: So go for it once hw-detect's in the archive so you can update it14:12
xnoxunit tests are broken =/17:04
xnoxneed to do bisect, cause it's not obvious which one of my changes broke it. and i have an event to attend. will look into it later tonight, or maybe early next week.17:06
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=== kentb-afk is now known as kentb
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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