[13:05] cjwatson: i have plenty of u1 page fixes in ubiquity committed. I was thinking to upload. Are there ubiquity translation updates that needs to be done? Also will the hw-detect upload be accepted? (would make sense to get that embedded/included in the ubiquity) [13:20] I can't accept the hw-detect upload since I have changes in it [13:20] I can do a ubiquity translation update pass [13:21] cool, thanks. === kentb is now known as kentb-afk [14:06] accepted (hw-detect) [14:07] debconf-updatepo... also known as "I'm feeling unproductive today. [14:07] Please give me a huge diff to check in" [14:07] xnox: done [14:08] actually maybe I should do the imported GTK translations too [14:12] Hmm. I should, but they've changed how time-format default handling works, so I'm going to defer that until I have time to work it out. [14:12] xnox: So go for it once hw-detect's in the archive so you can update it [17:04] unit tests are broken =/ [17:06] need to do bisect, cause it's not obvious which one of my changes broke it. and i have an event to attend. will look into it later tonight, or maybe early next week. [17:06] EOD. === psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk === kentb-afk is now known as kentb === kentb is now known as kentb-out