
superflyohi ThatGraemeGuy, how are things?07:38
ThatGraemeGuygreat :)07:41
ThatGraemeGuyalone at the office today, 1 guy on leave the other on a plane07:41
ThatGraemeGuyand i don't have a phone on my desk yet, so i keep having to wheel myself around07:41
ThatGraemeGuyfun times ;)07:42
miles_afternoon superflyand others10:28
miles_oh my10:29
miles_trying to remember how to setup everything in kubuntu and konversation10:30
=== miles_ is now known as Kilos
charl_hi Kilos 10:36
charl_how's it going10:36
Kiloshi charl_not too bad ty and you?10:37
Kiloshad big crashes , 2 drives at once10:37
Kilosi think the bad one affected both10:38
Kilosand bios10:38
Kiloshad to start from scratch with mbr and all that stuff and nepomuk backup isnt working10:41
charl_wow man that sucks10:41
Kilosyeah so its all the settings to try remember10:43
Kiloshi psyatw10:46
psyatwhi Kilos10:47
charl_hi psyatw 10:57
psyatwhi charl_10:58
Kiloshi not_found11:04
not_foundhiya uncle Kilos11:04
* not_found is busy with an epic install it seems... nvidia drivers in solydk... suspect it is failing will only know when it finally asks to reboot I suspect11:05
not_founddaughter put the hamster in a ball to walk around the house... I just gave it astronaut training by spinning it a bit.  It passed with flying colours11:08
Kiloshee hee11:08
not_foundthat wasn't the sound my daughter was making :p11:08
Kilosshame man11:09
not_foundok time of truth11:24
not_foundbrb perhaps11:24
nlsthznwell that didn't work :/12:21
nlsthznround two doesn't seem to be going better :(12:25
Kiloshi kbmonkey15:52
inetprogood evening17:03
Kilosohi inetprolong time no see17:44
Kilosinetpro: 17:45
* Kilos wonders what happened there17:45
Kilosinetpro: when you get a chance please update the topic bar thing17:49
Kilosi gotta reboot, so will see what happens17:50
Kilosyay it worked17:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || MList: http://bit.ly/MCOujZ || PBin: http://slexy.org/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Mon, 28 October 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/19ZzGYB || Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubuntuza
inetproKilos: ty18:06
Kilosare you ok inetpro ?18:07
inetprowhat worked?18:07
* inetpro is always ok18:07
Kilosmy reboot on kde after rebuiling a crashed drive18:07
Kilosnow gotta try fix the 500g from here18:08
Kilosyeah weird things happen here18:08
Kilosjust ran testdisk on it and it shows illegal fat 16 boot sector18:08
Kilospc couldnt even see any stat drives18:09
Kilosat times i think some clever oke is out there cracking in here18:10
Kilosand the stupid backup tool in kde dont wanna restore so it been trying to remember how to set kde upp from scratch18:11
Kilosstill no bloep here on konversation , only that timid pliing18:11
Kilosinetpro: ty for sorting the topic18:14
inetpronee man, you'll start believing yourself soon if you keep talking about that nonsense18:16
Kiloshehe how does fat16 stuff corrupt my boot sector18:17
inetproif you have sick hardware it will keep failing18:19
Kilosya i accept that but where does fat16 come from18:20
Kilosbeen no fat16 near here18:20
Kilosthats like dos and win 95 stuff18:24
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:49
magespawnGood evening19:41
superflyhi magespawn20:02
magespawnGood night all20:28

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