
kale_jack isn't recognizing my usb device, even after a reboot and reinstall (it was before I started tweaking for latency). I'm trying all possible audio devices; selecting /dev/audio as interface gives tons of errors and jack won't start. might this be related?00:37
holsteinkale_: if that is not the device, then yes, selecting it, or another device that is not the device can be related00:38
holsteinwhat would i do? open a terminal, and run 'aplay -l'00:38
holsteinwhatever is listed there (theoretically) has suppost from alsa00:38
holsteini would then open qjackctl, and try using *any* device with jack00:39
kale_ok. hydrogen works through jack.00:39
holsteinif thats the internal device, then, whatever.. use it.. get jack running and test something00:39
holsteinthen, move on to supporting the actual device you want to use00:39
holsteinbe sure you are making the connections in JACK00:39
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro00:39
holsteinbe sure you visit #opensourcemusicians as well00:41
kale_thanks. when I disconnect hydrogen in qjackctl, it stops outputting, so I'm assuming its working through jack.00:41
kbnthe release notes of ubuntustudio 13.04 mentions that there will be some issues upgrading from 12.10, but not what kind of issues...08:31
kbnanybody in here knows what issues will/might arise? Or have tried upgraded 12.10 -> 13.04 ?08:31
cfhowlettkbn, LTS only installs on my machine.  Minor headaches every 2 years + 5 years of support08:32
kbnyeah, I've preferred LTS upgrades as well.. but 13.04 has some bugfixes and improvements over 12.10 that i'd like08:33
kbnLTS versions*08:33
cfhowlettkbn, stay with 12.04 ... 14.04 is next LTS and will drop in 6 months08:34
kbnthat's a good point. I didn't realize the next LTS was so near08:34
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)08:34
cfhowlettkbn, so far, every 2 years ...08:34
kbnahh, true... I remember now I fell for the temptation last time I upgraded this machine, and went for the latest release instead of the LTS xD08:36
trottiphotohi, i need help09:23
NeomolochBonjour y aurait il des francophones dans le coin svp?12:14
ubottuNeomoloch,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:15
NeomolochMerci pour l'info désolé12:15
wachinHi OvenWerks, do you remember about shutter, well now its working14:17
wachinI dont know exactly what happens, but I install libreoffice from synaptic repo (not PPA)14:18
wachinthen installed python-one because when I install libreoffice this install python3-uno and this crash OpenLP (I need this for the Church all Sunday)14:21
wachinI dont know if this repair Shutter14:22
wachinbut the thing is that it works in UbuntuStudio 13.04, ¡Yea!14:22
wachinNow also working fine usb-creator-gtk14:24
wachinperhaps for this14:24
wachinI am very happy14:25
Speckzhi guys19:46
Speckzcan I ask a very important question?19:46
Speckz "Hello there anyone here can help me?"20:00
MaynardWatersSpeckz: always recommended to ask and wait20:11
MaynardWatersif someone can help, it is likely they will20:11
Speckzwhat to do20:11
Speckzwaiting game begins20:11
MaynardWatersa lot of us are in different time zones, so patience is appreciated20:11
MaynardWatersI dont see your question20:12
Speckzeither way I am wondering if I could put ubuntustudio logo in my website... I am the owner of a shirting company and all my designs are made by linux specifically ubuntustudio20:12
SpeckzI just wanted to confirm if that is possible20:13
MaynardWaters^he is the person I would direct that question to20:14
MaynardWatersAlso, probably a better idea to email someone on that so they can get back to you when they have details for you20:15
Speckzwas expecting that answer20:17
Speckzanywho thanks MaynardWaters20:17
holsteinSpeckz: i would just check the licenses of the images, and do what is possible22:34
holsteinSpeckz: if you wanted to put them on a shirt and sell them, that would be a different story, but, you are talking about basically what system76 is doing22:35
holsteinSpeckz: check the licenses, and you can always ask cannonical22:35
Speckz holstein22:41
Speckzthanks for the reply22:41
Speckzbut what I really wanted is to put ubuntustudio's logo in my site as a means of promoting it as well22:41
Speckzill just put it as "Powered by ubuntustudio22:42
Speckzsomethign like that22:42
holsteinSpeckz: right22:42
holsteinSpeckz: so, if the logo in question has a license that permits that, go for it22:43
holsteinit should22:43
holsteinits CC as far as i know22:43
Speckzlet me give you an idea22:43
Speckzmy company is a t-shirt printing company22:43
holsteinSpeckz: actually, i get it22:43
holsteinSpeckz: you take the logo22:43
holsteinput it on you site, and say "we use ubuntu"22:44
Speckzproud user of linux specially ubuntustudio on this side22:44
Speckzwho would want to promote microsuck?22:44
holsteinSpeckz: the logo will have a license that either faciliates that or not22:45
holsteinSpeckz: should be CC.. then, you dont have to ask, you just use it within the lisence requirements22:45
holsteinSpeckz: otherwise, you'd have to ask cannonical22:45
Speckzi wrote an email already but awaiting some answers22:45
holsteinSpeckz: please dont refer to microsoft or other OS's negatively here22:46
Speckzbut still im getting hyped22:46
holsteinSpeckz: this is the *definitive* answer.. the license says what you can do with it22:46
Speckzholstein,  you referred to microsoft.... i referred to microsuck.... ;) spelling is a bit different22:46
holsteinSpeckz: i didnt refer to microsoft, actually22:46
Speckzanywho holstein i really appreciate your help22:47
Speckzthanks a lot22:47
Speckzreally hyped to get ubuntustudios logo in my site22:47
holsteinhttps://www.system76.com/ is a company that is using the ubuntu logo on their site22:47
holsteinthat is not microsoft.. and i didnt mean to imply that it was22:47
Speckzi know what you mean22:48
Speckzi understood you 100%22:49
Speckzagain thanks for the help man22:49
Speckzi really appreciate it22:49
Speckzkeep up the good work guy22:50
Speckzkeep up the good work guys22:50
holsteinSpeckz: if you say i reffered to microsoft, then you are misunderstanding me22:50
holsteinmore specifically http://www.canonical.com/intellectual-property-policy22:52
holsteinwith direct information regarding the logo/logos and the use at http://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo22:53
holsteinSpeckz: thanks for the promotional consideration22:53

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