
bugbeastusually when i want to share a folder i right click on it, select properties and there is a sharing tab. i just installed 13.04 on a new machine and there is no option to share.  i have installed samba and system-config-samba. what am I missing?01:01
bugbeasti added a share in the samba GUI in launcher -> System -> Samba but I cant push files into the folder from a windows machine. i get a permission denied error.  (shared the public folder in my home folder to anyone with read/write control)01:07
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HonestAbehello folks!02:55
HonestAbeI've got some trouble, I messaged the fine folks at #xfce, but it might be more of a xubuntu problem02:56
HonestAbeI've got two themes that seem to want to battle it out for control of my desktop02:56
HonestAbeone handles windows, and the other handles the panel02:56
HonestAbeany suggestions on how to fix this? Should I nuke my ~/.config folder?02:57
Poisoned_Dragonlol, never heard of a battle royal between a window manager theme and a panel theme02:57
HonestAbeIt's quite exciting02:58
Unit193One is "Appearance" and the other is in "Window Manager"?02:58
HonestAbethey're holding knives to eachother's digital throats /s02:58
Poisoned_Dragonwhat is it doing?02:58
HonestAbeUnit193: Bingo.02:58
Unit193HonestAbe: My other option was see if Germany or Russia win. ;P02:58
HonestAbethat seems like the more entertaining of the two options02:59
HonestAbebut alas, this is absolutely infuriating02:59
Poisoned_Dragonwhat is the appearance theme and the wm theme?02:59
HonestAbeactually, it's ignoring the appearance theme02:59
Poisoned_Dragonand where are they clashing?03:00
HonestAbewell, the top border changes03:00
HonestAbe(not sure as to the precise terminology)03:00
HonestAbebut everything else remains windows 9803:00
Poisoned_Dragonthe top border of the window?03:00
HonestAbexfce4-panel also gives no fucks03:01
Poisoned_Dragonok, so it sounds like the wm theme isdoing it's job03:01
Poisoned_Dragonif the appearance theme isn't changing the panels, maybe the appearance theme isn't an appearance theme at all03:01
HonestAbehow do i destroy this appearance imposter?03:02
HonestAbeand will I need silvered weapons?03:02
Poisoned_Dragona theme folder has to have other folders in it that are dedicated to changing the wm or the appearance03:02
Poisoned_Dragontheme folders with xfwm4 folders in it affect the wm03:02
Poisoned_Dragonappearance theme folders will have gtk2 or metacity theme folders03:03
Poisoned_Dragonsome themes have both, to change both03:03
HonestAbeok, none of them are working through the appearance picker03:03
Poisoned_Dragonoh.... that is odd03:03
HonestAbeand the panel, still giving no fucks03:04
Poisoned_Dragonis the panel set to use the appearance style, or are they set to custom?03:04
HonestAbeuse system style03:05
Poisoned_Dragonright click on a panel, mouse over panel and click panel preferences03:05
HonestAbei just nuked my panel prefs03:05
Poisoned_Dragonoh, ok03:05
Poisoned_Dragonhmm... I never had this prob before.03:05
HonestAbei'm about to nuke my entire .config folder03:05
HonestAbeand see if that does it03:05
Poisoned_Dragonwas it always that way, or was it after an update?03:05
HonestAbenot even after an update03:05
HonestAbejust after a reboot one day03:05
HonestAbemaybe an update? I don't know. I'm a terrible person and I don't pay attention.03:06
Poisoned_Dragonif I didn't know better, I'd swear you needed to reinstall xfce-panel03:06
HonestAbeit's not just eh panel, remember03:06
HonestAbeit's also everything theme based that isn't the top border03:07
Poisoned_DragonIf the wm themes are working, then I would look into the panel component first03:07
Poisoned_Dragondid you try other wm themes?03:07
HonestAbei'll try it and report back03:07
HonestAbeevery wm theme03:07
Poisoned_Dragonand they work?03:07
HonestAbejust the top border03:08
HonestAbenothing else is affected03:08
HonestAbeno fonts03:08
HonestAbeno buttons03:08
Poisoned_Dragonthat's all that they are for03:08
Poisoned_Dragonthe window borders03:08
Poisoned_Dragonand the top03:08
HonestAbewow, color me ignorant03:08
HonestAbethought they handled the menu bars as well03:08
Poisoned_Dragonso, diagnose the panel component03:08
HonestAbei shall reinstall that and report back03:09
HonestAbeoh my03:12
HonestAbeit's so angry03:13
HonestAbeit's come back from the abyss stronger than ever.03:13
HonestAbethat is to say, the panel remains unfazed03:13
HonestAbeand unchanged03:13
HonestAbei'm going to try nuking .configg03:13
HonestAbeand see what happens03:14
Poisoned_Dragonthe folder?03:14
HonestAbe*be right back.03:14
Poisoned_Dragonbut, doesn't it have other config files for other things?03:14
Poisoned_Dragonhmmm oh well03:14
Poisoned_Dragonany luck?03:19
HonestAbebut something similar has happened before03:19
HonestAbeand this fixed it03:19
HonestAbebut it had to restart a second time(i'm not sure why)03:20
HonestAbeso, I'll restart again, but to answer your question earlier03:20
HonestAbeyes, there is other stuff there, but nothing of value03:20
HonestAbeto me at least.03:20
Poisoned_DragonI wish I could be more helpful. I never had that problem before03:22
HonestAbeit's totally fine03:22
HonestAbeit's a bizarre problem.03:22
HonestAbethis time though, the theme changed on restart03:22
HonestAbeso, no more windows 9803:22
HonestAbebut it still doesn't change within the menu03:22
HonestAbebut ponder that03:23
HonestAbehad any epiphanies?03:28
Poisoned_Dragonno :(03:28
Poisoned_Dragonwhat version of xubuntu are you using?03:28
HonestAbe12.10 apparently03:29
Poisoned_Dragoncould be a good excuse to back up your data and do a clean install of 13.0403:30
HonestAbeit totally could be03:30
HonestAbebut that is the last thing i want to do tonight03:30
Poisoned_Dragonbecause it's either software related, or your filesystem took a dump03:31
Poisoned_Dragoneither way, a fresh something is in order.03:31
Poisoned_Dragonthen do it tommorow03:31
HonestAbeI'm going away for the weekend03:32
HonestAbei have to do it on monday or tuesday03:32
HonestAbeprobably tuesday03:32
Poisoned_Dragonah. :(03:32
happyjoyid say use 12.04.303:32
Poisoned_DragonWhatever you decide yo use, I wish you luck with it.03:32
HonestAbetotally not looking forward to that03:33
Poisoned_Dragonthink of it as a good reason to unplug for a bit03:33
Poisoned_Dragonwe all need to unplug now and then03:33
HonestAbeit's not the unplugging03:33
HonestAbeit's the drivers03:34
Poisoned_Dragonbroadcom wifi?03:34
HonestAbenvidia card03:34
Poisoned_Dragonmeh... jockey can handle the driver aspect.03:34
HonestAbeethernet connection for the win03:34
Poisoned_Dragonoh... the wifi is nvidia?03:34
HonestAbegraphics card is03:35
HonestAbei don't even use wifi is what i was saying03:35
Poisoned_Dragonah, ok. Was about to give you that puzzled look03:35
HonestAbethat would have been bizarre03:35
happyjoyit has been done03:35
HonestAbemore bizarre than any problems i'd have had tonight03:35
Poisoned_Dragonso, this is a desktop on an ethernet connection?03:36
Poisoned_Dragonwell, if the video drivers are the hardest part, I'd say you're golden. Unless you have an interesting gpu03:36
HonestAbenothing that interesting03:36
HonestAbei should probably switch to a distro with eyecandy03:37
HonestAbebut goddamnit, i like xubuntu03:37
Poisoned_DragonI could have a modern quad core with any gtx model nvidia, and I would still use xfce03:37
HonestAbethat's what I have03:37
Viva_CaligulaI think eye candy looks plain ugly.03:38
HonestAbealso ^03:38
HonestAbesimplicity is beauty03:38
Viva_CaligulaI like simple clean stuff, and square corners03:38
Poisoned_Dragonclosest thing I have to eyecandy is xfce with plank.03:38
Poisoned_Dragonand a nice theme03:38
Poisoned_Dragonpreferably dark03:39
HonestAbehmm, if i'm going to do a clean install03:39
HonestAbeanyone know of any modern/updated equivalents to gnomedo?03:39
HonestAbemight do away with panels completely03:39
Poisoned_Dragonanything with just openbox. lol03:40
Poisoned_Dragonif your savvy with conky, you could eliminate panels that way03:42
Poisoned_Dragonthen just have a right click menu03:42
Poisoned_Dragonmaybe a dock03:42
HonestAbehave to seen gnomedo?03:42
Poisoned_Dragonnever heard of it03:43
HonestAbeit was awesome03:43
HonestAbelast updated in 2009 though03:43
HonestAbesuper+<space> brought up a box with which you could go to directories/programs/wherever the imagination fancied03:44
Poisoned_Dragonupdated 201203:44
HonestAbeheeey, their homepage lies03:44
HonestAbeoh, project news. Wow, I'm retarded.03:45
HonestAbeoffhand, how do you make a function in bash?03:49
HonestAbe*define a function03:49
Poisoned_DragonI dunno03:50
Poisoned_Dragonnot that savvy03:50
Viva_Caligula31 turns down...04:25
Viva_Caligula*pause for soldering iron to heat up*04:25
Viva_Caligulawrong channel, whoops04:27
excalibrxfce4 users, what does your xfce4-terminal report $COLORTERM as?07:48
cfhowlettcommand not found07:49
koegscfhowlett: you have to use "echo $COLORTERM"07:50
vdonnefortHi all!07:55
vdonnefortI've just installed xubuntu 13.0407:55
vdonnefortand I can't find msmtp07:55
vdonnefortdo you know wht?07:56
Unit193!info msmtp07:56
ubottumsmtp (source: msmtp): light SMTP client with support for server profiles. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.30-1 (raring), package size 112 kB, installed size 292 kB07:56
Unit193!info msmtp-gnome07:56
ubottumsmtp-gnome (source: msmtp): light SMTP client with support for server profiles - with GNOME keyring support. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.30-1 (raring), package size 45 kB, installed size 137 kB07:56
cfhowlettvdonnefort, in other words you have to manually install it07:56
Unit193excalibr: xfce4-terminal07:56
vdonnefortcfhowlett: though I have standard repo into sources.list? Why It doesn't appear?07:59
cfhowlettmtmtp is a gnome app and xubuntu is XFCE so ...07:59
cfhowlettor is it?08:00
cfhowlettmaybe I misspoke08:00
cfhowlettanyway, easy enough to install: sudo apt-get install msmtp*08:00
excalibrUnit193: thank you!08:01
vdonnefortcfhowlett: that's my problem: "apt-cache search msmtp: nothin!" :)08:01
Unit193Might want to drop that asterisk..08:01
Unit193vdonnefort: It's in universe.08:01
cfhowlettvdonnefort, so you must enable the universe repository08:02
Unit193Have you updated sources recently?08:02
vdonnefortooooh thanks, I have to add universe repo08:02
vdonnefortUnit193: yes just before trying apt-cache search08:02
Unit193Thought universe was default, not sure about multiverse.08:05
vdonnefortdo you know why this repo has been removed into xubuntu? Thank you for your help! Unit193 & cfhowlett08:06
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:07
User66Hello everybody, I do wonder if the AMD Drivers (using Xubuntu 13.04 and gonna install AMD Drivers 13.4), are they the same as regular Ubuntu?08:30
baizonUser66: yes they are08:30
baizonjaneks991: stop it pls08:31
User66baizon: Thanks, I do wonder somehing more due... When I "sucessfully" installed previously I got to the login (when rebooted) but I could not log in08:31
User66Is that normal?08:31
knomeJaneks991, please remove your other clients from the channel; you have 608:31
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jglauchehey, after upgrading to 13.04 I'm unable to set keyboard shortcuts in xfce4-terminal09:40
jglauchelike. I do want to have crtl+c and crtl+shift+c functionality swapped09:41
Nein9999I'm the only have problem installing Steam (sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb)09:47
Nein9999Error: dpkg: error processing steam-launcher (--install):  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured09:47
Nein9999Fixed :=)09:49
Nein9999All thourgh, I have gotten a black screen while trying to install AMD Drivers (13.4) second time, can't do anything and I need to format09:50
Nein9999I can fill upp information if somebody would answear...09:51
ubottuNein9999: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:51
Nein9999ubottu: Thanks I will search more (thanks for links), all due it's VERY hard to do anything when you can't even installl GPU drivers...09:52
ubottuNein9999: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
Nein9999and I got owend...09:53
Nein9999Well played09:53
knomejglauche, open the menu, hover over the menu item you want to change the shortcut for and press the new shortcut key09:59
knomejglauche, if that doesn't work, go go settings manager -> appearance -> settings and check 'enable editable accelerators', then try again10:00
jglaucheknome: I don't want to set a menu item, I want to edit my shortcuts inside the terminal window10:13
jglaucheknome: like ctrl+c should copy, ctrl+v should paste (instead crtl+shift+key)10:14
jglaucheknome: this menu doesn't exist anymore, apparently..10:14
knomejglauche, please read again what i said10:19
knomejglauche, go to the edit menu, hover over "copy" and press ctrl+C10:19
knomejglauche, that's the standard GTK+ way of editing shortcuts10:20
jglaucheyeah, that works well if the menu item is not set to disabled10:20
knomewell select some text... but you're correct, that's probably a bug.10:21
jglauchedid figure that out..10:21
knomejglauche, you could check if one exists, and if not, file one10:21
jglaucheso, ~$ ^C10:22
jglaucheI wonder how I can stop it from issuing a SIGINT when doign ctrl+c and not having a text selected10:22
knomefor that, you might need to do some xmodmap modifications10:24
xubuntu718Hello, when I do sudo apt-get update and after upgrade I get three package how need to be updated, how do I download them?12:15
xubuntu718"The following packages have been kept back:   linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic"12:15
bgardnerxubuntu718: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:15
xubuntu718bgardiner: You are right Sir :D12:15
RJ45I left my computer on all night last night again, and the same thing happened again; came back to black screen of total unresponsiveness13:15
RJ45seriously, what's going on?13:15
RJ45I can't for the life of me figure-out what's wrong!, I've checked all the settings and they appear to be pretty safe13:15
RJ45I REALLY can't have this happening every night! 0_013:16
RJ45it appears as-if my problem might be like this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/+bug/88225113:16
RJ45except I'm using Xubuntu 12.04.3, and it's happening in 'blank screen only mode', not 'random'.13:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 882251 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu default screen saver: random - permanently blanks screen" [Undecided,New]13:16
RJ45also, this problem only seems to occur at night, when I leave it during the day, I come back and it's okay13:16
jglaucheRJ45: can you remotely log into the computer if that happens?13:37
RJ45jglauche: IDK.. I doubt is, it's completely unresponsive by keyboard not even '[CTRL] + [ALT] + [F1/2/3...]', I could try installing SSH to try when it happens again13:39
dr0phi, what's the gtk theme used by default in 13.10 ?13:39
jglaucheRJ45: please do13:40
bgardnerRJ45: Have you tried the magic SysReq keystrokes?13:41
RJ45jglauche: I'd set0up VNC too if it wasn't too buggy to keep running on Xubuntu :-/13:41
jglaucheinstall x11vnc and you'll have a session of your current desktop13:41
RJ45yeah, just randomly closes after a while of being launched from shell, and the applications menu icon shows-up a GUI that doesn't work, has settings that do nothing x_x13:42
RJ45jglauche: lol, that's the one that's all screwy! XD13:43
jglauchewhat happens?13:43
RJ45look up o.o13:43
RJ45<RJ45> yeah, just randomly closes after a while of being launched from shell, and the applications menu icon shows-up a GUI that doesn't work, has settings that do nothing x_x13:43
RJ45when I launch from command line, it does work, I have a nice VNC server ..for about 3 minutes :-/13:45
* jglauche is terrible at assimilating information today13:45
jglauchehow does it crash? segfault?13:45
RJ45I could try now I guess13:45
jglaucheit should output *something* on the command line13:46
bgardnersheldoraaaa: Hello13:48
RJ45jglauche: yeah jus' tried, didn't work for long, it just froze-up on client side (client is usually fine with other servers), when it froze-up there was nothing unusual logged-out, and when I clicked disconnect on client side, the server exited.13:49
sheldoraaaahey anyone kno if is there any hardware identify software ?13:49
jglaucheRJ45: what you could try is having the server run over the night, but do not connect with a client. then if it freezes, try to connect and see if it's still there13:50
jglauchealso ssh into it while you do just to be sure13:50
bgardnerRJ45: Or try this next time you find it locked up: http://fosswire.com/post/2007/09/fix-a-frozen-system-with-the-magic-sysrq-keys/13:50
RJ45jglauche: wanna see the output?, I can paste-bin it13:51
jglaucheRJ45: not sure if it's useful if the client freezes13:51
RJ45jglauche:   http://pastebin.com/nTf6qZdq13:55
RJ45jglauche:  logged-into Pastebin, and created baste, just for you :313:56
jglaucheRJ45: nothing unusual, seems like the client is the problem14:02
RJ45jglauche: nope, client is fine, never had a problem with Vino server on Ubuntu, and any other VNC, and I've used VNC with a-lot of stuff, including a Raspberry PI running Raspbian, and an android smartphone :D  so safe to say, the client has been put through its paces.14:04
RJ45client is 'Vinagre'14:05
jglauchenever tried14:05
jglaucheI'm using xvncviewer14:05
RJ45anyways I gotta get-up and go somewhere now :-/14:05
jglauchereport back tomrrow if the computer crashed or your screen..14:06
RJ45yeah yeah, and I should have at-least SSH running smoothly by then, so I can try that thing :)14:06
csontheadmin: thanks for the push.  xubuntu has freed up my cores.14:25
csonI can even watch vlc full screen now.14:25
bgardnerJosh______: Couple months too early.14:36
Josh______Wouldn't think it with the weather here, freezing cold, frost in the mornings, raining every day... Perfect excuse for me :)14:37
Josh______Might be looking for some advice in the next few minutes, trying to get Xubuntu set up on a server, since the Ubuntu Server kernel kept crashing14:37
TheSheepJosh______: they both use the same kernel14:39
Josh______They do, but there is something about the installer causing the kernel to crash14:42
Josh______I'm not to most advanced kernel / bios / linux user in the world. In fact, I've barely touched on it, but the company is bringing in some servers so I'm hoping I can acquire the knowledge I need as I go along14:43
Jonatan1I need some help installing drivers15:01
Josh______Anyone know something similar to ethtool which is installed by default on xubuntu?15:21
Poisoned_Dragonwhy not just install ethtool?15:25
rawrmonsterdoes gcc come with xubuntu by default? (from the install disk)15:52
Poisoned_DragonI think so.15:55
Poisoned_Dragonhow else are you going to compile15:56
Poisoned_Dragonactually, that's silly. There are a number of compilers.15:56
rawrmonsterI didn't know because it was a binary distro. I was thinking that they might try and save space on the disk.15:57
geniiSince it's a dependency of build-essential I imagine it's on the disc15:57
rawrmonsterI know i have it on my work machine but it is connected to the internet where my home machine does not have internet atm.15:58
rawrmonsterBut thank so you much for your guys help :D15:59
kRushis there an extra channel for saucy?16:14
xubuntuuserHola Hi16:15
kRushso nothing xubuntu specific?16:15
Poisoned_Dragonnot that I know of.16:16
kRushkk, thx16:16
geniikRush: #ubuntu+1 is a catch-all for all the distributions... Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, etc, so long as they are on Saucy16:27
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nicklas_hello, never done an upgrade before, but thought id try when 13.10 is available. what is the differences from reinstalling instead, what changes and what doesnt change?18:55
nicklas_like this from the beta announcement: "66A tool for changing your theme colors easily, gtk-theme-config, has been added to the default installation" . will that get installed when upgrading, and the new version of everything with all improvements/preinstalled apps/functions in new version?19:01
Unit193It'll get pulled in with xubuntu-desktop, aye.19:04
nicklas_also, can stuff ive installed get removed? and reposes removed?19:05
Unit193It'd only get removed if it conflicted or was dropped out of the repos, doesn't normally remove much/anything.  Repos in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ get commented out, but easy enough to re-enable.19:07
Unit193Depending on how you upgrade, it'll show you everything it's updating, installing, or removing.19:07
xubuntu362can somebody help me some of my hardware is too new for the kernel so i can't operate xubuntu is there any solution?19:32
xubuntu362the problems are that the graphical card and the wireless network card don't work like it should be.19:33
baizonxubuntu362: what hardware, and which version of xubuntu?19:37
xubuntu362the latest version19:42
xubuntu362graphic card and wireless network card19:42
baizonxubuntu362: which hardware vendor?19:43
baizonwe need more details19:43
xubuntu362the older versions 12 are running fine except the wireless card but they run the others don't19:44
xubuntu362wireless ac 7260 intel19:44
xubuntu362and nvidea graphic card19:44
baizonxubuntu362: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia19:45
xubuntu362yeah but the installer won't drive either19:45
baizonxubuntu362: http://askubuntu.com/questions/322511/no-wireless-with-intel-centrino-advanced-n-726019:46
xubuntu362when I want to install the newest version ( kernel ) the only thing I get is a black screen19:47
xubuntu362after choosing start xubuntu19:47
dunpealHi. Is there a way to remove window decoration for any window?20:24
dunpeal(The title bar, basically.)20:24
genii!info maximus20:26
ubottumaximus (source: maximus): Automaximizing window management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.14-3 (raring), package size 19 kB, installed size 97 kB20:26
Azelphurdunpeal: all windows, or a specific one?20:27
dunpealAzelphur: a specific one.20:27
Azelphurdevilspie then, maximus does all windows afaik20:27
Azelphurthere's a frontend, gdevilspie, that's probably what you'll want to install20:27
dunpealAzelphur: no way to just do it manually for one window?20:27
Azelphurdunpeal: oh, just as a one off?20:28
dunpealdevilspie is a persistent service20:28
dunpealAzelphur: yeah, pretty much :)20:28
Azelphurdevilspie is like rules, eg if I open XBMC, it takes the title bar off, that's what I use it for20:28
Azelphurah, I think wmctrl can do it one off20:28
dunpealcool, thanks.20:28
Azelphurdunpeal: it has a toggle fullscreen, but not a toggle decorated it seems20:28
dunpealAzelphur: do you know if there's any tool that can customize the display icon of a process?20:30
dunpealThe icon displayed in the alt-tab application switcher?20:30
Azelphurdunpeal: that I doubt, that's set inside the application.20:30
dunpealKDE/Qt can sometimes override it20:30
Azelphurdunpeal: I could probably make you a little python to do the decorations thing, if you wanted though20:30
dunpealbut I understand :)20:30
dunpealAzelphur: thanks, but don't trouble yourself, I can do it myself. you were going to use wcnk?20:31
Azelphurdunpeal: indeed.20:31
dunpealAzelphur: do you have any idea if it's possible to maximize a window across more than one monitor?20:31
Azelphurdunpeal: absolutely, I do it all the time20:32
AzelphurI play WoW dual screen xD20:32
AzelphurI do it with devilspie just by setting the window size to the size of both of my monitors20:32
Azelphurand the location to 0,020:32
dunpealcool. btw, looks like devilspie was abandoned, so are you using devilspie 2?20:33
Azelphurnope, I'm just using standard gdevilspie, it's still in the repos and works fine20:33
Azelphurdidn't know there was a devilspie 2 :)20:33
dunpealNote that Devil's Pie isn't really maintained - you may be more interested in the successor project Devil's Pie 2.20:34
Azelphurcool :)20:34
dunpealthanks a lot, you've been very helpful20:35
dunpealI had a few other questions, not sure if I'm going overboard, but I'm an XFCE newbie20:35
Azelphurdunpeal: might wanna check out xdotool too, that has some related stuff that may be interested20:35
dunpealfor example, xfconf-query queries some kind of a database, but where is that database located?20:36
dunpeale.g. when I use "$ xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts --create"20:36
dunpealwhere on the disk is the new entry added?20:36
Azelphurdunpeal: ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf20:36
AzelphurI think20:36
dunpealAzelphur: yup, it's in XML files there!  thanks again.20:37
Azelphuryw :)20:37
evan_hi i have a problem installing on a power PC, if anyone would mind lending me a hand....21:38
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ21:39
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ22:51

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