
=== darkness is now known as Guest11242
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest4895
kristalWhat is the KDE equivalent to psensor/xsensors?04:06
Daskreechkristal: Widget?04:49
kristalDaskreech: Something with a chart would be nice.05:00
kristalDaskreech: the widget is half decent though05:01
DaskreechThere is a chart one I think05:11
Daskreechkristal: try the system monitor widget05:12
kristalFound one/it, it'll do.05:44
Daskreechwhich is it?05:46
kristalDarthFrog: system monitor with the settings fiddled with a lot05:46
* Daskreech waves his hands. I'm overhere :)05:49
Daskreechkristal: To tell the truth when I set itup I fiddled a lot to :) I might have it set up like you and just forgot  I did all that05:50
kristalDarthFrog: Heh, that issue is a giant pain with servers... "why won't this new thing work, my old thing from 2 years ago does it"05:51
=== amitjain is now known as amitjain__
Daskreechkristal: DarthFrog is going to be so confused when he gets off the evil lilly pad in the morning :)05:57
kristalDaskreech:  I don't know why Quassel is picking him instead of you, I swear it picks actives over afkers05:58
Daskreechkristal: Well to be fair one of the things I like with LInux (it's actually annoying after a decade or so) is that if you set things up properly then it pretty much works forever05:58
Daskreechkristal: I think it does it alphabetically by default05:58
kristalDaskreech: (this time it did pick you, hmm) Ya Linux is like that, I've had Debian hit 1100 days05:59
Daskreechkristal: Well this computer ignoring when I was on Suse, I've upgraded it from Mandrake to Mandriva to Debian to06:00
kristalKDE4 has gotten quite stable, finally, so I've switched to it.06:00
Daskreechkubuntu  to Fedora with the same home directory06:01
kristalext3 home?06:01
DaskreechI just boot up and all my desktop is the same, all my files, preferences etc06:01
Daskreechbtrfs /06:01
DaskreechI was on KDE4 from Alpha 106:02
kristalIsn't btrfs kinda pointless for small applications.06:02
Daskreechcause I'm krazy :-D06:02
DaskreechI'm just playing with it06:02
kristalAlthough it sounds like btrfs will become the primary after ext406:03
Daskreechnot likely in most big Linux Circles06:03
Daskreechit'll get there though06:03
DaskreechIt's too tempting to resist06:03
kristalAfter some enterprise use it'll catch on a lot06:04
Daskreechbut it's still got lots and lots of testing to catch on06:04
kristalMurderFS seems like it'd be a major FS one time lol06:04
kristallol reiser06:04
Daskreechyeah something killed that ....06:04
kristalSome data is more important than women lol06:04
Daskreechmuch ado about forks06:07
DaskreechExt has decades of tests and corner cases documented06:09
Daskreechbtrfs still has a long way to go06:09
kristalLinus torvalds said he didn't like KDE because he couldn't stop fiddling with it lol06:09
DaskreechFunny he said he didn't like GNOME cause he couldn't fiddle with it.06:09
DaskreechThat funny funny man06:10
kristalHe ragequit to xfce and went back to gnome3 when it "became tolerable again"06:11
Daskreechonce they put in ways to fiddle with it :)06:11
kristalI find it funny how KDE is the largest desktop but also the fastest...06:12
DaskreechPretty sure it isn't06:12
DaskreechThey have some desktops that barely scrape over the top of the desktop line that can beat it06:13
Daskreechbut it's pretty fast06:13
kristalI benched it, it is, in fulscreen it's deferred so there's no 3d performance hit,  qt apps are the fastest(no surprice) and gtk run near native speed06:13
Daskreechtried benching E ?06:13
kristalAs for windowed 3d apps, with compo off it's tied with openbox, and with compo on it still beats unity/gnome06:14
kristalSo it's the fastest complete desktop... Lubuntu is faster but you don't get much gain over all the features lost06:14
DaskreechYeah complete desktop I don't think there is a comparison06:15
Daskreechwhich is funny because the Qt guys cry about how slow it is and how much it can be optimized06:16
kristalThere's tons to improve but it mostly affects window drawing06:16
DaskreechYeah kwin does a lot of work too06:17
kristalall des kinda suck when you're say, resizing06:17
kristalactual gui drawing will be simpler with wayland06:17
kristalgnome rushed to wayland... ehh... kinda broken... next release will be much better06:17
kristalIntel wants to go wayland over X/Mir06:18
DaskreechWayland will probably run a lot of stuff06:18
Daskreechit's a more modern thought process for application handling06:19
kristalLXDE has merged with Razor-Qt, which lubuntu will become the little brother of kubuntu06:19
kristal2 Qt ubuntu distros06:19
Daskreechthough it does quite keep the robust network thought of the old server based X stuff06:19
kristalubuntu itself is going qt too isn't it06:19
kristalI think lubuntu 14.10 will be qt with experimental in 14.0406:20
DaskreechIt's bordering there. THey have a lot of Qt stuff happening but some of the designers are very steeped in Gtk so that's going to be around for a bit06:20
DaskreechWhere is that info on LXDE and Razor?06:20
kristalgoing from a messy C api to a weird C++ api isn't easy06:20
kristalIt's like OpenGL and DIrectX06:20
DaskreechYeah It's very different ways of thinking which prompts both sides to peek over the fence and laugh at the stupidity on the other side06:21
valorie"some data is more important than women"?06:22
Daskreechvalorie: Reiser06:22
kristalvalorie: Uhh... i'll just get you the link06:23
valorieI know the reference06:23
valoriewhat I don't know is why that is referred to as if it was funny06:23
valorieplease keep in mind that this is a family-friendly channel06:23
kristalWho would have thought a FS could have so many distasteful jokes.06:25
valorieif a joke is "distasteful" please refrain from saying it here06:25
kristalAnyone notice sometimes dolphin takes a long time to open? It's usually instant... hmm06:26
DaskreechWhat version?06:26
valorieinstant here....06:27
kristalQt: 4.8.4 KDE Development Platform: 4.11.2 Dolphin: 4.11.206:27
DaskreechOpens to ~ ?06:28
valoriesame here06:28
kristalInterestingly, EVERY GTK FM is has a nasty bug that causes the FM to crash in 13.1006:32
kristalgvfs hangs it up06:32
DaskreechProbably a lib bug06:32
DaskreechYeah something like that or a Gtk bug06:33
kristalYa it's a gnome project regression.06:33
Daskreechif it's just FM then it's probably a lib though06:33
kristalCurrently every gtk FM in 13.10 has the bug... if there's trash in your trash, clock it and you crash (hey, that rhymes)06:34
Daskreechkristal: Do you have files with previews in your ~ ? Maybe it' remaking the thumbnails?06:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1231978 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar 1.6.3 locks when browsing Trash with Xubuntu 13.10 Beta 2 and following dailies" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:36
kristalDaskreech: hmmm, yes I do, pdfs and large images06:36
DaskreechMight be it06:36
kristalDaskreech: I'll move those to where they should be and see :P06:37
valoriethat's a very ungraceful way to say it doesn't like previews turned on, though06:37
Daskreechvalorie: Hmm?06:37
kristalIt's odd though, it's usually instant, but sometimes it takes up to 30 seconds to open06:38
valorieif it is finding it too difficult to render the previews, it should just say something, not crash06:38
kristalno crashes, it just refuses to start for a little white06:38
Daskreechvalorie: it's not. kristal was saying that Gtk File Managers crash06:39
Daskreechdolphin is just being pokey for 30 seconds06:39
valoriewell, them either06:39
DaskreechWhich might mean that it's doing some thinking. The most intensive thing I could think of was rendering previews for thumbnails06:39
kristalI have a ton of mounted discs, do you think that might cause random slow starts? 20 volumes06:40
DaskreechThat should be gone in the next KDE release though \o/06:40
Daskreechthousands of files rendered instantly06:40
DaskreechThat would do it as well. That's Nepomuk though06:40
kristalNew thumbnailer? :o06:40
Daskreech(I think)06:40
DaskreechYes and view renderer06:40
Daskreechapparently a few photographers had some directories with 13,000 RAW image files06:41
kristalwhat about muon discovery, it's buggy as hell06:41
Daskreechand some 7,000 videos06:41
kristalDaskreech: I have my raws in folders of 2k images each :P06:41
DaskreechSo now it can handle on the order of 70,000 files instantly06:41
kristal2k because windows crashes sometimes :(06:41
tapouthrmm, archlinx/mint/opensuse all did not want to work with my vmware .. screen kept going blank.  Tried kubuntu, boom.. flawless.  GG06:42
Daskreechkristal: You aren't some photographers then :)06:42
Daskreechtapout: Hi-5!06:42
kristaltapout: There's a graphics driver bug affecting the GPUs many VMs emulate06:42
Daskreechkristal: It's still a baby application. File bugs and carry on06:42
tapoutkristal, ahh weird06:43
kristalCirrus, SiS, some old intel gpus06:43
kristalBasically pre OGL2 things noone uses anymore06:43
kristalBut VMs use them06:43
kristalkubuntu and every other ubuntu, 13.10, won't work on some vms unless you set the graphics driver to vesa06:44
kristalDaskreech: FOr some reason discover come stock with kubuntu 13.10... man... it's not going to be finished in 2 weeks, they should hold back on it.06:45
tapoutwhat is the winkey+enter ?  shortcut for finding the interfaces plus adding an 's' on the console? :)06:45
kristalMy keyboard doesn't have a window key... it predates winodws...06:45
Daskreechtapout: I'm not sure what's it doing for you. I don't think it's by default mapped to anything06:46
tapoutalmost like it's showing all the local mappings in /etc/hosts06:47
valorietapout: that is one classic piece of hardware06:47
kristalIs there a bind to undecorate a window? i like using that to make my OGL windows naked06:47
Daskreechtapout: On on Konsole06:47
tapout::1  fe00::0    ff00::0  ff02::1   ff02::2  ip5-allnodes   ip6-allrouters    ip6-localhost   ip6-lcoalnet   ip6-loopback   ip6-mcastprefix   localhost   ubuntu06:47
DaskreechI would guess it's doing something with your history or clipboard06:48
DaskreechI'm getting the s here but ... oh wait shoot it's doing that now too06:48
DaskreechThat's weird :)06:49
kristalugh ipv6 addresses, i hate for formatting06:49
tapoutDaskreech, weird eh? and it puts out a seperate 's' on a newline giving command not found06:49
DaskreechThey are great once you learn them06:49
tapoutnot a big deal, i hit the combo by mistake06:49
DaskreechYeah. It's not a bash thing06:49
Daskreechmight be a konsole quirk. I'll ask06:50
tapoutask who?06:50
DaskreechRobert probably06:50
tapoutKDE is made from the same guys that created Qt eh?  something like that right?06:50
DaskreechClose relationship but not the same people06:51
kristalthe qt universe is huge06:51
DaskreechThough close enough that people sit on both sides of the fences06:51
tapoutthe kubuntu people stripped all that privacy stuff from the ubuntu before adding the 'k' right ? :)06:52
tapoutit's pretty neat06:52
tapoutthis loads sweet06:52
tapoutI have to get used to all the different naming of apps.. K*06:52
Daskreechand some people drift from one side to the other but by no means can you presume that someone working on KDE is also working on Qt06:52
DaskreechPrivacy stuff?06:52
kristalWhoo found it; in global keyboard shortcuts - kde component - kwin - hide window border06:52
kristalLets you de-frame/undeorate a window06:53
tapoutkristal, how did you get in there?06:53
kristaltapout: system settings06:53
Daskreechalt+f2 -> Global06:53
tapoutoh i see06:53
kristalSuch a useful bind it should be default to something06:54
Daskreechkristal: It's disorienting bind to have as a default to anything06:54
tapouti don't really see any difference other than the glow and the min/max/close06:55
tapoutcntl+shift+h .. i hope it complains if you reassign a keycombo06:55
kristalwith my bar set to autohide and that undecorate bind, i can run programs  in "fillscreen" even if they don't support that06:55
kristaltapout: It's great for games06:56
Daskreechkristal: ah that's in alt+f3 as well06:56
tapoutwhat games do you play with kubuntu?06:57
kristaltapout: a lot of steam ones, and wine runs a lot too06:57
tapoutsteam works ?06:57
tapoutlike, all windows games?06:57
kristalsteam-linux has a small native game library06:57
kristalsteam-in-wine has a ton of stuff06:58
tapouti figured wine was not good enough to support big games like.. BF3/bf4 ... starcraft and all that06:58
kristalBF3 does not work.... BF4 might06:58
kristalAMD will be releasing mantle drivers in the future for linux, or sut dropping specs06:58
tapoutI miss the late nights playing... shoot it's not doom, what's that game where you hit those pads and it zoomed you through the air and you had rockets that would shoot on the ground near the guy06:59
tapoutdammit, i can't remember.. brain fart.  It was awesome06:59
tapoutyeah man, quake06:59
kristalquake is in muon, you can dl and play it, open arena07:00
tapoutprobably nobody in there tho07:00
tapoutwhat is muon?  I'm so new.. i gotta poke around.. sec07:00
kristalthere still is sometimes lol07:00
kristaltapout: muon is a simple synaptic07:00
ubottuMuon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview07:00
tapoutalt+f2 ... moun came up with nothing :)07:00
tapoutahh i see07:01
tapoutman i'm slow07:01
tapoutmoun lol07:01
FloodBotK1tapout: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
tapouthow do you even say that ?  mewww on ?07:01
Daskreechthat's how I say it if that's what you are asking :)07:02
lordievaderGood morning.07:02
DaskreechMorning lordievader07:02
kristalNames after the particle I assume07:03
lordievaderHey Daskreech, how are you doing?07:03
Daskreechlordievader: I'm Good today :)07:04
tapoutis the filter in muon tricky or something?   Category = all, filter = qt07:05
tapoutquake = nothing, but i see it listed in games07:05
tapoutmust be regexps?07:05
Daskreechthat or tags07:05
kristaltapout: just select games and enter arena07:05
kristalAlthough i think quake aliaes to openarena07:05
tapoutkristal, nothing comes up in the listen when i do a filter07:06
tapoutso weird07:06
tapouti'll close it and reopen07:06
tapoutnow it's working07:06
kristalOne of the best OSS games is OpenTTD, it's a AA-quality remake of TransportTycoon.07:07
kristalIt's very niche though, you have to like more hardcore sim games.07:07
tapouti'm more of a multiplayer gamer.. i wanna go on and see other people..  I'll check out OpenTTD as well07:08
kristalKDE has some great mini games, like kpat(solitaire) and knetwalk(great pipe dream ish)07:08
tapouttrying this quake /openarena to see how ti plays in my vmware07:08
kristaltapout: openttd is multiplayer too :P07:08
tapouti may be getting rid of windows 8 on my laptop if kubuntu will install (i haven't researched all that weird bios locking down BS i read about)07:08
kristaltapout: If you have 3d acceleration working it shoudl be fine07:08
kristaltapout: what laptop?07:09
kristalIf the livecd runs fine installing should be ok07:10
kristalshould be fine07:11
tapoutwas one of the few that had the normal us keyboard.. i can't stand that in canada, almost 90% of the laptops have the french keyboard.   I've nothing against french.. my family is french.. i just cant stand the enter key and the \ being jacked07:12
tapoutgo to hit enter, get \07:12
kristalMy ASUS N80 is old and runs ubuntu07:12
lordievadertapout, kristal: I believe this is more a topic for #kubuntu-offtopic.07:12
tapoutwow does work07:13
tapoutlordievader, we're talking about installing kubuntu on my laptop... that's offtopic?  sorry about that07:14
kristallordievader: we're right on the edge of offtopic :P07:14
lordievadertapout: Ah sorry, I mainly read the things about the games.07:15
lordievaderBut carry on if it is about installing Kubuntu ;)07:15
kristaltapout: Anyways, I don't see any obvious reason why kubuntu wouldn't work on your laptop... media keys might not07:15
tapoutI've got an empty SSD .. I'll toss that in and see.  KDE seems amazing.  I only installed it to get a local webserver setup and it's sweeter than I thought it would be07:16
kristaltapout: linux is silly fast on ssd07:17
kristaltapout: My kubunut install is 8GB with some stuff installed, so it's very ssd friendly space wise, my windows 7 is 17GB07:17
tapoutkristal, i see that glow is a bit crazy eh.. i see why07:18
kristaltapout: You'll want this repo for the best possible graphics drivers http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/xorg-edgers07:19
kristalAlso the wine repo https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa lets you run a ton of windows stuff.07:19
kristaltapout: You can disable that glow, settings, workspace, decorations, your current theme is oxygen i assume, you can customize it with configure07:21
tapouti just noticed that glow being so bright :)07:21
kristalKDE guys really need to turn down the glow...07:21
tapoutadded the edgers, adding the wine07:22
kristaltapout: wine 1.7 lets me run skyrim :)07:22
tapoutthat's unbelievable07:22
kristalA good open source game in in development http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0_A.D._%28video_game%29 I'd keep an eye on that07:23
tapoutyes, using Oxygen07:23
tapoutno it's air, heh07:25
tapoutI'll definitely eyeball that.. sounds awesome, my bros and I need a good new game07:25
tapoutman i can't believe Qt Creator works flawlessly07:26
kristaltapout: Ya it's a good IDE, I prefer it over microsoft/apples.. and unlike theirs I can dev for all platforms with it07:27
tapouti may be done with windows07:27
kristalAlthough I program mosty in Kate... kde's default text editor is quite powerful07:27
kristalautocomplete, syntax highlight, abut all i need07:28
kristalAlso a nice thing, kde's file manager, hit f4, bam, terminal cd'd to your location.07:28
tapoutdo you do much php?  i was thinking of setting up xcache with kde/php/nginx so I could step-over php scripts as they run (not needed, just want to step over wordpress )07:29
kristaltapout: I use Go nowadays instead of php, Go's qu bindinds with qt are still crude though. :(07:29
lordievaderkristal: You might want to try out Kdevelop, it uses a large part of Kate for the editor.07:32
kristallordievader: saw that, need to try it07:32
tapoutf4 is sweet with dolphin07:32
lordievadertapout: :)07:33
tapoutwhat is going on07:33
tapoutit's like i discovered something that has restored my passion with computers or something07:33
lordievadertapout: Terminals are great :)07:35
kristallordievader: windows has made people hate terminals :-/07:35
kristalcmd is soo awful and powershell is still bad07:36
lordievaderkristal: Lately I have been making sure my python stuff also works on Windows, it is quite fun to make a work around for everything...07:36
kristaland many mac users don't like the terminals because it pops the "it's magic" bubble07:36
kristallordievader: I like how windows python ports sometimes have compatibility bugs...07:37
ikoniawow - spouting off nonsense about mac users not liking the terminal07:38
kristalikonia: Hey, I know "normal" mac users, if they see a terminal they think i'm hacking them.07:39
ikoniaand if so, that's just your collection of friends, rather than the norm07:39
kristalikonia: I do IT...07:39
ikoniaso ?07:40
kristalikonia: The norm is people have never seen the inside of a computer, don't know what a kernel is, and if they're under 20, haven't seen a CLI.07:41
ikoniasorry, no07:41
ikoniathey don't know what a kernel is, they don't need to know, they don't need to see the inside of a computer, but most of the mac users I know, ranging from artists, to application developers are some of the most powerful shell users I know07:41
ikoniaand it certainly doesn't burst any bubbles07:42
tapoutinside of muon, when I see the deb icon with the blue circle (canonical stamp) i'm guessing.. implies those packages are tested or something?07:42
kristalikonia: Well not with the 100 people I work with.07:42
kristaltapout: Ya07:42
skreech_Powershell is going to be really bad in 8 years07:45
skreech_lordievader: doesn't that mean booting into windows?07:46
kristalskreech_: please say that's because ms is adopting bash and it's jsut going to be bad because it's being abandoned07:46
skreech_kristal: Well no it passes around binary objects. Which are great as long as the infrastructure around it understand binary blobs and pipes.07:47
kristalskreech_: blobs sounds like security fun07:48
skreech_It allows some amazing stuff now like being able to pipe in directly from a GUI process or piping directly into a Word Document or power point presentation07:48
kristalskreech_: In linux almost everything has a stdio interface lol07:49
skreech_Theeeeeen they change all of those and stuff slowly starts breaking and degrading .. theeennn new scripts only assume you have newer libs and after awhile it becomes a hobble mishmash07:49
skreech_Eevrythign does. It's all text07:49
kristalskreech_: Well, that declined quickly.07:49
skreech_which pretty much never changes07:49
tapouthaha the examples for Qt run amazing!07:50
skreech_A script written 38 years ago will probably still work07:50
tapouteven in vmware07:50
lordievaderskreech_: It actually means that I use Windows, else I wouldn't go through the trouble of making my python stuff work on Windows.07:50
ikoniatapout: tone down the language please.07:50
skreech_and dumps will at least be able to be massaged into working (for example if the formatting changed)07:50
skreech_powershell doesn't seem so lucky to age well in the design07:51
kristallordievader: perhaps you could make windows packages from linux to avoid it more :P07:51
skreech_but currently it does some amazing stuff07:51
skreech_lordievader: You could have clients that use windows :)07:51
skreech_But yeah when I start getting back in to hacking personal python projects I'm probably going to be doing them inw Windows as well07:52
lordievaderkristal: Tried that with cx_freeze, didn't work for Py3000 things... :(07:52
lordievaderskreech_: I'm not that professional ;)07:52
kristalI'm happy to report I no longer develop on windows because I can compile windows bins right on linux whoooo07:53
ikonianot really interesting in this windows bashing - so please stop07:53
kristalI know qt apps are portable to windows... a desktop like kde portable too?07:55
skreech_lordievader: :)07:56
lordievaderkristal: http://windows.kde.org/07:56
skreech_kristal: #kde-win07:56
kristalOh god, i thought i was almost joking... I have to try that for fun now, make my windows image look my kubuntu07:57
ikoniaseems a stupid project and waste of resources07:58
kristalikonia: So stupid it's almost brilliant.07:58
ikonianot at all07:58
ikoniait seems a pointless project and a waste of time and resources that could be used elsewhere07:58
kristalExactly, only a genius can perfect silliness.07:58
kristalAlthough, that work could go towards multiplatform apps, so qt stuff runs on everything.07:59
kristalMinix could really use a good desktop like KDE.07:59
ikoniathis channel isn't for minix07:59
skreech_ikonia: Most Free software projects are pointless to most people.08:01
skreech_However they are not to the people who are working on them. Which is what makes it valuable08:01
ikoniaI disagree, but thats fine if that's how you seee it08:01
kristalskreech_: True - except for Linux, which runs the world.08:01
ikoniaplease stop with this linux fanboy stuff08:01
ikoniaat least be realistic in discussion08:01
skreech_Though realistically Linux does run most of the modern world08:03
kristalInternet, spying, military, medical, space, research08:03
kristalThere's kubuntu in government workstations. :)08:04
ikoniathere is also windows/mac on government workstations08:04
skreech_ikonia: I would argue as long as someone wants to work on a project it's not a waste of that person's time08:04
ikoniaskreech_: yes, I see your view point as I said a few lines up, I disagree with it, but understand your view08:05
skreech_cool missed that.08:05
kristalLinux itself wouldn't exist if Linus didn't waste time making his own take on minix 108:06
ikoniakristal: please just stop,08:06
ikoniakristal: you appear to be referencing random things that have no relation to the discussion.08:06
skreech_kristal: That's really into #kubuntu-offtopic08:06
kristalWasn't kubuntu from a corporate background?08:06
kristalI know qt itself was08:07
kristalI've never seen an op in ops, is that a freenode thing, or channel thing, or do they all hide themselves.08:18
ikoniakristal: what channel ?08:20
kristalis net install the only "minimal" way to install kubuntu?08:24
ikoniaor just install kubuntu and remove what you don't want08:25
kristalkubuntu-desktop meta package is huge and puts in software i don't want... hmm... is there a core kde desktop meta pack?08:27
kristalgah, was searching kubuntu, there we go08:27
skreech_!info kde-core08:28
ubottuPackage kde-core does not exist in raring08:28
kristali am disappointed...08:29
skreech_!info kde-baseapps08:30
ubottukde-baseapps (source: kde-baseapps): base applications from the official KDE release (meta-package). In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.10.5-0ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 8 kB, installed size 119 kB08:30
kristalhaha, found it08:30
ikoniayou've found it because you've just been given it08:30
ikoniakristal: it seems a bit of research in how kde is put together from the multple child packages maybe useful to help you move forward.08:30
ikonia(as much or as little as you like)08:31
kristalYa I need to go through the packages, I want to make a mini disk for VMs and such08:31
ikoniakristal: why do you need a mini disk, the base install isn't that big08:32
kristalikonia: I want to have a sync'd over network install, my uplad is only 1-10Mbit depending on the connection.08:33
ikoniasync over network ??08:34
ikoniasync what ?08:35
kristala disk image08:35
kristalwell, a container, OVZ08:35
ikoniawhat ?????08:35
kristalI have the same OS running on all my computers in all locations, the same days sync'd up08:36
kristalthe host machene runs ovz08:36
=== saheb is now known as sahebpreet
ikoniaare these machines already installed or new installs ?08:36
kristalmost currently run debian+lxde because it's small08:37
ikoniaso why are you making an disk image, why not just sync the package list and your user data ?08:37
ikoniathat seems to be the most logical small foot print for data sync08:37
kristalikonia: having home sync'd ony helps so much, I want the OS sync'd up too so my enviroment is the same everywhere.08:38
ikoniayes,so sync the package list and let them add/remove locally to them rather than move a full disk image08:38
ikoniaactually - do what you want08:39
tapoutI thought MariaDB replaced mysql in kubuntu?08:50
DeskHi all10:09
Deskhow r u?10:10
=== saheb is now known as sahebpreet
BluesKaj'Morning all11:10
MonkeyDusthi, how do i enable/disable auto-save sessions in the KDE system settingd? thanks11:34
BluesKajMonkeyDust, system settings>startup&shutdown>session management11:41
=== PasNox__ is now known as PasNox
daemongnome_10 minutes remaining till i get 13.1013:17
BluesKajthen daemongnome_ you can join #ubuntu+1 to discuss it :)13:22
daemongnome_kubuntu 13.10 of course13:26
daemongnome_havent had an ubuntu on my machine since hardy herron13:26
soeedaemongnome_, and what you were using as your os ?13:32
BluesKajdaemongnome_,  #ubuntu+1 since it's a pre-release chat includes all ubuntu flavours13:33
BluesKajdaemongnome_, including kubuntu 13.1013:33
daemongnome_i see - i run kubuntu 13.04 just now and am in the process of upgrading to the new version, ill add the #ubuntu+1 channel now13:37
BluesKajdaemongnome_, i'm running 13.10 beta2 , and it's quite stable atm13:46
daemongnome_BluesKaj: i usually have some issues getting my dual monitors working after an upgrade but im sure this is a good one, the pre release highlights look good13:48
BluesKajdaemongnome_, I use one large monitor , our plasma tv :)13:49
BluesKaj<-- is a home user13:53
daemongnome_the local council here are upgrading all of their computers from winXP to win7 - i cant help thinking how much it would save them to switch to kubuntu instead13:58
BluesKajW7 is ok , but it's suffering from an unbearable number of required upgrades making it slow and clunky here , so i dumped it in favour of Netrunner14:01
BluesKajNetrunner has t's own HDD , due to the fact that I'm testing on 2 kubuntu OSs atm14:03
blainnHowdy, folks.  I'm back using kubuntu for the first time in a long time, and I'm trying to get things set up for using media -- dvds at the moment.  And I'm having trouble getting w32codecs and libdvdcss.  I'm finding tons of references to using medibuntu, but medibuntu seems to be dead.  Does anyone know of an up-to-date set of instructions that work now to do this?15:01
BluesKajblainn, first of all install kubuntu-restricted-extras , then in the terminal : wget -c http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9- 2medibuntu4_amd64.deb15:06
BluesKajblainn, if you're running 64 bit15:07
BluesKajmedibuntu is bit behind these days15:08
Unit193BluesKaj: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/09/11/medibuntu-disappear-libdvdcss-now-direct-videolan15:09
BluesKajit's been abandoned , that's a bummer15:09
Unit193Not really, still can get libdvdcss from repo, and everything else had better alts already.15:10
BluesKajyes , this command still works sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh15:12
BluesKajblainn, try this : sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh15:12
soeemy media setup:15:16
soeeinstall Kubuntu + install vlc :)15:16
blainnOkay.  Trying.15:16
soeeand yeah the kubuntu-restricted-extras15:17
blainnBluesKaj -- thanks.  That did it.15:21
BluesKajblainn, cool , check Unit193 url post above , it's important . You can add/copy the videolan repos from there if you wish for libdvdcss updates etc15:25
=== pesa is now known as Guest27793
BluesKajUnit193, thanks for the heads up about Videolan/VLC taking over the libdvdcss/DRM source :)15:27
=== dmitrykorotkov_ is now known as Guest87936
rodniceHello, I have a question about Desktop icons.17:08
=== em is now known as clickgay
=== clickgay is now known as em
jdrabrodnice: just ask. if someone can answer it, they will17:15
rodniceOK, I'm sorry, I'm new to all this17:15
rodniceCan anyone help a new convert from Windows with desktop icons in Kubuntu 13?17:16
jdrabrodnice: and what exactly do you need?17:17
rodnicejdrab: perhaps it's my overall understanding at fault... however, is the desktop supposed to be naked?  I guess I'm used to having icons and things that I could easily align to grid.17:19
slatenailsthe desktop is a space for widgets17:20
slatenailsif you want it to show a desktop view like a folder, there's a folder view widget for it17:20
rodniceI and a friend both made the leap to Linux, at least on our laptops.  I told him to install Mint 15 and I went for Kubuntu 13... his desktop has icons and things but it's not too easy for me to do such a thing.17:20
rodniceahhhhhh thank you slatenails!17:20
slatenailsright click on the desktop17:20
rodniceOK, so that's my problem then17:20
jdrabrodnice: rightclick on desktop and click on the last option17:21
slatenailsunlock widgets if they haven't already been17:21
slatenailsand then add the folder view17:21
rodnicedarn it... the very first thing I did when I installed was to delete that folder thingy17:21
rodniceI didn't understand what it was there for and it looked like clutter17:21
rodniceWe were having a little competition of who can manage with their system easier... I guess he's winning :-(17:23
rodniceKubuntu seemed uncluttered for me, but I need a little desktop dirt with icons :-(17:23
rodniceI don't really understand the widget paradigm17:24
BluesKajrodnice, dragging apps on to the desktop from the kmenu works too,17:24
slatenailsi tend to use the quick launch myself though17:26
slatenailssince it's in the panel it's available even though i have something maximized17:26
rodnicequicklauch takes a little getting used to.  Even with windows, I hated "favorites"17:26
rodnicethat was usually the first thing I deleted17:27
BluesKajyeah I prefer quicklaunch to desktop icons17:27
rodniceI have desktop icons on Kubuntu but they are all sloppy :-(17:27
rodniceSo are the powers that be trying to get users away from using desktop icons and having them auto-arranged?17:29
soeehmm i cant remember when i was using icons on desktop last time /..17:29
BluesKajrodnice, like this http://wstaw.org/m/2013/10/04/snapshot2.png17:29
BluesKajoops , didn't mean to use thast image but you get the picture :)17:30
rodniceBluesKaj: I was raised on Windows... I hate digging through Start to get the same 10 programs I use the most17:30
slatenailsyou could also place the quicklaunch on the desktop17:31
rodniceBluesKaj: Ohhhhh! Now that looks sweet!17:31
soeehomerun and put programs you use info favourites :-)17:31
rodniceI must admit, you guys are good.17:31
jdrabyes homerun is awesome17:31
BluesKajrodnice, see the icns on the left bottom , beside the Kmenu , that's quicklaunch , to enable click on the cashew a the far right and choose add widgets , then type quicklaunch in the search17:32
BluesKajthen double ck=lick to add to the panel17:32
BluesKajdouble click, rather17:33
rodniceBluesKaj: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This whole time and that's all I had to do?17:33
rodnicesoee: yours is clean too17:34
rodnicesoee: wait... did you just stretch that folder widget thingy until it covered your whole desktop?17:34
slatenailsi keep it partial17:34
soeerodnice, no its homerun17:34
rodnicesoee: OK so homerun is an app/widget/program right?17:35
rodnicesorry, I'm new :-(17:35
soeerodnice, activated by this icon K in panel but you can configure your desktop to use homerun on fullsize all time17:35
slatenailshomerun's a widget17:35
slatenailsa widget is a small application which runs on the desktop17:36
rodnicewait, so is homerun obscuring your wallpaper?17:36
BluesKajhomerun's not my thing17:36
soeerodnice, you can go to desktop settings and set to use Homerun17:36
rodniceYou guys are awesome17:36
rodnicethank you17:36
rodniceI will look into it more now that I know what to look for17:37
soeeBluesKaj, the oprioin to set desktop into homerun mode is active only on Saucy or raring to ?17:37
BluesKajKDE is so very configurable , makes unity look like it's from the dark ages17:37
slatenailsi should stop being lazy and pull those monitors into the right panel..17:37
rodnicethanks guys17:37
rodniceI shall return17:37
soeerodnice, without homerun my desktop looks like this https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/Tw8yrhccqqa17:37
BluesKajsoee, dunno , think it's been around for a while17:38
rodniceI'll be back later... love to ask you guys more on this topic17:39
=== FabianB is now known as Guest52248
andrewHi.  I've just installed kubuntu 13.04.  The Muon Update Manager says I have a boatload of updates to install; however, even if I mark them all it doesn't give me an option to install the updates.  The install button remains inactive.  What am I missing here?18:57
andrewNevermind.  I restarted Muon and it now works.  Have no idea what the issue was previously.18:59
jackjust want to say MUON RULES19:58
geniijack:  :)19:59
jackhonestly, i love it19:59
jackwas impressed by its deps20:00
jackbut it's more than worth it20:00
jackeven if my xubuntu is quite the kubuntu now :P20:02
jackgenii, is there a similar app for xfce or gnome?20:04
geniijack: It uses the Software Centre but you can still install Synaptic20:07
jacki have synaptic, thx20:07
jacksuper weak compared to muon20:08
Arrancan someone give me the address for the german Kubuntu Channel?20:11
jackgibt's den?20:11
Arranich glaube schon20:11
jackvielleicht #kubuntu-de20:12
ArranI'll find it in their forum. tschuess20:19
tapoutlast night, opengl stuff worked flawlessly.  Today, whenever I go to run the app .. I get logged out to login screen.  It's vmware with 3d acceleration enabled...20:20
ubottupinotu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:07
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:07
genii!it | pinotu22:08
ubottupinotu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:08
rodniceBluesKaj: you there?22:22
rodniceHey guys, I have a question relating to desktops22:29
geniirodnice: Might as well just ask and see if anyone knows :)22:29
rodnicegenii: (prior to that, when you put my name and a colon, is that what causes a notification to pop up on my screen when I switch windows?)22:30
geniirodnice: Whatever client you're using, that's probably how it notifies you when your name gets highlighted.22:31
rodnicegenii: OK, thanks alot22:31
geniiProbably Quassel22:32
rodniceI want my desktop to kinda look like this guys: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/10/04/snapshot2.png22:32
rodniceSpecifically, I like all those icons he has in the bottom left22:32
rodnicegenii: (yes, I'm using Quassel)22:33
geniirodnice: This is my desktop http://youtu.be/Ioqu8Hs4ZhU22:34
rodnicegenii: my connection might be slow at the moment :-(  ...22:36
geniirodnice: Ah, OK. It's just a screen capture showing the desktop cube, basically.22:37
=== ch00mk is now known as hamster
* hamster says hell-o :D22:38
* genii slides hamster a coffee22:39
rodnicegenii: ok thanks22:39
* hamster slides genii a beer :D22:39
rodnicecmone you guys are having all the fun :( How do "I blue-text" my comments like that?22:39
geniirodnice: Actions are like:   /me does something22:40
hamsterrodnice: genii explained that22:41
* rodnice does something22:41
geniirodnice: Anytime22:42
* hamster laughs ha ha ha22:42
* rodnice slides genii a bubble tea22:42
hamster...good one mate :)22:42
rodniceno mate... KDE22:42
rodnicehar har22:42
geniiLuckily no one's currently asking support questions :)22:43
rodniceI am... right now!22:43
rodniceHow the heck do I get this quick launch looking right?22:43
rodniceThis thing is annoying now22:43
hamster¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ich habe keine ahnung :D :D22:44
hamster...no idea mate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯22:44
rodniceI do the quick launch widget thingy and I see it appear in my panel with 2 links... one to rekonq and one to dolphin... how do I add icons to it?22:44
geniirodnice: I don't use the Quick Launch widget, sorry.22:45
hamster...no idea what you're talking about...which flavour of linux R U using ??22:45
rodnicegenii: this stuff is annoying22:45
rodnicethe latest Kubuntu22:46
hamster....which client then ??22:46
rodniceI'm trying to believe in Linux but the simple things are tripping me up :_(22:46
hamster...sorry still got no idea..22:46
rodniceI want mines looking like his panel in the left corner22:46
hamsterrodnice: ...use sudo A LOT :D22:46
rodnicehamster: Lol, coming from Windows... gimme a few months22:47
rodnicehamster: need to get my thought process around going to command line22:47
hamsterha ha...no worries mate!!22:47
* hamster hands over a beer to rodnice22:47
rodniceNo thanks, using Linux already makes me feel drunk22:48
rodniceIt's like I can't do common tasks simply22:48
rodniceor at least how I'm used to thinking of it22:48
hamster...getting there then mate ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)22:48
=== soul is now known as Guest6455
geniirodnice: For fast launching of apps I usually just find Krunner handiest. eg: alt-F2 then type in first few letters of the app you want, click on it when the name comes up22:49
hamster...hang on...cause i just installed fresh OS as well..can't see your video :(22:49
rodnicegenii: My first inclinations is to type Photoshop, MS Word, iTunes...22:49
geniiHeh, I understand22:49
rodnicegenii: me and a friend both jumped to Linux a few weeks ago... I told him to go Mint, and I went Kubuntu22:50
rodnicehis desktop looks... normal22:50
rodniceI can't even do that :-(22:50
rodniceI think he's winning the race!22:50
geniirodnice: The problem with Mint is lack of support though. when he has an issue, good luck.22:52
rodnicegenii: LOL, well that's good to know... he already has an issue where his system clock resets after each reboot22:53
hamsterha ha22:53
hamster.../etc/init.d/ntpd reload22:54
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot22:54
hamster...or something like that :D22:54
rodnicegenii: that's useful! thanx22:54
geniihamster: Probably not using network time and his cmos is dead22:54
hamster...me for example...i passed my rhcsa recently..22:54
hamsterstill...i suck in linux :D :D22:54
rodnicehamster: lol22:55
rodnicehamster: how much time and money did it take to get there? I'm thinking of getting some certs but not sure which ones to shoot for.22:55
hamsterrodnice: fortunately my company paid to fir22:56
hamster*for it22:56
hamstergo for it if you can!!22:56
rodniceOK, I plan on giving myself a year to study up and use Linux22:56
rodnice1 book and 1 install down... 11 more months to go :-)22:57
hamster...having rhcsa + rhcse of courz will pretty much enable you to get most of the jobs out there22:58
hamsterUr from US or UK ??22:58
hamster...or any other country of corz...sorry22:58
hamster...i just practised what could be on the exam really...for the rhcsa22:59
hamster...as my mate used to call it - children exam :D22:59
hamster...the rhcsa is quite a challenge..22:59
rodniceRhode Island, USA23:00
hamsteralthough if you had previous experience with linux/red hat you're good to go23:00
rodniceOK... I need to read up on that then23:00
rodnicehamster: so what's like the thing I generally would need to know?23:01
hamsterrodnice: then well, not sure about you but i'm currently in the uk...the whole course is around 1600 pounds..23:01
hamsterjust the exam is 400 pounds23:01
hamster...worth trying to study @ your own pace23:02
hamster...or in...23:02
hamstersorry...i'm not a native english speaker :)23:02
hamsterbut it should be pretty much the same across the globe23:02
rodniceI am... and most of the language teachers in our public sector suck23:02
hamster...unless it's not...then consider busy holidays in the UK :D :D :D23:03
rodnice1600 pounds!/ whoa23:03
hamster...might be worth it :D23:03
rodnicethat's a small car!23:03
geniirodnice , hamster  .. For casual conversation we have #kubuntu-offtopic23:03
rodnicesorry sorry sorry23:04
hamster...I mean studying at your own pace, and then paying for and just sitting the exam23:04
rodniceI need to get used to that23:04
hamstergenii: exactly..so why kubuntu and not ubuntu!! ??23:04
hamster...the truth is..23:04
hamsterbecause we all hate unity :D :D :D23:04
rodnicewhatever that is23:04
hamster..and we all love yakuake :D :D :D23:05
rodniceis that like choosing between political parties?23:05
geniihamster: I just prefer the KDE interface to Unity, myself. But everyone works differently.23:05
hamster...nope...it's more of a lazy bastards thing...23:05
rodniceOK another question:  Has anyone ever used Ubuntu Customization Kit?23:06
geniihamster: Please also try to keep the language family-friendly23:06
hamsterrodnice: i have not heard a word about it...as i said ...i'm new to *buntu :D23:06
rodnicehamster: OK23:06
hamstergenii: apologies (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ23:07
geniihamster: No worries... but now you know :)23:07
rodnicerodnice: I'm ultimately trying to give my friends that use Windows a setup of Kubuntu that they would be familiar with23:07
rodnice(lol, I put my name)23:08
rodniceI heard I can "roll my own distro" easily with Ubuntu Customization Kit23:08
hamster...in my opinion..the thing with windows is that there are far to more EPIC games that run only on win-dos :)23:08
geniirodnice: It basically works the same way as the BartPE does for Windows23:08
hamster...red alert, diablo, metal gear solid...to name a few23:09
rodnicegenii: oh man, the last time I used that was like... never... or maybe once in Win2K23:09
hamster...i personally have 2 os on my laptop..23:09
hamsterwin-dos one just to play few of those games once every year or so...23:10
hamster...but the satifcation of having a linux box fully set up and working is just overwhelming...23:10
hamster...especially when it comes to CLI and samba installation/deployment (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻23:11
hamster...but when you finally get it all working...23:12
hamsterit's the happy days  ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ23:12
Roeyis that a penguin23:12
hamster...not to mention the amount of testosteron flying around ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)23:12
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
hamsterRoey: yeah man...i still remember the day when i first learned about chkconfig :) :D23:14
hamster...it was literally PARTY TIME ┏(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┗(-_-)┛┏(-_-)┓23:14
genii!ot | hamster23:15
ubottuhamster: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:15
* hamster says sorry mister bot :)23:15
geniihamster: If it was busier with support questions, you'd already have been given a warning to move to #kubuntu-offtopic, then bounced from the channel :)23:16
* hamster is going to wizz-away soon anyway 23:16
* hamster is going to have a ciggy...will be back soon...23:17
Roeyhamster, is that chkconfig just for bash completions?23:17
=== hamster is now known as smoking_hamster_
RoeyI did dpkg -S chkconfig and all it listed was:23:17
Roeybash-completion: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/chkconfig23:17
Roeysmoking_hamster_:  ^23:18
smoking_hamster_Roey: it's red hat / centos specific...if i am not mistaken...23:18
Roeyah thanks!23:18
rodniceDoes anyone know how I can get these little icons on the panel to the left like how this guy did? http://wstaw.org/m/2013/10/04/snapshot2.png23:20
=== smoking_hamster_ is now known as hamster
* hamster is back23:24
rodniceone of these months, I shall have a panel like this23:25
hamsterrodnice: why wstaw.org23:26
* rodnice shakes fist at laptop23:26
geniirodnice: From what I can tell, that's the Quick Launcher set up to display on two rows23:26
rodnicehamster: i dunno, that's what the guy posted before I had to log off earlier today23:26
geniihamster: Please stop, or I'll have to boot you23:26
rodnicegenii: That's what I thought, but the method escapes me23:27
hamsterrodnice: oh sorry...for no reason you're a fellow Pole :D ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)23:27
geniirodnice: Usually you can get to the settings of a widget by right-click on it23:27
hamsteroh sorry..stop what ??23:27
geniiNot like he wasn't warned.23:28
hamster...apologies...what i have done ?23:28
hamster...or what have i done ?23:29
rodnicegenii: right-click works not :-(23:29
geniihamster: Filling up the lines of the channel with non-useful things while others are trying to assist users23:29
geniihamster: As you were told, there is the channel #kubuntu-offtopic for non-support talk23:29
rodnicegenii: getting the icons into the quick launch bar...23:29
geniirodnice: Yes, I'm not sure. Let me install it and explore.23:30
=== Administrator is now known as Guest87062
rodnicegenii: I don't think I'm that empty-headed, but anything's possible23:31
=== Guest87062 is now known as ahmad_safty
geniirodnice: It doesn't have a very intuitive setup system, that's for sure23:31
rodniceOK, thought it was just me23:32
rodnicethank you23:32
geniirodnice: "Add launcher"23:33
rodnicegenii: add widget: quicklaunch23:34
rodnicegenii: moved it over to the left23:34
geniirodnice: On the quicklaunch itself, if right-click, you should get: Add Launcher, Edit Launcher, emove23:35
rodnicegenii: yes23:35
genii..Remove Launcher, Quicklaunch settings,Lock widgets, etc23:35
geniirodnice: To add apps to it, you use the Add Launcher23:36
rodnicegenii: ohhhhh!23:36
rodnicegenii: let me try23:36
rodnicegenii: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:36
rodnicegenii:  you're beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (vernacular for professionally adept)23:37
* rodnice bear hugs genii23:37
rodnicegenii: the think the problem was my understanding of what a launcher is23:37
rodnicegenii: now I can go out into the world and fully proselytize my Windows brethren23:38
geniirodnice: Glad to assist.23:39
rodnicegenii: Wow... I would have been looking for that for another 2 weeks!23:41
rodniceMaking my own distro / backing up my system... Can someone point me in the right direction?23:52
geniiI think UCKS might have a factoid23:53
geniiHm, or maybe not23:53
ubottuuck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/23:53
geniiUnit193: Thanks!23:54
rodnicewow... thanks Unit193!23:55
rodnicehow do you guys know that you gotta type an exlamation point and what word to follow to get that?23:55
goodtimethe ! is a command23:56
goodtimeto a bot usualy23:56
rodnicegoodtime: how did you know that?23:57
goodtimeyears of irc23:57
rodniceQUESTION - How do I go about finding other Kubuntu IRC channels... or any IRC channels?23:59
rodnice(am I in violation by asking these rudimentary questions?)23:59
goodtimethere should be a server list with you irc client23:59

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