
jkeyes0GuidoPallemans: I've kept poking away at it, but haven't had much luck yet. Just going through the section about connecting using a token and pulling down the list of notebooks, Qt Creator can't seem to find the NoteStoreClient. It finds Thrift.BinaryHttpTransport and BinaryProtocol, but says NoteStoreClient (or Evernote.NoteStoreClient, doesn't matter) is undefined.00:20
aquariusCan I add a "build" step to an Ubuntu SDK application? I would like to run a script of my choosing which creates one of the resources that my app needs, as part of the "build" step.07:11
aquariusUbuntu SDK apps (pure QML apps, that is) don't seem to have a "build" step, and the QtCreator stuff about building asks about "Kits", and confuses me no end.07:11
aquariusthis feels like a Kaleo or Saviq sort of question ;-)07:11
Saviqaquarius, anything like that needs to be done manually currently07:50
Saviqaquarius, same like compiling any extensions your lib might need (there was some talk about that in ubuntu-phone)07:50
Saviqaquarius, I don't think QtCreator will let you add build steps to QML-only apps - you'd need a qmake or cmake project handling that07:51
aquariusSaviq, ah, I can't run a script? that's sad07:56
aquariusSaviq, but thank you for the help!07:56
aquariusSaviq, it's a lot easier to know that it's not doable than it is to keep searching :)07:56
Saviqa simple qmake / cmake would probably be good enough :)07:56
aquariusam sure it's simple if you are, e.g., Saviq ;-)07:57
Saviqaquarius, cmake *is* a script :)07:57
aquariusya, but I have no idea how to add "cmakeness" to a project :)07:57
Saviqaquarius, just drop a CMakeLists.txt file in it07:57
aquariusthis sounds useful07:58
Saviqaquarius, only problem is - that's going to be a separate project than .qmlproject07:58
aquariuswhat should be in that file?07:58
aquarius(you can add custom build steps to an existing build configuration, but I don't know how to add a "build configuration" that doesn't *do* anything but just exists so that I can add custom steps to it. This is, I am assuming, what you were saying isn't possible :))07:59
Saviqaquarius, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6195537/08:01
aquariusSaviq, that looks useful! So, I put that in CMakeLists.txt?08:01
aquariusand then that'll run that shell script as a build step?08:02
aquarius(what's "blah"? :))08:02
Saviqaquarius, yeah08:02
Saviqaquarius, just a name08:02
aquariusand I don't understand what "that's going to be a separate project than .qmlproject" means08:02
Saviqaquarius, you have a QML project that contains your .qml files08:02
Saviqaquarius, and that CMakeLists.txt will be a separate project (in QtCreator's mind)08:03
Saviqaquarius, although you can set dependencies08:03
aquariusthat sounds annoyingly complicated.08:03
Saviqaquarius, in QtC08:03
Saviqaquarius, indeed08:03
aquariusgnaaah. All I want to do is say "here is my build process: run this script". :(08:03
aquariusQtC seems to be determined that it knows better and if I want to build anything I clearly must want qmake to do it :(08:04
Saviqaquarius, yeah, QML-only apps don't do that ;)08:04
aquariusah well. Maybe I just do it by hand, then. Le sigh :)08:06
Saviqaquarius, although08:06
Saviqaquarius, there's something that's called "Deploy steps"08:06
aquariusI saw that08:06
Saviqaquarius, you could abuse that08:06
aquariusbut deployment is about pushing it to another machine or something08:06
aquariusI could probably abuse it08:07
aquariusbut that's a bit of a no-no08:07
aquariuswhat I *want* is that when someone checks the project out of bzr and opens it in QtC, they'll get the build step stuff08:07
aquariusI suspect that deployment is a local machine confiiguration, isn't it?08:07
aquariussince my deployment settings are not useful to you08:07
aquariusbut my *build* settings are.08:07
aquariusare qmlproject files documented *anywhere*?08:08
aquariusthey might have a step about this08:08
Saviqaquarius, yeah, not really08:10
aquariusgotta love totally undocumented file formats :)08:10
Saviqaquarius, and yeah, without a project different than .qmlproject I don't think it's doable08:11
Saviqaquarius, you might want to check out QBS http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2012/02/15/introducing-qbs/ :)08:11
aquariusbut OK :)08:11
aquariusI suppose "projects complicated enough to need some sort of build step, but written by someone who refuses to use C++ and therefore doesn't have any build steps" are fairly uncommon right now... although I think they'll get a lot more common as we start seeing people developing QML apps!08:12
Saviqaquarius, https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-8761 has some comments about just that08:13
aquariusas people want to make more complex Ubuntu SDK apps, they're going to want to add build steps -- to compile coffeescript to javascript, unify different files, create a compressed dictionary from sources, etc, etc08:13
aquariusso this probably ought to go on the list of things to think about, but it's not really urgent right now08:13
aquariusI totally don't like that the prevailing attitude upstream seems to be "well, if you want anything complicated, then you are surely compiling C++, because only little children write pure QML apps" :(08:14
aquariusbut I am secretly hopeful that Ubuntu will help to change that, which is why I keep asking questions like this, so I can document the answers and help with that process :)08:15
aquariushm, here's a thought: I wonder if people using other build systems have done work to integrate those other build systems (scons, that sort of thing) into QtC?08:18
aquariusif they have, then I could copy that work and treat my "shell script" as "a different build system"08:18
aquariushttp://neval8.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/using-scons-with-qtcreator/ would be useful except that its instructions don't apply -- I suspect that the "build system" stuff it talks about only shows up for generic projects rather than QML projects :(08:19
mrqtrosHi all!09:06
mrqtrosballoons ping09:07
nik90aquarius: you think that everything can be done with just qml + javascipt (which I would very much like) but not sure if ti spossible. For instance reading files is not possible with just qml + javascript unless a qml c++ plugin09:22
randomcppnik90, ping09:22
nik90randomcpp: pong09:22
nik90Hello everyone09:22
randomcpphow you doing? :)09:22
nik90good :) nervously trying to last minute bugs before 1.0 release for clock app09:23
nik90and yourself?09:23
randomcppgood thank you :)09:24
nik90how's the sdk porting to arch going?09:24
randomcppnot good09:25
randomcppare you experienced with qmake?09:25
randomcppbecause it fails building qt5-pim because it can't find a private header09:26
randomcppthe header exists09:28
nik90you might want to wait until next cycle since they are anyway going to upgrade to 4.109:28
randomcppand it is added with PRIVATE_HEADERS += requests/qorganizeritemrequests_p.h09:29
randomcppand included as <private/qorganizer..._p.h>09:29
randomcppnext cycle means 14.04 right?09:30
nik90in about 3-4 weeks the whole archive will open again09:31
randomcppoh nice09:31
randomcppnik90, but I though of another solution, to bring saucybacon to other platforms/os09:32
randomcppsince the cpp plugin is platform independent (it doesn't use ubuntu libs) I can just build a separated qml ui09:33
randomcppusing QtQuick.Controls (which are awesome btw)09:33
nik90randomcpp: yup09:33
randomcppso my mum will be able to use my app on her pc :)09:34
nik90hehe :)09:34
randomcppmeanwhile I would like to help with the development of unity/ubuntu core apps etc09:37
randomcppnik90, do you know where I could start from? :p09:41
WebbyITrandomcpp, http://developer.ubuntu.com/ is always the best way :)09:44
randomcppWebbyIT, I was looking for a more specific task :p09:46
WebbyITrandomcpp, where do you want to contribute? Unity, Ubuntu Touch core-apps or what?09:47
nik90randomcpp: well choose which app you would like to contribute to09:49
nik90randomcpp: then take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps for they launchpad links09:50
nik90and start fixing bugs or adding new features :P09:50
nik90randomcpp: most likely when you start contributing, they will provide new tasks and invite you to design meetings etc.09:50
randomcppnik90, wow great09:50
nik90randomcpp: I know I would :P09:50
randomcppnik90, which are your projects?09:51
nik90randomcpp: I am working on the clock app. WebbyIT is working on Calculator (now almost complte) and now on calendar I believe09:51
randomcppnice, this afternoon I'll give a look at the calendar app :)09:52
WebbyITrandomcpp, nik90 yes, calculator is finished, unless you find new bug :P09:59
randomcppjust an info, but will showdown apps be included in the base ubuntu phone image?10:00
nik90WebbyIT: wait calculator is done?10:00
popeyBut they're all easily installable from the store10:00
WebbyITnik90, yes10:00
nik90WebbyIT: wow nice work!10:01
randomcpppopey, ok :)10:01
WebbyITnik90, thanks :)10:01
randomcpppopey, I think I've misread that in the contest rules or somewhere else10:01
nik90popey: regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/123287010:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1232870 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock digits only update on the minute" [High,Confirmed]10:06
nik90popey: that happens because the clock app updates the text only every minute10:07
popeyyeah, i guessed ☻10:07
nik90popey: when you come from suspend, I need a signal from platform that the clock app iback to update it immediately10:08
popeyYeah, we don't have that.10:08
nik90my irssi remote server is lagging so much10:08
nik90popey: otherwise I need to update it every few seconds, which will increase overhead performance10:09
popeyYeah, I'm not sure how to fix that.10:09
nik90popey: I am sorry, but ignore what I said before...I am actually updating the time every second10:10
nik90popey: I am looking into this now10:11
m-b-ogood morning10:11
m-b-oany news on this sdk update in saucy?10:11
nik90popey: I just tried reproducing that bug by launching app on phone through qtcreator and I cannot reproduce it10:29
popeywonder if that bypasses app lifecycle?10:29
nik90popey: for some reason, I do not have clock app installed on my image..happened a week ago (clock app missing)10:29
popeydoes the app suspend if you switch away?10:29
popeyodd, its on mine, just updated to the released 8210:29
nik90popey: will reflash device10:30
popey82 just came out a few mins ago10:30
nik90popey: when I switch apps, it suspends10:30
nik90popey: I notice the clock hand moving quickly to update the time10:30
nik90popey: but the label updates as well10:30
popeylet me try and reproduce on 8210:30
popeyi started the clock about 30 mins ago, so now is a good time ☻10:30
nik90popey: yup :D10:31
nik90popey: which channel do you recommend? devel or devel-proposed? for saucy10:35
popeydevel in general10:36
popeyproposed breaks now and then10:36
popeydamnit, phone locked up10:38
popeyso can't test clock10:38
popeyneed to reboot and test again10:38
nik90okay...i am reflashing device10:44
randomcppreinstalling saucy I'll be right back :)11:06
nik90popey: did you still have the bug? On image 82, for me I cannot seem to reproduce it11:13
popeynik90: no, i can't11:32
popeynik90: I can see the old time as I pull the clock in from the side, but it updated as soon as it landed on the screen11:32
nik90popey: it may have been a rare situation when the bug appeared. If you want I can leave the bug report open incase you do reproduce it again11:33
WebbyITlast update from terminal bricks my phone !@#$11:48
nik90WebbyIT: bricks your phone?11:50
WebbyITnik90, yes, I want to do a wipe installation, so I did usual command, but something goes wrong :/11:50
nik90WebbyIT: I just flashed my phone (10 mins ago) with image 8211:51
nik90it went perfectly fine11:51
nik90I did phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup11:51
WebbyITnik90, me too, so bad luck for me11:51
popeyhow is it bricked? Won't power on?11:52
WebbyITpopey, yap11:52
popeyusually putting it on charge from a real wall charger (not usb port on pc) is sufficient, but needs to be charged for a long while11:52
popeycommon problem11:52
WebbyITpopey, no no, it is blocked displayng "Google"11:53
popeyhow long for?11:53
WebbyITpopey, minutes11:53
WebbyITpopey, flashing I had an error:11:53
WebbyITprotocol failure11:53
WebbyITERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb push /home/rpadovani/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-d36f505e94afc8990c57f31db9812b5ee7466a155768388da3fdec5f8393867d.tar.xz /cache/recovery/' returned non-zero exit status 111:53
popeytry again?11:53
WebbyITERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb shell getprop ro.cm.device ' returned non-zero exit status 25511:54
popeyhold down power button to reboot it, then try again11:54
WebbyITpopey, done yet, I also tried to wipe all from recovery mode, but nothing happens11:54
popeywell. I suspect it's not bricked.. just wedged11:55
WebbyIThow can I resolve it?11:56
aquariusnik90, reading files isn't usefully possible with a C++ plugin either, because your app is sandboxed. I only need to write and read files into my own app's folder; if that's what I'm doing, then I can mostly use U1DB for the same purpose and be no worse off... and I get syncing for free then11:58
nik90aquarius: ah yes. that's true12:03
m-b-opopey: tests of weather app are terribly broken and I can't figure out why12:22
popeym-b-o: let me see12:23
m-b-oon the device with latest updates12:23
popeyis that on jenkins or on your local device?12:24
m-b-otry ubuntu_weather_app.tests.test_locationmanager.TestLocationManager.test_add_location12:24
m-b-osince there is an issue with toolbar12:24
m-b-oand on that test not12:25
popeyaquarius: is this for DL? Doing the dictionary creation?12:26
popeym-b-o: need a QA person ⍨12:27
m-b-opopey: where to get one? soonest on monday?12:32
popeyI suspect they won't be around much, long hours last week and the jenkins move on friday.12:34
popeyI'll see if I can find someone though12:34
popeyI do wonder if it's a firewall issue m-b-o12:36
m-b-opopey: only a few tests need network12:39
aquariuspopey, no. but that's another thing that it could be usefully used for :)12:42
randomcpphello everyone13:16
randomcppdoes anyone know if unity-tweak-tool works on saucy?13:16
popeyrandomcpp: it does13:20
popeyi use it here13:20
popeywell.. i have it installed, and use it now and then13:21
randomcpppopey, here it crashes without much explanation :/13:21
popeyso it does13:21
popeythats new13:22
* popey updates and tries again13:24
randomcpppopey, (unity-tweak-tool:16847): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.compiz.unityshell' does not contain a key named 'alt-tab-right'13:36
randomcpp[1]    16847 trace trap (core dumped)  unity-tweak-tool13:36
popeyrandomcpp: bug 123543213:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1235432 in unity-tweak-tool (Ubuntu) "unity-tweak-tool crashed with signal 5 in g_settings_get_value()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123543213:56
randomcpppopey, now it fails to connect to dbus13:59
randomcppdbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-NCeosYibdd: Connection refused13:59
randomcppI'll install dconf-editor meanwhile14:02
m-b-opopey: it seems emulator clicks fail on the device and I've tried now for hours.14:10
m-b-opopey: can't getting it fixed by myself, tried for hours now14:11
popeycan you file a bug and we'll get qa to look at it14:11
popeysorry about that ☹14:11
m-b-opopey: perhaps it's related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/121859815:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1218598 in Ubuntu Weather App "Unable to run autopilot tests due to missing local storage db" [Low,Triaged]15:39
randomcppam I the only one to have this bug? http://i.imgur.com/hn7fnhM.png15:52
randomcppwhen I open certain pages in qtcreator welcome tab15:52
randomcppis Jamie Strandboge here?16:07
randomcppdoes anyone here use fglrx drivers?17:20
pdc_Daemonsup bitches??18:01
timppaHi everyone!18:40
timppaCan someone give me some pointers on how to use GPS on ubuntu touch18:40
timppaI've read the Qt docs regarding using GPS but seems that they don't work or is the GPS implementation still under development?18:42

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