
plarsthings are looking quite a bit better on the automated tests with this one - mir is still pretty rough of course00:17
Saviqlool, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/revert-r376/+merge/18945508:36
loolcjwatson: gnutls26 >> sure; thanks for the heads up09:11
loolSaviq: looking09:11
loolrsalveti: ok thanks09:12
Saviqlool, I've a package coming up09:12
Saviqlool, like in 2 mins09:12
cjwatsonlool: uploaded, thanks09:13
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/saucy_uninst.txt is actually looking almost acceptable now, with the ignorable exception of arm6409:13
loolSaviq: cool09:14
loolSaviq: should we sync a bit for plan over the week-end?09:15
loolI do have some other planned outside activities too  :-)09:15
loolSaviq: so right now, we have the reverts in archive, I built an image with them; it's not the highest pass rate ever, but nothing to be too ashamed off and it generally works; most AP fails are in apps, a brightness thing in unity8 AP tests09:15
loolgenerally speaking, I would be happy to promote is and call SF done09:16
loologra_: ^ your toughts09:16
ogra_lool, i'm just flashing09:16
ogra_(morning etc)09:16
loologra_: Morgen ! :-)09:16
Saviqlool, ogra_ the biggest difference from my PoV is WiFi password input, which is in the indicator in the rolled back unity8, unity-notifications, indicator-network09:17
loolSaviq: Now Mirv actually did the testing of the CPU pegging unity8 and was happy with it, so what I'd like is either getting us all these revs into the image with the fix you've identfied09:17
ogra_the failures look like many of them are toolbar related09:17
loolSaviq: Yes, I rolled back the 309:17
Saviqlool, yeah, I'd rather do that09:17
ogra_(from the apps)09:17
Saviqlool, http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/ here is unity8 trunk + the fix/revert09:18
loolSaviq: so we do that on top of what was tested yesterday?  I think you have landed other things in unity8 trunk already09:18
Saviqlool, we only have a revert and a test-drop in trunk over what's released currently09:19
Saviqlool, so with the "new revert" we'd have two reverts and the test drop, so rather safe09:19
Saviqlool, and that's what you have in the packages I put up09:19
ogra_bug 123548009:20
ubot5bug 1235480 in upstart "upstart-local-bridge clobbers $PATH with its events" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123548009:20
loolSaviq: looking09:21
loolSaviq: right, trunk looks good09:22
loolSaviq: I'll take the previous unity-notifications debs to test your unity8 build09:22
Saviqlool, so if you confirm the fix/revert helps with CPU - let's merge, release09:22
Saviqlool, yeah, it needs the "new" unity-notifications and indicator-client09:23
Saviqlool, so full dist-upgrade + my packages should work good09:23
loolSaviq: well I just took image 82 + your pcakages + old unity-notifications (qtdeclarative5-unity-notifications-plugin)09:25
looljust trying to unmount now09:26
Saviqlool, old unity-notifications and indicator-network will conflict with my packages - you need all three upgraded to their latest releases from trunks09:27
Mirvlool: yeah I didn't notice the CPU hoggage, it didn't seem bad performance wise as such09:27
Mirvmaybe the autopilot tests themselves should notice it09:28
Mirv"idle, check cpu usage"09:28
Saviqlool, that is to say "sure, it'll work, but expect issues with WiFi password entry"09:30
loolSaviq: "old" means the one before my revert09:30
Saviqlool, ok then - yes :)09:30
loolSaviq: yesterday I reverted indicator-network, unity8, and unity-notifications in archive09:30
loolso I might get FS corruption, hopefully not09:31
Saviqlool, yeah, saw that now09:31
loolSaviq: so I have 7.82+13.10.20131004.1-0ubuntu2~sbuild3 installed, and top if quiet  \o/09:32
lool*is quiet09:33
loolscreen of or screen on09:33
loolSaviq: so that looks good09:33
loolSaviq: let's upload all of this09:34
Saviqlool, yay09:34
Saviqlool, FYI some kind of SDK weirdness happened there - still need to investigate09:34
Saviqlool, the spinner 'caused the CPU usage even when it was, in theory, off and invisible09:35
loolSaviq: you mean in the code that you reverted, it should not be using CPU but is due to some SDK bug?09:36
loolSaviq: to clarify: are we good with just the revert we tested, or do we need another change for that spinner thing?09:37
Saviqlool, yes09:39
Saviqlool, we're good09:39
Saviqlool, I reverted the change that was broken - and was due to a SDK bug09:40
Saviqlool, with my MP unity8 is no-CPU-hogging anymore09:40
Saviqlool, but we still need to merge / release it09:40
loolSaviq: I've happroved the mp09:40
Saviqlool, thanks09:40
loolSaviq: I'm preparing the other uploads09:41
loolSaviq: will send MPs to resync bzr trunks with changelogs of uploaded reverts09:41
Saviqlool, yup, let me know if you need me to approve09:41
lool(since nothing sits in trunk, can't ask cu2d to resync somehow)09:41
* Saviq hates nautilus + gvfs recently09:42
Saviqit was working so well last release, but with the new nautilus all kind of flakiness happens09:43
loolthat reminds me, I've noticed now that mtp coming up kills my adb shell connection for a sec09:45
loolthen it comes back09:45
loollike the connection gets closed, I have to reopen it09:45
looluploaded indicator-network09:50
loolit will be blocked in unapproved, then in proposed09:50
loolSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/indicator-network/resync-indicator-network-changelog/+merge/18945809:51
Saviqlool, +109:52
Saviqlool, actually +2 - mtp is flaky for me, too - but that's with android as well09:52
ogra_setting a property resets the gadget09:54
ogra_when mtp comes up it adds a property to the gadget settings09:55
loolSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/unity-notifications/resync-indicator-network-changelog/+merge/18945909:56
loologra_: aha09:56
loologra_: so it's "by design"09:56
Saviqlool, +109:57
loolSaviq: sadly, indicator-network needs someone from release team to ack09:57
ogra_and setting the property persistent would make your gvfs on the desktop freak out09:57
ogra_since there is an mtp device but no server attached09:57
loolSaviq: and we're saturday, so might take some time09:57
Saviqlool, but we can merge the changelog regardless, right?09:57
loolI think so09:57
ogra_(so gvfs goes into a loop of mount attempts spilling errors)09:57
loolSaviq: I've put a block hint in place so that we can upload all 3 and let them in -proposed09:57
loolso that we don't get half in unapproved half in archive09:58
Saviqlool, oh cool09:58
Saviqlool, and then just flip the switch to let through to saucy, got it09:58
Saviqlool, thanks!09:58
loolSaviq: right, so I can upload unity8 when it's there09:58
Saviqlool, granted, the deps should prevent going into an inconsistent state09:59
Saviqlool, actually there's one question you might be able to answer09:59
loolSaviq: the provides are there, but I didn't update deps for indicator-network09:59
Saviqlool, ah right10:00
Saviqlool, we had a situation last week when unity-notifcations Provides was already unity-notifications-impl-2 (in the upstream merger's local repo)10:00
Saviqlool, but unity8 Depends was still at unity-notifications-impl-1, which was available in saucy10:00
Saviqlool, and apt crapped out when trying to install that unity8 version10:00
loolwhich was the goal?10:01
Saviqlool, is it not smart enough to install a non-highest version to fulfil the deps?10:01
loolah no10:01
loolit will select the highest version10:01
loolit's basically a complex scoring mechanism10:01
loolwhich I don't know all the details of10:01
loolbut a higher version will get lots of point10:01
Saviqlool, mhm10:02
loola downgrade wont happen unless your force it10:02
Saviqlool, yeah, but it wasn't about a downgrade10:02
Saviqlool, it was about installing (new package) a non-highest version10:02
Saviqwhich I was hoping would work10:02
loolthat I would expect to work10:02
loolbut then maybe not  :-)10:02
loolSaviq: but if you remember the specifics, I guess some APT maintainers could possibly look into it10:03
Saviqlool, fortunately we even have a log - 'cause it was on mediumtests10:03
loolSaviq: Ok, so we're waiting on a bunch of things right now10:03
Saviqlool, yup, all things to merge10:04
loolto sum up: a) upstream merger picks up your MP, merges it b) I press the cu2d buttons and get that uploaded c) release team reviews + approves new indicator-network d) we unblock all 3 e) we build animage10:04
loologra_: what did you think of latest image?10:04
loologra_: should I promote it?10:05
loologra_: we might get another SF one EOD10:05
ogra_lool, well, just had to reboot trying to send an SMS10:05
loologra_: but I'd rather we promote this one if you feel it's good enough10:05
loologra_: what happened?10:05
ogra_it hung10:05
ogra_not sure10:05
loolany crash files?10:06
ogra_i made a call, afterwards saved the contact ... (which used some http formatting for the plus sign in +49 ... which in turn couldnt send to that number full of special chars ...)10:06
loolSaviq: I dont think we can fix the current SF images much more over the week-end; the original plan was to fix a couple of critical issues and switch to Mir; the critical issues were input in the webbrowser (might be related to volume up / down or not), and input focus on snap decisions10:07
ogra_then i edited the contact to have a proper +49 ... got an error that contact saving failed and after that no input was possible anymore10:07
loolSaviq: I can't fix the input issues myself, but if they get fixed I can land the "switch the default to Mir" over the WE10:07
loologra_: fun10:07
Saviqlool, nah, let's get back to it on Monday10:07
loologra_: but is it a _regression_?  :-)10:07
Saviqlool, there's no one working on those10:08
Saviqlool, let's all have our WE now10:08
Saviqor after we fix SF10:08
loologra_: is this something you experienced successfully in the past?10:08
loologra_: basically, would this image be more or less substantially better than the previous stable one?10:08
ogra_lool, the mangled number definitely is ...10:08
ogra_lool, but i'm not sure thats a blocker10:09
loolI fear we're running out of runway10:09
ogra_right, lets promote it10:09
ogra_after reboot there dont seem any issues10:09
* lool reads ~ogra/README.mark-current10:10
ogra_should i ?10:10
loologra_: so mark-current is for the cdimage part10:10
ogra_(if you feel safer with that)10:10
loologra_: and the second is for system-image?10:10
ogra_right, that needs to happen first10:10
loologra_: Actually, I like to do it because you're around  :-)10:10
loologra_: build is is 82?10:10
ogra_just call both commands in succession with the right numbers10:10
ogra_82 for system image10:11
loolah and for cdimage I need to use the ubuntu version?10:11
loolso 20131004.1?10:11
loolthe second one churns10:12
loolI guess deltas10:12
ogra_yeah, the second one takes a bit10:12
loologra_, popey: 82 promoted!10:13
ogra_the first one just sets a link10:13
loologra_, popey: Bulding an 83 tonight with updated 83 and SF, but otherwise leaving it there10:13
ogra_popey, thats 82/20131004.110:13
loolmight want to promote 8310:13
* popey mails10:13
loolif you guys feel like it10:13
popeyok, I'll be around10:13
* ogra_ cant promise but will help if he is around10:13
loolit's mostly what was in 81, with no CPU hogging, so 82 + new unity810:14
looland indicator-network10:14
loologra_: yeah if you can't then so be it10:14
ogra_dont you need a FFe for that one ?10:14
loolwe can always promote it monday10:14
ogra_indicator-network is a desktop package10:14
loologra_: it says ubuntu-desktop, but I don't actually see it pulled by ubuntu-desktop10:14
loolan dseeded-in-ubuntu also doesn't10:14
loologra_: well, I don't understand why it's still in the desktop packageset10:15
ogra_i always thought we have it installed10:15
ogra_missing meta update ?10:15
ogra_or a dep ...10:15
loolSaviq: So I'll step away for a bit, possibly only back after lunch + some family activities outside, near 5pm UTC+210:16
Saviqlool, yeah, enjoy10:16
loolSaviq: if upstream merger doesn't run or fails, would you merge by hand?10:16
Saviqlool, will do10:16
loolI might have commit access, not sure10:16
loolSaviq: thanks for the fix, will be back in a bit10:17
Saviqlool, I'll force-hand generic-land10:17
Saviqlool, he has access for sure :)10:17
popeyogra_: i dont see changes at http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/changes/10:17
cjwatsonSaviq: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/ubuntu/2012-01-29-apt-resolver-bugs.html has some random wittering about how to investigate apt resolver bugs, if it happens to be useful10:17
Saviqcjwatson, thanks - I'm not really sure it's a bug, and rather a feature ;)10:17
Saviqcjwatson, but will be a useful read anyway10:18
cjwatsonwell, how to investigate the algorithm anyway.  it's a useful though tricky thing to understand10:18
loolpopey: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131004.1.changes has some10:18
popeyyeah, i have that10:18
popeyi usually link to the pretty version jibel has10:19
popeywill link and say it's pending10:19
popeygiven we can guess the url ☻10:19
loolI guess it's running from jibel's desk!  :-)10:19
loolpopey: ah you probably want the diff between stbale images10:19
loolI forgot where ogra has it10:19
popeylool: no, I deal with that10:24
popeylool: I manually merge the individual diffs10:24
popeymail sent10:31
loolpopey: thanks!10:34
Saviq_ok, so upstream merger is broken - the old IP was hardcoded in the jobs ;(10:35
loolgosh, where is it hardcoded?10:36
popeyI love it when we move stuff to a new IP. Great way to shake out these kinds of issues. #glasshalffull10:37
Saviq_popey, yeah, and finally *name it* somehow10:40
Saviq_popey, and whoa! here's an idea - let's provide a DNS server behind the QA VPN!10:41
popeySteady on there! ☻10:41
Saviq_that would be like The Enterprise10:41
* popey emails /etc/hosts files around to everyone10:41
popeyghetto dns10:41
Saviq_bugs against ps-qa-tools?10:42
loolactually some other jenkins dep had the great idea to use the public facing jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com to get a stable name  :-)10:43
loolI don't remember which cron it was that got pasted here, but because it used jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com instead of 10.x.x.x it was immune to the change  :-)10:43
loolSaviq: where's this hardcoded IP you say?10:44
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1235621 not found10:44
Saviq_lool, so, first of all the links to jobs from history don't work (that, hopefully, is a configuration issue - otherwise only new jobs will have correct jobs cross-links)10:45
Saviq_lool, but
Saviq_downloads artifacts directly from the old IP10:46
jibelpopey, my DSL died after a storm and have limited connectivity. I'll relocate the job that publish changes during the week end10:47
popeyjibel: ouch!10:48
popeyjibel: thanks.10:48
loolSaviq: I've just checked and don't have permission to fix it10:49
Saviqlool, yeah, me neither10:49
loolmailing Francis + Larry10:49
Saviqfginther, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ps-qa-tools/+bug/1235621 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ps-qa-tools/+bug/123562210:49
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1235621 not found10:49
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1235622 not found10:49
loolSaviq: ming merging unity8 by hand?10:51
loolSaviq: (I've mailed them now, listing bugs and Cc:ing you)10:51
Saviqlool, already there10:51
Saviqlool, everything's is merged by now10:51
loollet's see if cu2d is still working10:51
Saviqlool, it's not been moved (yet), so hopefully yeah10:52
Saviqlool, but it'd make sense to solve the above bugs for them *before* they move, yes10:52
loolA version (7.82+13.10.20131004.2-0ubuntu1) is available at the destination for that component but is not in trunk which is still at 7.82+13.10.20131004.1-0ubuntu1. Ignoring that component for source: unity8, branch: lp:unity8, series: saucy.10:52
loolguess we need to merge the changelog there too10:53
loolSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/unity8/add-reverts-in-unity8-changelog/+merge/18946310:54
loolSaviq: could you hand merge this one if you're ok with it, and then I'll run cu2d again?10:55
looloff for lunch10:56
Saviqlool, going10:57
Saviqlool, it's going to be merged in 30s10:57
Saviqlool, if you can kick off cu2d again10:57
Saviqlool, ready10:58
* ogra_ notes that the session upstart goes wild after some time on 8211:22
* ogra_ sees a load of 17.0811:24
ogra_(using Mir btw)11:27
fgintherSaviq, the IP has been updated11:27
Saviqogra_, oh, I wonder if it'd be bug #123519011:28
ubot5bug 1235190 in mir (Ubuntu Saucy) "[mako] Unity8 on Mir got slow" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123519011:28
ogra_Saviq, qwll, i suspect it is also  some issue with upstart11:29
ogra_i see init consuming a lot of CPU11:30
Saviqogra_, although CPU was idle for us mostly - same for IO and RAM - everything looked fine resource-wise, only display slowed down to a crawl11:30
Saviqogra_, so yeah - not the same - our issue was with idle CPU11:30
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# ls /var/crash/|wc -l11:32
ogra_i had cleared it for the last reboot11:32
ogra_its only up since a few minutes11:33
ogra_seems /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/upstart-app-launch/zg-report-app is one of the crashers11:34
ogra_whee even ...11:36
ogra_and the session upstart is leaking ram like crazy11:37
ogra_seems RES rises by 2M every second while the screen is on11:37
ogra_it is at 141M now11:38
* ogra_ makes the image writable and installs last nights upstart upload11:38
ogra_i wonder if that fixes it11:39
popeyi have one unity crash and one _usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_upstart-app-launch_zg-report-app.32011.crash11:41
popeybut don't see the memory leak11:41
ogra_using Mir ?11:41
loologra_: it might be when dealing with crash files11:43
loologra_: there's a file watch on this11:43
ogra_lool, does upstart deal with them in the session ?11:43
loolhmm no, you're right11:43
ogra_i thought thats the system upstart11:43
loologra_: it could logging11:43
loologra_: ls -ltr .cache/upstart/ perhaps11:43
ogra_well, i installed the ubuntu6 package from the archive11:44
ogra_lets see how this behaves11:44
ogra_no wilddly growing files in the logdir11:46
ogra_the session init is at 27M already11:47
ogra_and pumped itself to 32M while i typed the above11:47
ogra_it only rises while the screen is on11:48
ogra_seems to stay where it is with the screen off11:48
ogra_53M btw11:48
loolcheck initctl list as phablet?11:48
ogra_nothing obvious11:50
loolunity8 is building in cu2d11:50
looldidn't pick up bzr the first time, but did the second time11:50
ogra_ping once you build a new image11:50
popeyogra_: no, sf11:54
fgintherSaviq, lool, the jenkins IP problem is resolved12:09
ogra_so after ~30min it starts swapping like crazy12:15
ogra_which is what i saw initially as UI hangs12:15
* ogra_ reboots into SF12:16
ogra_popey, bug 123564912:51
ubot5bug 1235649 in upstart (Ubuntu) "session upstart leaks massive amounts of memory on Ubuntu Touch" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123564912:51
popeyhow do I enable mir?12:52
ogra_touch /homa/phablet/.display-mir12:52
ogra_and reboot12:52
popeyapport as soon as I boot12:53
ogra_*home (indeed)12:53
loolfginther: awesome, thanks14:53
lool== Publishing unity8 ==14:54
loolin Unapproved14:56
loolin -proposed14:57
loolI'll lift the blocks in an hour or so, once it's all built14:57
jdstrandlool: you mentioned lifting blocks in an hour. is that why I can't upgrade to 82 right now?15:19
looljdstrand: nope15:46
looljdstrand: what's your issue upgrading?15:47
looljdstrand: I'm just about to lift some block hints on 3 packages we want to let out of proposed together15:47
ogra_lool, did you see the above bug ?15:53
ogra_pertty much a Mir blocker i think15:53
loologra_: yeah16:12
loologra_: it would also explain why it crashes after a while16:13
ogra_the device seems to start swapping once i hit ~250M ... from then on i can only use the UI every few mins16:13
loologra_: I'll raise this to jodh16:13
loolbut I guess only Monday16:13
ogra_what i find really odd is that this hasnt occured before to me ... and i actually ran Mir for a day or more beofre16:14
loolit's also weird that upstart would have loads of memory16:14
loologra_: did you see anything pile up in initctl list as ~phablet?16:14
loollike, many apps starting16:14
loolcause I mean upstart shouldn't have much tracking to do16:15
ogra_the amount of lines initrctl list returns doesnt change16:16
ogra_the amount of running apps neither16:17
ogra_it is somehow related to screen activity ...16:17
loologra_: I was actually thinking, you might be able to strace this upstart from the user session16:31
loolit's not great to see where memory goes, but you might be able to tell what it's doing16:31
loollike starting processes, opening fds, writing to files16:31
loolok, pkgs are in release pocket now17:07
looluh no17:07
loollooks like if I ever block them once, removing the block isn't enough, I need to unblock them explicitly17:09
loolah no, britney stopped running17:13
loolpopey, ogra_: No -proposed migration for now until britney/firewall are unstuck; will ping if there is an update18:11
popeylool: ok18:24
loologra_, popey: Unstuck, building an image19:36
loolpopey, ogra_: Image was up; I can't install Clicks from the store anymore; could you do this with 82?  can't remember whether I tested it20:41
looleither it was already in #82, or it's an unity8 thing given the list in http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131005.changes20:42
popeylool: pretty sure I installed from store20:43
popeylet me try now20:43
loolwith #83, I press Install and nothing happens20:43
popeylool: yes, i have ureadit on my 82 image, which i installed from the store20:43
popeywant me to try?20:44
loolpopey: sure20:44
popeyjust tried again on 82 to make sure it's not a backend issue, and installed something fkine20:44
loolpopey: important thing for me was confirm #82 wasn't broken in this respect20:44
* popey flashes20:44
loolif #83 works for you, then perhaps there's something wrong here I need to figure out20:45
* popey flashes20:45
looland it's bad for you too, then I guess I can open the unity8 bug early and we know we wont promote it20:45
lool(I actually upgraded, didn't flash)20:45
lool[unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: click-scope.vala:253: got details: Akari20:46
lool[unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: click-scope.vala:255: getting creds20:46
lool[unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: ubuntuone-credentials.vala:35: Using account id: 120:46
loolthat's where .cache/unity-scope-click.log stops20:46
loolit might be a server side issue too20:46
loolin which case you would see this with #82 too20:46
popeyi happened to install that same app20:46
popeyjust now, on 8220:46
loolthey were changing stuff recently to cope with authenticated downloads for free apps failing20:46
loolpopey: and that worked?20:46
popeyand the game runs20:47
popeylool: installed fine on 8320:59
loolpopey: apps?20:59
loolok, in a way it's good news20:59
loolin another, well21:00
popeywell. they installed21:00
loolI suspect something related to the oauth stuff happening behind the scenes with my U1 account21:00
popeybut i dont see them in the dash21:00
loolI also played for the first time with the download-manager settings in OS updates21:00
loolI told it to never automatically download21:00
loolbut it should not affect downloads of click-scope21:00
popeybut if i search, i find it and it runs21:00
loolpopey: oh yeah, that's a known bug, you have to reboot to see them21:00
loolor search forthem21:00
loolthis has been for weeks21:01
popeyno, just locking is sufficient21:01
popeyjust locked / unlocked and both apps show up21:01
loolah that's an improvement21:01
loolfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1235784 for the click thing21:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235784 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Click install stalls; nothing happens when pressing Install button" [Undecided,New]21:12
loolif it's only me, then it shouldn't get in the way of promotion; it's probably unrelated to the recent upgrades, just a bad oauth state somewhere I'd guess21:12
vilalool, popey: just discovered the lock/unlock in 82, may have work previously I'm not sure, I can't reproduce reliably it may just be that some process needs time so lock/unlock late enough and it seems to reveal the apps ?21:12
loolanyway, tests will be running, we can assess promotion on Monday21:12
loolvila: what do you mean?21:13
loolvila: there's sometimes a window where the lock screen doesn't appear immediately; is that what you meant?21:13
vilalool: the lock/unlock trick to reveal click apps already installed21:14
looloh ok21:14
vilalool: I was rebooting before more or less randomly to get them back, found them back after a lock/unlock, came here, saw popey mentioning it. Synchronicity ;)21:14
loolOk, going off, I don't really expect we can do much more this week-end anyway21:15
loolpopey: Thanks a lot for the testing21:15
loolpopey: if you're playing with #83 and you find it's good, let me know and we can promote early on Monday with ogra's ack21:15
loolI'll keep an eye on the tests21:15
popeywill do21:15
loolthey just started21:16

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