
=== jono is now known as Guest14496
josejcastro: hey, for the next time updating ubuntuonair please check www.ubuntuonair.com/resources, it has detailed instructions on how to do it (private, need to login before accessing)05:36
josepopey: hey, I was wondering if you got to transfer ubuntuonair.com to Canonical05:44
bkerensamhall119: I do not but I'm sure errors.ubuntu.com must be seeing the whoopsie data05:47
smartboyhwjose, I won't join that channel ever again......15:58
josewell, your choice :)15:59
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, jose morning!16:00
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, good midnight16:01
smartboyhw12:01 AM16:01
joseaccording to UGT, it'd be morning16:01
smartboyhwjose, well, when I said good midnight it's 12:00 AM16:02
josesmartboyhw: it'd still be morning with UGT or fST16:02
* smartboyhw doesn't care about such explicit stuff...16:07
elfywhich channel did you join16:07
smartboyhwelfy, ##ubt-survivors :P16:09
smartboyhwAnd now, it's really a bit late... See ya all16:09
elfyoh right16:09
elfynight smartboyhw16:09
IAmNotThatGuynight smartboyhw16:09
joseyeah, we were playing @roulette and he lost16:10
elfyeyes wide open :)16:10
IAmNotThatGuyelfy, wanna take a look at the survivors? :]16:11
elfynah not particularly16:12
SergioMenesesIAmNotThatGuy, \o16:12
SergioMeneseselfy, hi16:12
IAmNotThatGuyheya SergioMeneses...! How are you?16:12
SergioMenesesIAmNotThatGuy, I didnt see you since uds in person16:12
IAmNotThatGuyi was kept busy with my office work :[16:13
coolbhavijose, hey16:27
josehi, coolbhavi16:27
coolbhaviIAmNotThatGuy, namaste and welcome back :)16:28
IAmNotThatGuycoolbhavi, So, are you flying to California from Bangkok ?16:28
coolbhavijose, I guess you need to wait for a bit while for the LP addition16:28
joseyeah, no worries16:29
josealso IRC chan flags and mailing list16:29
coolbhavionce you are added I can take care of rest 216:29
coolbhaviIAmNotThatGuy, nopes m coming back on 11th night and flying again on 16th16:31
coolbhaviwork calls here :P16:31
IAmNotThatGuyyou should work from Bangkok dude ;P16:32
coolbhavimy manager wont let me to work from home and I travel 4 hrs daily :) Bangkok is a dream :P16:33
IAmNotThatGuyhahaha!! You want me to talk to him?;D16:34
coolbhaviIAmNotThatGuy, :) thats the side effect of working in labs and literally crash testing systems... cant help it :P16:36
dakermhall119: ping18:49
dakermhall119: did you know that a Moroccan teenager(17yr) is charged after death threats against Obama on twitter ?18:50
mhall119daker: no, but we do take death threats against the president seriously (sometimes too seriously)18:54
mhall119daker: was he in the US, or in Morocco?18:54
dakermhall119: in Morocco :)18:57
mhall119who charged him then?18:57
dakermhall119: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6197714/18:59
dakermost of the articles are in French18:59
dakermhall119: and we have two other teenagers are charged for posting a photo of them kissing each others on facebook19:00
mhall119well that's just ridiculous19:05
dakerand the last one is a journalist is being charged (with terrorism law) for linking to the AQMI video(41min) which was directed to the King...19:05
mhall119the first one I can understand, but unless there was any credible reason to think he was actually going to try and kill the president I don't think there should be a severe punishment19:06
mhall119kissing, wtf, why is that evne a crime?19:07
IdleOnebecause there are places in the world that do not appreciate unwed displays of affection19:44
dakermhall119: he will face more than 30yrs AFAIK20:53
dakerIdleOne: mhall119 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/avi-spiegel/fear-and-loathing-in-moro_b_4003805.html20:55
mhall119daker: hopefully that isn't a sign of a larger authoritarian trend for your country21:14
dakermhall119: he is paying for this http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/thomson-reuters/130805/spanish-paedophile-pardoned-morocco-arrested-spain21:19
dakerhe criticized the royal institute for making such as a mistake21:21
IdleOnejose: How dare you challenge me in combat!21:21
joseyou won anyways :(21:21
joseI hate how I am level 53 there, and level 41 on Skyrim, need to get to 50 there21:22
mhall119jose: btw, congrats on your LC election21:22
IdleOneand yes, congrats21:23
IdleOnejose: I know I won, but the challenge hurt my feelings :P21:23
josethanks! I'm hoping to do my best :)21:23
* jose gives IdleOne a cookie21:23
IdleOneok, I'm happy again :)21:24

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