
=== Neo is now known as Guest51177
=== Guest51177 is now known as SuperDuperGuest
smartboyhw!patience | SuperDuperGuest15:23
ubot5SuperDuperGuest: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:23
SuperDuperGuestI am rather new to linux, even if I use 12.04 LTS for work. I wanted to install ubuntu on my home pc and noticed that it looked much different. I apperently didnt like the unity stuff... then I installed the gnome version 13.04 and everything again looked different from what i have at work... probably gnome 2.X. My question was: is there a difference from installing ubuntu gnome or installing ubun15:26
SuperDuperGuesttu und adding the gnome "style" or how you call it?15:26
SuperDuperGuestfrom = between, here ;)15:27
smartboyhwSuperDuperGuest, well, at least Ubuntu GNOME gives you a much better GNOME experience15:27
SuperDuperGuestwhat is at the core of the "gnome experience" you refer to? I'm very new to all of this and since I found out that there is all kinds of KDE, XFCE, GNOME, ... STUFF i dont even know what exactl it does, I just know that it looks different. can you explain to me, what all of this means on a deeper level ;)15:29
smartboyhwSuperDuperGuest, OK, wait, at first glance which one do you like? KDE, XFCE, GNOME? These are all different stuff?15:30
smartboyhwEh, no question mark at the end...15:30
SuperDuperGuestok, smartboyhw, I really like how the newer gnome looks and feels like during navigation. However, I dint try all of the available distros to compare15:34
SuperDuperGuestI only know unity, old gnome and newest gnome15:34
smartboyhwSuperDuperGuest, hmm, try them all out....15:34
smartboyhwIn a VM...15:34
SuperDuperGuestunder windows?15:34
SuperDuperGuestor under linux?15:34
SuperDuperGuestor is it sufficient to boot all of them as a live cd and play around and see what i like most?15:35
smartboyhwSuperDuperGuest, probably a better idea using Live CD. Don't install them, just try them out15:36
SuperDuperGuestoh and one more question. due to the largest userbase and probably largest developerbase, I feel driven towards using ubuntu over different releases especially Netrunner, of which i really liked the artstyle. This is mainly because I think that 1. sstem will be more stable and universal and 2. system will not easily die out because 20 million people are using it15:38

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