[00:55] julian-delphiki called the ops in #ubuntu () [18:01] Bah. My obscure LSD hippie humour is lost on -ot [18:35] it is o4o anyway. [18:40] IdleOne: Yes, true [18:41] want I should give you a warning kick or something? [18:41] Not particularly. [18:42] IdleOne: BTW, finally got around to posting the Toronto Release Party on LoCo site if you want to pass it around. http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/2582-saucy-salamander-toronto-release-party/ [18:43] who am I passing it to? [18:44] everyone [18:44] IdleOne: Anyone within driving distance? LOL [18:44] I don't think that Montreal is going to be having a release party, least I haven't heard anything about it yet. [18:44] consider it passed around [18:45] -qc now knows about the TO party [18:47] Cool, thanks [19:23] bekks called the ops in #ubuntu (dmobley88) [19:30] My computer just ate an entire bag of sugar. [19:30] seems to not want support so much [19:35] blissi called the ops in #ubuntu () [19:35] augh [19:36] must be troll o'clock [19:37] blissi called the ops in #ubuntu () [20:59] mrdeb called the ops in #ubuntu () [21:01] I can't decipher why he called the ops [21:01] I think it was because he was told to go to #debian when he asked about uefi and debian [21:01] makse sense [21:01] makes also [21:26] oooooooooooooo [21:26] kay [23:17] I'm finding hamster in #k amusing but annoying at the same time :) [23:48] @comment 57650 Told several times to go to #kubuntu-offtopic [23:48] Comment added.