
kbmonkeymorning all07:33
kbmonkeyI pulled out the netbook this morning, did some updates, and decided to install a graphical web browser. yee-haa07:37
kbmonkeyone called surf. it uses webkit.07:37
* nlsthzn will be back later07:47
Kiloshi kbmonkey07:48
kbmonkeyhoe ganit?07:48
Kilosnie te sleg nie dankie en self?07:49
kbmonkeyI am playing with neodymium ball magnets. they are so strong07:50
Kiloshmm... he ran outa space08:22
kbmonkeyi've run out of energy.08:28
kbmonkeybe back a bit later08:29
nlsthznmorning uncle Kilos 10:42
Kiloshiya nlsthzn10:42
nlsthznhope you got some biltong and naartjies ready10:42
Kiloshehe biltong is outa reach10:43
Kiloscould be a good game i think10:43
nlsthznI hope so...10:43
nlsthznwe must just win... I don't care about the chamionship10:44
Kilosquite a task set for the boks to overcome the number 1 team in the world hey10:44
nlsthznwell, if any team can do it you would have to imagine it is the number 2 team :)10:45
charl_good afternoon10:45
charl_hi nlsthzn 10:45
charl_hi Kilos 10:45
Kilosmore than 4 tries and must win by more than 7 points10:45
Kiloshi charl_10:45
nlsthznand not let them score 4 tried either10:45
nlsthznhello charl_ 10:45
Kilosthem things10:46
Kilosdruk n drie wat 5 punte tel10:46
nlsthznpossible 7 of them points things10:47
nlsthznI will again miss the first half :/ as I will be coming from work... 10:47
nlsthznbut at least I get to see the important bit10:48
nlsthznI am not in the channel enough these days... so many names I don't recognize :p10:49
Kilosya new peeps been popping up10:50
Kilostell me about ssd drives10:50
nlsthznthey are fast10:50
Kiloswhere do they plugin?10:50
Kilosnormal sata port. i googled and it said sata310:51
nlsthznSound right10:51
nlsthznthey will need high throughput or they are pointless10:51
Kilosian told me he found a site in china that sells 500g sdd's for 15$10:51
nlsthznyou get what you pay for10:51
Kilosso whats a sata3 then10:51
Kilosanother kind of port10:52
nlsthznyou use sata to connect your hdd10:52
nlsthznand then sata 2 came out which had more bandwidth10:52
nlsthznand I have to assume sata 3 even more10:52
nlsthznnot sure if there is a physical difference between 2 and 310:52
Kilosso that means anoth m/board then?10:53
nlsthzndepending on the age of the old one, yes10:53
nlsthznyou using sata or ide?10:53
Kilosdual core p410:53
Kilosalso ian is scared that site is a scam place10:54
nlsthznmay be, or just poor quality10:54
nlsthznlast thing you want to do is loose your data10:54
nlsthznsata 3 seems to be backwards compatible with sata 2...10:54
Kilosyou cant fight someone in china from here if they dont send stuff after you have deposited the money10:55
nlsthznbut there is sata 3.1 and sata 3.2 specifications already too now10:55
nlsthznand if they send you crap your still stuck with it10:55
nlsthznI would be weary of the place10:56
nlsthznSSD are still much more expensive than normal HDD10:56
charl_is there anyone here that knows if/how netflix runs on ubuntu11:01
charl_on the site they say "pc and mac" but it's never clear what they mean under "pc" - does that mean "windows"?11:02
charl_after some googling it seems like the best way would be to add a ppa and then you can launch a kind of application11:05
charl_but in the comments some people seem to be having problems11:05
charl_i never understand why these people can't just implement html511:06
charl_stream videos over webm or something11:06
charl_i'm not exactly tempted to pay 8 euro per months for this11:07
nlsthzncharl_, I know there was a way... if it is still possible I don't know11:18
nlsthznas for not using html5 it has to do with DRM11:18
nlsthznbut I just read that the WC3 will start to make DRM a standard so expect it to becoming to everything on the web soon11:19
charl_that's terrible11:20
nlsthzncharl_, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/01/how-to-watch-lovefilm-redbox-instant-or-netflix-on-ubuntu11:20
charl_the w3c just sold us out11:20
charl_drm is nonsense in any case and easily bypassed11:21
nlsthznseems there is a modified wine thingy that can be used11:21
nlsthznnot always sure about easy but there normally is someone clever enough to do it :)11:21
charl_ooh but the performance is gonna suck right11:21
charl_on wine11:21
nlsthznvideo not so demanding11:22
charl_i can't believe after all the negative sentiment about drm the w3c is actually going through with it11:22
charl_i know it has been an openstanding question for a long time11:22
nlsthznalso for your interest - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/10/lowering-your-standards11:22
charl_video can be pretty demanding if it's high quality11:22
charl_i have an intel core i3 with hyperthreading in this laptop and it struggles to keep up with high quality 1080p mp4 video11:23
charl_then i should also add i use an intel hd graphics card so that might have something to do with it11:23
charl_i didn't want to use nvidia/radeon cause then i sit in driver mess again with linux11:24
nlsthznwell I don't know why your pc is struggling...11:24
nlsthznit shouldn't 11:24
nlsthznmy phone doesn't11:25
nlsthznmy arm netbook does sure11:25
* nlsthzn re-installed windows again on his desktop just because it is a nightmare to get native resolution on my monitor with nvidia drivers and linux... sucks11:26
charl_no for most of the time the video plays fine but then when you get a sudden action scene and a lot of pixels have to be drawn it starts to falter11:35
charl_but now we are talking high quality video with flac and what not11:35
charl_like 16gb for 1 hour of material for example11:35
charl_not an overcompressed low quality 1080p video11:36
charl_and even then 98% of the time the video plays fine11:36
charl_but the cpu use is *high*11:37
charl_i can literally hear the fan in the laptop blowing :P11:37
charl_great article up on eff - way to go11:47
nlsthznyou expecting 16gb worth of video from netflix ? :p11:51
charl_that's a good question11:52
charl_how good is their overall quality11:52
nlsthznnever used it as I am not in a country they support...12:04
charl_ok i should just sign up for a free trial and test it12:04
charl_but i know enough now, thanks !12:04
nlsthznhope it works out for you :)12:05
charl_wb Kilos 13:58
Kilosty charl_13:58
charl_bah apparently to do a trial on netflix you already need to give them all your banking details15:29
charl_i think i'll pass15:29
charl_read a review and the quality of the video leaves much to be desired15:30
charl_apparently it's slightly better than SD15:30
Kilosnight all. sleep tight17:50
charl_hi Cantide 19:47
Cantidehello charl_ :)19:50
charl_how's it going19:51
Cantidewell :)19:54
Cantidejust busy packing frantically, so please excuse the delayed responses19:54
Cantidehow about you?19:54
charl_good ! you going to korea?19:55
charl_visa sorted then?19:55
Cantidecatching a plane in about 7 hours19:56
Cantidegot the visa on Wednesday :)19:56
charl_congrats !19:57
charl_well i won't keep you out of your packing ! best of luck on your trip !19:57
Cantideit took a long time, then suddenly everything happened this week :)19:57
charl_yes when it happens it happens quickly, i know how it goes19:57
Cantidethanks, i'm having a brief coffee break though19:57
charl_so you off to seoul?19:58
Cantidegoing to be working in yeouido and probably staying in shinchon19:58
Cantideand off to gangnam for training on tuesday :)19:58
charl_lol !19:59
charl_on a horse? :P19:59
charl_sounds so exciting you must have a great time19:59
charl_i really want to visit the far east myself one day, never been19:59
charl_looking at the wikipedia page now, sinchon looks like a nice place to live20:02
Cantideyeah, i think it's mostly students who live in that area20:05
Cantidebecause of the universities around there20:05
Cantideshould be fun :)20:05
Cantidewell, depending on the apartment that i get, i might have a space on the floor / couch :p20:05
Cantideoooor, i have a friend that rents out a room for cheap :p i could hook you up :p20:05
Cantidethis is the one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinchon-dong20:07
Cantidein case you found the wrong place on wikipedia :p20:07
charl_yes that's the one20:09
Cantide(assuming i find an apartment there)20:09
charl_lol very nice20:10
Cantideyeah, i've been there before - nice busy place :)20:10
Cantideokay, coffee is finished.. time to finish packing / sorting / storing >.<20:11
charl_good luck !20:11
Cantidethanks! I will lurk here while i pack :p20:11
charl_hi theblazehen 21:48
theblazehenhi charl_ 21:50
theblazehenwhats new?21:50
charl_not much, recovering from a cold21:51
theblazehenah ok. I'm installing FreeBSD, thinking of going to bed while waiting for download to finish21:52
theblazehennight charl_ 21:53
charl_ciao !21:53

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