
synthegraGood morning04:58
synthegrawhy is it not possible to instal GIMP 2.8 under the ubuntu studio 12.04 LTS system?04:59
synthegrai'm a nooby and need some help to get firm with the new system...05:01
synthegranoone in here? ok bye05:03
Patero-nganyone here knows something about vfw and virtualdub PLEASE08:41
darkadwell I'm trying to get working ubuntustudio on my macbook, and now it's wifi network card time09:51
cfhowlett!mac|darkad, might want to check the Mac resources ...09:52
ubottudarkad, might want to check the Mac resources ...: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages09:52
darkadwow I already have installed what it says here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook4-1/Lucid#AirPort10:01
darkadthanks anyway I thnok I'll foklow this:10:04
darkadsudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer10:05
darkadsudo dpkg-reconfigure firmware-b43-installer10:05
darkadsudo modprobe b4310:05
darkadexport FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware"10:05
darkadwget http://www.lwfinger.com/b43-firmware/broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2 ; tar -xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz210:05
darkadsudo b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux/wl_apsta.o10:05
cfhowlettdarkad, something like 90% of the readers in this channel are NOT on Apple products this my suggestion to use the !mac resources ...10:11
darkadso is there a channel #!mac resources ?10:13
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages10:17
darkadmaybe I've to go on another irc server because there's nobody on !mac now10:22
cfhowlettdarkad, pretty sure you'll find a forum entry for your make/model - tis a common query10:23
darkadmy irc server is brooks.freenode.net10:23
caodepalhaHi everyone here! I have a doubt about the two versions of ubuntustudio. I am currently running ubuntustudio 12-04. whats the diference between this version and ubuntustudio 13?14:51
smartboyhwcaodepalha, 12.04 is stable-er, but 13.04 got the newest features14:51
smartboyhw12.04 has a 5-year support period14:51
smartboyhw13.04 only has 9 months:P14:52
caodepalhais that the only diference?14:52
smartboyhwcaodepalha, well, packages in 12.04 are older than 13.0414:53
smartboyhwAnd if you want a production environment, 12.04 is better14:53
caodepalhaoh ok! thanks smarthow. got my anwser. i really need a stable production enviroment14:53
caodepalhaanyone using ubuntustudio in a live setting?14:54
smartboyhwcaodepalha, live setting as in a live image?14:54
caodepalhano lol on stage in gigs14:55
smartboyhwI believe so14:55
caodepalhaI'm thinking about using in for gigs onstage but still dont know if it is reliable14:55
caodepalhain terms of crashing or freezing14:56
smartboyhwholstein, you got any experience? ^14:56
smartboyhwThe most time I use Ubuntu Studio, it's for video14:56
smartboyhw(Our school's students made very good video:P)14:56
caodepalhaPeople use macs alot onstage. i wish i could use linux live14:58
caodepalhai mean ubuntu studio15:03
holsteincaodepalha: doesnt matter what computer you use on stage.. see that it fits your needs15:20
holsteinthere are things that support OSX that dont support linux.. there are things for linux that would need to be made for OSX specifically15:21
holsteinsooperlooper comes to mind.. Zoe Keating uses it live with OSX.. it is the same code that is in the ubuntu repos15:21
holsteinwhy does she use a mac and not an ubuntu machine? you'll have to ask her.. i know she uses other software than just sooperlooper15:22
holsteinas far as 12.04LTS versus the latest version (13.04 or 13.10), use 12.04 if you want the LTS version, the long term support.. use the newer version if you prefer newer packages15:23
OvenWerkslots of people do use linux onstage/for public venues. Many of the profesional/semipro hw have linux inside. I know zequence uses linux with puredata on stage, I know people who use it for radio work, VJ work etc.15:29
holsteini use it, exclusively.. for everything15:31
holsteinon stage, off stage.. where ever15:32
holsteinlinux, at least.. maybe more exclusively ubuntu, but ubuntu can do all the stuff i do15:32
holsteincaodepalha: in terms of "reliable".. computers and music can be frustrating15:32
OvenWerksIn the case of a laptop/netbook where the audio is USB, it is important (no matter what OS) to get a clear usb port interupt wise15:32
holstein*all* computers are as stable as they are setup15:32
holsteinbefore i bring anyone into my studio, i run the machine at full capacity.. 8 channels in and 24/96.. overnight.. and i dont get *any* xruns.. or i make changes, and test again15:33
holsteini know the setup is stable and trustworthy15:33
holsteini would do that if i were using something that lucas arts dropped off at my house and said "this is bullet-proof" or *any* other machine15:34
holsteinit doesnt really matter what i say is stable, and what works for me.. its going to be what you can use, and are comfortable with15:34
holsteinis linux "stable" and capable? sure.. but that doesnt mean you'll have a good experience with it15:35
holsteinyou'll need to learn to use the tools15:35
caodepalhai understand15:36
holsteinleor: hey17:25
leorIm with US 13.10 Beta 2 and I have a problem with it17:25
leorthe volume in Indicator plugin (top bar of XFCE4 desktop) is always as MUTE and when I click on it nothing happens17:26
leorsound is working fine but I can't adjust my volume from it17:27
holsteinleor: have you tried the supported 13.04 version?17:51
leorholstein: I use Ubuntu Studio as my main distro for 4 months, I even started used before the 12.10  was out17:55
holsteinleor: try the main supported 13.04 version17:55
holsteinleor: 13.10 support will be in #ubuntu+117:56
leorholstein: I have 13.04 on my main partition and Im trying 13.10 on the partition that is in use right now. I have 13.04 already17:56
leorWhen is the final release of 13.10 for Ubuntu Studio? I've checked all the improvements and I like them a lot <317:59
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases18:00
leorand Ububtu Studio 13.10? I know that Ubuntu is 17th October18:05
leorwhen Ubuntu Studio 13.10 will be?18:05
sirriffsalotAre there any word-processors around that are not as bulky as libreoffice, but not as sloppy as gedit et cetera? Something that, when you increase or decrease the window size the text actually resizes sensibly? I save a lot of lyric ideas etc into different files, and it just gets too much to use .odt for that..18:19
holsteinsirriffsalot: plenty18:22
holstein"sloppy" is not what gedit is. its not meant to be a word processor18:22
holstein!info abiword18:23
ubottuabiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.2+svn20120603-8 (raring), package size 1114 kB, installed size 4649 kB18:23
sirriffsalotholstein: I know, but sloppy in the sense of what I need it for18:23
sirriffsalotAnd it has a few protocol querks every now and then18:23
holsteinsirriffsalot: its "inappropriate".. not "sloppy"18:23
sirriffsalotFor me it's sloppy :P18:24
holsteinsirriffsalot: ?18:24
sirriffsalotThanks for abiword, will check it out :)18:24
holsteinsirriffsalot: its acatully not18:24
holsteinsirriffsalot: its inappropriate18:24
sirriffsalotFor what I use it for, it's just a sloppy way of handling text..18:24
holsteinsirriffsalot: its not, friend18:24
holsteinsirriffsalot: you are asking for functionality that gedit doesnt provide. that is not "sloppy"18:25
holsteinsirriffsalot: have you tried "abiword"?18:25
sirriffsalotWhen I say sloppy, I mean that it occasionally whines about certain protocols which are pretty standard18:25
sirriffsalotholstein: no, gonna try it now ;)18:25
holsteinsirriffsalot: thats it doesnt provide support for.. which makes it "inappropriate".. not "sloppy"18:26
holsteingedit is not meant to be a word processor.. its just a text editor18:27
holsteinyou can edit text in a word processor.. and process documents in a text editor18:27
holsteinbut, at some point, the functionality of a text editor will, as you are finding, not be appropriate for you18:28

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