
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1235016] Auto display dimming shows brightness meter popup @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1235016 (by Mark)00:24
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
lordievaderGood morning.08:02
BluesKajHiyas all11:17
markeyafter upgrading to 13.10, the taglib check for ASF support (which should in taglib-extras) fails for me11:36
markey-- Performing Test TAGLIB_ASF_FOUND - Failed11:36
markeyCMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:32 (message):11:36
markey  TagLib does not have ASF support compiled in.11:36
Mamarokand I have another problem: my upgrade to 13.10 beta2 stalls on configuring grub-pc11:44
Mamarokit hasn't moved since like 10 minutes or so11:45
Mamaroknow what?11:46
Mamarokand why oh why is everything in German? My system is English, I only installed the language to have the spell checker11:50
Mamarokso what do I do now, kill the upgrade and try again from the command line?11:51
markeyit's some issue with Clang. works with GCC11:52
markeyfixed my issue by reinstalling Clang11:56
Mamarokyeah, but your isuse is not really serious compared to mine11:56
MamarokI have a stalled dist-upgrade and don't know what to do without runing the whole installation11:57
Mamarokwhere is everybody?12:07
Mamaroksolved my problem in #ubuntu+1, the problem was a bad HD13:22
Peace-hello i was using the usb tool to create a live usb stick with kubuntu on 13.1014:20
Peace-and when i pressed erase disk 14:20
Peace-after a while ...14:20
Peace-rg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.14:20
=== sem_ is now known as Pe
=== Pe is now known as Peace--
shadeslayerRiddell: any news on the OwnCloud SRU? ( see trello 13.04 )15:52
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1236013] power management automatically shuts the system down when second battery is low/dead even ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1236013 (by Craig Magina)17:13
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm looks to be stuck in proposed18:06
Mamarokso I managed to upgrade to 13.10 beta2, but now I have no sound in Chrome18:09
Mamarokno sound whatsoever18:09
Mamarokalsamixer shows nothing muted18:10
Mamarokholy crap, it tries to play through the attached second screen over the HDMI port, how weird is that18:11
Mamarokthat is really totally screwed, my default soundcard is disabled, and it tries to use the screen18:12
Mamarokapachelogger: haalp18:13
MamarokI want my sound back18:13
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1236013] power management automatically shuts the system down when second battery is low/dead even ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1236013 (by Craig Magina)18:16
Peace--Mamarok: sudo adduser test ; sudo adduser test adm    ; #then use the new user test 18:17
* Mamarok erases ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and logs out and in again first18:17
Peace--that makes sense18:17
Peace--Mamarok: let me know if that is a solution 18:17
Mamaroknope, didn't work18:18
Mamarokstill shows the HDMI port to be default for sound instead of my built-in soundcard18:18
Mamarokand it is completely disabled18:18
Mamarokhow weird is that18:18
soeeMamarok, and you sisdn muted Chrome channel in Kmix ?18:18
Mamaroksoee: read what I said above18:19
Mamaroknothing muted18:19
Mamarokit tries to play through the HDMI port, and there is onyl a screen attached to it, it toally ignores the default soundcard18:19
Mamarokgrayed out, can't select it18:19
Mamarokhow can something like that even happen? Where is the configuration file that allows me to select the real device?18:20
Peace--Mamarok: try to rename kmixrc18:20
MamarokPeace--: I doubt this will help, the problem starts with the wrong sound card being selected18:21
Mamarokactually what is selected is not a soundcard18:21
Peace--Mamarok: alsamixer -V all in a terminal 18:21
Mamarokhow can I change that? I doubt this is in kmixrc18:21
Mamarokit shows the HDMI port instead of the default sound card, the other one is not even an available option18:23
* Mamarok hates alsa for screwing up stuff like that18:23
Mamarokso where is the alsa configuration so I can edit this?18:23
Peace--Mamarok: try with a new user ... like i said before 18:23
Peace--Mamarok: you can save your time 18:23
Peace--when there is something that i think is related to config files i always try a new user 18:24
shadeslayerMamarok: try pavucontrol?18:25
Mamarokshadeslayer: no option to choose the sound card, as I said it is grayed out18:26
* Mamarok is creating a new user with sudo rights, moment18:27
Mamaroksame problem,18:32
Mamarokno sound, sound card not selectable18:32
Mamarokwhere are the alsa settings?18:32
Peace--Mamarok: kernel issue i guess18:32
Peace--if a new user did not fix that means that the kernel doesn't handle well your device18:33
Peace--Mamarok: did you attach something ? 18:33
Peace--if yes just unplug it 18:33
BluesKajMamarok, pastebin the output of cat /proc/asound/cards18:33
Mamarokthis is my usualy setup, the only thing I did is upgrading to 13.10 beta218:34
Peace--:) Mamarok that is your sign18:34
Peace--Mamarok: can you try with an older kernel ? i guess no18:34
Mamarokwhy oh why does it disable a sound card and uses a HDMI port?18:35
MamarokI don't know if the old kernels are still there, but I guess yes18:35
Mamarokbut for now I attached a speaker to the screen, sound is there, totally weird18:35
BluesKajintel audio ?18:35
MamarokI changed absolutely nothing, it did work before, so that is a realy screw up18:36
Mamarokjust upgraded to saucy18:36
BluesKajsudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , that should load the kernel module , Mamarok18:36
Mamarokluckily I have speakers I can attach to the screen, but disabling the screen is definitely not an option18:36
BluesKajprobly need a reboot to make it stick18:36
Mamarokand could please somebody fix that language isuse? Id don't want my system to be in German, I want it to be in English18:38
Mamarokthis is getting worse and worse, now all stuff I load is default in German, despite the language and locale are being set to us English18:38
MamarokI reported this months ago18:38
Mamarokonly thing set to Germany is the country18:39
MamarokBluesKaj: will try that18:39
* Mamarok reboots18:39
MamarokBluesKaj: http://pastebin.kde.org/pctn5ylht for the soundcards18:40
Mamarokbut it goes to HDMI, as alsamixer says: HDA Intel PCH, Chip Intel COugarPoint HDMI18:41
Mamarokfor some weird reason it uses the hdmi port as default, I don't think it is the kernel module not loaded18:42
BluesKajok , Mamarok that shows the card but the kernel module driver fails to load after updates/upgrades , it's a common problem intel.18:43
BluesKajwith intel18:43
* genii makes more coffee18:43
Mamarokwell, I use this laptop since over 3 years and never had that problem18:43
Mamarokclrearly a regression18:43
Mamarokgenii: tea for me :)18:44
Mamarokand it worked fine with Raring18:44
* genii makes a nice pot of Earl Grey for Mamarok18:44
Mamarokso blaming Intel is probably not right18:44
Mamarokgenii: thanks a bunch :)18:44
* Mamarok reboots18:45
geniiMamarok: Anytime!18:45
BluesKajMamarok, open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as root and add this line to the bottom , options snd-hda-intel index=0 , that sets the intel driver as default in alsa 18:46
Peace--so it's the kernel ?18:47
BluesKajit's the kernel module / driver 18:48
MamarokBluesKaj: oh, let me try again18:48
Peace--i had very hard time with audio card ... -.-18:49
Peace--in the past 18:49
BluesKajMamarok, open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as root and add this line to the bottom , options snd-hda-intel index=0 , that sets the intel driver as default in alsa 18:49
Mamarokyes, seen that18:49
MamarokI am on a bouncer, so I don't miss content :)18:49
BluesKaji have the intel on my mobo and it auto selects the HDMI out as well 18:50
geniiBluesKaj: I also have the same issue18:51
MamarokBluesKaj: funny, there are a bazillion of options inn there defaulting to index=2 to prevent index=0 being used18:51
Mamarokmaybe that was a bit too much tweaking?18:52
Peace--genii: btw it's not a laptop right ?18:52
Mamarokwhy does it even have to blacklist anything, can't I have both options?18:52
BluesKajyes index=0 sets the driver a s first in the list , i have m-audio as ) and intelas 118:52
geniiPeace--: It is a laptop18:53
BluesKajm-audio as 018:53
Peace--genii: mmm so i am luck :D18:53
Peace--kubuntu has recognized all fine 13.10 18:54
* Mamarok reboots18:54
geniiPeace--: Older Acer Aspire 8730 with HDMI out, with 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller18:54
BluesKajhehe 18:54
Peace--genii: ultra new laptop :D18:55
Peace--well it has an ati18:55
Peace-- sony-vaio-sve1512y1esi  http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/sony-vaio-sve1512y1esi-kubuntu-linux/18:56
BluesKajanother dirty method of solidifying the audio outputs is to setup pavucontrol18:56
Peace--BluesKaj: via gui ?18:56
BluesKajwhich i despise but must use 18:56
MamarokBluesKaj: that didn't help18:57
Peace--Mamarok: tried with an old kernel ?18:57
BluesKajwell i don't use it now since it's builtin to the hardware settings in audio/video in systemsettings18:57
MamarokPeace--: I know the 13.08 works, I used it this morning, this is the 13.11 kernel, no need to even try18:58
Mamarokthe problem is with this kernel18:58
Peace--but with upgrade old kernels are there or not?18:58
MamarokI ran Saucy with the old kernel earlier, no problems18:59
MamarokPeace--: well, I didn't remove anything18:59
Mamarokread what I just said :)18:59
Peace--so as  i thought it was the kernel for sure18:59
Mamaroknow that is a big pile of crap, such a regressions shouldn't happen18:59
Peace--i had those problems from 6.10 to 8.0419:00
* Peace-- audio problems mic did not work19:00
Mamaroknever had such a problem, I use an external screen over HDMI since almsot 2 years now19:00
BluesKajwhat's the multimedia audio/video setting in system settings Mamarok ?19:00
MamarokBluesKaj: I already told that earlier: the internal Audio Analog Stero card is grayed out, the internal Audio Digital Steroe (HDMI) is selected19:02
Mamarokwhy is this even grayed out? Can't I have both options available?19:02
Peace--Mamarok: tell one thing ... 19:02
Peace--Mamarok: can you try kdesudo systemsettings ?19:02
Peace--Mamarok: still grey ?19:03
Peace--ok no idea19:03
Peace--sudo adduser $USER audio video 19:04
Peace--maybe 19:04
Peace--but i don't think so 19:04
Mamarokoh, I found something: there is no default profile set, if I select one it uses the internal card19:04
Mamarokso it is probably not the kernel, but either phonon or PA19:04
BluesKajdefault profile ? where ?19:06
Mamarokin the system settings -> Multimedia -> Audio and Video Settings -> Audio Hardware Setup19:07
Mamarokthat is PA, no?19:07
Mamarokthe sound card shows "Internal Audio" and without a profile it uses the HDMI port exclusively19:07
Mamarokif one sets a profile the other options become available19:07
BluesKajyes that's the PA audio out setttings 19:08
Peace--Mamarok: so you can fix ?19:09
Mamarokyep, already fixed19:09
Mamarokbut still a regression, there is no default profile set19:09
Mamarokso a user with more than one output means will run into this19:10
Mamarokapachelogger: you need a bug report for this?19:10
Peace--fill the bug and report the solution 19:10
BluesKajI still only have the graphics audio passthru to the DVI out (HDMI)on the graphics card 19:11
BluesKajfor the intel profile 19:11
BluesKajno analog options at all on the mobo soundchip 19:12
BluesKajdefinitely a bug 19:12
Mamarokso where do I report this to: PA, Phonon?19:13
BluesKajgood question :)19:14
Mamarokpa I think, as Phonontakes over what pa provides19:14
Peace--bb 19:15
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1236044] package kdm 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1236044 (by ssrdatar@hotmail.com)19:18
Mamarokgah, I hate launchpad for searching a bug, timeout error again and again19:19
BluesKajyeah , krunner isn't wsorking herte , have to launch folders etc fom yakuake19:20
Mamarokholy crap, where do I report this to?19:21
Mamarokbrowsing is impossible I get a timeout every time I try an advanced search19:21
BluesKajlaunchpad maybe19:21
Mamarokno, I want to report that pa bug, but I don't know where, as I never even arrive in there19:22
Mamarokcould I have a direct link from somebody who manages to find the right place?19:22
Mamarokok, now it let me in19:23
Mamarokany tag I should set?19:30
Mamarokand which milestone, 13.10?19:30
Mamarokerm, why is that filed in kde-workspace now?19:32
Mamarokok, bug 1236067 filed19:35
ubottubug 1236067 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio doesn't have a default profile set in Saucy beta 2" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123606719:35
Mamarokgosh, why is this such a hassle to file a bug in Launchpad? So easy in bko19:35
ovidiu-fhello everybody20:03
soeehi ovidiu-f 20:05
ovidiu-fapachelogger are you around?20:20
littlegirlHey there, anybody from the doc team on?22:21

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