
rodnicehmm... OK, I'll look around00:02
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:04
geniirodnice: Also there's a website I like to use sometimes http://irc.netsplit.de/   you can search by netowrk or by channel, etc00:05
* rodnice bows down to genii00:06
rodniceQUESTION - What is the purpose of "Activities" in Kubuntu?00:15
rodniceDoes Windows have something like it?00:15
geniirodnice: I don't use them, but there's a fairly good description here: http://www.datamation.com/open-source/the-mystery-of-kde-activities-1.html00:19
rodnicegenii: thanx00:25
=== seven__ is now known as arunce
=== neon is now known as Guest83795
kristalhttp://thejh.net/misc/website-terminal-copy-paste Old CSS trick, firefox/chromium refuse to remove [enter] characters from copies or even have an option, can I have filters in kde's clipboard?01:14
=== Administrator is now known as Guest93714
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Basil1xLook what they've done to my Linux: http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/04:19
geniiBasil1x: I'm not clicking on any URL with Hannah Montana in it04:21
Basil1xI don't blame you...04:21
Basil1xIt's a Kubuntu-based distro targetted at pubescent girls...  I don't envy the helpers if it catches on.04:21
* genii shudders04:39
Basil1xSorry... felt I had to share with those who'd be most likely effected.04:40
=== rem-rose is now known as ladyrem
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57
kristalHow does one stop fiddling with KDE...05:31
geniikristal: Log out?05:35
=== greg_ is now known as gregoryjoe
kristalhow does one add bookmarks to the classic application launcher...05:44
kristalhmm, how do you remove help from the classic launcher...05:46
geniikristal: Rightclick on launcher, Edit Applications... select the Help item you want to remove, click on Cut on top right, save05:48
kristalah, have to save, and there's no hide really05:53
kristali keep thinking it auto saves...05:53
geniiAdding bookmarks directly I'm not sure, but you could do something like make the item: browsername pagename05:54
kristalor dolphin and the directory, hmm, maybe there's a widget for folders...05:55
=== Guest93714 is now known as ahmad_safty
jackwho coded muon?07:05
jacksame guy as adept? mornfall?07:05
=== fego_ is now known as fego
cluelesscoderjack: have you ever used ohloh?07:17
cluelesscoderjack: ohloh.net is really good for seeing who programmed what, and also browsing open-source code07:18
jacki vaguely remember a website07:18
jackok cool, thx07:18
cluelesscoderanyway Jonathan Thomas has been doing a lot of work on it lately check out jontheechidna.wordpress.com07:18
jackok :)07:19
cluelesscoderlooks like Aleix Pol also does a lot07:19
cluelesscoderjack: pretty cool website, eh?07:21
jackcluelesscoder, indeed07:22
cluelesscoderis anyone else a little worried about how Kubuntu will fit into the future Ubuntu?07:22
tsimpsonno, just you :)07:22
jackaurelien gateau :)07:22
cluelesscoderI'm thinking about trying to transition to opensuse07:23
jackmr. gwenview, iirc07:23
cluelesscoderjack, did he post something about it somewhere?07:24
jacknope, i only saw his name on ohloh07:26
jackas a muon contributor07:26
cluelesscoderah yeah07:26
cluelesscoderthat page is a little buggy if you didn't notice - Jonathan Thomas name doesn't show up consistently07:27
jacki finkified gwenview, years ago07:27
jackso i recalled his name07:27
jackfink is a packaging project for macosx07:28
jackohn and btw: opensuse SUCKS07:30
jackcoming from dpkg, you'll hate rpm :P07:31
cluelesscoderjack can I still use muon in opensuse?07:31
jackif you manage to get its huge dep-chain together, most probably yes07:33
jackbut i have no idea if muon knows rpm07:33
cluelesscoderthat guy is the Wayland developer for KDE07:33
jackcluelesscoder, muon might well be apt-only07:43
cluelesscoderjack yeah, probably right07:43
kristalSoo my screensaver won't stop... i have 6 of them running in the background eating my cpu07:44
cluelesscoderjack I've noticed when hanging around forum.kde.org that a lot of the admins run suse, which has me intrigued07:44
jackwould be a no for muon in opensuse07:44
cluelesscoderbut I'm very happy with kubuntu so I'll stick with it - I imagine if Ubuntu screws it for us we'll all figure something out together07:44
kristaltime 3h ksolarwinds.kss07:44
jacksince that's rpm territory07:44
kristalAnyone know about a big that results in screensaver processes continuing in the bakcground?07:45
kristalHmm, yup, that be a bug, ksolarwinsd.kss does not close, it keeps runnig eating cpu and you can gather up an unlimited number of them.07:49
kristalCan anyone replicate it?07:51
lordievaderGood morning.08:02
=== saheb is now known as sahebpreet
BluesKajHiyas all11:17
MamarokI could need some help: trying to upgrade to 13.10 beta2 it stalls on configuring grup-pc and sits there since quite some time now.11:52
MamarokNow what?11:52
=== rysiek|pl is now known as ysio|pl
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=== a is now known as Guest20228
flooanyone here?13:11
Mamarokfloo: just ask your question13:17
flooi have a laptop asus x51rl with integrated ati radeon xpress 110013:46
flooi can find a driver for this.. coz it's move very slowly13:46
jackhi krise13:56
kriseHi Jack13:56
jackis that "crisis" in finnish nas well?13:56
jackerm -n13:56
kriseHm , i dont know13:57
jackcause in german it is13:57
kriseim estonian13:57
jackoh ok13:57
kriseis it ?13:57
jackbut your host isn't .ee13:57
krisei know , im in finland at the moment13:57
jacki see13:57
jacknice place?13:58
kriseyes it is13:58
jacklots of forests and lakes, afaik13:58
kriseall the palces are nice,13:59
krisei dont like india do13:59
jackindia? is damn far away13:59
kriseu german ?13:59
jackanother part of this "earth" ball13:59
krisebeen there once14:00
jacklet me guess14:00
krisei dont remember14:01
jackhamburg i bet14:01
krisewe were driving to france and we stopped in many places14:01
jack= big and close to scandinavia14:01
jackoh i see14:02
krisei dont remember where did we spent the night14:02
jackcan be like every german city14:02
jackcause france is like on the other side :P14:02
* jack was born in paris14:03
krisei remember it was long ride14:03
krisewe went to lyon14:04
jackanother issue: do you like gaming?14:05
jackif yes, please name a game that rules, for ubuntu14:06
krisei dont think there is one :)14:07
krisei play sometimes hockey and some racing games, but i dont think there is some good hockey or racing cames for kubuntu14:08
jackso it's wine+any winblows game14:08
krisenever tried14:08
kriseim not big gamer anymore14:09
jacki see14:09
jacki used to love diablo214:09
jackback then in my mac years14:09
krisediablo 1 was the firs game i played14:10
jacklol, cool14:10
krisethat was over 10 year ago14:11
jacktime passes so quickly14:11
jackif you look at software evolution14:12
krisetoo quickly14:12
jackhow old are you now?14:12
kriseim 3614:12
* jack is almost 42 now14:13
kriseat the end of the month ill be 3614:13
jackthe magic douglas adams number :P14:13
krisei dont know about that14:14
jacknever read THHGTTG?14:14
jackthe hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?14:14
krisenope, whats that ?14:14
jackone of the best books ever written14:14
krisei didnt find the book but i will watch the movie14:17
jacksucks, compared to the book :)14:17
jackwatchable but damn silly14:17
krisei like sci fi movies14:19
kriseyestarday i went to see Riddik or something, Vi n Diesel movi14:19
krisethat was quite boring14:19
jackthe new one?14:21
jackcool - i need to watch it14:21
jackloved pitch black and chronicles14:21
krisehavent seen non of thems, cant find chronicles torrent14:24
jackthey're both very nice imo14:25
daft_Hi, yesterday i can some old windows app with wine. And it downgraded my screen resolution.14:50
daft_now i started my pc again and the resoluion is still low..14:50
daft_does someone know how i can change my resolution.14:50
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57
daft_found it14:58
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
RoeyHi, I'm having a little bit of trouble getting the unmount to succeed.16:31
Roey<Roey> fuser -m /proto shows nothing, fuser -v /proto shows nothing, yet I get "umount: /proto: device is busy."16:31
=== dmitrykorotkov_ is now known as Guest58817
Avihayyou can try to remount it as read only first16:39
RoeyAvihay:  oh, ok16:48
RoeyAvihay:  אביחי?16:49
Roeysudo mount -o remount,ro /proto16:50
Roeymount: /proto is busy16:50
RoeyAvihay:  stam just wanted to see if you speak Hebrew16:50
Avihaywell, no idea. you might wanna /join #ubuntu-il16:50
RoeyI had no idea there was one!16:50
Roeythere is also #israel16:50
=== spawn57 is now known as spawn[dead]
=== thomas is now known as Guest14762
geniiGuest14762: Hello! Do you have some question about your Kubuntu?18:36
Guest14762i'm new client18:37
=== ysio|pl is now known as rysiek|pl
=== soul is now known as Guest47504
robeepalHi! I dont know exactly if I am in the right chat, but i have a question about Ubuntu OS for Phones, I want to know if my Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9100 is it compatible and stable with my phone ?! Thank you19:55
BluesKajrobeepal, ask in #ubuntu19:56
robeepalthank you19:57
jacob_i need help20:08
jacob_for got my hotmail pass can u guys hlp me20:08
kristalhotmail is awful20:09
jacob_i am on liunxs mint 1420:09
jacob_pix in ther i cant never get back meen a lot to me20:09
BluesKaj!mint > jacob_20:10
ubottujacob_, please see my private message20:10
jacob__waz good room20:15
=== anonymous is now known as Guest39673
=== enrique is now known as Guest65921
tapoutHow can I enable doubleclicking as 'copy' in konsole?  In putty, i can double click or even highlight stuff and it instnatly copys.. i don't have to right click and hit copy20:53
geniitapout: Not sure about doubleclick. But if you go Settings...Edit current profile...tab entitled Mouse ... you can choose there to have anything selected automatically be copiedby checking off Copy on Select20:58
=== AhornAlzheimer is now known as TheBlindGuardian
=== TheBlindGuardian is now known as AhornAlzheimer
=== soul is now known as Guest41742
kristalHmm, how do i tell the panel to only show windows on my current desktop...21:45
kristalfound it21:47
kristalSo if I go panel options, add widget, then click activities... it crashes21:52
holffalguen sabe como remover o kubuntu e deixa como anterior ubunutu22:21
jackubottu: es22:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:21
rodniceDoes anyone know how I would image my Kubuntu 13 system?23:07
jackrodnice, use dd for example23:10
rodnicejack: dd?23:27
rodniceDoes anyone know how I would image my Kubuntu 13 system?23:28
jackrodnice, man dd23:37
jackcopies block-devices to files if you want23:38
rodniceoh OK23:45
rodnicejack: thank you, however I'm new to all this23:45
rodnicejack: how would I activate this dd?23:46
rodnicejack: (coincidentally, I'm sitting in a Dunkin Donuts)23:46
rodnicejack: sorry, "man dd" ok23:48
jackrodnice: it should be installed already23:48
rodnicejack: Thanks. I'll research it.23:49
jackdunk a donut for me, plz23:49
* jack = hungry now23:50
rodnicejack: lol I don't touch the stuff... only here for their free internet23:50
* rodnice still hungry23:50
jacki see23:50
jackjust had 2 cranberry-jelly-filled donuts from mcd23:51
jackbut damn i want more :P23:52
rodnicejack: America Dies on Dunkin :-)23:52
rodnicejack: is there an imaging GUI?23:52
jacknone i know of23:52
rodnicejack: dd is too advanced for my lack of expertise23:53
rodnicejack: I'm scared of screwing up with command line typos23:53
jackmaybe k3b can create images23:53
jacknot sure there23:53
jackor any similar app, brasero or so23:54
jackor xfburn23:54

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