
AskUbuntusimple frontend with qml (for n2n client) | http://askubuntu.com/q/35428006:04
mefriohi guys...how do I install content-hub API? I installed content-hub package but while importing "Ubuntu.Content 0.1" in my app it says that this module does not exist08:05
AskUbuntuRadio player based on Gnome MPlayer | http://askubuntu.com/q/35435311:28
timppaHi, is there any way to get heading and speed from GPS along with position?11:42
timppaor do i need to calculate it from elapsed time and change of coordinates?11:44
mefriois there anybody with an Ubuntu phone available for testing?12:58
GuidoPallemansjkeyes0: any progression? I haven't seen rottinrob pushing to his trunk, don't know how far he is13:09
jkeyes0GuidoPallemans: no progression on my end. I've been down sick for the last few days.14:18
GuidoPallemanstoo bad, take care of yourself!14:19
mefriothat new content-hub is so nice! :) it only needs some documentation16:16
narekbhey people16:30
narekbthe Evernote team announcement is not on the developers page16:30
narekbdoes that mean the development has already started?16:30
mefriobeuno, hey :)16:32
mefriobeuno, my app can finally land in the click store :)16:32
GuidoPallemansnarekb: development research has started this week: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-commons/+spec/reminders-app-development16:39
narekbGuidoPallemans, thanks17:01
NoskcajIs there a guide anywhere for converting gtk 2.16 to 2.24?21:25

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