
dakerUbuntu has been #1 on Hacker News for less than one hour https://news.ycombinator.com, the result Canonical blog is down http://blog.canonical.com/2013/10/01/ubuntu-pre-installed-and-in-retail-worldwide/11:14
josedaker: did you get any response from IS?13:21
dakerjose: no13:21
josehmm, weird13:21
bkerensadaker: HN crashed Canonical blog wat... That is not even a lot of traffic :P13:22
dakerbkerensa: well not sure if HN is the cause :)13:23
josepoint is it's down :P13:23
bkerensadaker: so much for uptime monitoring :)13:24
* jose leaves for school13:26
dakerjose: ah school o.O, it's sunday13:28
bkerensadaker: looks more like the database is not scaling well13:29
dakerbkerensa: it's a db connection error13:30
dakerbkerensa: now the server doesn't reply at all13:30
bkerensadaker: yeah its erroring like that because there are too many concurrent database connections13:31
josedaker: yeah, I'm my school's press, so free days don't exist for me13:31
smartboyhw(Even our school's press gets Sundays off at home working-.-)13:32
dakerjose: i see good luck :)13:32
josethanks :)13:33
popeydaker: IS know about it14:06
dakerpopey: ok14:07
popeydaker: i wouldn't assume that the HN traffic killed it14:11
popeyunfortunate timing though14:12
dakerpopey: yes you are right14:12
dakerthat's what i said to bkerensa14:12
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d
=== C0nfus3d is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== toddyhb is now known as toddy

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