
Laneydarkxst: can't you check DESKTOP_SESSION too in on_shell_* instead of using this different address?10:34
Laneybut yay, testing10:35
Laneyalso it makes the on_unity_* names a bit wrong :-)10:36
mlankhorsthm I've been on a windmill again saturday, was fun :)14:12
mlankhorstI'm thinking of signing up for apprentice miller14:20
Laneydarkxst: works, btw14:52
Laneymlankhorst: doing actual milling?14:52
mlankhorstyeah, in this case on a water mill though, so just pumping water from a lower place to a higher :P but there are other types too, oil mill, grain mill14:52
mlankhorstand 2 more14:52
Laneyforget software development eh15:11
mlankhorstboth are important :)15:13
mlankhorstI enjoy my work, I enjoy working on nouveau, sometimes I still enjoy working on wine, and I have some other stuff I enjoy.15:16
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