
maxbsolirc: The *source* package is named haskell-cabal-install, the *binary* package is named cabal-install00:07
maxbI'm not sure what the specific reason might be in this case, but in general source packages each generate one or more binary packages, and names can be different00:10
solircmaxb: ok, thanks for the explanation00:12
tumbleweedsolirc: $ apt-cache show cabal-install | head -207:04
tumbleweedPackage: cabal-install07:04
tumbleweedSource: haskell-cabal-install07:04
tumbleweedthe binary cabal-install package comes from the haskell-cabal-install source package07:04
solirctumbleweed: That is interesting!08:02
solircI was under the impression that `aptitude show` is functionally equivalent to `apt-cache show`.08:02
tumbleweedit is08:03
solircwell, today I learned it's not08:03
tumbleweedok, yes, slightly less information08:03
solirce.g. it does not include the "Source: .." for me08:03
solircI somehow switched to use aptitude for everything a couple of year ago08:04
solircbut maybe I'll go back08:04
solirctumbleweed: Thanks a lot for pointing this out.  Very useful! :)08:04
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