
=== deathcrawler is now known as LockeAnarchist
p8triotcan UT only be installed using Ubuntu Desktop??00:36
p8triotcan UT only be installed using Ubuntu Desktop??00:36
elcanopenerhey, I am just now trying to play with the developer preview, but I'm getting an error when I try and check out with phablet-dev-bootstrap01:43
elcanopeneranyone having a similar problem? "gpg: Signature made Tue 01 Oct 2013 09:44:27 AM PDT using RSA key ID 692B382C gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found error: could not verify the tag 'v1.12.4'"01:44
Anonynimityif a manufacturer states: "This product uses the open-source Android™ platform. Huawei Device USA. has01:44
Anonynimitymade necessary changes to the platform. Therefore, this product may not support01:44
Anonynimityall the functions that are supported by the standard Android platform or may be incompatible with third-party software. Huawei Device USA. shall not be liable for any of such situation" does this mean that the device will work with google's AOSP?01:44
nhainesAnonynimity: yes, that's what "this product uses the open-source Android platform" means.  They may have added additional necessary drivers, though.02:04
Anonynimityok nhaines, so if I get the AOSP source, I can use it, make changes to the kernel, and port in my device?02:16
robbyfyoutube not work?02:19
nhainesAnonynimity: yes, probably.02:44
Anonynimitycool, thanks for the info nhaines.02:48
nhainesAnonynimity: good luck.  :)02:54
Anonynimitythanks.... trying to figure out if I need the generic branch for arm devices, or not....02:54
Anonynimitywhat did they use for the huawei ascend nhaines?02:55
Anonynimityany idea?02:55
JasonFeliceOK, how do I start SSH for ubuntu-system?  Wiki seems out of date.02:57
Anonynimitywhat ubuntu version are you trying to start ssh on?03:03
JasonFeliceWhatever phablet-flash just installed today.03:05
nhainesAnonynimity: sorry, I don't know.03:11
Anonynimityalright which device do you have03:11
Anonynimityand also, which commands did you give phablet-flash?03:12
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
nhainesAnonynimity: I have a Galaxy Nexus (maguro).  So it ends up being 'phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b'03:17
Anonynimityokay, but since I'm doing a port, I have to do the manual way, correct?03:18
nhainesYes, once it's built.  :)03:19
=== anders3408 is now known as anders3408|afk
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Sathlo guys05:00
Sati hav got some problem in installing ubuntu touch05:00
Satplz help05:00
Sathlo any1here05:01
robbyfwhats up05:03
robbyfask your question05:03
Sati was trying to install ubuntu on my tab 2 but i did not got same options as per metioned05:03
robbyfthat device I don't know how to install on05:04
robbyfyou might need to follow the devs instructions05:04
Sati foolowed instructions step by step05:05
Satbut failed05:05
robbyfyou'll probably need to contact them.05:05
Satk thanx05:06
robbyfsorry, but maybe there here05:06
Satcan i know who05:06
robbyfcheck on the wiki page under devices05:07
Satnone of developer of tab 2 is here05:11
Sati hav also posted a ques here is its link05:12
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch on Galaxy Tab 2 tablet | http://askubuntu.com/q/35414105:50
ubuntu-touch-newAnyone here?07:09
wilee-nileeubuntu-touch-new, this is support, so if you have an issue state it.07:12
GavMickeyI'm trying to use hostapd to put my wlan0 interface into AP mode but it's saying it can't. Normally that means the hardware doesn't support AP mode but I know it does (nexus 4 btw) as I managed it in an earlier build. Any ideas as to why this might happen?07:19
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
GavMickeyGood news! I have hotspot working on my nexus 4 running the latest nightly build. And it's pretty fucking fast as well. I'll polish it up over the next couple of days and upload it to launchpad08:46
Anonynimityhello again.08:46
Anonynimityso, I have the AOSP downloaded.08:46
Anonynimitymy device isn't asus, google, lge, samsung, or ti, that leaves 3 possible options: generic, common, and sample. (under device)08:47
Anonynimitywhich would you say has the kernel in it?08:47
=== soul is now known as Guest75459
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
Satkalrahlo guys09:26
Satkalrai am stuck in installing ubuntu touch09:27
Satkalraplz help09:27
Satkalrahey any1 here09:27
Satkalrahlo any1 tab2 expert here09:28
Satkalrai m stuck in installing ubuntu touch in tab 209:29
Satkalrahlo any109:30
smartboyhwSatkalra, which screen size does your tab 2 have?09:34
Satkalra7 inch09:39
smartboyhwSatkalra, what's the problem that you are currently encountering?09:41
SatkalraI was trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Galaxy Tab 2 tablet. But while recover mode, but the options I got were not same options as mentioned in the instructions. I got the following options:  • Reboot now • Apply update from SD card • Wipe data/factory reset • Wipe cache partition • Apply update from cache  What should I do now?09:45
smartboyhwSatkalra, I think I do see "Wipe data/factory reset" in the instructions09:45
smartboyhwSatkalra, er wait09:46
smartboyhwDo you have your Tab 2 1. Rooted 2. Running on CWM recovery 3. Running CM 10.1?09:47
Satkalrayes its rooted09:48
smartboyhwSatkalra, how about the other 2 prerequisities? (CWM recovery+ CM rom)09:49
smartboyhwSatkalra, :O09:50
Satkalraactually i checked other to no09:52
smartboyhwSatkalra, em, please install these two09:53
smartboyhwMentioned in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=224666209:53
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch, install GUI | http://askubuntu.com/q/35433910:40
Paddy_NIHey I would like to take Ubuntu Touch for a spin on my Nexus 7 WiFi (2012) model, Should I use a daily build or what is recommended?11:04
Paddy_NIIf I want to be running the development release that will become the October 14th release which channel do I need to use with phablet-flash?11:36
Coletz95someone can help me? My Nexus 4 is stuck on the "Google" screen after adb reboot recovery after the push of the first "autodeploy.zip"11:40
torontoyesIs there a port for Galaxy note 2 sgh-i317m?11:47
Paddy_NIIs there any one actually providing any level of support here?11:49
Paddy_NII am not being funny I am genuinely asking?11:49
Paddy_NItorontoyes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:50
Paddy_NItorontoyes: Galaxy Note 2 is listed as having unofficial support11:51
torontoyesPaddy_NI: Thank you.11:51
Paddy_NItorontoyes: No problem :-)11:52
torontoyesPaddy_NI: has anyone installed and provided a review.  I know its in the early stages, and I"m reading the wiki for porting it now..11:52
torontoyesjust wanted to know if its fully functional and what's missing11:53
Paddy_NItorontoyes: Its listed in the section that says "Working, but not available from cdimage.ubuntu.com"11:53
Paddy_NII take that as it should be fully working based on the section below titled "Work in progress"11:54
Paddy_NIHowever I could be wrong11:54
Paddy_NItorontoyes: I am not sure how old this is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTmo6hCktDE11:54
Paddy_NIWhat is the default password (sudo) for Ubuntu Touch?12:36
timppaDoes someone know if there is a way to prevent ubuntu touch for going to sleep on a program? (QML)12:41
timppafor == from12:41
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timppaPaddy_NI: phablet12:46
Paddy_NIlol I thought that12:47
kumikumithe images at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ don't seem to be updated any more... I wonder if the images found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/ will work the same way?13:46
kumikumi(I have a samsung galaxy tab2 7.0) and the instructions were for the touch-preview versions. so can I just use a newer saucy salamander image instead?13:47
Satkalrahi guys13:59
SatkalraI was trying to install Ubuntu Touch on my Galaxy Tab 2 tablet. But while recover mode, but the options I got were not same options as mentioned in the instructions. I got the following options:  • Reboot now • Apply update from SD card • Wipe data/factory reset • Wipe cache partition • Apply update from cache  What should I do now?13:59
Satkalrathis is my prob13:59
Satkalrathe tab is rooted13:59
kumikumiyou have the same tablet as I have? I did that just an hour ago14:00
Satkalrawere u successful14:00
kumikumisomewhat. Still couldn't get anything on the screen14:00
kumikumibut let's see14:00
kumikumiwhen you boot into recovery, what does it say on the top?14:00
kumikumiI believe you should have "clockwork mod recovery"14:01
Satkalrajust a min checking14:01
Satkalrano its Android system recovery14:03
Satkalrai ll be back in amin14:03
kumikumithe original samsung software will automatically wipe the clockwork recovery on boot14:04
kumikumitherefore, after installing clockwork, you must boot straight into recovery mode14:04
kumikumiSatkalra: http://thepoch.com/tumblr/cyanogenmod-on-galaxy-tab-2-p3110.html the part at the end explains how to boot your device into recovery mode after odin/download mode14:05
kumikumiI believe I have installed the latest saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip but when I boot, screen stays black.14:11
=== anders3408|afk is now known as anders3408
kumikumiSatkalra: tell me how it turns out, will ya? If you manage to get something working, please tell me which image works14:17
Satkalrak i ll the work is in process14:19
kumikumianyone else on the channel who would like to give some input?14:26
Satkalraits not working14:33
Satkalrait is wor p311014:33
Satkalrai hav p310014:33
kumikumibut the instructions are more or less the same14:35
Satkalrakumikumi its not working14:35
kumikumiof course, you use a different device-specific file14:35
Satkalraso any other idea14:35
kumikumiSatkalra: did you manage to boot into clockworkmod?14:37
Satkalraif i would have done it the whole prob would be over14:37
kumikumior that's what you think anyway ;)14:37
kumikumianyway, let's get your clockwork working14:38
kumikumidid you try flashing it with heimdall?14:39
kumikumiare you doing this on ubuntu?14:39
kumikumiif this failed, what was/were the error messages?14:39
Satkalranothing happened14:40
Satkalraas per instruction i did every thing14:40
kumikumiplease be more specific, which step failed?14:40
Satkalrathe installing of a software/driver named heimdal14:42
Satkalraor something14:42
kumikumiSatkalra: this page has latest release http://www.glassechidna.com.au/products/heimdall/14:43
kumikumiassuming you have 64-bit ubuntu 13.04, you'll want to download ubuntu13.04-heimdall_1.4.0-0_amd64.deb14:44
Satkalragot something14:46
kumikumiafter installation, you will be able to use it from the command line14:46
Satkalrafrom xda14:46
Satkalrahre is the link14:47
kumikumiI don't think that's a good one14:48
kumikumithe one that I posted was better because it uses heimdall14:48
kumikumiOdin is some leaked samsung software that requires windows14:48
kumikumiSatkalra: get back to this link: http://thepoch.com/tumblr/cyanogenmod-on-galaxy-tab-2-p3110.html and follow the "Steps to install"14:49
Satkalrai m on14:50
kumikuminote: you don't need any "Samsung USB Drivers" if you're doing this on ubuntu14:50
Satkalraactuall i m usingwindows now14:50
kumikumialright, then that's probably a bit different process14:50
kumikumibut I guess those instructions should work anyway14:51
Satkalrathanx 4 help14:55
kumikumibut remember14:55
Satkalrawill u be online 2maro14:55
kumikumiI still haven't managed to get ubuntu itself working14:55
kumikuminot sure14:56
kumikumiyou can try sending me a private message on IRC14:56
Satkalraif yes i ll meet u 2maro14:56
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
kumikumiis there really no-one else on this channel?15:37
vincentboschHello, I own a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 3 2014 edition since yesterday, and I would like to know if I can put Ubuntu Touch on it, or maybe I can help porting/testing?17:51
PIXiHi. Can I get some help with ubuntu-touch on grouper?18:01
vincentboschAnd some help getting it to run on the new PM-600?18:12
PIXiaudio mixer?18:14
OrokuSakiAnyone been getting BAD_CONTEXT with SurfaceFlinger and EGL with Adreno 220?18:17
OrokuSakiI can't seem to do 3d hardware acceleration18:17
AskUbuntuCan't boot into Ubuntu Touch on Nexus 7 (grouper) | http://askubuntu.com/q/35451218:40
dmobley88why would phablet-bootstrap /home/(user)/fusion2/bootstrap delete stuff downloaded from the AOSP?19:21
tux112hi there. Can anyone tell me, if there is a kind of deadline when images of ubuntu-touch will be officially released for other devices than the nexus gadgeds?19:31
dmobley88tux112, if you give me all of your money, I can tell you.19:34
dmobley88lol, jk19:34
dmobley88I have no idea tux112, but I am working on a port for the fusion 219:34
cjohnstontux112: AFAIK there isn't a plan for it19:35
dmobley88cjohnston: any idea why phablet-bootstrap would cause some files in AOSP to be deleted?19:36
tux112hmm ok thx, just thougt about buying  a new smartphone that is compatible with ubuntu-touch in near future19:36
dmobley88babababababab bbbbird's the word19:38
dmobley88babababa bababababird's the word19:38
=== dmobley88 is now known as Anonynimity
Anonynimitywhy would phablet-bootstrap /home/(user)/fusion2/bootstrap delete stuff downloaded from the AOSP?19:39
robeepalHi! I dont know exactly if I am in the right chat, but i have a question about Ubuntu OS for Phones, I want to know if my Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9100 is it compatible and stable with my phone ?! Thank you19:57
cjohnstonrobeepal: check the wiki to see if there is a community port available19:58
robeepalcjohnston : thank you20:02
gsw33dsombody test unbuntu on note 2?20:22
=== testing is now known as bob123
bob123anyone here20:48
popeybob123: ya20:50
bob123ok here is my idea20:51
bob123ubuntu touch phones need an app where you can scan a qr code to get someone's torchat/bitmessage id20:51
bob123hasnt been done before, but that would be sooo cool20:52
popeywe're missing a general qrcode app20:52
popeywell, something that can take qrcodes and dispatch them to the right service20:53
bob123well im a developer, and i might be convinced to give up some of my spare time to help20:54
bob123is anyone organizing it?20:54
popeynot that I'm aware of currently20:54
popeythere's an html5 cordova sample qrcode app on the website20:54
bob123i just want a phone where its dead easy to setup secure comms with anyone20:55
popeythere's a torchat plugin for one of the popular messaging apps - empathy i think20:56
popeyI agree though in general20:56
popeyI'd love to see a secure chat client which was easy to use20:56
popeyand I think ubuntu phone is a logical place for that to debut20:56
bob123ok and someone has already made a mobile-friendly version of empathy20:57
popeywell the libraries are certainly available in the repo, dunno about the frontend20:58
popeybe surprised if there wasn't something qt-ish from n9/n90020:58
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
bob123popey are you a canonical employee ?21:04
AmEvAnyone able to use a CM10 base for this, instead of a CM10.1? I'd love to port it myself, but my Internet connection is so slow and spotty, that I currently can't do it.21:08
AmEvMy Toshiba Thrive's main CM developer had his Thrive's eMMC die on him, and he had to sell it anyways...21:09
iBotPeachesAmEv: CM10 was never official, they went straight to 10.121:09
iBotPeachesI mean "stable-official"21:09
iBotPeachesit was obviously official21:09
AmEvReason I ask is because CM10 on it is beautiful, but CM10.1 is a bit of a joke.21:10
iBotPeachesYou can't really "port" ubuntu. You need sources, so either way you are going to need to download the source of CM21:10
iBotPeacheswhich if your internet sucks, I would invest in better internet21:11
AmEvI have never gotten Wi-Fi to work in it. Apparently, though, it was he was going from bcm4329.ko to bcmdhd.21:11
iBotPeachesor just use -j1 and keep the threads down to 121:11
AmEvHmmm... After a couple weeks of downloading UTouch Android bits, it's almost on my machine.21:12
AmEvOff-and-on.... (Shouldn't complain about semi-personal problems online....)21:13
AmEvStill, to troubleshoot the latest build and the permission errors that're coming up.... In the meantime....21:16
popeybob123: yes21:16
AmEvLooks like I'm now becoming the Toshiba Thrive maintaniner (for now...(21:16
bob123i dont suppose you know if they are hiring specifically to work on touch ?21:17
AmEvHmmmm... Does UTouch have hardware rotation switch support?21:17
AmEvThen again, I suppose I should be glad that a once-3.1 device is running 4.1?21:20
AmEvHowever, I do have one quick question: Is there a way to get normal Ubuntu installed using this somehow? I'd love to run X apps on my tablet.21:30
OrokuSakiAnyone able to play videos with the new gstreamer? On non supported ubuntu touch devices?? ie mako, maguro, etc?21:32
OrokuSakiI was able to play videos before... now.. black screen with audio21:33
OrokuSaki@AmEv If you have a Adreno check out FreeDreno21:34
OrokuSakibut.. no21:34
AmEvBummer. Seems that the Thrive was one of the few Tegra 2 devices that *didn't* get Ubuntu and X working on it.21:35
AmEvWell, I *may* have gotten it to boot, but without ADB access, I couldn't tell!21:35
AmEvStill, I've gotten UTouch booted right now on my Thrive, but no GUI.21:36
OrokuSakiForget how I did that with the touchpad21:36
OrokuSakiIt was...not fun21:37
OrokuSakiI have to use gnome failsafe mode21:37
OrokuSakino unity21:37
OrokuSakiwith normal ubuntu 13.0421:37
AmEvWoooo.... Lots of errors in the logs...21:37
AmEvHmmmm... Now, to find which error is causing no GUI....21:42
XainProhi all22:14
XainProi have one question if anyone can answer22:15
thomiXainPro: ask your question, and hopefully someone will get back to you22:23
XainPro:) What's the name of the new OS ubuntu is going to develop for mobile phones  1)Ubuntu Touch 2)Ubuntu Phone   ?22:24
wernkebmjust have a quick question. i have the nexus four and am extremely excited for october 17th. if i flash the current test build, when the full release comes out, will i be able to 'sudo apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-uograde' it?22:51
OrokuSakiI think I finally got my BAD_CONTEXT to go away with EGL and SurfaceFlinger23:18
OrokuSakiI had to add 3 files to my cm.zip23:19
OrokuSakilibOPENSLES.so libOpenVG.so libOPENMAXAL.so23:19

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