
reisioAnAlien: if you're installing from it, you may as well try uefi first00:00
AnAlienOk im trying uefi00:00
AnAlienOk it worked00:00
AnAlienIm loading into Ubuntu now00:00
mrrcphappy dance00:01
DwarfAnAlien: remember to take a screenshot of the advanced screen00:01
AnAlienOk let me get this up on the laptop00:01
=== alpha is now known as escapereality
loawhen files from /etc/cron.daily  runs?00:05
AnAlienim here00:05
TravelianHello there.00:05
loai understand that everyday, but when exactly00:05
AnAliencan i haz links to the photos sites again?00:05
TravelianI'm having some problems with youtube playback.00:05
loalooks like it is random or so?00:05
TravelianI have a GM45 mobile integrated graphic.00:05
TravelianI also use Chrome latest version.00:06
TravelianYet I am not able to reproduce nicely a 480p on youtube.00:06
AnAliendwarf the photo site?00:06
TravelianHitting on stats it seems it accelerates on hardware, but decoding is on software.00:06
TravelianI also installed Intel's drivers for linux from here: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads00:06
TravelianI am running Ubuntu 13.04.00:07
AnAlienok signing in00:07
TravelianAny idea?00:08
AnAlienscrene shot of two options00:08
AnAlienwhich one?00:08
AnAlienwhen i clicked the advanced thingy the world starter to end00:09
DwarfThe sandisk is the USB drive you're using to install00:09
DwarfSo use SDA 500GB ATA Hitachi00:09
DwarfChoose advanced tho00:09
AnAlienwait how cmon there no work spaces?00:09
AnAliendoes 13.04 have no work space switchers?00:10
DwarfAnAlien: focus00:10
AnAlienok works00:10
DwarfAight get me a screenshot of the advanced screen and i'll know if it's the one that I think it is00:11
PolytonicI'm on 12.04 LTS.  Is there any way to download a single, specific 13.xx package (i.e. upgrade the one that comes in the 12.04 repository)?00:11
xyzonePolytonic, odds are they won't work00:11
reisioPolytonic: odds are it will want many updated deps, but not necessarily00:11
Polytonicxyzone, they're just the OpenCL headers.  I need them for linking.00:12
loadid_czechPolytonic: maybe if you edit the sources.list to the 13.xx repositories and update & install it would install.  probably wouldn't work though00:12
TJ-Polytonic: You can install isolated debian packages (.deb files) but you may hit what we call dependency-hell if it depends on newer versions of other installed packages, which in turn depend on other newer packages, etc.00:14
PolytonicTJ-, the package in question is here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=opencl-headers00:14
PolytonicIt's literally just a bunch of headers.00:14
Travelianhow do I make sure I'm using the correct video driver?00:14
TJ-Polytonic: Look at the precise-backports archive in case a later version is available there, or maybe investigate the package being available by a reputable PPA00:14
DwarfOh wow ubuntu's installer is a mess00:14
AnAlieni clcik ur link and install stuf?00:14
AnAlienbefore i do does ubuntu 13.04 have the 4 differnt workspaces?00:15
AnAliencause thats one of the reasons i like ubuntu because of those 4 little workspaces00:15
AnAlienif it doesnt ima abort and install 12.0400:15
DwarfAnAlien: You can always install MATE afterwards00:16
AnAlienso i should install what from that link?00:16
TJ-Polytonic: You could just download the .deb then, from the archives by clicking on the "All" Architecture link00:16
DwarfWhat link00:16
Dwarfthat has absolutely nothing to do with you00:17
TJ-AnAlien: Yes, it has the workspace switcher with 4 desktops00:17
sealbhachPolytonic, you could try sudo dpkg -i --force-all *.deb to override all objections.00:17
PolytonicTJ-, I'll give that a shot.  I don't suppose there's a way to always pull in the latest then, is there?  (this is hooking into a Travis script)00:17
DwarfAnyway, what you want to do is remove all partitions from SDA, then create one partition that is EXT400:17
DwarfAnd install it on that newly created partition00:18
DwarfDo not touch SDB00:18
TJ-Polytonic: safest not to, unless you want to write a small shell script to monitor the links to spot a newer version as a cron job!00:18
AnAlienwait how od i do that?00:18
PolytonicHmm.  I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/precise-backports/+bug/924213 so somebody else clearly wants it back ported.  :/00:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 924213 in Precise Backports "Please backport khronos-opencl-headers 1.2-2012.04.18-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New]00:19
TravelianAnyone has any idea about the poor performance I got on youtube on Ubuntu 13.04?00:20
TravelianIt's horribe.00:20
DwarfAnAlien: Just select the partition and press the - button00:20
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AnAlienso im sellecting /dev/sda00:20
AnAlienand clicking revert00:20
fellayaboyim seeing some make files that have $(CC)  and $(RM)  where are these variables hidden..im looking at env but dont see this variables00:21
PolytonicThanks for the suggestions TJ-, loadid_czech00:21
AnAlienso thats what im doing right?00:21
isashaI'm having a bit of an issue with notify-osd00:22
AnAlienone sec00:22
DwarfIt's the button on the left00:22
DwarfThe minus button00:22
isashaI tried using notifyusdconfig to edit the timeout of notifications, but they are still 10 seconds long :/00:22
AnAlienso thats not it00:23
DwarfAnAlien: just click /dev/sda1-6 and remove them until all you have left is "free space"00:23
AnAliensure im doing that00:24
AnAlienok heres a screen shot00:25
AnAlienone sec00:25
sealbhachAnAlien: I strongly recommend having a separate  root / and /home partition. Very useful for upgrading later.00:25
AnAlienok how i do that?00:26
AnAlienthe screne shot just keeps saying loading00:26
AnAlienor pending00:26
AnAlienit wont upload00:27
sealbhachAnAlien: you would need to think about how you want to allocate the space, research on Google a little00:27
AnAlienidk what that means00:28
sealbhachAnAlien: Don't worry, it's not essential, just a suggestion00:28
Dwarfsealbhach: I think it's better for him to get familiar with partitioning first before doing such things00:28
mrrcpAnAlien: how big is your hard drive?00:29
AnAlien500 gb00:29
AnAlienat least it should be00:29
AnAlienthis is an asus00:29
DwarfIt's 500GB00:29
mrrcpok so put 50GB to your core and the other to your /home00:30
mrrcpor something like that00:30
DwarfThat'd be 50 GB for /, set the BOOT flag00:31
DwarfPrimary partition00:31
AnAlienok screen shot up one sec00:31
DwarfAlright click "free space"00:31
DwarfThen the + icon00:32
DwarfThen make a 50GB partition, select / as mount point00:32
DwarfAnd make it a primary partition, and make it bootable00:32
AnAlienok its in MBs00:32
AnAlienhow many mbs?00:32
mrrcpo god00:33
Dwarf= 50 GB00:33
SchrodingersScatAnAlien: wolfram alpha does all my math for me00:33
Dwarf1024 * 50  = 5120000:33
reisioAnAlien: SchrodingersScat does all my math for me00:33
AnAlienok one sec almost there00:34
sealbhachFormat as ext4?00:35
Dwarfyea EXT4 is good00:36
AnAliennow clcik ok?00:36
DwarfMount point has to be /00:36
wilee-nileeSo I have a smart tv, I have minidlna working with home and, video, but can't get it to read an external usb HD, not sure the pathway.00:36
PolytonicTJ-, would maybe apt pinning work?  Or perhaps including -t in apt-get and specifying saucy?00:36
AnAlienthere no mount point options00:37
AnAlienshould i write it out?00:37
zangaBoa Noite00:37
AnAlienwait nvr mnd00:37
hesaplayicihi guys00:37
AnAlienok i got the / after mount point00:37
hesaplayiciwhere can i check which wifi driver currently im using ?00:37
zangatenho que emcomtrar o jeito para ligar con lost00:38
Dwarfhesaplayici: lsmod00:38
AnAlienok http://i.imgur.com/wv6t3k5.png00:38
AnAlienok now?00:38
AnAlienClick ok*00:39
DwarfLooks good, AnAlien, now create a second partition with the remaining space, and put /home as mountpoint.00:39
AnAlienwhich would be?00:39
AnAlienclick free space +, then what?00:40
DwarfJust select "free space" again00:40
hesaplayiciso can i ask which driver is good for broadcom wireless ?00:40
AnAlienok i did00:40
DwarfThen just click the + next to size00:40
hesaplayicista one or the brcsmac one00:40
Dwarfuntil it won't go any further00:40
reisiohesaplayici: what's the device?00:40
hesaplayicibcm4313 - dell N501000:41
Dwarftype should be primary, location should be the beginning, use as should be EXT4, mount point should be /home00:41
AnAlienwait nvr mnd00:41
fudusAnAlien: I suppose just using the defaults is too easy? :P00:41
AnAlienit stuck at one00:41
DwarfThat shouldn't happen00:42
DwarfStinking ubuntu with it's ubuntu crap00:42
mrrcphey where can i see my inboun logs?00:42
mrrcpinbound log00:42
DwarfGive me the debian installer any day00:42
AnAlienscreen shot00:42
mrrcpsee who or what is accessing my server00:42
reisiohesaplayici: there's one called 'b43' :p00:42
reisiowhich oddly doesn't support it, ha00:42
hesaplayicias i see, its not for my model00:43
Dwarfmrrcp: tcpdump -i eth0 -vvnn port 22 and not dst your_ip and not src your_ip -w ssh_traffic00:43
reisiohesaplayici: wireless.kernel.org says wl or brcm8021100:43
AnAlienint the pic the + is filled in00:43
fudushttp://askubuntu.com/questions/232049/wireless-problems-with-broadcom-bcm4313 help any?00:43
AnAlienon my pc its not00:43
wilee-nilee So I have a smart tv, I have minidlna working with home and, video, but can't get it to read an external usb HD, not sure the pathway.00:43
reisiodon't cross post00:44
AnAlienwait did i click the wrong free space?00:44
DwarfAnAlien: Try putting 460800 and pressing the + button00:44
DwarfYou have one of 1MB (don't even ask me why), and one of 450~GB00:45
hesaplayiciim totally noob, so how you guys sending these PM's ?00:45
fudusbroadcom guy: this one has a green mark for it working, it might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/316072/broadcom-bcm4313-on-13-0400:45
AnAlienthe one selected is the one i used http://i.imgur.com/lPN2qvt.png00:46
AnAlienclciked plus on*00:46
DwarfYea that's the 1MB one lol00:46
hesaplayicithanks reisio and fudus00:46
DwarfClick the other one ;)00:46
hesaplayicii got the idea00:46
AnAlienok then what other options?00:47
AnAlienthe same as the other?00:47
DwarfPretty much00:47
DwarfBut the mount point should be /home00:47
fudusAnAlien: may I ask why you don't use the default part plan?00:48
AnAlienso this is right? http://i.imgur.com/JNVlLfr.png00:48
DwarfNo, the mount point should be /home00:48
fudusit seems to be a blank HD so the defaults should work fine00:48
AnAlienso this:00:49
AnAlienthats right?00:50
DwarfI approve00:50
AnAlienok clciked ok00:50
cvtsxbreaking news USA military strikes in Libya and Somalia (special forces on the ground)00:50
AnAlieninstall now?00:50
DwarfAlright, can you get me a last screenshot of the current window before moving on?00:50
cvtsxyes install00:50
AnAlienscreen shotting00:51
Dwarfcvtsx: keep your offtopic out of here, and do not interfere00:51
DwarfLooks good, AnAlien00:52
sealbhachWhat about swap00:52
AnAlienclicking install.00:52
AnAlienwhat about swap?00:52
DwarfNo need for swap if you have 4GB+ RMA00:52
AnAlieni have 4GB00:52
sealbhachLOL, that's good. Looking good AnAlien00:53
DwarfNo need for swap then00:53
gulag2013Any idea why i get Canonical at the end of my Duckduckgo search queries?00:53
rypervencheAnAlien: You want swap.00:53
DwarfNobody wants swap00:53
AnAlienwhy? whats that?00:53
DwarfI have swap and I never use it.00:53
pfifois there a way to force an app to use a certian pid? Id like my screen to run on pid 1000,2000,3000 etc so that I can reattach easily00:53
sealbhachYou can have an app go nuts and fill up RAM I suppose.00:53
DwarfThat's a doomsday scenario00:54
rypervencheBut a real scenario.00:54
bwayneswap is also used to hibernate, if you care for it.00:54
AnAlienwhat is swap?00:54
DwarfIf it fills up your RAM it will fill up your swap just as easily00:54
pfifoif you have an app thats filling up the ram then hopefully you dont have swap00:54
rypervencheYou'll also want it for hibernation00:54
AnAliencan i install it latter if it turns out i need it?00:54
bwayneif you want to hibernate, then swap should probably be just as large as your RAM.00:54
AnAliendo want a link to my computer?00:55
bwayneAnAlien: yes. you'll have to create the partition and add it to fstab. not complicated, though. so don't let that scare you off.00:55
rypervencheAnAlien: Just make your swap 4G00:55
AnAlienok so if i need it ill install it later ok?00:56
bwayneAnAlien: yes.00:56
AnAlienok so here the laptop im using http://www.amazon.com/Asus-UX32A-R3502H-Ultrabook-Processor-Bluetooth/dp/B00BC7DRXC/ref=amtcd_B00863L2MI_B00BC7DRXC00:57
MKCoinWhat does indicator-application-serv handle in 12.04?00:57
bwayneAnAlien: it's all up to you, my friend. :)  some people don't hibernate their computers.00:57
AnAlienand i should click install thne?00:57
AnAlieni do00:57
AnAlieni close it alot00:57
AnAlienheres the *00:57
AnAlienanyway im click install now, now00:58
bwayneAnAlien: do you put your computer to sleep, in which the power stays on and lifting the lid pretty much brings the computer up instantaneously, or do you hibernate, where the computer powers off?00:58
AnAlieni close the lid00:58
sealbhachHibernate is super, should have it; it's easier to create your swap partition now, just reduce your /home partition and create a new swap partition.00:58
AnAlienand open the lid00:58
bwayneAnAlien: like I said, you can always add it later. Go ahead and install. We'll be here to help. :)00:58
AnAlienok thx guys u rock!00:59
sealbhachruh roh00:59
fudusgo back and pick the default partition00:59
sealbhachpfifo had a question00:59
AnAlienwait now its in stalling01:00
fudusyou're using uefi so you need to put a uefi boot partition01:01
fudus(which is set up by the default plan)01:01
AnAlienso i should click back?01:01
AnAlienim picking my laugage and layout not01:01
bwayneAnAlien: yes. if this doesn't work, bc of the uefi boot partition, just choose default. it appears you want a separate /home, which can be done later.01:02
AnAlienso click back01:02
AnAlienand loading01:02
AnAlienand it wont let me go bakc anymore01:02
AnAlienits on date and time01:02
AnAlienand i cant go  back01:02
AnAlienill just conintue01:03
bwayneAnAlien: just relax. :) everything will be ok.01:03
Dwarfbwayne: it currently has 6 windows partitions tho01:03
* bwayne ponders SIX partitions.01:03
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fudushttp://i.imgur.com/Pea38Wf.png it has no other partitions?01:04
AnAlienwhat should i name it?01:04
fuduswhatever you want to call it01:04
AnAlienok im nameing it analien01:05
bwayneDwarf: from the screenshots, he's apparently using all of /dev/sda. Where are you getting 6 windows partitions?01:05
fudushttp://i.imgur.com/oCwanLl.png that shows a blank disk too01:05
Dwarfbwayne: He removed them01:05
Dwarfaltho it hasn't written the changes to disk yet01:05
DwarfAltho I guess that if it's installing now then that's no longer a problem01:06
bwayneDwarf: so it's inconsequential, yes?01:06
DwarfIdk what that word means but seems reasonable yea01:06
bwayneDwarf: we've gone nucular, as W might say. :)01:06
fudushe's committed now anyhow apparently01:06
fudusi hope he didn't want the stuff in windows :P01:06
* bwayne pauses for a moment01:07
fudusor whatever used to be there01:07
Dwarffudus: He didn't01:07
DwarfIt's a new laptop01:08
bwaynewe'll everything will be fine. one way or another, it always is. :)01:08
DwarfIt's just data01:08
Dwarfoh god the flashbacks01:08
Dwarfmy internship assignment01:08
bwayneYou lived without it before; you can live without it again. he hee01:08
DwarfMay it rest in peace01:09
sealbhachsic transit gloria mundi01:09
Titaniumhi, how do I get DNS working on ubuntu01:12
Titaniumadding the nameservers to resolv.conf does not work (i restarted network services)01:12
fudusi suppose it doesn't work in networkmanager either?01:12
TitaniumI cannot use network manager01:13
Titaniumbecause I cannot get DNS working so i cannot update or install software so i cannot continue workign on my video card problem :(01:13
DwarfTitanium: nano /etc/resolv.conf01:13
AnAlienok stuffs still installing01:13
DwarfPut in: nameserver
Titaniumyes, I added nameserver to a line without a #01:14
Titaniumafter that i did sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:14
sealbhachAdd them like this:  prepend domain-name-servers x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y;01:14
DwarfAnAlien his browser crashed01:16
Dwarfhe'll be back in a sec01:16
Titaniumthanks it works now01:16
Titaniumis there any guide to troubleshooting graphics card issues?01:16
fuduswhat gpu do you have?01:16
Titaniumit displays that screen where it lets you know the graphis cannot work01:16
TitaniumW5000, but let me check lspci real quick01:17
Dwarfsealbhach: What's the difference between "domain-name-servers" and "nameserver"01:17
Titaniumyeah w500001:17
Titaniumthe problem was restartign the network ate my ip settings :(01:17
sealbhachNo idea, I think prepend makes the difference, it tries them first01:17
Titaniumnot sure if the different line in resolv helped or not01:18
Titaniumpreviously i would let it update as it installs, but it always hung01:18
fudushave you tried removing fglrx* and going back to defaults?01:19
fudus(sorry if too obvious)01:19
Titaniumno, i never isntalle dit01:20
Titaniumit should have the open source one by default right? (i am on 13.0.4)01:20
fwaokdawhats the command to install the terminal app that comes with ubuntu?01:21
Titaniumhat se is a command if you ahve nowhere to type it ;)01:21
Titaniumwhat use is *01:21
fuduskonsole if kubuntu01:22
fwaokdafudus: thanks01:22
TitaniumBy default Ubuntu will use the open source AMD or Radeon driver for cards manufactured by AMD. Some users however prefer the proprietary fglrx driver for various reasons.01:23
Titaniumi never isntalled fglrx01:23
fudustry installing fglrx then?01:23
fudusor, look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what the error is01:25
pfifoTitanium: is /etc/resolv.conf still a symlink? Delete it and start fresh01:27
Titaniumit has an error, im researching01:27
sealbhachWhat happened AnAlien?01:27
Titaniumis it supposed to take a bunch of work to get unity to show up, or should it 'just work' ?01:30
pfifoif you dont like unity try xubuntu or lubuntu01:31
Titaniumi want a gui of some sort... i dont really care what it is01:32
pfifolubuntu is very fast and lightweight01:32
Titaniumis it normal to just fail and only do cli?01:32
fuduswhat is the errror in the log?01:32
Titaniumfailed to create screen resources01:32
fuduspfifo: xorg itself is failing for him01:32
fudusthe shell doesn't affect01:32
AnAlienstuff f***ed up01:33
Titaniumi have reinstalled like 10 times it always does this :(01:33
AnAlienwhat i did is restarted, cause it said too01:33
fudusTitanium: try installing fglrx-updates and see if that works?01:33
AnAlienbut i forgot to remove the usb drive01:34
AnAlienso waht happened is i clicked install ubuntu, then i relised i didnt remove the usb drive01:34
AnAlienso i shut down01:34
TitaniumshoudL I be doing sudo apt-get install fglrx-updates?01:34
Titaniumit cannot find it01:34
AnAlienand then i restarted01:34
AnAlienbut ubuntu wasnt a boot option01:35
Titaniumi unmounted the virtual media before rebooting01:35
Titaniumywah I had to repair grub every tiem I installe01:35
pfifoAnAlien: sounds like you installed grub onto the USB drive01:35
Titaniumi dont think ubuntu installs grub even if you install to MBR formatted disks01:35
Titaniumat least it doesnt do it right01:35
AnAlienwhats that mean pfifo01:35
pfifoyou put grub into the MBR of the usb disk instead of the MBR of your internal disk01:36
AnAlienwhats the website for the screne shot thingy?01:36
AnAlienill book mark once i et this setup01:37
AnAlienso what do i do?01:39
Titaniumi really hope i can get this working, windows does not support my computer, and BSD jsut plain wont install :(01:39
pfifoAnAlien: No01:40
AnAlienclicked no01:41
AnAlienthats what i though01:41
pfifoAnAlien: didnt you just get finished installing?01:41
AnAlienit didnt work01:41
AnAlieni explained above01:41
pfifoAnAlien: all you have todo is fix your boot loader01:42
AnAlienhow i do that?01:42
AnAlienwhat aye do?01:43
pfifo!grub | AnAlien  check the grub restore link01:44
ubottuAnAlien  check the grub restore link: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:44
boernhey guys i have a problem.. i just installed ubuntu and i came from windows 8.. i have 1 SSD  for system and one HDD for data.. but i cant access my HDD now.. there is an error.. can you help me with this? http://pastebin.com/paE5aRjM01:46
pfifoboern: get windows to fix you filesystem01:47
AnAlienim doing this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:47
boernbut i dont have windows anymore, is there no way to do this in ubuntu?01:48
crassdoes anyone have issues running pidgin in raring?01:48
pfifoboern: mount with the read only flag, backup your data, and then format the partition to something linuxish01:48
crassthe gui won't show up for me01:48
crassI think its minimized in the tray, but the tray icon is not there01:49
AnAlienscanning system with boot repair01:49
pfifocrass: start it from the cli, this might give a useful error message01:49
AnAlienGPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again.01:49
boernso i should install windows again??01:49
crasspfifo: I am, and with the debugging on01:49
crass(20:45:55) docklet: failed to embed within timeout01:49
crass(20:45:55) gtkblist: removed visibility manager: 101:49
crassI'm guessing that's it trying to put itself in the dock01:50
pfifoAnAlien: do you use uEFI instead of BIOS01:50
crassmaybe unity's dock protocol changed01:50
AnAlienshould i use bios?01:50
crassthis was working in precise01:50
AnAliendoes it matter?01:50
pfifoAnAlien: sorry, I cant help you any longer01:51
AnAlienwhat should i do?01:51
pfifoboern: is there anything important on that drive?01:51
Tex_Nick!enter | AnAlien01:51
ubottuAnAlien: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:51
boernnot really01:52
boernmy music collection is on my phone as well01:52
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:52
pfifoboern: format to ext2/4 and start fresh01:52
AnAlienok sorry i didnt know that  Ubottu01:53
boernwhats the best why to format??01:53
pfifoboern: use gparted if you like a gui... otherwise, 'mkfs.ext4' from the command line01:54
boernso ext4 is the right way?01:54
pfifoboern: linux doesnt like windows ntfs format. so using ext is less error prone, and its faster01:55
boernhmm but there are some videos i d like to save from this drive i realize.. is there no way to access the drive?01:55
pfifoboern: yes, like I mentioned, you can mount the drive -->READ ONLY<-- and make a back up01:56
boernbut i have to install windows for this right?01:56
pfifoi stress the read only part01:56
pfifoboern: no01:56
boernoh.. sorry for the stupid question but how do i mount it as REAL ONLY? :$01:57
pfifoboern: how do you mount it now?01:58
boernfile manager --> "Devices"01:58
boernand then i click on my drive01:59
AnAlienguys what should i do?01:59
pfifoAnAlien: try asking your question again.02:00
pfifo!details | alien02:00
ubottualien: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:00
AnAlienGPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition (>1MB, unformatted filesystem, bios_grub flag). This can be performed via tools such as Gparted. Then try again.02:00
boernthis is where the error appears02:00
OwnixI created a user for sabnzbdplus using useradd -r sabnzbd, I then added "sabnzbd" under USER in /etc/default/sabnzbdplus and when I try to start the service using /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus start it fails with this error * Starting SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber02:01
Ownix   ...fail!02:01
pfifoboern: not sure if that supports using mount options, you can mount it from the command line like so 'sudo mount -o ro /dev/sdXY /mnt' where XY is the drives letter and number02:01
OwnixI'm fairly sure it's due to that user but I'm not sure what else this thing wants me to do02:01
AnAlienhow do i do that? I figured that i had to reformat something then this happened: http://i.imgur.com/f1AhtC7.png02:02
boernoh ok thank you :))02:02
boernok i did that and now there is no drive anymore02:04
boerndo i have to reboot?02:04
pfifoboern: the data should be in /mnt02:04
ig_I have a friend who just installed 13.10 but now wants to know whether it's the 64bit or 32bit version...is there a way to tell that?02:04
pfifoig_: 'uname -a'02:04
cfhowlettig_, uname -a02:05
boernah i see! but how can i open this in my file manger?02:05
pfifoboern: tell the file manger to goto filesystem, and click on /mnt02:06
ig_I don't see anything that says 64bit...does that mean it's 32bit?02:06
pfifoig_: i686 = 32bit x86_64 = 64bit02:06
ig_i686, so it's 32bit02:06
ig_ok, thanks02:06
AnAlienCould someone help me?02:07
pfifoAnAlien: dosent look like anyone knows, maybe try installing again, or wait until a uEFI user comes in to offer help02:09
Ben64AnAlien: do what the error message said02:09
AnAlieni dont know how to do what the erroe mesage said02:09
boernoh thank you very much!02:09
Ben64use gparted... make an unformatted partition have the bios_grub flag02:10
bambanxguys can i install ubuntu from windows? i mean without a cd , with a windows installer or some, and able to boot of windows or ubuntu02:10
AnAlienQuote from before "how do i do that? I figured that i had to reformat something then this happened: http://i.imgur.com/f1AhtC7.png" I wasgoing to do what the erroe messages said but the message got me connfused02:11
Dr_Willisbambanx:  some dirty tricks with virtualbox accessing a real physical drive.. Might be able to.02:11
Ben64see that 1MB area? make a partition there with the bios_grub flag02:11
Dr_Willisbambanx:  but much easier to just go get a 4gb usb flash and install from that02:11
cfhowlettbambanx, if you can download the ubuntu ISO to windows, you can then install it in virtualbox quite easily02:12
boerndamn im so much happier with ubuntu :302:12
bambanxi have a external hard drive , it have a information i dont wanna delete , can i put a installer there and dont delete my data?02:12
AnAlienhow do i use gparted? @ ben man02:12
bambanxi dont wanna use virtualization, i want double boot02:12
Dr_Willisbambanx:  if you are worried about some data.. back it up. thats a golden rule.02:12
Ben64AnAlien: come on, i'm not going to walk you through every mouse click02:12
cfhowlettbambanx, ??? so set up a dual boot.  make a USB, install02:12
Dr_Willisbambanx:  you use vbox and a iso to DO a install to a real physical disk02:13
Dr_Willisbambanx:  but that will be a lot of work and other potential issues.02:13
bambanxok i think i will use the old way using a dvd02:14
Dr_Willisbambanx:  usb flash is much easier02:14
pfifobambanx: create a persistant USB install, and take ubuntu with you as you go02:14
Dr_Willisand faster i find.02:14
bambanxi am not sure if i have one here, the only i have is a external hard drive with a LOT of data02:14
Dr_Willisbambanx:  if you dont want to risk it then dont.. It should work. but  always have backups02:15
AnAlienWell im sorry i dont know how to use this stuff. ive never used gparted bfore02:15
bambanxDr_Willis, i found a pen drive is of 16 gigas is ok?02:15
Dr_Willisbambanx:  you can even boot ubuntu ISO files from some rooted android phones with teh right app02:15
Ben64AnAlien: its very easy to use, i suggest opening it02:15
Dr_Willisbambanx:  you can do a full instgall to 16gbs.. :) 4gb would be good for just installing02:15
AnAlieni did02:15
pfifois there a way to force an app to use a certian pid? Id like my screen to run on pid 1000,2000,3000 etc so that I can reattach easily02:15
bambanxDr_Willis, is a special file for use with usb ?02:16
Ben64pfifo: you run multiple screens?02:16
Dr_Willisbambanx:  huh? You just use some of the many tools out there to  image/put/burn the iso to the usb - making it a live-usb.02:16
pfifoBen64: yes, cant figure out how to run one as root and one as pfifo and one as...02:16
AnAlieni have three options and i dont which one it is, but im assuming it the largest one.02:16
n4rcob0yarch linux02:16
Dr_Willisbambanx:  the pendrivelinux site has several02:16
amunozHi, Can someone who is using gnome 3.10 and the gnome-tweak-tool reproduce this bug? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=101050902:17
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1010509 in gnome-tweak-tool "[abrt] gnome-tweak-tool-3.9.91-1.fc20: utils.py:308:__init__:TypeError: add_action() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)" [Unspecified,New]02:17
Dr_Willisbambanx:  with 16gb  You could put several differnt disrtos on that pendrive to play with.02:17
n4rcob0ywhy not just install arch linux02:17
bambanxDr_Willis, i will l.ove to use my phone for install it too02:18
Ben64n4rcob0y: this is #ubuntu , arch support and discussion elsewhere02:18
bambanxDr_Willis, u have a cool link for do that?02:18
bazhangn4rcob0y, thats not helpful02:18
cfhowlettn4rcob0y, wrong channel.  go to arch02:18
Dr_Willisbambanx:  with a rooted phone you can setuop where the phone boots a PC from an iso file stored on the phone.02:18
ubottun4rcob0y,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:18
pfifoBen64: so, how do I start an app with the pid of my choosing?02:18
Ben64pfifo: pretty sure thats not possible02:19
AnAlienwell im leaving02:20
bezabanpfifo: kernel handles pid of processes.  You can clone it with fork(), but this is basically not a way to identify processes, if you do, write the pid to a temporary or lock file02:21
pfifobezaban: I can get a list of the pid's but its easier to remember a number like 5000 over 562202:22
geniipfifo: If you write an init.d startup script for it, you can specify it there.02:22
Dr_Williswhy do you need the pid?02:22
pfifoDr_Willis: i run this 'screen -ra <pid>'02:23
bezabanpfifo: it is, but you should either know the name of the process or if you write it to a file you can get the info from there easily02:23
Dr_Willisscreen has some list option i recall02:23
Dr_Willisyou got dozens of screen sessions going or somthing weird? ;)02:24
pfifoDr_Willis: yes, im trying toNOT use this list, i want to just know screen with pid 3000 is irc and such, and screen with 4000 is minecraft and stuff, and 5000 is emacs and gcc02:24
bezabannot how it works02:25
Dr_Willisthat seems to sort of defeate part of the purpose of screen. having 1 screen and several terminals in it.02:25
Dr_Williscant screen sessions get named some how?02:25
Dr_Willisor am i think ing of tmux02:26
pfifoDr_Willis: I know, I could put them all in the same screen session, but it gets... for lack of a better word... cluttered02:26
vemacspersonal opinion, but tmux is.. superior02:26
vemacsdoesn't randomly hang on long uptime periods02:26
vemacssomehow uses much less CPU02:26
Dr_Willisbeen using tmux here latelyu also02:26
bezabanif you have them in screen can't you just kill the pane? or is that tmux only?02:26
pfifo!info tmux02:26
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7-3 (raring), package size 229 kB, installed size 513 kB02:26
Dr_Willisbut i dont use 1/100th of its fetures02:26
vemacsno concept of 'panes' in screen02:26
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pfifoim going to have to try this tmux, i hate screen02:27
Dr_Willisi saw anoter multiplexer the other day,  vlct or somthing02:27
bezabantmux is fantastic02:27
Dr_Willisbyou is tmux with a friendlier front end also02:27
bezabanI used screen for a while02:29
bezabanbut tmux is what made me utilize it for real02:29
bezabanI'm probably just 'stupid' though02:29
bambanxDr_Willis, this way is good http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows ?02:29
zexcrizpandaroot-gama_, hey are you there ? reply me it's urgent02:29
Dr_Williserr. what was that other one, screen, tmux, byobu, 'twin *discontinued*' and i saw another the other day02:30
Dr_Willisbambanx:  i use the pendrivelinux tools. theres dozens of tools out that can do it.. try them all02:30
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bambanxDr_Willis, thanks for your help men02:30
pfifochoosing my own pid would allow this as well, 'ssh -XC pfifo.net 'screen -ra 3000'"02:30
=== AndresSM_away is now known as AndresSM
Dr_Willis!info dvtm02:30
ubottudvtm (source: dvtm): Tiling window management for the console. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6-1 (raring), package size 24 kB, installed size 112 kB02:30
Dr_Willisthere we go..02:31
Dr_Willisdvtm is sort of nifty02:31
Dr_Willisexpecially on a framebuffer console with a huge # of characers/lines/rows02:31
bezabanI'll have to check it out, but tmux is serving all myneeds atm02:31
bezabanmostly use it in remote sessions02:32
Dr_WillisI really really liked 'twin' for a long time. but i think its totally dead these days02:32
pfifothese all let me detatch, so I can log off ssh, turn off my home computer, and then log back in later and continue my work?02:32
bezabanthey don't persist reboots on the machine you're running them on02:32
bezabanbut remotely yes02:33
Dr_Willispfifo:  tmux,byou,screen. yes..02:33
pfifobezaban: no, dont need that, all remote02:33
Dr_Willisnot sure about dvtm  ;)02:33
pfifowhich one is better for emacs? emacs is why I hate screen02:33
Dr_Willisim suprised emacs doent hve its own identical feature to do what screen does. ;)02:34
pfifoDr_Willis: I think it does02:34
Dr_Willisi would not be suprised.02:34
Dr_WillisEmacsOS  ;)02:34
pfifoIm not that good at emacs though, I dont use most of its crap02:36
Dr_Willisive toyed with emacs over the years.. even on my amiga ages ago..02:36
Dr_Willisbut most f the time for my editing. i use vim, or geany02:36
Dr_Willisi dont do a lot of codeing. ;) so it dosent matter a lot to me02:37
pfifoi love geany... im prejudice aginst vim cause I had to abort a gentoo install due to vim popping up and not being able to get out of it... hated it ever since02:37
Dr_Willisdue to you not knowing the basics of vim? ;)02:38
DuncanNZpfifo: I always used to use geany but I've switched to vim now and could never go back02:38
* Dr_Willis recalls how many times people ask in here how come ^whatever dosent work in nano/pico/whatever ;) because they are using the ^ key... not ctrl02:38
pfifoDr_Willis: exactly02:38
Dr_Willisvi i worth knowing the basics of. becuase often its the only text editor you may have on some dieing/recovery/oddball system02:39
Dr_Willisand its not that hard to learn02:39
Dr_Willisthe whole idea of 'modes' just seems to confuse people02:39
pfifoi agree, i know vi now, have it on my phone02:39
Dr_Willishad a guy couldent understand vi modes, edit, insert, whatever... untill i pointed out to him that his everquest game did basically the same thing. ;) you had to go into 'hail' mode to talk to people, chat mode to chat and so forth. ;)02:40
Dr_Willisinstead of in move/attack mode. ;) by default02:40
pfifovi has a move/attack mode?02:41
Dr_Willisonly when emacs is also running02:41
pfifocrap, weve gotten way off topic here02:41
Dr_Willis!info psdoom02:41
ubottuPackage psdoom does not exist in raring02:41
javanichello all02:42
javanicanyone know what version of ubuntu would run best on a laptop with a 1.5gig processor and 512 of ram? trying to run 13.04 seems kinda slow02:43
cfhowlettjavanic, xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for low spec/older devices like yours02:43
Dr_Willisjavanic:  lubuntu is the lightest full featured desktop. xubuntu is a close second.02:43
Dr_Willisxubuntu is very decent in a lot of ways02:43
Dr_Willisits trival to install both and try them both out02:44
javanicwhat about functionality? xubuntu ok there?02:44
cfhowlettjavanic, xubuntu is the basis of UbuntuStudio.  Functionality meaning ... what?02:44
Dr_Willisthey both cover the basics of a desktop02:44
pfifojavanic: there all "ubuntu" so to speek02:44
MACscrwhy would a system that has a static ip setup for eth1 all of a sudden switch to a dhcp address?02:44
xirretop -p PID -b -n1 | grep "PID" | awk '{print $9}' Seems to be giving similar CPU usage when running it 10 times for 10 different PIDs within 5 seconds. Why?02:45
javanicif i was to upgrade to 1.5gig of ram would 13.04 run sufficiently?02:45
MACscrjavanic: if you have that low of ram, your cpu and video card is probably pretty old02:46
cfhowlettjavanic, sounds like you've got an older device?  suggest you consider running Long Term Support version 12.04 until the next LTS comes out; 14.0402:46
Dr_Willismore ram is always good. and i bet it would be a cheap upgrade for  the imporovement02:46
pfifojavanic: id say add a video card, unity is heavy on graphics, hence the slowness02:46
MACscrunity is very heavy on graphics. Sucks how inefficient it is02:47
cfhowlettMACscr, it does what it's designed to do.  unrealistic to expect that all devices can handle it.02:47
javanicso upgrade ram and run 12.04.. sounds like the best option? i don't need anything super fast.. it's just going to be used for web browsing and video mostly02:48
geniijavanic: You could also try in unity2d02:48
pfifojavanic: then drop ubuntu and install lubuntu, its perfect for your use case02:48
MACscrthough ive found 13.04 to be pretty slow with any older hardware, running unity or any other alternative02:49
cfhowlettjavanic, added ram almost always justifies the ROI02:49
MACscrcfhowlett: depends on the use and how much is already there02:49
MACscrso you cant just make a blanket statement like that02:49
cfhowlettMACscr, true02:49
javanicit currently has 512 of ram and a 1.5g processor02:49
MACscrjavanic: notebook?02:50
javanicits a dell insprion 1300... not even mine lol02:50
javanic<MACscr> it's a notebook yes02:50
pfifocfhowlett: i can put my 2 1G sticks in this computer along side 2 of my 512's but it runs slower like that, better just to have the 4 512s02:50
Ari-Yangjavanic: if it's a notebook with limited speed, perhaps use lubuntu?02:51
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.02:51
Ari-Yangjavanic: or switch over to a different DE?02:51
micahfhey i'm really confused about multitouch02:51
MACscrpfifo: power wise, its just better to run the 1gb sticks without the 512's02:51
high_fiverhow would I reverse this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6199130/02:51
micahfwhy is it that 3-finger gestures work but not two finger gestures?02:51
micahfi read the wiki page "Multitouch", which said to type "synclient"02:52
boerni made my HDD READ only with "sudo mount -o ro /dev/sdb1 /mnt".. whats the command for make it write able again?02:52
cfhowlettjavanic, try this: install say xubuntu.  to add/test lxde (lubuntu desktop environment), you install lxde and switch over.  if you like that flavor instead, get lubuntu.  free to try, free to test, free to use02:52
boerninstead of ro something.. but i dont know what02:52
micahfsynclient says "couldn't find synaptics properties"02:53
pfifoMACscr: i dont pay for the electric02:53
javanicok.. xubuntu it's gonna be i think. thanks everyone for your help! much appreciated02:53
cfhowlettjavanic, have fun, be safe02:53
bwayneboern: unmount it and leave off the '-o ro' ?02:53
Ari-Yangjavanic: lubuntu is lighter than xubuntu I think02:53
MACscrpfifo: congrats? my point is still correct02:53
javanici bid a good evening to all!02:54
boernis the /mnt essential??02:54
Ari-Yang............I don't think he saw my message02:54
pfifoboern: i think this will work 'mount -o remount,rw /mnt' but again, the disk has errors and that likel prevents it from mounting rw02:54
bwayneboern: well, you have to mount it somewhere. :)02:54
boernbut i want it to show up in my devices section^^02:55
boernwith /mnt its not there x)02:55
boernand not in my unity lauchner02:55
micahfhow can 3-finger multitouch work without synaptics?02:55
bwayneboern: i'm sorry. i think i jumped in mid-conversation. i'm a little confused now.02:56
pfifoboern: you really need to fix that filesystem, continuing that way your going is just going to cause headaches02:56
boerni already format it to ext4..02:56
pfifobwayne: its an ntfs filesystem with errors, and no longer has a windows install to fix it02:56
boernbut the READ ONLY was still there^^02:57
pfifoboern: that sounds bad... you normally have to unmount filesystems before formatting02:57
pfifoboern: 'sudo umount /mnt' and see if it shows up in your devices02:59
buuIs there anyway to tweak the 'disable track pad while typing' setting?02:59
boernmy problem is, that i cant put any data on my drive..03:02
boernmaby ext4 is the wrong file system?03:02
pfifoboern: can you pastebin the output of 'mount && sudo fdisk -l'03:03
Hundreddoes Android and Windows 8 OS use standby mode or something, which is why you can use it instantly in a push of a button, does Ubuntu have a similar feature?03:06
pfifoboern: are we talking about /dev/sdb1 here?03:06
pfifoHundred: yes, sleep or suspend03:06
cfhowlettbuu, settings>mouse and touchpad > behavior IIRC03:07
boernyear but thats the output.. this is my SSD i realize.. how can i get it to my HDD?03:07
boernbut there are both03:08
boernDisk /dev/sdb: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes03:08
boernthats my HDD03:08
boernthe large one03:08
grimetonboern: what's the error message?03:08
pfifoboern: everything looks ok as far as formatting is concerend03:09
grimetonboern: looks like you don't have the permissions to write!?03:09
boernbut i already did "sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/boern"03:09
grimetonboern: please paste ls -al /media03:09
pfifoboern: ok i see, you just need to change the permissions03:10
boernbut i already dide03:11
grimetonboern: chown boern:users /media/boern/03:11
grimetonand chmod 775 /media/boern03:11
grimetonthen try again03:11
pfifoboern: I would create a folder in /media/boern and set permissions there, then symlink it in my home folder, then save all my data in it03:11
pfifoboern: have you considered mounting this partiton on /home03:12
boernit worked :)03:13
pfifoboern: if I were you I would use the ssd as / and the hdd as /home and getting rid of swap on the sdd03:13
TitaniumDwarf thanks for help with my ubuntu install, i installed the driver from amd's website and it worked03:13
Titaniumthe isntructions here are crap:03:14
boernthank you 2 for help :)03:14
boernext4 is really faster.. i had 80MB/s on NTFS and now on ext4 120MB/s03:15
pfifoboern: the ntfs driver for linux leaves alot to be desired.03:15
pfifolol i guess we now know exactly how much it left to be desired... 40mb/s03:17
boerni see..^^03:17
pfifoboern: are you new to linux?03:18
boernnot really.. i have used it before .. but im no expert.. just an average user^^03:19
* bwayne wonders how AnAlien's install is going.03:20
boernswitched to windows 8 because of some games.. but windows makes me upset :S03:20
pfifoboern: have you thought about mounting the hdd on /home? this has some advantages and dis advantages, on one hand /home being on the ssd will be fast... but if you use the hdd for /home it will allow you to store all your stuff in your home folder, and when you reinstall ubuntu, you can simply wipe the sdd, and leave all your data on the hdd... all the settings in your home folder will migrate to your new install as well03:21
bwaynewouldn't have / on the sdd make ubuntu much faster as well?03:23
pfifoboern: also, I dont recommend having swap on the ssd, your ruining your disk if your using alot of swap03:23
bwayneboern: pfifo has an excellent point there. you definitely don't want swap on you ssd.03:24
boernsounds interesting.. but the swap was created automatically03:24
bwayneboern: you can move it easily. it's something that should be considered for the health of you ssd.03:25
boerna friend told me to change something in FSTAB to keep the ssd health03:25
bwayneboern: yes. there are a number of things one can do.03:26
pfifoboern: you want to comment out the line in fstab that mounts the swap partition, and then use gparted to delete the partiton. you likely dont need swap but if you do, you can get gparted to create a swap partition on your hdd... or use a swap file03:27
boernthis is from an old ubuntu installation i had03:28
boernits not from my current system03:29
boerna friend told me, thats good for the SSD03:29
bwayneboern: the arch wiki is a good resource --> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives03:31
boernbut i think i will leave the ssd on /home because of the speed.. i dont think that i will do a reinstall of ubuntu.. i put my data on my HDD anyways03:31
boernshould i do that fstab again?03:32
pfifoboern: https://wiki.debian.org/SSDOptimization#Mounting_SSD_filesystems03:32
micahfwhy is it that when i run synclient, i get "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?", but three and four finger gestures work?03:32
bitbyteany of you guys know how to retrieve the last 10 previous public ups from one interface ?03:32
bwayneboern: yes. you should do all that you can.03:32
boernand why  shouldnt i have swap on my SSD? i thought a swap partition is essential?03:33
pfifoboern: all the disk access will reduce the lifetime of your drive... if you want a swap, put it on the cheaper hdd03:34
boerni dont know if i need a swap.. ubuntu made it .. can i delete it without any problems??03:35
pfifoboern: swap is not essential, in fact, I dont reccommend having one at all03:35
boerni have 8 GB of ram03:35
boernso can i just delete the swap??03:35
bwayneyou may want swap if you suspend to disk03:35
pfifobwayne: ubuntu has disable hibernation... and its not needed for suspend03:36
bwaynepfifo: disabled hibernation? interesting. happen to know why?03:36
pfifoboern: you can delete the partition yes... you should also remove or comment the entry in fstab to prevent a warning from popping up at boot time03:37
pfifobwayne: too many problems03:37
boernhow do i delete the swap partition with gparted??03:38
bwaynepfifo: ah yes. i remember reading about the many issues. now that i think about it, i think that was the main push for fast boot time. fast boot, no need for suspend.03:38
boernbecause i cant modify my SSD03:38
boernits all grey#03:38
pfifoboern: boot a livecd and use gparted03:38
tahdasi cant install steam on ubuntu 13.04 64 bit. And can i just use the skype for 12.04?03:39
pfifoboern: im going afk for a bit03:40
boernso in the FSTAB i just have to add "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0" right??03:40
boernok see u03:40
Ben64boern: /tmp and swap are not related03:41
boernthis is my FSTAB now03:43
boernis that correct?03:44
boernfor my SSD03:44
Ben64boern: again, /tmp has nothing to do with swap03:44
boerni have changed the "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0"03:45
boernbut im not talking about the SSD03:45
Ben64you literally said "for my SSD"03:45
boernto keep it health :P03:45
Ben64you're switching tracks too much, focus on one thing at a time.03:46
boernthats true multitasking xD03:46
boernforget the swap thing03:46
boerni will think about that and ask a friend as well03:47
Ben64for the swap, if you have enough ram you can disable swap and be fine03:47
Ben64and you really shouldn't have swap on a ssd03:47
boernyear.. but is there another way? i dont want to boot with live CD^^03:47
phantomcircuiti have a precise install with backports that has the linux-image-generic-lts-raring package installed03:47
phantomcircuitwhat's going on there?03:47
Ben64boern: you don't need to reboot to get rid of swap03:48
boernbut how do i get rid of it03:48
Ben64phantomcircuit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Release/Rolling03:48
Ben64boern: how much ram do you have?03:49
boerngparted dont let me modify03:49
kostkonphantomcircuit: lts enablement stack. 12.04.3 comes with the raring stack03:49
Ben64comment it out from the fstab, and use the command "swapoff" to disable it03:49
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boern#UUID=838c0494-705d-4873-b133-e1193e792435 none            swap ?03:50
boernand under that, i should write "swapoff"?03:51
Ben64no, use the command to turn it off03:51
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boernthanks ;)03:52
boernsoo i will leave for today :D03:52
boernsoo late03:52
boern6 am lololo03:52
tahdashi can someone help me?03:53
OddityProbably. Don't ask to ask :P03:54
tahdaswhat the image thing everone uses?03:55
tahdasi need to post a screen shot03:55
geniiThe PrintScreen button03:56
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tahdasyeah, but the site to upload the to03:56
geniiFor temp, usually someplace like imagebin03:57
tahdasthats not it03:57
Romancehello, how do i create a wifi hotspot, i have 2 usb wifi adapter, one is connected to the wireless router(hotspot), so basically i have a working internet connection now, but i want to make my laptop as a hotspot or better be called Repeater by using that second usb wifi adapter, please?03:58
geniitahdas: tinypic, photobucket, imageshack03:58
geniiIt doesn't really matter which you use so long as it works.03:59
tahdasyeah but i already have an count on one of them03:59
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Guest7426im trying to remove an efi entry and im trying to follow what this guy said but i keep getting the error Fatal: Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables   http://askubuntu.com/questions/263028/how-can-i-remove-ubuntu-from-the-uefi-boot-options04:04
Dr_WillisGuest7426:  so does /procfs/ or /sysfs/ exist?04:05
Guest7426im on the live disk Dr_Willis04:06
tech11hi all, what is install development packages for gammamoo server?04:06
Dr_WillisGuest7426:  No idea then. sorry04:06
Dr_Willis!find gammamoo04:07
ubottuPackage/file gammamoo does not exist in raring04:07
Dr_Willisdosent seem to be a gammamoo in the repos.04:07
tahdasit wont let me install stuff via the app store, it just keeps giving the same message http://i.imgur.com/I4yNobn.png04:09
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tech11net_sysv_tcp.c:44:38: fatal error: sys/conf.h: No such file or directory04:11
Ben64tech11: without any context nobody will be able to help you04:12
tech11i am using ubuntu04:13
tech11i am using ubuntu 13.02 in my linode04:15
Ari-Yangwait what04:15
Ari-Yangthere's a 13.02?04:15
Ben64no, theres 13.0404:16
tech11i am using ubuntu 13.04 in my linode04:16
comodo_dragonthere is ubuntu 13.0104:16
tech11net_sysv_tcp.c:44:38: fatal error: sys/conf.h: No such file or directory04:16
Ben64thats still no context04:17
Ben64!details | tech1104:17
ubottutech11: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:17
Ben64comodo_dragon: no there isn't04:17
comodo_dragoni am using it at the moment04:17
comodo_dragonjust google it04:18
geniicomodo_dragon: 13.10 with zero at the end is a ten as in the tenth month when it gets released. Not 13.104:18
comodo_dragonthat i am using, beta version04:19
Dr_Willisin version numbers - every digit counts ;)04:19
geniiDr_Willis: Sometimes I think the first one for Oct whould be #.10.004:20
Dr_Willisi think they should just start calling them by the full date. ;) 2013-oct04:20
tootheWhat configuration file does slapd use by default?04:21
Dr_Willisman slapd may mention it near the end of the doc.  often thres a list of config  and other related files04:23
Dr_Willisor try 'locate slapd' and see aht looks like a conf file04:23
tootheyah, i'll just do that.04:24
=== Guest26253 is now known as bigtip
=== bigtip is now known as Guest26511
phong_hi guys, is there a way to tell what my sftp port is?04:26
phong_i remember i set it to diff port other then default 2204:26
phong_help me04:26
plut0ubuntu stops booting after mounting the file systems, any idea why its hung up?04:26
phong_is there a way to find out what is my sftp port ?04:26
geniitoothe: It uses the slapd-config way now, all the schema files are included in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and then the resulting config is made in /etc/ldap/slapd.d directory but you don't edit those. See  https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/openldap-server.html for more04:27
Dr_Willisphong_:  nmap scan the server. look for any responding ports perhaps?04:27
geniiphong_: Maybe do netstat -tuna and see if one of the open ports looks familiar04:27
phong_2 people tell me 2 diff thing04:28
phong_what should i do?04:28
Dr_Willisand both may work...04:28
Dr_Willisso try them both04:28
Dr_Willistheres alwyas 12+ ways to do anything in linux04:28
phong_i type nmap nothing show04:28
Dr_Willisyou COULD just look at the ssh config files where you set the port04:28
phong_what is the actual command04:28
phong_i'm new in ubuntu man04:28
* genii hands Dr_Willis 6 coffees and takes a half-a-dozen for himself04:29
Dr_Willisi would suggest you stick to the default port.04:29
phong_Dr_Willis, i did change a long time a g04:29
Dr_Willisgenii:  eating cookies riht now.04:29
phong_Dr_Willis, i just forget what it is now04:29
geniiphong_: Please pastebin the out put of: netstat -tuna04:30
wilee-nileemmmm caffeine and sugar04:30
tootheahh, this document makes more sense than the openldap one.04:30
tootheits more specific to ubuntu.04:30
Hodappew, leave the sugar out of the caffeine04:31
phong_genii, http://pastebin.com/H5xC9U1Y04:31
tech11i have a problem with gammamoo server. i'm running version 13.04 when i try to do make gammamoo server. i get the following output: net_sysv_tcp.c:44:38: fatal error: sys/conf.h: No such file or directory and make: *** [net_proto.o] Error 1 but i expected it to do make.04:31
buuHey, does ubuntu have anyway to mess with the sensitivity or exact details of lock trackpad while typing?04:32
buuBeyond just the standard applet config?04:32
phong_genii, ???04:32
Dr_Willisxubuntu has a 'disable touchpad while typeing' check boxc in itsd mouse configs04:32
geniiphong_: It's almost certainly one of the last 5 on the list04:32
Dr_Willisother then that.. not seen anything else04:33
Dr_Willisof course that checkbox dosent work on my pc. but i have a command that toggles my touchpad04:33
phong_genii, i dont think so..04:33
phong_genii,  anyway, how to change it to default then04:33
dirdirdirGuys, which browser do you use and why?04:33
phong_or to any other port?04:33
phong_genii, how to change sftp port then?04:33
geniiphong_: All the other ports are well known services04:34
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  try them all   - use what you like04:34
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  i find it depends on what site im going to. ;) due to how my browsers are setup04:34
phunyguyI cannot seem to get Facebook chat to connect in Empathy... keeps saying "Account requires authorisation".  Any ideas?04:34
tech11i have a problem with gammamoo server. i'm running version 13.04 when i try to do make file for gammamoo server. i get the following output: net_sysv_tcp.c:44:38: fatal error: sys/conf.h: No such file or directory and make: *** [net_proto.o] Error 1 but i expected it to do make file.04:34
dirdirdirthank Dr. Also, is there any risk running chromium?04:34
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  its a well known and  supported browser.04:35
dirdirdirDr_Willis: and how do you classify them?04:35
Dr_Willistech11:  you did install all the needed -dev packages?04:35
dirdirdirDr_Willis: Ok, ty.04:35
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  i use  one i got all suped up with addblocks and stuff for normal browsing. ;) then one without the stuff for watching hulu and crunchyroll basically04:35
dirdirdirDr_Willis: how do you get to talk me the way you do (showing my nickname after what you say and also your name turns red)??04:36
geniiphong_: My bet of those is: 5353 (unless you're using it for some obfuscated DNS which is normally 53), or 5282604:36
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  thats your irc client doing it.04:36
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  it just flags your own nick04:36
Dr_WillisMy name is not red here. ;)04:37
dirdirdirDr_Willis: oh, lel, tyvm :D04:37
dirdirdiryes, indeed, haha04:37
dirdirdirand which broswer do you use for each?04:37
dirdirdirsounds like a very good idea, btw04:37
tech11what is install -dev package?04:38
Dr_Willisff has better support for adblocks and flash downloaders04:38
zexcrizi have installed ftp and openssh server, but how can i make automatically discoverable on my mobile device ?04:38
david_I have installed lamp for the first time and was wondering if there was anything else I needed to know about(commands ect) ?)04:38
Dr_Willistech11:  if you want to compile stuff that uses the sdl libraries.. theres the assoicated sdl 'dev' packages that contain the ccode you need to compile against the devs. (the includes and so forth)04:38
Dr_Willisfor example. ;)04:39
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:39
dirdirdirDr_Willis: so you leave chromium for the streaming?04:39
Dr_Willisif i wanted to compile 'weechat' from source with the latest source. i could  use 'sudo apt-get build-dep weechat' to pull in all known nee3ded -dev packages that weechat uses04:40
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  yep sometimes. ;)04:40
dirdirdirDr_Willis: ok n-n tyvm04:40
reisioLLckfan: hi04:40
Dr_Willishavent been watching vidoes on the pc much. ;) been using the roku04:40
phong_how to know my current user04:40
dirdirdirDr_Willis: I'm gonna try them now (btw, i'm on elementary luna atm)04:40
LLckfanI have a Gateway laptop and when I opened the lid the power light was on but the laptop was asleep. When I pushed the power it started flashing with the lights for the light bulb and the battery but only when it was plugged in. Is this a sign I need a new tip end for my charger?04:41
geniiphong_: whoami04:41
phong_genii, do you have teamviewer?04:41
dirdirdirDr_Willis: what's that roku?04:41
phong_i still can't see it connect with 535304:41
Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  a set top box/media player/internet video player04:42
wilee-nileeLLckfan, How do you have it set in power to awake from sleep, mine is just moving the mouse.04:42
dirdirdirsounds like something i want, hahaha04:42
dirdirdirDr_Willis: i was trying to use miniTube, but it seems to be missing something, 'cause it doesn't play the videos...04:43
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Dr_Willisdirdirdir:  i just use flash-downloader extensions in the browser mainly04:43
geniiphong_: Are you ssh into that box or on it locally?04:43
tech11Unable to locate package dev04:43
LLckfanwilee-nileeI had to push the power button as it was turned off because of the lid being shut04:43
dirdirdirDr_Willis: that's what i want to be doing04:43
phong_locally still now work...ginii04:44
dirdirdirDr_Willis: you sound like  a very inteligent person ;P04:44
phong_genii, i have teamviewer id: 710 235 80904:44
dirdirdirDr_Willis: thank you so much for the help :)04:44
Dr_Willistech11:  dev is not a single packge.. Most All the lbaries and stuff have '-dev' packages in addation to their normal package.04:44
geniiphong_: I don't currently have Teamviewer04:45
Dr_Willistech11:  do an 'apt-cache search sdl | grep dev' for example04:45
phong_pls man04:45
phong_can't you download it?04:45
geniiphong_: If you do: ps aux | grep sshd           ...is there a result?04:45
phong_l;et me try04:45
geniiphong_: I'd rather do it the long tortuous way04:45
zexcrizphong_, what's your issue ?04:45
Dr_Willisinfo python-dev04:46
Dr_Willis!info python-dev04:46
ubottupython-dev (source: python-defaults): header files and a static library for Python (default). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.4-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 45 kB04:46
wilee-nileeLLckfan, First you said asleep, now its off, there is also hibernate, what was it?04:46
geniizexcriz: Forgot what nonstandard port he set sftp to use04:46
phong_genii, phong_    2586  0.0  0.0  14576   916 pts/0    S+   00:46   0:00 grep --color=auto sshd04:46
Seven_Six_TwoI would like the automate the creation of a new website, including apache config, directory creation, etc, but I don't know what to use to do the config file modifications. Is this a sed or gawk thing?04:46
geniiOK, so it's not running.04:46
phong_zexcriz, i dont know what is my sftp port number04:46
phong_not running?04:46
wilee-nileeLLckfan, As far as us being able to check if its charging you can check it with the computer on.04:46
phong_how to run it04:46
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
Ben64phong_: cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Port04:47
zexcrizgenii, and phong_ ok :)04:47
geniiphong_: If you do: sudo service ssh start     ...and then please pastebin result again of: netstat -tuna04:47
=== puff` is now known as puff
phong_[sudo] password for phong_:04:48
phong_ssh: unrecognized service04:48
Dr_Willisit may be sshd04:48
Dr_Willistab completiom may help fill in the right name  ;)04:48
Ben64phong_: cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Port04:49
LLckfanIt was asleep04:49
LLckfanIt was not powered done'04:49
Dr_Willissudo service ssh<tab>    restart04:49
pfifoDr_Willis: why python-dev?04:49
LLckfanIf the lights are n ot flashing it charges when plugged in04:49
wilee-nileeLLckfan, turn it on and check if it's charging, that was the question right, basically?04:49
Dr_Willispfifo:  it was an example of a -dev package04:49
phong_genii, phong_@p:~$ cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Port04:50
phong_cat: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory04:50
phong_what could be wrong?04:50
geniiphong_: sftp should be using whatever port the ssh daemon is set to, so if we start that and see what port is different than before, you know what port sftp is using04:50
zexcrizphong_, they make sure you have installed openssh04:50
Ben64phong_: looks like you don't have ssh server installed then04:50
plut0init: failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: connection refused04:50
LLckfanwilee-nilee I am on it right now04:50
phong_well..how to do it then?04:50
Ben64phong_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:50
LLckfanNo that was not the question04:50
tech11dr_willis apt-casche search sdl | gerp dev' for example04:50
Dr_Willistech11:  he wanted to know about devb packages..04:51
Dr_Willisthat just gives some that exist04:51
phong_it is installing processs....thanks..04:51
wilee-nileeLLckfan, The tip of your charger is a charging issue correct?04:51
phong_genii, it is done...next?04:51
wilee-nileeLLckfan, Then spell it out with more details and tab complete nicks when you are talking with another user.04:52
phong_genii, are you there sir?04:53
LLckfanAll I want to know is if I should buy a new charger tip04:53
geniiphong_: Yes. So if you start now the ssh by: sudo service ssh start     .... the result of: netstat -tuna      should show port 22 as being used and you should be able to use that for sftp04:54
reisiohow much is a new charger tip?04:54
reisiocompare that to how much your time is worth and how long you've been talking about this04:54
Dr_WillisLLckfan:  id say yes. :)  unless you cant afford one. then you cant. so it dosent matter04:54
phong_genii, yep i see 2204:54
phong_let me test04:54
phong_genii, work like charm04:55
phong_thanks genii04:55
LLckfanBut it chages still04:55
geniiphong_: Then if you require, you can set the line Port 22  to something different in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to make it run on some other port04:55
geniiphong_: You're welcome04:56
plut0anyone know how to fix this? init: failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: connection refused04:58
justanotheruserSuddenly I am having problems with my sound. The sound doesn't play though my speakers or  headphones. My volume manager program is saying the sound is fine. I have restared alsa-utils, but it hasn't fixed the problem. If someone has a remedy please highlight me.04:58
pfifo!details | plut004:58
ubottuplut0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:58
Dr_Willis!sound | justanotheruser04:59
ubottujustanotheruser: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:59
plut0ubuntu is not booting, it mounts the root file system then stops, no error04:59
pfifoplut0: has it ever booted?04:59
plut0pfifo: no, new install05:00
pfifoplut0: did you enable LVM?05:00
plut0pfifo: zfs root05:00
pfifoplut0: and you can verify it mounts properly?05:01
plut0pfifo: yes. booting with init=/bin/bash05:01
zexcrizi have installed ftp and openssh server, but how can i make automatically discoverable on my mobile device ?05:01
plut0pfifo: all the partitions mount fine05:01
Dr_Williszexcriz:  just ssh to your ip. you may need to set up port forwarding on the router05:02
zexcrizDr_Willis, setting up manually has no issue, i have to enter the host ip and then i can access easily, but i am interested to do in such a way that my mobile device can scan those service and i can directly authenticate into it.05:03
Dr_Williszexcriz:  you normally dont auto 'scan' ssh and ftp.05:04
Dr_Willisyou can set up ssh clients with ssh keys to connect withoug needing a password05:04
Dr_Willisthen theres all those fun dynamic-dns services that can route you if your ip changes05:05
justanotheruserHey thanks Dr_Willis, the troubleshooting worked05:05
reisioLLckfan: hi again05:05
Dr_Willisjustanotheruser:  thats a first. ;P05:06
phong_genii, is there a way to change the default port 22 for sftp ?05:06
phong_genii, like change it to listen to 999905:06
geniiphong_: I already explained how earlier :)05:07
Dr_Willis!ssh | phong_05:07
ubottuphong_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:07
geniiphong_: eg: "Then if you require, you can set the line Port 22 to something different in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to make it run on some other port"05:07
pfifoplut0: im stumped, dont know enough about zfs to even suggest a course of action05:07
geniiphong_: The port ssh daemon uses is what sftp will use05:07
Dr_Willisif you want to use ssh - you should spend a little time and learn it.  its worth the effort05:08
plut0pfifo: i'm more interested in why init is screwed up?05:08
zexcrizDr_Willis, ok :)05:08
Dr_Willispfifo:  is zfs in the  official kernel now?05:08
ubottuFor information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS05:08
pfifoplut0: it looks like init cant communicate with upstart, possibly due to zfs not supporting fifos05:09
pfifoplut0: again, im not familiar with zfs05:09
=== aaass is now known as aaas
plut0i'm getting past kernel booting and file systems mounting05:13
plut0seems like init is screwed up05:13
plut0i have a shell currently05:13
plut0i can't run "init 1"05:13
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:13
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Ben64hmm... well plut0 ... "init" doesn't do what you think it will for most runlevels05:14
plut0init 1 used to run single mode, what does it do now?05:15
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.05:15
Dr_Willisim not even sure what it does these days05:15
Dr_Willisyou rarey see the use of init mentoned in ubuntu docs or help guides05:16
geniiShould actually still go to single user05:16
Ben64yeah it should05:16
Ben64but you can do that from grub05:16
geniiplut0: Did you try: telinit 1     ...instead?05:16
plut0init: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused05:17
plut0that directory structure doesn't even exist05:17
genii"connection refused" intimates perhaps it doesn't have write permission. So it wouldn't exist if this is the case.05:19
plut0not really familiar with upstart05:19
plut0didn't think init had dependencies05:19
plut0how does it work?05:19
Dr_Willisupstart replaces sysv - so its the main  proces to start  all the services,  theresd the upstart cookbook web site with a lot of good info05:20
Ben64why zfs anyway?05:20
plut0Ben64: lots of features05:20
pfifoplut0: get into a rescue shell and try this 'dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl' and then 'ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl'05:21
Ben64ext4 has lots of features :D05:21
Ponch0Hello, I recently recently installed ubuntu and upon turning the computer on I get a message that ubuntu_???_swap1 is not ready or not present???05:24
reisioPonch0: do not fear!05:24
reisioPonch0: it still boots up, right?05:24
rrmwould you recommend me 1015E-DS03 as a ubuntu computer?05:24
reisiorrm: what make?05:25
rrmreisio: asus05:25
reisioasus is usually pretty linux friendly, they even embed it in some of their boxes05:25
rrmreisio: yeah, its new it seems, my thinkpad R40 is getting slow05:26
Ponch0reisio: ithe computer boots up, wether swap1 boots I do not know05:27
plut0pfifo: i saw that thread, didn't help05:27
reisiorrm: apparently some people ship the 1015e with ubuntu preinstalled05:27
reisiorrm: so likely everything works as expected05:27
rrmreisio: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683423106705:27
plut0if i try to pass "init=1" to grub, it fails with "Target filesystem doesn't have requested 1"05:27
reisioPonch0: cat /proc/swaps05:28
reisiorrm: yeah... if it ships with Ubuntu, it's all going to work05:28
reisionewegg wouldn't keep something up that is a scam05:28
reisiohence it is not05:28
reisioso is your question would we recommend it in general as a laptop, vs others?05:28
reisioit looks about right for $23005:29
Ponch0reisio: only this: "/dev/dm-2" is present.05:29
reisiofor another $100, in the USA, you could get >2GHz proc, 3+GB RAM, and dedicated graphics (and probably less battery life)05:29
reisioPonch0: size/used/priority?05:29
pfifoplut0: did you perform the diversion during the install?05:30
reisioPonch0: well that 0 doesn't look quite right, but I suppose it could have just not been used yet05:30
plut0pfifo: no just for troubleshooting05:30
reisioPonch0: grep -i swap1 /etc/fstab05:31
rrmreisio: yeah, since my thinkpad r40 is old... i do not care about speed, just have and ssd around and 8gb or ddr305:31
reisiorrm: well I mean, it'll be plenty fast for the average person05:31
reisioI was just offering you a price differential05:31
Ponch0/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 005:31
pfifoplut0: during the install did you upgrade or install anything or are you still dealing with a vanilla debootstap core05:31
reisioPonch0: ah05:31
reisioPonch0: sounds like it is used, just not as early as whatever is complaining is checking05:32
plut0pfifo: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem05:32
reisiorrm: wow that has vt-x05:32
Ponch0reisio: thank you05:32
rrmreisio: i know, i look at that too.  i rarely use cd/dvd  all is online and have an external cd/dvd05:32
reisiothat's one of the cheaper vt-x boxes I've seen05:32
paulus68_1is there a way to install packages during setup of a server install?05:32
Ponch0Should I do a reinstall, to see if it continues?05:32
reisiorrm: sounds good then05:32
kalIeskrImahi its this ubuntu help?05:33
reisiorrm: if you're picky about keyboards you might want to try it first, in person05:33
paulus68_1through terminal05:33
reisiolooks like one of those asus flat chiclet 'boards05:33
reisioPonch0: oh did you just install?05:33
plut0pfifo: looks like debstrap, ubuntu-minimal, grub and a few other things05:33
reisioPonch0: you could, if you're bored, but expecting a different result from the same process isn't exactly logical05:33
reisionot that it doesn't happen05:33
reisiokalIeskrIma: yes05:33
pfifoplut0: yeah you did if you followed this to a t... you need to add that diversion before you do ant apt-getting05:33
Ponch0reisio: yes few days ago.05:34
reisioPonch0: you probably aren't the first person to have encountered such an error05:34
pfifoplut0: 5.5 right after locale-gen05:34
kalIeskrIma ok I have a problemI has ubuntu 12.04 and just tried to update to 12.1005:34
pfifoplut0: then remove it before first reboot05:34
reisioPonch0: in fact, it probably isn't even a problem05:34
plut0pfifo: the dpkg-diversion step isn't part of these instructions05:34
reisioPonch0: it's probably just an expected side effect of encrypted swap05:34
Ponch0reisio: thank you sir.05:35
rrmreisio: yeah, the processor is not bad, i just want to find out if i can bump the memory since i got 2x 4gb ddr305:35
pfifoplut0: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/43022405:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 430224 in upstart (Ubuntu) "init: support chroots" [Medium,Fix released]05:35
reisioPonch0: if you actually need swap, and it isn't working05:35
reisioPonch0: you will notice :) your system will slow to a crawl05:36
tozenhi all! is it normal having 12.04 getting linux-headers-lts-quantal as part of todays updates?05:36
reisioPonch0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194389905:36
Ponch0reisio: aah will look out for that :D05:36
reisiotozen: something make you think it wouldn't be?05:37
plut0pfifo: so i need to replace initctl then run the apt-get installs?05:37
Ponch0wow thank you for the link, i'll read through it05:37
kalIeskrImaeverythIng went fine until the laptop restarted to mount the ubuntu 12.10. after that I got just a loading to ubuntu screen and after that a black screen with underscore sIgn....no keyboard buttons work and I have shut down the pc. after that I tried to not from cd...ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04...nothIng same problem......help please!05:37
tozenreisio: emmm 12.04 is precise05:37
reisioPonch0: I'm not convinced it's anything more than a script that hasn't been giving a conditional for encrypted swap just because it wasn't a priority, but it could be :p05:37
reisiotozen: are you having a problem?05:38
reisiokalIeskrIma: CTRL+ALT+F2?05:38
plut0pfifo: what are the details?05:39
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:39
kalIeskrImalet me try..Im new to ubuntu and don't know key words.. I exec trIed to edIt settIngs wIth addIng nomode bootIng05:39
tozenreisio: well. i've no problems just confused and curious about the meaning05:39
pfifoplut0: check this page and see how they do the diversion, it looks very similiar to what your doing, and explains a few things... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch05:40
geniitozen: Precise-changes Digest, Vol 25, Issue 5 shows that it was put into precise-proposed, so you must have that enabled05:40
tozengenii: ok, thx05:40
kalIeskrImano ctrl+alt+f2 doesn't work, been holding for a minute05:41
reisiowell, you wouldn't want to hold it anyways :)05:41
reisioin the event you don't trust your keystrokes/keys/keyboard/etc., tapping a couple times works best05:42
reisiobut take a look at what ubottu said05:42
kalIeskrImaok...be back in a min...05:42
geniitozen: You can check all the changes at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/precise-changes/05:44
paulus68_1Is there a way to install other packages during install of a ubuntu server ? I need to install open-iscsi package but don't know how to do so05:48
reisiopaulus68_1: you need it before installation/bootup?05:49
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
paulus68_1reisio: this is what I try to do on a hp proliant ML310:  I have activated in my bios the embedded Sata Raid (raid 1)  and during install it gives the message (one of more drives containing serial ata raid configurations have been found do you wish to activate these raid devices  yes or no05:50
paulus68_1reisio: when clicking on yes I get configure Iscsi volumes undo change to partitions and finish partitioning and write changes to disk05:51
kali_eskrima@reisio: so i tried to see the info given to me by ubuntu and the first portion doesnt help, but the rest seems could.. will this command in terminal help me? gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub05:51
paulus68_1reisio: when selection on configure ISCSI volumes it asks me to enter target IP and username (these are 2 internal hard drives)05:52
reisiokali_eskrima: not on its own...05:52
kali_eskrimaby the way the CTRL+ALT+F2 doesnt work for me05:52
reisioyou said05:52
kali_eskrimahow do you mean,? once i input the command, should the terminal start processing?05:53
kali_eskrimaoh sorry05:53
Dr_Willisalt-ctrl-f2 gets to the consoles05:53
pfifoplut0: im going to give this zfs root a shot tomorrow... I love to tinker with this kind of stuff, will you be around? I can keep you informed about progress and problems I run into.05:54
kali_eskrimaalso when i added the nomodeset, it started loading something and thats it, stopped there didnt do anything, just black screen with loading title and underscore in the next line05:54
kali_eskrimawhy it wouldnt just boot from a ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 dvd..?05:55
kali_eskrimalike add to the dvd reader and start it.. its not boothing. :(05:56
Dr_Willisbecause its most likely a video driver issue05:56
Dr_Willisyou plan on sticking to 12.10? or are going to upgrade further?05:57
kali_eskrima@dr willis. ok i had installed from the dvd ubuntu 12.04 couple a days ago. today i decided to update/download the ubuntu 12.10 (actually upgrade), this was made through update software on desktop in ubuntu 12.0405:59
kali_eskrimaeverything was going fine until it downloaded all the components and asked me to restart the pc05:59
Dr_Willisif the system was just a few days old. a clean install woukld be just as well. but you do realoize theres 13.04 and soon 13.10 out?05:59
kali_eskrimawhen i restarted the pc it just crashed, it didnt wanted to load the ubuntu... nothing05:59
kali_eskrimaso im stuck with not working ubuntu.06:00
Dr_Willisi cant see much reason to use 12.10  most people either use the LTS , or the latest.. not whats in betwen06:00
kali_eskrimayes i do know06:00
Ari-YangAkaigo-Arc 3.11.3-031103-generic x86_64 Description: Ubuntu 12.10 Codename: quantal06:00
Ari-YangI'm still on 12.10 xD;06:00
Ari-Yangand the reason is that I'm too cautious to upgrade to 13.0406:00
Ari-Yangdoesn't matter anyway because I use a mainline kernel and latest mesa and open source ati driver06:01
Dr_Willismosy 'normal' people... ;006:01
kali_eskrima@dr willis. i wanted to update gradually. i actually purchased an original ubuntu 12.10 dvd, which doesnt work at all and is not bootable. thats why i download in the first place the 12.04 and made me an iso bootable dvd....06:01
Dr_Williskali_eskrima:  theres not much point in using 12.10 unless you hage some very specfial reasons to do so.06:01
kali_eskrimawho is normal.......? only the setting on the washing machines... :P06:02
Dr_Willisstick to 12.04 or the latest release.06:02
kali_eskrimai thought the latest release was 12.10 as it was giving me the option in the "search for the update and latest software"06:03
Dr_Willisthe rlease version is the year/month06:03
Dr_Willisand theres a new release every 6 mo06:03
GlemSomI would like to ssh to a server, and run a sudu. I've create a script to return the password, and I execute the sudo like this:  'sudo_askpass=returnpass.sh sudo -s bash test2.sh'  Why does that still give me  'sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified' ?06:03
Dr_Willis12.10 is almost a year old06:03
kali_eskrimaoh ok. yeah im new to this and im learning still.. so much to learn.06:03
Ari-Yangkali_eskrima: if you don't like to update every 6months or so.... stick with LTS06:04
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)06:04
reisioGlemSom: shouldn't need to do that06:04
Ari-Yang!EOL | kali_eskrima06:04
ubottukali_eskrima: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:04
GlemSomreisio, Ok, then what is needed for sudo to take a password from either stdin, or another askpass program - without stealing the tty ?06:05
kali_eskrimaanyway how do i fix now the laptop, that is not loading not the 12.04 bootable cd nor in the grub 2.0 mode06:05
Dr_WillisGlemSom:  i think that could be considered a major security issue.06:05
mrkentI got this new xps desktop, but it won't seem to let me boot from usb (which i plan to use to install ubuntu)06:05
reisioGlemSom: I meant you shouldn't need to send a pass06:05
Dr_Willisnight all06:06
GlemSomreisio, It is needed, to elevate the user to admin.06:06
reisioGlemSom: that's what sudo does06:06
GlemSomreisio, Yeap - exactly :) Kinda why I'm using sudo... ;)06:06
kali_eskrimaok what is that !LTS will that help me restore my desktop and run ubutnu ?06:06
reisioGlemSom: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22sudo%20over%20ssh%2206:07
kali_eskrimaconfused here sorry. it looks hopeless because nothing works, except that if i press del or shift will bring me to the menu grub06:07
kali_eskrimawhat should i do when i get to the advanced options... i tried using the command line in terminal but i dont know what should i type in to restore... i already tried the nomode06:09
rainbowwarriorhello , does anyone here know if Ubuntu 13.04 works fine with an acer v5 Touch Screen laptop please ?06:10
GlemSomreisio, Sadly, that does not solve the actual problem, of sudo not picking up an askpass program... which is needed...06:10
linuhi all i would like to install windows 7 on my ubuntu 12.04 pc using virtualbox,where i can get iso file for windows 706:10
reisiolinu: online, or from an existing installation06:10
reisiorainbowwarrior: "v5" is the whole model?06:11
pers3uslinu: Buy one...06:11
reisiorainbowwarrior: chances are if you boot the install media and hit 'try', it will be apparent whether it works or not06:11
mrkentThe windows bootloader just automatically goes into windows, and the UEFI never lets me boot from usb06:11
mrkentanyone know how to solve this?06:11
gulag2013Seriously, you best bet is to try an evaluation copy of windows 8 preview.. Then again this is ubuntu support I think Ask in  #Windows.06:12
Ari-Yanglinu: http://www.w7forums.com/threads/official-windows-7-sp1-iso-image-downloads.12325/06:12
geniilinu: If you already have a running Win 7 you can use BartPE to make a cd image06:12
rainbowwarriorreisio my bad its an acer Aspire v5-531P/571P06:14
rainbowwarriorok thank you reisio :o)06:14
kali_eskrimaok what about how do u add a two or more partitions when installing ubuntu 12.04. or when the os is already installed. do you need a program?06:18
linugenii i dont have windows i have used only ubuntu06:18
geniilinu: Well, so then you'd need to purchase a legitimate Windows someplace.06:19
Ari-Yanglinu: or use DaxLoader.... which tricks windows to thinking it's been activated06:19
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:20
kali_eskrima@ Ari-Yang what it means !LTE06:20
Ari-Yangkali_eskrima: pardon?06:21
rainbowwarrioraww the coffee gone :(06:21
kali_eskrimayou mendtioned before tree words with exclamatory sign? what it means?06:21
plut0pfifo: yeah i should be around tomorrow06:21
Ari-Yang!LTS > kali_eskrima06:22
ubottukali_eskrima, please see my private message06:22
geniiTyler: Yes, we see what you type06:22
Ari-Yang!EOL > kali_eskrima06:22
Tylerthanks I haven't used this before so just getting used to it06:22
geniikali_eskrima: The ! makes ubottu try to look up a fun fact about whatever comes after the !06:23
TylerIs there a spiceworks it channel?06:23
reisioTyler: /msg alis list *spiceworks*06:24
rainbowwarrioranyone seen my brain there was something i wanted to ask, but now i forgot what it was lol :(06:25
Ari-Yang!offtopic > rainbowwarrior06:25
ubotturainbowwarrior, please see my private message06:25
oilerffgo to #physics and find it06:25
kali_eskrimaso when do u use ! and where do u use it?06:26
rainbowwarriorlol oilerff06:26
TylerThank you reisio06:26
kali_eskrimaand how do i add two different partitions. im in the program of "installation type" and new partiion. i have /dev/sda and free space 750156 mb options. what next? add????06:28
kali_eskrimaanyone knows?06:29
TylerI typed /msg alis list spiceworks and nothing happens what am i doing wrong?06:31
geniiTyler: I'd just suggest to join #spiceworks and ask there06:32
tozenkali_eskrima: what the matter?06:32
kali_eskrimaanyone knows where can i get more help on my installation of ubuntu and partition creating?06:33
hasnoideahey all, all of a sudden the script that happily rotated my display on lightdm startup stopped working on my uptodat  12.04 desktop, what can possibly be wrong? I'm just running "xrandr -o left" in the script specified via display-setup-script in my /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file06:33
kali_eskrima@tozen   Plenty matters but i was wondering how do u create the partition, actuall 2, on the installation type..06:33
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kali_eskrima how do i add two different partitions. im in the program of "installation type" and new partiion. i have /dev/sda and free space 750156 mb options.06:33
kali_eskrima@tozen that was for you, the copied text. thanks06:34
kali_eskrimaby the way why the 12.04 is always crashing?06:35
tozenkali_eskrima: well my 12.04 never crashed06:36
kali_eskrimathat was in the first place the reason i upgraded to 12.10, when everything crashed. i didnt touched anything but just restart the pc for installing 12.10.. weird!!!!06:36
tozenkali_eskrima: what distro do u hava?06:36
useelinhi all. how effective block inciming udp port?06:37
Valdusall:  anyone have a good guide to securing ubuntu?06:37
kali_eskrimaits not program itself, its just here and there will give me the error messages and i send it06:37
kali_eskrimawhat is distro?06:37
Valdus12.04 LTS06:37
tozenkali_eskrima: 12.04, 12.10, 13.04, 13.10?06:37
reisioValdus: against what?06:38
useelinand how see chat history all06:38
kali_eskrimai had 12.0406:38
kali_eskrimaupgraded to 12.10...............my sistem crashed. didnt wont to work, just black screen with underscore06:39
kali_eskrimadidnt got much help, so i finally found how to reinstall to 12.0406:39
Valdusreisio: just general stuff, I'm not thinking of anything specific.06:39
kali_eskrimaim new to ubuntu and i maybe know 5% of it, so im sorry for ignorance06:40
tozenkali_eskrima: here is link about partitioning: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition06:41
Valdusreisio: I don't know much about OS vulnerabilities.  I want to learn about what potential vulnerabilites are out there for ubuntu so i can secure my box06:42
Ben64Valdus: depends what you plan to run on it06:43
Gentoo64ubuntu comes with apparmor which can contain an attacker, maybe worth learning06:43
reisioIME you don't learn much from docs on securing systems, as they don't really explain why what they tell you to do is useful06:44
reisioall the most informed security experts spend all their time trying to break things06:45
reisiohelmut_: hi06:45
ValdusBen64: As of now I'm probably just going to be running stuff like virtualbox, pidgin, skype, firefox, chrome, bitcoin, wireshark, rhythmebox, and thunderbird06:45
Gentoo64Valdus: keep it all up to date06:45
Gentoo64that will help06:45
Ben64Valdus: usually its the server type stuff that has vulnerabilities06:45
ValdusGentoo64: I'll checkout apparmor, sounds interesting06:46
Gentoo64not really, but that allows people to remotely exploit06:46
Ben64Valdus: you should be safe, but i'd recommend adblockplus, and to avoid shady websites and running strange commands or executables06:46
bigkrexhonestly if security is a real concern check out #openbsd06:46
Ben64Gentoo64: thats what i mean06:46
Ben64bigkrex: please don't06:46
Gentoo64adblock wont help against vulnerabilitys06:46
Gentoo64or you mean noscript06:47
Ben64it'll help against bad flash ads06:47
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Valdusoh yea, i need to get noscript, thanks for reminding me06:47
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Gentoo64firefox and chromium are really secure browsers06:47
Ben64yeah, don't use IE :P06:47
ValdusBen64: is there an HTTPSalways plugin for firefox or chrome so I don't accidently use http?06:48
Gentoo64https everywhere06:48
ValdusGentoo64: thanks06:48
ValdusGentoo64: and on a side note, do you guys happen to know how to get pentadactyl working with the newer firefox hahah?06:48
Valdusor do i need to downgrade?06:49
Gentoo64no idea06:49
reisioValdus: it doesn't work?06:49
tcatsunenti am the system admin at my company;just started, and i got a temperature alert emailed  that shows the server room to be two degrees over its preset limit06:49
Valdusreisio: won't let me install the plugin with firefox 2406:49
tcatsunentis this something i should be really worried about?06:49
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Gentoo64tcatsunent: depends how stable the temp normally is06:49
reisioValdus: hang on06:50
Gentoo64tcatsunent: 2 degrees isnt a lot06:50
darkXplo_hii anyone can help me with UPW06:50
reisioValdus: http://dpaste.com/1407279/plain/06:50
tcatsunenti haven't been there long enough to know i just wasn't sure if it warranted me going to work on my day off to turn down the thermostat in the office or something06:50
Gentoo64darkXplo_: what do you want to know06:50
aeon-ltdtcatsunent: there are too many things that could cause a 2 degree change in temp06:50
tcatsunentwell it was cold most the week so my guess is someone turned up the heat and now that today was a warm day that is probably the cause06:51
Ben64tcatsunent: really not a question for #ubuntu but you should start worrying if it keeps going up06:51
darkXplo_i had installed UFW on my server.. i can disable ports.. but when a ufw status is done it gives a ufw-init error06:52
Valdusreisio: thnx i'll try that06:52
tcatsunentyeah this just the first channel i added, thank you06:52
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darkXplo_@Gentoo64 i had installed UFW on my server.. i can disable ports.. but when a ufw status is done it gives a ufw-init error06:53
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darkXplo_any idea?06:53
Gentoo64doesnt ubuntu come with ufw on server06:53
darkXplo_yes its already there by default.. but i did an upgrade though06:54
Gentoo64no idea06:54
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darkXplo_hmm ok06:55
darkXplo_first time im here.. and it starts good already06:55
darkXplo_netstat -antpl06:56
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darkXplo_huh.. fuck.. error06:56
Blacksheep9Guys can someone please help me with the sound.06:57
Valdusdidn't work :/06:58
bigkrexwhat's the next LTS?07:01
aeon-ltdBlacksheep9: describe it the best you can in one line07:01
Calinoubigkrex: 14.04 (april 2014)07:01
CalinouLTS are released every 2 years, and are supported for 5 years07:02
nn0101darkXplo_: there's a very simple fw gui for new users called firestarter07:02
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darkXplo_nn0101 im using ubuntu on VPS so i dont have access for GUI..07:06
darkXplo_ubuntu-server on VPS07:07
darkXplo_just ssh07:07
aeon-ltdssh -x?07:07
oilerffGlemSom brings happiness to the world. 16.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)07:08
oilerffrainbowwarrior isn't a sad person either, smiling 11.1% of the time.07:08
oilerffrainbowwarrior seems to be sad at the moment: 22.2% lines contained sad faces. :(07:08
oilerffkali_eskrima is also a sad person, crying 3.0% of the time.07:08
FloodBot1oilerff: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
esehi, am looking for a theme with black background everything, the white background hurts my eyes, any ideas? thank you07:09
Ben64oilerff: ?07:09
oilerffBen64, those were ubuntu IRC statistics07:09
Ben64please don't do that here07:09
reisioese: http://art.gnome.org/themes07:09
oilerffBen64, is it harmful to the community?07:10
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Ben64its offtopic, irrelevant, and spam07:10
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oilerffIt's not off topic. It pertains directly to the IRC channel. Relevancy is something I addressed in the previous sentence. And it most assuredly isn't a Stupid Pointless Annoying Message.07:11
aeon-ltdese: if the white backgrounds hurt your eyes you should consider lowering the brightness of you monitor07:11
aeon-ltdoilerff: not support related = 99% is offtopic07:11
PatrickDickeyoilerff: Exactly how does knowing rainbowwarriors mood (based on his emoticons) help me with my ubuntu issue?07:12
aeon-ltd99% of the time it is offtopic07:12
Ben64oilerff: the topic is Ubuntu support, how many times someone did :) is not related. don't do it.07:12
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* PatrickDickey plus I'd imagine that if you're not an owner, moderator, or offical bot, using scripts in the room is probably forbidden07:13
oilerffOh, this wasn't an IRC script.07:13
oilerffLogging is permissible unless stated otherwise, just going by general IRC convention07:14
Ben64this is not a hard concept. don't post stuff like that in here. it is offtopic.07:14
whatever_42have there been some changes between 11.04 and 12.04 regarding pwm? under 11.04 i was able to control my fan yet in 12.04 pwmconfig claims that it did not find any sensors nor fans07:14
wilee-nileewhatever_42, you install lm-sensors?07:15
Ben64whatever_42: you may need to install lm-sensors or something similar first07:15
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whatever_42i was hoping i had done this but i am not sure so i'll check that hang on07:16
whatever_42lm-sensors is installed07:17
wilee-nileewhatever_42, you run it?07:18
esereisio, that web of art.gnome.com is not downloading any item, but thanks anyways, you know a theme completly black, including firefox, browser, etc with a black background?07:18
PatrickDickeywhatever_42: have you run sudo sensors-detect?07:18
reisioese: I recommend you install xcalib07:18
reisioese: and map 'xcalib -i -a' to a keyboard shortcut07:18
wilee-nileewhatever_42, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto07:18
whatever_42PatrickDickey: did not run that.07:18
PatrickDickeywhatever_42: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed might help you then.07:19
aeon-ltdese: IME go for grey not black it's a lot 'softer' on the eyes07:19
dwwddwhow to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu 13.04?07:19
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:19
aeon-ltddwwddw: wut? if you knew how why ask?07:19
whatever_42do i want to add the result to /etc/modules @ sensors-detect?07:20
_tanmaydwwddw try bumblebee07:20
dwwddwaeon-ltd: cuz I don't know how to install them anyway ;d is that for 13.04?07:21
PatrickDickeywhatever_42: At the end of sensors-detect, it should ask if you want to add those to /etc/modules. Say "yes" or you can add them yourself.07:21
dwwddwand btw what means kvm disabled by bios?07:21
whatever_42PatrickDickey: do i need to run some other programs before pwmconfig?07:21
whatever_42PatrickDickey: nevermind i'll to that sensors install how to07:22
PatrickDickeydwwddw: That means that something in your bios is turning off any virtualization capabilities. Probably not important, unless you're running vm's.07:22
dwwddwPatrickDickey: okay, but how to install the nvidia driver it's not like in the previous versions of ubuntu07:23
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PatrickDickeydwwddw: Did you look at the wiki that the bot gave you?07:23
dwwddwPatrickDickey: yes07:23
whatever_42solved it. thank you guys07:23
esereisio, xcalib rocks but the pictures and movies looks terrible07:23
dwwddwPatrickDickey: Note: In newer version of Ubuntu, older graphic adapters may not be supported with the repositories provided driver.07:24
dwwddwPatrickDickey: I can't find Additional Drivers on ubuntu 13.0407:24
Ari-Yangdwwddw: it's under 'software sources' in settings07:24
Ari-Yangthere's an 'additional drivers' tab, dwwddw07:24
dwwddwAri-Yang: yes I know and there's nothing07:25
PatrickDickeydwwddw: Did you open Software Sources? It should be the last tab. (Software Updates --> Settings --> last tab.07:25
dwwddwPatrickDickey: yes already done a few times and there's nothing on this tab07:25
dwwddwPatrickDickey: that's why I am asking here07:25
Valdusall: for backing up ubuntu, can i just use the built in backup system under system settings? or is there something better?07:25
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:26
kongthapwhen i use apt-get install it means i download a executable or binary or source code???07:26
Ari-Yangkongthap: take a look at man apt-get in terminal07:27
wilee-nileekongthap, an app, and if you have the source part of the soures.list on the source as well.07:27
Valdusubottu: do you know if the built-in backup system under system settings is reliable?07:27
ubottuValdus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:27
PatrickDickeydwwddw: Did you go into the sub-wiki article about NVidia drivers at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:27
dwwddwPatrickDickey: yes I am there07:28
Valdusall is the built-in backup systemunder system settings reliable?07:28
wilee-nileeValdus, what are you trying to backup, home or the OS?07:28
Valduswilee-nilee: root directory /07:28
Valduswilee-nilee: should i just backup home?07:29
PatrickDickeydwwddw: The suggestion I would give you first, is to check the nvidia website to see if they have drivers for your card.07:29
dwwddwhmm okay07:29
wilee-nileeValdus, I would clone it myself. Some only want home saved, so wothout you saying how are we to know.07:29
darkXplo_guys a UFW status works on my server but when i do a ufw reload it gives a ufw-init error07:29
kongthaphow to backup "everything" on ubuntu, any software???07:29
dwwddwPatrickDickey: it seems like they have07:30
gordonjcpdarkXplo_: pastebin the full error07:30
wilee-nileekongthap, You can clone it with clonezilla is one way.07:30
dwwddwPatrickDickey: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/6756707:30
phunyguykongthap: take a look at backintime07:30
darkXplo_@kongthat u coould do a partition for the /home07:30
phunyguy!info backintime07:30
ubottuPackage backintime does not exist in raring07:30
gordonjcpkongthap: what exactly are you trying to do?07:30
Valduswilee-nilee: Cloning is what i would like to do07:30
PatrickDickeyValdus: my "persona" opinion is back up /home, and any configuration files that you modify. The rest either comes with your installation, or you can reinstall.07:30
wilee-nilee!find backintime07:30
ubottuFound: backintime-common, backintime-gnome, backintime-kde07:30
darkXplo_gotdonjcp : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fe32e9382d05af47797c07:31
PatrickDickeydwwddw: If that's the driver for your card, then you can download it from there. It *should* be a shell script that you can run to install (or a .deb file that you can install).07:31
kongthapgordonjcp: you meant what i wanna do for the backup??07:31
gordonjcpkongthap: well, tell us the whole story07:32
dwwddwPatrickDickey: okay I'll install it manually and how to remove the nouveau? :P07:32
darkXplo_je commence en avoir marre la07:32
gordonjcpkongthap: why do you need to back everything up, and what do you want to do?07:32
comptrollerHi all. I'm having an issue where Additional Drivers sees no video drivers for my cards, and when I installed FGLRX via terminal and ran aticonfig --initial, it claims I have no supported adapters. I have two ATI HD 3870's running in a crossfire config, and I need proprietary drivers for gaming.07:33
PatrickDickeydwwddw: That's in the link on BinaryGuide to Nvidia drivers. "Removing nouvea"07:33
darkXplo_kongthap u can do a partition for /home07:33
gordonjcpdarkXplo_: started getting tired of what?07:33
dwwddwPatrickDickey: okay thank you very much have a nice day :)07:33
PatrickDickey!fr | darkXplo_07:33
ubottudarkXplo_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:33
dwwddwPatrickDickey: I'll try it later when I boot my ubuntu, cuz I got it on another partition07:33
darkXplo_im speaking english only07:33
PatrickDickeylol sorry. I only saw the one comment in French. :)07:34
kongthapgordonjcp: i'm new to ubuntu and i have setup so many things on it right now, so i just wanna backup everything if my HD fails i can restore things back.07:34
eInstallerHi! "sudo apt-get update" get stuck at: "90% [Connecting to se.archive.ubuntu.com (]" Any ideas why? I can ping se.archive.ubuntu.com with response.07:34
kongthapdarkXplo_: tell me more please07:34
PatrickDickeydwwddw: Good luck. I'll tell you that I've only got one nvidia card on my computers, and it's on a 12.04 system. So I'm honestly not sure about their drivers.07:34
gordonjcpmhadainn mhath, mac-màthair07:34
gordonjcp!gd | gordonjcp07:34
darkXplo_kongthat do this on your terminal >> sudo apt-get update && upgrade07:35
gordonjcpkongthap: okay07:35
gordonjcpkongthap: well there are two things there07:35
gordonjcpkongthap: you can take a list of all the packages you installed, and just script reinstalling from scratch07:35
PatrickDickeyeInstaller: it could be anything. Since you're able to ping it, it's probably latency between your computer and their server. It's nothing that we can fix though.07:35
gordonjcpkongthap: and if you keep /home on a separate partition it's really easy to just back that up and ignore the rest07:35
gordonjcpkongthap: for normal desktop use, backing up /home is generally sufficient07:36
kongthapgordonjcp: sounds good07:36
eInstallerPatrickDickey: Ok. So it should be temporary then?07:36
gordonjcpkongthap: here's the clever bit - do you remember seeing an option for LVM when you installed?  Did you use it?07:36
PatrickDickeyeInstaller: yep. Should be.07:36
darkXplo_any root ninja here07:36
gordonjcpI shudder to think what a root ninja is07:36
kongthapgordonjcp: sorry i don't recognize what you said at all :(07:37
* PatrickDickey played fruit ninja once...07:37
gordonjcpkongthap: okay, well anyway read up on LVM07:37
kongthapgordonjcp: LVM -> linux virtual machine???07:37
gordonjcpno, Logical Volume Manager07:37
kongthapgordonjcp: 55507:37
kongthapgordonjcp: sorry07:37
gordonjcpthe one thing you have problems with on *all* systems when you back up is stuff changing during the backup07:37
gordonjcpLVM allows you to snapshot a drive07:38
gordonjcpsubsequent changes don't show up in the snapshot07:38
kongthapgordonjcp: i will read from it first...i will ask more later, because right now i know nothing about it07:38
gordonjcpso you snapshot your /home partition, back up the snapshot, and while that's taking place you're merrily making changes to /home07:38
gordonjcpyour changes made after the snapshot may be lost, but no biggie07:38
kongthapgordonjcp: you don't recommend to use anything in "back in time" right?07:39
comptrollerHi all. I'm having an issue where Additional Drivers sees no video drivers for my cards, and when I installed FGLRX via terminal and ran aticonfig --initial, it claims I have no supported adapters. I have two ATI HD 3870's running in a crossfire config, and I need proprietary drivers for gaming. When I do a lspci -vvnn | grep VGA, I get the following output: http://pastebin.com/Vk2QmCrZ07:39
gordonjcpkongthap: I'm not sure if there's a time machine-like backup system07:39
gordonjcpkongthap: time machine is great on Macs, I love it07:39
gordonjcpI love it when I'm plugged into gig ethernet, over wifi it's just annoying ;-)07:39
gordonjcpand over the VPN it's just *painful*07:40
kongthapgordonjcp: i don't concern much about files, i most concern about all setting and app07:40
gordonjcpkongthap: okay, then take a backup of /etc where the config files are, and a dump of what packages are installed07:40
gordonjcpkongthap: and then if you want to automate installing like if you had a bunch of machines, look into kickstart ;-)07:40
darkXplo_Firewall not enabled (skipping reload)07:41
kongthapgordonjcp: after doing it, the "snapshot" is bunch of script or something else?07:41
gordonjcpkongthap: the snapshot is your filesystem at the point in time you froze it07:41
kongthapgordonjcp: i will ask a few more questions to make myself clear07:42
kongthapgordonjcp: if i don't concern so much about the files, i just have to back up "/etc", i can restore all setting and installed app when ever i have a problem???07:43
noxrandrhey all, I used to rotate my display when lightdm starts by executing an appropriate script which runs xrandr -o left07:44
gordonjcpkongthap: well all your settings are in /etc07:44
gordonjcpkongthap: copying /etc directly over your existing one is probably a bad idea, but you can pick out the important bits07:44
noxrandrhowever, all of a sudden xrandr doesn't work in that script anymore, but it still does when I call it manually from within a gnome-terminal, what happened there?!07:44
gordonjcpkongthap: also, bear in mind that a lot of programs save user-specific config in your home directory, in hidden files07:44
kongthapgordonjcp: for example if i copied "/etc/apache2/" to the new machine, i don't have to install and setup apache2, the apache2 just can run smoothly???07:45
kongthapgordonjcp: so there may be somewhere else to keep the config files07:46
kongthapgordonjcp: ok i think i must read LVM first07:46
gordonjcpkongthap: you'd still need to install the apache2 packages07:46
gordonjcpkongthap: all copying /etc/apache2 across will do is put your old config back07:47
gordonjcpwhich sounds like it's mostly what you want07:47
kongthapgordonjcp: otherwise my questions will be too none sense07:47
comptrollerHi all. I'm having an issue where Additional Drivers sees no video drivers for my cards, and when I installed FGLRX via terminal and ran aticonfig --initial, it claims I have no supported adapters. I have two ATI HD 3870's running in a crossfire config, and I need proprietary drivers for gaming. When I do a lspci -vvnn | grep VGA, I get the following output: http://pastebin.com/Vk2QmCrZ07:48
klanderhi guys. I'm trying to do sudo apt-get install curl but i get an error saying /usr/bin/python does not match the python default version. It must be reset to point to python2.6. how can i downgrade from python 2.7 to 2.6?07:53
poko_haramhi .. i have questionary07:53
poko_haramif i need to install windows 7 along side ubuntu .. i have to install any of them first?07:54
Gentoo64poko_haram: install windows first07:54
gordonjcppoko_haram: I believe it helps to install windows first07:54
Ari-Yangpoko_haram: yes, install windows first, it would be easier to deal with when you install ubuntu after07:54
poko_haramif i make partitions in windows 7 encrypted .. will it appear when i work on ubuntu?07:54
paulus68_1poko_haram: use this guide http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/dual-boot-windows-7-ubuntu.html07:55
Gentoo64poko_haram: if you have software to decrypt it07:55
Gentoo64ie if you used truecrypt you could use that on linux07:55
poko_harami will use encryption methods supported inside windows 707:55
Gentoo64no idea about grub booting from that07:56
poko_haramGentoo64,gordonjcp,Ari-Yang,paulus68_1 thanks appreciating you all07:57
PatrickDickey 07:58
paulus68_1does anyone has an idea on how to install a sata raid on a hp proliant ML310 with ubuntu server 13.04?08:01
PatrickDickeypaulus68_1: http://h18004.www1.hp.com/products/servers/os/certification.html?var1=ML310e%20Gen8 might get you started. I'm not entirely sure though. I got that from googling install sata raid on hp proliant ml310 with ubuntu server 13.0408:07
comptrollerHi all. I'm having an issue where Additional Drivers sees no video drivers for my cards, and when I installed FGLRX via terminal and ran aticonfig --initial, it claims I have no supported adapters. I have two ATI HD 3870's running in a crossfire config, and I need proprietary drivers for gaming. When I do a lspci -vvnn | grep VGA, I get the following output: http://pastebin.com/Vk2QmCrZ08:11
paulus68_1PatrickDickey: I've seen that one to but is not getting me anywhere at the moment08:11
jdolesIs there anyone here who actually knows something about LUKS on LVM for a new Ubuntu installation?08:14
Stritcomptroller, YOu sure the ATI cards are supported by the ATI driver?08:14
comptrollerStrit, according to amd's website. It listed this card on the fglrx page as well... double checking now though08:15
LennyJrwanting HDMI sound to TV i changed GRUB "radeon.audio=1" now i get hdmi audio out but  now no microphone or earphone or coputer sounds08:16
comptrollerStrit I just noticed its giving me the linux legacy driver, not fglrx: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx08:16
comptrollerStrit do I need to install from the blob?08:17
klanderthakns for the help guys! got it to work!08:20
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tozen aeon-ltd hi! so?08:37
poko_haramthere is something is called cpu software cooler?08:39
Calinouit doesn't work like that08:39
lotuspsychjepoko_haram: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed08:41
LLckfanI am trying to print a document made in Micsoft Office Word on the 3X5 index card. I have used tried both orientation. And caannot get it to print on a 3X5 index card. Could I have some advice on what I may be doing wrong?08:43
Slartpoko_haram: I've seen some software that downclocks the cpu and makes it run cooler.. in linux there are some applications that control the power management features alread present in the hardware08:45
Stritcomptroller, no idea. :)08:51
aeon-ltdtozen: what?08:51
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nbubuntumay I know , can a 64bit 12.04.3 install 32bit application ? newbie here09:22
ikonianbubuntu: it depends on a few things,09:22
ikonianbubuntu: technically yes, 32bit apps will work if the appropriate libraries are there09:23
ikonianbubuntu: realisticly, it's case by case, worth checking09:23
nbubuntuikonia : hm... Now still deciding whether I should install 64bit or 32bit09:23
ikonianbubuntu what 32bit software do you want/need09:23
MonkeyDustnbubuntu  skype is 32bit only and i have it on my 64bit system09:24
nbubuntuikonia : mostly , on video editing or sound editing audacity avidemux and etc , maybe some gaining too09:25
ikonianbubuntu: audacituy is 64bit I believe, avidemux, I think too09:25
nbubuntuMonkeyDust : oh really , thanks , will go for 64bit then , later in case , will install Vbox for 32bit 12.0409:25
ikoniaah, it's 32bit09:26
nbubuntuikonia : will have any noticeable speed improvement over 64bit ? you mean editing software all 32bit hm....09:26
ikonianbubuntu doubtful09:26
nbubuntuikonia : ah... dont have , make dual booting partition , installing 32bit along with 64bit09:27
ikoniaI don't think you need to even think about dual booting09:28
nbubuntuikonia : any reason ? will it conflict double booting ?09:29
ikoniano, I just don't think you need 2 seperate OS versions to run that software09:29
_tanmayWhere can I find the source code to  kernel libraries on my system?  I'm looking for the source code of the pthread_create() function.09:33
nbubuntuikonia : maybe , for compatibility , 32bit wider on libraries . So , does 64bit have a large noticeable different on speed compare to 32bit ? 50% increase boot time or on multitasking ?09:35
ikonianbubuntu: you won't notice a difference09:35
nbubuntuikonia : oh really , thank anyway.Will go on 32bit. :D thank you again :)09:37
ikonianbubuntu: how much ram do you currently have in the machine ?09:37
nbubuntuikonia : 8GB09:37
ikonianbubuntu: ok, I would use a 64bit install then09:37
nbubuntuikonia : yeh , 32bit limited to 3.4gb09:38
aeon-ltdnot with pae09:39
nbubuntuikonia : cases , can a 32bit install on 64bit ? when comes with window part , you can install 32bit on 64bit apps it09:39
postmodernif i install the ruby1.9.3 package, do i have to run update-alternatives or will apt handle that for me?09:39
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AndChat419124anyone here ?09:44
cfhowlettAndChat113609, yes.09:44
AndChat419124nice ??09:44
AndChat419124is there night now ?09:44
AndChat419124I English is poor09:45
nbubuntuikonia : gtg , will decide later again :) thanks09:46
AndChat419124nice place ,I love here ..09:47
ubottuAndChat113609,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:47
LLckfanI am trying to print a document made in Micsoft Office Word on the 3X5 index card. I have used tried both orientation. And caannot get it to print on a 3X5 index card. Could I have some advice on what I may be doing wrong?09:47
ubottuAndChat113609,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:47
chmacI've added eth1 to /etc/network/interfaces, but the default route for that subnet is not being added automatically. Do I need to configure that somewhere else?09:51
SvetlanaNetworkManager may be interfering. Can you turn it off or do you need it for something else?09:51
chmacSvetlana: Ah, sorry, it's a server machine, no X :-)09:52
Svetlana#ubuntu-server maybe?09:52
chmacIt's weird, I have two machines, both 12.04 lts server, and one works, one doesn't.09:52
AndChat419124hardware driver ??09:53
chmacBut maybe I tweaked some config on the other machine that I've since forgotten about...09:53
SvetlanaYou may want to pastebin your config. If you started it with a server edition the other channel would help you.09:54
SvetlanaYour interfaces file I mean.09:54
Frank81can some one help me i reach always kmemsize limits09:59
Frank81and i don't know where this uncacheable .... comes from09:59
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SvetlanaFrank81: Hi. What error message do you get?09:59
gallonimusHi! I have installed u 13.10b2 and I don't have virtualgl in repo (neded to bumblebee). Why?10:00
Frank81simply no error i run always out of memory10:00
Frank81i have a limit called kmemsize it is on 3210:00
Frank81i reach 30 and then no other memexecution happens10:00
Frank81so i need to reduce kernel size10:01
Frank81probally my main problem is that i use 64bit :(10:01
Frank81since that needs 4times more kmemsize then 32bit10:02
Frank81can't even ssh into the machine i hate that :(10:02
Frank81maybe i need to use less processes but that isn't as usefull as it sounds like :(10:03
MonkeyDustgallonimus  13.10 support in #ubuntu+110:05
Jordana-WatsonWhat command can I use to see processes that use internet  ???10:06
LLckfanI am trying to print a document made in Micsoft Office Word on the 3X5 index card. I have used tried both orientation. And caannot get it to print on a 3X5 index card. Could I have some advice on what I may be doing wrong?10:07
MonkeyDustJordana-Watson  start with    lsof -i     then explore lsof some more10:08
MonkeyDustJordana-Watson  no, in a terminal, type    lsof -i10:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:09
Jordana-WatsonMonkeyDust: now what ???10:10
MonkeyDustJordana-Watson  depends on what you want to know... have you typed lsof -i in a terminal?10:10
Jordana-WatsonMonkeyDust: thank u very much..now I can kill unwanted processes..10:11
Jordana-Watsonthanks a lot10:11
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bmr-ubuntuAlguem por aqui que esteja com problemas ao instalar software do repository do ubuntu?10:13
Svetlana!pt | bmr-ubuntu10:14
ubottubmr-ubuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.10:14
nightdreverwhen i do updates i get these errors   http://pastebin.com/WEPe7T2u      any help?10:16
SalahMessaoudHi, I have a problem with my huawei E372 3g dongle I can't get it to work in Ubuntu 12.0410:20
Svetlananightdrever: ask the Google Chrome folks and the qBitTorrent PPA maintainer. The latter seems to exist at https://launchpad.net/~hydr0g3n/+archive/qbittorrent-stable though so you may have to remove and re-add it. Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Third-Party_Software_Tab10:22
nightdreverthanks Swetlana ill try that soon10:22
Svetlana(PPAs and Google Chrome repositories are not in Ubuntu by default and whoever hosts them would have to fix these issues. Meanwhile I would recommend to remove the relevant PPAs using the documentation and re-add them using latest available websites for the software they are for.)10:23
SvetlanaI would possibly note that 'chromium' package is almost identical to Google Chrome, but it is entirely free. Whatever difference there is I don't know, the software is mostly the same.10:26
bekksSvetlana: The difference is: no Pepperflash.10:27
bekksSvetlana: Thats one of the greatest features of Chrome, since Adobe stopped working on a native flash implementation in favor of PepperFlash.10:28
nightdreverok ill just disable deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free and deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ testing non-free ????10:28
SvetlanaIs that a name for buildin Flash? I thought Chromium has it.10:28
bekksSvetlana: Chromium does not have it.10:28
Svetlananightdrever, that sounds safe.10:28
bekksnightdrever: Why do you need testing? Do you know what you are doing there?10:28
Svetlanabekks, I suppose I must have some Flash installed in a separate package then. It would be strange that Google doesn't make their builtin Flash open-source though; a load of browser issues are caused by plugins, and having a popular plugin builtin could help to isolate these problems somewhat, such as by having the browser look after the plugin being up-to-date enough.10:30
Blacksheep9Need help with sound. someone please help me.10:31
bekksSvetlana: Just check "about:plugins" carefully.10:31
Blacksheep9IM me please10:31
cfhowlett!details Blacksheep9,10:32
bekksSvetlana: PepperFlash ios not from Google. It is from Adobe. Google just presents the API, and Adobe puts in the PepperFlash Code. And in Chromium, Adobe doesnt do that, since their Flash isnt OpenSource.10:32
ubottuBlacksheep9,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:32
Blacksheep9I am running UBUNTU 13.04 on my Compaq Presario V300010:33
Blacksheep9this problem has been same on previous versions too10:33
Blacksheep9I have the details of the command lspci10:33
cfhowlettBlacksheep9, as you haven't STATED the problem, we have no idea what you're talking about ...10:34
Blacksheep9I dont get any sound on my laptop10:34
HumptyDumpty001How do i downgrade , which all data i need to backup10:34
HumptyDumpty0011310 to 120410:34
mellonHi, How can I purge the effects of 'gnome-tweak-tool' after uninstalling it?10:34
Blacksheep9on the sound card details it says dummy output10:35
Blacksheep9that is the only one10:35
cfhowlettmellon, purge settings?  no command for that, but you can manually reset them.10:35
SvetlanaHumptyDumpty001: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-help/backup-why.html10:35
Blacksheep9I also tried installing and running ALSAMIXER10:36
Blacksheep9its just a blank window with nothing showing inside10:36
melloncfhowlett: I can't find the setting files that take effects. It still exists in my system after the software being uninstalled.10:36
sebrockgot an issue with dhclient running too late in boot process. I have services listening to a certain IP that is started earlier. And because of no IP they all fail. I do not want to listen to Can I move the dhclient descovery to be done earlier in boot sequence?10:37
Blacksheep9Some one has an idea? or need more details?10:37
cfhowlettmellon, what exact settings do you refer to?10:37
melloncfhowlett: the 'gnome-tweak-tool' made some font rendering customizations. I want to purge them.10:38
SalahMessaoudHi, I have a problem with my huawei E372 3g dongle I can't get it to work in Ubuntu 12.0410:39
hwt69loveevery body10:40
bekks!details | SalahMessaoud10:40
ubottuSalahMessaoud: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:40
wilee-nileeSalahMessaoud, You run lsusb if it is a usb dongle to see the detailed info and looked on the web?10:41
hwt69lovehi,I'm come in10:41
SalahMessaoudwilee-nilee, yep I tried few solutions didnt work10:41
wilee-nileeSalahMessaoud, It helps to know what you have found out and tried.10:41
SalahMessaoudbekks, I am runnung Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32 bit I can't see my huawei E372 3g dongle10:42
bekksSalahMessaoud: You said that. Please do what ubottu told you :)10:42
GalvatronAfter playing a Wine game fullscreen my 12.04.3 (kernel 3.8, "Raring" X.org, 7300GT, driver 304.88) started to reset dimpley settings (resolution, refresh rate) after each restart of X.org. I've tried reinstalling the X stack and driver, installing the default kernel and X, removing .config/monitors.xml and nothing. The only "soution" is to use an older Clonezilla image.10:43
SalahMessaoudwilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6197983/10:43
Blacksheep9I don't get any sound on my laptop at all. I am running 13.04. I have details of commands such as lspci. I have also tried installing and running ALSAMIXER but it just opens as a blank window. I tried looking up solutions online but its not help to me. Please help!!! SOS.10:43
SalahMessaoudI have a problem with huawei E372 3G dongle, I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04 LTS 32 bit When I try to use it, I get the following output: nothing it is not available in network manager, but I expected it to work"10:45
RoryBlacksheep9: Can you please post the output from the command: "lspci -v" on http://paste.ubuntu.com and put the resulting URL in channel10:45
Blacksheep9sure Rory. thanks10:45
SalahMessaoudwilee-nilee, I tried usb_modeswitch solution didnt work10:46
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wilee-nileeSalahMessaoud, This is outside my area of general knowledge, I was just trying to get you to give enough info those that might know can work with.10:47
SalahMessaoudwilee-nilee, ok thank you :)10:48
wilee-nileeI see people with it working on the web, honestly I would not bother if it did not plug and work myself.10:48
Blacksheep9No SOUND 13.04 lspci -v results. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6200183/ Rory10:49
SalahMessaoudwilee-nilee, I have no other choice either make it work or suffer from slow connection :D10:50
RoryBlacksheep9: Does your laptop or motherboard have a make and model?10:52
Blacksheep9COMPAQ PRESARIO V3500 it says Rory10:53
rodicioHi, when i open in Firefox a private wintow, it's open a popup10:55
SvetlanaHi. What popup?10:55
RudyValenciaHi, does the Ubuntu installer use the package settings from the livecd to install the system?10:56
ShapeShifter499I'm trying to learn spanish and I was wondering how I would type accent marks on various letters on my ubuntu laptop10:57
ShapeShifter499does anyone here know?10:57
=== linex is now known as ZoomInChaos
ShapeShifter499I have a standard US keyboard layout10:57
SlartShapeShifter499: on most keyboards you first press the accent and then the letter10:57
ssamRudyValencia, it copies that installed disk image to your disk, rather individually installing packages10:57
RoryBlacksheep9: Please run the command: "gksu gedit /etc/modules" - after entering your password this will open a file in the text editor10:58
RoryBlacksheep9: Add the line "snd-als100" in new line then save and close the text editor10:58
Blacksheep9On it10:58
SlartShapeShifter499: hmm.. might be another trick to it then.. that works on my keyboard but I'm using the swedish layout10:58
ShapeShifter499Slart, I see a accent key but it's not working for me....10:58
RoryBlacksheep9: Then, either reboot, or run "sudo modprobe snd-als100"10:58
dakotawulfy RudyValencia you mean like if you setup wireless then install it does it keep the settings10:58
RudyValenciadoes it use the settings in /etc/apt/sources.list on the livecd to get the packages though?10:58
rodicioSvetlana, http://weeklycareeradvice.blogspot.com.es/10:59
ShapeShifter499Slart, off to google I go then10:59
RudyValenciabecause I don't want to download from archive.ubuntu.com to install :)10:59
Roryrodicio: Keep your spam somewhere else please10:59
RudyValenciaI'd rather download from ubuntu.osuosl.org10:59
SlartShapeShifter499: mm.. it has to be a solution out there.. you're not the first one to want to write accented characters11:00
dakotawulfyit will only use the dvd if it does not have a net connection11:00
rodicioRory, When I open a private window in firefox, it's open that popup11:01
rodicioRory, I think its any kind of malware11:03
rodicioa troyan11:03
MonkeyDustmalware in linux? how exciting!11:03
rodicioMonkeyDust, yes, but not for me11:03
rodicioI rubished history and cookies, and the popub go on11:04
MonkeyDustrodicio  there is no such thing, it must be something else, some setting or option11:04
Svetlanarodicio, that looks odd.11:05
SvetlanaRory, he was answering my question, I assumed. (I asked him what popup he gets in his Firefox.)11:05
Svetlanarodicio, could you create a new user on your system and check for the issue please. Or just create a new Firefox profile to test for it there: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles11:06
MunchkinRory it has helped11:08
=== Munchkin is now known as BlackSheep9
BlackSheep9Rory the sound is still not working.11:09
BlackSheep9I tried sudo modprobe snd-als100 it says "no such device"11:09
BlackSheep9ERROR: could not insert 'snd_als100': No such device11:11
BluesKajHiyas all11:17
SvetlanaBluesKaj, hi.11:18
rodicioSvetlana, MonkeyDust  It was an add-on that's open the popup Thanks11:18
BluesKajhi Svetlana11:18
BlackSheep9I am using COMPAQ presario V3500 running 13.04. There has been no sound whatsoever I tried different solutions online. Someone who knows a solution to this problem please help me.11:22
ShapeShifter499Slart, fixed :D  I needed to set a "compose key" in settings, that is now "alt gr" on my system.    ñ11:22
BlackSheep9lspci -v NO SOUND http://paste.ubuntu.com/6200183/11:23
SlartShapeShifter499: nice! I think I've done that right after the install on my system11:25
ShapeShifter499Slart, so I now have to press "alt gr", then the accent key, then the letter.   If I want "ñ" opposed to "ǹ"  I have to shift+accent key to get it. Which means unless I switch to some spanish layout I won't be typing vary fast once I really learn spanish11:25
BlackSheep9I am using COMPAQ presario V3500 running 13.04. There has been no sound whatsoever I tried different solutions online. Someone who knows a solution to this problem please help me.11:25
BlackSheep9lspci -v NO SOUND http://paste.ubuntu.com/6200183/11:26
Paddy_NIHey I would like to take Ubuntu Touch for a spin on my Nexus 7 WiFi (2012) model, Should I use a daily build or what is recommended?11:26
ubottuPaddy_NI,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch11:27
Paddy_NIcfhowlett: Thank you I am aware of those resources11:27
ShapeShifter499Slart, I wish there was a better way then having to stop mid sentence and fumble my fingers to get a accented letter11:28
SlartShapeShifter499: you can always modify the keyboard layout and put that ñ on some key you don't really use.. caps lock or something11:30
ShapeShifter499Slart, oh well better than nothing. I may get a mini bluetooth keyboard with a Spanish layout so I can type a bit faster11:31
cfhowlettprabs, greetings11:36
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prabscfhowlett i am new to ubuntu11:37
ubottu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:38
goku_hi all11:38
cfhowlettgoku_, DBZ!11:39
goku_yes^^ I just installed ubuntu this night around 4:3011:39
goku_NICK Goku11:39
goku_already quit like it though I had a few problems installing irc11:42
useelinhow install zipzap firewall11:43
useelinsry zipzap browser11:44
dadumbaHi!  KMail and local web apps like drupal and owncloud doesn't work, beecause akonadi doesnt work, because mysql-server-5.5 doesnt start, even with "service mysql restart", nor "dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server". then I tried to reinstall upstart, libjson-c2 libjson0, aptitude install * didnt work, so I tried with aptitude download * which also doenst work, so manual download from arvhice.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/libj/libjson-c2 etc a11:45
dadumbaANY IDEA??11:45
marloshousedadumba, start over?11:45
dadumba@marloshouse do you mean reboot?11:47
useelin.. and how install and use leopardflower firewall on ubuntu. need help.11:47
TimPlazUbuntu 12.04 newbie.....how to get flash player to work in firefox????11:49
Ardy92i have a vps11:49
Ardy92how can install this --> linux-headers-2.6.32-042stab078.26 ?11:49
hitsujiTMOArdy92, what company are you with for your vps and what is the output of: uname -r11:51
TimPlazguess I'm not the only one without flash player...thanks anyways11:52
bekksArdy92: ask the support of your vps, wether they provide it or not.11:53
roy_i need to set up my external monitor in ubuntu studio11:53
goku_I would help u if I could11:55
goku_but actualy started with ubuntu this night xD11:55
paulus68_1does anyone has an idea on how to install a sata raid on a hp proliant ML310 with ubuntu server 13.04?11:55
Roryprabs: Greetings11:56
R0b0t1Hi, what is the binary name for the various libreoffice programs?11:56
R0b0t1That launches a window where I pick what I want to do. I'm wanting to launch the writer on its own11:57
RoryR0b0t1: libreoffice-writer I think11:57
njsgRory: perhaps -writer, -calc, ... as parameters, let me check11:57
jribRory: libreoffice --help11:57
njsgups R0b0t1 ^11:57
njsgbut it is still one single binary11:58
jribR0b0t1: libreoffice --help11:58
njsgif you have libreoffice-writer that is likely a wrapper script installed in ubuntu11:58
roy_i need to put my external monitor to the left instead to have the double monitor with same images...but i can't find this option int the monitor panel11:58
njsgI usually just use xrandr and use --left-of / --right-of11:59
hitsujiTMOlibreoffice --writer11:59
useelinwich the firewall will advise with advanced gui interface11:59
njsgalso, keep in mind when using older machines that the code from openoffice used one-dash before options, there was a transition at some point, but older versions will likely take "-calc" "-writer" and not "--calc" "--writer"11:59
R0b0t1hitsujiTMO: thanks12:00
roy_ok i try12:02
dadumba@roy_ you could also use/install ARandR which is a GUI for xrandr12:03
njsgI have no experience with graphical interfaces for multiple screen configuration, xrandr should go like xrandr --output [ID HERE] --left-of [ID_HERE]12:03
njsgas simple as that, should put the screen with the first id left to the one with the second id12:03
roy_roy@roylinux:~$ xrandr12:03
roy_Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 2560 x 1440, maximum 8192 x 819212:03
roy_LVDS-0 connected 1920x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 367mm x 230mm12:03
roy_   1920x1200      60.0*+12:03
roy_DP-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)12:03
FloodBot1roy_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
roy_DP-1 connected 2560x1440+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 597mm x 336mm12:03
njsgthe settings won't persist, though, and if you're using some DE that has its own RandR settings thing, it may try to undo what you did, I guess12:04
njsgmirroring is the default thing linux does with multiple screens12:04
njsgas soon as you set them to be on left or on right, it will stop mirroring and will extend the screen12:05
roy_so what i type?12:08
hitsujiTMOroy_: goto system settings -> display  ... turn off mirror displays:    might be simpler12:08
njsgroy_: "xrandr --output LVDS-0 --left-of DP-1", for example12:11
adashi i need help with creating a pxe server12:11
njsgif that is not what you want, just replace "left" with "right" :-P12:11
sebrockhow do I figure out when my networking/dhclient is run at boot? It starts too late12:12
theadminHello, AndChat419124.12:19
streulmadoes ubuntu on a retina display looks good? Does they have retina support with Mir ?12:21
streulmaI don't see any difference between 13.10 screen and 13.0412:21
theadminstreulma: I don't think the display needs any kind of special "support".12:22
streulmatheadmin: a resolution on 2800 px is not readable :)12:22
mcl0vinayone here using nomachine client with ubuntu?12:22
bekksmcl0vin: Why?12:23
mcl0vini am able to remote to my headless server and i can monitor , but i can't control :S12:23
streulmais there a good tool to change dpi so it looks sharp ?12:23
Gentoo64streulma: change the font size12:23
Gentoo64or dpi12:23
streulmawich ubuntu is best to use on a macbook pro retina? 12.04.3 LTS or the latest ?12:23
mcl0vini searched for anykind of option but couldn't find one.12:24
fionnanI'm using two monitors and can't maintain a full screen youtube or flash video when I focus on a different window. Does this happen to anyone else?12:24
theadminstreulma: I recommend LTS for all users apart from those who just want to experiment with new features.12:24
streulmatheadmin: I don't need the new features :)12:25
theadminstreulma: Then use the LTS. It tends to be more stable and has longer support, so you won't need to upgrade often.12:25
mcl0vinbekks: does this answer your why question?12:25
njsgstreulma: set the actual *resolution*, not the screen pixel area12:27
njsgxrandr can set the dpi, as well as probably graphical frontends for it12:28
ZIPYis there a logfile for duc (dynamic update client)12:28
njsgX windows has some issues with some drivers where it won't set the DPI correctly, which may mean it uses the default one. plus, some programs still refuse to obey dpi, notably firefox12:29
Gentoo64njsg: you mean chromium?12:29
MonkeyDust!info duc12:29
ubottuPackage duc does not exist in raring12:29
RoryWhen doing full-disk (LVM) encryption during installation, is there any security risk involved with setting your login password to the same or similar as the encryption passphrase?12:29
Gentoo64firefox has correct dpi for me, chromium has always been odd12:30
Rory(Assuming both are sufficiently strong)12:30
theadminRory: Not really, nobody will be able to hack into your login password if they can't decrypt the disk.12:30
njsgGentoo64: I only know of firefox, I don't use chromium/chrome enough to be able to comment on that12:30
theadminRory: But, if they DO decrypt the disk, they'll have access to your data already and won't be needing your login password12:30
njsgbut firefox used to either ignore it or only respect if it's larger (or smaller?) than the default one12:30
Gentoo64Rory: and if you're logged in, they already have access12:30
Rorytheadmin: I know, but for example on Truecrypt when making a hidden volume they require that the password for the inner volume be "substantially different" from the outer one, and I was wondering if something similar applied here12:30
Gentoo64Rory: they say that because obviously its hidden12:31
theadminRory: That's just cause if they were the same it wouldn't be able to tell which one to mount, loses the point12:31
Gentoo64you dont want the same password12:31
Gentoo64or it wouldnt work12:31
njsgGentoo64: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Layout.css.dpi, see possible values12:31
Rorytheadmin: Not the same, they specifically say SUBSTANTIALLY different12:31
Gentoo64your meant to use a normal password for the "decoy" and a stron one for the real stuff12:32
Gentoo64i guess substantially so they wouldnt have any clues12:32
RoryOK my password is super strong I'm going to go ahead and set it as my LVM encryption passphrase, and my login account12:32
Gentoo64as to what to guess12:32
theadminRory: Ah, well, I'm not really aware of truecrypt's internals to be honest, but there's a good reason for that anyway... I suppose :D12:32
RoryGentoo64: So it's a political, not a technical reason12:32
Gentoo64as long as the password is good its ok12:32
roy_njsg!! thanks ! perfetct! sorry but this is my first day in linux! :))12:32
Gentoo64but the point of a hidden volume is so that you can reveal the password to anyone trying to get in (police or whatever) then they see you got nothing in there making youlook innocent12:33
Gentoo64so then they wont bother trying another pass (your strong one)12:33
njsgroy_: now that won't survive reboots, you need something to make that change every time you have a screen connected there, also, you may want to do "xrandr --output THE_ONE_YOU_REMOVE --off" when you remove one, so that it stops extending the screen that way12:33
njsgroy_: in my computers, I'd just run xrandr manually, or, if there was a permanent second monitor, put it in .xinitrc, but if you use a graphical login screen I think you need to use something else12:34
njsgas well as that, for some weird reason, the default graphical login manager that comes with ubuntu does not obey .xsession12:34
njsgnor does it seem to have an option to obey it, last time I was on ubuntu, I just removed it and installed gdm -.-12:34
roy_ok, i will put manually each time12:36
roy_another question more difficult to resolve i think...12:36
roy_i use blender. in the user preferences i can't setup the gpu option12:36
roy_for the render12:37
roy_i have a mac book pro with an nvidia graphic card ge force 330m12:37
pl2Hi guys, I can't seem to get .rm files to play no matter codec package I install. Is there a specific codec for rm?12:38
njsgwhat is .rm? real media?12:39
njsgI'd guess helix packages maybe12:39
hitsujiTMOpl2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59585/how-do-i-play-a-real-media-rm-file12:39
njsgif that's still a thing12:39
njsgoh, it's part of the package with the codecs, I'd expect something like "helix-lib" :-D12:40
njsgdon't forget to use sleep N before playing these, so that it looks close to the original real player, waiting for a bit before it can play the content.12:40
hitsujiTMOseems most have discontinued support for RM12:41
kostkonhitsujiTMO, it's a dead format12:41
pl2hitsujiTMO, Thank you. But I just ran the command recommened within, and got the output: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 28 not upgraded.12:41
pl2kostkon, very dead. Though there are some video I want to watch that were made long ago and there is no other option :(12:42
njsgI can't say I am surprised, the problem is not being old, the problem is being real media :-\12:42
hitsujiTMOpl2: you will prob have to install an older version of mplayer or vlc12:43
njsgone of these formats that was born in the age of "it's fun to create disjoint, incompatible formats that are proprietary and are bundled with lots of bloated software"12:43
kostkonpl2, have you installed ffmpeg and gstreamer-ffmpeg? maybe then the files will play with the totem and/or totem browser. totem == default media player in ubuntu12:43
njsgmplayer used to have support for windows codecs, although this may require a 32-bit mplayer12:43
=== soul is now known as Guest90865
kostkontotem browser plugin*12:43
njsgthen you could just use the windows codec DLLs12:43
MonkeyDustpl2  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=834004    <-- 2008 !!!12:44
pl2MonkeyDust, yeah, all the threads about rm are ancient. I feel like a codec hipster.12:45
roy_how can i upgrade my video card driver ?12:46
njsgwindows dlls + mplayer support for windows codecs may be the best way to rescue old media; as soon as you get your hands on that, transcode it to some other codec12:46
njsgroy_: to what?12:46
pl2njsg, Very true. I remember it being 1995 and asking myself why anyone would make something so terrible12:46
njsgroy_: from what I understand, even if ubuntu is a versioned distro, you can do "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade", to get some updates12:47
njsgroy_: but if you started today, what do you lack?12:47
roy_i can't use the gpu with cycles render in blender 2.68a12:47
njsgpl2: the 90's in the web were a bunch of people reinventing wheels, squared12:47
wotan147Folks, when one have things like scratchbox, is it possible to login into it and launching a script from , all of this from a script launched on the host system ?12:47
roy_without gpu option the rendering times are very long12:47
njsgroy_: maybe blender requires a proprietary driver (argh) -- have you installed that?12:48
roy_this is my last request for today :)12:48
njsgproprietary drivers are less stable, more prone to crashes and freezes (that is, "stable" from the point of view of windows users), but they usually provide better 3D acceleration12:48
njsgroy_: you said you had AMD graphics?12:48
njsgoh no, nvidia12:49
roy_njsg you're my mythe... i did the update from the terminal but i'm not sure to did the right think12:49
roy_i have a nvidia geforce 330m12:49
roy_amd is better?12:49
njsgwhatever you do, do *NOT* install manually from the nvidia web site12:49
kostkonpl2, could you give the url of one of those files?12:50
roy_i think i need to purge all and reinstall new drivers12:50
njsgroy_: perhaps have a look at http://askubuntu.com/a/30747812:51
njsgnot really sure as I don't use ubuntu at home and I don't use proprietary video drivers12:51
kostkonroy_, i suppose you would need to have cuda or opencl or something12:51
pl2kostkon, no url since they're all on disc. I've had them a long time.12:51
kostkon!find cuda12:51
ubottuFound: boinc-nvidia-cuda, nvidia-cuda-dev, nvidia-cuda-doc, nvidia-cuda-gdb, nvidia-cuda-toolkit12:51
kostkonpl2, ok12:52
kostkonpl2, i would recommed you to just convert them to a newer format, e.g. use an ffmpeg based converter app from the repos12:54
pl2kostkon, but will I be able to convert the rm without having the codec that can run it properly? I would definitely go that route..12:54
kostkonpl2, ffmpeg can encode and decode almost everything12:55
MonkeyDustpl2  winFF is a nice GUI for ffmpeg12:55
pl2MonkeyDust, Cool, i'll check that out. ffmpeg has a bewildering amount of options.12:56
kostkonpl2, just convert them to something more convenient, say h264/mpeg4 as avi?12:57
rubicWhen I use the terminus font in urxvt, korean and japanese characters are displayed. However when I use terminus in i3 wm they fail to display. Can someone please explain whats going on here?12:57
pl2kostkon, ANYTHING is more convenient ;)12:58
kostkonpl2, indeed12:58
viviana1991ciao a tutti12:58
ubottuviviana1991: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:59
ubottuviviana1991: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:02
pl2kostkon, MonkeyDust, njsg, hitsujiTMO, thanks for taking the time to help, but it seems like ffmpeg can open it either. Seems like it can't create the stream because of the codec. I think I will just download RealPlayer(LOL) and drop into windows. Thanks again13:04
njsgyou *need* to have something to handle the coded13:04
njsgjust trying different media players won't work13:04
njsgcheck the list of supported plugins13:05
njsgdunno how to do that on ubuntu; here on gentoo as everything is togglable, I can see a list13:05
pl2njsg, i tried downloading all the codecs, didn't help13:06
hitsujiTMOpl2: it might be an idea to install ubuntu 10.04 on a virtual machine and try that13:06
theadminpl2: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will give you even the weirdest codecs.13:06
theadminpl2: VLC also has built-in codecs so it may be able to handle weird formats.13:06
roy_i love linux13:07
pl2theadmin, ran that one already ;) nothing was installed. VLC can't play the file either.13:07
theadminpl2: Ah okay, sorry, I was being absent13:07
pl2theadmin, no worries :)13:07
tilman_hey guys. I was so crazy and change from ubuntu to ubuntustudio today, and my sound dont run. where i can search drivers?13:08
bekkstilman_: furst check the obvious - is the sound unmuted?13:08
tilman_no it isnt13:09
bekkstilman_: Next, is the sound card detected?13:09
njsgpl2: if mplayer still supports Video For Windows, you can try downloading real alternative and extracting the dlls13:09
tilman_where i can see it?13:09
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hitsujiTMOtilman_: lspci13:09
njsgif it's PCI.13:09
njsgor ISA, or PCIe13:10
njsgbut if it's usb, it will definitely not show on lspci13:10
hitsujiTMOtilman_: lsusb    if its usb :)13:10
bekkstilman_: lspci will show your wether the card is detected physically, check the sound settings in your ubuntustudio to see wether it is detected logically, too.13:10
njsgnowadays cards are normally Intel HDA, sadly (HDA lacks some features even the cheapest cards used to have, like being able to mix with the output of the card itself)13:10
jotayour spanish13:11
tilman_ähh? I dont understand?!13:11
bekkstilman_: Whats your native language?13:11
njsgehkä #ubuntu-es, if it exists?13:11
bekks!de | tilman_ that might help too13:11
ubottutilman_ that might help too: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:11
flooanyone here who know more about ubuntu like me?13:11
tilman_ok thank you13:12
flooanyone know about ati drivers on ubuntu?13:13
=== mcl0vin_ is now known as mcl0vin
flooanyone can help me13:14
floowith a information13:14
=== ese is now known as leprechaunEse
roy_i did it to upgrade my nvidia drivers. but i can't see the gpu option in the render setting of blender. it's possible my geforce 330m is to obsolete for CYCLES render of blender?13:18
semitonesHello netizens of the interwebs13:21
semitoneswhat's the best way to have the most bootable isos on a USB drive13:23
MonkeyDustsemitones  there's unetbootin and multisystem, 'best' depends on what you prefer13:30
chinmayacan anybody help me out in how do i recover the space for ubuntu after deleting the linux mint partition in  the ubuntu linux mint dual boot?13:35
bekkschinmaya: You have to repartition. And how did you "delete the partition"?13:35
chinmayaby gparted13:36
chinmayalinux mint was part of an extended partition with the linux swap13:36
bekkschinmaya: Then use gparted again, after backing up your system, to resize your ubuntu partitions.13:37
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njsgchinmaya: gparted live cd, remove mint *and* enlarge ubuntu.13:39
njsgand keep in mind that partition != filesystem, you need to first resize the partition, then the filesystem13:39
chinmayais there any other way ? im not in a situation to use the live cd :/13:40
chinmayai did try through the ubuntu live cd13:40
chinmayano luck13:40
bekkschinmaya: The error message was "no luck"?13:41
chinmayaerr.. no no..13:41
njsgchinmaya: you *need* to use a live medium.13:41
njsgexcept maybe for ext4, you cannot mess with filesystems that are in use13:41
njsgand even if you can with ext4, I'd still do it from a separate system13:41
njsgdon't forget that many CD images can be used from USB sticks (usually just a matter of running isohybrid on the image, if it's not already prepared for that)13:42
chinmayaDisk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes13:42
chinmaya255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors13:42
chinmayaUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes13:42
chinmayaSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes13:42
chinmayaI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes13:42
FloodBot1chinmaya: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:42
chinmayaDisk identifier: 0x000b5e2013:42
freannrakhow can I increase the speed of my "mouse" between the keyboard (whatever that small trackball type of thing is in the middle of the keyboard). output of xinput --list: http://dpaste.com/1407570/13:44
newbie|2I am asking help where I can find it.  I have Ubuntu 1313:45
bekksnewbie|2: Which 13 - 13.04 or 13.10?13:45
flooi have a laptop asus x51rl with integrated ati radeon xpress 110013:46
flooi can find a driver for this.. coz it's move very slowly13:46
chinmayathis is my partition table13:47
bekkschinmaya: You still have to use a live cd to change your partitions.13:48
newbie|2bekks: Is 13.10 already in final release?  I don't "jump the gun", I have 13.04.13:48
bekksnewbie|2: No, 13.10 isnt released yet.13:48
Guest24159I got kind of a problem with booting Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from network (PXE) using pxelinux. I got the CD contents on a network share (NFS, CIFS) and the PXE part works fine i think. However it fails to mount the network share with NFS because it attempts to use NFSv4, but the server only supports NFSv3 (cannot be changed). So I am looking for a way to either have it use NFSv3 or CIFS.  I already attempted to specify nfsvers=3 in the pxelin13:48
MonkeyDustnewbie|2  in two weeks or so from now13:48
AnAlienhi guys i thought you might like to know i got everything working13:48
BAMbandawhat would this command do? "cd / && rm -r *"13:48
newbie|2bekks: It isn't an ubuntu  question ... I'm trying to upgrade my Sony Xperia SP, but can't.13:48
newbie|2I'm trying to do that13:49
bekksnewbie|2: If it isnt an ubuntu question, you are in the wrong channel :)13:49
jribBAMbanda: delete everything13:49
BAMbandajrib, and would that happen instantly?13:49
BAMbandalike would the laptop or computer just die13:49
bekksBAMbanda: Stop pasting nonsense like that.13:49
jribBAMbanda: well almost everything. There would never be a reason to do it.  Try it on a vm if you are curious13:49
bekksBAMbanda: Yes.13:49
newbie|2bekks: sorry.  What channel for an upgrade question ... considering I'm using Ubuntu?13:49
MonkeyDustBAMbanda  i tried it in a testing environment, it does nothing13:49
bekksnewbie|2: Which host OS do you really use? Mint?13:50
BAMbandaMonkeyDust, what exactly happened?13:50
njsgBAMbanda: no, it would keep running, except for things that you try to start *after* you do it13:50
maslenHow can I install crypto++ header files? I can't find a package for them, and make install (from http://www.cryptopp.com/#download ) only seems to install the binary files13:50
AnAlieni gtg13:50
BAMbandanjsg, so there would be problems on startup. Would grub still load?13:50
njsgBAMbanda: for example, if you have a text editor open, you can probably continue using it, until it needs to read some additional file (say extensions)13:50
MonkeyDustBAMbanda  somehow secured by linux internally, i guess, but forget that command, it's unfunny humour13:50
njsgBAMbanda: depends on whether /boot is mounted or part of /. grub is known precisely for keeping files under the file system13:51
newbie|2bekks: I have Ubuntu 13.04 and have Virtual Box on it.  Put Windows 7 - 64 bit on it.  Didn't do anything more13:51
njsgBAMbanda: but all the system would be gone13:51
njsgBAMbanda: if that is run as root, of course13:51
bekksnewbie|2: Then what do you want to do, actually?13:51
BAMbandanjsg, hmmm. Thanks.13:51
BAMbandaAnd you guys don't have to get upset with me for seeking knowledge. I'm just curious, I've never run it before and I have a right to knowledge13:52
njsgMonkeyDust: did you try it as root? because that one is definitely not secured.13:52
njsgMonkeyDust: GNU rm does have protection against "rm -rf /", but just that13:52
njsg(see --no-preserve-root13:52
newbie|2bekks: I want to upgrade my cell phone ... it requires I do so by connecting the cell phone to the computer13:52
njsgto the extent once a guy wanted to demonstrate that and found out that SuSE ships with an older version of the coreutils, which does *not* have --no-preserve-root13:53
bekksnewbie|2: Then you are in the wrong channel, since your issue isnt related to ubuntu at all.13:53
njsgbekks: uh? what if the phone is going to be updated using ubuntu?13:53
bekksnewbie|2: Depending on your cell phone, you cant update it, since vbox doesnt support all USB multi-personality devices correctly.13:53
bekksnjsg: Is the phone running Ubuntu? No, it isnt.13:53
njsgbekks: ?13:53
njsgnewbie|2: what phone is it?13:54
njsgnewbie|2: and what kind of update do you need to do with it?13:54
bekksnjsg: He doesnt use a phone running ubuntu - there is no such phone currently :)13:54
njsgbekks: I am aware, but they may use an ubuntu machine to update the phone...13:54
Ben64that doesn't fall under ubuntu support13:54
njsgbekks: don't forget that not every phone runs linux, and some phones need to be updated using external computers...13:54
bekksnjsg: Yeah, but those problems arent ubuntu problems then - they are problems regarding the phone, not ubuntu.13:55
njsgBen64: so if someone asks about how to start libreoffice or configure displays, it's not part of ubuntu support because these are third-party applications that are not part of what you really call ubuntu?13:55
newbie|2njsg: Xperia SP.  I have 12.0.A.1.257.  Sony's site tells me that there is a 12.0.A.2.25413:55
njsgnewbie|2: what's their official update procedure?13:55
Ben64njsg: theres an obvious difference between those, it's not a difficult concept.13:56
semitonesMonkeyDust, unetbootin can have multiple isos?13:56
MonkeyDustnjsg  i'll try it now as root inside a chroot13:56
MonkeyDustsemitones  yes, it creates some sort of grub13:57
njsgnewbie|2: note that some phones may have a built-in feature to update, if you have a mobile data plan, it may be easier and less problematic to just do that instead of finding how to use linux to do it, or finding a windows machine that can do it13:57
njsgbut start by finding the official method. if you have a spare machine, even using some windows install there may be less problematic. it's a case of "being worth it" to try to do it from linux13:59
Ben64njsg: come on, take the phone support elsewhere13:59
njsgall my phones that don't have self-update over mobile data require cables I don't have, so I never thought about it13:59
newbie|2njsg: The problem is that it tells me that I need to connect the phone to the computer.14:00
njsgnewbie|2: you likely need to do something on the computer side, too, no?14:00
Ben64njsg: newbie|2: this is not the right channel for phone support, take it to #android or somewhere else14:00
monkeyjuicemaybe because ubuntu has done a poor job of making it easy to access cell phones14:01
njsgmore because someone doesn't feel like discussing some uses of an operating system in the operating system IRC channel14:02
Ben64its the rules! take it up in #ubuntu-ops if you'd like14:02
andishewhere is here?14:03
monkeyjuiceits a ubuntu problem not the cell phone14:03
Ben64monkeyjuice: incorrect14:03
monkeyjuiceso you say14:03
faugusztinmonkeyjuice:  MTP and USB Mas Storage is well supported. Manufacturer specific flashing tools not ported to linux aren't fault of the OS. ADB for Nexus devices work on linux14:03
MonkeyDustmonkeyjuice  no FUD here, please14:03
Ben64faugusztin nailed it14:03
monkeyjuicethen help him with connection to cell phone then14:03
andisheare you real people?14:03
jribandishe: ...14:03
chinmayaumm any software for writing an image in a usb? like usb image writer in mint which comes preinstalled?14:04
chinmayafor ubuntu14:04
njsgchinmaya: dd?14:04
Ben64chinmaya: define "image"14:04
chinmayawriting a .iso file14:04
njsgchinmaya: dd, definitely.14:04
chinmayamaking a usb bootable14:04
FloodBot1chinmaya: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:05
Ben64chinmaya: i use unetbootin, dd works on certain isos only14:05
njsgchinmaya: isohybrid from syslinux seems to be able do adapt most of the non-usb-bootable images14:05
njsgchinmaya: by most, all of them that I've tried14:05
MonkeyDustchinmaya  try startup disk creator14:05
andisheany physicist over here?14:06
Guest24159sry to appear impatient or anything, but does anyone have any idea how to force nfs version 3 for netbooting ubuntu 12.04LTS?14:08
MonkeyDustandishe  this is ubuntu support, i guess you're not in the right channel14:08
=== Guest24159 is now known as busted
bustedI guess some people are just ignored...14:14
chinmayabtw il run gparted live cd just like ubuntu live right?14:14
dinosaurvskittenhow would you go about debugging a slow wifi connectionn on 13.04? My download speeds peak at 100K/s instead of 1.5M/s, and I'm getting a lot of time outs too. Speed's fine if I boot back into macos (this is a macbook air). The problem happens with both brcmsmac and broadcom-wl drivers. I've disabled ipv6 and mdns already. My only next idea was to switch from nm to wicd, but wicd causes kernel panics. Any ideas?14:16
AgentInfinityI'm facing some problems with a live usb of Ubuntu 12.10 . it won't boot. The HDD has windows 814:17
AgentInfinity I turned off secure boot14:18
AgentInfinityAnd set boot mode to legacy support14:18
hitsujiTMO_is it showing up in the boot menu?14:18
AgentInfinityI get a lot of text scrolling up14:18
AgentInfinityThen a purple screen14:19
AgentInfinityThen nothing14:19
AgentInfinityhitsujiTMO_: any help?14:20
xubuntu295which ubuntu version do you recommend for a Pc with Pentium M 1'6Ghz and 512Mb of Ram?14:21
jribxubuntu295: try lubuntu14:21
dinosaurvskittenxubuntu295: I'd probably go for lubuntu, or not ubuntu14:21
hitsujiTMO_AgentInfinity, have you tried the same with 13.04? maybe a driver issue in 12.04 ... at least getting 13.04 to boot might indicate if it is or not14:22
faugusztinAgentInfinity: purple... might try to press Esc, maybe the boot process is waiting for something ?14:23
maslenHow can I install crypto++ header files? I can't find a package for them, and make install (from http://www.cryptopp.com/#download ) only seems to install the binary files14:25
ArytmetykHello here. I'm new and linux and i can't check something. Can you tell me which version of kernel does ubuntu use?14:26
AllanDwhenever my system boots I get the message: Network Discovery Service Disabled - your network has a .local domain - what does this mean - everything works perfectly14:26
maslenArytmetyk: uname -a14:26
ArytmetykBut i didn't install it yet14:27
hitsujiTMO_Arytmetyk ... uname -r   will tell you your current version14:27
ArytmetykAnd i can't find it in docummentation or something14:27
kostkonArytmetyk, which version of ubuntu14:27
kostkonArytmetyk, 3.8?14:27
faugusztinArytmetyk: distrowatch has that info :)14:27
jackraring: 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP14:28
faugusztinArytmetyk: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu14:28
jackdunno about saucy right now14:28
TJ-Saucy kernel is 3.1114:28
faugusztinjack: 3.1114:28
jackk, thx14:28
ArytmetykIt's bad news for me, becausde my ethernnet card needs 3.10.x or more new. Maybe you want to recommend something?14:28
faugusztinArytmetyk: wait 2 weeks for 13.1014:29
jacksaucy salamander then14:29
faugusztinArytmetyk: October 17th is the "launch date" for Ubuntu 13.10 with kernel 3.1114:29
faugusztinor just grab a beta of 13.1014:29
ArytmetykThanky you very much for the info. I will grab a beta version14:30
ArytmetykHave a nice day14:30
kostkonArytmetyk, you can easily get it from here http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10/14:31
Arytmetykkostkon, thank you once more14:33
chinmayaand it worked14:35
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AgentInfinityhitsujiTMO_: I have an nvidia gpu14:49
MACscrany ideas why in the world my statically setup nic would start getting a dhcp ip all of a sudden? http://hastebin.com/naqamiduma.rb14:49
Fenrirsulfrsalut ;)14:49
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bustedhow can you specify the NFS version to use when netbooting ubuntu 12.04LTS?14:49
TJ-MACscr: Is the interface managed by NetworkManager, or manually via ifupdown and /etc/network/interfaces?14:51
MACscrmanually. I have 12 new systems and this is the only one that is doing it14:52
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TJ-Mace268: Does the system have only one network interface? And, what is reporting that the IP is coming from DHCP - a log file entry or something else?14:57
AgentInfinityI need to do a CLI install of ubuntu14:58
AgentInfinityNeed to use gpart for the partitions14:59
AgentInfinityAll cli14:59
AgentInfinityNeed help14:59
TJ-MACscr:  Does the system have only one network interface? And, what is reporting that the IP is coming from DHCP - a log file entry or something else?14:59
MACscrTJ-: no, it has 414:59
TJ-AgentInfinity: Use the Alternate install ISO14:59
MACscrTJ-: did you look at the pastebin link i provided?14:59
AgentInfinityTJ-: not possible man15:00
TJ-MACscr: I didn't see one... probably came in after you posted the link15:00
AgentInfinityGUI won't work15:00
TJ-AgentInfinity: Do a deboostrap install from a Live ISO then15:00
MACscrTJ-: http://hastebin.com/naqamiduma.rb15:00
TJ-MACscr: OK, so identify which process is starting dhclient from the process list. It looks to me like a residual from the puppet install15:02
tbharathwhen I ran ls -l, I got the result drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12288 Oct  4 19:36 src15:04
MACscrTJ-: puppet was installed after the fact and not used to initially provision the system. It was though running dhcp after the install before the static ip address was setup. I dont get though why it would behave any differently than the other systems. Ive never changed anything when doing a static ip besides simply editing the network interfaces file and restarting the service15:04
tbharathI want this change to drwxrwxrwx 1 bharath bharath 12288 Oct  4 19:36 src15:04
tbharathhow can I do that15:04
TJ-MACscr: well, something is starting "dhclient eth1" and the fact it is asking for a specific IP suggests there's a lease file lying around that it is getting that from, its not just trying to get a new lease.15:06
MaximBI've installed ubuntu 64-bit 13.04 (fresh install), after that i get: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found.15:07
bustedtbharath: chown bharath:bharath .15:07
roy_hello! ubuntu don't find my bluetooth apple magic mouse15:07
TJ-MACscr: Are you working with openstack on those systems?15:07
tbharathbusted, I have tried that, but no chnage15:07
MACscrTJ-: not yet. Going to though15:07
bustedprepend sudo15:08
TJ-MACscr: OK, so it isn't an openstack issue then :)15:08
tbharathbusted, yeah I have tried that15:08
tbharathbusted, in my fstab I added a line15:08
tbharathbusted, /dev/sda4   /media/bharath/windows  ntfs-3g  defaults,exec,fmask=000  0  015:09
tbharathbusted, I am trying ls -l in  /media/bharath/windows15:09
tbharathbusted, will that be a problem15:09
bekkstbharath: you need to set uid/gid in that line to your users pid/gid since NTFS does not support linux permissions.15:09
TJ-MACscr: I'd be doing "sudo egrep -rn 'dhclient' /etc/* " to find any scripts that might be launching that process, and then I'd extend the search to "/usr/lib" and "/usr/share/"15:09
tbharathbekks, how can we do that15:10
ActionParsnipTbharath: is it a usb drive?15:10
bekks!ntfs | tbharath15:10
ubottutbharath: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:10
tbharathActionParsnip, no, it is a partition in my harddrive15:11
ActionParsnipTbharath: ok cool. Just curious15:11
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:12
MACscrbtw, whats the proper way to restart the network service when you make manual changes?15:12
TJ-MACscr: "sudo service networking restart"15:12
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems15:12
bekkstbharath: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions is pretty much all you need.15:13
MACscrTJ-: for some reason I have found that it doesnt always work. Aka, the new ip settings arent applied and i have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart to get more debug info15:15
TJ-MACscr: "service" is a wrapper to do the same thing... unless the Ubuntu release you're using has the equivilent Upstart script in /etc/init/15:16
TJ-MACscr: but all they really do is "ifdown -a" and "ifup -a"15:16
MACscrim just using 12.04 LTS that i installed from iso, so nothing special15:16
jackTJ-, equivAlent :P15:17
jackcomes from value15:17
TJ-MACscr: OK, the SYSV init.d script is a bit busier than Upstart on 12.0415:17
JanhouseI have a laptop with SIS 771/671 video card. I'm unable to start Xubuntu 12.04 without adding acpi=off to kernel line. Without it the graphics go crazy and I'm unable to see what's going on. Any ideas?15:18
TJ-MACscr: In later versions it's a sym-link to the Upstart jobs15:18
bekksJanhouse: Blame it on the graphics adapter which is pretty much the worst you could get nowadays.15:19
TamwynHello, I have a problem with 12.04, i got this error message: Oct  6 17:13:20 Voyager-M15x kernel: [13820.063749] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: ME failed to update for more than 1s, likely hung 2 times a second in syslog. Everytime when I boot the System I got an Error Messag "Problem with a Systemservice" (Translated) Sometimes (I can't see a reproducable way) it appaears while normal use. Often when working with Thunderbird (it's in the "Autostart") Ha15:19
ActionParsnipJanhouse: ive only see those work with an xorg.conf file15:19
Janhousebekks, I know, I know. But when I run it with acpi=off, it starts. So what messes it up?15:20
JanhouseI mean, it crashes when X hasn't started yet.15:20
Janhousethe graphical glitches.15:20
ActionParsnipTamwyn: what is the output of: uname -a15:20
TamwynActionParsnip: Linux Voyager-M15x 3.5.0-41-generic #64~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 12 16:50:04 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:21
ActionParsnipTamwyn: have you checked for bugs?15:21
TamwynActionParsnip: what do you mean?15:22
ActionParsnipTamwyn: it may be a known issue15:22
zerosumcan anyone help with installing ubuntu 13.04 with a usb15:23
TJ-Janhouse: See bug #44627 ... basically, its a wishlist item but driver support isn't there15:23
ubottubug 44627 in xserver-xorg-video-sis (Ubuntu) "3d support for Sis 760 DRI OpenGL" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4462715:23
bekksJanhouse: The graphics adapter is just not working with acpi. Thats "all".15:23
Janhousebekks, umm...15:24
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TamwynActionParsnip: if the error Message would have more output it coud help, It appeared again, Youst "Recieved A Problem with a System Service" and Would you report it"15:25
MACscrTJ-: thanks, i deleted those lease files. Will see what happens15:25
ActionParsnipTamwyn: report the bug and give as much detail as you can. The bug guys will ask for details from you15:26
Janhousebekks, what do you mean it doesn't work with acpi?15:26
TJ-Tamwyn: See bug #121084815:26
ubottubug 1210848 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - intel ips failed to update for more than 1s" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121084815:26
bekksJanhouse: Using it without acpi=off causes the problems you described.15:26
Janhouseacpi=off disable everything.15:27
Janhouseis there something more speciffic that can be disabled?15:27
TamwynActionParsnip: TJ- I found a bug like this15:27
TamwynActionParsnip: modprobe -r intel_ips helped15:27
bekksJanhouse: Unfortunately no.15:28
zerosumcan anyone help with installing ubuntu 13.04 with a usb, i get to the grub boot menu select install ubuntu, then nothing happens black screen15:28
jackdutch author :) cool15:28
jacki'll check it out anyway15:28
ActionParsnipTamwyn: ok. Blacklist that module and reboot to test15:28
ActionParsnipJanhouse: do you have the latest bios (if your system has one)15:29
john_____My Ubuntu software centre never responds, can anyone help? :)15:29
iLikeStrongJavaWhich VNC server is used by KVM?15:29
bekksiLikeStrongJava: kvm built in.15:29
TamwynActionParsnip: already done15:29
ActionParsnipZerosum: what video chip do you use? Does the system have a make and model?15:29
TamwynActionParsnip: maybe it will fix the other problem too15:30
fdkldfsjdfkhave Ubuntu any support for Atom Z3740D processorç?15:30
ActionParsnipJohn_____: if you run: sudo apt-get update ,is it smooth?15:30
zerosumi have two video chips15:30
fdkldfsjdfkbecause 3rd generation of Atoms was W8-only15:30
ActionParsnipFdkldfsdfk: yes why would it not15:30
ActionParsnipZerosum: oh that optimus switching gpu nonesense?15:31
bekksfdkldfsjdfk: there is no such processor that is "W8-only".15:31
iLikeStrongJavaOk.  I've been trying to connect to vm from OS X, but no joy.  I read some forum posts that say people can use the Apple built-in client without prob.  I'm not having any luck.15:31
iLikeStrongJavaTrying to figure out where to start troubleshooting15:31
ActionParsnipIlikestrongjava: install the VIC on the system and connect to the server remotely15:32
MACscriLikeStrongJava: connect in what way? ssh?15:32
MACscror vnc15:32
john_____<ActionParsnip>im such a noob in terms of code i just installed all updates if thats what you mean15:32
ActionParsnipIlikestrongjava: i assume you are meaning vmware.15:32
=== Johnny is now known as Guest21451
zerosumNvidia Geforce Gt 630M and Intel HD Graphics 400015:32
fdkldfsjdfkbekks: yes, intel has said that cover Trail atom's are not Linux capable15:32
iLikeStrongJavaStraight VNC for starters.  Default settings, etc.  No ActionParsnip, I mean kvm/qemu15:33
ActionParsnipJohn_____: all i asked is does the command run. Its copying and pasting. So being 'noob' has zero bearing here. Does it15:33
iLikeStrongJavaDoes Apple implementation require ssh?15:33
ActionParsnipZerosum: yep optimus garbage.15:33
zerosumActionParsnip: is that going to be a major problem?15:33
fdkldfsjdfkUEFI issues on 32 bit for example15:33
ActionParsnipZerosum: try the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=115:33
danielubuntuhello, I have removed my SWAP partition and made a new SWAP in extended partition, how to configure that?15:33
bekksfdkldfsjdfk: Do you have any links on Intel actually saying that?15:34
hitsujiTMO_fdkldfsjdfk more than likely that just means they directly support w8 only15:34
demsadHello guys. I need some openvpn service to secure my passwords using public wifi networks. I've found vpnbook, but have read that they use their client's data for their own aims. Can anybody tell me, who has an experience using "vpnbook" service, that it's safe and secure. Or just recommend me another service, which is safe.15:34
ActionParsnipFdkldfsjdfk: uefi is nothing to do with processor conpatibility with ubuntu15:34
john_____ActionParsnip: Well i dont even have a command console on my toolbar, so being a noob does have a lot to do with it.15:34
ActionParsnipFdkldsjdfk: its nothingvto do with the cpu at all15:34
fdkldfsjdfkhitsujiTMO_: users failed trying to boot W7 disk15:35
ActionParsnipJohn_____: searched dash?15:35
danielubuntuany help?15:35
bekksfdkldfsjdfk: Do you have any links from Intel proving that?15:35
fdkldfsjdfkbekks: http://www.extremetech.com/computing/136276-intel-clover-trail-atom-chips-cannot-run-linux15:35
bekksfdkldfsjdfk: Thats not an Intel link.15:35
danielubuntubekks, can u help me?15:35
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: add it in /etc/fstab to be swap. You will need to run: sudo blkid ,to get the UUID of the partition15:36
bekksfdkldfsjdfk: Last sentence of your post: "While Intel stated that Clover Trail “cannot run Linux,” a better way to put it would have been to say that users should not run Linux.".15:36
bekksdanielubuntu: I dont know.15:36
zerosumActionParsnip: sorry dont know how to do that15:36
john_____ActionParsnip: I searched dash for console and run and found nothing.15:36
ActionParsnipZerosum: nobody is born knowing either. Try researching online to find out.....15:37
ActionParsnipJohn_____: its a terminal.15:37
danielubuntuActionParsnip, ok15:37
ActionParsnip!bootoption | zerosum15:37
ubottuzerosum: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.15:37
danielubuntualso what to do when removes bash from bin ?15:38
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | zerosum15:38
ubottuzerosum: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:38
bekksdanielubuntu: Why do you remove bash from /bin ?15:38
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: can you rephrase please15:38
fishcookerhow to list all network interface that all i have?15:38
fdkldfsjdfkActionParsnip: that was the answer when someone asked on community forums od Lenovo why his thinkpad tablet did not boot linux (Initdr not found error)15:38
bekksfishcooker: sudo ifconfig -a15:38
john_____ActionParsnip: it says nothing matches your search when i search terminal.15:39
zerosumcheers reading up now15:39
ActionParsnipJohn_____: ok press CTRL+ALT+T15:39
TamwynActionParsnip: The Kernel Message is away, but the problem is still there and there was now an internal eeror message by Ubuntu caused by ntpd, i have removed it now15:40
fishcookerthanks bekks.. is it possible to have 2 different frequency 2.4GHz and 5Ghz on one interface?15:40
fishcookerhere i have eth3 eth2 and wlan0 also lo15:40
ActionParsnipZerosum: if you are new to Linux etc. There will be a lot you dont know and stating so is worthless. You have a computer attached to the largest human known database. Use it when you dont know something15:40
bekksfishcooker: If your wifi interface supports it, yes.15:40
fdkldfsjdfkand there is no legacy mode :(15:40
danielubuntubekks, yes15:41
danielubuntuActionParsnip, i deleted bash15:41
fishcookerit means my wlan0 have possibility to do that?15:41
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john_____ActionParsnip: ok sudo apt update seemed to be smooth..15:41
fishcookeri've costum box here.. it seem strange that i dont have eth015:41
danielubuntubekks, it is removed by mistake15:42
dpyhi guys15:42
danielubuntuhow to fix?15:42
ActionParsnipJohn_____: ok. Does software centre now run ok?15:42
fdkldfsjdfki believe that chips aren't exactly designed to "run Linux" or any other OS. It's Linux that supports CPUs, but Intel doesn't want to cooperate15:42
john_____ActionParsnip: no the window goes grey when i click it15:43
bekksdanielubuntu: Boot a live cd, copy it over again.15:43
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: id copy it from livecd. Why are you messing around in /bin at all?15:43
john_____ActionParsnip: and says not responding15:43
ActionParsnipJohn_____: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue15:43
danielubuntuok will try with live cd15:43
fdkldfsjdfkIntel has said that new 4gen Atoms will support Android/Linux15:44
ActionParsnipFdkldfsjdfk: intel loves linux :-)15:44
john_____ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l15:44
h1n1Intel love anything they can make money off15:44
ActionParsnipJohn_____: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install software-center15:45
ActionParsnipH1n1: and why not. All businesses do....15:45
dpya long shot, but does anyone here happen to know how to make google chrome/chromium register as a pulseaudio application?15:46
dpyI would like to patch Google Music through my equalizer15:46
john_____ ActionParsnip: software catalogue update was successful, however software centre stil crashes15:48
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ActionParsnipJohn_____: try running it from terminal. The output may give clues15:50
ActionParsnipJohn_____: run: software-center15:50
fdkldfsjdfkso "The 32-bit ISOS do not contain the necessary EFI files" is a false statement Isn't it?15:50
fishcookerbekks: is it ok that i have not eth0 here?15:50
fishcookerthe wired must be in eth*15:51
bekksfishcooker: sure. ethX arent wifi devices.15:51
ActionParsnipBekks: they can be15:51
fishcookerhow to know ActionParsnip15:51
john_____ActionParsnip: No command 'run:' found, did you mean:  Command 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-heavy' (main)  Command 'runq' from package 'exim4-daemon-light' (main)  Command 'runq' from package 'sendmail-bin' (universe) run:: command not found15:51
ActionParsnipJohn_____: think about it...15:52
ActionParsnipFishcooker: sudo lshw -C network ,you will see the network controller and its device name15:52
ActionParsnipJohn_____: 'run:' is just me saying 'the next bit is the command to run' it's not a command itself15:53
john_____ActionParsnip: yeah i worked that out, this was the result15:53
john_____ActionParsnip: 2013-10-06 16:53:04,841 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.app - INFO - setting up proxy 'None' 2013-10-06 16:53:04,847 - softwarecenter.db.database - INFO - open() database: path=None use_axi=True use_agent=True 2013-10-06 16:53:05,479 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - Could not get usefulness from server, no username in config file 2013-10-06 16:53:05,853 - softwarecenter.ui.gtk3.app - INFO - show_available_packa15:54
danielubuntucan anybody tell me what is the File Size of bash in /bin ? its Ubuntu 13.0415:54
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ActionParsnipJohn_____: ok then search for that warning to see what it means15:55
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: i believe http://packages.ubuntu.com has file sizes too15:56
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dpyfixed, it shows up during playback only... I paused the music to set it up ... doh!15:56
danielubuntuActionParsnip, is not everybody have same BASH? so can u plz check?15:56
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: im on Precise only15:57
danielubuntuActionParsnip, ok15:57
Akuwto install application to convert shape to postgis ?15:57
john_____ActionParsnip: i googled it and it said try cd ~/.cache; rm -r software-center but no avail.15:58
danielubuntuActionParsnip, well, the size of bash in my computer is bigger than one in that site15:59
danielubuntuActionParsnip, well no, its smaller than the "installed size"15:59
danielubuntuActionParsnip, will sudo apt-get install -f fix this?16:00
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: you will need to reinstall the package with the file in16:00
danielubuntucan anybody tell me what is the file size of bash in /bin ? ubuntu 13.0416:01
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: the package system has no idea you deleted the file (ni idea why youbwould too) so reinstall the package and itbwill put the file back16:01
danielubuntuActionParsnip, reinstall from repo?16:01
danielubuntuActionParsnip, oh ok so live usb was a bad idea16:02
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: not really. You can copy the file over. Or chroot in and reinstall the package thetr16:02
ActionParsnipNot a bad idea16:02
danielubuntuActionParsnip, ok16:02
danielubuntuActionParsnip, what is the file size of ur bash? can u kindly tell me?16:03
danielubuntuActionParsnip, if u want16:04
h1n1Danielubuntu 737952 byte16:04
danielubuntuh1n1, 13.04 ?16:04
salleeHello there. Anyone interested in helping with networking problem. One of the computers on my network is not broadcasting hostname or ip, and also hoards the network, so nothing else in the house works properly.16:04
john_____ActionParsnip: i could not find a solution online.16:04
danielubuntuwell mine have larger file size16:05
danielubuntuActionParsnip, do I need to open fstab with any text editor?16:06
h1n1How large is large?16:06
danielubuntuh1n1, some more kilobytes16:06
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: to do what?16:06
danielubuntuActionParsnip, to add swap16:06
h1n1So what's wrong with that?16:07
danielubuntuh1n1, just checking if it is cracked or something16:07
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: yes you will need to run: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab ,to get write access16:07
Vivekanandahey everyone I have green highlighting over green text in my terminal and on terminator16:07
danielubuntuActionParsnip, ok thanks16:07
Vivekanandalooks completely stupid and unuseful. How do I change it ?16:08
ActionParsnipJohn_____: could try the lubuntu-software-centre16:08
h1n1Well you can always rename it and reinstall the package that contain /bin/bash16:08
ActionParsnipVivekanda: in terminal options you can changebappearance16:08
VivekanandaAlso I lost the boot screen for ubuntu when I deleted lubuntu for some reason. How do I get it back ?16:08
h1n1Use: Apt-file search /bin/bash16:08
h1n1And compare again16:08
ActionParsnipOr: dpkg -S bash | grep bin16:09
h1n1That should work too16:09
h1n1And it's all depend on your paranoid level and how far you really want to check it ha ツ16:09
ActionParsnipVivekananda: sudo apt-get --reinstall install lightdm16:09
TamwynVivekananda: what do you meen with boot screen?16:10
danielubuntuh1n1, k16:10
danielubuntuh1n1, let me see16:10
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I dont want the lightdm. I want the ubuntu welcome screen ( sorry not boot )16:10
TamwynVivekananda: for login?16:10
ActionParsnipVivekananda: do you mean plymouth, the boot splash?16:11
VivekanandaActionParsnip: the options I see on the 'change profile' in terminal has no ' highlight option'16:11
VivekanandaActionParsnip: yep16:11
Vivekanandathe boot splash16:11
VivekanandaTamwyn: yep at the time of login too16:11
markx_Any idea why http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11.4-saucy/ is missing the headers-all?16:11
Vivekanandaat login I see only a black background16:11
ActionParsnipVivekananda: ok then reinstall the plymouth package. Are you really that bothered about somethingbso trivial....16:11
john_____ActionParsnip: command not found.16:11
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I liked it :).16:12
ActionParsnipMarkx_: contact the ppa maintainer. Its a 3rd party source so does not have the same rigerous testing of official packages16:12
ActionParsnipJohn_____: its not installed bybdefault16:12
fishcookerit seems thos wlan0 support for 5GHz on http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201290/16:13
dinosaurvskittenhow would you go about debugging a slow wifi connectionn on 13.04? My download speeds peak at 100K/s instead of 1.5M/s, and I'm getting a lot of time outs too. Speed's fine if I boot back into macos (this is a macbook air). The problem happens with both brcmsmac and broadcom-wl drivers. I've disabled ipv6 and mdns already. My only next idea was to switch from nm to wicd, but wicd causes kernel panics. Any ideas?16:13
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TamwynVivekananda: I don't have it. It get lost after installing the Nvidia Drivers16:13
VivekanandaActionParsnip: but about the terminal I cannot seem to find options to change the highlight color. This is how it looks now --- http://imagebin.org/27293416:14
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Vivekanandacompletely unusable16:14
VivekanandaTamwyn: same here . I lost it and I also installed nvidia drivers16:15
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loahello, can explain where is unity launcher in ubuntu 13.10?16:15
gokuhi all16:15
Vivekanandaloa: where is ?16:15
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MonkeyDustloa  13.10 isnt ready yet, support in #ubuntu+116:15
loaMonkeyDust, there is no support at all.16:16
Vivekanandaanother weird thing is happenning. For some reason when I try to Alt+tab my windows I see all windows but 'terminator' even when open on the same deskop is not visible16:16
Guest19677is the "nomodeset" option a permanent solution? Or do you use it just to install a new system, and fix it later16:16
MonkeyDustloa  type /join #ubuntu+1 and wait a bit longer than you did, after you asked a question16:16
Vivekanandabut doing the windows picker ( cursor to right bottom as I have set it to be ) shows me that it is open16:16
ActionParsnipVivekananda: edit -> Profiles -> edit -> Colours tab16:17
ActionParsnipVivekananda: not got that?16:17
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I went there and there is notthing for the "highlight" color ( which you see green for some lines in the imagebin above)16:17
Vivekanandahold on16:17
Guest31517how to register in this channel?16:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:17
salleeI know somebody out there would really like to help me out! Anyone interested in helping with networking problem? One of the computers on my network is not broadcasting hostname or ip, and also hoards the network, so nothing else in the house works properly.16:18
ActionParsnipVivekananda: if you install and run guake you can get a useful terminal colour there16:18
TamwynVivekananda: I think thats a delay of the X-Server you can't do lot against it. I have no problem with it. A way to minimize the problem would be an SSD so you system boots faster ;-)16:18
ActionParsnipSallee: what network chip is it? Which distribution and release. Details.....16:19
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danielubuntuhow to reinstall a package via terminal?16:19
newbeehello folks16:20
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename16:20
danielubuntuActionParsnip, ok thanks16:20
fdkldfsjdfkwow, UEFI, secure boot and fast boot is really a headache. I'm new on this16:21
salleeActionParsnip: elementary luna (based on precise). Qualcomm Atheros ar8152 v2.016:21
newbeeI have an very weired problem. I wanted to bind my music folder from a windows partition into my home folder using an entry in the fstab. If I check via 'mount' command if it is mounded, it says that it is. Nevertheless my file browser and 'ls' don't agree16:21
newbeeI am very pussled. And I don't know what to do about that. Could you please help me!16:22
ActionParsnipSallee: elementaryOS isnt supported here16:22
ActionParsnipSallee: ask in #elementaryos16:23
salleeActionParsnip: could you pretend its precise, then? #elementary doesn't have anyone who can help16:24
MonkeyDustsallee  neither has #ubuntu16:24
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ActionParsnipSallee: no. Its not ubintu so isnt supported here or in ANY of the Ubuntu support channels16:25
ActionParsnipSallee: similarly, ubuntu is based on Debian but is not supported by the debian community in any way16:25
Guest31517can soneone tell me if I dont have permission to install programms from Downloads folder?16:25
paulus68I am booted with a live cd on a current linux system where my /home is not accessible because I made a mistake during the move from current location towards new drive. how can I copy the ./ folders using the live cd in order to keep the profile setting from firefox and thunderbird16:25
VivekanandaActionParsnip: you dont understand the terminal colors are fine . but the green highlight is what I wish to change16:26
salleeActionParsnip: Also, this problem has persisted through several different ubuntu installs on the same deivce16:26
danielubuntusallee, no Ubuntu derivative is supported here take Linux Mint for example, everybody have different IRC channel16:26
ActionParsnipGuest31517: if you are able to install applications, the location doesnt mattter16:26
ActionParsnipSallee: your issue is with elementary os. Not supported here16:26
Vivekanandasallee: any particular reason for using elementary ?16:27
danielubuntuwell any way to know everything (configuration files) about ubuntu? like how something works? any tutorial / ebook or something?16:27
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:28
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: easier to learn it the dame way you learned Windows.16:28
salleeVivekananda: thanks for asking, the keyboard shortcuts are more intuitive, its a little easier to look at, and seems to have less bugs in the UI on little netbooks16:28
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: you'll never know everything about an OS16:28
danielubuntuActionParsnip, that will take long time then :)16:29
danielubuntuActionParsnip, well I don't mean every single part, just configarations16:29
ActionParsnipDanielubuntu: eaxh day you will improve16:29
danielubuntuActionParsnip, and not GUI16:29
VivekanandaActionParsnip: any clues for the highlight16:30
paulus68I am booted with a live cd on a current linux system where my /home is not accessible because I made a mistake during the move from current location towards new drive. how can I copy the ./ folders using the live cd in order to keep the profile setting from firefox and thunderbird16:31
Vivekanandait renders those directories invisible16:31
newbeedoes noone have an idea what could be the reason of my bind issue?16:31
Vivekanandapaulus68: grysync , rsync would work ( I use that )16:32
Vivekanandayou have to enable keep permissions and stuff if you want to16:32
ActionParsnipVivekananda: is that on an NTFS partition by any chance?16:33
paulus68Vivekananda: What is the command please in order to copy from one location towards the other?16:33
ActionParsnipPaulus68: could use grsync as a GUI to rsync16:34
Vivekanandapaulus68: I sometimes write commands incorrectly. What you can do is install grsync which is a gui for rsync and then choose options in there. Execute a test file to make sure what you are doign and then execute the big one16:34
VivekanandaActionParsnip: ntfs partition for ?16:35
ActionParsnipVivekananda: the location of the files and folders in the shiot, are they on an NTFS partition?16:35
Vivekanandaso you are saying that this wont be an issue on ext3 4 ?16:36
ActionParsnipVivekananda: then ots normal. The Linux files will show as normal. The files are green as they are executable16:37
ActionParsnipOts = thats16:37
VivekanandaActionParsnip: I am okay with the color. unhappy that it is bold green so cannot read the names of the files themselves. Wanted to change the bold to a duller green16:37
marco___hi, i accidentally removed my repositories and now i need to reconfigure them. I had this problem some time ago and someone in this channel gave me a link to a page that produced repo lists according to os version16:38
Vivekanandanewbee: I dont know a whole lot but fstab is used to mount partitions16:38
marco___but i can't find it again, can anybody help me?16:38
ActionParsnipVivekananda: its an ntfs thing. You may be able to tweak it but im not quite sure as I dont use ntfs anywhere16:39
Vivekanandaif you already have a mounted partition then you can simply create a bookmark for the folder and it will show up as such16:39
VivekanandaActionParsnip: but the os I amrunnin is ubuntu so the tweak must be on the side of ubuntu isnt it16:39
ActionParsnipMarco___: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue16:39
daftykinsmarco___: how do you keep doing that? >_<16:40
k-josephhi to u all, users and developers, i want to connect my android phone to a wifi network i create, on my ubuntu pc, am using ubuntu 12.04 LTS and am asking how can i create a wifi network for me to connect my phone on the same internet am using via a modem?16:40
ActionParsnipVivekananda: maybe. I use guake which themable but believe it will use the same thing for ntfs16:40
daftykinsmarco___: keep some backups in your /home next time? :)16:40
daftykinsmarco___: also http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/16:40
ActionParsnipMarco___: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue ,i can give a list file based on the release16:41
marco___daftykins: yes, i will keep a backup now :)16:41
newbeeVivekananda: yes, but you can also use it to bind one folder into another as described e.g. here http://backdrift.org/how-to-use-bind-mounts-in-linux16:41
marco___ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 13.416:41
ActionParsnipMarco___: 13.04 not 13.4. The link daftykins looks decent16:42
Vivekanandanewbee: instead of the bind and fstab why not symlink ?16:42
VivekanandaI do that and that is much easier and quick16:43
Vivekanandajust one line of code16:43
marco___ActionParsnip: yes, thank you! :D16:44
newbeeVivekananda: i am not sure to be honest. Ich thought that the bind-ansatz would be the natural one.16:45
paulus68Vivekananda: another question after installing ubuntu while using the same username and password will I be able to copy over the profile files towards the new home directory or can I encounter problems there16:45
newbeeVivekananda: probably symlinks between partitions will have some problems and risks. Would be nice if someone could enlighten me about the differences and dis/advantages of bind vs symlink16:46
Vivekanandanewbee: yep but I guess others are called for then :) . I dont know16:46
Vivekanandapaulus68: I guess so . copying should be easy as is16:47
Vivekanandaif there are errors you will see them in grsync16:47
newbeeVivekananda: :-) not exclusively. You denoted that you may not be an expert about fstab. So I thought maybe include some of those expers. But if you had happend to know  I would of course have meant you ;-)16:48
Vivekanandanewbee: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/49623/are-there-any-drawbacks-from-using-mount-bind-as-a-substitute-for-symbolic-lin16:49
Vivekanandanewbee: no no it is okay. I honestly dont know. but I found a helpful link.16:49
Vivekanandaplease read it16:50
xarexi have a problem with adobe flash player, when we get the new version ?16:53
newbeeVivekananda: to me the link indicates that I should try symlinks16:53
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Vivekanandanewbee: yep and it is easy too16:59
lololcan anyone tell me a software to record desktop16:59
lololi forgot the name16:59
lololrecordmydesktop something?16:59
DJones!secreencast | lolol16:59
bazhanglolol, kazam16:59
DJones!screencast | lolol16:59
ubottulolol: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.16:59
lololthanks guys :)16:59
bazhangthat factoid needs an update17:00
newbeeVivekananda: I do not get it. How do I link one directory into another, but with a different name17:01
newbeeVivekananda: lets say i want to link /mnt/something as /home/somebody/somethingelse17:01
Katuxwhat would happen if one day Microsoft or any OEM decide to blacklist shim loader?17:02
llutznewbee: ln -s /mnt/something as /home/somebody/somethingelse17:02
llutznewbee: ln -s /mnt/something  /home/somebody/somethingelse     (sorry)17:03
KatuxUEFI blacklist can be updated by Windows Update17:03
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
newbeellutz: this does not work. This does create /home/somebody/somethingelse/something17:04
llutznewbee:  /home/somebody/somethingelse has not to exist before17:04
newbeellutz: so the original folder is linked into the folder i did want the link to be17:05
ampwhello how do i install something like heimdall-flash17:05
newbeellutz: thx17:05
newbeellutz: thx17:05
newbeellutz: does the job :-)17:05
tozenampw: if have in repos then sudo apt-get install package_name17:06
ampwtozen: if ihave 13.04 can i install a deb for the 1217:07
bindiI have two SSDs, one HDD. I plan on installing Ubuntu on the first SSD, Windows 8 on the second, and the HDD will be a shared data drive (so has to be ntfs..), and I want to have full disk encryption on all drives. Doable?17:07
pfifoKatux: windows normally tramples a grub install, how is this different? Microsoft dosent care about the users computer or there prefrences17:08
pfifobindi: linux cant handle encrypted ntfs so no, not doable17:10
paulus68if I want to resize my hardrive just leaving out my home partition (on a seperate hd) what do I need to enter for the first HD for mount partitions and sizes?17:10
paulus68the drive as such is 1.5 TB big17:11
Vivekanandabindi: are you from india ?17:11
bindiVivekananda: no17:11
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pfifopaulus68: you cant resize a harddrive, its storage capacity is fixed by hardware limitations17:12
kayzargnecesito ayuda acabo de instalar ubuntu en mi computadora no es muy nueva pero cuando quiero ver un video en youtube no se ve se ve como distorcionado17:13
llutz!es | kayzarg17:14
ubottukayzarg: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:14
paulus68pfifo: ok let me rephrase what sizees do I need to enter for /boot /root and so on17:14
pfifopaulus68: I recommend using one harddrive for / and the other harddrive for /home...17:15
pfifopaulus68: maybe put a swap on each of them if you want swap17:16
paulus68pfifo: so for the first drive I select just / and for the 2nd hd I select /home + swap partition on the first hd?17:17
pfifopaulus68: yes... I would put half the swap on drive 1 and half on drive 2... swappiness will work faster like this in some cases17:18
pfifopaulus68: do not put swap on a SSD if one is SSD and the other is HDD17:18
Rorypfifo: Enlighten me as to why17:20
Rorypfifo: "SSDs wear out" isn't an aswer17:20
pfifoRory: whats the question?17:20
daftykinsSSDs are the best place for swap.17:21
pfifossds are the best place for a swap that operates fast*17:22
SwedeMikebest place for swap is more memory so you don't need swap.17:23
pfifoexactly, its cheaper to buy RAM than a new SSD17:24
MraMariaHi. Does anyone know if clearkimura/Customizer supports kernel upgrades?17:25
arc__hey can anyone have a look at this for me i need help http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201474/17:25
Calinoudaftykins: SSD is still much slower than RAM :P17:25
Calinou500MB/s in best case for SSD, ~10000MB/s at worst for RAM (DDR3) :P17:26
Calinoucan reach 15000MB/s or even more17:26
CalinouI have 515MB/s and 13257MB/s respectively :p17:27
MyrttiMraMaria: say, what?17:27
jackarc__, i'd try a sudo17:27
daftykinsCalinou: RAM is not part of the conversation17:27
arc__the same thing happens jack17:27
MraMariaarc__: try disabling any firewall. if then you could ping disable the rule for that17:27
CaptainQuirkHi there !17:27
jackweird :/17:28
arc__there is no firewall17:28
MyrttiMraMaria: oh, it's some new fangled thing in github17:28
MraMariaMyrtti: say what what? :o17:28
CaptainQuirkI can't find a way to launch a terminal automatically after I'm logged in to my ubuntu sessino17:28
MraMariaMyrtti: no isn't, probably you are17:28
CaptainQuirkI tried editing /etc/rc.local as sudo but without any effect17:28
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MyrttiMraMaria: well I can't find it in packages.ubuntu.com17:29
pfifoCaptainQuirk: Open a terminal, then logout choosing to 'save session'17:29
CaptainQuirkpfifo, what is it supposed to do ?17:29
kongthapif i don't like a program to install in my home directory (node_modules) where should i move it to???17:30
pfifoit will sve the session, and on next login, will restore your programs17:30
MraMariaMyrtti: you know there is more life besides packages.ubuntu.com?!17:30
CaptainQuirkI need a scripting solution17:30
pfifokongthap: /usr/local17:30
MyrttiMraMaria: you know this is the official support channel for Ubuntu and we haven't tried every app in the universe, and can realistically support only those in packages.ubuntu.com and in very, very limited amount some select few in some selected PPA's, if even those?17:31
Katuxis HP a linux friendly company?17:32
MraMariaMyrtti: if you can't answer an user question just keep your case rested17:32
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logic_progwhen I double click on the ubuntu 13.04 iso on osx, should it open up the iso, or should it say "image not mountable" ?17:32
kongthappfifo: if i moved the directory, do i have to re-config anything???17:33
llutzCaptainQuirk: cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop ~/.config/autostart/17:33
CaptainQuirkllutz, that's interesting but opening a terminal is just an example17:33
Katuxbecaus his answer to UEFI relate problems is very odd "they only support Windows 8 and their own "recovery" software and not "other" operating systems or bootloaders."17:33
llutzCaptainQuirk: then take this also just as an example17:33
Katux*because *related17:33
pfifokongthap: you should install to /usr/local instead of simply moving it there17:34
CaptainQuirkllutz, I don't get you17:34
kongthappfifo: when i use apt-get how to specify the destination directory???17:34
CaptainQuirkI'm looking for a way to run any command when after loging in17:34
CaptainQuirkkongthap, you install node_modules with apt-get ?17:35
pfifokongthap: you dont17:35
kongthappfifo: npm???17:35
llutzCaptainQuirk: ~/.config/autostart/mycommand.script17:35
kongthappfifo: i just follow tutorial, not sure when i was there???17:35
llutzCaptainQuirk: or console-login? ~/.bashrc17:36
kongthappfifo: at the moment it's already node_modules folder17:36
pfifokongthap: I have no idea what your doing, youll have to provide more details17:37
CaptainQuirkllutz, thanks, I'll look into it17:39
kongthappfifo: it's grunt17:40
kongthappfifo: i installed grunt using npm, do you know how to specify the destination folder?17:41
James_EppSo I appended this after doing 'sudo crontab -e' but after waiting a day, the file /srv/servers/logs/update.log contains no date. Did I do something incorrectly? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201656/17:42
pfifokongthap: no, i dont know anything about grunt or npm, i recommend either installing it the way it wasnt, or seeking support from the grunt/npm community17:45
kongthappfifo: thanks :)17:45
pfifoJames_Epp: put all that into a bash script and run the script, if anyone thoses commands fail, the rest will not run17:48
James_Epppfifo: So something like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201694/17:49
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pfifoJames_Epp: yeah... make sure to use a shebang in the script, and set a suitable PATH and any other enviroment vars17:50
James_Epppfifo: Okay. Thanks!17:51
mzazaAny ideas how to make Ubuntu detect Huawei k3770, it doesn't detect it?17:52
arc__mzaza: it that a android phone17:53
mzazaarc__: No a USB dongle17:53
jacksounds like an usb stick17:53
arc__sounds like a phone17:53
mzazaarc__: Ubuntu detects older USB dongles, this one is newer and it doesn't detect automatically.17:54
mzazaI am on Ubuntu 12.0417:54
Calinousome dongles need ndiswrapper to work17:54
jackmzaza, i think i'm using the same thing17:54
Calinouthat is, using a windows driver17:54
mzazajack: Same version and some model :D ?17:55
jackubuntu knows my ISP, vodafone17:55
jackso connecting works perfectly17:55
mzazajack: It's not about the ISP, when I change USB dongles with the same IP it works perfectly. The problem is that it doesn't detect the specific usb stick model I mentioned.17:56
jackhrm :/17:56
gaurav__How to use auto complete feature in vim17:56
mzazajack: Could you help me try debugging the problem and find a solution?17:56
jacki can only Try_17:57
jackerm _try_17:57
jackbbiab...need to go collecting some debts17:58
benzrfmy sound seems to be stuck on dummy output17:59
pfifogaurav__: vim has their own support channel in #vim you should ask there18:00
islandmonkeybenzrf: !help18:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:01
pfifosee also !details18:02
danny4wayHow do i install eclipse on Ubuntu18:02
islandmonkeyOh wait, just remembered what that did now :)18:02
pfifodanny4way: 'sudo apt-get install eclipse'18:02
daftykins!info eclipse18:02
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB18:02
benzrfdanny4way: is it not the same as everything else?18:02
danny4wayBut I need to install jdk too18:02
gaurav__how to use auto complete feature of vim on ubuntu18:02
danny4wayBecause I am trying to write codes for Java18:03
pfifodanny4way: are you setting up for android dev?18:03
danny4wayno. Just for my AP Java class18:03
gaurav__how to use auto complete feature of vim on ubuntu18:03
benzrfgaurav__: same as anywhere else18:03
benzrfstill stuck on dummy output in my audio [raring]18:04
gaurav__no means without pressing ctrl+x and ctrl+n18:04
pfifodanny4way: you can 'sudo apt-get install openjdk eclipse' to get both18:04
danny4wayI tried sudo apt-get install eclipse18:04
benzrfgaurav__: I don't understand what you are asking18:05
pfifodanny4way: you may need to enable the universe/multiverse repos and then run 'sudo apt-get update'18:05
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gaurav__i wan't to say that in vim when we do ctrl+n a pop up appears from where we can select previously typed characters but how to do it without pressing ctrl+n everytime as it reduces speed.18:06
danny4waysudo apt-get install eclipse isn't working.18:09
gaurav__i wan't to say that in vim when we do ctrl+n a pop up appears from where we can select previously typed characters but how to do it without pressing ctrl+n everytime as it reduces speed.18:09
gaurav__@benzrf please reply18:09
arc__danny4way: what are u using eclips for18:09
BluesKajdanny4way,are you getting an error ?18:09
danny4wayI am using eclipse for java18:09
danny4wayIt says unable to locate package openjdk18:10
slyfoxxwhen loading ubuntu newest ver, at the almost end of install errorr'd out with grub not loading, any suggestions?18:10
BluesKajdanny4way, make sure all your sources are enabled in the package manager18:11
danny4wayYes. They are all enabled.18:11
guestghostwhat's the name of the ubuntu installer program? the one used to install on a new system?18:11
MonkeyDustslyfoxx  by latest, you mean 13.04 or 13.10 ?18:11
BluesKajincluding canonical parthers, danny4way18:11
danny4wayYep. All are checked.18:12
slyfoxxues sir18:12
danny4waysince last month, I couldn't install anything from terminal18:12
danny4wayIt just keep showing erros.18:12
MonkeyDustslyfoxx  which, 13.04 or 13.10 ?18:12
slyfoxxthe newest one18:13
slyfoxxI wanted a dual boot on this vista crapola18:13
MonkeyDustslyfoxx  ok, that's not ready yet, type /join #ubuntu+1 for support18:13
slyfoxxokay thank you guys18:14
slyfoxxserver ubuntu loaded just fine18:14
slyfoxxI will return registered, sorry18:14
slyfoxxother than that she looks like a fine op system18:15
BluesKajdanny4way, type openjdk18:15
danny4wayit says couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console18:16
danny4wayOh wait. it actually says openjdk: command not found18:17
TJ-danny4way: There is no such command, so that is to be expected18:19
ace_me_I get gethostbyname failure ! help :)18:19
danny4waySo what do i do?18:19
TJ-danny4way: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install" *should* solve most problems with apt getting out-of-sync18:19
danny4wayI am trying to install eclipse with jdk so that I can write a code for my AP java class18:19
BluesKajsudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-lib , danny4way18:20
danny4wayTJ-, I got error message18:21
TJ-danny4way: Good... we can help when you have specifics. Tell us what it is.18:22
TJ-!pastebin | danny4way18:22
ubottudanny4way: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:22
danny4wayTJ-, this is an error i got.18:23
danny4wayBluesKaj, I also got error for sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-lib command18:24
TJ-danny4way: Do you see the problem? "gzip: stdout: No space left on device"18:24
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danny4waywhere does that say? ,TJ-18:25
TJ-danny4way: In the output you just pastebinned18:25
danny4wayOh yeah. I see it now.18:25
danny4waySo what do i do?18:25
danny4wayI'm new to Ubuntu. It's nothing like other OS.18:26
daftykinsdanny4way: your /boot is full by the looks. can you pastebin "df -h" ?18:26
BluesKajdanny4way,  sudo dpkg --configure -a18:26
danny4waydaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201850/18:27
TJ-danny4way: Free some space ... identify what is using it all.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/73160/how-do-i-find-the-amount-of-free-space-on-my-hard-drive18:27
stomanatahI, IS IT NORMAL TO SEE LINES LIKE THIS  18:26:07.784067 IP ubuntu.local.47498 > google-public-dns-a.google.com.domain: 7415+ PTR? c. (90)18:28
daftykinsdanny4way: yep you need to delete some older kernels. can you pastebin "ls -l /boot" please?18:28
stomanataops. caps lock is on. sorry18:28
subz3r0stomanata: maybe you should explain where you got this output?18:28
TJ-danny4way: OK, what has likely happened is you've had  series of Linux kernel package upgrades but the old ones haven't been removed, which has made the /boot/ file-system run out of space. Let's find out what packages are installed. Do "dpkg -l 'linux-*'18:29
stomanatathis is tcpdump over my local network (4 computer)18:29
josiah14ubuntu is not detecting my hdd18:29
josiah14trying to figure out why18:29
josiah14I'm using the p6x58d premium asus mobo, which has an ich10 southbridge chipset18:30
MonkeyDustjosiah14  what'sz the output of sudo blkid ? use pastebin to show us18:30
BluesKajjosiah14, are trying an OS install?18:30
josiah14technically lubuntu, but I would think this issue would translate across ubuntu flavors18:30
guestghostWhen ubiquity installs over a previous installation of ubuntu, does it keep files in /home ?18:31
josiah14I'm in xterm now and have native network access18:31
kavelotI'm trying to push ubuntu to my gf, but she's having trouble saving an impress document as .ppt... since I'm on windows now, I don't know how to do it (she says impress doesn't show the "file type" menu)... does ubuntu provides a simple way for me to VNC to her PC, considering she's behind a router?18:31
danny4wayTJ, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201865/18:32
wilee-nileeguestghost, Only if home is a seperate partition and you do not over write it.18:32
guestghostwilee-nilee, ok, thanks!18:32
danny4waydaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201870/18:32
TJ-kavelot: see http://imagebin.org/27294618:33
vaki can't figure out what exactly wifi-card does my Lenovo Yoga 13 has... any hints? (i tried lspci; lshw -C network)18:33
kavelotTJ-: oh, got it! thanks!18:34
danny4wayTJ-,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6201865/18:34
TJ-danny4way: OK, thanks, now lets find out which version is actually running "uname -r"18:34
daftykinsdanny4way: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic linux-image-3.8.0-26-generic linux-image-3.8.0-28-generic linux-image-3.8.0-29-generic18:35
danny4wayTJ-, 3.8.0-30-generic18:35
daftykinsmy above command is safe then18:35
TJ-danny4way: Follow daftykins advice now to remove those three kernel versions18:35
daftykinsdanny4way: then afterwards run "sudo apt-get -f install"18:35
daftykinsthings should completely cleanly then18:36
danny4wayOkay. Do I have to type all together with linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic or separately?18:36
josiah14thats the blkid output18:36
daftykinsdanny4way: paste that one long single command with each kernel package name after it18:36
TJ-josiah14: How about "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/" ?18:37
andreiiara o18:38
kavelotTJ-: found out what happened... she's running it on a netbook, so those options don't show up because the screen is small :P18:38
TJ-kavelot: !!! .... !!18:38
danny4waydaftykins, DONE18:39
daftykinsdanny4way: did "sudo apt-get -f install" complete nice and cleanly?18:40
danny4wayOh wait.18:40
loahow i can change boot logo?18:40
danny4wayI forgot.18:40
loanow i have boot logo Xubuntu 13.1018:41
loabut i not even use xubuntu18:41
danny4waydaftykins, it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 45 not upgraded18:41
TJ-josiah14: It's certainly missing. What make/model of drive is it? What interface (PATA/SCSI/SATA) ?18:41
daftykinsdanny4way: ok now run a "sudo apt-get autoremove" (to remove some additional remnants from those older kernels)18:42
josiah14SATA 6.018:42
guestghostIs there a significant difference in upgrading a system versus installing fresh?18:42
josiah14not sure I know the make and model of the hdd anymore18:42
josiah14I think it was a western digital caviar18:43
josiah14of some sort18:43
danny4waydaftykins, done18:43
josiah14balls, this is about the only part of my hardware I don't know18:43
danny4wayThe last statement says "Proccessing triggers for ureadahead..... ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot18:43
TJ-josiah14: OK ... And have you seen it working on the same motherboard before now, connected to the same socket, etc.? My first check would be: has it got power (did the power connector come out?) then that the interface cable is secure, then I'd be checking that the motherboard BIOS/firmware reports seeing the drive from its own Setup screen at power-on18:43
josiah14well' right now I can boot windows from that drive18:44
danny4waywhat's the next step?18:44
daftykinsdanny4way: ok and now a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:44
TJ-josiah14: That's a good indicator! OK... which version of Ubuntu are you using right now? You can find that in a terminal using "lsb_release -a"18:44
josiah14lubuntu 13.0418:45
TJ-josiah14: Right... so my immediate thought is that the disk controller interface hardware on the motherboard is too new to have support in the Linux v3.8 kernel in Ubuntu 13.04... Can you tell me the make/model of the motherboard?18:46
josiah14p6x58d premium ASUS mobo18:46
OerHeksjosiah14, maybe you have 4 primairy partitions already, so ubuntu installer sees no space/18:46
TJ-josiah14: Thanks. Give me a minute or so to look that up and check it18:46
TJ-OerHeks: Ubuntu isn't seeing the entire hard drive!18:46
josiah14sata chipset is Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) 4 port18:47
josiah14got that from the archlinux hardware analysis output on my machine18:47
josiah14actually, i'm 99% sure the 6.0 sata port that I have the drive connected to is on the 2 port sata node, same chipset though18:48
TJ-josiah14: Please read this forum thread. It appears that drives are known to 'disappear' on that controller/motherboard. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/291785-30-intermittent-sata-ports-asus-p6x58d-ahci-mode18:48
OerHeksTJ-, josiah14 on what windows?18:48
josiah14windows 7 system builders edition18:49
danny4waydaftykins, so does this always happen to ubuntu?18:49
daftykinsTJ- and josiah14 may i interject? i see your board has a second SATA controller to provide 2 extra SATA 6Gb/sec ports, can you double check that your drive is connected to the chipset provided ones and not the Marvell controller? i sense that's your problem18:49
josiah14my drive is connected to a 6.0 port18:50
josiah14100% sure of that18:50
daftykinsdanny4way: it's rare to go through so many kernel updates really, also it's rare to still have a separately partitioned /boot that can fill up18:50
daftykinsjosiah14: yes but do you see what i mean about there being two 6Gb controllers?18:50
josiah14so that port is not running on the ICH10 southbridge?18:50
daftykinsjosiah14: it's possible, check the colour coding with the motherboard manual if you can18:50
TJ-josiah14: See the post by geraldreisner 25 June 2011 where in part he says " moved one of the two hi-speed SATA ports to the 3G SATA port. It's only been about a week, but I haven't seen the disappearing drive."18:50
josiah14theres 4 3gb and 2 6 gb sata controllers18:51
danny4waydaftykins, Oh I see.18:51
daftykinsjosiah14: it would make sense as to why you can't see the drive if it is attached to the Marvell controller, if ubuntu isn't providing support18:51
vaki can't figure out what exactly wifi-card does my Lenovo Yoga 13 have... any hints? (i tried lspci; lshw -C network)18:51
daftykinsvak: can you pastebin 'lspci' ?18:51
josiah14I didn't realize the 6.0 sata was on the marvell controller18:51
vakdaftykins: no network on laptop! (((18:51
josiah14well, it's a normal hdd anyway, so I'm not really going to lose any speed by switching to the 3G port18:52
josiah14I'll try that out18:52
TJ-josiah14: I had a related issue to solve last week where the marvell controller cannot host boot devices, and someone had installed Ubuntu to a drive on that controller, and had spent several days failing to figure out why it wouldn't start, and reinstalling Ubuntu repeatedly.18:52
danny4waydaftykins, Done18:52
daftykinsvak: flash drive to copy it off in a text file? :)18:52
danny4wayWhat do i do next?18:52
vakdaftykins: already doing this18:53
josiah14so... there is opportunity here to develop a driver for the marvell controller here?18:53
daftykinsdanny4way: ok by now you'll likely be worthy of a reboot to boot into a new kernel. i don't know what your previous question was but you should be set on the software front now. i don't know what your original query was :)18:53
daftykinsjosiah14: i've no idea if it might just require some additional setup to get working18:53
danny4waydaftykins, it was just about installing eclipse .18:53
DJonesHmmh, is it good to be watching the strictly result shows and thinking who the hell are those two chipmunks up for getting kicked out18:54
josiah14meh, until i get a disk that could saturate the 3G bandwidth, I don't care too much18:54
bazhangDJones, yep18:54
josiah14when I get an SSD though, that is def something I well investigate18:54
danny4waydaftykins, by the way, what is the command that install both jdk and eclipse all together for Java18:54
josiah14would like to have linux driver experience on my resume18:54
daftykinsjosiah14: the intel controller is providing both SATA 3 and 6Gb/sec, separate to the Marvell 6Gb, you can still run 6Gb i think you're just in the Marvell slots for it not the intel :)18:54
TJ-josiah14: The issue seems to be, not that Linux doesn't have a driver, but that the Marvell chip-set has a well-known bug in it that makes drives 'disappear'18:55
daftykinsdanny4way: oh ok - there are lots of guides for it online, have a quick google.18:55
josiah14that's super weird18:55
TJ-josiah14: It affects Windows and other operating systems the same way in some circumstances18:55
danny4waydaftykins, oh okay. thank you very much.18:55
CalinouSATA III isn't that useful on any drive unless you do large copies, you won't feel the difference :)18:55
daftykinsdanny4way: no problem. it'll likely involve removing all openjdk packages, installing oracle jdk v7 then eclipse after that18:55
danny4waydaftykins, thank you. I will try to google it but if I don't find any solution, then i will ask in this chatroom again18:56
daftykinssounds good18:57
danny4waydatfykins, for now I need to reboot my system. Right?18:57
daftykinsdanny4way: yep18:57
danny4waydaftykins, okay.18:57
eerIs there another cool calender program for Ubuntu except Evolution?18:57
jhutchinseer: aptitude search ~dcalendar18:58
eerWhat does the ~ mean?18:58
jhutchins~d means search description.18:59
NaeblisHello, I'm getting the following when I try to run software center. I just installed Xubuntu 13.04 and did an update: http://bpaste.net/show/U0Whif1I2b9OxA5cqP5y/18:59
pfifoNaeblis: try running it with sudo19:01
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jhutchinspfifo: Shouldn't it do that automatically?19:02
Naeblispfifo: same error19:02
pfifojhutchins: dont know... but its erroring about auth and credentials19:02
TJ-Naeblis: See bug #106868019:04
ubottubug 1068680 in dbus-python (Ubuntu) "Software center does not start [dbus.proxies - ERROR - Introspect error]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106868019:04
pfifoNaeblis: what is the output of 'echo $HTTP_PROXY'19:04
NaeblisTJ-: thanks. pfifo nothing19:05
TJ-Naeblis: In particular see comment #6 where it says "It seemed to be a problem with python-sip and python-qt4. Re-installing both packages fixed it for me"19:05
danny4wayHow do I install eclipse with jdk?19:06
danny4wayI need that for Java.19:06
benzrfmy audio is stuck on 'dummy output'19:06
danny4wayGoogle doesn't really help.19:06
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pfifodanny4way: 'sudo apt-get install openjdk eclipse'19:06
danny4wayIt says unable to locate package openjdk19:07
pfifodanny4way: 'sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk eclipse'19:07
MonkeyDust!find openjdk | danny4way19:07
ubottudanny4way: Found: openjdk-7-dbg, openjdk-7-demo, openjdk-7-doc, openjdk-7-jdk, openjdk-7-jre, openjdk-7-jre-headless, openjdk-7-jre-lib, openjdk-7-source, openjdk-6-dbg, openjdk-6-demo (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openjdk&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all19:07
pfifodanny4way: you could use 7 instead of 6 as well, upto you19:08
geniidanny4way: If you're doing work on Android with your Eclipse, use 6 and not 719:09
danny4wayThat's okay. As long as I can write java code for my AP class, I don't really care , pfifo19:09
lastleo85any way to run ios on a desktop19:09
lastleo85mac or PC?19:09
danny4waygenii, I don't really use java for android. Java is for my AP class19:10
josiah14you guys are awesome.  Got the disk recognized19:10
josiah14thanks for the help19:10
geniidanny4way: Just a heads-up :)19:10
jhutchinslastleo85: Apple probably has some development utilities that might include an emulator, but you can't run it as a primary desktop, and it's not open source.19:10
danny4waypfifo, so the command is done.19:10
danny4waySo does that mean I can start using my eclipse?19:10
josiah14y'all have inspired me to contribute to the ubuntu project - this is the best linux support I've gotten to date19:11
danny4waygenii, :)19:11
pfifodanny4way: technically you can write java code in gedit/nano/or whatever... and then run ./javac from the command line. you dont have to have eclipse19:11
pfifodanny4way: eclipse should be able to be found in the dash now19:11
lotuspsychjejoshhunt: smart choice!19:11
danny4wayWhat is gedit/nano?19:11
pfifodanny4way: text editors19:11
jhutchinsdanny4way: Text editors.19:11
danny4wayWhere can i find it? pfifo?19:12
lastleo85jhutchins sad isnt it?19:12
danny4wayPlus yeah. Eclipse is in the dash now. but I am gonna test if it will compile.19:12
vakdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/srtCrGuG19:12
danny4wayLast time I installed eclipse from Software Center and it doesn't compile.19:12
pfifogedit should be installed by default look for it in the dash... nano is a cli text editor, just get tot a term and type nano19:12
vakdaftykins: sorry for lasting so long19:12
lotuspsychjei just letting you guys know i've installed a handy package to resize pictures in nautilus called: nautilus-image-converter19:13
daftykinsvak: hrmm not listed, try "lsusb"?19:13
pfifodanny4way: you might have to configure eclipse to get it to work with the jdk... that subject is better asked about in #eclipse19:13
danny4waypfifo, so what if I use gedit instead of eclipse, how do i compile it?19:13
pfifodanny4way: I dont know, something todo with 'javac' program... im lost here im just a lowly C programmer19:14
lastleo85which is the best pentesting distro and its irc gys?19:15
lotuspsychje!ot | lastleo8519:15
ubottulastleo85: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:15
danny4wayOkay. Thank you pfifo19:15
pfifo!alis | lastleo8519:15
ubottulastleo85: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:15
lastleo85ubottu thaks19:15
loahow i can change boot logo?19:16
jhutchinsdanny4way: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialJava.html19:16
vakdaftykins: also not listed. but it does present! wifi worked in windows before i tried to install ubuntu (and ruined windows)19:16
TJ-danny4way: Stick with Eclipse whilst you're learning; Using the Java compiler (javac) at the command-line can get confusing since you often need to pass arguments to it that reference library JAR files. IDEs figure that stuff out for you mostly.19:16
daftykinsvak: hmm we should be able to at least recognise the device though19:17
jhutchinsdanny4way: Netbeans is another option.19:17
daftykinsvak: there isn't a hardware wifi switch that's somehow switched off?19:17
TJ-danny4way: It'd be like building a multi-library C/C++ project without using make, typing all gcc commands manually :)19:17
pfifo!info libav19:17
ubottuPackage libav does not exist in raring19:17
pfifo!info libav precise19:17
ubottuPackage libav does not exist in precise19:17
genii!plymouth | loa19:17
ubottuloa: Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »19:17
TJ-danny4way: Alternatively, investigate the 'ant' build system for Java19:17
vakdaftykins: not that i know... i've looked for it already19:17
toothegah, slapd's documentation is "broken"19:17
tootheor so it seems19:17
danny4wayso I guess  for now I would use Eclipse19:18
danny4wayBut right now I don't know what to do to compile my java code19:18
pfifowhy is apt installing libav instead of ffmpeg? super cow powers failing?19:18
Slartpfifo: isn't libav the new ffmpeg?19:18
TJ-vak: pastebin the output of "lsusb" - it may be one of those dual-function devices that needs to be put into WiFi mode19:18
TJ-pfifo: libav is a fork of ffmpeg which many distro's adopted since most of the developers moved to the new project19:19
kongthapi installed jdk using .sh file which download from oracle, how to uninstall it???19:19
pfifoSlart: it looks and smells like ffmpeg19:19
vakdaftykins: actually i've compilled installed drivers for rtl8723au because they were mentioned somewhere on those interwebs. and it says connected but no ping even to the home router19:19
vakTJ-: one moment19:19
TJ-vak: what make/model is the laptop?19:20
daftykinsvak: the interface got an IP address ok?19:20
bibi_how to install nvidi driver in xubuntu 13.10?19:20
lotuspsychjeX98Hacker: welcome what can we do for you mate?19:21
lotuspsychje!13.10 | bibi_19:21
ubottubibi_: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.19:21
X98HackerNothing I got sorted out by ubuntu-uk19:21
X98HackerI am here to help as a noob I am19:22
vakTJ- daftykins: well if i try lsusb with -v or -tv then i indeed get the wifi listed!19:22
pfifoX98Hacker: you have to start in the mail room19:22
daftykinsvak: ah-har. how does it name it? the Realtek you mentioned?19:23
TJ-mail room? Nah... making everyone a cuppa!19:23
X98HackerU wish19:23
pfifoTJ-: he would be so lucky to start on kitchen duty19:23
vakTJ- daftykins: and it is indeed rtl8723au (i hope it is not because i've installed exactly the rtl8723au, whereas it migth have wrong...)19:23
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vakmight have *been19:24
* TJ- slopes off to bug-fix and make his own cuppa!19:24
vakdaftykins: yes, interface got an IP and it is usual one:
HAMSHAMAI'm pretty new from windows, what do install packages look like, and how do I install them, without going through apt-get install, or the software centre?19:25
dmobley88why would phablet-bootstrap /home/(user)/fusion2/bootstrap delete stuff downloaded from the AOSP?19:25
vakdaftykins: yes, interface got an IP and it is usual one:
X98Hackerpfifio: u will be my foot stool19:25
vakdaftykins: router is
lotuspsychje!deb | HAMSHAMA19:25
ubottuHAMSHAMA: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.19:25
HAMSHAMAlotuspsychje: roger, thanks19:26
vakdaftykins: under "RX" i see even 320 packets. But ping doesn't work19:26
lotuspsychjeHAMSHAMA: apt-get however is very handy aswell19:26
danny4wayCan anyone help me with Eclipse? I can't do anything.19:26
dmobley88lotuspsychje so is apt-fast. :)19:26
danny4wayI am stuck.19:26
X98Hackerdanny4way what's wrong19:27
dmobley88that's okay danny4way, phablet-bootstrap decided to delete stuff downloaded from the AOSP.19:27
daftykinsvak: ah so it received the IP via DHCP? that's good. i'm not really experienced in the area of wireless troubles i'm afraid so you may be best seeing of someone else can help19:27
lotuspsychjedmobley88: :p19:27
dmobley88what's wrong with your wireless Hamshama?19:27
dmobley88or vak?19:27
danny4wayX98Hacker, I installed JDK and eclipse but it isn't compiling19:27
dmobley88or whoever is having wireless troubble?19:28
vakdaftykins: anyway thank you!19:28
daftykinsvak: np :)19:28
dmobley88what message does it give you danny4way?19:28
lotuspsychjevak: maybe the ##networking guys might be able to help?19:28
dmobley88whatever you do vak, do NOT remove the dnsmasq-base.19:29
danny4wayWhenever I run the code on Eclipse, it just shows the error19:29
vakifconfig shows 320 packets under "RX". But ping doesn't work even to the home router (default gateway) -- any hints??19:29
bekksdanny4way: Which error...?19:29
dmobley88have you debugged it danny4way?19:29
lotuspsychjedanny4way: might be usefull to pastebin that error in chat19:29
danny4waySure. Hold on.19:29
dmobley88um, have you run diagnostics on it danny4way?19:29
danny4wayHow do i run diagnostics?19:29
vakdmobley88: i don't even know how to remove it... btw, why?19:29
dmobley88because if you do that, you will have to use another computer to download every dependancy dnsmasq-base relies on manually, and dnsmasq-base itself, then use the terminal to manually install each package.19:30
danny4wayOh wait. It's working now.19:31
dmobley88I did that once, and it was not fun.19:31
danny4wayIt wasn't working before.19:31
vakdmobley88: oh... i see, thanks19:31
dmobley88ok, so vak,19:31
dmobley88what does ifconfig show?19:31
Oldschool_testhere I am testing Ubuntu 7.04, say hi people19:31
dmobley88then use lshw -C network19:32
lotuspsychje!eol | Oldschool_test19:32
ubottuOldschool_test: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:32
dmobley88then iwconfig,19:32
dmobley88then lscpi | -i grep netw19:32
dmobley88did you recently upgrade vak?19:33
ryorky1I followed the following tutorial to try to update my php to version 5.5, and now everything is broken19:33
ryorky1all of the required files are empty19:34
histo!info php19:34
ubottuPackage php does not exist in raring19:34
histo!info php519:34
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.3 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB19:34
ryorky1how can I completely uninstall what I upgraded to and just reinstall19:34
lotuspsychje!php | ryorky119:35
ubotturyorky1: PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/php5.html19:35
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pfiforyorky1: what guide?19:36
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dmobley88ffff ffffoooooddddd fff ffffooodddd is the word ffffooood ffffooood is the word19:37
lotuspsychjedmobley88: plz keep this channel for ubuntu support only19:38
dmobley88I asked a support question19:38
dmobley88never got a response.19:38
histodmobley88: bird is the word19:38
dmobley88no histo it's food19:38
bazhangdmobley88, take the chit chat elsewhere19:39
jribdmobley88: making yourself annoying is not the right way to change that ;)  Repeat your question after a reasonable amount of time and wait patiently19:39
=== dmobley88 is now known as Anonynimity
Anonynimitywhy would phablet-bootstrap /home/(user)/fusion2/bootstrap delete stuff downloaded from the AOSP?19:40
skinuxWhere can I find a list of software installed via package manager?19:41
k1lAnonynimity: no need for crossposting19:41
kongthapi installed jdk using .sh file which download from oracle, how to uninstall it???19:41
pfifoskinux: you can run 'dpkg -l'19:42
lotuspsychjekongthap: doesnt it show in software centre?19:42
jribkongthap: you need to consult its documentation for that19:42
kongthaplotuspsychje: no, i doesn't19:42
lotuspsychjekongthap: even when unfolding to more technical packages?19:43
pfifokongthap: read and understan every line in the script and do the opposite of what it did19:43
skinuxActually, what is the best software for creating "snapshot" images of the system which I could install again from disc?19:44
pfifoskinux: squashfs19:44
skinuxHope it can compress as well, my system is 15G and I've only got about 3 DVDs.19:45
pfifoskinux: lzma compression, its used for the livecds, i love it19:46
skinuxCorrection, I have 7 DVDs.19:46
kongthaplotuspsychje: i show technical items and search for java, jdk, oracle...i think it does not show19:46
pfifokongthap: the script offered by oracle clobbers your system, your not going to be able to uninstall19:47
lotuspsychjekongthap: you might want to try what jrib and pfifo recomended you19:47
skinuxIs there a SquashFS front-end or is it cli only?19:47
kongthappfifo: you meant, i cannot install it?19:48
pfifoskinux: cli only, its only a disk imaging app, youll need to add your own magic to use it in a recovery system19:48
lotuspsychjeskinux: kazam can make screenshots and system video's not sure its that what you need..19:48
pfifokongthap: no, your not going to be able to UNinstall it19:49
skinuxlotuspyschji: Primary goal is to join an empty 30G EXT4 partition with my 30G Ubuntu partition. According to some searching I've done, I have to delete both partitions, create a single 60G partition and reinstall.19:50
pfifoskinux: not likely... can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'19:51
lotuspsychjeskinux: sorry, i focused on 'snapshot', you need cloning software of some sort?19:52
lotuspsychjeKalel: welcome mate19:52
skinuxI suppose so, sure.19:52
skinuxWARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.19:53
lotuspsychjecalimero_82: welcome, what can we do for you?19:53
KalelI suppose I should uninstall my sytem's amd driver for install the newest 3.11 kernel.. Plausible !19:53
pfifoskinux: you should be able to move and merge with gparted (from a livecd)19:54
calimero_82mmm nothing now, i wanted only say hello at everybody :)19:55
pfifoskinux: id have to see a screenshot of your partitions in gparted to know the details19:55
Crazyzurferhow do I execute a program with the terminal?19:55
lotuspsychjeCrazyzurfer: type packagename19:56
skinuxI've taken a screenshot. How should I present it to you?19:56
Crazyzurferlotuspsychje, "sudo: xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-1-installer.run: order not found"19:56
KalelCrazyzurfer: if there is a suffix like .sh you should run 'bash filename' or ./filename from path..19:57
zexcrizwhat is the difference between hosting our data on our VPS and in the other in the cloud ? i doubt there is any difference.19:57
robeepalHi! I dont know exactly if I am in the right chat, but i have a question about Ubuntu OS for Phones, I want to know if my Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9100 is it compatible and stable with my phone ?! Thank you19:57
lotuspsychjezexcriz: are you using ubuntu?19:57
daftykinsrobeepal: #ubuntu-touch19:57
robeepalthank you19:57
zexcrizi have couple of ubuntu boxes and 1 arch and 1 debian machine.19:57
bazhang!xampp | Crazyzurfer19:57
ubottuCrazyzurfer: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.19:57
zexcrizusing ubuntu as the server machine.19:58
zexcrizlotuspsychje, why you asked ?19:58
lotuspsychjezexcriz: the ubuntu-server guys might wanna help you on your issue also19:58
Crazyzurferbazhang, Not requesting help about xampp, requesting help about ubuntu19:58
lotuspsychjezexcriz: #ubuntu-server19:58
naquadhow do i retrieve key from ubuntu keyserver? i need a direct url19:59
jotaquien habla en español??19:59
zexcrizlotuspsychje, ok :)19:59
naquadgot this: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB9316A7BC7917B12&format=raw - but it returns html19:59
KalelCrazyzurfer: bash filename19:59
Kaleljust that..19:59
CrazyzurferKalel, says that it cannot ejecute the binary file :S20:00
zexcrizlotuspsychje, no one here can help me ?20:00
Crazyzurferis the same thing for .run files?20:00
pfifoskinux: i think imigur.com or something like that... or imagebin.com... or heck, post it on 4chan if all else fails20:00
lotuspsychjezexcriz: perhaps yes mate, but i wanted to give you more sources :p20:00
zexcrizlotuspsychje, thanks for it mate :)20:01
KalelCrazyzurfer: Yes. Try execute chmod +x filename' then run bash again20:01
lotuspsychjezexcriz: maybe detail out your issue more, like are you hosting own vps on ubuntu and cloud?20:01
Crazyzurferjota: yo, but try #ubuntu-es20:01
lotuspsychjezexcriz: whats your purpose exactly?20:02
zexcrizlotuspsychje, currently hosting a VPS and now i was curious what are advantages or disadvantages if any if go for cloud.20:02
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lotuspsychjezexcriz: not really sure how i can relate this to ubuntu support mate sorry20:03
antivaporso, in the past i've installed all the blueman stuff blindly, I just literally searched "bluetooth" and installed it all, and it worked sorta, but would still occassionally crash. I just started with a clean install, and would like to use bluetooth but it not crash, got any tips?20:04
zexcrizlotuspsychje, maybe because it's ubuntu recommends openstack for the cloud.20:04
lotuspsychje!cloud | zexcriz20:04
ubottuzexcriz: The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC20:04
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.20:05
lotuspsychjezexcriz: im not really a fan of storing data online, but other might think otherwise..20:05
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lotuspsychjezexcriz: i would go for an ubuntu server and tighten security and store data on there20:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:08
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | Crazyzurfer20:08
ubottuCrazyzurfer: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:08
zexcrizlotuspsychje, ok20:09
lionrougehi ppl20:09
lotuspsychjezexcriz: but again maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might have other opinions..20:09
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lionrougecan i somehow download Ubuntu updates and install them later on a machine w/o Internet?20:10
ozgurHi everyone :)20:10
zexcrizlotuspsychje, i have asked the question there, hope to get a solution.20:11
pfifo!aptoncd | lionrouge20:11
ubottulionrouge: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline20:11
lotuspsychjezexcriz: you could also ask differences or recomended clouds in #ubuntu-offtopic20:14
zexcrizlotuspsychje, great :)20:15
=== anonymous is now known as Guest39673
lionrougepfifo, thanks a lot20:16
lotuspsychje!cookie | pfifo20:17
ubottupfifo: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:17
Guest39673hey guys i have a question on  motion for webcams .... where can i set a option to get at least 20 fps on webcam stream ?20:17
lotuspsychje!raid > paulus6820:17
ubottupaulus68, please see my private message20:18
bekksGuest39673: In the settings of your webcam. It must be capable of doing so.20:18
skinuxHere is the GParted screenshot. http://imgur.com/YgJMJD020:19
kongthapi've installed NetBeans IDE to /usr/local/ using installer (run as root) after finish the installation i don't see any shortcut to lunch the program, how can i start it?20:20
geniiGuest39673: Check the config file in your home directory, usually called motion.conf . The relevant variable is: framerate #    where # is 0-10020:20
joohooHey guys! Do you know how I can list all running programs ordered by how much memory they're using :)?20:21
k1ljoohoo: easiest is to look into htop, imho20:22
kongthapwhat is "Execute the launcher script by typing ./netbeans. "??? i meant i don't know how to do it20:22
Guest39673thank u genii20:23
joohooOh wait, right.20:23
joohook1l: I forgot to say it: I need to do this through the terminal20:23
emj__joohoo: I use top and press '<' and '>' until I get something I like20:23
k1ljoohoo: htop is for terminal20:23
joohooemj__: k1l: Alright! Great, I'll check that out20:23
joohooGotta leave, thanks for the help :)20:23
KylieBrooksI have a question20:24
k1l!details | KylieBrooks20:24
ubottuKylieBrooks: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:24
KylieBrooksIs there a way to make KVIrc  alert when there is a new message in a channel, even when it's not a highlight?20:25
jribkongthap: go to the directory with the "netbeans" file in your terminal, and type "./netbeans" (without quotes) followed by enter20:25
MonkeyDustKylieBrooks  better ask in #kvirc, some 100 people are there20:26
kongthapjrib: "/usr/local/netbeans-7.3.1$ ./netbeans" -> no such a file or directory20:28
emj__k1l: I just had to look up what the "real" command was: "ps -eo pid,cmd,pmem --sort -%mem"  and I'll spam you with what I got.. :-)20:28
k1lemj__: right, but "htop" is better to remember, at least for me ;p20:29
kongthapjrib: i can start it now it's in ../netbeans/bin but can you explain me what is this command ("./netbeans") means??20:32
kongthapjrib: why it must lead by "./"??20:34
Tylertwokongthap: because it's not in your PATH20:35
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kongthapTylertwo: how can i make a shortcut to my application menu???20:38
Tylertwokongthap: dunno. Is that related to your previous question?20:39
pfifokongthap: let me give you a tip: in linux we outright shun graphical tools for doing programming tasks... if you are serious about learning java (and linux for that matter) then do everything from the command line.20:39
plut0pfifo: you around?20:39
pfifoplut0: yeah20:39
plut0pfifo: going to take another stab at this today. do you know when i need to divert initctl and what i need to reinstall?20:40
pfifoplut0: I would do the diversion at the beginning of section 5.5, and undo it right befor exiting the chroot20:40
icerootkongthap: when you for example execute "ping" the system will look in specific directories for a program called "ping" these directories are defined by a variable called PATH, when "ping" is not found in that directores you will get "command not found". the command/script you want to execute is not in the PATH so you have to use ./ which means "the currect directory i am in"20:40
pfifoplut0: I was going to try this but I dont have a 64 bit install disk handy20:41
kongthapiceroot: it means "the current directory only", thanks20:41
icerootkongthap: yes20:42
icerootkongthap: there is ".." which means one directory higher and "." which means "current directory"20:42
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kongthapiceroot: thanks for another tip :)20:43
tking0036Can somebody help me with my poptop pppd vpn server.. Here are the logs http://pastebin.com/cSxJJp4620:43
njsgeach directory in UNIX-like systems has at least two entries: . and ..20:43
njsg. is the directory itself, .. the parent20:43
njsgis a special directory whose parent is the directory itself20:43
iceroothm, even / is showing ".." :)20:45
njsgyes, but for /, .. is .20:45
njsgas in, it's the same20:45
icerootis "." and ".." comming from bash? or from the file-system itself?20:46
njsgno, file system20:46
njsg"ls -lia /", that shows the inode numbers on the first column20:46
njsgnote how . and .. have the same20:46
njsgthat means they are the same file (directories *are* files)20:47
icerootnjsg: thx20:47
njsgthis is at the filesystem level, although filesystems are expected to have something similar to this, and may have to be adapted when you mount them. but usually filesystems have some tree structure with a root20:47
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pfifoIt seems like it comes from the kernel over the filesystem, you get . and .. on vfat and ntfs as well, so it cant be the filesystem20:47
njsgso this part is usually easy to have20:47
njsgon UNIX filesystems, it is in the filesystem, others may have to adapt20:48
njsgI Don't remember how FAT deals with this, though20:48
njsgbut I'm sure Tanenbaum explains that :-D20:48
xrayI need help installing ubuntu from a dual partitioned system (just want linux by itself)20:50
anonymous_tem brasil ai20:51
genii!br | anonymous_20:51
ubottuanonymous_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:51
pfifo!install | xray20:52
ubottuxray: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate20:52
xraytks ubottu20:52
tking0036Do you guys think I should just reinstall20:53
tapouti have to recompile opencv, but i wanted to use the flags that ubuntu distro's had but add WITH_QT ...  how can I see what flags they used?20:54
anonymous_me ajuda ai20:54
jrib!source | tapout20:54
ubottutapout: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html20:54
jribtapout: read debian/rules in the source package.  Why do you need to recompile?20:54
tapoutbecause it's missing WITH_QT and the cv::namedWindow() function is giving me X window errors.  So I figured I would recompile and try WITH_QT20:55
tapoutopencv is gtk by default, with_qt gives the QT HighGUI stuff.. that's what i read.  Not sure tho :)20:56
n88anyone here running ubuntu on a lenovo laptop and experiencing horrendous battery life times20:57
pfifotapout: its worth a shot20:57
n88or know of a fix/ solution20:57
Crazyzurferi just screwed it up20:58
CrazyzurferI was trying to install my nvidia driver20:58
Crazyzurferand now I've the creeen in 800x60020:58
Crazyzurferand cannot change it in appearence20:58
tapoutjrib, so am I right with my thinking ...  apt-get download libopencv-dev, figure out how to either extract the *.deb and find the debian/rules ?  I don't want to reinstall libopencv-dev to do this20:59
pfifotapout: you can just 'apt-get source opencv' note the lack of a sudo here21:01
tapoutls -lals -la21:02
tapoutI see the flags, cheers guys21:02
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=== Moe is now known as Guest62512
pauloboa noite21:19
ryorky1I have apache2 working, but it is just serving up the files in var/www, where do I need to go to change the documentroot and to set up some virtual hosts for my dev environment?21:24
Crazyzurferwell.. found the way to uninstall the nvidia driver and see the screen in my resolution, the problem is that I don't see the app launcher in the left, and the windows doens't have the bar where you close, minimize, etc21:27
otakryorky1: /etc/apache2/sites-available21:28
Akuwi need to install postgis 2.021:44
Akuwfollowed this http://linfiniti.com/2012/05/installing-postgis-2-0-on-ubuntu/21:45
Akuwbut got errors getting repos21:45
daniel_Hey does anyone know how to install unity-tweak-tool? It looks like it's gone from the ppa?21:45
k1ldaniel_: its in the offical repos21:46
daniel_kt1 then i should be able to just do sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool?21:46
k1ldaniel_: which ubuntu do you have exactly?21:47
k1ldaniel_: its in the repos since 13.0421:47
daniel_How do you get it on 12.04?21:48
pauloboa noite21:48
k1lyou need a PPA21:48
pauloo que e pda21:48
k1l!pt | paulo21:49
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:49
daniel_kt1 But when I add the ppa as it's listed on the internet it lets me add the ppa but when I try to install ubuntu-tweak-tool it says can't find package21:49
daniel_different from ubuntu tweak21:50
wilee-nileedaniel_: you runa update?21:50
daniel_wilee-nilee yes21:50
Squarepydaniel_, indeed it is different, so not the tualatrix ppa21:51
wilee-nileedaniel_:  you sure it's added, what release you running?21:51
daniel_Running 12.04 LTS. Followed the instructions at http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/introducing-unity-tweak-tool but can't install.21:52
k1ldaniel_: no 12.04 packages in that PPA21:52
wilee-nileeUnity tweak is   ot ubuntu tweak21:52
eonsaihi guys, just been through trying to fix my nvidia drivers ( GeForce GTX660) finally working with drivers 304 after I read in a comment that they were stable for another human bean. However, when I open up driver hardware is says "No proprietary drivers recognised" does this matter? When i run lspci in the terminal I get back (under my VGA info) Kernel modules nvidia_304, nouveau, nvidiafb in that order.21:53
Crazyzurferhelp! just cant see the buttons from the windows and the launcher bar... this was after a failed installation of nvidia graphic driver21:53
Crazyzurferfound the way to uninstall the driver but can't see the windows close buttons, and launcher bar21:54
daniel_Oooooh thats for 13.04 only21:55
daniel_any way to update to 13.04 without doing fresh instal?21:55
k1l!update | daniel_21:55
ubottudaniel_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:55
k1ldaniel_: <ou need to upgrade to 12.10 and then to 13.0421:55
eonsaihave you tried sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?21:56
eonsaioops! beg my pardon21:56
isashaguys, I'm having a bit of an issue with my laptop21:57
isashawhenever I reboot or turn it on, the trackpad is absolutely non responsive and the keyboard is very poorly responsive21:57
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wilee-nilee!details |  isasha21:57
ubottuisasha: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:57
Titaniumi tried to install wine, and now when I login all I have is my background21:58
isashaI tried adding the following to rc.local: xinput set-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 0 and then again with a 1, which enables and disabled the keyboard21:58
isashathis usually works fine, however it won't do it on boot for some reason. I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 on a Macbook 4,221:58
isashaAlso I'm having issues with the standby not working *at all*, but I haven't looked into it yet22:00
RoryTitanium: Can you switch to a different TTY with the key combination Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in using your normal username and password?22:05
RoryTitanium: Once you do that, run the command: "sudo chown username: .Xauthority" - replace username with your actual username22:05
X98Hackerdoes any know of any mac or osx irc on freenodew22:06
k1l!alis | X98Hacker22:07
ubottuX98Hacker: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:07
X98HackerK1L: thanks22:08
dirdirdirHello, guise, can someone help me with libreOffice related problems? The thing is that it isn't openning .doc's. I thought it was possible... is it?22:08
Rorydirdirdir: What happens when you try? It is possible22:09
jhutchinsX98Hacker: you could just try /j osx and see what happens.22:09
jhutchinsdirdirdir: Yes.22:09
X98Hackeri have tried it say  #osx :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services22:10
jhutchinsdirdirdir: Sigh.  I thought we'd been through this before.  What you're trying to do (open docs); how you tried to do it; what you expected; what happened instead.22:10
k1lX98Hacker: then do it. but that is not a topic for an ubuntu support channel. beter ask in #freenode for freenode related questions22:10
X98Hackeryea but it is a ubuntu laptop file share with osx so its abit of both22:11
jhutchinsX98Hacker: No it's not.22:11
dirdirdirjhutchins: lol. You guys want it all at once? Where's the human side of this :P ??? Here it goes: I download a .doc, dowble cick it, Libre Office shows up, the bar gets fully charged and the logo dissapears, then nothing happens...22:12
bekks!register | X98Hacker22:12
ubottuX98Hacker: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:12
jhutchinsdirdirdir: What happens if you open libreoffice first, then use it to open the file?22:13
dirdirdirjhutchins, Rory:  I download a .doc, dowble cick it, Libre Office shows up, the bar gets fully charged and the logo dissapears, then nothing happens... And when i turn off my computer it shows me that libre office is still running.  Btw, I'm using Libre office on Elementary (luna) os.22:13
Rory!elementary | dirdirdir22:13
Rorydirdirdir: Elementary isn't supported here, this is the Ubuntu support channel22:14
dirdirdirRory: ok, Rory, i think that means we won't talk to each other anymore...22:14
dirdirdirRory: I want you to know that I love you no matter what LibreOffice does to use, or even if you prefer ubuntu over elementary22:15
dirdirdirRory: does to us, Rory, that was a typo.22:15
dirdirdirjhutchins: thank you for leading my way through this hard passage, i'll remember you for ever22:16
raven_Hello I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 and the latest version of Skype but I get no audio from skype.22:20
jackraven_, skype is proprietary crap22:23
jackyou better talk to its developers22:23
daftykinsjack: no need to push your software politics on users22:24
jackthis is #ubuntu, right?22:24
wilee-nileeraven_: You messed with sound, I had an acer aspire I had to mess with a config.22:24
jackit's not _my_ politics22:24
daftykinsjack: FYI fighting it is just gonna come across as a troll22:25
k1lraven_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeTroubleshooting22:25
jackgrmbl, alright22:25
raven_Damn it22:25
* jack stfus22:25
raven_I was on Mint 13 and it worked fineeee22:25
daftykinsraven_: i'd bet it's just the default audio device22:25
jackmint is at 15 now22:26
raven_daftykins all other sound plays22:26
daftykinsraven_: sure but skype has settings22:26
raven_daftykins I run pavucontrol and it does not identify any output at all from skype22:27
k1lraven_: did you take a look into that help page i just posted to you`?22:27
Akuwto install readline ?22:28
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Frank81can some one help me with linux syntax i have programmA that produces as output only a value and i need that value attached to programmB --bla=value22:28
Frank81how can i archiv this i tryed it with | but that didn't work22:29
Frank81i tought that will work but maybe it adds a blank to much22:29
bwayneFrank81: value="$( programmA )" ; programmB --blah="${value}"22:30
jackFrank81, what you want is programB --bla="$(programA)"22:31
Frank81bwayne i tryed that that don't worked "" inside that gets not executed22:32
Frank81it gets directly as parm into programmB22:32
jacktry my suggestion22:32
jackworks, promised22:32
bwayneFrank81: do what jack said.22:32
Frank81jack works nice22:32
Frank81so "$()"22:33
Frank81is the key :D22:33
Frank81thx a lot22:33
jackproblem solved? a beer for me plz22:33
Ownixif you have ubuntu on a disk and grub, and you say... boot to a live CD and delete all partitions on the disk and format to NTFS. Will grub still be there?22:33
Frank81ok no problem i allow you to drink a beer :D22:33
jackyes Ownix22:34
Frank81Ownix depends on where you writed it22:34
TitaniumRory it does not let me22:34
Frank81grube can be writed to more then one place on disk :D22:34
jackgrub doesn't care about partitions22:34
k1lOwnix: grub gets installed into the MBR22:34
icerootOwnix: grub will be placed in the first 512bytes of your hdd. when creating a new partition layout and removing all partitions, it will be gone22:34
TitaniumRory i just re-installed hopefully that helps, all i could do is right click the background. I could not get to cli22:34
icerootOwnix: at the latest, windows will overwrite grub22:34
bwaynejack: so why didn't my solution work?22:35
RoryTitanium: lol reinstalling will help, yes22:35
jackFrank81, writed == wrote22:35
TitaniumRory i just wish ubuntu installed grub22:35
jackbwayne, hold on a sec22:35
bwaynejack: sure22:35
RoryTitanium: It does22:37
jackbwayne, you confused { with (22:37
TitaniumRory well it never works and i have to repair it :(22:37
RoryTitanium: Could you be more specific?22:37
jackbash doesn't like that22:37
Rory!grub | Titanium22:38
ryorky1does anyone have experience setting up virtual hosts for apache2.2 in ubuntu?22:38
ubottuTitanium: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:38
TitaniumRory I boot the ubuntu live cd, format as MBR, then boot the installer, partition it, complete the install, and reboot22:38
bwaynejack: $() runs the program, yes?  ${var} is the variable. i don't follow22:38
Roryryorky1: Yes, what have you tried?22:38
TitaniumRory after doing this it does not boot until I repair grub22:38
* jack shrugs22:39
RoryTitanium: Do you get an error?22:39
TitaniumRory my conputer takes about 5-10 minutes to reboot22:39
TitaniumRory yes I do, but I dont try it anymore22:39
jackto be a good shell surgeon, you need a clean screwdriver22:39
TitaniumRory so i cannot get the error22:39
ryorky1Rory:  Here is a gist of my sites-available files:  https://gist.github.com/ryorky1/6859978   but it's always serving up www/var22:40
Ownixiceroot: I just installed Windows Server 2012 R2 and I used its disk manager in the installer to delete all disk partitions. However, when I try to boot I get "Error: Unknow File System Grub Rescue > "22:40
bwaynejack: # var="$( echo 1 )" ; echo ${var} --> prints 1. oh well.22:40
blip-Hi, i just installed windows alongside my ubuntu install, but it22:40
blip-It overwrote the mbr thus grub2 menu now i cnt boot linux22:41
ryorky1Rory:  it seems that no matter what I do it is always directing me to var/www22:41
jackof course it prints 1  :)22:41
blip-Whats the quickest way to resetup grub ?22:41
OwnixHowever, after using my grub repair disk its going to the windows boot loader, but the windows boot loader is telling me that there are errors22:41
wylderyorky1: you are enabling the sites once you create them right? At terminal 'a2ensite sitename'22:41
wylderyorky1: and reload the apache config 'sudo apache2 reload'22:41
wyldeerrr 'sudo service apache2 reload'22:42
iceroot!grub | blip-22:42
ubottublip-: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:42
bwaynejack: well, i don't see why it wouldn't work with the previous problem. oh well.22:42
icerootblip-: first link22:42
ryorky1I created a file exactly like directrock.com called directrock.conf, b/c it couldn't find directrock.com22:43
jackbwayne, bash can be really mysterious :P22:43
jackhappens to me as well22:44
Rorywylde: Did you enable the virtual hosts you made?22:44
wyldeRory: I'm not the one looking for help ;)22:45
Roryerr ryorky1 rather ^22:45
Rorywylde: Brain fart, quarter to midnight22:45
wyldeRory: no worries :)22:46
ryorky1wylde:  now it gives me a You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server. error22:46
Roryryorky1: Hooray that means your problem is fixed22:46
Roryryorky1: But now you have a different, separate problem22:46
ryorky1Rory:  I just did the following:  sudo chmod 2750 /home/ryorky1/public_html22:47
wylderyorky1: well that's progress. Now you have to see what's wrong in the configuration and/or permissions.22:47
ryorky1restart the service?22:47
Roryryorky1: Look in /var/log/apache2/error.log22:47
FalcorianHi all, I'm having some trouble with my multiple monitor set up using an Nvidia card. It defaults to the monitor on the left being on the right. If I use nvidia-settings it puts them in the right place until I logout, then reverts to them in the wrong place again.22:48
FalcorianEven with the xorg.conf having been written.22:48
Ben64Falcorian: hit the button that says "save to xorg.conf"22:48
maxpedi can ssh into my ubuntu machine but it cant connect out. ping cnn.com returns unknown host. i have tried restarting networking, ifconfig has the correct ip address. im not sure how to troubleshoot this. help please.22:48
wylderyorky1: 'tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log is handy to have open in terminal while you troubleshoot.22:48
Ben64Falcorian: you sure its actually getting written? needs to have root to write to there22:48
FalcorianSorry Ben64, it was the first thing I tried too ;-) This used to work until a few days ago.22:49
ryorky1wylde, Rory:  [Sun Oct 06 17:44:53.475602 2013] [core:notice] [pid 29798:tid 140680769480512] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'22:49
ryorky1[Sun Oct 06 17:47:51.100698 2013] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 29798:tid 140680769480512] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down22:49
ryorky1[Sun Oct 06 17:47:52.195147 2013] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 30193:tid 140639144011584] AH00489: Apache/2.4.6 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations22:49
ryorky1[Sun Oct 06 17:47:52.195454 2013] [core:notice] [pid 30193:tid 140639144011584] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'22:49
FalcorianBen64: Definitely being written. I deleted it, and then wrote to make sure.22:49
wylde!paste | ryorky1: you're going to get yourself in trouble doing that :P22:50
ubotturyorky1: you're going to get yourself in trouble doing that :P: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:50
ryorky1wylde, sry, any idea how to fix the perms issue?22:51
Roryryorky1: You've been told multiple times how to diagnose it22:51
otakmaxped: can you ping a number eg. ping ? if so the problem is dns, look in /etc/resolv.conf22:52
ryorky1Rory:  I'm looking at the file, but those error msgs mean nothing to me22:52
wylderyorky1: I'll likely get told it's not the ideal way but.... you could add www-data to your user group. Keep in mind that means www-data can access anything that your user has GROUP permissions on.22:53
wylderyorky1: beyond that monitor your error.log while you make adjustments, it will provide all the clues you need while referring to the apache documentation.22:54
maxpedotak: i can ping how do inpect the resolv.conf file? when i nano it it says not edit by hand is only 2 lines long. everything was fine untill i just rebooted. could it be a conflict between router and computer?22:55
wylderyorky1: just remeber after every change to configuration files you must reload the configs with 'sudo service apache reload' or completely restart the service 'sudo service apache2 restart'22:55
otakmaxped: so it contains your router's address?22:57
maxpedotak: no, just says  Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)22:59
maxpedotak, and do not edit by hand22:59
geniimaxped: How does the box get it's ip?22:59
maxpedgenial: should be static, router reservation matches the ip in ifconfig23:01
=== joeleq is now known as aajas
brainacidhow do i create a command shortcut?23:02
DaemonicApathyWhat kind of command?23:03
brainacidi want to write utop23:03
DaemonicApathyYou just want to make it a keyboard shortcut, or an icon shortcut?23:03
brainacidor add that directory to my path23:03
brainacidi mean for bash terminal23:04
DaemonicApathyWrite a script in a text file, then call the file from the terminal when you need it.23:04
DaemonicApathyBe sure to make it executable.23:04
brainacidor make an alias23:04
hitsujiTMO_brainacid what you're looking for is a personal bin directory23:05
brainacidcorrect hitsujiTMO_23:05
hitsujiTMO_cd ~23:05
geniimaxped: So... the router still does dhcp to the machine but always gives it same IP by it's MAC address, or you manually configured the machine in /etc/network/interfaces ?23:05
brainacidi want to add that to my command path23:05
hitsujiTMO_mkdir .bin23:05
hitsujiTMO_cd .bin23:05
FalcorianDoes anyone know where the "Display" settings menu sets how monitors are configured?23:06
brainacidPATH=.... in .bashrc? or .bash_profile23:06
hitsujiTMO_ln -s ~/.opam/4.01beta/bin/utop ./utop23:06
brainacidthought of it but didnt know command23:06
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest26785
Guest26785Hi, I'm trying to fix my grub/mbr after I installed Windows alongside Ubuntu...  I'm now in Linux LiveCD, but I am unable to install grub23:07
Guest26785sudo grub-install /dev/sdb23:07
Guest26785-> Path `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting.23:07
hitsujiTMO_in .profile dd it23:07
Guest26785Any ideas ?   I'm finding a lot of complex stuff on the web, this should be much simpler23:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:08
Guest26785do I need to mount any partition from /dev/sdb ?23:08
Guest26785prior to installing grub on that drive ?23:08
hitsujiTMO_this should be in your .profile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6202832/23:09
Valdusall:  something really weird is happening, my laptop is closed but if i plug in an external monitor and keybboard/mouse, it doesn't require my administrator password to access the machine.  it's as if i'm already logged in23:09
Valdusthis is a security problem for me, any ideas as to why this is happening/how to fix?23:09
daftykinsValdus: which version?23:10
hitsujiTMO_valdus: goto setting -> brightness & lock23:10
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Valdusdaftykins: 12.04 LTS23:10
hitsujiTMO_make sure lock is active23:10
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ValdushitsujiTMO: yea, the lock switch is set to ON23:11
ValdushitsujiTMO: and it's set to lock the screen after 0seconds23:12
Valdusthe setting is "Screen turns off"23:12
=== Guest26785 is now known as blip-
Crazyzurferhelp! just cant see the buttons from the windows and the launcher bar... this was after a failed installation of nvidia graphic driver23:13
Crazyzurferhelp! just cant see the buttons from the windows and the launcher bar... this was after a failed installation of nvidia graphic driver23:13
maxpedgenii: i have edited the interfaces file to be static, and set dhcp reservation on the router, but there always seems to be a conflict. i am going to reset the interfaces to dhcp and delete the reservation and see what happens23:14
Valdusseems like the external monitor takes over as the main monitor when i close my laptop's built in monitor, so it's as if the main monitor never turned off23:15
Valdusthat's my theory23:15
ryorky1wylde:  I'm still completely stuck on this, do you have any suggestions?  what folder(s) should I be adding permissions to?23:16
hitsujiTMO_its prob not locking the session on screen off23:16
postmodernis there a short-hand command to install an alternate package, and have it become the default, without having to run update-alternatives manually?23:16
hitsujiTMO_valdus: for now i'd recommend setting the system to suspend on lid closed ... this should at least require password once resumed23:18
maxpedgenii: should be only need to edit interfaces file, and set reservation, but seems like it never sticks.23:19
=== skasturi- is now known as skasturi__
Benkinoobyhi, i used ubuntu 12.10 (from minimal install) and fluxbox. i see that i have "zeitgeist" installed (probably because i installed unity or gnome some time ago - but i barely use them) and want to know if it is in any way systemrelevant.23:20
Benkinooby!dpkg zeitgeist23:21
Benkinoobyanyway: apt-cache says: it logs activities and envents and makes relevant information available to other apps.23:21
=== Guest31550 is now known as skasturi___
raedhello guys i need help , I'm using ubuntu 12.04 32bit Guys I can't log out, when i log out there is a black screen with these lines : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6202778/ and nothing happen until i press ctrl+alt+del to restart23:22
Benkinooby*used -> use23:22
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=== skasturi___ is now known as skasturi_
geniimaxped: In this case ...  if you manually set it on the computer then you also need to specify all the other things, like netmask, gateway, broadcast, and dns servers to use. The other way is set the computer to everything auto, get ip by the router's dhcp and then in the router still give it a number by dhcp but always the same one23:23
=== skasturi_ is now known as Guest12531
raedhello guys i need help , I'm using ubuntu 12.04 32bit Guys I can't log out, when i log out there is a black screen with these lines : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6202778/ and nothing happen until i press ctrl+alt+del to restart23:23
Benkinoobycan i remove zeitgeist, if i don't use unity?23:23
jribBenkinooby: if you don't want it, remove it23:24
maxpedgenii: so in the interfaces file leave dhcp and then set the reservation on the router?23:24
Benkinoobyjrib: i don't know how important zeitgeist is. i mean, "logging activites and making them avail. to other progs" could also be restore feature.23:26
KurtKrautWhat package provides the do-release-upgrade command? Google is not helping me to find the answer23:26
Benkinoobyjrib: probably i don't want it, but i don't think is zeitgeist is a "unity only" thing23:27
Benkinoobyor is it?23:27
hitsujiTMO_KurtKraut: update-manager-core23:27
KurtKrauthitsujiTMO_, thanks! My VPS has a minimal setup and this package wasn't included. Now I can use do-release-upgrade, thanks!23:28
jribBenkinooby: it just shares information about your usage between apps as far as I know... it's not "critical" I believe23:29
plut0pfifo: you around?23:34
sandman1can anyone tell me how to reset my admin password i forgot it23:36
Benkinoobyjrib: ok. i don't think i use any apps that may benefit from it. I'll notice if i'm wrong :P thank you23:36
plut0anyone know how to repair init/upstart in a chroot environment? mine isn't booting and fails with "init: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"23:36
pfifoplut0: just got in23:37
plut0pfifo: i ran the dpkg-divert command on initctl but it didn't fix my bootup issue23:38
plut0pfifo: more importantly, i need to know what to reinstall after running the divert...23:38
pfifoplut0: rm -rf /sbin/initctrl and  dpkg-divert --remove /sbin/initctl23:39
plut0pfifo: i did that when i was done23:40
pfifoplut0: I was suggesting that you format and start the whole process over again, doing the diversion at the beginning of section 5.5... I wasnt suggesting that you chroot and reinstall services23:42
pfifoplut0: where are you at right now in your process?23:43
plut0pfifo: yeah i didn't format and reinstall23:43
plut0pfifo: was hoping to just fix it23:44
pfifoplut0: I wouldnt mind seeing dmesg from your install23:44
pfifoplut0: and the output of 'dpkg -l' could be helpful too23:44
plut0let me see if i can grab it from the running system23:44
pfifoplut0: dmesg from a chroot would be useless. but anything in /var/log/upstart might be useful23:45
plut0pfifo: i can boot with init=/bin/bash23:45
pfifoplut0: ill be happy to read the logs if you gather them all up23:46
the_torcan someone tell me how to save a terminal command as a file ?23:46
pfifoplut0: im going to go eat, pm me a link when your done, ill be afk for a bit23:47
wilee-nilee!bash | the_tor Maybe?23:47
ubottuthe_tor Maybe?: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:47
the_torI would like to carry a command out easy by opening the file23:48
luca__Wie stellt man die Leiste mit minimieren, schließen usw. wieder her?23:51
FalcorianAlright, I think I'm 90% to fixing my multiple monitor issue. Apparently xorg isn't used anymore, now we use .config/monitors.xml23:52
FalcorianHowever, my GDM still has the monitors flipped, does anyone know where gdm reads its monitor settings from? Some askubuntu posts say ~gdm, but I have no user by that name in 12.04.23:52
FalcorianErr, sorry: It's still wrong on lightdm, the login screen23:53
the_torluca_ wie hast du die denn wegbekommen ?23:53
the_torluca_ ???23:55
=== the_tor is now known as ananymous_4_nsa
SvetlanaKurtKraut: https://pastee.org/7s7vj23:56
ananymous_4_nsahow can I make a file with a terminal command in it ?23:56
ananymous_4_nsathat Ieasy can use this command23:57
Svetlanaananymous_4_nsa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting23:57
geniiananymous_4_nsa: echo "put the command here" > filename23:57
ananymous_4_nsathanks very much23:58
Svetlanagenii: you sure that is what he asked about? Bash scripts are supposed to have a #! line and be executable... your thing is not.23:58
AdityaRajhi i am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop with 20 gb free space, can any one suggest me what kind of partitions i need to make?23:58
ananymous_4_nsaoh no , it's not the thing I would23:58
geniiananymous_4_nsa: If you want after, open it with a text editoe and append to the top the shebang: #!/binbash23:59
SvetlanaAdityaRaj, go with the defaults the installer gives you. They are sane.23:59
ananymous_4_nsaI would make a file with a terminal command  in it23:59
Svetlanagenii, missing /?23:59
geniiananymous_4_nsa: #!/bin/bash     rather23:59
geniiSvetlana: Yes, keyboard is sticking23:59
SvetlanaThat is better.  :)23:59

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