
leoranyone know when is the final release of 13.10?03:56
Fibzsometime this month is all i know03:57
leorthey fix all the bugs before release it or will have problems?04:01
Fibz12.04.3 is where you should be if your looking for a stable less frustrating experience04:01
Fibz13.10 has a lot of issues as of this moment04:01
leorIm with 13,04, never had a single problem with it04:33
Fibz13.04 has it's fair share of known bugs and broken stuff. but it does have better JACK support than 12.04 (for recording live audio streams)04:57
Fibzsupport for 13.04 ends in January, 13.10 ends in march04:58
Fibz12.04 is supported through 201704:59
leorI rather keep with the latest software releases available and 14.04 is not that far from it06:25
leoris still to be decided if Ubuntu will become rolling release or not06:25
studio-user041i need help to set a dual monitor09:34
studio-user041i have ubuntu studio09:34
studio-user041and a mac book pro with an external monitor09:35
smartboyhwFibz, Ubuntu Studio 13.10 will be released on 17th October, 201309:35
studio-user041but the 2 monitors show me the same screen09:35
studio-user041and i can't to put the external monitor to the right visualisation directly from the monitor set up09:36
studio-user041anyone can help me?09:47
ubottustudio-user041,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:48
smartboyhwcfhowlett, he did ask a question:P09:49
smartboyhwJust that he asked it before you joined09:50
smartboyhwSomething about Mac Book external monitor setup with Studio09:50
cfhowlettstudio-user041, smartboyhw, and of course, I missed.  apologies to all!09:50
cfhowlettstudio-user041, restate please.  I just got off the slow bus ...09:51
smartboyhw<studio-user041> hello!09:51
smartboyhw<studio-user041> i need help to set a dual monitor09:51
smartboyhw<studio-user041> i have ubuntu studio09:51
smartboyhw<studio-user041> and a mac book pro with an external monitor09:51
cfhowlettstudio-user041, never mind.  I'm a Mac know nothing.09:51
smartboyhwUh oh09:51
smartboyhwI'm a Mac idiot too...09:51
studio-user041on linux mint 15 cinnamom no problem. 1 second was set09:53
max_русские есть.12:26
smartboyhw!ru | max_12:26
ubottumax_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:26
jo-erlendAm I stupid, or is PulseAudio continuously broken?16:03
zequencejo-erlend: What's not working for you?17:03
jo-erlendzequence, audio, mostly. :)17:03
jo-erlendI can't tell you exactly what, but things get configured strangly without any interaction from me. For instance, when I press the mute button on my microphone, the audio output settings on another audio card gets changed.17:04
zequencejo-erlend: you could try asking about it on #pulseaudio17:06
zequencethere may be device specific issues17:06
zequenceI haven't had any of that myself17:06
antivaporso, in the past i've installed all the blueman stuff blindly, I just literally searched "bluetooth" and installed it all, and it worked sorta, but would still occassionally crash. I just started with a clean install, and would like to use bluetooth but it not crash, got any tips?20:03

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