
skellatCan anybody recall the main bug for the volume indicator not showing?  We got another one to mark as a duplicate and at this hour of night I can't remember the right number for the main bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/123584303:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1235843 in Ubuntu "xfce volume icon stuck at mute" [Undecided,New]03:41
NoskcajHas anyone else had thunar randomly crash when clicking the "up one level" button? Doesn't happen every time.05:27
forestpiskieskellat: that dupe is duped now06:23
brainwashI can confirm bug 123583610:21
ubottubug 1235836 in Ubuntu "xubuntu 13.10 can't enter password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123583610:21
elfybrainwash: checking in a vm now - if I get the same I'll do a bug report for it10:46
elfyno idea what package it would be though 10:47
brainwashcryptsetup, I edited the affected package10:47
elfyok - I'll check and confirm it too 10:47
elfyprobably needs to be checked by other flavours as well10:48
brainwashI noticed this bug like 1 week ago when installing xubuntu daily, tried different setup options and couldn't get the password prompt for encrypted disk to accept any keyboard input10:49
brainwash(didn't bother to file a bug report back then)10:49
elfyinput after install? 10:49
brainwashyes, I think the system did freeze and needed to be restarted the ugly way10:50
brainwashusually you don't see any chars when typing the password, right?10:50
elfyI'd assume you saw *10:51
brainwashmaybe something hardware specific10:52
elfyseems there's no encrypted testcases for anyone 10:52
brainwashthis is actually the first report mentioning such an issue10:53
elfyI'll try with ubuntu as well10:54
brainwashcould be plymouth (theme) related..10:55
elfysda5_crypt setup successful10:55
brainwashyea, thanks for testing this setup option10:55
elfyfine here - no problems at all with today's iso10:56
brainwashso it's a rare case10:57
elfybooting ubuntu iso to install now10:57
elfybrainwash: also - did you use the same iso as the reporter? 10:58
brainwashbut still, you are only testing it "virtually"10:58
brainwashI used the daily iso image from 1 week back10:59
elfyok - so can you try with todays?10:59
elfycan't imagine it's changed though11:00
elfyand I doubt if it's xubuntu specific either if it is there11:01
brainwashif it's somehow caused by xubuntu's plymouth theme, it would be :D11:02
elfyit's a duplicate bug by the way 11:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 1225136 in cryptsetup (Ubuntu) "13.10 regression: No password asked for encrypted partitions during boot" [Undecided,New]11:03
elfybet they're related11:03
brainwashyea.. no.. hard to tell =S11:05
elfynot something we should worry about though imo11:06
brainwashyes, I don't feel like testing it today.. or tomorrow11:06
brainwashnormally you would expect a bug report with like 200+ heat11:08
brainwashif something is wrong11:08
elfyunless it is new - and no-one tests it and no-one notices :)11:08
elfythere are no manual testcases looking at encrypted setups - not sure about the auto stuff11:09
elfyubuntu is fine as well11:10
elfyforgetting all about that conversation now :p11:10
brainwashso it's just another bug report nobody cares about :)11:11
elfyassuming that tomorrow I'm not covering the skiver again at work I'll have a go on hardware11:12
brainwashare there any bugs left which need some attention? not counting the indicator related ones11:16
elfyas far as I know all the ones we've been talking about are all in progress11:17
elfynot seen anything new, but I've not been watching the tracker for a few days - r/l things 11:18
bluesabrebrainwash: I keep pinging micahg and mr_pouit to merge those fixes so we can do an upload11:18
brainwashelfy: ok :)11:19
brainwashbluesabre: hopefully "soon"11:19
bluesabrethat's what I've been hoping11:20
brainwashso there will be some time left to test the final version11:20
bluesabrethose two fixes only fix some minor things, so it doesn't really matter11:20
bluesabrethe main thing now is the indicators11:20
bluesabreand has anybody had an update notification while running saucy?11:21
elfyupdate mangler runs and opens itself - but no notifications - that said I've got the gtk3 ones here11:22
bluesabreI'm going to file a bug for that11:23
bluesabrebecause if it isnt fixed before release, fixes won't be delivered to anybody but the apt-wise11:23
elfybluesabre: which indicators against? 11:23
bluesabreI don't understand the question11:24
elfybluesabre: and I am informed of updates - update mangler opens 11:24
elfybluesabre: sorry - I mean gtk3 11:24
bluesabreit does open (and show a gui?)11:24
elfyupdate mangler - opens and shows updates11:25
elfythere is no notification in the panel though11:25
bluesabrewithout you personally opening the application?11:25
bluesabrenot a problem then11:25
elfythat works properly - just no notification itself11:26
elfyas far as I'm concerned the 2 are different things11:27
brainwashI've seen it once, the applet.. it told me to upgrade one downgraded package11:28
brainwashelfy: bug 1206739 is still open, caused by the new glib version shipped by saucy12:28
ubottubug 1206739 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120673912:28
ochosibrainwash: thanks for all the debugging around appfinder12:28
brainwashochosi: didn't ping nick yet, because I somewhat expect a response like "use the upstream version"12:30
ochosihehe, yeah12:30
ochosiwell we can ask him to do a release12:30
ochosiat least a bugfix release12:30
brainwashwith the gdbus migration patch, which is not included in the saucy build (other upstream patches are though)12:31
ochosithen we could actually also ask that patch to be included in 13.1012:31
ochosibut we'd need to get someone to do a debdiff, then find an uploader12:32
* ochosi doesn't really know how to do proper debdiffs12:32
brainwashneeds to be tested, that commit I mean.. I just compiled the upstream version and assume that the gdbus migration is doing the magic12:32
ochosii guess apt-get source xfce4-appfinder -> apply the patch -> see if it works would be the way to go then12:33
brainwashyea, I'll test it12:34
ochosicool thanks12:34
brainwashochosi: yes, it's the commit (last comment bug 1048805)14:16
ubottubug 1048805 in xfce4-appfinder (Ubuntu) "xfce4-appfinder launches very slowly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104880514:16
brainwashhowever, there is an easy workaround, if someone is affected... and almost nobody is14:18
brainwashso include the commit and backport it?14:19
brainwash(you should also compile it with the gdbus patch to verify it)14:21
andrzejrGuys, it looks like the version of libindicator required by new xfce4-indicator-plugin has not yet been released.19:53
andrzejrThe most recent version (12.10.2) is missing indicator-ng.h API.19:54
Unit193Yes, but that's Ubuntu for you, rolling a newer version in distro than actually released.19:56
andrzejrThe question is: do you plan a release in a near future or should I temporarily remove support for IndicatorNg?19:57
andrzejrAs it is now, xfce4-indicator-plugin does not compile on non-ubuntu systems19:57
Unit193micahg was still going to try and ship it in Saucy, but failing that he most likely will put them in backports.19:59
Unit193Might be able to get the Ayatana project to actually release something, no?20:02
andrzejrThat would be helpful, especially when they make such a big change to the API.20:03
andrzejrxfce4-indicator-plugin also depends on unreleased xfce4-panel so the blame is partly on me - I shouldn't have made a release before all dependencies are released.20:04
Unit193Eh, last I saw in #xfce-dev, Nick was going to be looking at merging it in soon, no?20:15
ochosibrainwash: gosh, that scrollwheel-bug is really annoying...20:43
ochosiandrzejr: well i guess in that case i have to take the blame for the release, cause i kinda talked you into it20:44
ochosibut i still think that that's no biggy20:44
ochosigetting the ayatana folks to do a release of libindicator makes sense anyway20:44
ochosimaybe we can send one of our thugs (brainwash?)20:44
brainwashochosi: still need to talk with nick...20:55
ochosibout what?20:55
brainwashochosi: maybe, and about xfce4-terminal segfaulting20:56
ochosithe terminal isn't ubuntu-specific?20:56
brainwashochosi: what about the scrollwhell-bug? it's caused by the overlay scrollbar20:56
ochosiyeah, but still, it's annoying20:56
brainwashochosi: appears to be glib 2.37+ specific or something like that20:57
brainwashwait, no need to prepend your nick all the time :D20:57
ochosithanks ;)20:57
ochosiwell an upstream-bugreport would be a good first step for the terminal i guess20:58
brainwashso why is it annoying? xubuntu users usually don't use the overlay scrollbar20:58
brainwashworkaround is easy too, simply export the env var20:58
ochosiyeah, but it's weird that it breaks such basic functionality20:59
brainwashevery theme is affected, so... should the xubuntu session set the env var?21:00
ochosii guess, i'm not sure why the scrollbars don't add the env-var themselves21:00
brainwashit does work in unity21:01
ochosiyeah, wonder whether they set the env_var in the session21:01
brainwashmaybe it does get set somewhere21:01
ochosibtw, i'll flip the switch locally in greybird for the scrollbars21:02
ochosiif i don't see any breaking websites anymore, i'll push it21:02
brainwashI didn't do any research about this env var, can't even recall it's name :)21:02
brainwashbtw did you compile the appfinder with the mentioned commit?21:03
ochosinot yet, had a "busy" sunday21:04
brainwashmaybe it can be included, not sure how much work it would cause for the package maintainer(s)21:05
ochosiwell the main issue is creating the debdiff21:06
ochosian uploader could be found i guess21:06
brainwashonly for 13.10, or do you also consider updating the packages for quantal and raring?21:07
ochosiwell mostly for 13.1021:07
ochosiand maybe 12.04, because it's the lts21:07
ochosibut to me it's not a major issue21:07
brainwashit does not affect xfce 4.821:07
ochosias long as we get a new version in 14.04 i'm fine21:08
brainwashit mainly affects both of us :D21:08
ochosifor that, the workaround is sufficient21:09
ochosiso yeah, i guess i'd focus on more important stuff for now21:09
ochosigotta fix orion for the gtk3 indicators21:10
brainwashdo you even use the appfinder (regularly)? I don't21:10
ochosiyeah, i do21:10
ochosiin the xfrun mode21:10
ochosiit's quite handy with the custom shortcuts you can make21:10
brainwashcurrently I'm trying to solve this one bug 123446921:11
ubottubug 1234469 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network does not come up after resuming from suspend." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123446921:11
ochosiinteresting, i think i've experienced that one before21:14
brainwashI did encounter it 3 times today (3x long term sleep)21:16
brainwashunlucky I guess, usually it happens very rarely21:17
ochosii'm currently trying to reproduce one of my issues in parole21:18
ochosireally hope that one's fixed21:18
brainwashdvd playback?21:18
brainwashI recall reading about a dvd playback issue21:19
brainwashochosi: does a lp bug report exist which addresses the scroll-wheel issue?21:22
brainwashonly found the arch one21:22
ochosinot sure21:25
ochosii've never seen a bugreport about that21:25
ochosiand in parole i mostly wanna see the mouse-cursor go away always in fullscreen mode21:25
ochosiit should work though21:25
ochosione of our few gtk3 blockers21:26
brainwashscroll-wheel issue maybe lightdm-gtk-greeter releated?21:27
brainwashafter the switch to gtk321:27
brainwashbug 102448221:28
ubottubug 1024482 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor theme does not change from default after login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102448221:28
ochosithe scroll-wheel issue?21:30
brainwashread the last comments21:30
ochosihm i see21:31
ochosinot sure why this is not assigned to the greeter then21:32
ochosiah, right21:32
ochosiit does seem to be lightdm's fault21:32
brainwashstill not sure what this means, didn't read the bug report properly21:32
brainwashis the report useful at all?21:33
ochosii'll have to check tomorrow, am a bit braindead already tonight21:39
brainwashI'll create a bug report and link the arch linux and upstream one21:45
brainwashochosi: scroll-wheel in gedit works in unity, gnome3 and even in lxde o.O21:55
ochosithen it'd be interesting to know what lxde does..21:57
brainwashworks in enlightenment too22:00
brainwashand the last comments in the arch bug report mention Xfce22:02
brainwashI'm trying to replace xfwm4 with mutter... but the session freezes22:13
ochosistrange, i tried gala a while back, that worked22:14
brainwashbingo, the scroll-wheel issue is caused by xfwm4, replaced it temporary by openbox and scrolling started to work in gedit22:17
ochosiso i guess we'd have to do a xubuntu-specific xfwm4 patch22:18
brainwashlet the overlay scrollbar users suffer :P22:20
ochosiyeah possible22:22
ochosihope you included all your findings in the bugreport22:22
brainwashyea, I'll file it tomorrow-ish22:22
brainwashwould it be possible to add the workaround? or should it be a patch for xfwm4?22:23
ochosiwell, the proper solution seems to be the latter22:25
brainwasheven upstream?22:26
brainwash(first someone actually has to write a patch)22:26
ochosiwell the question is whether upstream would accept a patch that is kinda distro-specific22:27
ochosidon't think the overlay-scrollbars are available anywhere else22:28
brainwasharch users apparently use them too22:29

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