
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
xubuntu773wow !02:44
xubuntu773you can acess the web while installing the OS02:44
cfhowlettxubuntu773, welcome to xubuntu :)02:44
xubuntu773thank you! :D02:45
buuIs there a way to tweak the 'disable trackpad while typing' setting?02:54
buuOr any way to tweak the trackpad settings?02:55
useelinhi! how private send message - how private chat?06:31
floohello anyone here?13:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:16
flooi have a laptop asus x51rl with integrated ati radeon xpress 110013:46
flooi can find a driver for this.. coz it's move very slowly13:46
Diavlohumm installation seem to have got stuck at configuring APT sources13:46
Diavloit hasn't moved for ages13:47
Diavloit that normal, it doesn't sound normal13:48
Diavlodamn it install failed, now re-installing on unclean drive, it sould be ok, i think13:54
baizonfloo: you need to use the open source drivers13:55
baizonfloo: which version of xubuntu are you using?13:55
Diavlohi all13:58
Diavlohumm whats an unlean partition?13:59
bekksDiavlo: An unclean filesystem is a filesystem with error to be fixed.14:00
Diavlobekks: humm, installing on un unclean filesystem, i hope this works14:00
bekksIt wont.14:01
bekksYou will lose all data on that filesystem since it will be reformatted.14:01
Diavloits configuring apt atm, it should install14:02
* SuperEngineer recommends a quick dose of "sort it before install next time" ;)14:04
xubuntu295where can i find an iso xubuntu's iso image in spanish?14:12
bekksxubuntu295: There arent localized iso images. Just install localization support after installing ubuntu.14:13
xubuntu295And do you recommend it for a Pentium M (Centrino) 1'6Ghz and 512Mb of Ram?14:15
Diavloit worked, you were wrong, unclean partition but it still works like a charm15:04
Diavlowhat drivers do i need for broadcom bcm4311 wlan to work on xubuntu15:07
bekks!wifi | Diavlo15:11
ubottuDiavlo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:11
Diavlosupposed to work out of the box it says "firmware required"15:15
Diavlohow do i make it work?15:16
bekksDiavlo: Thats described in the links given.15:19
Diavlook, how do i install .tat.gz flies?15:20
koegsDiavlo: normally you do not "install" .tar.gz files, what exactly do you want to do?15:24
Diavlonevermind i had to make it15:28
Diavlosomebody help me, i can't get this wireless to work15:42
Diavlomodule does not load up after make15:43
LiquidEssencehey everyone15:46
LiquidEssenceI have a problem: I use a dual monitor setup. After rebooting the machine, in the desktop settings the window shows settings only for one monitor, even though in the Display options, there are still two monitors set. The window also looks quite different as before (there are no suggestions of wallpapers)  and it won't allow me to set a desktop background15:48
LiquidEssenceit's just really confusing15:48
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu100I have installed xubuntu v-13.10 beta 2 in a VMware Player (latest one) but I can't access the host hd. I get the error [vmhgfs.ko] Error 2 when I run vmware-instal -l.  Has anyone elseencoutered this problem19:32
xubuntu100I should mentin that v-13.04 works in all respects in the same VM.19:33
xubuntu100If help is available I'd appreciate a note to s.molnar@sbcglobal.net.  Thanks.19:34
Pwnnamy rightclick is broken on my thinkpad. is it possible to emulate right click using something like a ctrl click or something else?19:54
Poisoned_Dragonis it a touch pad?19:57
Poisoned_DragonMy netbook seems to have right click when you tap the lower right corner of the touchpad.19:57
Pwnnait's not a touchpad19:57
Pwnnait's the track point thing19:57
Pwnnathe touchpad works but i have it manually disabled19:57
Poisoned_DragonMight have to consider using it instead, if it can give you back right-click functionality.19:58
Poisoned_DragonOtherwise, external mouse time19:58
Pwnnai have that, but when i'm unplugged..19:58
Pwnnahow does mac people activate ctrl click?19:58
Pwnnaugh. i don't want to spend another like $40 for a new keyboard19:59
Poisoned_Dragonum, osx has a feature where you click and hold, to get right-click.19:59
Poisoned_DragonAlthough, if you put a 3 button non-apple mouse, right-click works like normal19:59
Pwnnai wish the rightclick keyboard key would rightclick where i'm point20:00
Pwnnanot where is focused.20:01
Poisoned_Dragonactually, does it have a context menu key?20:01
Poisoned_Dragonnext to the win key?20:01
Pwnnabetween Alt and Control on the right side20:02
Poisoned_Dragonyou can use that.20:02
Pwnnait doesn't show the context menu of where i am hovering20:03
Poisoned_Dragonwhen you highlight something, you can press that button to get the right click menu20:03
Pwnnaonly focused20:03
Poisoned_Dragonon a web page, you can highlight hyperlinks and press the button for that context menu20:03
Poisoned_Dragonthe only flaw is sys tray icons and other odd stuff20:04
Pwnnaand that's where i rightclick most often20:04
Poisoned_Dragonhey, doesn't your trackpoint support clicking by tapping?20:04
Pwnnaactually firefox doesn't work20:05
Pwnnai guess. but i don't use it20:05
Poisoned_Dragonyou will now20:05
Pwnnai have two thinkpads lol. trying to keep a common interface :P20:05
Poisoned_Dragonthen you can reverse the mouse buttons20:05
geniiI think if you have keyboard navigation enabled, it used shift-F10 for rightclick20:05
Poisoned_DragonOh, forgot about kb navi.20:05
Pwnnahm that works20:05
Pwnnathat's the same as context menu for me20:06
Pwnnacontext key*20:06
Poisoned_Dragonyeah, but by reversing the buttons, you can now right click anything again20:06
Pwnnathat will be confusing as i switch between my thinkpads :x20:06
Poisoned_Dragonlol... left "right-click" :)20:07
Pwnnaugh. i should crack open this keyboard and see what's wrong with it20:07
Poisoned_Dragonthe button could be worn20:07
Poisoned_Dragonit happeneds20:07
geniiProbably should just get some cheap USB mouse20:07
Pwnnai have a bt mouse20:07
Poisoned_Dragongot a bt dongle?20:07
* genii slides bazhang a beverage20:07
Poisoned_Dragonuse that20:07
Pwnnai have bluetooth lol20:08
Pwnnaalso 13.10's bt support has regressed o.O20:08
Pwnnareconnecting after suspend is manual..20:08
Poisoned_Dragonah... hmmm.20:08
Poisoned_DragonWell, you got some good suggestions. You'll adapt.20:08
Poisoned_DragonHeck between my netbook and desktop, I don't have a common interface.20:09
Poisoned_DragonYou just grow to use what's proper when it's demanded of you20:09
Pwnnai have a pretty consistent interface20:09
Pwnnathough, the two thinkpad has slightly different keyboard layous20:10
Pwnnaalso i wont switch to something like dvorak20:10
Poisoned_DragonThe only thing consistant for me is the DE and the layout. Beyond that, the machine dictates that.20:10
Pwnnai'm already considering setting up my laptops with an ansible playbook20:10
Poisoned_Dragona wut?20:10
Pwnnait's like puppet or chef but easier20:11
Poisoned_Dragonlol, still lost20:11
Pwnnait's a way to manage your configurations20:11
Pwnnait's usually used for servers, but i can use it for laptops too. lol20:11
Poisoned_DragonOh... That would be why.20:11
Poisoned_DragonI don't have a linux server setup.20:11
Poisoned_DragonOr any server setup. :)20:12

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