
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
comptrollerI am having a trouble with Teeworlds.  Whenever I open the game it takes up both of my monitors (which are of different resolutions) and I can't get it confined just to my primary (higher resolution monitor).  I also can't quit and need to restart to exit. I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 and am using  open source drivers. What should I do?02:47
bazhangfile a bug comptroller02:53
bazhang!bugs | comptroller02:53
ubottucomptroller: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:53
mrz2619which kernel version is in saucy?09:30
mrz2619k1l_: thanks. is there already a bootable iso i can try out? i am experiencing kernel panic with my own kernel 3.10 build and i want to know if it is a general regression or just my build.09:34
=== ritz is now known as ritz|away
=== Oli`` is now known as Oli
k1l_mrz2619: there are beta isos and daylies available09:35
mrz2619k1l_: the panic with kernel 3.10 goes away if i disable usb 3.0 in bios (thinkpad helix). but disabling usb 3.0 also seem to make the wacom pen device vanish sometimes.09:35
mrz2619k1l_: what's the download url?09:36
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Raring, and help keeping the servers' load low!09:36
ubottuRaring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696910:10
BluesKajHowdy all11:46
dariusc93_I have a question. Do anyone have issues with pulseaudio and alsa after installing libpulse0:i386 on ubuntu 13.10? I get a dummy output in the sound settings even after reinstalling alsa and pulseaudio, reloading modules. It only get fixed by me reinstalling ubuntu12:38
BluesKajdariusc93_, which audio chip , top left in alsamixer12:38
dariusc93_I use pulseaudio specifically, but let me a check and ill get the info12:39
BluesKajlibpulse0:i386 in 13.10 doesn'r seem to exist in muon at least, dariusc93_12:39
BluesKajalsamixer in the terminal12:40
dariusc93_it does12:40
dariusc93_ATI R6xx HDMI12:40
BluesKajchip ?12:41
BluesKajdariusc93_, cat /proc/asound/modules , what's the output ?12:42
dariusc93_0 snd_hda_intel 1 snd_usb_audio 2 snd_hda_intel12:43
dariusc93_im on 13.04 atm but i can switch back to 13.10 if you wish for me too12:43
BluesKajdariusc93_, well if the drivers aren't loading , then yes12:44
dariusc93_Okay, ill be switching in a few12:44
Beast Hi. Has anyone had issues system freezes while playing .flv in fullscreen? Had that last night on saucy and prior to upgrading. Might this be due to bad flash support for Firefox?13:53
sdn3rdi haven't personally but anything flash related wouldn't shock me13:53
BluesKajBeast, which player ?13:58
Beastjust an online player13:59
BluesKajBeast, that's to be expected on websites with flash these days14:00
Beastbecause of the lacking adobe support for linux?14:02
BluesKajadobe isn't upgrading the linux player or plugin for some reason14:02
BluesKajguess they expect HTML5 to fill the linux void soon14:03
Beastso if I wanted to avoid this issue I might best use chrome/ium?14:04
BluesKajyoutube has a bug that mutes the audio as soon as the play button is chosen , just found out about it yesterday14:04
Beastme too14:04
BluesKajso we can expect annoyances like that until the new HTML5 protocol is adopted , and then we'll be dealing with another group of bugs :)14:06
BeastI hope html dominates soon with full Libre support14:07
Beastshumway doesn't seem to cut it yet14:07
Beastit may be too littl too late14:08
BluesKajhaven't tried shumway yet , dunno if I'll bother14:10
sdn3rdnot sure that flash will go away any time soon14:13
sdn3rdone can hope14:13
dariusc93okay. I reinstalled ubuntu 13.10 and install libpulse0:i386 and after i did, my audio would stay on for about 2min then everything goes silent14:26
dariusc93unless i restart14:26
dariusc93and it jut a repeat. if i uninstall that driver everything works but things would start acting up. I mainly use pulseaudio for skype since alsa doesnt play nice14:27
BluesKajdariusc93, why are you installing libpulse0:i386 ?14:27
dariusc93for skype14:28
dariusc93since skype requires 32bit drivers14:28
dariusc93like i said, alsa doesnt play nice which is why i use pulseaudio.14:28
BluesKajalsa and pulse work together , pulse is a a soundserver that runs ontop of alsa14:28
dariusc93i know, but skype requires the 32bit version of libpulse0 for me to use pulseaudio14:29
dariusc93with skype that is14:29
BluesKajI have skype on 13.10 , but I have no need for that libpulse0:i38614:29
dariusc93does pulseaudio work for you? and is your machine on 64bit?14:30
TJ-BluesKaj: It might be auto-installed as part of the multilib packages14:30
BluesKajdariusc93, yes 64 bit14:31
BluesKajdariusc93_  which sound card do you want as default,  the intel or the USB device ?14:31
BluesKajok , which mfgr / maker / brand ?14:33
dariusc93skullcandy if that helps any14:33
BluesKajheadphones ?14:34
BluesKajrun lsusb , with the phones plugged in , dariusc93 , to get more info14:35
dariusc93BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/VBTXJtJa14:36
dariusc93the root hub is the usb device. 13.10 for some reasons doesnt show the real name like 13.014:36
dariusc9313.04 does14:36
BluesKajhmm, wireless 'phones ?14:38
TJ-dariusc93: report that as a bug against the package "usbutils" please14:39
BluesKajdariusc93, the only method I can think of is to install pavucontrol and choose the usb device outputs there when you want to use the 'phones instead of the connected speakers (if any)14:44
dariusc93BluesKaj: i have that installed14:44
BluesKajok , the you know what to do14:45
dariusc93BluesKaj: but even then pulseaudio doesnt show up in skype without libpulse014:54
BluesKajdariusc93, do you have multiarch installed ?14:55
dariusc93if thats the one then ye14:55
dariusc93BluesKaj: ?15:00
BluesKajdunno, you have a special situation there , you'll have to play around with it ...dunno if a linux driver is available15:02
dariusc93i think its just libpulse0 but if i remove that pulseaudio wont show up in skype settings15:03
=== brot_ is now known as brot
BeastBluesKaj: I just watched an hour's worth of .flv with the caffeine "applet" and no system freeze15:49
lionrougetell me please is beta2 stable enough for desktop users?17:38
TiCPUI'm currently experiencing problems in ubuntu 13.10 after doing an apt-get upgrade and rebooting, anything that uses alpha blending is black, window frames, terminal, except the unity menu which works perfectly fine, is that a known issue?17:42
TiCPUit is really hard to work with17:42
k1llionrouge: they still get some updates and that can still cause some trouble. if you need to think about stability you should stay with final releases17:42
lionrougek1l, thanks17:42
RalliasFor dm cache, how would I accomplish using write-around instead of write-back?19:08
RalliasNever mind, I guess I'll go with writethrough.19:11
=== oc_hawk is now known as ochawkeye_
fak3rdid an apt-get upgrade this morning, now secondary monitor has a 'flicker' on it when you click anywhere. Know issue? Ideas to fix? Tia19:36
palsechello. i am looking for "appearances" in "system settings" without success. any tips, please?19:55
k1lin german its "darstellung" and its working here19:56
palsechmmm, the "displays" panel contains info about the resolution but nothing else19:58
k1lits not in the hardware section. its in the personal section19:59
k1lpalsec: which ubuntu are you talking about exactly?20:00
palsec13.10 installed today20:00
palsecthe gnome flavour20:00
k1lah gnome one. dont know how they shuffle their menues20:01
palsecthanks for trying20:02
trismpalsec: out of curiosity, do you see it if you start in a terminal with: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity gnome-control-center;20:06
palsecnope, and 1 or 2 are missing from the personal section20:12
palsecit comlains about "gtktable does not have the property to" and lots of stuff20:13
trismpalsec: are you using the gnome ppa? in any case you might ask in #ubuntu-gnome20:14
palsecoh, ok. will do so, thanks20:15
trismpalsec: oh I noticed that if I use XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME instead (I'm in unity) I do have it, but it is called Background instead of Appearance (and it has quite a different gui)20:21
palsecin the background area there is only background related stuff nothing about appearances20:22
trismpalsec: yeah I don't see anything for changing the theme, but that may be by design (you can use gnome-tweak-tool to change them)...as it is, the themes in Appearance in unity are hardcoded to only a few different ones20:24
palsecoh i see20:25
trism!info gnome-tweak-tool | palsec20:27
ubottupalsec: gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 88 kB, installed size 798 kB20:27
johnjohn10110 more days!! woo hoo20:51
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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