
pittiGood morning04:55
Laneyhey pitti, how's it going?08:05
Laneyhave fun at the wedding?08:05
darkxstLaney, hi, did my patch work for you?08:05
Laneydarkxst: yes, did you see my comments?08:06
darkxstLaney, what comments?08:06
Laneysounds like a no to me :P08:07
darkxstoh right, missed that08:08
darkxstI think its ok to watch a different address, diff wise not much different to looking at DESKTOP_SESSION08:10
darkxstand atleast for gnome-shell, it will work if running under a different session08:11
darkxstLaney, but on the otherhand, Unity spoofing org.gnome.Shell is just bad!08:12
LaneyDon't know, just seemed cleaner to me08:13
darkxstand right the on_unity* naming is a bit odd now08:13
Laneyand I don't know why they do that but it's presumably useful for some reason08:13
pittihey Laney08:14
pittiLaney: indeed, it was nice!08:15
pittiLaney: met Julie, Didier, Rick, Seb, vuntz, and had lots of opportunities to practice wine drinking and French :)08:15
pittiseb128: bonjour mon ami, as-tu arrive d'accord ?08:15
* pitti wants his compose key back08:16
pittithis new ibus 1.5 mess -> not amused :(08:16
seb128good morning everyone08:17
seb128pitti, salut ! ça va bien ? bien rentré ?08:17
Laneywħąt, ńø çô₥pòṡę?08:17
seb128pitti, je suis bien rentré merci (j'étais chez moi à 17h)08:17
Laneyhey seb08:17
pittiseb128: ici aussi, 17:30 a` maison08:17
seb128pitti, yeah, we delay on the new ibus for some cycles but we had to take the hit before the LTS cycle08:17
seb128Laney, hey08:17
Laneypitti: sounds like fun!08:17
pittiLaney: no, the new settings now only allow a ridiculously limited set of compose keys :(08:18
Laneyseb128: have fun at the wedding?08:18
seb128Laney, very much08:18
pittiI want Scroll Lock, as that's pretty much the only key which I don't use08:18
seb128pitti, I guess you can set it manually in gsettings somewhere08:18
pittiI don't have a spare alt or windows key, and no menu key08:18
Laneyoh, the Keyboard dialog thing08:18
Laneyis that ibus?08:18
seb128pitti, or maybe in gnome-tweak-tools08:19
Laneylook in org.gnome.desktop.input-sources08:19
pittiLaney: well, at least with the whole input system reorganization a lot of things broke08:19
seb128we have unhappy users for sure08:20
pittilike, you can't type a foreign language on a non-US keyboard any more08:20
pittibefore, I could e. g. say "Russian with ibus-m17n" on a German keyboard08:20
seb128we have issues with the hotkey to switch layouts as well08:20
seb128Laney, pitti: good part of those issues are the GNOME changes we tried to hold on for some cycles08:21
seb128but well, old ibus was still gtk2 and it was becoming unpractical to maintain those reverts on top of the GNOME stack08:22
Laneywhat gives that shortcut ui?08:22
pittiyeah, I know :/08:22
Laneyit can't be g-c-c08:22
seb128Laney, what shortcut ui?08:22
Laneyunless we cherry-picked it08:22
Laneythe dialog to choose compose key etc08:22
Laneywe got rid of the old complicated but flexible one08:22
seb128I think they add more option to g-c-c in 3.808:23
seb128I wonder if we can just cherry pick that one08:23
* seb128 tries08:23
Laneywe have it08:24
seb128yeah, it's older that I though08:25
pittiLaney: oh, that seems to translate to an xkb option 'compose:caps', so it seems limited by that; in the older versions you could assign any key to it, I guess it poked it in xmodmap-like08:26
pittiwell, I'll find out how to configure xmodmap directly08:26
ogra_pitti, luckily Mir will fix that by giving the user full rw access to all files in 7dev/input, so you can plug your own thing on top :P08:27
LaneyI suppose we must have been keeping the old panel in the ibus revert08:27
pittiogra_: *cough*08:28
Laneydidn't really look into that stuff08:28
* ogra_ grins08:28
seb128Laney, yes, we had reverted g-s-d/g-c-c because our old indicator was based on the g-s-d systray's code08:28
seb128which got away in the input code rewrite08:28
Laneyanyway, I personally like using caps lock for compose which is still possible08:29
Laneyso har de har :P08:29
seb128where is the UI to configure that?08:29
LaneyKeyboard -> Shortcuts -> Typing08:29
seb128waouh, how non obvious08:30
seb128I was looking for an icon in the input method tab08:30
seb128Laney, thanks08:30
pittiseb128: text entry settings in the indicator -> "Keyboard settings" link in the lower right08:30
pitti(gets you to the same dialog, but slightly more obvious)08:31
seb128pitti, ah, right, danke08:31
LaneyMaybe so, depends what you're used to I guess08:31
seb128what is "alternative characters key"?08:31
LaneyI always went through keyboard to get to the old one08:31
Laneyit's the one to type things like ¹²³€½¾{[]}08:32
seb128ok, I've no idea how those work ;-)08:33
pittiI use compose for those08:33
LaneyIt does the same thing as alt-gr for me08:33
Laneybut maybe not every keyboard has that08:33
pittiseb128: in better news, new ThinkPad == :)08:34
seb128pitti, did you get it running?08:34
pittiraring installs without a hitch with EFI/SecureBoot etc., just saucy acts up08:34
seb128pitti, how did you solve it?08:34
seb128so saucy regression :/08:35
pittiso, install raring + dist-upgrade08:35
seb128seems like something we better fix before release08:35
pittiit seems the saucy installer leaves an empty /boot/efi/ partition08:35
seb128pitti, can you still test saucy installs now that you did that?08:35
pittiseb128: yes, I suppose I can make a backup of the EFI partition, dd it to zero, and reinstall08:35
pittiand keep my /home08:36
seb128pitti, I guess you opened a bug/mentioned it to slangasek?08:36
pittiseb128: not yet, but I will08:36
seb128happyaron, hey, are you back yet or still on holidays? I would like to get you opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1230265, if you have one08:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1230265 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon doesn't detect Anthy(Japanese Input Method) automatically." [Undecided,New]08:39
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* Laney spams lp mail around09:31
seb128Laney, bug triaging?09:33
Laneyclosing uss upstream bug tracker09:33
seb128do we need to delete all the bugs to do that?09:33
Laneyi gave them all ubuntu tasks09:33
seb128I had it on my todolist but it was not a priority for saucy release so I was delaying to after hard freeze09:34
Laneyjust wrote a lp api script09:34
Laneypretty easy09:34
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Laneyseb128: have you been Fix Releaseding bugs for hidden things?09:40
seb128Laney, you mean?09:41
Laneybug #122922309:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1229223 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Reset launcher and background doesn't reset launcher nor background" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122922309:41
Laneyfix released?09:41
seb128oh, no09:41
seb128I kept them as low09:41
seb128they are still work we need to do09:41
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tjaaltonseb128: hey, our cairo doesn't seem to have gl/egl support, mind if I merge 1.12.16-2 from debian?09:47
seb128tjaalton, seems like a feature, do you have an approved ffe?09:48
seb128no, don't09:48
tjaaltonit's blocking wayland/weston ffe09:49
seb128tjaalton, that's the old "the nvidia driver makes each GL process use 10MB of memory, which means every cairo/gtk app when building cairo with GL"09:49
seb128you remember this one or want reference to the details?09:49
tjaaltonwell it'll block us moving to mesa 10.0 when it's released09:49
tjaaltonno I remember the bug09:49
seb128why is that blocking this update?09:50
tjaaltonor just ignore weston09:50
seb128ignore weston I guess09:50
seb128we can't just add that load on every nvidia user09:50
seb128well, we should maybe check that their drivers still have the issue09:50
tjaaltonso, mesa has a MRE now, but upstream moved to a three month release cadence09:51
tjaaltonbut we have new hw coming up 'sometime soon', that might need us to move to mesa 10.1-ish as an sru :/09:52
seb128you said the only problem with the update is weston?09:52
seb128screw weston in this case, we don't use it09:52
tjaaltonthis is why i'd like to update wayland09:52
tjaaltonI'll just finish the ffe09:53
pittidoes anyone use google for empathy, shotwell and friends in the "online accounts" settings?10:05
seb128pitti, o/10:06
pittiit now always seems to forget the credentials after a few hours10:06
pittiand I don't get the google web page any more, just two GTK input lines for user/password10:06
pittican anyone confirm?10:06
seb128pitti, it's not specific to online accounts to me, firefox keeps asking me to auth again as well10:06
seb128pitti, yes, I can confirm10:06
pittiis that "show auth web page" -> "show input lines" change intended?10:07
seb128it's a better UI/more integrated10:07
pittiok, so the bug is that it keeps forgetting it10:07
pittiseb128: I agree, it definitvely looks nicer10:07
seb128it's not happening in firefox for you?10:07
* pitti checks again10:07
seb128it's driving me nuts, I've to auth in firefox like 5 times a day for some weeks10:07
pittiseb128: no, I'm still logged in with both my accounts10:08
seb128ok, weird10:08
pittiI only need to re-login perhaps once every two weeks10:08
seb128well maybe check with mardy then, in case that's a known issue in the online account stack10:08
seb128I assumed it was something on the google side because I keep being un-auth in firefox as well10:08
seb128pitti, I guess you restore your firefox sessions?10:23
pittiseb128: yes10:23
pitti"something unexpected has happened" exercise at every boot :)10:24
seb128pitti, ok, I get logged out if I restart firefox with the setting set to "open my startpage"10:24
seb128pitti, I don't if I do "restore my previously opened tabs"10:24
seb128the issue happens in chromium as well10:25
seb128I wonder if google get stricter in their auth, or if that's part of their "replacing cookies" or something10:25
tjaaltonpitti: hey, I assigned bug #1234424 to you, but I can merge it too10:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1234424 in pm-utils (Ubuntu) "Don't quirk SVGA if vmwgfx kernel driver is loaded" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123442410:35
pittitjaalton: I saw, thanks; I can handle it, and commit it to Debian10:36
pitti(so that we stay in sync)10:36
tjaaltonpitti: ah good, yeah I figured you wanted to do that10:36
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happyaronseb128: today is the last day.12:30
happyaronseb128: I think removing that patch is acceptable, if it does make it work.12:31
happyaronI can do some testing later, if needed.12:31
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tjaaltonshould lightm still allow choosing the login session?12:53
tjaaltonI don't see any way to choose12:54
seb128tjaalton, yes, there is a cog icon next to the password entry13:03
tjaaltonI don't see it here13:04
seb128happyaron, enjoy your end of holiday, and yes testing would be welcome tomorrow if you can do that13:04
seb128tjaalton, did the issue start today? (I didn't restart with the new lightdm yet), do you have other sessions installes in /usr/share/xsessions?13:04
tjaaltonseb128: it's the same on an older installation not upgraded today13:05
tjaaltonthough it doesn't have other sessions installed13:06
seb128that's why then13:06
tjaaltonah it does13:06
seb128it does what? have sessions? or has a selector?13:06
tjaaltonhave sessions13:07
tjaaltongnome & ubuntu13:07
seb128Laney, weird, doing LANG=C system-settings or LANG=en_GB system-settings, on current saucy, with your branch the month names are lowercase for me13:17
seb128Laney, in any case it's a detail, approving, I'm just unsure why we get different results13:17
tjaaltonseb128: ok now that I installed gnome-shell it does show the cog and two options13:29
seb128tjaalton, ok, works as intended there13:29
tjaaltoncontents of /usr/share/xsessions didn't change though13:30
tjaaltonis that even used anymore13:30
seb128tjaalton, yes, those are the entries listed by lightdm13:33
seb128tjaalton, you had a session file for gnome-shell there before having gnome-shell installed?13:33
tjaaltonbut both that are there are installed by gnome-session13:33
seb128there is a tryexec key13:34
seb128they are only valid if the binary they correspond to are install13:34
Laneyseb128: WEIRD!13:34
seb128tjaalton, but weird, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gnome-shell.desktop&mode=exactfilename&suite=saucy&arch=any13:35
tjaaltonit's just gnome.desktop13:36
seb128tjaalton, that confirms what I though, the .session should come from gnome-shell, dunno what version of gnome-session you have to have the file coming from there13:36
seb128tjaalton, oh, right13:36
seb128tjaalton, so yeah, that's due to the tryexec13:36
seb128Laney, yeah, I've no idea what's different between our systems13:37
tjaaltonseb128: alrighty13:37
Laneywell the french months are lowercase here13:37
LaneyI bet it's to do with that somehow13:37
Laneyeds works btw, and I have no goa process running13:38
Laney+ evo with calendar in indicator13:38
seb128Laney, oh ok, it probably use lc_time or something rather than the locale13:38
seb128Laney, indeed, if I set the LC as well as LANG I get an uppercase13:38
seb128Laney, @eds: nice, upload! ;-)13:38
Laneyjibel: hey13:42
Laneyjibel: do you know why jenkins.qa.u.c doesn't show glib-networking's autopkgtest?13:43
Laneyalso, how are you? :-)13:43
jibelHey Laney, I'm fine and you?13:44
jibelLaney, have these tests been added recently?13:44
Laneypretty good13:44
jibelLaney, okay glib-networking 2.38.0-1~ubuntu2, looking13:45
LaneyI bet I did something wrong :P13:46
jibelLaney, the package looks good, but britney didn't submit the first test request. That's a case we already had.13:48
jibelI'll resubmit a test request that will create the job13:49
Laneyubuntu1 had debian/tests/* but no XS-Testsuite header13:49
Laneymight have confused matters13:49
seb128pitti, hey, https://code.launchpad.net/~dannf/ubuntu/saucy/udisks/lp1235051/+merge/189203 is in the sponsoring queue ... should I just sponsor it or would you prefer to get that through Debian?14:17
pittiseb128: udisks is dead (we should get rid of it in the default install, argh)14:23
pittiseb128: so I don't particularly mind it being out of sync, so go ahead14:23
seb128pitti, well, it was just to clean the queue, I don't especially care either ... I don't think arm64 is a goal for saucy, I'm just going to put it work in progress until next cycle and upload it if nobody uploaded that to debian by then14:24
pittixnox: ^ what's the status for the usb-creator port, OOI?14:25
seb128attente, hey14:28
attentehi seb12814:29
seb128attente, how are you?14:29
attentei'm good14:29
attenteis this about the media-keys problem?14:30
seb128attente, I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gnome-settings-daemon/non-latin-media-keys/+merge/189369 ... but I'm not sure I understand keyboards enough to judge it14:30
attenteoh. that just adds an extra step where it checks the keyboard shortcut by keycode if all else fails14:31
seb128attente, can you try to give me a bit more context/details? is GNOME having the same issue? if not,why not?14:31
attenteGNOME isn't having this issue, no14:31
seb128how do they workaround/solve it? (or what do they do differently/can we do the same)14:32
attenteif i have to guess, something changed at the xkb level14:32
attenteseb128, i don't know if they need a workaround as it isn't a problem for them14:32
attentethis is strictly an ubuntu problem as far as i can tell14:33
seb128why is it a problem for us and not for them?14:33
seb128what do we do differently?14:33
attentei'm not sure, maybe mir does something differently with keyboard group implementation?14:33
attenteall i can think of is that we need changes in g-s-d and gtk... leading me to suspect the problem lies lower in the stack14:35
seb128attente, hum, we don't use Mir in saucy, so it can't be Mir14:36
seb128we are still on plain old good xorg14:36
xnoxseb128: please upload.14:36
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seb128attente, is gnome-shell having issues on Ubuntu?14:36
attenteseb128, yes14:36
seb128xnox, upload what? the arm64 build fix?14:36
attenteseb128, same issue14:36
xnoxpitti: usb-creator port, didn't fix it since original porting (still broken) was done.14:36
xnoxseb128: udisks/dh_autoreconf, yeap.14:37
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seb128xnox, is that important for saucy? it seems like we are not going that port complete before release :p14:37
seb128attente, ok, so maybe a but in our xorg stack then14:37
xnoxseb128: every little helps.14:38
xnoxseb128: i suspect that port will take off ahead of /me finding time to port usb-creator.14:38
seb128xnox, ok14:38
attenteseb128, what do you think about trying to fix it at the g-s-d/gtk+ level?14:40
seb128attente, did you try pinging rtcm (the GNOME guy who works on the ibus/keyboard stack) about it, in case he knows what it could be?14:40
seb128attente, well, I think that if you say it works on other distros, then we should be able to get it working too by fixing whatever is wrong14:41
attenteseb128, i can again, but he wasn't sure what the problem was14:41
attentei could only conclude we're doing something strange on our end14:41
seb128attente, it that specific to g-s-d session?14:41
seb128I'm not even sure to understand the issue14:41
seb128e.g if you run a GNOME classic session with gnome-panel, is the issue there?14:42
attentei haven't tried GNOME classic14:42
attentei'll try it14:42
seb128attente, thanks14:44
seb128attente, I'm fine adding patches to g-s-d/gtk if that makes things work, but it feels like a workaround (saying that on the fact that other distros don't have the issue without that code, so it shouldn't be strictly needed)14:45
Laneypushed gsd14:45
attenteseb128, so these are actually two different problems it seems14:48
attentethe g-s-d media keys problem affects GNOME classic, gnome-shell, and unity14:49
attentebut the problem on the gtk+ side seems to only affect unity14:49
seb128so with your g-s-d patch the keys work as they should out of unity?14:49
attenteseb128, sorry i guess i forgot to check it, it doesn't seem to work outside of unity...14:52
attentethis problem is really strange...14:53
seb128attente, is that problem happening in a "basic" session without the indicators?14:53
seb128attente, e.g a stock gnome-panel one14:53
seb128or simpler than that an openbox or something with g-s-d running14:53
attenteseb128, i'm running in gnome classic right now and the problem persists even with the patch14:55
attentei guess i don't understand the problem as well as i thought i did14:55
seb128attente, ok, I'm going to discard that patch for this upload then14:56
attenteseb128, ok14:56
seb128attente, is the problem due to g-s-d ?14:56
attentei don't believe so14:57
attenteif i had to guess, it's happening at the x level14:57
seb128attente, how do I reproduce? is that like "start a session, configure a non latin keymap (e.g russian), try to use multimedia keys"?14:57
attenteseb128, yes14:57
seb128well I guess without g-s-d there is no handler for those :/14:57
Laneythe media keys are broken in non-shell-non-unity gnome sessions14:58
Laneydon't get confused with that bug14:58
Laneywhich is the patch I just pushed to gsd git14:58
Laneyerm, bzr14:58
Laneyi.e. try merging with that14:58
attenteLaney, ok, will do14:59
seb128attente, ok, so an unity session with "ru" as default keymap and fr/us next to it, multimedia keys work15:01
attenteseb128, does ctrl+alt+t work for you?15:01
seb128attente, no, it doesn't15:02
seb128that's the issue I guess?15:02
attenteseb128, let me try to merge trunk and see if it's fixed on all three15:04
attenteseb128, ok, so still same result, only fixes on unity15:17
seb128attente, do you try with ctrl-alt-t?15:18
attenteseb128, yep, with arabic, greek, russian, none work15:18
attentei guess don't worry about that patch then15:18
seb128attente, stop using ctrl-al-t as a testcase15:19
attenteseb128, why?15:19
seb128attente, the unity testing is buggy, bind another command, e.g ctrl-alt-c to calculator15:19
seb128attente, because compiz has a custom binding for ctrl-alt-t15:19
seb128it might be that it works through compiz15:19
seb128not due to the g-s-d action15:19
attentebut the action is configurable through g-c-c15:20
seb128attente, I've ctrl-alt-t working but ctrl-alt-u to another action not working15:20
seb128but I think both might fight15:20
seb128which is yet another bug15:20
seb128but better to use a non conflict binding for your testing15:20
seb128just rebind to ctrl-alt-c or something15:20
seb128attente, ok, at least I can confirm the bug and that it doesn't seem to be the unity, indicator or ibus (I get the issue without those)15:33
seb128e.g I'm in unity session where I unloaded the unity plugin from compiz and I moved away the indicator .service to avoid dbus activation and killed ibus15:33
seb128and I change layouts with "setxkbmap <layout>"15:34
attenteseb128, ok15:34
attentethe patch only fixes in unity, so best to reject the MP15:35
seb128Laney, ^ feel free to upload the other changes if you want15:35
seb128(if you don't I'm going to do in a bit, still trying to help debugging a bit more the multimedia key issue)15:35
Laneywill do15:36
attenteseb128, application shortcuts are also affected, but only under unity15:37
jibelLaney, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-glib-networking/16:00
Laneyjibel: awesome, thanks!16:01
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attenteseb128, how do you opt-out your device from image-based updates?16:32
seb128attente, I don't why?16:36
Laneymake it writable, never update16:36
Laneyor use cdimage-touch16:36
Laneyin both cases you can use apt16:37
Laneybut you'll drift on the android side of stuff i guess16:37
seb128attente, touch /userdata/.writable_image16:37
Laneyand not be testing the proper thing16:37
seb128attente, if you are looking at how making the image writable16:37
seb128then reboot16:37
seb128then you can use apt etc16:37
attenteok, thanks16:37
seb128attente, btw, that keyboard issue does looks like an xorg issue16:38
attenteseb128, is someone looking into it?16:38
seb128attente, it's happening with g-s-d/g-c-c downgraded to 3.6 from raring and it's happening in xfce with their settings manager16:38
seb128attente, and xfce is gtk2 which didn't change lot16:39
seb128attente, I just got stubborn trying to find the buggy component...16:39
seb128attente, but well, I ruled out g-s-d ibus indicator-keyboard and gtk316:39
attenteyeah, i guess i just figured it was fixable on the g-s-d gtk side of things16:40
seb128attente, I'm going to try next to start from raring and upgrade selected component (like xorg-server) to try to figure out which one starts the issue16:40
seb128attente, are you working on the phone settings back atm?16:40
seb128attente, maybe do something else that the crazy media key stuff for a while16:40
attenteseb128, sure, will do16:40
seb128attente, it would be nice to make the change to restrict the language list to the one that have a locale generated on disk16:41
seb128the list atm is long and most choices don't work16:41
attenteseb128, ok16:41
seb128attente, if that's not easy to do, we might just hardcode it to zh/es/pt/de/fr, those are the langpack we install16:41
seb128Laney, thanks for uploading g-s-d!16:42
Laneykein problem!16:43
* Laney found a tin of altoids to reward himself with16:43
Laneyyum yum16:43
Laneywill have to restock in CA16:44
seb128what is altoids?16:45
* seb128 googles16:45
seb128oh, cinnamon's sweets?16:45
seb128not only cinnamon, google image has peppermint ones as well16:45
Laneynever had that kind16:46
xclaesseUh, apport launch chrome when sending a crash report16:48
xclaesseinstead of firefox16:48
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seb128ok, enough for today17:34
seb128'night everyone17:34
ogra_ciao seb12817:40
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