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pittiGood morning04:55
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DanChapmanmorning all06:22
NoskcajDanChapman, I lack the skills to port testdrive to gtk3, and my version of glade won't open any of the testdrive .ui files. I'll leave everything until you've got time to make it work06:45
DanChapmanNosckaj I had the same problems with Glade and was having to fall back to raring to do the UI. Dude you shouldn't give up so easily :-)06:49
NoskcajDanChapman, Issue is, i do. I'll take a look at putting the raring version of glade on. And press the tab button to auto-complete someones name on irc, then you don't spell it worng an i actually see that someone spoke07:54
NoskcajDanChapman, What raring thing did you have to use? glade is the same in both08:26
DanChapmanNoskcaj, I have raring installed on seperate partition so I did all .ui stuff there. its a PITA but its the only way i could do the ui08:35
NoskcajSo no idea what the program was that was different?08:36
NoskcajDanChapman, My version is at lp:~noskcaj/testdrive/gtk3. I'll try and get the .ui files working tomorrow if you don't (and i'll add the gsettings stuff). but for now, good night08:43
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DanChapmanxnox, hey. With ubiquity if a user selects an lvm-encrypt setup, they are asked to enter a security key on the next page, which is before they are asked to select a keyboard layout. Should it not be that the user selects kb-layout before any kb requiring steps?09:39
xnoxDanChapman: yes. we have the "keyboard layout" bug on every single step during the installation. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/KeyboardBug09:41
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DanChapmanxnox, cool thanks for the link. :-)09:46
davmor2Morning all10:00
DanChapmanhey srikar_10:20
srikar_ummm i want to get started with linux10:21
srikar_anyone here10:29
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ckingany reason why I'm seeing server errors on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/bootspeed/ ?13:20
ckingoh. now it's working13:20
ckingany reason why http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/bootspeed/arch/amd64/ has not been updated for nearly a week?13:23
jibelplars, psivaa ^13:25
psivaajibel: looking into it.. just a sec13:27
plarsnuclearbob: any ideas on what happened with bootspeed? ^13:52
slickymasterafternoo all13:52
smartboyhwballoons, thanks for the endorsement13:54
psivaaplars: nuclearbob: one thing is that provisioning failed. i'm not sure if that has anything to do with the dns changes..13:59
nuclearbobplars: I've been trying to take a look at that, but I'm having trouble with the kvm14:00
nuclearbobplars: it started failing late last week, so there may be a problem other than the dns as well, at least for veriton 0114:00
balloonssmartboyhw, ?14:00
nuclearbobplars: it looks like we had utah configured for br5, which doesn't exist anymore, so I changed that to br2 and I'm rerunning the jobs14:01
slickymasterballoons: HI. Just a heads up, https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/TomcatJavaServer_Install/+merge/189444 it's already corrected as elfy requested abd it's ready for merge14:02
balloonsI like heads up :-)14:03
smartboyhwballoons, er, didn't you endorse me with 5 skills on LinkedIn?14:03
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh yes, that was last week.. so I was confused :-)14:03
smartboyhw(Though I absolutely not understand why everyone thinks I can write shell scripts)14:03
smartboyhwballoons, I just received the email today-.-14:03
slickymasterelfy: https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/TomcatJavaServer_Install/+merge/189444 is already corrected as requested and it's ready for merge14:04
balloonsslickymaster, we're changing to just boot up the image'14:05
balloonsI see "<dt>Boot up the image in real hardware or run it in Testdrive</dt>"14:05
elfyhi balloons - by the way - those things I was off to look at for the testcases are done14:05
slickymasterelfy: hi14:05
elfyhi slickymaster14:05
* elfy wanders off again14:06
slickymasterballoons: so instead of "<dt>Boot up the image in real hardware or run it in Testdrive</dt>" what is wanted is "<dt>Boot up the image</dt>" ?14:06
elfyslickymaster: yes - as I said in the comment :)14:06
slickymasterelfy: I surely misunderstood that and out last chat on saturady. My bad :(14:07
slickymasterelfy: I'll correct it tonight and re-propose it14:08
smartboyhwslickymaster, you don't need to re-propose it-.-14:11
balloonselfy, noted, I'll go review your mere14:12
slickymastersmartboyhw: Hi smartboyhw. Yeah, I know. Bad choice of words, what I meant is that I'll push the correct version14:12
smartboyhwslickymaster, :)14:12
plarsnuclearbob: br5? where is that configuration?14:13
nuclearbobplars: /etc/utah/conf.d/magners14:13
elopiogood morning sunshine.14:17
balloonsbuenos dias elopio :-)14:18
DanChapmanHey balloons, you have a good weekend?14:28
balloonsDanChapman, hello. I had a fast weekend! Whoosh and it was gone my friend.14:29
balloonsThinking about final release prepwork now14:29
balloonsHow's ubiquity coming?14:29
cgoldberganyone else psyched for the Nexus5 release later this month?  Looks like a sweet device.14:40
DanChapmanballoons: slow and steady, its kinda tedious having to reset the VM each test run. The custom partition test is seeming to be a bit more fiddly than expected. The others are alot better this time around all the timing issues seem to be resolved. Just gonna wait for them to run on jenkins to confirm that :-)14:44
balloonsohh right.. did jibel get the concurrent runs taking place?14:45
* balloons goes to find the other runs14:45
DanChapmanballoons: its all fails on the current runs they still need to be setup the directory structure has changed so needs updating :-) I asked jibel if he could change them when he can find some time14:48
cgoldbergmhall119, hi.. where's the bug tracker for developer.ubuntu.com?  I just found 2 minor bugs while I was looking around it14:49
ckingare these tests meant  to be upto date too? http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/memory/idle/arch/armhf/14:49
mhall119cgoldberg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal14:52
cgoldbergmhall119, thanks14:53
elopiocgoldberg, can you review this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/click-update-manager/fix1234379-autopilot_tests/+merge/18924515:00
cgoldbergelopio, yup.. on it15:00
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cgoldbergelopio, one small nitpick... see MP.  wanna change that quick and I'll approve?15:07
elopiocgoldberg, yes, I'm on it. Thanks.15:07
elopiocgoldberg, pushed.15:11
cgoldbergelopio, approved15:12
elopiothank you15:13
cgoldbergballoons, got a sec to talk about emulator docs?  I'm working on your branch now: ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sphinx-autopilot-emulator15:38
balloonscgoldberg, go for it15:39
cgoldbergballoons, so there are 2 sets of docs?  qdoc and then the sphinx docs.. correct?15:39
balloonscgoldberg, yes that's correct15:39
cgoldbergballoons, is it ok to move them around?  i.e. seperate them in the tree.  it's confusing to see which source files go with which docs15:40
cgoldbergballoons, also, is there info on how to build the qdoc stuff, so I can make sure I don't break it while I update the sphinx docs?15:40
balloonscgoldberg, no idea on the qdoc :-)15:40
balloonsI didn't mess with the qdocs at all, but I don't suspect they are anything special15:41
cgoldbergballoons, instead of everything in /documentation  ... I'm gonna do: '/docs/qdoc' and '/docs/sphinx'15:41
balloonsbasically if you look at the source you can see everything under autopilot is sphinx, everything else is qdoc15:41
balloonscgoldberg, what I would do is make documentation /docs/qdoc, and make a new folder for sphinx15:42
balloonsin other words leave there docs alone if you want to seperate them15:42
balloonsso you aren't breaking anything :-)15:42
smartboyhwballoons, so how's your RC testing brainstorming going?15:42
cgoldbergballoons, ack15:42
balloonssmartboyhw, well, when I get a chance to think about it :-p15:51
smartboyhwballoons, LOL15:51
elfyballoons: I have to be honest - I didn't look far when I did those testcases - just till I found the line to change - they could all have been completely wrong and I'd not have noticed :p15:54
balloonselfy, I know.. I checked them over a bit.. Everything was fine, save a couple who had some misplaced tags from long ago15:55
balloonsnuclearbob, do you ever have trouble with calls were you are unable to communicate? Like you call someone and they can't hear you or you can't hear them/16:09
elfygood job you didn't ask me that ...16:10
balloonsubuntu-qa is there a magical way to take a screenshot when running under MIR?16:12
om26erI don't think there is any.16:12
davmor2balloons: no16:12
davmor2balloons: apparently you can possible cat the fb16:12
davmor2balloons: but I was told that screenshotting was a security flaw and was deliberately not allowed initially16:13
balloonsheh, so I wonder how we can ss bugs?16:14
balloonsin this case I need a ss16:14
cgoldbergtotal hack:  run it on a VM inside a non-mir host.. take screenie from host16:14
cgoldbergwont work on phone :P16:14
balloonsthere must be something. . .16:15
elfyballoons: it's called a camera16:15
balloonselfy, my camera is on the phone, bwhahahah16:16
cgoldbergshoebox with good lighting, and a regular camera? :)  jk16:16
elfynow that is why I have a phone for phoning and a pc for pcing and a camera for camering :)16:16
ckingis there an ETA to getting the tests upto date for http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/power/hardware/arch/amd64  http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/memory/idle/arch/armhf ?16:17
balloonscgoldberg, I actually have a lighting setup for taking pics indoors.. but it's for cakes not phones :-)16:17
cgoldbergthen you're all set :)16:18
davmor2balloons: seriously cat the frame buffer is the only way if they haven't disabled it16:19
davmor2balloons: I resorted to cheese and my desktop webcam16:20
* balloons tries16:20
ckingi guess i'll escalate my questions via email16:37
balloonsdavmor2, so I could happily get a dump, but I no raw readers can make sense of it16:38
balloonsso perhaps I'm getting garbage16:38
davmor2balloons: plan b webcam and cheese :D16:39
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davmor2balloons: not as pretty but it works16:39
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balloonsdavmor2, ohh, ohh, I'm getting closer at decoding this16:44
davmor2just pick on kgunn and kdub till they tell you the magic ;)16:45
balloonscolors are a bit wonky, but I've got a screen16:52
balloonsso hello doug516:56
doug5balloons, :)16:56
balloonsubuntu-qa anyone every see this issue? http://imgur.com/FEkcXNd install and restart button enabled after downloading, but prompt says 'no update has been downloaded'. btw, davmor2 this is the ss I wanted. I like the blue better than orange, hehe :-)16:59
om26erballoons, did you install anything yourself ?16:59
om26erby making the image readwrite16:59
balloonsom26er, indeed I did16:59
davmor2balloons: that'll be why then :D17:00
om26erballoons, that's the problem, I believe17:00
balloonsom26er, but not until after I tried and it failed I don't think.. I was installing stuff trying to get an ss17:00
balloonsit was definitely in r/w mode however17:00
balloonsI shall reflash and see if it re-occurs17:00
om26erballoons, once you apt-get install something it breaks update17:01
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elfyballoons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1205009 - do you mean the target drive has sufficient free space to install into ?17:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1205009 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Auto-resize iso test assumes drive has to be resized" [Low,In progress]17:12
balloonselfy, if I remember correctly if you have a free partition with > 8gb of space you won't get the screen to resize. it will just install17:13
elfythat's what I thought you meant17:13
elfyballoons: ok - that's there for you to look at when you've got the time17:17
balloonsdoug5, so I haven't had a chance to look at your merges yet, but if you have a specific question feel free to ask17:24
balloonsI'll look at it in the next few mins :-)17:25
sergiusensballoons, here's a simple one https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-weather-app/python_cleanup/+merge/18967317:28
sergiusensballoons, can you take a look?17:28
balloonssergiusens, pep8?17:30
balloonsahh, indeed17:30
sergiusensballoons, all of the modules have these; but I started with this one since I need to make changes for it to work with click and this was driving me mad :-)17:31
balloonshaha.. some enforce pep8 and pyflakes as part of the merge, but most don't17:31
balloonsI don't like the 80 char limit of pep8, but otherwise I'm for it17:31
balloonsI think it can make less readable code which I don't like :-(17:32
sergiusensballoons, yeah, it's sort of an art to get it nicely ;-)17:32
sergiusensballoons, I ear the newest pep8 is going to have a bigger char limit17:32
sergiusensbut when doing 3 way merges, it's a lot easier when line length is short :-)17:33
balloonsmy complaints are very minor, and I've worked through most of them. Still I like having something as a std, so even if not perfect it's better than a free for all17:33
doug5balloons, not regarding the merge request; I found a couple of issues but I sent you an email about that17:36
balloonsdoug5, which test is failing?17:37
balloonsdoug5, also on the db wiping, I can explain. We do wipe the db before and after each run. Each test should be completely standalone and be able to run in any order17:37
balloonsyou can see the code in __init__.py doing this17:38
doug5balloons, yeah but we wipe the database in ~/.local/share/etc etc; I have no database in those paths and still I see test data kept between runs. Maybe I'm missing something...17:40
balloonsdoug5, weird..ohh17:40
balloonsdoug5, haha: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-db-path/+merge/18914217:41
balloonsI forgot it didn't get merged17:41
balloonsdoug5, ~/.local/share/ubuntu-clock-app/Databases is the db location17:41
balloonsthat mp really needs merged. anyways, onto your mp I have some comments17:41
balloonsdoug5, I would move  def drag_page_up() to the emulators.py.. The __init.py should stay as clean and simple as possible17:43
balloonsdoug5, in addition many of the helper functions you wrote could also likely go into the emulators.py file17:44
doug5balloons, how can I subscribe to https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-db-path/+merge/189142 so I get notified when it gets merged?17:47
balloonsdoug5, well I need to land it now.. I'm working on it :-) But sub at the branch level: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-db-path17:48
doug5balloons, test that is failing on my machine is http://pastebin.com/zU43WifA17:48
balloonsdoug5, OHH, right, yes indeed ;-)17:49
balloonsthat is a known issue, stemming from the sdk updates, etc17:49
balloonsit's why my branch hasn't landed17:49
balloonsI'll fix it17:49
doug5balloons, ok, sorry, I'm just getting into this, don't know all the details :-)17:49
balloonsdoug5, no no worries at all. Tests shouldn't be failing like that!17:49
doug5balloons, regarding your point to move the helper functions to the emulators.py, I quite agree, but I was like: "ok, I start by leaving them here, then if we have other test cases which need them I'll move them to emulators.py"17:52
doug5balloons, it's also true that it's easier to find them if they're already in emulators.py :-)17:52
balloonsdoug5, that is fair enough. In general I try to keep things generic and in the emulators.py file and anything else, as you say directly in the test_XXXX.py file17:53
doug5balloons, going to test again the problem with the multiple cities added and file a bug17:54
balloonsdoug5, sounds great. I'll work on getting my branch landed so this can go in without a hassle from jenkins17:55
doug5balloons, ok. Btw, which is the jenkis url?17:56
balloonsdoug5, do you see how jenkins bot appears on my mp? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-db-path/+merge/18914217:56
balloonsdoug5, in addition, each day all the apps run on the dashboard. You can see the results here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/17:56
doug5balloons, ah ok I see, thx17:57
balloonsdoug5, for example: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/mako/83:20131005:20131003.2/4575/ubuntu-clock-app-autopilot/17:57
sergiusensballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-weather-app/pkgname/+merge/18967718:07
balloonssergiusens, gotcha18:07
sergiusensballoons, storage path changes are here to haunc you :-)18:08
balloonssergiusens, we really need to land some of elopios stuff to make this easier.. it'll come18:08
sergiusensballoons, good18:09
nuclearbobsergiusens: I'm getting flickering in video playback on maguro.  Is that something somebody's aware of, or should I get a bug in for it?18:14
sergiusensnuclearbob, mir or non mir?18:14
sergiusensnuclearbob, I say log a bug18:15
nuclearbobsergiusens: mir, will do18:15
sergiusensnuclearbob, ah, mir; mir is going to suck on maguro I think...18:16
nuclearbobsergiusens: is there a fix I should wait for, or should I go ahead and file?18:16
nuclearbobit's not unwatchable, just annoying18:16
sergiusensnuclearbob, I really wouldn't know18:18
nuclearbobserigusens: okay, cool, I'll file it and see18:18
balloonsdoug5, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-db-path/+merge/189142 is landing now18:18
sergiusensballoons, also, keep in mind that when writing tests for these apps now, you can't read/write from the app outside of the confined locations18:21
balloonssergiusens, I was trying to figure out at one point if I needed to localize everything or if /tmp was still ok18:22
balloonsI pushed changes for example to file manager, but that was a month ago and never took it further18:22
doug5balloons, to get your changes just `bzr update`?18:24
balloonsdoug5, do a bzr pull.. if it says they've diverged (which it likely will :-) ), then do a bzr merge lp:ubuntu-clock-app18:25
balloonsit should merge in fine I think.. you duplicated some of the changes I made, so that might bit you a little, but it should be a simple merge18:26
balloonsdoug5, it's not quite landed yet though.. jenkins still has to merge it18:26
doug5balloons, got it, I thought that "Fix committed" was enough to have the changes, but actually it makes sense to have the ci bot built it first :-)18:27
balloonsdoug5, yes the status on the top of the merge will go to "merged"18:27
balloonsand it's done I see :-)18:28
elopiodo you guys know what can I do if on my screen only appears the wallpaper, with no trace of unity?18:28
elopioI can't do anything, just dance with the mouse.18:29
balloonsdoug5, now everytime you push a new commit to your branch, the mp will update. In addition the bot will try and build your new branch and approve or disapprove it18:29
balloonsdoug5, make sense?18:29
doug5balloons, absolutely18:29
nuclearbobubuntu-qa: can somebody remind me how to get a screenshot on mir?18:52
robotfuelnuclearbob: with a webcam or digital camera18:52
davmor2nuclearbob: webcam and cheese18:52
nuclearbobrobotfuel davmor2: thanks18:52
nuclearbobmy videos are playing upside down sometimes18:53
davmor2nuclearbob: no they are just videos from Australia if you turn the phone over it will rotate to point back at Australia ;)18:54
nuclearbobdavmor2: that makes sense, actually, it is a music video from an australian group18:54
nuclearbobmaybe I need to update lib-coriolis18:54
davmor2nuclearbob: haha18:55
davmor2you just can't make this stuff up :D18:55
doug5balloons, problem...in order to move drag_page_up I need some test helpers, like assertThat, Eventually, etc; is it ok to have a dependency between emulators and a test case? Thing is, that function is also making sure the page has actually moved19:01
balloonsdoug5, you mean there are not asserts in emulators.py currently?19:02
balloonsafternoon letozaf19:03
letozafballoons, buonasera  :D19:04
balloonsletozaf, fginther solved the docviewer sdk conversion you did -- remember how it wouldn't merge and we were confused why?19:04
nuclearbobubuntu-qa: can somebody remind me how to start the media player via upstart again?  I'll totally keep it somewhere other than my bash history this time, I promise19:04
davmor2nuclearbob: no19:04
nuclearbobdavmor2: fine, I guess I'll keep not starting it from the scope then19:04
alesagenuclearbob, initctl list helps?19:04
davmor2nuclearbob: only cause I don't know :)19:04
nuclearbobalesage: verily.  I'm trying to remember how I pass in a url19:04
alesagenuclearbob, o hmm, no help here sorry19:04
doug5balloons, no, I should import at least a TestCase to have the assertThat, and autopilot.matchers / testtools.matchers to have the rest. Not quite sure if emulators can be used also for asserting stuff19:04
balloonsletozaf, turns out you had the dependency specified in the wrong spot -- under the package not the package-autopilot :-)19:04
letozafballoons, yes I remember19:05
om26ernuclearbob, start application APP_ID=mediaplayer-app APP_URIS="file_name" ?19:05
balloonsnuclearbob, ^^ add to the wiki please :-)19:05
nuclearbobom26er: thanks.  APP_URIS was giving me trouble19:05
nuclearbobballoons: any thoughts on what page?19:05
balloonsnuclearbob, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting19:05
nuclearbobballoons: can do19:06
letozafballoons, oh! (for the dependency) :O19:06
balloonsdoug5, yes I don't see an issue with asserting something inside emulators provided it's specifically to isolated to the method you've written19:07
balloonsbut what are you needing to assert? that the page moved, is that it?19:07
doug5balloons, ok19:08
balloonsgood morning Noskcaj19:27
Noskcajhey balloons19:27
NoskcajFYI: i can't do much for final beta since my PC will no longer run VMs and i will be away both weekends19:28
balloonsNoskcaj, ohh, no more VM's eh?19:29
NoskcajMy default install uses 3gb of ram somehow (i've got 3.5)19:30
balloonsNoskcaj, ouch, gotcha.. yea <4 of ram is really tough to run a vm in19:32
NoskcajWhen i finish my "good" PC i will have 8gb and many VMs at once19:32
Noskcajalthough disabling blueman helped a fair bit, it has a memory leak and is the only bluetooth client round19:33
cgoldbergballoons, hey, I'm done with the docs.. I can show you in a min.. I'm about to pull the trigger and post an MP.. but I'm asking myself why these docs are in ubunti-ui-toolkit at all... instead of part of Autopilot's docs.  where do you think the proper place for the source to live is?19:33
cgoldbergbecause all it does is import autopilot and autodoc it's emulator package19:34
balloonscgoldberg, well I believe thomi is around now, so we can pull him into this briefly19:34
cgoldbergthomi ^^19:34
balloonsthomi, for autopilot-gtk emulator you wanted to push it into autopilot right?19:35
balloonsthomi, then I assume you would want to do the same for autopilot -qt19:35
balloonswhich means the docs are probably going to end up there19:35
cgoldbergballoons, it's easy enough to merge them into autopilot's docs and just leave ui-toolkit alone.. if that's the way to go.  perhaps update the ui-toolkit's QDocs to point to AutoPilot and specifically emulator module19:37
balloonscgoldberg, gotcha. We'll just await the final answer then :-) Did you get the other docs transitioned to developer.u.c?19:38
cgoldbergballoons, haven't submitted it.. but I have a branch in-progress of an importer script.19:41
cgoldbergballoons, since they d.u.c has its own theme, I'm gonna have to write an additional script to massage the html out of sphinx and tweak a few things before they will render pretty inside developer.u.c.   the good thing is what I write will be generic enough to work with any sphinx-built project19:42
balloonsoh nice! I'm super thankful to have you tackling that.. as you read in my mp, I19:42
balloonsI'm a sphinx newbie.. I just got it to build, heh ;-)19:43
cgoldbergballoons, here is the current: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~cgoldberg/emulators-html/ubuntuuitoolkit.html (but remember it's going to looks differently styled once uploaded to developer.u.c)19:43
balloonsletozaf, so whatcha working on this evening? Have a good weekend?19:43
letozafballoons, well it rained so I  played around with rssreader-app tests :D19:44
letozafballoons, I was writing another test for rssreader-app19:44
cgoldbergballoons, what I want is a simple build system we can use to go .rst->sphinx->html compatible with developer.u.c.  so getting there :)19:44
balloonsletozaf, nice!19:45
letozafballoons, but there is something weired19:45
letozafballoons, I merged and the test_view_feeds did not work so I was checking19:45
letozafballoons, when I proposed for merge it worked and now broken !19:46
* cgoldberg bbiab19:46
balloonsletozaf, there was some changes with the sdk.. did you see my email last week about it?19:47
balloonssorry changes with the jenkins build system19:47
letozafballoons, yes even if I admit I'm a bit confused :p19:47
letozafballoons, so must I do what fginther wrote in the mail on QA ml19:48
thomiballoons: cgoldberg, sorry, I'm feeling crap today, so I started work later than usual19:48
balloonsyea, we should develop against the upstream sdk versions as that is what jenkins is going to use19:48
thomicgoldberg: balloons: in general, yes, I think there should be exactly one place for autopilot-related documentation19:49
letozafballoons, the one with subject: "Changes to the core apps test environment"19:49
balloonsletozaf, yes19:49
letozafballoons, ok fine!19:49
letozafballoons, you want me to carry on with rssreader-app tests ? or had you something else for me ?19:51
balloonsletozaf, nope go for it19:51
balloonsjust wanted to see if you were stuck on something19:52
letozafballoons, :D19:52
letozafballoons, well looks like I was :p19:52
doug5balloons, any clue about this?
balloonsdoug5, since you are accessing the first element, it means the list is empty19:56
balloonsassuming the list is generated by a select_single or select_many, just note that you might have an empty object when you do that19:57
balloonsby default autopilot doesn't try to grab an object until successful, so you can have timing issues where the object might not yet exist when you grab it19:58
balloonsdoug5, you can work around this by adding asserting to ensure the object exists first19:58
doug5balloons, yeah but there is an assertion the line before to check the list is not empty...19:58
balloonsdoug5, well let me branch and look at your code closer then if you are still confused :-)19:59
balloonsdoug5, ok so I'm looking at the function20:03
thomiballoons: do you know of anyone working on the file-manager-app autopilot tests?20:04
balloonsthomi, at the moment? What's wrong with them?20:04
balloonsnormally iBelieve is hacking on them :-)20:05
balloonsdoug5, so the test works on the desktop right?20:05
balloonsso doug5 when you run switch_to_world_cities_page there is a transition which takes time20:06
balloonsyou need to account for this. I would do it after you click the button. wait for the page to load20:06
doug5balloons, yeah the test works on the desktop20:08
balloonsdoug5, that is because the desktop is so fast the page loads and the object exists when autopilot goes to look for it20:09
balloonsthe phone is a bit slower, as is the testing vm ;-)20:09
doug5balloons, yeas but I actually wait for the list (that in inside the page), to be visible. Isn't the same?20:10
thomiballoons: this: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/84:20131007:20131003.2/4599/ubuntu-filemanager-app-autopilot/20:10
balloonsdoug5, it is interesting that some of those asserts are failing, but that is the issue20:10
balloonsI would add an assert at the end of switch_to_world_cities_page that looks like this20:11
balloonsself.assertThat(self.main_view.get_world_cities_page.visible, Eventually(Equals(True)))20:11
balloonsI'm looking at the qml for that page.. make sure it has loaded20:11
doug5balloons, ok, I try20:12
balloonsyou could also do something like this20:12
balloonsself.assertThat(self.main_view.get_world_cities_list, Eventually(NotEquals(None)))20:12
balloonsright before your         cities_list = self.main_view.get_world_cities_list()20:12
balloonsthomi, whoa nice..20:13
balloonsthomi, I've been waiting for a semi-stable looking build to land to see what the fallout is20:13
balloonsthat's the mir one isn't it? ahh yes20:13
balloonshttp://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/mako/84:20131007:20131003.2/4600/ubuntu-filemanager-app-autopilot/ <-- without mir20:14
thomiballoons: OK, so if I start working on it, am I going to be treading on anyone's toes?20:15
balloonsthomi, no I wouldn't suspect so at all.. is there a specific reason so much is failing under mir?20:16
thomiballoons: I'm not sure yet, but IMO we should be worrying about the mir builds, not the SF builds20:16
balloonsif you look, many of the core apps fall down under mir20:16
thomiif your thing doesn't pass on mir, it's considered broken20:17
thomiballoons: yeah, I know, but we gotta fix them :)20:17
balloonsthomi, sure.. but atm I need a stable reference point to deal with the sdk change fixes20:17
balloonstoo many things changing at once I've no idea why it's broken20:17
balloonsI hope to put that behind us today/tomorrow and start looking at the mir failure20:18
thomiok, well, I'll start today20:18
balloonsthomi, file manager has no pending issues -- it passes on the old builds so all the breakage is mir related20:21
balloonsI've very curious as to your findings20:21
balloonsso yes, dive in :-)20:21
thomiballoons: yes, but that's still a breakage. We can't just say "oh, that's mir related, I can ignore it"20:21
balloonsthomi, no, I'm saying work on it, and have full assurance it works properly without mir, so you don't have to question why something is broken20:23
thomiballoons: ok. I'll let you know what I find20:24
jfunkping ubuntu-qa (or anyone) so I've just accidentally made my phone so it won't start up and it's been awhile since I've done recovery mode - any wiki anywhere I can follow basic instructions to get going again?20:24
balloonsthomi, ty. I'm just looking at a couple holdouts that need to be fixed to work with the upstream sdk changes before I start on the mir issues :-)20:24
thomijfunk: I always ask sergiusens when that happens :)20:25
balloonsjfunk, hold power vol up and vol down20:25
balloonsjfunk, after you arrive I clear the cache, but I'm not sure it does much for us under ubuntu. However generally my phone will boot again normally after that20:26
jfunkballoons, no love, still stuck at Google boot screen20:29
jfunkballoons, anything else I can do to reinstall?20:29
letozafballoons, I am putting an objectname on a toolbar button on rssreader-app.qml but I do not see it in autopilot vis, weired !!!20:29
jfunkthe recovery mode worked20:30
jfunkbut clearing the cache did not20:30
balloonsletozaf, that's no good :-(20:30
balloonsjfunk, if you can't get it to boot at all, you can reflash from recovery.. just fyi :-)20:30
balloonsjfunk, I didn't suspect clearing the cache would do anything really.. I don't think ubuntu uses it20:30
letozafballoons, no! no good at all20:30
balloonsat least in the same way as android20:30
doug5balloons, is it normal the build takes so long?
jfunkballoons, now I am in no man's land, download mode?20:33
jfunkrobotfuel, tips? ^?20:33
balloonsdoug5, it can take a bit as the machine is shared among all 12 projects20:33
robotfueljfunk: unplug the phone, then remove the battery20:34
letozafballoons, got it ! fiew! I was starting to worry  :p20:36
cgoldbergjfunk, connect usb and phablet-flash again?20:36
doug5balloons, umh...same problem... ; is it possible that on ci the app is not able to load the list, gets a timeout and then dies?20:37
doug5balloons, going to do another try adding also the other assertion20:38
thomijfunk: can you adb shell into the device?20:38
thomiif so, maybe the display server failed to start20:38
balloonsdoug5, note there is also video if needed20:39
balloonsdoug5, gotcha20:39
sergiusensjfunk, go to recovery, and use phablet-flash command you always use but add -d [device] (grouper, mako, maguro, ...)20:39
doug5balloons, no way to get the application logs, right?20:43
balloonsdoug5, you get the full console output20:45
jfunksergiusens, seems to be working20:45
letozafballoons, the rssreader-app tests are working again but I got a strange error, when I ran the test again the error did not occur anymore20:46
jfunkballoons, are you able to confirm 1226895 on mako with 83?20:46
phillwbug 122689520:47
ubot5bug 1226895 in address-book-app (Ubuntu) "calls made from contact in address book show up as 'unknown' in call log" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122689520:47
jfunksergiusens, ERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb reboot recovery' returned non-zero exit status 120:48
doug5balloons, I don't know if it's related or not, but...http://pastebin.com/aQLsKbuz20:53
jfunknuclearbob, can you delete the http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/qa/qa-touch-untargetd.html  page20:53
jfunkit's messes me up sometimes20:53
nuclearbobjfunk: yes, doing that now20:53
balloonsdoug5, nope20:53
* balloons looks at doug5's code again20:54
letozafballoons, I proposed merge hope everything is ok, anyway I will check again tomorrow20:55
balloonsletozaf, :-)20:55
balloonsI'll look in a bit20:55
letozafballoons, thanks :)  going to bed now  :D20:56
balloonsdoug5, I don't see that you added self.assertThat(self.main_view.get_world_cities_list, Eventually(NotEquals(None)) to the top of grab_first_city20:57
doug5balloons, trying right now, just pushed20:57
balloonsdoug5, kk..20:58
thomiballoons: dumb question. what's the recommended way to get the file-manager autopilot tests? phablet-click-test-setup doesn't grab them :-/20:59
balloonsahh, well, install the filemanager-autopilot package21:00
balloonsI don't believe click will ever have test packages21:00
balloonsafaik, but that's not much21:00
thomiballoons: ugh. that's what the script is supposed to do. ahh well21:01
* balloons is trying to remember that script21:01
thomiWTF? ubuntu-filemanager-app-autopilot depends on a whole bunch of stuff... like binutils :-/21:03
thomiand -doc packages21:03
balloonsz'oh boy21:06
thomithe problem appears to be in other packages though21:06
balloonsdoug5, and so we wait,
balloonsfingers crossed21:07
doug5balloons, yeah :)21:07
doug5balloons, holy shit, it worked :-)21:09
balloonsdoug5, more importantly, do you understand why/21:11
doug5balloons, yes and no :-) I would expect the assertion failing and not on the list21:12
balloonsdoug5, that is true, I too would expect that21:12
doug5balloons, eh :-)21:12
balloonsthe underlying problem makes sense, but why those asserts pass when the object was null don't21:13
doug5balloons, exactly...21:13
thomiballoons: the problem with the file-manager-app AP tests is that they don't work on a RO FS21:14
thomiballoons: so I'll look into fixing that - it has nothing to do with mir, which is good :)21:14
doug5balloons, btw, thx for your help :-921:14
balloonsthomi, I sent an MP for that long ago21:15
thomidid it get merged?21:15
balloonsdoug5, no worries, watch your transitions and make sure you account for them21:15
balloonsotherwise, looks good.. And excellent first effort!21:15
balloonsthanks for your help21:15
doug5balloons, will do21:16
* balloons is actually looking at the transition back to the main screen21:17
balloonsdoug5, so a comment on selected_city(self)21:19
balloonswhat is this assert for?         self.assertThat(selected_cities.visible, Eventually(Equals(True)))21:19
thomiballoons: I take that back - it's not RO FS related, but there's certainly something screwy going on21:20
balloonsthomi, ok21:23
doug5balloons, the same...make sure the list is actually displayed on the page. Maybe, given the problems we had, self.assertThat(self.main_view.get_selected_cities_list, Eventually(NotEquals(None))) would be better21:25
balloonsdoug5, right.. checking for visible doesn't really make sense in that context at all21:26
balloonsyou are simply returning the selected city -- that is the goal right?21:27
balloonsBasically I'm wondering about the visible and count properties.. make sure they make sense21:28
balloonsodds are you don't need to be checking the .visible property21:28
balloonsin addition, while this assertion for instance could make sense,         self.assertThat(cities_list.count, Eventually(GreaterThan(0))), the evenutally doesn't as you already have the object, there is no need to wait on it :-)21:29
PESHukHey all...21:29
=== knome_ is now known as knome
cgoldbergballoons, are you on: Ubuntu SDK Team in Launchpad?21:42
balloonsnot to my knowledhe21:42
balloonsdoug5, did everything I said make sense? If you think there's some further tidying that can be done, let's hold off on merging another day21:43
balloonswell I'm assuming so, since it's likely quite late for you now ;-)21:43
cgoldbergballoons, ok.  I MP'ed my branch:  https://code.launchpad.net/~coreygoldberg/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/sphinx-autopilot-emulator-2/+merge/189715     I made a note in the MP that it supersedes yours.. but I can't actually mark it as such.  either you can, or someone who is part of Ubuntu SDK Team in Launchpad.. not sure which21:44
balloonscgoldberg, ahh, ok, that I think I can do for you21:45
doug5balloons, I was disconnected, I think I lost your last comments :(21:45
balloonsdoug5, ahh21:46
balloonsI sent via pm to avoid flooding :-)21:46
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
slickymasterevening all22:36
knomehello slickymaster22:41
slickymasterknome, how are yo22:44
knomei'm fine, and you?22:45
slickymastereverything's fine, also22:45
knomegood to hear22:45
PESHuknight all...22:45
knomehey PESHuk22:45
PESHuksorry new to all this only just joined the quality testing team trying to find out how it all works and how to start testing22:46
slickymasterknome, let me ask you something, I've just update xfwm4 4.11 and now I'm unable to define a desktop wallpaper. do you know if there is any bug related?22:46
knomei have no idea22:47
slickymasterPESHuk, hey, be very welcome22:47
PESHukthanks slickymaster...22:47
slickymasterknome, when I right in the desktop and navigate to a folder containing the image files they all show up as disabled, non-selectable22:48
knomeis this on 13.04 or 13.10?22:49
slickymasterPESHuk, have you already saw these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/Manual22:49
slickymasterand http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/22:49
slickymasterknome, it's my laptop, it's 13.0422:49
knomeslickymaster, does xfwm4 come from a PPA or sth?22:50
slickymasterknome, but earlier today on my tests machine, running 13.10 I had no problems22:50
PESHukthanks slicky I will read them 2morrow as I am up early in the morning for work, so will have more time for this 2moz, thanks again...22:51
slickymasterPESHuk, np22:51
PESHuknight all...22:51
slickymasterknome, via PPA, and I think I know what the problem is, I also got Xfce4 4.12, which still unstable22:52
slickymasterwhich is22:52
slickymasterknome, what do you think?22:53
knomei think that if it works in 13.10, and the bug only occurs in 13.04 with a PPA, then your warranty is void ;)22:53
knomeand it's (probably) not worth investigating22:53
knomethe PPA for 4.11/4.12 stuff always came with the "no promises" -policy22:54
slickymasterknome, you'll probably right, I'll leave it be22:54
knomeif it happens with 13.10 though, please do report22:55
knomei think we had another person reporting the same issue earlier today on #xubuntu, but i don't know if he had the PPA enabled or not22:55
slickymasterknome, yes, of course22:55
knomeprobably did22:55
knomehowever... he did blame us for breaking his system and told us to stop making changes22:56
* knome shrugs22:56
slickymasterknome, I'll take a look in the logs to see if I find something22:56
knomethe irc logs? nah.22:56
knomeno reason to do that22:56
knomehe wasn't very helpful with his own issue22:57
knomeit was unsolved, and he didn't tell if he was using a PPA or not22:57
knomebut i'm pretty sure it's the same bug22:57
knomehe told it appeared with the latest updates22:57
slickymasterknome, well, as we are so close to the 17th do you think that it's better to forget and don't filed any bugs against xfxm in LP?22:58
knomebugs that only happen with PPA's are generally invalid22:59
slickymasterknome, didn't knew that. we're always learning22:59
knomeotoh, if you ever have a bug with the any current LTS, regular, or development version, file bugs23:00
knomethey're always useful; if not for this release, the next then23:00
slickymasterknome, that I usually do, but I have to confess that I was completely unaware of that those bugs were invalid23:01
knomewell, unless the PPA is set up for testing purposes and it's specifically noted that developers want bugs filed23:01
slickymasterknome, dully noted23:02
slickymasterknome, I'll rollback to 4.1023:02
knomethere are differing opinions on this, but imo, all PPA's should are unsupported by the developers and supported by the PPA owners only23:03
knome*should be23:03
knomebecause there is no way we can check everything that goes into PPA's not even talking about guaranteeing they work/supporting them23:03
slickymasterknome, I see your point23:04
slickymasterknome, and I must say I do concur with you23:04
slickymasterknome, got go, wish you a good night. see you tomorrow23:18

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