
tinmanwhen i click on the Help icon in app launcher, i get a 404 page00:40
holsteintinman: what can we help you with?00:41
tinmanmake the 404 page go away00:43
tinmanor make the help icon do something more helpful00:44
holsteintinman: it does, friend..00:44
holsteintinman: what is the address?00:44
tinmannon existent00:45
holsteintinman: thats a local file00:45
tinmanand that folder is not there00:45
tinmanfresh install00:45
holsteintinman: i wouldnt lose sleep over it.. things change, and get blown out when you upgrade packages.. and we have had lots of changes migrating00:45
tinmani just added vlc, k3b and kdenlive00:45
tinmanso i should make my own help page for this machine?00:46
holsteinyou can change whatever you are clicking on to point at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio00:46
holsteinyou can add a help file to that location00:46
holsteintinman: you can just come here, as you did, and ask if you need help00:46
tinmanbut the icon is not for me00:46
tinmanso ill point it there00:46
holsteintinman: OK.. then do the above for whomever00:47
holsteintinman: i hear what you are saying, and i understand something you are clicking on is not working.. but, all i can do is suggest workarounds and fixes00:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:47
holsteinyou can file a bug.. if you need help, i glad to help you.. and im sorry you have found a missing help doc..00:48
tinmanis that folder something that can be installed from repo?00:48
holsteintinman: its something that should00:48
holsteinjust work00:49
holsteintinman: i'll have to fire up my 12.04 and see.. what button are you hitting where?00:49
holsteintinman: what would be great is if you confirmed it, and filed a bug, with specifics. then, we can reference it and get the issue addressed00:50
tinmanjust above Log Out in the launcher menu is the Help icon. it's broken00:50
holsteintinman: so, in the main menu, you click on what? the image of the user? and click "help"?00:50
tinmanapp launcher (the one in the upper left with the Studio logo) -> i click on Help which has a question mark icon. it open firefox which returns a 40400:51
holsteintinman: have you filled a bug?00:52
tinmani go to that location in nautilus and the folder isn't there00:52
tinmannot yet00:52
tinmanigonna confirm it on another machine00:52
tinmanwhat do i file the bug against?00:54
holsteintinman: go ahead and file it.. i would just do a workaround for the intended user though00:54
tinmanubuntu studio main?00:55
holsteintinman: sure00:55
holsteinsomething studio specific00:55
holsteintinman: link it here, and i'll talk it around the dev channel.. but you should not expect a fix01:09
tinmanim using the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio link for now.   bug filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/123611101:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 1236111 in Ubuntu Studio "Help icon in 12.04.3 launcher menu opens 404 page" [Undecided,New]01:11
caodepalhahi everyone! Is there a way to save all the settings of a session? For example, if I have a session with  a midi synth, guitarix, sooper looper all conected to ardour do I have to open and connect everything everytime? or can all the programs and connections be saved?02:10
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carlostorres1975Hello, I been using ustudio since some time just waiting to really learn to use it, so here I m lastly... Mi primary interest is to record my songs form (sorry) Guitar Pro with RSE (samplers) into a good mixed sound with my voice... so please send me whatever i have to...14:36
carlostorres1975: )14:37
smartboyhwcarlostorres1975, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio first?14:37
carlostorres1975ok im on it!14:38
cfhowlettsmartboyhw, I worked up a new wallpaper http://ubuntuone.com/14PqUXQMhIP9yqRXxyv9AP14:42
cfhowlettfrom the archives of proposed but unused US wallpapers14:42
smartboyhwcfhowlett, good job!14:42
escalpeloUbuntu studio running on surface pro 2?22:07
Sakrecoerescalpelo: any other ubuntu running on surface pro 2?22:21
Sakrecoerif yes, it might work...22:21
* Sakrecoer is looking in his pocket for some more cents...22:22
escalpelowhat a nice theme for the boot loader22:23
Sakrecoeragreed! aparently, you can even put your  own favorit picture in the universe :) https://github.com/webbrandon/Surface-Boot-Themes/22:27
Sakrecoerbut personaly, i never see the bootloader  splash. i use one system :) and its done booting before my screen is lit. :D22:29
Sakrecoerubuntustudio of course :)22:29
Sakrecoerescalpelo: if you can install ubuntu, you can use a package manager to add everything that comes with ubuntustudio.22:31
escalpeloI've tryed ubuntu studio22:33
escalpeloon a normal PC22:33
escalpeloand also installed Ubuntu and turned into ubuntu studio, I was wondering about Studio on Surface because of the Microsoft efforts to make it compete with iPad in music area22:34
Sakrecoerto me, anything that can install another os than dictated by the constructor is the most comptetitve device. except in some rare synthesizer cases :D22:50
* Sakrecoer should be sleeping actualy :)22:51
Sakrecoergoodnight escalpelo and best of luck!!!!! :)22:52
escalpelogood night Sakrecoer22:53

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