
NoskcajWhy does blueman-applet use 30mb of RAM even though it's never been used in any way and clicking the applet shows an empty menu?05:48
NoskcajI know lightness isn't our main focus, but that is a bit overkill05:48
Noskcajupdate manager is even worse, using 100mb while waiting for apt to exit, 200 when running apt-get update05:56
Noskcajhey smartboyhw 05:56
ochosiNoskcaj: well you can look for light alternatives...05:57
ochosithe functionality of those two apps is kinda needed05:57
ochosiiirc, a bluetooth-manager for xfce was in the works05:57
ochosii wanted to help with the UI at the time, but then was too busy with other stuff05:57
ochosibut you should find info on it in the archives of the xfce4-dev mailinglist05:58
Noskcajochosi, update manager can't be replaced, but that's a lot of memory. blueman: i'll see what else there is and what happened to the xfce one05:58
smartboyhwNoskcaj, hey06:10
Noskcajochosi, Was this the xfce bluetooth thing06:57
Unit193Have to like the TODO: "complete this todo list..."06:58
NoskcajI hope someone finishes it, since blueman is dead upstream07:05
bluesabrehe was making good progress on it (the bluetooth-manager)09:14
brainwashochosi: bug 123627110:27
ubottubug 1236271 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "GTK3 applications do not react to scroll wheel input when overlay scrollbars are activated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123627110:27
ochosibrainwash: thanks, commented10:28
brainwashI did not add any of the upstream reports, because they address KDE stuff and somehow lock irrelevant10:28
brainwashthis lp report is like "create and forget about it" :D10:30
brainwashand the network manager not waking up after suspend appears to be systemd/logind related, I was not able to suspend another time after the bug occurred ->Operation already in Progress10:32
ochosihm, so the state really doesnt get reset properly10:33
brainwashso my system was stuck in the suspend state while being awake10:33
ochosiwell that's the bummer with ubuntu, as poettering pointed out they decided to use a stripped down systemd variant so there's not even upstream support10:33
brainwashyes, it's basically only logind I think10:34
ochosinot sure that is really a good idea, but i guess they *really* want to keep upstart around10:34
brainwashto replace consolekit10:34
brainwashoh https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70857010:36
ubottuGnome bug 708570 in gtk "scroll events are not passed from child to parent scrolled window if child is composited" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:36
brainwashI did test xfwm4 with and without compositing enabled10:36
ochosibut that bug seems to be different, cause i can't confirm: envvar not set: erratic scrolling with laptop touchpad10:38
brainwashhowever, still somewhat related10:39
elfybrainwash ochosi - so what's an 'overlay scrollbars' and how does one activate it to see this bug11:23
knomemicahg, so, what does your schedule for this week look like?11:25
knomeand with that, i got to run11:25
knomesee you ->11:25
brainwashelfy: package "overlay-scrollbar"11:26
brainwashit should activate itself once it's installed11:27
elfyso we don't have that installed by default then11:27
brainwashunity does11:27
brainwashit's a low priority bug anyway11:27
elfyyea - unity might - I was just wondering what it's got to do with us is all I guess 11:27
brainwashsome people install the default ubuntu and later xubuntu/xfce side by side11:28
brainwashsome might even install the package manually11:28
elfyindeed they do - but if we use that as a yardstick there are thousands of bugs we need to worry about :)11:29
elfyI'm just looking at it from my perspective here of course :)11:29
brainwashyes, nobody is forcing you to write a patch for xfwm4 :P11:30
elfythey can try lol 11:30
brainwashan easy workaround does exist, so just forget about that bug^^11:30
elfyas qa lead I'm just checking up that things that get mentioned are things I need to think about or if they are things I can forget about 11:31
brainwashelfy: this one needs some attention bug 1232027 (I somehow get the feeling, that xubuntu final will ship without pm-utils)11:33
ubottubug 1232027 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "pm-utils not installed by default in 13.10" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123202711:33
brainwashit's still required I guess, to run various hooks11:34
* elfy wouldn't know - that would be voodoo 11:34
brainwashochosi: testing fedora 20 currently and xfce4-terminal does crash too when I try to open the encoding gtk menu, so it's time for an upstream bug report12:51
brainwashochosi: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/trash7.php13:13
skellatDrawing attention to LP Bug #1029426 and its last comment14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029426 in gnumeric (Ubuntu) "gnumeric menu entry remains in xfce application menu" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102942614:43
brainwashAm I the only one who sees Droid Sans Bold listed twice in the font selection dialog?14:59
brainwashochosi: remember the missing restart option? the policy for multi sessions differed... and it also differs for suspend and hibernate16:43
brainwashif they change it upstream, it would reveal the hibernate option (lightdm greeter and xfce4 session menu)16:44
brainwashI would like this change to be backported (if it gets accepted), but Canonical wouldn't like it I guess :D16:45
ochosibrainwash: re:trash icon, i know and basically it's a missing size of the icon, that's all. i can draw it when i have time19:05
ochosii'm not a huge fan of that trash icon though, so...19:05
ochosiand i'm pretty sure they won't like to enable hibernation, although as long as it only affects xubuntu, it could be ok19:07
ochosinot sure though *we* want that. we haven't discussed that at all and within the canonical team there at least was a discussion19:08
skellatochosi: Wasn't it a matter of safety in terms of disabling hibernation?  If I recall correctly, systems weren't successfully coming out of hibernation at the time the disabling was done.19:09
ochosiyeah, i vaguely remember something like that19:10
ochosiso without an informed discussion about this, i wouldn't feel good about enabling that by default again19:10
elfysame here - for the vague memory, I'd also want a discussion 19:11
brainwashwould changing the logind policy allow the user to hibernate?19:16
brainwashit's somewhat a systemd design flaw19:17
brainwashdifferent policies for restart and shutdown (fixed), same for suspend and hibernate19:18
brainwashif you are allowed to suspend the system while multiple users are logged in, why is hibernation disabled for the same scenario?19:19
ubottuFreedesktop bug 70237 in general "logind: Allow active session to hibernate while other sessions are active" [Normal,New]19:23
pleia2haz interview http://frostbitemedia.org/node/27919:30
brainwashochosi: due to the current policy it should be possible to hibernate via menu before the first login (lightdm greeter), because this is the only time logind reports that only one session is running and the active user is allowed to hibernate19:36
brainwash(without changing any settings)19:37
ochosii thought ubuntu disabled hibernation19:37
ochosiwell i wouldn't know, i only heard it19:40
ochosii never use hibernation anyway19:40
ochosilaptop boots far too fast19:40
brainwashI'll request to include that patch.. the change to the restart policy got accepted too :)19:41
ochosihave you tested whether the menuitem is there and whether it works after bootup?19:42
brainwashchanging the policy reveals the menu entry (greeter and xfce logout dialog)19:43
brainwashI'll revert it to check if it's there after bootup19:44
brainwashcan't remember for sure19:44
elfypleia2: nice one :)19:50
pleia2elfy: thanks :)19:51
* elfy was pleased to hear the call for testers :D19:51
elfyunsurprisingly ... 19:51
elfypoor old qa lead ends up doing the tests himself apparently :)19:53
elfysee - I even listened to it 19:54
brainwashochosi: guess I was wrong, hibernation gets disabled somehow.. somewhere.. and changing the logind policy to make sense would enable hibernation despite the initial deactivation (still allowed with root privileges)20:56
brainwashback to a more interesting topic, the low res trash icon :)20:59
ochosiwell you can even port the icon to a larger size yourself if you're *really* annoyed by it ;)20:59
brainwashit's just a low res icon in a useless tooltip21:00
ochosi(or do something else and ask me to do that in return)21:00
ochosiwell, you've been going on about it for a while though :)21:00
brainwashif you want to achieve perfection... :P21:00
ochosii always do!21:01
ochosiat least with certain things, but with getting sharp icons i usually do21:01
brainwashare you even responsible for this particular icon? or the elementary team?21:02
brainwashor are you a member of the elementary team? :D21:02
ochosiwell, depends on your perspective21:02
ochosii contribute to the elementary icons21:03
ochosibut they have a different target audience21:04
ochosiwhile elementary-xfce is (despite its name) usable in all kinds of DEs, elementary is only usable in eOS21:04
ochosithere are tons of icons and symlinks missing because they dropped it21:04
ochosi(imo a false sense of cleanliness)21:04
brainwashok, and it should be already too late to change icons at this point of the dev cycle21:06
ochosiwell, depends21:06
ochosion the gravity of the bug21:06
ochosibut there's a daily PPA for your viewing pleasure21:07
brainwashit's the trash bin!21:07
ochosii guess you meant to say: "it's the trash-bin, stupid!"21:07
brainwashmaybe I should stop looking for bugs, maybe next time I'll complain about wrong colored pixel =S21:10
brainwashalmost every bug seems to be fixed now21:10
ochosiactually you've really helped a lot fix quite critical and annoying bugs this cycle21:10
ochosia tip of the hat goes to brainwash 21:10
brainwashthanks :)21:11
ochosiit's well earned21:11
ochosii do hope you stick around, testing is really important and we usually don't have enough people21:11
ochosiand more eyes simply see more21:11
ochosias ppl tend to use their pcs for different stuff21:12
brainwashI'll improve my coding and debugging skills and even try to contribute to different software projects21:12
ochosixfce upstream can also use a hand...21:14
Noskcajochosi, That requires quite a lot of C if i'm correct21:15
ochosiNoskcaj: yeah, it's basically all C and gtk21:15
ochosibut there is low-hanging fruit still21:15
ochosidepends on what you wanna implement21:15
NoskcajIf there's any python i'd try to help, but i can't. 21:16
brainwashC is easy to learn21:16
brainwashhard to master I guess21:16
Noskcajbrainwash, I barely understand python, i doubt C is "easy". Also, is xfce C or  C++?21:17
brainwashnormal C21:17
ochosiyeah, whisker-menu is one of the few xfce things i know that is c++21:17
NoskcajI'll look into learning it, maybe in the summer holidays21:18
ochosiand it's not part of the core, so..21:18
Noskcajwere we going to try and package whiskermenu?21:18
brainwashI'm mainly familiar with java and clojure21:18
ochosiNoskcaj: it would be good to get it in the archives21:18
ochosii think so far it's only in PPAs21:18
Noskcajochosi, It's as simple as ask mr_pouit to add it to pkg-xfce. One of the mint devs had it on debian mentors for months but it got ignored21:19
Noskcajoops, i pinged him21:19
NoskcajWell, i've got school now, bye everyone21:20
ochosibrainwash: what xfce project do you use enough or what would you pick to work on?21:23
ochosiwowza folks, the sync-to-vblank in xfwm4 really smoothes things out (this goes out to all the compton-fans)21:25
Unit193Not sure I'm a "fan" but it's used on one computer.21:26
=== knome_ is now known as knome
brainwashochosi: I'll start with the appfinder to learn the basic stuff, I rarely use it though21:40
ochosibrainwash: appfinder is nice, but somewhat feature-complete21:57
ochosior do you have any special ideas for it?21:57
brainwashnot yet, it's a nice "little" app to get started I think21:58
ochosimm, tbh i've never looked at the code21:58
ochosiso i wouldn't know how "little" it is :)21:58
brainwashonly did some debugging so far, so I'm not familiar how the app actually works and communicates with other components21:59
brainwashhow the gui is created and so on22:00
Unit193Annoying that xfrun somewhat lost the history feature when it merged with appfinder.22:02
ochosiit does show the history though22:03
brainwashit does22:03
ochosiand there's an item on the roadmap that says "improve that" iirc22:03
brainwashunless you remove .cache after every logout/shutdown -> ~/.cache/xfce4/xfce4-appfinder/history22:04
Unit193Yes, just not as usable(?) as before they merged.  Anywho, my brain isn't working well now.22:06
ochosimain diff seems to be that you have to wait a split-second for the history to pop up22:07
ochosiand you can't force it with arrow-down straight away22:07
brainwashjust curious.. if xfpm is set to suspend the system on lid close, while logind is triggering the same action (by default according to the config file), will it suspend twice?22:26
ochosibrainwash: well that could be part of the problem of the networking not waking up, no?23:02
ochosialso, i've noticed that i shouldn't close my lid during shutdown23:02
ochosias it stops the shutdown, goes to sleep, when i open the lid again it continues to shut down the system23:03
ochosirather annoying actually23:03
brainwashochosi: I haven't closed the lid for like a month or so23:03
ochosii also don't do it that often23:03
ochosimostly when shutting down or packing up23:04
brainwashthere is a known issue with userspace suspending in kernel 3.11.whatever and systemd 20723:04
brainwashmainly affecting the arch users23:05
ochosiwell it does work23:06
ochosiit's just annoying that it intercepts shutdown23:06
brainwashI added systemd to the list of affected packages, but didn't comment yet.. and pitti marked systemd as invalid =S23:08
brainwashnot easy to tell, what is actually going on... like who tells nm to change its state23:09
brainwashawake <-> sleep23:09
brainwashlogind? upower?23:09
ochosinot sure23:13
brainwashah, found something interesting while reading the upower changelog23:36
brainwash"* Add alternative systemd dependency instead of just hard-depending on pm-utils. With logind, upower defers suspend to logind instead of calling pm-*, this allows us to not install pm-utils with systemd.23:36
brainwashthat would explain, why pm-utils is missing in the xubuntu iso23:36

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