
sarnoldpfew, finally done with the Mir MIR :) thanks everyone for your help to bring me up to C++11 speed quickly. :)01:37
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* duflu reboots for live image testing03:31
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tvoss_good morning05:12
tvoss_RAOF, ping05:12
RAOFtvoss_: Pong.05:12
RAOFGood afternoon.05:12
tvoss_RAOF, good morning :) how is it going?05:13
RAOFPretty well.05:13
RAOFIt's getting quite hot in my office.05:13
RAOFWhich is nice at the moment.05:13
RAOFAsk again in a month or two ☺05:13
tvoss_RAOF, ;) it's becoming quite chilly here in the morning, I would rather prefer some hot weather05:17
tvoss_RAOF, catching up after vacation, what is our current status on radeon?05:17
RAOFWith some glitches on multihead, but I don't think I've rechecked that after some of the multiple-surfaces fixes landed.05:20
tvoss_RAOF, ack, will try it on my netbook :)05:23
dufluRAOF: Frame ordering is all good. Since about Friday :D05:25
duflutvoss: There is a lingering radeon corruption bug, but it's much rarer this one --> bug 123354505:29
ubot5bug 1233545 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "XMir screen corruption on radeon chipset" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123354505:29
duflutvoss_ ^05:29
tvoss_duflu, is that "than this one"?05:36
duflutvoss_: Oops. It's much rarer than the stripes bug. The remaining radeon bug is 123354505:37
tvoss_duflu, ack05:37
tvoss_duflu, RAOF do we have a theory where the corruption bug arises from?05:37
duflutvoss_: No idea. AFAIK we don't have hardware that reproduces that one05:37
tvoss_duflu, okay05:38
dufluBut multi-monitor glitches/ordering is fixed. Did I mention that enough times? :)05:38
tvoss_duflu, yup, you did :) what was the final fix?05:38
tvoss_duflu, or better: the underlying issue?05:38
duflutvoss_: The SessionMediator was not designed to handle multi-surface sessions --> https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/fix-out-of-order-buffers-1216472/+merge/18784105:39
tvoss_duflu, great, thanks05:41
RAOFBoo. The Radeon glitches haven't been magically fixed by fixing the out-of-order buffers.05:43
dufluRAOF: Oh, you see glitches like the remaining open bug?05:44
dufluKind of05:44
RAOFUnder GPU load.05:44
RAOFI suspect we're hitting a sort of synchronisation problem Intel magically handles for us in the kernel.05:45
* tvoss_ wishes for some standardized tracing information exported via lttng from the gpu drivers05:49
tvoss_racarr, you around?06:21
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racarrtvoss_: Hey06:34
racarram now06:34
racarrWas out at an open mic :D06:34
racarrwhat's up?06:34
jibela crash easy to reproduce with Mir and latest build on mako (build #86), bug 1236705 . Could anyone have a look?06:41
ubot5bug 1236705 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123670506:41
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jibelanother Mir only crash easy to reproduce bug 123415208:22
ubot5bug 1234152 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123415208:22
jibelthe initial crash was with calendar-app but it is easier to reproduce with music-app08:23
duflugreyback: I swear someone told me that touch apps were all fullscreen. Surely that's not true with the panel always visible... ?08:27
greybackduflu: every app's surface is a fullscreen surface. The panel draws over the surface. To stop overlap, applications make sure not to draw where the panel is08:28
duflugreyback: Oh. Is that a temporary approach?08:29
greybackduflu: Yes. When we get resizeable surfaces we can fix it08:30
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alan_gduflu, hikiko: could you re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/remove-endpoint-first-when-shutting-down/+merge/18937610:07
duflualan_g: Oh. I was about to log off, but seem to be blocking it10:09
hikikosure alan_g10:09
alan_gduflu: Your life is more important than work10:09
duflualan_g: Sorry about that. The proposal is more important than I have time to commit tonight...10:15
dufluI don't want to rush that one10:15
alan_gduflu: np10:15
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dandraderkdub, ping11:08
dandraderI'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/6208867/ when I try to run unity8 from an ssh terminal, after calling "stop unity8"11:09
dandraderany ideas?11:09
dandraderalf_, ^11:09
alf_dandrader: looking11:10
dandradernot even a  "start unity8"  works after that. only rebooting solves it.11:10
alf_dandrader: haven't come across that before, which image/pkg versions are you?11:11
dandraderjust flashed it around an hour ago with devel-proposed11:11
dandrader+ those packages http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/mir-input/11:11
dandraderbut I don't think those extra packages have anything to do with it. I've been suffered from it before...11:12
dandraderalf_, and I'm using a galaxy nexus (maguro), if that's make any difference11:12
alf_dandrader: ah, probably, I only have n411:12
* alan_g hates it when he has to reboot11:14
hikikoalan_g, it works fine if I send the signals one by one11:20
hikikonow I ll check the seg fault case11:20
alf_alan_g: Could we get a SIGPIPE under normal circumstances when a client disconnects abruptly?11:21
alan_ghikiko: you do see there's a test case that does that?11:21
alan_galf_: I'm not certain11:22
alf_alan_g: in any case, I don't think we should be handling SIGPIPE,SIGALRM (i.e. non-fatal signals)11:27
hikikoyes alan_g :)11:28
hikikolet me link my bug report to your branch11:28
alf_alan_g: I would also argue against SIGILL, since I know of at least one library (libcrypto) that uses SIGILL to check for the presence of special ARM instructions, and is used by unity8.11:29
alan_galf_: Posix says they are "Term" signals - so I thought there was an case for handling them11:30
alan_gBut I'll reduce the set. We can add more easily later11:31
alan_gGotta go now11:31
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dandraderalf_, FYI stopping powerd solved my problems with unity8 not initializing11:51
alf_dandrader: thanks11:52
dandraderdang it! now the problem is back again11:55
dandradercelebrated too early11:55
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alan_galf_: you happy with these? SIGQUIT, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGBUS12:28
alf_alan_g: yes12:29
alan_galf_: updated12:35
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mterryCan anyone review https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-mir/permissions/+merge/189718 today?  That would be great13:39
alf_greyback: In unity-mir MirSurfaceManager::sessionDestroyingSurface() is there a reason we .erase() the MirSurface before sending the surfaceDestroyed() signal?14:21
alf_tsdgeos: ^^ (see question above)14:39
tsdgeosi'm not very much into unity-mir architecture tbh14:39
tsdgeosbut i'll have a quick look14:40
tsdgeosalf_: is it causing any ptoblem?14:40
tsdgeosfrom the "i know nothing about this"14:41
tsdgeosit makes sense to me14:41
tsdgeoskill it and then say "destroyed"14:41
tsdgeosbut otoh it's connected to something that is called destroyingSurface14:41
tsdgeosso maybe the expectation from whoever calls here is that you warn before the surface is gone14:42
tsdgeoscan't really say much more than this without an extra mile of guessing :D14:42
tsdgeosalf_: you probably want Gerry, but he's away at Qt Dev Days, shall be back on thursday i think14:42
alf_tsdgeos: thanks14:43
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jfunkping om26er15:02
om26erjfunk, pong15:02
kgunnkdub: ^ i think om26er gonna check if holding "performance" on pm policy is reasonable work around....finding out a) does system idle/screen blank if you hold perfromance?15:03
kgunnb) how long does battery last/does it get hot ?15:03
jfunkom26er, there you have it15:04
om26erkgunn, I have been using it that way for the whole day. The phone does not get hot. I do think the battery drain is a bit faster15:04
jfunkom26er, we're checking on this bughttps://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123519015:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235190 in mir (Ubuntu Saucy) "[mako] Unity8 on Mir got slow" [High,Confirmed]15:04
kdubkgunn, om26er, yes, i'd expect the battery to drain a bit faster15:04
kgunnom26er: so does the screen blank/go dark ?15:05
om26erkgunn, kdub at the same time, I am also not seeing bug 1233257 anymore15:05
ubot5bug 1233257 in powerd (Ubuntu Saucy) "[mako] waking from deep sleep, phone is pretty slow, takes a while to get back to normal speed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123325715:05
kgunne.g. its allowed to idel15:05
om26erkgunn, yes, The screen does turn off fine, automatically15:05
kgunnogra_: lool ^...so holding pm policy to performance does seem ok15:06
kgunntvoss: ^15:06
tvosskgunn, ack and thx for testing15:06
loologra_: ^15:07
ogra_kgunn, well, if you ignore the fact that battery life goes from 12-18h to ~5h15:07
kgunnogra_: hey man...you want performance or what ? :) jk15:07
kgunnwhats a couple of hours between friends15:07
om26erogra_, I don't think it goes to ~5h because I was out of the house for more than 6 hours and the battery was in a pretty good shape by then15:07
ogra_kgunn, i would prefer if someone could actually properly research the issue instead of plastering a patch over it that just hides the fact that it is broekn15:08
ogra_om26er, i can usually use my mako for about 12h with scren on15:08
tvossogra_, we cannot afford investing the time to dive into the memory bus/cpu performance governors present15:08
kgunnogra_: more than happy to if you can convince people to give us the breathing ropom15:08
ogra_om26er, after 30min with performance set and screen on i'm at 87%15:08
tvossogra_, at least right now15:08
ogra_tvoss, what does cpufreq to do with it15:08
ogra_tvoss, you *abuse* cpufreq to hide a problem you dont want to research15:09
tvossogra_, cpufreq to performance ensures that all subcomponents like memory bus speed, gpu speed etc. operate at full speed15:09
tvossogra_, I *want* to research it, would love to do it, but not right now15:09
ogra_tvoss, right, it forces everything to full speed15:09
ogra_and keeps it there (unles powerd forces it off)15:10
ogra_tvoss, it also doesnt change the issue at all on maguro15:10
ogra_it still persistes there15:10
tvossogra_, right, I'm totally aware of the implications, but we just don't have the breathing room right now for researching into the clean solution15:10
tvossogra_, the bug report talks about mako, though, iirc15:11
ogra_right just dont let it off the radar please15:11
ogra_tvoss, well, i was asked to force performance on all devices based on that bug15:11
tvosslool, mind clarifying here?15:11
ogra_(and i know for sure that this will break grouper ... performance is broken there due to android hackery)15:11
tvosslool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/1235190 is talking about mako only15:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235190 in mir (Ubuntu Saucy) "[mako] Unity8 on Mir got slow" [High,Confirmed]15:12
ogra_(or probably nviodia hackery)15:12
ogra_though given that Mir doesnt run at all on grouper thats surely ignorable15:12
tvossogra_, it comes down to the nvidia driver using a process-shared pthread mutex, which we cannot support via hybris15:13
ogra_tvoss, yeah15:13
ogra_just saying that change wont fix your world ... it will only hide the issue on mako but wont help on others15:13
* tvoss avoids thinking about the sizeof differences for glibc and bionic pthread mutexes15:13
tvossogra_, fair point, but it's not only a mir issue, everything else in the system should experience worse performance, too15:14
tvosskgunn, ^, thoughts?15:14
ogra_tvoss, well, surely not the cpufreq governor :)15:15
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kgunntvoss: agreed...15:15
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kdubyes, other things would be affected too15:16
kgunntvoss: altho...graphics is the one area we're ripping out the most of what was natively android and replacing15:16
tvosskgunn, fair15:16
kgunnothers might get lucky...like daft punk15:16
tvossogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/refactor-packaging/+merge/18987815:17
ChickenCutlasstvoss: lool it is a mistake to force performance on cpufreq15:17
ChickenCutlassbad idea15:17
tvossChickenCutlass, we only do it on mako15:18
ChickenCutlasstvoss: bad idea15:18
ChickenCutlasstvoss: -115:18
rsalvetican we prove with data that it actually helps?15:18
tvossChickenCutlass, alternative proposals?15:18
ChickenCutlasstvoss: fix the problem15:18
tvossChickenCutlass, not enough time right now15:18
ChickenCutlasstvoss: we can not throttle the cpu at max15:18
tvossChickenCutlass, seriously: we haven't experienced the issue with sf as powerd was just hanging with sf15:19
ChickenCutlasstvoss: seriously do not do that15:19
tvossChickenCutlass, what else then?15:19
ChickenCutlasstvoss: not sure -- but can't do this15:19
ChickenCutlasstvoss: battery will suck15:19
ChickenCutlassthe phone will get hot15:19
rsalvetiand this bug is a regression right?15:21
tvossChickenCutlass, fair point, but: we need to investigate how we can selectively pull the memory bus and GPU back to full speed15:21
rsalvetiseems it was faster before15:21
rsalvetipushing gpu is one thing15:21
tvossrsalveti, after we enabled support for powerd actually talking to u8/mir, yes15:21
rsalvetipushing CPU is another thing15:21
tvossrsalveti, true, but we just don't have the infrastructure available right now to selectively pull the gpu15:21
rsalvetiright, but pushing CPU won't help much15:22
rsalvetiwill cost at *lot*15:22
tvossrsalveti, it helps according to testers15:22
kdubit turns up the axi bus on the phone, which is why it helps15:22
rsalvetiright, but we get a lot of side effect as well15:23
rsalvetianyway, -115:24
ChickenCutlasstvoss: so help me understand -- why is this not a problem with SF but with mir?15:25
ChickenCutlasstvoss: what does sf do that we do not15:25
ricmmI still dont think this has anything to do with powerd15:25
tvossrsalveti, -1 is fine, but we need something a little more workable, let's say ;)15:25
ricmmconsidering 95% of the bug is people saying that opening many apps had this problem15:25
ChickenCutlassme eother15:25
ricmmor letting the phone sleep overnight15:26
ricmmwhich I did btw, last night15:26
ricmmand it was fine in the morning, it jiggles for 5 seconds and then its fine15:26
tvossChickenCutlass, I think we are experiencing15:26
ricmmI'm certainly not seeing a 2 minute lag-down15:26
ricmmalso, that bug is about general slowness with Mir... not powerd and the resume issue people are seeing15:26
tvossricmm, you might want to cross-check with kdub, he has looked into the issue quite deeply15:27
ricmmkdub: ping15:28
ricmmrsalveti: get back on15:28
rsalvetiricmm: ok15:29
kdubwell, i can see mir's demo programs going very slowly too15:29
kduband when i turn the clocks up, they start running normally15:29
ChickenCutlasskdub: so how does sf account for the clocks?15:30
ChickenCutlasskdub: android does not certainly keep everything at max15:30
kdubChickenCutlass, i'm sure they don't too15:31
ChickenCutlasskdub: this is a phone -- we can not keep it on max15:31
kdubbut i'm don't have the details of their power architecture15:31
rsalvetitvoss: right, but let's just investigate a bit more15:32
tvossrsalveti, sure15:33
rsalvetitvoss: looking at the bug, there's no easy explanation about what happened in there15:33
tvossrsalveti, let's take the cpugovernor as baseline15:33
rsalvetistill -1, sorry15:33
rsalvetithat's a no-go15:33
rsalvetithat's bad press as well, let's just put some more effort into it15:34
rsalvetiand at least understand what changed15:34
rsalvetikdub: increasing the cpu clock will probably help on whatever case we use, that's true15:34
rsalvetibut I don't think we want top performance all the time15:35
kgunnalan_g: have you already spoken with jdstrand abotu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/123691215:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1236912 in mir (Ubuntu Saucy) "please use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR instead of /tmp for mir_socket" [Undecided,New]15:37
alan_gkgunn: About what led to it. yes15:38
kdubrsalveti, yes, i agree15:39
kgunnalan_g: hate to put you under the gun...is this something you could quickly MP for testing ? and then we can provide mp for jdstrand to test on his side (he has to make changes as well)15:39
kdubwe're at the point where we suspect the clocks pretty strongly, but have to start diving outside of mir for solutions15:40
kdubso it will be slow going for me, not really knowing ubuntu touch's power architecture either15:40
rsalvetikdub: there's not much for power happening in there15:41
rsalvetiwe're just using the default ondemand, which is also used by android15:41
alan_gkgunn: what will break are scenarios where the server and the client run as different users. (E.g. the server is root)15:41
ricmmkdub: so which one exactly are you looking into? the general "small slowness" or the several-seconds-stall after resuming15:41
alan_gkgunn: see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/116907515:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1169075 in Mir "Mir server running as root does not accept connections from non-root clients" [Medium,Triaged]15:41
rsalvetikdub: if you never suspend it (disabling powerd), you should be able to stay at ondeman just fine15:41
ricmmkdub: because I run the phone daily as my personal phone and I do see them both, but they are not nearly as critical as the bug mention15:42
rsalvetiyeah I think we're talking about 2 issues here15:42
ricmmgeneral slowness is one issue, that you can see when scrolling the application list expanded15:42
rsalvetione is slowness after resuming, which we know that happens sometimes15:42
ricmmyes, but even then I've never seen it be 1-2 minutes of super slowness15:42
rsalvetithe other (which the bugs is all about) is mir being slow by default, after boot15:42
rsalvetibefore suspending15:42
ricmmonly 3-4 seconds of the greeter being choppy when coming in15:42
alan_gkgunn: still want me to go ahead?15:43
om26erricmm, as long as you hold your finger over the screen after waking from sleep the system is slow.15:44
rsalvetilool: ^ guess you'll be involved at this as well, so read backlog :-)15:44
ricmmom26er: what?15:44
kdubricmm, rsalveti i still don't know how powerd fits into the picture, and what it can and can't do15:45
kdubi see slowness just starting the basic mir test programs15:45
rsalvetiit just suspends the device and resumes it back15:45
kgunnalan_g: still reading and thinking15:45
ricmmkdub: all powerd does is suspend to mem15:45
rsalvetiif you disable it, you'll be using the default governor15:45
ricmmand resume from it15:45
ogra_ricmm, hovering-slowness :)15:45
rsalvetiyeah, we're not that smart on that yet15:45
ricmmom26er: tell me more about that15:45
om26erricmm, about the 3-4 seconds of slowness you talking about. I am saying that when you unlock the phone and keep your thumb over the screen, moving, you will see the slowness. it only gets better when you let go your thumb for a few seconds15:45
ricmmok now THATS a bug report15:46
tvosskdub, rsalveti, ricmm15:46
tvosskdub, rsalveti, ricmm according to http://androidxref.com/4.2.2_r1/xref/frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/DisplayHardware/PowerHAL.h15:46
rsalvetiyeah, for the other issue15:46
tvossthe powerHAL is provided with a vsync enablement hint, too15:46
kgunnalan_g: sorry..i feel so stupid..so when does mir need to run as root ?15:47
kdubtvoss, i was poking around that yesterday too15:47
tvossrsalveti, ricmm, kdub http://androidxref.com/4.2.2_r1/xref/frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/EventThread.cpp#31215:47
kgunnalan_g: i see you listed 3 scenarios...15:47
rsalvetiguys, let's try to break this bug properly15:47
tvossChickenCutlass, ^15:47
rsalvetione is slow by default15:47
kgunnalan_g: i am guessing, since the greeter isn't split out yet, and we technically aren't on the mir-on-mir config15:48
rsalvetithe other is slow after suspend/resuming15:48
kgunnalan_g: that will be the issue (which...would be a deal killer)15:48
ChickenCutlasstvoss: right, ok so are you saying that on suspend we need to stop sync events?15:48
ricmmkdub: tvoss that looks promising15:48
ogra_ChickenCutlass, well, the kernel does that already15:49
ricmmis it possible the pipeline is missing a bunch of frame refreshes because of vsync timeouts?15:49
ricmmand it only stabilizes after a bit15:49
tvossback in 1515:49
rsalvetistill for the second issue :-)15:49
ricmmrsalveti: yea15:49
rsalvetinot for the original bug15:49
ogra_ChickenCutlass, i think the issue is that the vsync doesnt come back in time15:49
ricmmit might be possible, however SF deals with vsync differently15:49
ricmmit deals with it by using a signal on an fd which we have explicitly disabled as kdub implemented proper fencing at the hwc level15:50
ricmmkdub: am I right on that?15:50
ricmmom26er: rsalveti: omer, can you split that bug into two please? one is the general slowness, another is the slowness on resume (include the thumb on screen info)15:50
ricmmthe general slowness wont really be resolved before Thursday, but the second can15:51
om26erricmm, its already reported as two bugs. both from me15:51
kdubricmm, need to give a nuanced answer15:51
kdubwe wait for vsync properly15:51
om26erricmm, bug 1233257 is the second15:52
ubot5bug 1233257 in powerd (Ubuntu Saucy) "[mako] waking from deep sleep, phone is pretty slow, takes a while to get back to normal speed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123325715:52
kdubusing fencing (the kernel's sync driver) is not something we do as optimally as we can yet15:52
ricmmkdub: got it, can we perhaps disable vsync when we blank the screen?15:52
ricmmthe same way we are disabling the SF signal when we do so15:52
alan_gkgunn: well, there are loads of possible scenarios - those were the ones I thought mattered15:53
ricmmthe vsync on fd one, verbose15:53
kdubwell, we can't really disable vsync itself, just the polling for the vsync signal from hal15:53
ricmmwell yea I mean disable the fencing on vsync15:54
ricmmI'm not entirely sure how it works internally15:54
kgunnalan_g: for now let's keep it to what we know (e.g. xmir & touch) - so you're actually saying xmir  would break as well15:54
ricmmbut I would expect we need to do something like "disable fencing, suspend -- resume -> flush the pipeline, re-enable fencing'15:54
alan_gkgunn: If Mir and xmir are different users and they both use the default, then making the default depend on the username breaks it15:56
kdubricmm, we do something similar, we stop the composition and the clients when the display goes off15:56
kdubwhere did tvoss go? the power hal for qualcomm doesn't take a vsync hint15:57
kgunnalan_g: when are you eod'ing ?...maybe it'd help me & jamie to walk thru this on a hangout15:57
alan_gkgunn: 1 hr15:57
alan_gkgunn: I'm less familiar with the touch stack15:58
ricmmkdub: is everything flushed out at that time?15:59
alan_gkgunn: Anyway, I'll create the MP - you can decide which pain is worse15:59
kgunnalan_g: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5d829e0fcc19845aa040bb7b10366dec813e4d69?pqs=1&authuser=0&hl=en16:00
kgunnmind jumping on ^16:00
kdubricmm, we finish rendering, and block the clients. everything should be out of the gpu (including clients), if that's what you meant by 'flushed'16:01
ricmmI do16:01
ricmmim kinda interested in omer's mention of keeping the thumb down maintains the slowness16:01
ogra_might be his thumb16:02
om26eroh no, its real :)16:02
kdubricmm, i would be surprised if that has to do with the clocks issue, probably something else involving input, scheduling rendering, etc16:04
kgunnkdub: rsalveti ricmm ChickenCutlass ogra_ sorry guys...lost track...so whats the decision about holding pm policy to "performance" short term ?16:19
rsalvetifixing the bug? :-)16:19
kdubkgunn, right, unacceptable seemed to be the general temperature16:19
kgunnrsalveti: ok...open wound approach....16:19
ogra_kgunn, we can do that on release day for the very last image as a very last resort ... (and even then i want a full management order to land such shit first)16:19
kgunnogra_: ack...16:20
ogra_its a gross hack ... like dropping apparmor because one app doesnt start or similar16:20
kdubthe value in trying that was to make sure it was something to do with the device fabric/clocks16:21
kgunnkdub: rsalveti ricmm ChickenCutlass ogra_ ...does anyone in phonedations know the proper pm fmwk api for nicely setting/removing constraints on things like mem i/f clocks ?16:21
kgunndunno if its generic arm kernel stuff yet...or probably some msm specific fmwk16:21
ogra_kdub, right its a valid test16:21
ogra_just not a solution ...16:21
rsalvetikgunn: I'm afraid that might be device specific16:22
rsalvetiif we don't have a hal, we usually don't have a generic interface in android16:22
kgunnrsalveti: i meant generic from an arm kernel perspective16:23
kgunnnot android16:23
kgunnat least omap had one...and it was being pushed as the arm common soln at one point16:23
kgunnbut then ...well, ti..omap...people died, lots of blood :)16:24
rsalvetiI believe we do, but yeah, don't know what is currently happening in there16:24
rsalvetihard because we're still using old kernels16:24
rsalveti3.4 is *very* old already16:24
ogra_and maguro has 3.016:25
* ogra_ would call mako mederately new in that light :)16:25
kgunn 3.4!!! now...what shit is in there :)16:27
kgunnanyway...happy to tie in there...but we sure could use some guidance here, what's the i/f to talk to that is...16:28
kgunngoing for lunch16:28
loolrsalveti: so is fair to say that we're trying to fix the Mir is slow after suspend/resume by making sure Mir + kernel do the correct thing and we've abandoned the governor thing unless we're desperate?16:48
mterryracarr, heyo.  So ApplicationManager in unity-mir...  it's focusRequested signal doesn't seem emitted ever?  Seems like it's deprecated in favor of new-style appid launching?16:49
rsalvetilool: yup, but again, that's not what the original bug was all about16:49
rsalvetilool: but it's fair to say people will investigate both bugs more before we decide to do such desperated decision16:49
loolrsalveti: Ok good16:50
davmor2kgunn: mir isn't updating photo user metrics it works on SF though.  I'm going to write a bug up for it if I can't find one16:51
mterryalan_g, ricmm: are either of you particularly informed about unity-mir?16:58
mterrySpecifically, the app focusing bits/16:58
alan_gmterry: I'm specifically uninformed about that. racarr is your man (when he awakes)16:58
ricmmmterry: whats up?16:59
mterryalan_g, OK16:59
mterryricmm, I'm looking at how the shell gets notified of a focused app (which we need to do if we want to hide greeter to show dialer-app when we get a call for example)16:59
ricmmthat dwells in the QML application manager API17:00
mterryricmm, and it looks like the only support in unity-mir for that is a "focusRequested(FavoriteApplication favoriteApplication)" signal17:00
mterryricmm, right17:00
mterryricmm, but that signal isn't hooked up to anything and should probably use appId instead17:00
ricmmthat signal is deprectated17:00
mterryricmm, i.e. unity-mir never actually emits that signal17:00
mterryricmm, in place of?17:00
ricmmthe right course of action would be to hide the greeter and use URL to invoke the dialer://17:00
mterryricmm, right.  We want notification more than action17:01
ricmmwhos we? the greeter?17:01
mterryricmm, like, the user clicks on "accept call" or whatever and the shell should hide the greeter17:01
mterryricmm, yeah greeter/shell17:01
ricmmtheres an onFocusedApplicationIdChanged17:02
mterryricmm, maybe the shell can do that, if it's managing the notifications...  I'd have to look into who owns that17:02
ricmmnot sure if that fires internally in QML when the greeter is shown, but if it does you could listen to it and use it to hide greeter17:02
mterryricmm, where does that live?17:02
mterryoh i see it17:03
ricmmmterry: so yea I would either do that, or just do it internally in the shell17:03
ricmmwhen a snap decision is accepted (call) just hide greeter17:04
ricmmgo into some greeter-out-for-call state17:04
ricmmso you can lock back again after17:04
ricmmand so on17:04
mterryricmm, ah, I guess that lives in unity::shell::application::ApplicationManagerInterface, so I didn't see it when I looked at unity-mir's version17:04
mterryricmm, ok, will test.  thanks for helping me find that17:04
ricmmusa::ApplicationManagerInterface is the only mandated API17:05
ricmmits sometimes confusing because there might be signals in unity-mir17:05
ricmmthat are provided by that other header17:05
ricmmso just look at the unity-api definitions17:05
ricmmunity-mir can extend it, but not the other way around... so start there17:05
ricmmmterry: btw right now if you have the greeter locked and you launch an app from launcher, it hides greeter and it brings the app forward17:06
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
ricmmfollow that code path and have snap decisions do the same17:06
alan_g|EODkgunn: MP = https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/fix-1236912/+merge/189916su - good fortune!17:08
mterryricmm, yeah, we handle that right, but not receiving a call case17:10
mterryPoke again about super-simple merge https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity-mir/permissions/+merge/18971817:30
mterryIt stops the infographic from being updated17:30
=== csslayer_ is now known as csslayer
mterryricmm, hmm..  focusedApplicationIdChanged isn't a great choice if dialer is already focused17:47
mterryricmm, does anything expose requests themselves?17:48
ricmmmterry: if its already focused then hiding should be enough, no? its just for this case after all17:59
ricmmcombined with a notifications-tell-shell mechanism it should work18:00
mterryricmm, but we don't get signal if it's already focuses18:00
ricmmno but you get the notification18:00
ricmmthe qml notification lives in-shell18:00
ricmmit shouldnt be too complicated to connect to an acceptance action from it18:00
mterryricmm, oh, but notifications don't know whether they will end up launching an app ornot18:00
mterryricmm, that knowledge lives inside of the app that started it18:00
mterryricmm, I might have a workaround18:01
mterryricmm, I'm thinking that we should unfocus apps when the greeter is up anyway18:01
ricmmim pretty sure that we do, at least when the button is pressed / or powerd timeouts, we do18:01
ricmmgrep for setFocused in Shell.qml18:01
ricmmyea we do, because its our mechanism to have all apps release their sensor18:02
ricmmthey all get a signal that they will suspend and they release blocking hw resources18:02
mterryricmm, yeah, but when we turn back on, we re-focus.  I think we should only re-focus when the greeter is swiped18:05
racarrlol ugh... irssi hgangs. I just wonder why everyone is so quiet.18:05
bschaeferhas anyone gotten this while compiling mir on arm? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6210388/18:07
bschaeferwhich when i print out the size im getting a 018:10
* bschaefer sees this comment and wonders why its turned on...18:11
bschaefer  #ctest does not work for android, so turn test discovery off18:11
racarrbschaefer: That's a prett yfantastic error ;)18:33
racarrI haven't seen it :(18:33
racarrI remember...there used to be some strange stack corruption that could happen in discover18:34
racarrtests sometimes18:34
bschaeferracarr, turns out i have to set the mir_platform aim at andoird18:34
racarrif you...<blank>...18:34
racarroh XD18:34
* bschaefer is use to the nice desktop version of mir18:34
bschaeferracarr, im happy it wasn't a stack corruption error...that wouldn'tbe fun!18:35
bschaeferracarr, also, how bad would it be if i killed surface flinger then just tried to run mir on its on the phablet?18:36
bschaeferon its own*18:36
* bschaefer is attempting to test if a library port works on mir/arm18:36
racarrbschaefer: that should work18:37
racarrbschaefer: Make sure surface flinger stays down XD18:37
racarr mv /system/bin/surfaceflinger /system/bin/surfaceflinger.lol -.-18:37
racarror I think you can 'stop' it18:37
bschaeferracarr, awesome, haha that sounds like a good way18:38
kgunnracarr: ping18:39
racarrkgunn: pong18:42
kgunnracarr: hey, i hate showing up with a new redirect every day....but....can you look at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-team-mir-development-branch-saucy-amd64-ci/131/console18:44
kgunnracarr: it relates to alan_g's mp i asked for https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/fix-1236912/+merge/18991618:44
kgunnracarr: regarding moving the mir_socket conn18:44
kgunnto a running session related directory18:45
kgunnracarr: anyway...looks like a potentially legitimate ci test failure...18:46
racarrkgunn: mm18:46
racarrlooks like this is the actual failure18:46
racarrStack trace:18:46
racarr/tmp/buildd/mir-0.0.13/tests/unit-tests/frontend/test_published_socket_connector.cpp:229: Failure18:46
racarrExpected: { client->display_server.disconnect(0, &client->ignored, &client->ignored, google::protobuf::NewCallback(client.get(), &mt::TestProtobufClient::disconnect_done)); client->wait_for_disconnect_done(); } throws an exception of type std::runtime_error. Actual: it throws nothing.18:46
racarrill dig and push some revision to the branch as it's at ~mir-team18:46
kgunnracarr: thanks...it seemed to me it might be legit since he was dorking with moving mir_socket...and this is about connections18:47
racarrkgunn: I'm not sure yet, it seems suspiscious though18:47
racarrthat doesnt sound like18:47
racarra test that should be racy18:47
racarrUninteresting mock function call - returning directly. Function call: listening_on(@0xc1ba198 "./test_socket")18:48
racarrStack trace:18:48
racarris rather18:48
racarramong other things18:48
racarranyway have to build it and see if I can reproduce will be a few minutes18:48
kgunnracarr: thankyou18:51
racarrat some point recently we hit some complexity of compilation where compiling mir just makes my system crawl to the point of being unusable :(18:54
racarri.e. like 5 second compiz pauses18:54
racarrkgunn: Oh good I can't reproduce it locally19:05
racarrotherwise it wouldn't be a challenge :p19:05
racarrkgunn: the only thing I can think of is something with the test socket getting left around leading to weird state, but I can't exactly work out how it would cause these errors...19:20
racarralso the only data is once out of 30,000 test runs I got19:21
racarra failure19:21
racarrwith removing the socket19:21
racarrI passed 30,000 test runs19:21
racarrbut um.19:21
racarrNot sure that means much19:21
kgunnracarr: hmmmm.....i wonder, maybe the machine it ran on had a stale socket at /tmp/19:21
kgunnracarr: so you think just review & approve and let jenkins try again ?19:21
racarrok I can see the error19:22
racarra lot more frequently19:22
racarrin valgrind19:22
racarrkgunn: Well the oscket is in the test directory though19:23
kgunnmmm, slower19:23
racarrso it would have to be like19:23
racarrsome previous test leaving it around in a racy fashion19:23
racarror perhaps even...19:23
racarrvalgrind...being weird :p19:23
kgunnracarr: maybe that test should delete first before it runs19:23
racarrkgunn: That's what I tried (And we do that in some of the other tests)19:24
racarrbut want to collect enough data to be sure that's what is going on19:24
racarrbefore just shoving stuff in19:24
racarrkgunn: Nope. It's not juist that :) something else is going on19:27
racarrill um...keep digging though now that I can eproduce it19:27
kgunnracarr: thanks again19:28
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
racarrok this test is a little more nerfarious than it seems19:31
racarrit may have only been passing kind of coincidentally19:31
racarrthe test it passing now most of the time19:35
racarrbecause the server closes the pipe after the first disconnect19:35
kgunnnefarious isn't usually a character trait of a test...theyre supposed to be the good guys19:35
racarrand ytou get broken pipe exception19:35
racarrthe problem is if the test process stalls for a long time because say you are running in valgrind :p19:36
racarryou send the disconnect19:36
racarrbefore the server has broken the pipe19:36
racarrand...it seems like there are a few things that can happen now19:36
racarralso is not a unit test19:39
kgunnracarr: huh? this is not a unit test19:40
racarrkgunn: I just mean the test that is failing19:41
racarrshoudl be an integration test not a unit test19:41
racarrI am also pretty sure this branch has nothing to do with itand its been existing19:41
racarrand become more frequent due to some changes in frontend leading to more gmock warnings19:41
racarrslowing things down enough to make it come up more often19:41
tvossricmm, kdub did you guys look further into the power HAL?19:47
kdubtvoss, dead end19:49
tvosskdub, why is that?19:49
kdubtvoss, https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_power/blob/cm-10.1/power.c#L7719:50
kdubhint doesn't do anything on sf either19:50
kgunnracarr: you mentioned alf made some amazing change that would fix a lot of bugs...but i don't see anything in MP's or landed on dev branch ??19:56
racarrkgunn: https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/hold-surface-alive/+merge/18940019:58
racarrkgunn: Itt's a unity-mir proposal he made that makes this not leak19:58
racarr(see comments at bottom)19:58
racarrthere are other crashes potentially linked but am trying not to go overzealous with it XD20:00
kgunnrobert_ancell: by your mail regarding lightdm socket creation, do you really mean to say "these changes have no effect" or do you mean to say "it'll break it"20:39
robert_ancellkgunn, first I was "it will change it", then I realised it wont (for the desktop case)20:39
robert_ancellit will change on the phone case20:39
robert_ancellbut as alan_g said, that shouldn't matter20:39
robert_ancellIt might break some QA tests20:40
kgunnrobert_ancell: so you are really saying....we can land alan's change and xmir will be fine ?20:40
kgunnaltho...we need to be nice to qa20:40
kgunnwhich i assume means they just need to check the new dir for the socket existance20:40
robert_ancellyeah, just a heads up for them - they might just have to change a hard-coded value to another hard-coded value20:40
kgunnrobert_ancell: i thot we should also mir-devel on that one...its like a behavior change20:41
robert_ancellyes, agreed20:41
robert_ancellwhat is XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for root?20:41
robert_ancellit's not just /tmp anyway is it?20:41
kgunnrobert_ancell: my understanding its tmp dir associated with a running session that would disappear on termination of the session20:42
robert_ancellkgunn, yes, for users I know that's true. I wasn't sure if root was special cased20:43
kgunnmmm, dunno robert_ancell , you could ask jdstrand20:43
robert_ancellwell, the phone is not root so it wont matter in this case20:43
robert_ancellbrought to you by the letter n20:47
kgunnrobert_ancell: so racarr is still looking to see if there's a legit concern around the ci test failure...he believes there's an issue there, but its likely with the test, nothing to do with this branch21:05
kgunni'd like to get it merged so we can update trunk21:05
kgunnrobert_ancell: oh crap...forgot the first sentence21:06
robert_ancellkgunn, this is alans branch?21:06
kgunnwould you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/fix-1236912/+merge/18991621:06
kgunnyeah...sorry :) super out of order21:06
robert_ancellkgunn, already done it21:06
kgunnta...mind reader :)21:06
robert_ancellkgunn, did racarr trigger a rebuild?21:09
kgunni just did robert_ancell , i ta'd21:09
racarrI didnt, I was still trying to fix it21:10
racarrStill kind of half lunching21:10
racarrthe thing is the test doesn't pass in the way that was originally expected either21:11
racarrat least I dont think it does...21:11
racarrbut its hard to figure out the original intention right now21:11
racarrmight need to talk to alan in the morning21:12
robert_ancellkgunn, is that fix important mostly for phone or both phone and desktop (wondering if I should make the associated lightdm fix)21:15
kgunnrobert_ancell: mainly for phone...21:16
kgunnrobert_ancell: jamie outlined in the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/123691221:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1236912 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu Saucy) "please use XDG_RUNTIME_DIR instead of /tmp for mir_socket" [High,Triaged]21:16
racarrkgunn: Ok so I have no quick fixes so far and it seems like21:27
racarrthere is probably something better for me to do than work on an intermittent acceptance test bug that alan can help with in the morning21:27
kgunnracarr: yep - agreed....21:28
kgunnracarr: let's see if we can get it to pass21:28
racarrhaha I like your email picture21:28
racarrkgunn: the thing is it will show up on other mps, etc..21:29
racarrbut it should pass.21:29
racarrmost of the time :/21:29
racarrrobert_ancell: Could you take a peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/hold-surface-alive/+merge/18940021:30
robert_ancellracarr, everytime I see that URL I think of the beegees21:30
racarrrobert_ancell: P.S. We will miss you on the crazy train.21:30
robert_ancellah ah ah ah surface alive, surface alive. Surface ALIVE!21:30
racarrthis and many other hits, on "The Music of Mir - A Symphony of Google Mock"21:31
racarrnow available at your local record store21:31
robert_ancellracarr, so what happens now if the surface has been destroyed (e.g. by the client quitting) and the shell tries to modify it (e.g. allow_framedropping(true))21:34
robert_ancellor it is never destroyed until the shell releases it?21:34
racarrrobert_ancell: It's never destroyed21:34
racarrso it's still a valid surface.21:34
racarrcan be rendered and everything21:34
robert_ancellracarr, and how does the shell know it should be destroyed?21:35
racarrthrough the "shell interface" :p21:35
racarrat this moment I believe they are using21:35
racarrthe SessionListener21:35
racarrI mean so in most cases21:35
racarrthe shell should still hold weak_ptr21:35
robert_ancellThis all makes sense to me to have the shell and the rendered surface and client surface all with the same lifecycle21:35
racarrthe point is when it temporarily locks it21:35
robert_ancelljust want to double check21:35
racarrwell temporarily promotes it to shared_ptr21:36
racarrthen that actually will hold the surface alive21:36
racarrrather than the current nonsense, where that doesn't really mean anything21:36
racarrbut also, there are some places where the shell might want to actually hold it alive21:36
robert_ancellyes, agrees21:36
racarrlike say, a client disconnects suddenly, the shell should probably still keep the surface alive21:36
racarrto do a little animation or whatever21:36
robert_ancellI'm thinking if a client quits, that doesn't mean the shell might not want to keep rendering the last frame or animate its death21:37
racarrkgunn: Do we still need a mir side to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1233564 ?21:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1233564 in Mir "Greeter is seen animating when pressing the side button to wake up" [High,Triaged]21:39
racarryes its still not working right in the latest image at least21:41
racarrim a little skeptical that it's fixed in unity-mir though because the error is larger21:41
racarrthan a single frame21:41
kgunnracarr: hmm, don't know how important it is...or well...at least, i wonder21:42
kgunnwill this get addressed when greeter is split out ?21:43
racarrthe problem is21:43
racarrthe client posted frame, or compositor posted frame could be posted right before screen blank, but not actually post so then it blocks the client and compositor with the stale frames21:44
racarrand when we come back an old frame gets shown21:44
racarrif the greeter is another surface, then it doesn't matter that the client frames are out of date21:44
racarrbecause it will look fine anyway21:44
racarrbut we still have the risk of a one old compositor frame21:44
racarrflashing up21:44
racarrtbh it doesn't seem like THE most important thing21:44
racarrI am thinking maybe the best thing for me to do is, build trunk of everything + hold surface alive and alfs branch21:46
racarrand go try and reproduce crashes21:46
racarrand see what we can check off21:46
kgunnracarr: yes21:57
kgunnracarr: and run AP tests if you like21:57
kgunnracarr: or even this one....not because its ricks, but because its a consistent crash https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123694621:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1236946 in Mir "Karma machine scrolls under SF, but not Mir" [Undecided,New]21:58
kgunnrobert_ancell: just curious...would you mind testing alans branch with xmir just to see22:08
kgunnto verify it doesn't break anything22:09
robert_ancellkgunn, sure22:09
racarrkgunn: ok sounds like a plan22:12
racarrhalfway through the phone update dance22:12
racarris there a way to stop the nexus 4 wireless22:26
racarrfrom getting to slow when the power turns off22:26
bschaeferracarr, hmm when I try to run mir build on the N7, all i get is: __pthread_gettid -222:27
bschaeferand then when i attempt to re-run it I get:22:27
bschaeferracarr, but you seem busy, so no worries :)22:27
racarrbschaefer: That looks just like the old process22:28
racarris stranded alive22:28
racarrremove socket file, make sure process is dead, etc22:28
racarrbut I think mir on n7 is still expected to be broken22:28
racarrkdub: ^22:28
bschaeferyeah, but i don't see a mir process running anywhere22:28
kdubyes, expected broken22:28
rsalvetikdub: did a quick check and updated bug 1231917, it crashes when gralloc.tegra3.so calls pthread_mutex_lock because the original address of that pointer is not part of the process mapped memory region o_O22:28
ubot5bug 1231917 in libhybris (Ubuntu) "Mir servers crash with SIGSEGV in libhybris-common.so.1 on Nexus7" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123191722:28
bschaeferkdub, o i see, well thats good to know :)22:29
racarrlove that hybris22:29
rsalvetiI don't get why we got that address22:29
kdubin gralloc though?22:30
kdubi saw in hwcomposer.tegra3.so last time i checked22:30
kdubit was a long time ago though so something could have changed22:30
rsalvetikdub: how to check that? it's all the same process in theory22:31
rsalvetimaybe it's a shared memory regioin, and that's not mapped properly22:31
racarrI think it uses a mutex in a shared memory region22:32
racarris...a rumor I heard in the past :p22:32
rsalvetibut I don't get how if it's all the same process22:32
racarrmm right who is sharing22:33
kdubwell, it shares it when a client connects22:33
racarrmaybe it shares with libEGL or something absurd22:33
rsalvetistill weird22:33
kdubit is weird22:34
rsalvetikdub: any tips or idea on what I could check?22:34
kdubrsalveti, well, last time i tried that device, client rendering looked okay22:35
kduband if i forced mir to use a fallback rendering mode, it worked22:35
kdubit was just bringing in the hwc that caused problems for me22:36
rsalvetiright, let me try removing the hwcomposer22:37
rsalvetikdub: yeah, doesn't crash after removing the hwcomposer22:40
rsalvetithat crap is also proprietary22:44
kdubyep, so can't even see what they might be doing22:44
rsalvetibut mir_demo_client_egltriangle is running fine22:45
rsalvetitime to try with the entire session22:45
kdubi /suspect/ they were trying to do some fancy synchronization in the background before google added the sync fences to the native window type22:46
rsalveticould be22:46
kduband google had a peek under the covers and said, 'well if you're going to go to this length, we'll accommodate you'22:46
rsalvetilet me reflash first, but saw unity8 crashing here22:50
racarrTesting trunk with hold-surface-alive and unity-mir fix...*waits for phone to reboot*22:55
racarrhaven't tested the monitor channel stuff either yet on phone so excited to see it all work22:55
rsalvetiricmm: who starts mir in touch?22:58
rsalvetiricmm: and with which user?22:58
rsalvetigot a few perm denied here, so wondering if that runs as phablet22:58
ricmmrsalveti: phablet user22:59
ricmmwhat perm denied?22:59
rsalvetiricmm: right, nexus 7 specific22:59
rsalvetiI can run mir_demo server/client as root just fine22:59
rsalvetibut can't start unity822:59
rsalvetiricmm: it's all part of unity8, right?22:59
ricmmyea mir is unity823:00
rsalvetiricmm: should you be able to run mir_demo server/client as phablet as well?23:00
rsalvetithat's easier to reproduce the problem23:00
ricmmyes it goes through the same path23:01
ricmmshould hit the same error23:01
ricmmrsalveti: do you see the choppy greeter when resuming your nexus 4?23:02
ricmmcable disconnected23:02
ricmmsleep for ~10 sec23:02
rsalvetiricmm: sometimes23:02
ricmmcan you try?23:03
ricmmI have a deb with the power hint stuff23:03
racarrwoohoo its running great23:03
ricmmresuming while swiping your finger across the screen several times should do it23:03
robert_ancellkgunn, confirmed alan's branch runs fine with XMir and continues to use /tmp/mir_socket23:06
kgunnrobert_ancell: awesome...thanks for doing that (painful as it was i know)23:06
robert_ancellkgunn, not painful, just tedious to compile :)23:06
kgunnrobert_ancell: about to do the paper work....it's "dch -i" for the changlog bump right ?23:06
robert_ancellkgunn, yes23:06
racarrhow am I supposed to install click packages that arent just in the dash23:06
racarrtrying to test karma machine23:07
kgunni swear i wrote it down tons of times....i keep deleting it23:07
robert_ancellkgunn, shouldn't the autolanding fill out the changelog?23:07
racarroh wow23:07
racarrI searched the dash and it worked23:07
kgunnrobert_ancell: i'm gonna say i'm a dumb monkey on that one....at least, i'm just gonna follow the process that keeps me from being yelled at23:08
racarrgrr I have to sign on to ubuntu sso to install apps now23:08
robert_ancellkgunn, probably better keep doing that then :)23:08
kgunnracarr: i know searching dash is kinda cool that it actually works23:08
racarrunfortunately this accounts pane to add23:09
racarrmy sso page isnt23:09
* robert_ancell -> lunch23:09
racarrlol got signed in now app installing is sticking around at 0 percent...23:14
racarrah it goesss23:14
racarrhey it scrolls and it doesnt crash :)23:17
kgunnrobert_ancell: would you do me the honors https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/bump-deb-changelog14-mirserver6/+merge/18999023:21

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