
hroHi! Can someone please help me with this question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/355223/limit-the-parallelisation-of-upstart06:54
hroI just realized that my question is silly. If the jobs are daemons that never stop, then there is no way for Upstart to decide that they are done.07:03
hroInstead, what I need is a way to limit by disk i/o. That is, when disk i/o is high, upstart shouldn't spawn new jobs. It should only spawn after disk activity cools down07:04
sneakhow do i log the output of my job run with upstart (it does not background) to syslog?09:09
sneakwhen i do exec myapp | logger -t myapp09:09
sneakit still ends up in /var/log/upstart/myapp09:09
jodhsneak: 'exec myapp 2>&1 | logger -t myapp'09:28
sneakjodh: i have exactly that10:41
sneak        exec /usr/local/bin/nsqd -data-path=/var/lib/nsqd 2>&1  | logger -t nsqd10:42
sneakstill getting output in /var/log/upstart/nsqd.log and nothing in syslog10:42
sneakit's very confusing10:43
sneaksame with         exec /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/nsqd -data-path=/var/lib/nsqd 2>&1  | logger -t nsqd"10:44
jodhsneak: look at /proc/<nsqd_pid>/fd/.10:45
sneak0 is /dev/null, 1 and 2 are /dev/pts/310:46
sneakthanks for your help, btw10:47
sneakecho "test" | logger -t nsqd shows up in my logs10:49
sneakhrm, it's not showing up in "initctl list"10:58
sneaki stopped doing "restart nsqd" and tried "stop nsqd" and "start nsqd"10:59
sneaki think i need to get upstart to notice my nsqd.conf10:59
xnoxsneak: as sudo...?11:06
xnoxsneak: sudo initctl list11:06
xnoxsneak: sudo initctl reload-configuration11:06
xnoxsneak: also try $ init-checkconf /etc/init/nsqd.conf11:07
sneaki got it to show up by removing a bunch of lines from the conf11:07
sneaki didn't know about init-checkconf11:07
sneakand now it's logging to syslog11:07
sneaki wonder which one did it11:07
sneakthere really could be some better logging going on there.  init-checkconf says syntax ok and upstart logs nothing11:10
sneakvery confusing11:10
xnoxsneak: hm, you didn't paste full job to us, so it's hard to tell what you had written up.11:11
sneakyou're right, the program should have told me the error11:19
sneakthat's why i didn't paste it11:19
xnoxsneak: full contents of /etc/init/nsqd.conf that is11:43
ggayanhey guys, I'14:58
ggayanI'm defining a service in CentOS 6.4 with upstart 0.6.514:58
ggayanbut when I display the processes using ps14:58
ggayanI see two processes instead of one, it seems that exec isn't working14:59
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jamescarrcan I use usual bash type commands in upstart? like "/usr/bin/foo -e $(baz -d)"20:24
jamescarrwith bas -d returning something like "239je23d20:24
jamescarrso it expands to /usr/bin/foo -e 239je23d20:24
xnoxjamescarr: yes.22:18

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