
cjwelborn!info linux-image00:23
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB00:23
redDragonis there a way to move the panel widget around in the system tray panel03:11
redDragonsomething like dragging them03:11
redDragonand placing them whereever I wish?03:11
tsimpsonredDragon: press the cashew, then you should be able to position them03:15
redDragontsimpson: whats a cashew?03:16
tsimpsonthe little icon you use to open the menu to resize the panel, add widgets, etc03:16
redDragongot it03:16
redDragontsimpson: thank you !!03:16
tsimpsonsure :)03:16
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:22
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Whiskey`Wonkaive got a box VERSION="12.10, Quantal Quetzal" that I want to update but the mirrors are going at 4kb/s. Its NOT a network issue ive got 50mbit and 10mbit is in use, i can wget from palces at 25+mbit. any way to make apt-get pull from many sources??04:10
valorieWhiskey`Wonka: sounds like you want a torrent04:20
* valorie is seeding atm04:20
Whiskey`Wonkavalorie: sure but apt-get can not use them04:20
Whiskey`Wonkaand i dont want ot pull the entire multi gig repo for these 500mb or some odd packages04:21
Whiskey`Wonkaitm ight be faster to do it tho, uhg!04:22
Whiskey`Wonkattp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ is going slooooooooooow04:22
valoriesome people do set up their own local archive04:22
valoriezsync seems like the best way to keep that current04:23
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gsedej_workHi! I would like to use Alt+1 for switching to first tab in browsers. Somehow it does not work (other numbers work). There is no other shortcut for Alt+107:26
sbivolgsedej_work: I just tested in Firefox and Rekonq, on Kubuntu 13.04. both work with Alt+F107:32
sbivolmaybe you have that combination assigned to some shortcut?07:33
sbivolgsedej_work: Alt+1, I mean07:36
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gsedej_worksbivol, it works in gnome for both firefox and chromium07:46
gsedej_workand it works in kde for alt+2, 3, 4 ...07:46
gsedej_workbut not alt+1 which is for first tab (mail)07:46
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debfan_can someone help me with server clock problem?   my ntpdate has .. I think the offset problem?10:18
debfan_''no servers can be used, exiting'10:18
oberthello, i got a wrong date; i downloaded my lang locale files and installed them, i got the wrong date though11:17
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lordievaderGood afternoon.11:36
evilCHi all, I wonder if anyone can help me work around a kubuntu bug stopping multi-monitor from working?12:03
evilC(Well, ubuntu suffers from the same bug, would I need to report it there?)12:04
evilCspecifically, when plugging more than one monitor into a secondary GPU, you cannot use the computer as it always displays the login screen12:05
oberti changed my time zone into mine, but i still see "hh:mm PM" in the clock on the right bottom side12:07
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kaddihas anybody here installed ubuntu on a samsung ativ book 9? (940x3g). Is it safe to do so or can it brick the machine? How well does linux run on it?12:43
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BluesKajHi folks13:01
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lordievader!china| woon14:34
ubottuwoon: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:34
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judgenhow do i set how many % the audio volume changes when using the scroll wheel over the kmix icon?15:17
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zafanHi hi16:34
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danboidIs there a guide on how to compile kde-baseapps from git under Ubuntu anywhere?18:34
danboidI've found this http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Building_An_Existing_Application18:36
danboidbut its very generic18:36
danboidIt lists about 20 envvars you need to define before it will build!18:37
danboidI expect not all are required18:38
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rodniceQUESTION: Does anyone know how I would go about fixing AUDIO?  Specifically, Studio programs (Ardour, Hydrogen) tend to hog all of the audio when they are opened and don't let go of the resource until I restart the computer.20:23
acooperHowdy.  I notice that kubuntu has something called LightDM instead of KDM.  How big a deal is it to install KDM instead?  I looking online but haven't found anything specific about that yet.20:41
Authorityacooper: I've flip-flopped between LightDM and KDM in the past and don't remember any particular difficulties20:45
acooperCool.  Is is just a matter of running the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" command?20:46
Authorityseems like after the installation of KDM, it will present a little dialog to let you choose which login manager you want to use20:46
Authorityor that20:46
acooperShould I be using kdesudo instead of sudo for some reason?20:47
acooperAlright, that was easy enough.  Thanks Authority.20:57
kitahello there am new to this20:59
rodniceQuestion: Cloning a Drive: How would I go about that?21:17
michaelkrtikosHello everyone21:29
michaelkrtikoscould you please help me with the instant messaging? It seems that i cannot login to facebook chat via Empathy or Instant Messages Contacts21:31
michaelkrtikosI get an authorization failed error21:31
michaelkrtikosLet me say that with pidgin i can connect21:32
Mamarokrodnice: the tool commonly used to cloe a drive is called dd21:36
Mamarokto clone* an drive21:37
rodniceMamarok: is there a GUI you could suggest?21:37
Mamaroknope, stuff like that is usually not done in a GUI21:38
septixhey guys im trying to use an usb dvb-s2 box under my kubuntu 13.10, could anybody tell me whats the problem with make is? http://paste.frubar.net/1571321:38
Mamarokseptix: are you following a guide for that? You didn't specify a target21:39
septixyes i follow a readme file, would you like to see it Mamarok ?21:39
Mamarokseptix: not really, you should read it again as you probably missed a step, the error you pasted tells you what you did wrong21:40
rodniceMamarok: I hope I'm using the correct terminology. So if I want to copy my current laptop as is (without probably media files) and install it to another computer, that is called "cloning" correct?21:40
Mamarokrodnice: yes21:40
Mamarokbut cloning takes a lot of time, you would be probably better of to just backup your files and then make a fresh installation21:41
septixMamarok, the readme says "build and install the driver with make && make install", thats what i tried, "make"21:41
Mamarokespeically if the operating system is also on that drive21:41
Mamarokand if the laptop specifications are not exactly the same this will not work21:42
rodniceOhhhh OK OK21:42
rodniceyeah I guess you're right21:42
Mamarokseptix: make needs a target, and you probably don't have all dependencies21:42
rodnicejust being lazy and don't want to setup my system again with all the tweeks21:42
Mamarokseptix: are you sure you need a driver that is not available in a repo?21:43
Mamarokrodnice: I fear that cloing is not meant for that, it is used to duplicate identical installations, including the same ahrdware21:43
Mamarokvery handy in big deplyoments21:43
Mamaroknot suitable if you change your hardware21:44
rodniceMamarok: Thanks man!21:44
Mamarokyou are welcome, but I am not a man :)21:44
rodniceI'll read up on dd21:44
septixi dont really know, its a DVB-S2 USB Box with a driver supplied by the company, i dont really know much things about this thats why i strictly try to install whats on the delivered cd Mamarok21:44
rodniceMamarok: sorry!21:44
rodniceWhere is Paparok?21:45
Mamarokseptix: well, the drivers are usually meant for Windows, not for Linux21:45
rodniceMamarok: so what is Ubuntu Customization Kit and Remastersys for?21:45
septixMamarok, this company delivered a linux driver on the cd21:45
Mamarokrodnice: no idea, did you google it? But really reinstalling a Kubuntu and just copying over your personal files with rsync is really much easier, believe me21:46
Mamarokand you would get a fresh installation without all the cruft you probably have on the old one21:46
rodniceOK... see I need to get Windows out of my head21:46
Mamarokespecially since a fresh installation of a Kubuntu system takes less than an hour21:47
Mamaroknot like Windows :)21:47
rodniceMamarok: take care. I gotta go.  you're the bestest! (that is a word... at least now it is)21:47
Mamarokseptix: did you try to just connect to it without that driver first?21:47
Mamarokwikus: please read the topic21:48
septixMamarok, well, i came from another dristribution, there i tried just "plug and play", since the delivered drivers are for ubuntu based systems i installed kubuntu real quick21:52
Mamarokseptix: what puzzles me is the kernel number, is that the Linux kernel? seems not to be what is current in 13.1021:53
septixuname -r throws 3.11.0-12-generic21:54
septixi installed 3.04 and updated to 3.1021:54
Mamarokwell, that error message talks about a kernel 3.1.2, which is definitely not the right one21:55
Mamarokso the driver provided is precompiled for a much older kernel21:55
MamarokI guess21:55
Mamarokwhich is not surprising as hardware manufacturers are rarely up-to-date when it comes to Linux21:56
septixah thats right, i didnt payed attention to that, i tried something and have to reboot now, i will be right back and post the result Mamarok :)21:59
goodtimehey BluesKaj you available?22:01
goodtimeneed some info man22:02
septixso back i am22:03
septixMamarok, because of you i recognized i was in the wrong folder with the OLD driver the whole time :/.. the output of the new driver i a little different, but i get an error too: http://paste.frubar.net/1571422:06
Mamarokseptix: did you use sudo rights?22:07
septixi have a root terminal running22:07
goodtimeso i guess your ready to install or change things as root...22:08
Mamarokgoodtime: YOu were not here earlier, please...22:08
goodtimeseptix are you trying to do something as root?22:09
Mamarokgoodtime: yes, he is, and you lack half an hour of what we were doing earlier, so please22:09
goodtimebecause if you dont know what your doing as root youll prob mess things up a bit22:10
goodtimeok sorry22:10
goodtimemy bad i just like helping22:10
goodtime if possibale22:10
Mamarokseptix: did you try to erase the build folder and start from scratch?22:10
Mamarokgoodtime: well, as I said, this is something that started long before you came in, and I am handling it22:11
goodtimeok   ;)22:11
septixMamarok, do you mean deleati22:12
septixdeleating the /lib/modules/3.11.0-12-generic/build folder?22:12
Mamarokno, don't tuch that one, but the folder you are in when you run make22:12
septixno, but i can do that real quick22:12
MamarokI presume you had to create a new folder22:12
Mamarokand make writes stuff in the folder, so maybe the old config files it did create are not valid anymore22:13
Mamarokjust don't erase anything in /lib/22:13
septixalright, thats because i got confused i would never delete something there without exactly knowing what i do22:14
Mamarokseptix: in your home folder you can do what you want, just don't do anythin in a system folder with sudo rights22:15
Mamarokseptix: as I said: you are working in your home folder, aren't you? because if you are in a system folder that is very wrong22:15
septixyes i am in my home follder, i just typed su and use root currently so i didnt have to type sudo everytime22:17
Mamarokwell, in kubuntu you shouldn't use su22:17
Mamarokuse sudo, eventually sudo -i if you don't want to have to enter your password repeatedly22:17
septixok i will do that, thanks for the tipp. Here is the new output of a "fresh" try http://paste.frubar.net/1571522:20
Mamaroksame error as before, I guess it is about time to check the manufacturer's website22:22
septixsounds bad22:25
Mamarokno, maybe there is an update available intheir support22:26
Mamarokquit often the case22:27
Mamarokas the software delivered with the hardware is rarely up-to-date22:28
septixok Mamarok i looked around little bit and might found something, have to reboot again, if your are still here later i will report you, if not thanks for your help so far22:42
rodniceMamarok: you there?22:57
Mamarokrodnice: just22:59
rodniceMamarok: so why wouldn't I use Ubuntu Customization Kit?22:59
Mamarokrodnice: I don't know it22:59
Mamarokcan't tell23:00
Mamarokbut I doubt you will spare time with that23:00
rodniceMamarok: ok let's say I do have 3 identical machines I just bought and wanted to set up a small lab for the public or something...23:00
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rodniceMamarok: what's the prefered way of getting them to look identical?23:01
Mamarokrodnice: well, yes, but you are aware that the customization kit is just creating a Live CD with specifications you want23:01
Mamarokit will not install anything23:01
Mamarokso why not just backing up your data, do a fresh install of you new laptop and then copy the date you need back?23:02
Mamarokespecially since a Live CD is probably not big enough for a whole system, let alone a complete HD23:02
rodniceMamarok: yes, for one laptop, I'll do what you said.  However, if I come into that down the line with like 4 desktop computers...23:02
rodniceyeah you're right... it always fits on a DVD23:03
Mamarokread my last line23:03
Mamarokmy system for example would never fit on one DVD23:03
rodniceMamarok: wow, so what do system admins do? Like places like public libraries where all the computers for the public need to be the same?23:04
Mamarokand if you are planing to install an identical system on 4 desktops, then use dd, much faster23:04
Mamarokwell, those public computers are often equipped with a reduced set of applications,23:05
Mamarokso that would certainly even fit on a Life CD23:05
Mamarokall depends on what is the target23:05
rodniceMamarok: ah, the dreaded dd, lol.  I would need to read a pretty substantial book to begin using that?  I don't mind, I'm just trying to figure out future options.23:06
Mamarokno, there are guides online, and man dd is the starting point23:06
Mamarokas dd is part of every bsic Linux installation23:07
Mamarokbut if you want to be a sysadmin then there are a few books to read indeed, as it is a full-time job after all :)23:08
rodniceshoot... I was trying to take the Windows way out of this one lol23:09
Mamarokoh my, you will have a GUI that doesn't explain what is happening and you will have learned nothing23:09
Mamarokdd at least is not that doifficult to learn and you also learn something you will document for yourself and will be able to re-use23:10
Mamarokfor free23:10
rodniceMamarok: same advice I give my lazy friends but hate when it applies to me lol23:14
rodniceMamarok: Somedays I don't wanna be the pilot... I just wanna pay the ticket and ride 1st class :-)23:14
Mamarokrodnice: yes, we are all lazy at times :)23:19
Mamarokok, bedtime for me now, good night everyone23:19
rodniceQUESTION: Does anyone know how I would go about fixing AUDIO?  Specifically, Studio programs (Ardour, Hydrogen) tend to hog all of the audio when they are opened and don't let go of the resource until I restart the computer.23:26

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