
dholbachgood morning07:25
popeyjose: no design clinic this week10:44
josepopey: thanks for the heads-up, I'll go ahead and delete it now12:03
josejcastro: Are we having the weekly juju charm meeting today?12:06
jcastrojose: yes!14:18
dholbachjcastro, balloons, mhall119, I guess we're without our fearless leader again today?14:52
jcastroI have release things to do14:56
jcastroif you guys wanna skip14:56
jcastromhall119, your container bug got fixed, it'll be in saucy14:56
dholbachmhall119, does the newest image on grouper work all right for you?14:58
popeydholbach: which image?15:01
popeyi have 89 on my grouper15:01
popey(mir enabled by default)15:01
dholbachpopey, yep - I get quite a bit of flickering and slowness and almost freezing15:01
dholbachdo you know if there's a bug for it?15:02
dholbachhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/ and https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/ have a few critical ones, but none of them look like what I'm seeing15:02
dholbachI'll ask in #ubuntu-mir15:02
mhall119jcastro: dholbach: team call?15:04
dholbachmhall119, see above15:04
mhall119dholbach: jcastro: we have a special guest today though15:04
* mhall119 won't tell15:05
mhall119you have to join15:05
jcastrois it the magical "give me 45 more days in this release cycle?" fairy?15:05
jcastrook, link me up!15:05
mhall119jcastro: it's in the calendar invite15:06
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:09
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as C0nfus3d
josejcastro: thanks for hosting it, if you're cancelling any session please let me know at least 12h in advance18:48
josedoes anyone know where Jono is?18:48
josepopey, mhall119, jcastro, balloons: ^18:51
jcastrohe's in japan18:52
joseoh crap, I'll just cancel his Q&A in 8mins18:53
josejcastro: also, please check ubuntuonair.com/resources when updating ubuntuonair, broken it again18:53
jcastroI only updated the youtube link18:54
jcastroI didn't touch anything else18:54
joseyeah, but you updated the whole link instead of the random string18:54
jcastrono I only changed the youtube url18:55
jcastroyou mean I only edit the stuff after the /?18:55
joseyep, just after the /embed/18:55
jcastrook so that's why18:55
joseotherwise people will get a blank screen18:55
jcastrobacon told me the url, and only the url18:55
jcastrook got it18:55
jcastrook so we all agree it's bacon's fault?18:55
* jose votes for jono18:56
bkerensanigelb: I found you :) http://www.flickr.com/photos/bkerensa/10079173886/18:58
pleia2how lolcatable18:59
nigelbbkerensa: :)23:25
* nigelb just walked in the door.23:25
nigelbNow to figure out this sleep cycle thing.23:26
jose1 day per timezone changed, they say23:29
nigelbI just switched about 12:30 or 11:30 hours23:40
pleia2so that's what, 2 weeks? :)23:40
nigelbIt's going to take a while then.23:40
bkerensapleia2: http://www.areweflashyet.com/shumway/23:55

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