
eagles0513875phillw: hey :D belkinsa :D21:50
eagles0513875hey pleia2 :D21:50
eagles0513875oh look its Darkwing_ :D21:50
eagles0513875i feel quite at home here amongst friends :D21:51
phillwhi eagles0513875, hello again pleia2 :)21:51
eagles0513875i think im stuck here till 3 am :(21:52
eagles0513875and i have tons to do tomorrow21:52
eagles0513875pleia2: im wondering if there is one platform that the project as a whole could use21:53
eagles0513875i was thinking a form of a DMS (document management system) based on  CMIS21:53
eagles0513875question is would canonical sponsor a project that can be developed by the community?21:54
pleia2ok, off call21:55
pleia2so the way it would work is that a team member either puts up an instance themselves, and the doc team reviews it to see if it's suitable21:55
pleia2or one of us works with mhall119 or someone at Canonical to see about getting a test instance up in the Canonical datacenter after the code is reviewed by them (this takes a long time)21:56
pleia2now eventually we do need to work with canonical to get the code reviewed and approved anyway, but having someone personally set up one of these instnces would at least see if the doc community likes it before going through the hassle of involving canonical21:56
eagles0513875pleia2: maybe so but I think having a document management system would really help21:56
mhall119eagles0513875: yes, canonical often hosts community-developed or maintained projects21:57
* pleia2 passes mhall119 a stiff drink21:57
pleia2mhall119: talking about sumo or similar again21:57
mhall119myself or balloons would be happy to work with you guys on it21:57
eagles0513875mhall119: what kind of restrictions would we be talking about in terms of a document management system if one were to be used as an alternative21:57
mhall119pleia2: ah, cool, any other options besides sumo?21:57
eagles0513875cuz i have tested a bit of alfresco but the core backend stuff is java based21:58
eagles0513875mhall119: there is alfresco which is really nice21:58
pleia2mhall119: eagles0513875 is the man with the ideas :) I shall leave you to it21:58
mhall119eagles0513875: the big thing these days is that we'd need a Juju charm to deploy it21:58
eagles0513875not really21:58
mhall119and ideally we'd use packages in the repositories21:58
eagles0513875let me show you something21:58
eagles0513875ahh ok :(21:58
mhall119but having a juju charm is the biggest thing, since our IS has switched to using cloud deployments21:59
balloonsyes, a juju charm is the ticket in21:59
eagles0513875bah ok :-/21:59
mhall119eagles0513875: fortunately I've been learning how to make IS-approved charms recently, for the API website21:59
balloonsis what your wanting not already charmed?21:59
balloons*you are wanting21:59
eagles0513875balloons: not sure22:00
eagles0513875never really started using juju sadly :(22:00
eagles0513875i know someone who works for canonical that does alot of that development22:00
mhall119eagles0513875: I'm happy to help when I can22:00
eagles0513875not sure if you guys would know him lol22:00
eagles0513875no fwreade22:00
eagles0513875he is based here in malta where i am22:00
mhall119ah, I usually go bug jcastro or marcoceppi about juju things22:00
balloons+1 ^^22:01
eagles0513875well one perk with alfresco22:01
eagles0513875that is the community version22:01
eagles0513875is that it will help with even the versioning of screen shots22:01
eagles0513875as wlel it has a built in wiki and supports creation of multiple projects22:01
mhall119eagles0513875: whatever the docs team decides will work best, we will help you get it deployed22:02
eagles0513875in this case the doc team community and i dunno what else there is doc wise22:02
balloonsbtw, pleia2 did you decide on a meeting date / time?22:02
eagles0513875either there is that or we go through the headache of designing something from the ground up using libcmis22:02
pleia2balloons: no, brain is full22:02
eagles0513875mhall119: it seems like it shouldnt be to hard to make a charm and install alfresco22:02
eagles0513875its a bin download22:02
pleia2mhall119: so at this point everything is up in the air docs wise, we're not really sure where we are going, same old, merge desktop docs and manual, try out something like alfresco and migrate everything to it....22:03
mhall119pleia2: ack22:03
pleia2so initially alfresco needs to be deployed as a test bed so we can evaluate our options22:03
mhall119I looked into sumo about a year ago, and so did bkerensa and some others, but it was determined to be not suitable at the time22:03
mhall119otherwise I don't have any input on solutions22:03
pleia2bkerensa said it's better now, but still has deep mozilla roots that would need to be untangled to work for us22:03
pleia2which is obviously not optimal :)22:04
belkinsaMake sure you guys talk to the folks that deal with the management of  the community before doing this.22:04
belkinsaJust a reminder.22:04
mhall119when I looked, a lot of the mozilla integration was optional22:04
eagles0513875mhall119: the problem is wiht alfresco it uses java i believe in the core of it so you would need a rather beefy machine i think to run it sadly22:04
pleia2belkinsa: that's what we're doing right now and on the mailing list22:04
eagles0513875especially if its going to be slammed with alot of visitors22:04
belkinsaOf the Ubuntu-Doc team?22:04
pleia2belkinsa: yes, that's what this channel is for :)22:04
pleia2I asked everyone to join here so everyone can participate in the discussion22:05
belkinsaRight, right.22:05
eagles0513875mhall119: is it possible for now to request a test instance for alfresco22:05
pleia2we're not making any decisions today, just exploring options22:05
belkinsaThe mailing list seems to have delays in delivery of the threads.22:05
belkinsaAnd I see.22:05
mhall119eagles0513875: I can create a test instance, but I'd have to manage it myself, I can't give out ssh access22:05
eagles0513875pleia2: i know that im just saying it woudl be great to let you guys have a look around alfresco22:05
* balloons notes, which mailing list? 22:05
balloonsI need to sub22:05
pleia2eagles0513875: *nods*22:06
eagles0513875mhall119: thats ok22:06
pleia2balloons: ubuntu-doc22:06
pleia2mhall119: yeah, you can do it in your free time22:06
mhall119eagles0513875: so if you can give me a fool-proof set of instructions for deploying I can try it out22:06
eagles0513875mhall119: http://www.alfresco.com/products/community to download it :D its a bin installer so it shouldnt be hard to get installed on your system22:06
mhall119pleia2: yeah, it shouldn't take up all 5 seconds of my free time will it?22:06
balloonsmhall119, only half22:06
mhall119eagles0513875: have you tried installing it on your local system?22:06
eagles0513875yes on mac lol22:07
eagles0513875and windows22:07
mhall119eagles0513875: how about on Ubuntu?22:07
pleia2eagles0513875: that's it, you're out :)22:07
eagles0513875i can fire up my test vps and give it a try22:07
pleia2just kidding!22:07
mhall119eagles0513875: if you can do that and let me know the process, I will try it on a test instance22:08
mhall119eagles0513875: I can give it a public IP too (as long as we have some available) so people can poke at the web interface22:08
mhall119eagles0513875: email me, mhall119@ubuntu.com after you've tried installing it on Ubuntu to let me know how to do it22:08
eagles0513875ya it has a public ip already22:09
eagles0513875its a linode vps hehe up in the uk conincidentally lol22:09
eagles0513875has a public ip already and ipv6 ip too22:09
mhall119ah, ok22:09
eagles0513875my email mhall119 is jaquilina@eagleeyet.net22:09
* balloons notices https://github.com/loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install22:09
balloonsI'll bet you can turn that into a charm rather nicely22:10
eagles0513875who me22:10
balloonssomeone has already done a ton of work on the install process22:11
eagles0513875would a charm really be necessary if there is a binary installer already in place22:11
eagles0513875you can run the binary installer i know in text mode22:11
mhall119eagles0513875: yeah, a charmm is absolutely necessary if we want IS to deploy it to our servers22:12
eagles0513875will need to look into that tomorrow22:13
eagles0513875can you guys clarify something for me which is a bit offtopic in this channel22:14
eagles0513875how do charms work? and how does one code one22:15
belkinsaDoes Alfresco have some comment system for users to ask questions for a community wiki page?  Or do we need something else for that if we go that way.22:15
mhall119eagles0513875: #juju can get you all the answers to charms you want, but basically they're a set of config files and scripts that let you easily install and wire-up multiple services on a variety of cloud providers22:15
eagles0513875can they be used as normal non cloud deployment scripts22:16
mhall119it can now, yes, jcastro can tell you all about that22:16
belkinsaI see, I was just thinking about having the community wiki like a blog which was your idea.22:17
belkinsaThen again, would that defeat the propose of Ask Ubuntu?22:17
eagles0513875mhall119: ill bug my friend fwreade :D who is in juju22:18
eagles0513875belkinsa: no22:18
mhall119eagles0513875: works for me22:18
eagles0513875belkinsa: my idea is based in a way off serverfault i believe22:18
eagles0513875like this http://serverfault.com/questions/544993/how-to-choose-the-virtual-host-apache-points-https-connections-to22:19
eagles0513875then again that is very much like a forum site22:19
mhall119eagles0513875: a big desire, at least last year, was having something that supports translations too22:19
eagles0513875how are translations currently done22:20
eagles0513875is pootle used?22:20
mhall119no idea what that is22:20
eagles0513875we need to be careful though cuz here we are going to end up trying to do too much and nothign gets done22:20
eagles0513875mhall119: http://pootle.translatehouse.org/22:20
eagles0513875the document foundation uses it and its very nice and easy to work with22:20
eagles0513875i think for now our main focus keeping in mind translations is the documentation22:21
eagles0513875btw when is vUDS22:21
pleia2nov 19-2122:22
eagles0513875pleia2: i think we need to coordinate a meeting on google hangouts or something22:22
eagles0513875man i dunno what im doing so far ahead22:22
pleia2I think our first step should be an IRC meeting :)22:22
eagles0513875i take things one day at a time22:22
mhall119eagles0513875: you can propose a meeting on the community track to discuss this22:22
pleia2with an agenda nd stuff22:22
eagles0513875pleia2: that works as well to start :)22:22
* eagles0513875 goes to setup alfresco really quickly on my server then will worry about the charm related stuff later.22:22
pleia2I'll add to my list to set up a doodle poll and email the list about scheduling a meeting22:23
eagles0513875sry for adding more to your to do list pleia222:25
pleia2hehe, it happens :)22:25
belkinsaeagles0513875 I see.22:26
belkinsaAnd uds.ubuntu.com is the link22:26
belkinsapleia2 I agree, we need a meeting soon.22:27
belkinsaAnd thank you for taking the lead.22:27
eagles0513875mhall119: i wonder though is java something we would want to avoid in what we use?22:27
pleia2they already use jenkins, can't get much worse than that ;)22:28
eagles0513875well what i worry about is seeing as thats java if its hit really hard with users it will really eat up system resources22:28
eagles0513875mhall119: you guys should look into gerrit its very interesting and handy too to work with :D easy to push patches to it for review22:29
mhall119java should be fine, as long as it runs on openjdk22:29
pleia2gerrit <322:30
eagles0513875that is a good question let me ask now about that mhall119 but i found documentation where i can create a charm in bash for deployment :D22:31
eagles0513875mhall119: we need to go a different route22:34
eagles0513875mhall119: alfresco works with open jdk but there are problems with it under heavy load :(22:34
eagles0513875mhall119: I am more then willing to develop something from scratch22:34
eagles0513875using libcmis22:34
eagles0513875i mean that22:35
eagles0513875i need to hatch up another idea i think22:37
eagles0513875mhall119: any languages that should be avoided?22:38
mhall119python is generally preferred22:38
mhall119plus we have a lot of python devs around to recruit help from22:39
eagles0513875ok :)22:39
eagles0513875i was thinking django22:39
eagles0513875but i think we would need to port CMIS which is c++ :(22:40
mhall119django would make me happy :)22:40
mhall119we have a lot of django apps, so it would fit right in22:40
eagles0513875mhall119: how would one go about starting this project ?22:41
mhall119django-admin startproject22:41
eagles0513875mhall119: im saying in terms of canonical22:42
mhall119seriously though, the first step is to document your requirements, which means talking to the rest of your team and gathering requirements, then putting them into a wiki page22:42
eagles0513875pleia2: phillw belkinsa we need an urgent meeting :)22:42
mhall119eagles0513875: there isn't really anything non-standard that needs to be done for Canonical22:43
eagles0513875ok. but is bzr a must use22:43
belkinsaSure, need a channel made?22:44
eagles0513875channel made for what belkinsa22:44
eagles0513875we dont need to register one22:44
eagles0513875mhall119: ok who manages then the bzr branches etc22:44
eagles0513875is another channel necessary22:45
belkinsaMaybe if it's private meeting22:46
eagles0513875then we might as well use skype lol22:46
eagles0513875one big chat room22:46
eagles0513875mhall119: last question my apologies for all the stupid questions22:47
belkinsaIt's up to you though.22:47
phillwI send my apologies, but as previously mentioned my time for this is going to be very limited for the next 8 days. I do repeat that having these discussions in what is coming up to 'quiet time' for docs, thinking ahead for 14.04 and not going for the "But we've always done it this way" is a great thing.22:47
eagles0513875belkinsa: if you want to register one speak with pleia222:47
belkinsaYou don't need too.  You can just create one and leave to destroy it.22:47
eagles0513875phillw: i think at the rate things are going alfresco is out as it has issues under load with open jdk but its looking like developing a document management system from scratch22:48
eagles0513875which i think would be best for all documentation teams to keep track of revisions of documents etc22:48
eagles0513875belkinsa: exactly lol22:48
phillwpleia2: I apologise if my phrasing on my initial email seemed 'crass', but as you have seen; there was method in my madness :)22:48
eagles0513875mhall119: do you mind if i pm you i have a discussion on another note if you do not mind.22:49
phillweagles0513875: as I mentioned, there was a system that mozilla used, but I have no idea how far forward that has progressed.22:49
eagles0513875does it do version control of documents images etc?22:50
belkinsaMaybe a later time, eagles, maybe via e-mail, just to three of us.22:50
eagles0513875belkinsa: ya that would be best i think22:50
pleia2belkinsa: we'll have the meeting in #ubuntu-meeting22:57
pleia2all meetings in the project are logged, we need to be transparent :)22:57
belkinsaRight, duh.22:57
pleia2plus not everyone will be able to make it (work, timezones, etc) so we'll need a way for them to catch up anyway22:58
pleia2phillw: thanks, just not the kind of phrasing we want on a team where a lot of great people have put in work, we're all trying here, please keep that in mind before you tell people they don't have their act together :)22:59
pleia2it's not the way we treat each other here22:59
phillwpleia2: I'll send an apology to  the team, just tied up with crazy incomming doc people and testers.22:59
pleia2phillw: thank you23:00
eagles0513875no offense to you guys im not much of a documentation writing guy23:00
eagles0513875ill gladly contribute technical stuff such as coding etc if need be.23:00
belkinsaHeh, it's cool.  I need to say the same about more for the outreach for the greater good.23:01
eagles0513875pleia2: at this point could we start with emails between us to get the requirements we need for this project?23:01
pleia2eagles0513875: go for it, I suggest doing it on the ubuntu-doc list in a new thread so everyone can chime in23:02
pleia2like Subject: Doc system requirements23:02
eagles0513875who is volunteering to take notes on the thread lol :p23:03
belkinsaI can if needed.23:03
eagles0513875belkinsa: ironically wanted to nominate you but i wasnt sure if you would have been to happy23:03
* pleia2 back to lunch&work23:03
eagles0513875ok let me draft up the email and send it23:03
eagles0513875pleia2: to the doc's list correct.23:03
belkinsaLook, I love to do things for projects.23:03
eagles0513875ok next time ill nominate you23:04
eagles0513875so you have no right to get upset at me now23:04
belkinsaI'm not.23:04
eagles0513875im saying in the future silly23:04
belkinsaI'm being good hearted.23:04
eagles0513875i am as well :)23:05
eagles0513875email sent belkinsa pleia223:08
eagles0513875mhall119: question will canonical be willing to devote man power which they pay for to such an endeavour so to speak of developing a custom document management system?23:10
mhall119eagles0513875: to develop one, probably not23:14
mhall119we just don't have enough manpower to go around23:14
eagles0513875well that is another thing i was curious about as well23:14
eagles0513875mhall119: belkinsa pleia2 phillw will talk with you gusy tomorrow finishing up here at work23:19
belkinsaSee ya23:19
phillwpleia2: sorry for the rather long reply following on from my apology, it was just a case of not spamming the mailing lists with ideas etc. I've had plenty of time to think and read the email threads that were started.23:26
pleia2phillw: your email was great23:29

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