
methodizewhat could be the cause of booting to black screen 3 times and on the 4th it boots correctly?03:37
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apwcking, morning ....08:17
ckingapw, good morning!08:17
apwcking, to confirm, you tested the aa3 changes on all of our main platforms yesterday didn't you08:17
apw(touch platforsms)08:18
apwok great, the landing page says it needs testing ... so wanted my facts straight08:18
ckingwell, mako, maguro, manta, not grouper08:18
* cking can test grouper if required08:18
ckingapw, i didn't test grouper since it was totally flatlined and I was told I didn't need to test it yesterday by security08:24
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apwcking, if it is easy today then that might help, but if its hastle08:26
ckingapw, I need to give it 10 more mins on charge, it's totally flat08:27
apwcking, heh.  you need one of these octopus chargers i have08:27
apwi should order you one08:27
ckingheh, my desk is already full of cables08:29
apwcking, i ordered a 4 port 5 amp total charger, and two teensy 6 inch cables08:29
apwreally helped, then of course someone stole the h/w i was plugging into it08:29
apw(though i am sure they make a heap better use of it than i did)08:30
apwcking, does 'screenshot' work on your saucy dekstop ?08:47
apwwell shit, i just get a black square08:48
ckingapw, print screen yes, alt-print- screen looks broken08:48
ckingapw, i get a partial image 08:49
ckingoh, it's the hud08:50
apwits the hud ?08:53
ckingon alt-print-screen08:53
apwoh it is showing the hud08:53
cking'cos alt is my hud meta key08:53
* cking grumbles at how long it takes to charge the N708:54
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apwyou need an epically large charger for it08:58
apwa proper 2a job, and not all of those seem to work at proper speed08:59
ckingwell, this is especially flat N7 at the mo09:02
ckingapw, grouper tested and looks OK with the hello world and twitter tests10:01
ckingtalk about test configuration marathon10:03
apwcking, yeah you are my hero, thanks10:09
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* henrix -> lunch11:14
Kanohi, do you rebase 3.11 to .4 soon?11:26
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tseliotapw: are you around?13:02
apwtseliot, hi13:03
tseliotapw: hi, are you available to test a stable and official release of the broadcom driver?13:04
tseliotsaucy would be fine13:04
apwwhen do yu need results13:04
apwcirtainly get the binaries to me13:05
tseliotapw: final freeze is tomorrow, so if I can avoid an SRU... but it also depends on whether you have time for it. Also what package architecture do you need?13:06
apwtseliot, my brcm machine is 32bit, i can test it later today for sure13:06
tseliotapw: ok, thanks, I'll build it and give you the link, thanks13:07
apwtseliot, np13:07
rtghenrix, bouncing gomeisa for kernel update13:16
henrixrtg: ack13:17
tseliotapw: here you go: http://people.canonical.com/~amilone/bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.141+bdcom-0ubuntu1_i386.deb13:26
rtgarges_, your patch 'SAUCE: (no-up) Only let characters through when there are active readers.' on Quantal is breaking my rice bowl.13:35
arges_rtg: how so?13:36
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rtgarges, did you build it on Quantal ?13:36
argesrtg: let me triple check13:37
rtgarges, or maybe I applied the wrong patch ?13:37
apwrtg, ogasawara, i did an upload for arm64 this morning, bits are pushed13:37
argesrtg: there was a patch for PQ, and one for R13:37
rtgarges, I'm thinking P has the same compile problem.13:39
argesrtg: yes it does ldata doesn't exist13:39
rtgarges, how about I drop that patch on those 2 releases for now.13:39
argesrtg: yes please drop P/Q 13:40
argesi think s/icanon/tty will fix, but i think what i did was backport S to R/Q/P instead of using the  re-worked patches i had done originally13:41
rtgarges, OK, dropped for P/Q. 13:42
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ppisatido anyone know why we don't use VIRTIO_CONSOLE on i386 and amd64?14:03
ppisati(it's probably a question for smb, but he is off... :P )14:04
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* rtg -> EOD22:16

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