
dholbachgood morning07:25
phillwHi good people, there is an error (our fault) on http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ regarding lubuntu. Who do I need to contact to have it corrected?20:42
josephillw: people here20:42
pleia2which calendar?20:43
pleia2just let us know what to fix :)20:43
phillwpleia2: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/20:43
josephillw: what's the error?20:43
pleia2phillw: there are 3 calendars on that20:43
pleia2fridge, learning and release20:43
phillwpleia2: I'm looking at month on that link.20:44
phillwpleia2: The Fridge calendar, which is used to track Ubuntu team meetings/events20:44
joseI think he's talking about the fridge20:44
pleia2ah, ok20:44
pleia2can you please tell jose what needs changing? :)20:44
phillwlubuntu no longer have weekly meetings20:44
phillwjose: ^^20:45
pleia2delete them entirely?20:45
josephillw: so, is it fine to just delete all the meetings?20:45
phillwjose: yes, our meetings are scheduled as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda20:45
phillwas we hold them on #lubuntu-offtopic so as not to clash with other teams as they are now milestone based.20:46
josephillw: the Fridge calendar is basically for #ubuntu-meeting meetings, is there a real need to do those in #lubuntu-offtopic20:47
phillwthere is a meetingbot clone on there, so logs are kept as per normal meeting channel.20:47
josebecause we should note that this is also an official flavor meeting20:47
phillwjose: our proposed ones did clash on a couple of occasions when we were setting them up. So as to not to confuse people by having some on #ubuntu-meeting and some on #lubuntu-offtopic it was thought better to hold them all on one channel so people are not turning up on the wrong channel :)20:48
josephillw: that time is specifically reserved for the Lubuntu Team Meeting, and it would have preference over another meeting as it's already scheduled20:49
josewould you like to discuss changing them to #ubuntu-meeting? that way it'd be following all fridge calendar guidelines20:49
phillwjose: we only have one left this cycle. For next cycle whilst I can book them as soon as 14.04 release schedule is finalised, I will not know what (if any) meetings that our TL wants to hold on what is planned for 14.04 probably until after vUDS20:51
josephillw: ok, I will cancel all future meetings and only remain with this one for the 15th, is that ok?20:52
phillwjose: that'd be great.. is it possible to state it will be in #lubuntu-offtopic? (unless #ubuntu-meeting is actually free).20:53
jose#ubuntu-meeting is free for you20:53
phillwCan we book it, in that case. I'll alter our wiki page and alert the mailing list as to the venue :)20:54
josephillw: already booked for you, it's yours to manage during that hour20:54
phillwjose: many thanks :)20:54
joseno worries20:54
josepleia2: just as a heads up, I haven't received any emails concerning the fridge cal update21:41
pleia2jose: not all that surprised :)21:42
joseyou have a minute atm?21:42
pleia2on a work call21:43
pleia2sorry :\21:44
joseno worries21:48
pleia2ok, I have a few minutes21:55
pleia2what's up?21:55
josepleia2: oops, missed it. still available?22:26
pleia2ish, what's up?22:27
josewanted to talk about the Fridge comments that are on hold right now22:29
josenot the spam ones, but the 'I don't like this, that LTS was better, I don't like it the way it is, it's not neat anymore' ones22:30
pleia2oh yes22:31
pleia2so I think our metric should be "if the comment is constructive, we keep it, if it's just random complaining, delete"22:31
pleia2if it's constructive, we can reply22:31
pleia2and should22:32
joseI find that good enough22:32
pleia2and always welcome to ask in here for another pair of eyeballs on ones you're not sure about22:32
josegreat, thanks!22:32
pleia2the line between constructive and not can be very fine :)22:32
joseyeah, found that confusing a couple times22:33
pleia2me too, all the time22:33
joseok, just two comments pending22:38
pleia2I need to get lunch, because I just realized how late it is and hey no wonder I'm hungry22:38
josego grab it, enjoy!22:39

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