
rick_h_greg-g: you're killing me. Man cool stuff04:31
rick_h_http://cabinporn.com/post/60874077271/cabin-on-vestmann-island-iceland-contributed wins imo04:31
rick_h_grass on the stone wall!04:31
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
brouschThis looks like a fun job http://goo.gl/P0Eycd12:00
rick_h_zookeeper runnnnn!12:27
brouschBut the science!12:27
brouschI'm really surprised no one did this with Python first13:01
cmaloneyGood morning13:01
brouschAn excellent morning now that I can NODE ALL THE THINGS13:02
cmaloneyDidn't realize how few NA teams were verified13:08
cmaloneyIt's less than a dozen teams13:08
cmaloneyhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-michigan/2580-michigan-ubuntu-release-party-ubuntu-1310/ <- Does anyone see this event using the ICS feed?13:10
brouschWell they only have 1 per state, right?13:10
cmaloneyThat's North America, not USA13:10
cmaloneynot sure how other countries handle their teams13:11
brouschthat isn't on my calendar13:11
cmaloneyYeah, it's not on mine either. :(13:11
brouschI see the regular months meetings, but not the party13:11
brouschSo I may get thrown out of Grand Rapids, but I think Atwater is my favorite brewery. I have loved every one of their beers I've tried13:13
cmaloneyI've been a fan of Bells personally.13:17
cmaloneyMostly because Black Note is amazing.13:17
cmaloneyAnd Dragon's Milk gives me a splitting headache the next morning13:17
ColonelPanic001atwater has some good ones13:38
ColonelPanic001I've had some Bells, but not a lot.13:38
cmaloneyBells tends to have a lot of Ales13:45
cmaloneyThough I think that's true of most microbreweries13:45
jrwrenwhat is wrong with zookeeper?14:16
jrwrenomfg, nodeos? are you kidding? how stupid!  :)14:17
rick_h_it goes BOOM in juju sometimes. In horrible ways14:17
jrwrenjuju uses zookeeper?14:17
rick_h_pyjuju did14:17
jrwrendoes the go version use raft?14:17
rick_h_not aware of what raft is14:17
jrwrenoh, for TAHT14:17
jrwrenWolf says he wanted to go to mug last night. I said "me too"14:18
jcastroI deployed stuff!14:18
rick_h_live demos ftw!14:19
jcastrojrwren: pick a day and mramm and I would love to give you guys a presentation14:19
jrwrenover lunch?14:19
greg-grick_h_: :) yeah, that blog is dangerous. I think I spent a couple nights going back through the entire archive15:14
cmaloneydear a-frame. Let's run away toggether you and I.15:16
* greg-g makes a cover of Meat Loaf's "I'll do anything for love" but written with a cabin as the object of love.15:19
brouschI'm thinking about installing ubuntu touch on my asus transformer infinity. I haven't really used it since I got a Nexus 715:32
brouschis anyone running Ubuntu Touch right now?15:32
cmaloneyI thought mathomastech was trying it out at one time15:34
widox_oh, CHC at Starbucks tonight eh?17:39
=== widox_ is now known as widox
rick_h_yes! /me remembers to write up posts17:39
rick_h_gah, what a freaking day17:40
rick_h_and CHC website goes boom!17:40
mathomastechbrousch: Yea, I got it running on my Nexus 7. It's kind of a let down atm. I still have hopes it will become something viable though. Lots of unique, and really great idea's.17:41
widoxrick_h_: you broke it17:41
rick_h_ok, put on twitter/G+. Please share like crazy17:43
widoxrick_h_: hm, that's just a map search for Starbucks, not the specific one we're going to17:46
rick_h_bah, it worked for me when I did it in a private browse window17:46
widoxI see results listing "Starbucks near Detroit, MI" anyway17:47
rick_h_bah, well only the truly dedicated will make it!17:47
rick_h_cmaloney: waf ^^17:48
widoxlmorchard and trevlar --^17:49
rick_h_we need to get everyone to set a 'chc' mention in their irc client17:49
rick_h_then I can just: chc - hey remember new location tonight!17:49
rick_h_it's what we do for work.17:49
trevlarthanks :)17:49
trevlargood idea17:49
widoxoh, yeah. I should do that17:50
widoxmy CHC project then17:51
trevlarso chc is at the starbucks on woodward at 13, right?17:59
rick_h_trevlar: correct18:01
cmaloneyIt hasn't moved more than a mile out, so I'm sure we won't see anyone else show up18:02
rick_h_lol, it's farther for him. He should just meet me here and we could drive down 7:15ish :P18:03
brouschDamnit. If Shuttleworth can't get his own country doing things right, how will he fix all the others? http://news.slashdot.org/story/13/10/09/1648218/south-african-education-department-bans-free-and-open-source-software18:11
mathomastechWow. Are they trying to fail? I mean, at least Office is in use today, so while a horrible decision in many ways, at least its not completely wasted. Delphi though, I've only ever encountered that in my Programing languages class, where we were going over old, more or less dead languages.18:40
mathomastechlmordchard: Just got around to viewing your talk on Firefox OS at the MUG last month. Good content!19:28
mathomastechlmorchard: ^19:29
jrwrendelphi is popular in malware world.20:33
jrwrenit compiles to native code, its high level, has nice libraries which apparently are easy to static link, and the compiler is not C so it obfuscates a bit for reversing engineers20:41

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