
cubzequence_, are you around?11:02
zequence_cub: Yp11:14
zequence_I'm on pain meds. That might be my problem right now11:15
cubI was curious about the kernel question in the forums: linux-lowlatency is not optimal for servers. So, I would recommend to try using linux-generic instead.11:15
cubWhy would the generic make any noticeable difference?11:15
zequence_linux-lowlatency has less throughput11:15
zequence_I've heard the number 10%11:15
zequence_It's good for single user desktop systems11:16
cubso generic would handle more stuff at the same time?11:16
cubI thought they were similar11:16
zequence_That's the cost of preemtion11:16
cubHow's the tooth healing going?11:19
zequence_Not sure yet. Might be better today11:19
zequence_Second day on penicillin11:19
zequence_No, third11:19
zequence_But it's been 48h+11:20
cubI saw you talked about the upcoming UDS13:17
cubany news?13:17
cubI'm confused if it will be a phsycial event as well as online?13:20
=== HisaoNakai_ is now known as HisaoNakai

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