[00:03] brainwash: mm, nice [00:07] Hrm, did another update and just now am pulling in the new apparmor, so now it seems like dbus was pulled in before the apparmor update, causing issues? [00:08] Unit193: quite possible [00:08] ochosi: /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla [00:10] bluesabre, one question is about tags not working. I'm using the Xfce Terminal doc as an example, per ochosi's suggestion. [00:10] When I use tags like gui, key an figure on your playground, they don't do anything. [00:11] and [00:11] jjfrv8: oh, it's possible that the xfce-wiki uses extensions that bluesabre hasn't installed yet on his dokuwiki [00:11] so don't worry, they'll show up in the real docs [00:11] But I can't preview them then? :( [00:12] i think we'll figure out what extensions are needed and install them asap [00:12] wait, what tags? [00:12] should the wiki support docbook stuff? [00:12] or is that even the final format [00:12] jjfrv8: could you point me to an example tag? [00:13] Can you look at what I've got in the playground? Those three tags I mentioned I copied right from the Terminal doc. [00:13] 'gui', 'key', 'figure' [00:15] okies [00:15] will check up on what is needed for those [00:15] Cool. [00:16] you know you need to use Sean's PPA for the latest parole version? [00:18] or in general, do you have any other questions wrt parole docs? [00:18] Yeah, I've got that on my test machine. [00:19] the only other question was how can I delete stuff from the media manager on the wiki. Didn't see any option for that. [00:20] As for the content, I'm not far enough along to have any questions there yet. [00:20] that might be something only the admin (sean) can do [00:20] I thought I would start with something easy, like configuring preferences. [00:20] but i'm not sure, anyway, i wouldn't worry about that too much [00:20] sounds cool [00:22] Okay, I just put some non-xubuntu images up there and didn't want you wondering what the heck that was all about. [00:22] hehe [00:22] don't worry about those [00:23] brainwash: 1. Nope, not (just) the late packages. 2. Saucy generic kernel is required, liquorix and one from kernel.org won't do. You're safe to upgrade. :/ [00:26] Unit193: one does not simply use a non-ubuntu kernel :P [00:26] brainwash: Guess not in saucy, I had to all during raring though... [00:26] so the bug report is not valid then I guess [00:31] jjfrv8: ok, gotta head to bed now, just ping bluesabre or me if you run into problems [00:32] Thx, ochosi. [00:32] np, thank you! [00:32] This, this is part of the reason I should _never_ do bug reports. >_< [00:32] pleia2, actually lately, we keep the keys to respinning and stuff ;) [00:32] brainwash: Yes. [00:33] Hopefully I don't come off as a total idiot. :/ [00:33] Unit193: don't worry :) [00:33] pleia2, nooo, no changing color wall ;) [00:34] the report might help other users facing the same issue [00:35] Hope so. :/ [00:35] jjfrv8: just as a final mention before i go, the format will remain dokuwiki, not something like docbook (just to be clear) [00:38] I think I'm with you there. I was following the dokuwiki syntax guide. [00:46] knome: aw, no? [00:46] pleia2, nah. :) [00:46] oh well :) [00:46] yeah. [00:47] we're planning it for 14.04 though, since that still needed work... [00:47] * pleia2 nods [00:48] but +1 for the interview generally [00:49] should we social-mediaize that? [00:49] thanks :) [00:49] yes, we probably should! [00:51] tweeted [00:54] g+ed and fbed [00:54] cool [00:55] found this via linkedin: http://ajreissig.hubpages.com/hub/UPGRADING-A-TEENS-LAPTOP-WITH-XUBUNTU#! [00:55] shall we add it to 12.10 page? [00:55] yeah, why not [00:55] i think it's a different story [00:56] (than the usual) [00:56] * pleia2 nods [01:29] brainwash: Heh, he changed it from Invalid to In Progress, interesting. [03:14] ochosi: maybe if we catch nick we can see what extensions he has installed in dokuwiki (or other tweaks) to make it work that way? [03:14] gotta go, bbl === Maple__ is now known as Guest58172 [05:22] Hah, and now the retracer is done. :P [05:28] trying to get packages up [05:31] I'm having trouble with xfce4-panel [05:31] I have libxfce4ui and I think the indicator will build if I can get the panel to build [05:35] Yeah, blues had the problem with the panel as well. [05:47] ochosi: I've got libxfce4ui, but seem to be failing with xfce4-panel https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/patch-test/+packages [05:56] ochosi: here's what I have http://people.ubuntu.com/~micahg/xfce4-panel/ [05:57] I can't seem to get configure working [06:10] Seems you're missing a few build-deps, you're also on the wrapper3 branch I'd assume. They seem to have switched something, and when I gave a shot at it I had to change something, not sure if I just called ./autogen.sh or not though. [06:11] I don't remember if ido was for the xfce4-indicator-lugin or panel. [06:11] libido-0.1-dev, libido3-0.1-dev, xfce4-dev-tools, gtk-doc-tools, libtool, exo-utils is what blues had, and I remember being annoyed that I had to get the gtk docs for it to be happy about missing parts. [06:12] https://launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/+archive/xfce-4.12-daily/+sourcepub/3527905/+listing-archive-extra anyway. === Maple__ is now known as Guest60728 [07:29] micahg: your xfce4-panel package has no configure script in it, the one from the repos does [07:29] so i think you need to run autogen.sh before creating the orig.tar.gz [08:10] ochosi, I've just added whiskermenu to the pkg-xfce SVN, provided one of the DDs approve, it will be in unstable by the end of the minth [08:11] cool [11:00] was there a discussion about backporting the vsync patch for xwfm4 (after the drop of xmir)? a tear-free desktop, that's what most people want [11:14] I need to file a bug report about that [11:14] I am actually getting more tearing now [11:15] didn't have a tearing problem before [11:30] bluesabre: graphics driver related? === Guest60728 is now known as Maple[] [11:40] brainwash: maybe [11:41] Graphics: Card: NVIDIA G98M [Quadro NVS 160M] X.Org: 1.14.3 drivers: nvidia (unloaded: fbdev,vesa,nouveau) Resolution: 1280x800@60.0hz, 1440x900@59.9hz GLX Renderer: Quadro NVS 160M/PCIe/SSE2 GLX Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 319.32 [12:09] hello guys, I'm now testing Xubu 13.10 on Sapphire Edge-HD4, still there are errors like sound and update-manager without working restart button :D [12:11] olbi, have you send test reports and filed bugs? [12:12] *sent [12:17] those were sent before and aren't fixed yet :) [12:36] just used update-manager to get the latest updates, pressed the restart button and it worked [12:49] bug 1232363 [12:49] bug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1232363 [13:24] brainwash: was still failing for me this morning [13:28] elfy: even when booting into live mode? [13:28] (I assume you've already tested it) [13:32] oh not checked that [13:33] so basically a fresh installation [13:35] checking [13:35] I tried it reproduce this issue yesterday, fired up my vm, booted into live mode and applied some updates.. and my virtual display turned into ascii art [13:35] did not try a secoond time :) [13:35] :) [13:43] elfy: is the package "consolekit" installed on the affected system? [13:44] that might explain it [13:45] I'm pretty sure something pulled consolekit on my test system [13:45] not here [13:46] vm fails to restart - I'll install consolekit [13:46] lxde I guess, so yea.. update manager requires gnome session manager (running) or consolekit to restart [13:47] but consolekit is deprecated [13:47] and xubuntu does not ship it anymore (logind is now used for tasks like restart/shutdown/..) [13:49] bah [13:51] not going to be looking now [13:54] so another related issue for us then [13:56] so installing consolekit does solve it? [13:59] not sure - I'd restarted it [13:59] will wait till the next one [13:59] n [14:03] it would explain, why only xubuntu is affected [14:04] well - anyone affected will have need for a restart in it given the kernel update [14:04] ochosi: if you've not updated - can you see if you have consolekit installed, if not install it then try update manager [14:05] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/update-manager/saucy/view/head:/UpdateManager/Dialogs.py#L275 [14:06] feel free to add a comment [14:06] gtg now [14:59] comment added [15:32] brainwash, elfy: FWIW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2179438&p=12811690&viewfull=1#post12811690 [15:33] woot [15:43] slickymaster: open a terminal and run "dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager.Restart" [15:44] (it will restart your system eventually) [15:44] but consolekit is NOT the problem, it's the missing support for logind [15:49] brainwash: just rebooted. Is there any steps further you'd like me to do? [15:51] slickymaster: no, now we just need to wait for the update-manager dev(s) to provide a patch/fix :) [15:53] brainwash: Just curious, did I send any kind of a report with that command? [15:54] no, it is just a dbus call [15:55] telling the consolekit daemon to restart the system [15:55] brainwash: tks [15:56] but a fresh installation of Xubuntu 13.10 does now rely on logind instead of consolekit, so this call would do return an error message [15:58] brainwash: thanks for the explanation [16:26] elfy, brainwash, not sure if you still wanted this tested or not. I just installed consolekit, ran update manager and restart button worked. [16:44] jjfrv8: thanks for confirming :) [16:46] however, installing consolekit is an ugly workaround, remove it after the issue has been fixed [18:13] brainwash: is there already a bugreport for the update-manager restart issue? [18:13] (this must affect ubuntu-desktop as well if it's really missing support for logind) [18:13] bug 1232363 [18:13] bug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1232363 [18:14] ok great [18:14] we could link that to our devel blueprint [18:14] unity is using gnome-session-manager I assume [18:14] lubuntu is still pulling consolekit [18:14] and Kubuntu... mmh [18:15] hmpf [18:15] is using another updater [18:15] so it's our problem now [18:15] yes, easy fixable [18:16] maybe it's time again to ping one of the ubuntu devs :) [18:17] which one do I choose today.. [18:19] hehe [18:19] yeah, please do that [18:20] i mean after all, even for them going through logind makes more sense (imho) [18:20] and it needs to be fixed before final release [18:21] or maybe not [18:34] so have we confirmed the fix for bug 1232363 is seeding the package 'consolekit' ? [18:34] bug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1232363 [18:35] or, is there another preferred solution, and would that mean we would have to do the heavy lifting ourself? [18:35] and is there a reason not to add consolekit? [18:36] is is deprecated and replaced by login [18:36] logind [18:37] one more time: it is deprecated and replaced by logind :) [18:37] lol, oki [18:38] then it's a bit more complicated [18:39] the only complication would be to find a dev who is not busy [18:40] well, yes... [18:40] I assume everyone of them is kinda busy right now before the RC release [18:40] when did this bug appear? [18:40] or, when was consolekit dropped? [18:41] if it's not a recent change, then it is hard to justify asking others to fix it (since unfortunately, we should've noticed it before) [18:41] 2013-07-01 [18:41] "don't recommend consolekit anymore" [18:43] mhm [18:43] yeah, we should've spotted that earlier [18:43] yeah i guess [18:43] but it could've been fixed by ubuntu too [18:44] i mean update-manager is kinda their app and they also made the switch to logind [18:44] so it's not *totally* uncalled for to ask them to patch [18:44] yep [18:44] but really, it should be more or less a one-liner i'd presume, no? [18:44] but it *is* the last day before final freeze [18:44] no idea. [18:44] it's basically copy&paste [18:44] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/update-manager/saucy/view/head:/UpdateManager/Dialogs.py#L275 [18:45] so I don't bother to submit a patch, because it is easy fixable [18:46] it is not clear to me how it's copy&paste (i'm not a developer though) and i would say a patch always helps [18:46] well if you submit a patch, chances are higher that someone will upload it [18:46] it's much easier to review a patch than look and dig into the issue [18:47] yep, and if we have a patch it's easier to ask people [18:49] right [18:57] hi [18:58] did you have problems with USC while trying to install programs and USC crash? :) [18:58] Xubuntu 13.10 [19:04] sry, i hardly ever use USC [19:05] ochosi: try http://lpaste.net/94086 [19:16] brainwash: patch looks good, will try after dinner [19:18] a dev would still need to mark consolekit as deprecated, maybe change the order of calls and add some sort of warning if all methods fail... the last point it actually the reason, why it took so long to resolve this issue [19:18] olbi, have you filed a bug? [19:23] bug 1230123 [19:23] bug 1230123 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed after installing software" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1230123 [19:23] noticed some occasional crashes too [19:29] bug 1237594 [19:29] bug 1237594 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "The U+0001 control character is output in terminal" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1237594 [19:35] bbl [20:15] knome: When you have the time, could you please adjust LP Bug #1237396 to Low & Wishlist as it is something we could carry over to UDS discussions probably [20:15] Launchpad bug 1237396 in abiword (Ubuntu) "Set Open Document ODT as default save format instead of ABW" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1237396 [20:39] anyone else available to test this (untested) patch http://lpaste.net/94093 ? [20:40] make sure that consolekit is not installed [20:55] brainwash: sorry, i'm still a bit busy, but i'll test it tonight [20:55] ochosi: no worries [20:56] everyone can test it, it's python, so no need to compile anything [20:56] Sadly, python. ;P I may be able to try in a VM at some point. [20:57] python is great, just take a look at the u-s-c... [20:57] :P [20:58] oh [20:58] :) [21:02] brainwash: guess now i have to wait for updates that demand a reboot... [21:02] (just installed a new kernel rev...) [21:04] remove the kernel and the update manager will gladly download it again :) [21:22] Should already be cached in /var/cache/apt/archives/ [21:26] right, so no need to even redownload it [21:27] But, you will have to re-install linux-image-generic as it depends on the latest kernel. [21:30] There's a new dbus in proposed. :P [21:37] how about a test package which requires a reboot? :) [21:37] Anywho, if you want me to confirm I can fire up a VM. [21:41] feel free to test it [21:41] skellat, done [21:46] Eh, the raw doesn't download right, but good enough. [21:50] brainwash: Crashed, but didn't even download anything. :P [21:50] Normal, right? [21:57] Unit193: no [22:00] the raw? and what exactly did crash and at which point? [22:02] brainwash: ok, testing now, in 3, 2, 1... [22:03] crashed. [22:03] the update-manager i mean [22:04] when starting it? [22:04] when trying to reboot ofc [22:05] update-manager crashed with Typeerror in call_blocking(): More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments [22:05] did your patch work for you? [22:06] untested [22:08] I'll try a small test app.. first time actually writing python code [22:18] well, good practice :) [22:22] brainwash: patch-bounty: if you get a working patch for update-manager to the bugreport and someone to upload it, i'll do the damn 64px trash-icon you wanted so badly [22:24] jjfrv8: the tags now work as expected in the staging-site for parole-docs, bluesabre installed the required plugins [22:24] ochosi: http://lpaste.net/94103 [22:25] iface.Reboot(True) [22:25] Reboot requires a paramter (type boolean) [22:25] is that tested now? [22:25] yes [22:25] or are you sending me on another suicide-mission :p [22:25] it worked in my little test app :) [22:26] but it makes sense [22:26] but you didn't try in update-man? [22:26] :> [22:27] it will work [22:27] it's just a simple dbus call [22:28] what do you promise in return in case it doesn't? >:D [22:28] an unicorn? [22:28] what, just a unicorn? [22:29] this patch is no rocket science [22:30] yeah, it's just that the error i got doesn't really suggest this fix [22:30] if it does not work now, I won't continue writing/patching python code [22:30] which error? [22:31] what about promising to test your own patches first in the future? :) [22:31] the one i mentioned 26mins ago [22:31] http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/istantanea-10102013-123046am.php [22:31] did you start update-manager inside a terminal window? [22:31] so where's that unicorn! [22:31] no, apport reported back [22:31] i repeat: [22:31] update-manager crashed with Typeerror in call_blocking(): More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments [22:31] and now: where's the bloody unicorn?! [22:31] yes [22:31] :) [22:32] because I did not pass the parameter True [22:34] well, seems that doesn't work though [22:41] brainwash: or does it work for you in update-man? [22:43] how do I force a reboot? [22:44] i thought you said yourself to remove the kernel? [22:44] at least i don't know of any other method [22:44] or some other package that triggers a reboot, not sure what those are [22:44] it's a bit tricky [22:46] brainwash: It seems like it worked, just have to remote back into the RDP session. :P [22:46] ah ok, purge and reinstalled the current kernel [22:46] and restart worked after launching update-manager [22:46] hmm [22:46] strange [22:46] then i have to check whether there are some errors i made [22:46] http://lpaste.net/94103 [22:47] Unit193: the updated patch did the tick, right? [22:48] trick [22:48] weird, the update-manager still doesn't show [22:49] just updated the patch (even though there was no diff) [22:49] maybe i need to restart my session or some service [22:50] reinstall it perhaps [22:50] well that also makes your patch go away [22:50] you can reapply it [22:50] sure, but that shouldn't make any difference [22:51] next time I double check the crap which I upload [22:52] so update-manager without the patch works fine? [22:53] ok, restart fixed update-manager [22:54] OK, nah, the old one doesn't work for sure. [22:56] yes, next time I'll test it myself [22:57] * Unit193 doesn't like the new `patch` :/ [22:57] Unit193: why, what's up with that? [22:58] It thinks you're too stupid to use full paths, thus it calls them dangerous and skips it. [22:59] so the patch format is not ideal? [22:59] brainwash: No, it's great. [22:59] Anyway, new one tested working? [22:59] works for me [23:01] I'll fire up a vm too, just to make sure [23:02] Alright, well what I tried didn't work. [23:07] Unit193: what exactly? "didn't work" is not very helpful [23:07] I assume you always launch update-manager from inside a terminal window, right? [23:08] Heh, indeed it doesn't. It's fairly simple, patched it using http://lpaste.net/94086 it pulled in the updates, and hitting restart did not do a thing. [23:08] I never launch update-manager, so I made sure all were killed before, and opened it from Settings Manager. [23:09] nonono [23:10] http://lpaste.net/94103 [23:10] line 18 changed [23:10] Ah, I see. At the time the other was latest. :P [23:10] there are only 2 versions [23:11] not working and working :) [23:11] how did you get it to show the restart thingy again? [23:11] i mean what pkgs did you remove exactly [23:12] Yeah, you updated it after I ran the test. I can try again though. [23:13] I reinstalled the current kernel [23:13] but that removes the -generic pkg for me [23:13] if i remove that i mean [23:13] it will remove the kernel meta package [23:13] reinstall it [23:13] yeah but reinstalling does pull the latest kernel again [23:14] how about upstart? [23:14] or udev? [23:14] nah, udev possibly not [23:14] apt-cache policy linux-image-generic that give more than one version? [23:15] it's a meta package [23:16] depends on the latest version [23:17] Sure, but install an older version and you can purge the latest kernel then the meta will want to upgrade, which needs a rebboot. [23:17] Well, it'd need a reboot at least. [23:17] right [23:18] but there has to be another package, which requires a system reboot [23:19] Sure, plenty. [23:21] sudo touch /var/run/reboot-required [23:21] a one liner [23:22] gah [23:22] you could've said that *before* i removed my kernel [23:22] :D [23:22] Didn't think it'd pick that up. [23:23] just read about it [23:23] And, /var/run is a symlink to /run [23:24] ok, so if it works, i'll be right back [23:24] You can actually check *what* needs a reboot with the .pkgs file. [23:24] if it doesn't, i'll just stick around [23:24] Works for me™ [23:26] same [23:26] here [23:26] same here™ [23:26] enjoy your working restart button :) [23:27] Now I never have to use that annoying application again. :D [23:27] same [23:27] But thanks for the fix. :P [23:27] now please attach the patch to the bugreport and start thugging people [23:27] already done [23:27] cool, co-co-cool [23:28] bug 1232363 [23:28] bug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1232363 [23:28] Oh, and noticed I pulled in the new dbus that fixed my issue, can install on the real Saucy compy. :D [23:31] ..and this is how I started to learn and like Python :D [23:32] ochosi, bluesabre, that was quick! Thanks. I'll try it out tonight. [23:32] jjfrv8: no problem ;) they don't (not) call us the dynamic duo for no reason! [23:32] hehe