[03:11] for some reason my system wide language has been changed from en_US to en_UK and now i get funny little characters whenever i enter xfce-terminal === Maple__ is now known as Guest58172 [05:42] hi all - I have a tar backup of an entire system basically sudo tar /mnt/tmp_reote_bak/a.tar / [05:42] now I want to restore the entire backup to a VM's disk [05:43] I booted on XUbuntu 12.04 .iso... so I think there is a RAM FS.. but I dont undertand the details [05:43] I installed sshfs and mounted the remote dir with the tar file.. and I formatted and mounted the disk in the VM [05:44] so I want to untar the file, but point the restore to the root of the mounted disk, not the root of the RAM FS that is running the machine... I think I am close but I dont quite get the last step [05:58] .. maybe I need to install an OS to the disk, reboot, do the same remote mount, then restore, overwriting the OS files... === Maple__ is now known as Guest60728 [06:24] Hey guys! Today my xubuntu 12.04 loaded in text mode. xcfe4-session would not start and I had to start xubuntu-session to get to the graphic system. Recently I uninstalled a kscreen login, because after installing some KDE screensavers suddenly standard xubuntu login screen changed to some other. [06:24] like, kubuntu one [06:24] so now I think something is fishy in the startup scripts [06:24] can someone help? [06:26] so I need lightdm-gtk-greeter to work [06:26] it is there [06:26] but does not launch [06:30] dude - who knows what the KDE screensaver did? how can anyone fix that? [06:30] I wrote screensavers :-) [06:31] I know what an awful hack they can be! [06:55] Hi everyone. I have a System 76 Gazelle Pro Laptop and I put xubuntu 13.04 on it. and sometimes at boot it will hang on a black screen and not load, I have to take the battery out to restart. After that though Xubuntu loads super quick. is there a way to fix the hanging? [07:03] if you hold the power button on for 5 seconds that will turn the computer off [07:03] if the hang doesn't happen every time I would think it is a hardware issue [07:06] thanks I was thinking of asking system 76 if I should use their ubuntu drivers, but I thought I would come here first to see if it is a problem others are seeing. === Soul-Sing is now known as czajkows1i [11:25] hello [11:26] sovjet: Hello [11:26] have a lame problem because i am lame... [11:27] i have created bootable usb key, but installation does not see the drive, because it needs additional ahci driver [11:27] i have found something ahci.ko which i should add to that iso image before i put it on usb drive [11:27] but i really dont know how to do that [11:28] + i am on windows === Guest60728 is now known as Maple[] [11:40] sovjet: Do you mean the USB won't boot? [11:41] nope, it boots from usb key but i dont see any hdds [11:41] sovjet: What version of Xubuntu did you put on the USB drive? [11:41] the thing i have to do is: create a new usb bootable key with this driver for hdd controller added [11:42] 12.04 [11:43] tried also with 13.04 [11:43] i am trying that on hp dc7900 [11:43] http://www.symantec.com/connect/downloads/linux-ahci-driver-dell-optiplex-760-and-hp-dc7900 [11:43] sorry if urls are note allowed in the chan [11:45] sovjet: No, that's fine - and this link is pretty out of date, recent Linux kernels should have AHCI support builtin. [11:46] which one should i try ? [11:46] last 13.04 64bit ? [11:46] sovjet: That would be where I would start, yes. [11:47] hmm have 2 months old bootable key [11:47] sovjet: Once you have the USB booted, be sure to poke around with lspci, lshw, lsmod and see what all devices you can actually see. If you can get net access, come back here with the session running and we can get more interactive. [11:48] oh === qwertz_ is now known as uslss [12:22] hi there I have an old dell inspirion 1300 laptop and it is running ubuntu 9.10, however I am trying to upgrade it to xubuntu 12.04 for better flash updates etc as this laptop is for my mum. I am experienced using and setting up ubuntu but after I try the live CD and all works and as soon as the installer is running for a minute I get a console/black screen with output info where it hangs/crashes... cannot get around this... anyone have advice? [12:25] templer: Perhaps try the minimal installer and see if you have better luck that way? You can add your chosen DE after the install is completed. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [12:26] !nomodeset|templer, might also be worth considerin [12:26] templer, might also be worth considerin: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [12:35] bgardner: i have this thing on internet now [12:36] i can see the hdd in x [12:37] but in terminal if i do df i dont see it [12:37] also if i start installer i dont see a disk i could install to [12:37] sovjet: df will only show it if you mount it [12:37] ah okay [12:38] so what should i check now ? [12:38] sovjet: Do 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if you see the defined partitions you expect. [12:38] yes i see /dev/sda is the hdd [12:39] sovjet: Okay, well your original problem was that you couldn't see HDDs in the live session. That sounds solved, so what is it you want to do now? [12:40] in X there is install ubuntu 13.04 [12:40] if i run that in that installation i click english and next [12:40] continoue* [12:40] i have two green ticks on at least 5.4GB and connected to internet [12:41] and then there is empty screen, +-change [12:41] i see device for boot loader installation says /dev/sda [12:42] if i click install now it says no root file system is defined [12:42] please correct this from partitioning menu [12:42] but that menu is empty, but there should be some ntfs partition there, because winsux is installed on that hdd [12:43] sovjet: Did you want a dual-boot setup, or do you want to remove windows and replace it with Ubuntu? [12:44] remove wins, clean installation ubuntu only [12:44] sovjet: Then if I were you, I would manually clean off /dev/sda using fdisk, then try the installer again. [12:45] okay [12:49] deleted and reboot so if i do fdisk /dev/sda and press d [12:49] it says no partition defined yet [12:49] but i still dont see anything in installer [12:50] if i click + it says sorry, ubuntu 13.04 has expirienced an internal problem [12:50] sovjet: That's new to me. Okay, well, build your partitions yourself and see if it picks them up. If your memory is medium-low, don't forget to add a swap partition. [12:50] executable path /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity [12:55] made a partition but i still dont see it in installer :( [12:55] ah sorry! [12:56] sovjet: ? [12:56] forgot to do the "w" in fdisk [12:56] rebooting [12:56] sovjet: Okay, let us know [13:00] no luck [13:02] if i do fdisk -l i see linux partition i made, but installer does not see it [13:02] what now [13:02] how do i transform this to a fstab line? sudo mount --rw -t vboxsf Desktop /media/sf_Desktop/ [13:20] Hi! Is it possible to configure xfce4-screenshooter in a way that pressing the print-key multiple times only results in one screenshot? My cat *loves* to stand on that key, and taking several thousand screenshots easily consumes all main memory and swap. [13:20] effectively forcing me to reboot [13:22] well [13:23] you could set it to do nothing on it's own [13:23] jost: you can change key combination for printscreen in keyboard settings, make it ctrl-prnt or something [13:24] sovjet: I honestly don't know, that behavior is new to me. Hang around for a bit and see if anyone else can assist you. Or you might also ask over in #ubuntu if you haven't already. [13:24] The cat will notice the change in keyboard settings and press the correct keys. Cats do that. [13:28] Myrtti, Sysi: Thanks [13:29] bgardner: thanks for the help, ill try to install to external usb drive, if i can do that i am fine [13:29] sovjet: Sure thing, good luck [13:35] hi, I just tried installing xubuntu 12.04.3 x64 and I keep getting "Invalid partition table!" [13:35] Did a clean install, wiped entire disk [13:37] Not sure what I'm doing wrong here [13:43] zaggynl, the drive could be faulty, try to run a fsck [13:46] drive is fine [13:46] lemme run a diagnostic [14:06] disk checks out fine [14:07] might've been because I used UEFI boot [14:29] for some reason my system wide language has been changed from en_US to en_UK and now i get funny little characters whenever i enter (or other) xfce-terminal [14:29] !uefi | zaggynl [14:29] zaggynl: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [14:29] thanks [14:30] gdos, type setxkbmap en [14:30] that should fix your keyboard [14:32] although momentaneously, you will need to find a more permantent solution [14:32] error loading new keyboard description; what's happening is that every other char is a little box with ones and zeros. [14:32] ...especially when displaying colors. === mk is now known as Guest17400 [14:51] hellò..which version of xfce there will be in saucy? 4.10 or 4.12? [14:51] Guest17400, 4.10 with some 4.11 (4.12 development version) components. 4.12 isn't released. [14:53] hello [14:53] Morrog: Hello [14:53] thanks [14:53] how are you today? [14:54] Morrog: Good thank you, how can we help you? [14:55] well, on monday i installed xubuntu 13.04 (i needed a more up to date OS than i previously had) [14:55] I saw that there are ppa for 4.12 ..is stable for PC that I use for work? i 'm currently using 13.30...I want the pc stable but updated, I do not use lts [14:56] it's my first run with XFCE, and i remember on gnome 2 there was a possibility to view the entire keyboard layout [14:56] 13.10 sorry [14:56] so one could look at all the keys and see where a symbol was. is there a similar function in xubuntu? [14:56] Guest17400, it's at your own discretion, but i wouldn't use PPA's (that aren't critical for my work) on production machines [14:57] ok thanks for the suggestion ... I will not add ppa [14:58] Guest17400, also, 13.10 isn't released yet, so until it's released, don't count on it being stable (yeah, only week until release, but nonetheless) [14:58] Morrog, do you know what the application was called in gnome 2? [14:58] no, but it was part of the regular menu where you could add keyboard layouts [14:59] i assume if you installed that gnome2 component, you'd get the same functionality back (no idea what that component is, and what it would drag in with it) [15:00] I know this, always install the version from the beta then I never had any problems, xubuntu 13.10 beta 2 is very stable for now, and very beautiful [15:01] thanks knome. i'll search some more for the exact application in gnome 2 - if i can find it that is [15:01] np [15:03] so how do i remove the little boxes of ones and zeros when displaying colors in xfce-terminal? [15:04] gdos, that sounds like an encoding problem, or a missing font [15:07] tried using courioer new and couriouer 10 [15:07] what i'm saying is [15:07] those symbols might be interpreted as, say, japanese symbols [15:08] so how do i change the encoding? [15:08] if the current font doesn't have that symbol, it's loaded from a different font - if there is any font that has that symbol [15:08] where do you see the problem happening? [15:08] knome, it seems to have been part of gnome-keyboard-properties, as far as i can tell [15:08] xfce-terminal AND guake (as well as xterm) [15:09] gdos, with any colors anywhere, or with a certain CLI app? [15:09] which then had a 'print' option (Print a diagram of the selected keyboard layout) [15:10] any console app that uses colors. [15:10] knome: i'm beginning to suspect its an encoding problem but not sure how to fix. [15:11] gdos, could you imagebin a screenshot? [15:12] Morrog, mhm, can't seem to find a suitable package for that, or at least an obvious one [15:12] yeah, me neither. it's a minor thing of course, but i do feel a bit stupid for having to manually tap keys until i find the right symbol :p [15:12] knome: zimagez ok? [15:13] gdos, whatever works [15:14] knome: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10092013-091312am.php [15:15] gdos, aha, so not all the colors in the terminal are broken, eg. the prompt [15:15] gdos, that looks like aptsh is using some symbols none of your fonts have [15:15] hmmm...what's the default font Ubuntu (or Xubuntu) uses? is there a font viewer that I can use to compare fonts? [15:16] gdos, the way the fonts are loaded would usually fallback to any font that has that symbol [15:17] gdos, practically, if an app asked for a symbol for the musical g-key and the current font didn't have that symbol, the system would find a font that has one, if any [15:17] gdos, and only after that, show the unicode box [15:17] gdos, the default terminal font is liberation mono IIRC, i prefer dejavu sans mono myself [15:18] gdos, cucharmap, or gnome-character-map (symlink to the former) to look at the fonts [15:18] ok let me try those fonts, *BRB* [15:19] if i see that correctly, the missing symbol looks like U+0001, which is a control character; that shouldn't be "missing" [15:20] knome: that first screenshot was with liberation sans mono (i forgot i delted my original xfce-terminal profile to resort back to default settings) and this next screen shot is with the deja sans mono font: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10092013-091910am.php [15:20] gdos, i can confirm i have that bug with aptsh. [15:21] gdos, do you have that bug with other apps? [15:21] knome: i will open up an tty and see if i get the same error. [15:21] er, bug. [15:21] i don't have it on a TTY [15:22] knome: i, too, do not have it on a tty. [15:22] so probably a bug in how xfce4-terminal handles U+0001 [15:22] hmm....gimme a sec and let me try another terminal. [15:22] works for me in xterm [15:23] but doesn't xterm not use font encoding or use what tty uses (can't remember)? [15:23] don't kno [15:23] +w [15:25] just for giggles i'm going to try another terminal. [15:33] strange, the keyboard layout used in xfce is different from the one in gnome [15:59] Hi all. I ve searched everywhere. But cannot find how fix font antialiasing on qt apps (vlc, virtualbx etc). Help me out please. :) [16:08] doesnt qt has a control panel for itself? [16:12] it does [16:13] in any case, my intuition says this has to work http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=46535 [16:13] qt4-qtconfig [17:29] knome: i do not get this issue with pterm (putty's terminal); gnome-terminal won't load; trying others now. [18:05] Does anyone here know what to do when a window gets an equals sign next to it's name in the start bar, and it stays basically minimised, and closing the program is the only answer it seem. [18:06] (on Xubuntu of course) [18:06] Dan_D, the window is just scrolled [18:06] or rolled [18:06] use the scroll wheel over the title bar of a window to roll it up and down [18:07] Ok [18:07] try it :) [18:07] Oh cool! [18:07] What is this feature for though? [18:07] Dan_D, you can also add a button to the title bar to control the rolling of windows by clicking [18:08] Ok,thanksyou [18:08] Dan_D, its a feature most window manager have had in linux since ever, its before the list of windows was set as a standard [18:08] Ok [18:08] its pretty useful [18:08] I have never noticed it until today,however [18:09] Dan_D, :) if you press alt while scrolling on the title bar you can make windows transparent!! [18:09] :D [18:09] Holy S**T! That is sooooo cool. [18:09] GridCube: HOW did I not know that?! [18:09] :D [18:10] if you press alt and clic anywhere in a window you can drag it [18:10] if you press alt and left click on a window anyway you can resize it! [18:10] :D [18:11] SO I can play a game and keep an eye on it's IRC channel at the same time with transparency. [18:11] XD sure [18:11] Cool [18:11] Bye [18:12] bye :) [18:12] knome: does same thing in lxterminal [18:13] gdos, have you tried loggin in using the guest account and see if you keep seeing this weird issue? [18:13] no will try that now, GridCube; just tried other terminals and does same thing. does not do it on xterm or pterm, however. [18:15] GridCube: guest account = same issue. [18:16] how very weird [18:32] gdos, can you file a bug about that? [18:36] how and where? [18:38] gdos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+filebug [18:43] k. thanks, knome [18:43] np [18:43] gdos, you can paste me the bug when you're ready and i can poke around a bit [18:53] OK. How would I or should I word it, knome? [18:54] "xfce4-terminal outputs the U+0001 control character" [18:56] got it. :) [18:56] and attach a screenshot. [18:57] Ok. [19:06] knome: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/1237594 (bug report filed on that issue we discussed earlier) [19:06] Ubuntu bug 1237594 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce-terminal (or other terminals) outputs the U+0001 control character" [Undecided,New] [19:07] what were all the terminals affected? [19:08] (or, those you looked and were affected) ^ gdos [19:08] knome. yea i just added that, after the fact. sorry. :) [19:09] but what were the exact terminals? i can mark them as affected as well [19:11] oh right, read the description again :P [19:11] marked lxterminal and gnome-terminal as affected [19:12] so it's a libvte issue? [19:13] no idea [19:13] but at least there is now a bug :) [19:14] interesting one, only the libvte terminals seem to be affected [19:15] ^A^[[1;33mapt^A^[[1;31msh^A^[[0m> [19:15] aptsh> [19:17] what is libvte? is it used in all terminals (or just the ones that use it like gnome-terminal, konsole, lxterminal, xfce-terminal)? [19:18] brainwash, any additional information on the bug is appreciated. maybe even mark libvte as affected. [19:19] if it is libvte we might be able to narrow this down by trying which terminals use libvte vs. those that don't, correct? [19:19] yep [19:19] yea, all the mentioned terminals utilizes libvte [19:20] tty is not affected, xterm and rxvt aren't either [19:24] what about gnome-terminal (i couldn't even get that to come up) or konsole (downloading it now); anyone else have those? [19:25] gdos: I have gnome-terminal installed, what did you need tested again? [19:25] bgardner, bug 1237594 [19:25] bug 1237594 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "The U+0001 control character is output in terminal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1237594 [19:26] knome: Thank you, one moment [19:27] gdos,knome: Yes, gnome-terminal is affected. [19:27] anyway, we should move this discussion to #xubuntu-devel :) [19:27] however konsole doesn't appear to be, can anyone care to confirm? [19:27] ok gotcha, knome: i'll let you move it to #xubuntu-devl as i'm headed out the door. :) [19:27] gdos, heh, oki, hf [22:57] Hey does anyone here know how to switch windows on xubuntu 12.04. I'm not talking about switching workspaces. My tutor was helping me today and he pressed like 2 keys and was able to toggle all of the open windows on the screen. How do you do this? [22:57] ReaganomicsLambo: alt+tab [22:58] and to cycle in the other direction, you can do alt+shift+tab [22:58] holding the alt-key (even after releasing tab) lets you stay in the overview [22:58] lol, thanks man. You learn something new each day. [22:58] works in every OS i know [22:59] (incl. windows, osx) === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:43] Hi [23:44] Howdy. [23:44] im new to xubuntu [23:45] please help me to change the task bar buttons