
xnoxinternetpanda: init-checkconf is your friend. But it looks like you should deltet line 98 and line 14, there is no need to wrap respawn/exec stanzas in "script... end script".07:54
xnoxinternetpanda: also see cookbook.07:54
=== crankhar1er is now known as crankharder
arthurdenthey i'm trying to start a service with upstart (mdm) and the only output I get is "mdm stop/waiting"20:13
arthurdentmdm works fine if i just run it, but i can't figure out how to get more debug output from service or initctl or start20:14
arthurdentokay i figured out the problem20:42
arthurdent/etc/profile contained a line in it "source" but apparently upstart chokes if it's not "."20:42
arthurdentwhy is this?20:42
arthurdentobviously it's using sh instead of bash to source profile, but that seems dumb20:45
MindQuadyour statement makes no sense20:46
MindQuadif it was something in /etc/profile it would fail on every upstart job20:46
arthurdentMindQuad: well it didn;t20:46
MindQuadarthurdent: then it's doubtful it's something in /etc/profile20:46
MindQuada symptom as opposed to a cause20:46
arthurdentMindQuad: well20:49
arthurdentcat /var/log/upstart/mdm.log => /proc/self/fd/9: 31: /etc/profile source: not found20:49
MindQuadso ?20:49
arthurdentchanging it to . fixed it, maybe a bunch of other stuff wasn't starting up either; it's not so obvious when your display manager isn't running20:49
MindQuadthat's a specific upstart script - not upstart20:50
MindQuadthats the mdm script20:50
arthurdentit doesn't call sh anywhere in the script, it just uses . to source /etc/profile20:50
MindQuads o?20:51
arthurdentso . executes commands in the current shell20:51
MindQuadthat's a problem with a specific script, not upstart20:51
arthurdenthow could only the mdm script be running in sh instead of bash?20:51
MindQuadwho said anything about running sh ?20:51
arthurdentwhy else would source not work?20:51
MindQuadtht's what you'd have to look at20:52
MindQuadbut it's not an upstart problem20:52
arthurdentwhy are all of these other upstart scripts written for sh?20:54
MindQuadwhat are you talking about "sh"20:54
MindQuadwhy are you making that assumption20:54
MindQuadls -la /bin/sh 20:54
MindQuadon your system20:54
arthurdent/bin/sh -> dash20:54
MindQuadso it doesn't matter then, it's pointing at dash anyway20:54
MindQuadso why you are referencing bourne shell I have no idea20:55
arthurdentwhatever then, so does upstart use dash?20:55
MindQuadif that's what the script is written with or the default shell of your init user20:55
MindQuadso again, this is a basic shell script failing for one service, which looking at the fact that it's mdm - suggests it's something specific to mint20:56
MindQuadso it's not an upstart problem, rather someone has made a scripting error with that script20:56
MindQuadso I'd talk to the mint maintainer and ask them to fix it20:56
arthurdentis dash not the default shell on ubuntu?20:58
MindQuadI think so yes20:58
MindQuadnot sure why that matters though ?20:58
MindQuador am I wrong that mdm is the mint service20:58
MindQuadI thought that was a mint supplied package, or am I wrong ?20:58
arthurdentno, you're correct20:59
MindQuadok, so ubuntu's default shell doesn't matter then20:59
MindQuadand has no relecence20:59
arthurdentI was just wondering if it was a problem that would also occur on ubuntu if someone wrote a similar script.21:00
MindQuadif someone writes a bad shell script it will fail on eny distribution21:00
MindQuadso "yes" 21:00
MindQuadbut also the distribution has no importnce here, neither does upstart as someone has just written a bad shell script with a mistake21:01
arthurdentis the mistake trying to source /etc/profile from inside the script?21:01
MindQuadthe mistake is someone has written a shell script with an invalid shell command for the shell you are using21:01
arthurdentno, i put that in /etc/profile. i had no idea the mdm upstart script was going to try to source it with dash21:02
MindQuadok, so the problem is you have made a mistake, putting in an invalid command21:02
MindQuadremove the command and you're done21:02
arthurdentMindQuad: yeah i said that 15 minutes ago and you told me i was wrong21:02
MindQuadno, I thought you where saying the "source" command was in the init script21:03
MindQuadI miss-understood what you where saying21:03
arthurdentyou're right, i should have said the upstart script chokes21:04
arthurdentand not assume it was upstart itself21:04
arthurdentwas upstart around when gdm was still used21:05
MindQuadwell, I'm not sure when mint moved away from that atually, but I'd assume so 21:05
arthurdenti meant on ubuntu, but yeah; i wonder how the script was written for gdm and if it had similar limitations21:06
MindQuadlimitations ?21:06
MindQuadthe limitation is you've put in an invalid command21:07
MindQuadhow is that a limitation, it's just a scripting error21:07
MindQuadeither way, this isn't anything to do with upstart, so it's not really for this channel,. 21:07
arthurdentalright, well thanks for your support. i guess it's a scripting error because the distro i use sources stuff with bash and I didn't realise some distros still used dash21:08
MindQuadmint uses dash21:09
MindQuadso that's just poor maintenance / packaging21:09
arthurdentmint isn't my distro, i just have to support a bunch of computers that run it21:09
MindQuadoh, sorry, I thought it was mint because you where running mdm 21:09
MindQuadwhy are you running mdm if it's not mint 21:09
MindQuadactually - that's out of scope for this channel21:09
arthurdentalright, i'm gonna dip, but the answer to your question is that i'm maintaining mdm on about 150+ mint machines, but I don't use mint on my personal machine.21:10
arthurdentthanks again21:10

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