
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest48850
jmohi, could somone please help me a bit regarding running hooks on the remote bzr server when using bzr+ssh to commit?08:55
jmoI wrote the question in so yesterday but I'm not sure that's a good place for a bzr question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19297347/bazaar-hook-to-check-commit-message-on-server09:06
jmobasically what i'm trying to do is to have a hook on pre_commit but it seems to be ignored when checking in remotely09:07
jmoeveryone asleep or was my question severly broken?12:57
vilajmo: probably both ;) Joke aside, I'm not sure I understand your question. commits happen locally, so a pre_commit hook on the remote host does not make a lot of sense13:55
vilajmo: if your local branch is bound then a push is performed after the local commit13:56
vilajmo: so if you do a commit, the remote host only sees a push13:56
=== wedgwood_ is now known as wedgwood
=== Guest6383 is now known as vednis
=== vednis is now known as marsf
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=== Guest34795 is now known as marsf
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=== Jordan__ is now known as jordan
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