
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
evilissimoalexpilotti: are you around? :)11:52
alexpilottievilissimo: hey11:59
evilissimoalexpilotti: I was wondering what's the plan with cloudbase init for windows12:00
alexpilottievilissimo: in what sense? :-)12:00
evilissimoI read somewhere, don't remember where exactly that you might want to get it into cloud-init 12:00
evilissimois that still the plan?12:01
alexpilottibut it's shell of a work12:01
evilissimokk, any help needed in that regard?12:01
alexpilotti*a hell of a 12:01
alexpilottidefinitely yes12:01
evilissimoTo put things a bit into perspective12:01
alexpilotticloud-init needs to be heavily refactored for that to happen12:01
evilissimoI am working for Red Hat12:02
alexpilottiI see12:02
alexpilottiare you coming to the summit in HK?12:02
evilissimoNo, unfortunately not12:02
evilissimoWell I am working at the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization team, and I am mainly responsible for the Windows Guest Agent12:03
evilissimowhich also means oVirt ;)12:03
alexpilottithat's interesting12:03
evilissimoSo and we are thinking about introducing cloud-init as alternative to sysprep12:03
alexpilottiwe should talk about the status of the virtio drivers :-)12:04
evilissimowe can talk about that, if there's anything I can pass along to the devs12:04
alexpilottiwe are currently using a mix of sysprep + cloudinit12:04
alexpilottisys prep takes care of generalisation and setting the user name12:05
alexpilotticloudbase-init of all the rest12:05
evilissimoI see12:05
alexpilottisorry, s/user/host/12:05
evilissimohmm but cloud-init could also set the host name, no?12:05
evilissimocloudbase-init ;)12:05
alexpilottiactually the unattended.xml starts cloudbase-init for that12:05
alexpilottiit does12:06
alexpilottibut since setting the host name requires a reboot12:06
alexpilottiwe avoid that by putting that step during generalization 12:06
alexpilottianother thing we are working on is passwordless authentication in Windows12:06
alexpilottiWSMan + client certs12:07
evilissimothat's for WMI?12:08
evilissimoI don't know WSMan12:08
alexpilottinot only12:08
alexpilottiPowershell demoting for example12:08
alexpilottiWSMan == SSH in the Windows world :-)12:08
evilissimooh right12:08
alexpilottidarn autocorrect12:08
evilissimolol, I fortunately don't have that :D12:09
evilissimoyeah I guessed that ;)12:09
alexpilottino, but you have: https://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman12:09
evilissimooh, I mean autocompletion :)12:10
evilissimoI don't have auto completion ;)12:10
alexpilottigood choice, I think I'll follow the advice12:10
evilissimoThe only autocompletion I use is the nick completion12:10
evilissimoalexpilotti: so what's the problem with the VirtIO drivers?12:12
alexpilottiwe had some issues with the latest versions12:13
alexpilottisome blue screens12:13
evilissimoI haven't heard about that12:14
alexpilottiso there's some black magic involved in choosing what version to use for what OS :-)12:14
evilissimohmm well since I don't handle the packaging for Windows, I am not really aware of it12:16
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